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    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 16th August 2020, 11:46 am

    This didn't take long. Nope. The very moment she'd been extended the offer she'd basically dragged the teen along to their private quarters, showing a side she was sure about 90% of the guild wouldn't have expected of her. Because, let's be fair, for a woman who predominantly dressed in nothing more than a raged shirt, shorts and seemingly haphazardly thrown-on armor, one would never expect her to have an exorbitant wardrobe at her disposal. Or a fashion sense, for that matter. Yet there she'd gone and done it. Broken the haze that she owned nothing but the clothes she wore. Her once-empty room had been filled with quite literally rows upon rows of neatly-stacked outfits, cutesy ones, exotic ones, casual and formal, even some that bordered more towards dress-up outfits than something one would actually wear in public. Yet, Kitalpha had it all, stored within her never-ending vault. And the fun part was -for her at least, she wasn't so sure about Lehanna's thoughts on the matter- that they were all in the young teenage girl's size.

    "What do you think?" Kitalpha mused softly as she stepped back to watch her latest creation. Creation as in the outfit she'd managed to squirm the young mage into. An adorable navy-blue sailor dress, patched with a large white ribbon on her chest, and a thinner, more elegant laced ribbon on her side. White stockings just in case the girl'd get cold while they were out. Even though Lehanna was incredibly mature for her age, Kitalpha couldn't help but both worry and mess with the young girl. Right now, her worry had actually dragged out the responsible adult within the muscular blonde, who nodded contently. This looked way better than what they'd started their fashion show with. Pink was cute, but it didn't do the young brunette much honor in terms of color-scaling. This darker navy however, did, and it would contrast well with the flashiness of the event they were soon to attend. Now all she needed was certainty that the youngster was fine with her final chosen outfit--- if not, she had many more to try. And, worst case scenario...? They might actually miss the party's highlights if they did.

    371 / 2000 (4000 total)


    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,160,407

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 16th August 2020, 12:13 pm

    There wasn’t much that she could do when it came to being liked along by the elders of the guild. Frankly, that wasn’t much of a hard concept considering that she was probably the youngest among the guild members in Silver Wolf. And yet, she’d gotten into a light conversation shortly after meeting Kitalpha. From there, it seemed the woman had taken to the idea Thats he wanted to expose the brunette to the urban events despite her lack of a care to do so. From there, the woman dragged her along to the room of hers. A bit afraid to say anything, she figured she would at least indulge her for the time being and see where it led, however that didn’t seem to be something she should have said yes to.

    It seemed the older woman was much more prepared than she ever so thought she would have been. Her room had what seemed to be an endless supply of very perfectly sized outfits for... someone her size. Taken a little aback by this, she had been swiftly changed outfits. The outfit itself seemed like something she wouldn’t personally wear herself, but honestly was it worth trying to start something right now? She did cooperate in getting to dressed despite small moments of protest in her wanting to try things on, but this was much more casual looking than some of the other things she had. Once she was dressed, she looked over herself and gave a soft nod. ”You know, it actually is. It’s pretty light and comfortable.” She admitted, her head and body moving around little by little to see it all through. ”However we’re going to have to discuss your uh.. unhealthy amount of smaller sized clothes. You’re either a hoarder or in need of a child of your own.”

    305 words
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    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 16th August 2020, 12:50 pm

    Although keen and happy that the youngster had finally openly admitted one of the outfits actually was to her liking, Kitalpha was quick to stifle her happiness when Lehanna mentioned her downright outrageous amount of clothing. "My unhealthy amount of-- no wait, this isn't--- it's no obsession! And I swear I don't have a need for children!" Kitalpha exclaimed almost instantly, a slight hint of panic riding on her voice. Fair point, to anyone not aware of where she'd got them, this did indeed seem like a very unhealthy obsession. Likewise however, she would still get herself in a rather precarious situation trying to explain it to the brunette.

    "Lehanna, I swear this is not what it looks like!" she tried desperately, only to cease her attempt and sigh. "Alright, sure, this doesn't look convincing in any way, but this isn't me! It was already here when it was given to me-" she silenced again, realising she was rambling, and instead just snapped her fingers. Beside her a small orb of gold settled at shoulder height, pulsing and flatting before it started extending further and further, from the size of a plate to a rippling circle of liquid gold larger than the blonde herself. Gesturing at the newly-evoked portal, she flashed her hand across the surface for it to become see-through; however what was seen through it wasn't a reflection of her room, but a vault of gold, weaponry and riches stretching further than the eye could probably see. All stored within the confinements of her portal. "It was already in here when I inherited this thing," At the mention of 'thing' she could feel a shiver running down her spine, as if someone was glaring daggers at her being. Nevertheless, she quickly shrugged the feeling off, unaware she was gonna hear it from her spiritual mentor later on. "The Gates have always held riches of any kind--- I swear! It'd be a pity to throw it all away just like that, so I figured that you might be able to do something with these instead. I'm sorry if that came across as presumptuous or creepy, I didn't mean for it…" she truly looked regretful, but also hopeful that Lehanna would take it as a proper explanation regardless. Now if she'd start asking why her predecessors had stuffed the vaults full of teenage dresses, that would be something she wouldn't be able to retort to.

    "Well… good thing is it at least suits you?" Another poor attempt, but it was better than nothing.

    474 || 845 /2000 || 1110 /4000


    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,160,407

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 16th August 2020, 1:15 pm

    ”Mhm... and I’m secretly a runaway child, fearful to return to an abusive household~” She replied sarcastically, arms folded at her chest. ”Though.. the second half of that is true...” Adding on in a muttering tone, she would look away from the blonde woman while she had tried to gather herself for an explanation and compose herself at the same time. Frankly, and in Lehanna’s experience, she had known that those who hid something often acted in such a fashion, panicked and trying to explain it in much more basic or simpler fashions. Underplaying, if you will. And though it didn’t really stop her from doing it, the blonde continued on for a moment longer until even she realized how much she was talking. But the snap of her fingers is what caught the teens attention.

    Seeing that she had made a portal of gold had surely been something that could catch anyone’s eye for one reason or another. While some were vain and did it purely to see what treasures lied in there, the fire slayer was more curious as to how she did that. Surely something like that seemed normal to someone like Kit or many if not all of Silver Wolf’s population, however Magic’s were still a foreign concept to the young, but gifted mind. While reading about a Magic is one thing, the idea of performing it or seeing it was a whole other level of fascination from which she had never been able to experiment on or witness first hand. ”Oh- I uh.. I see.” Trying to put her own mind on topic as the older woman explained what was being done here and to what effect it meant to her, she took a couple steps over so that she could peer inside, curious as to if she’d even be able to see the contents of this vault of hers.

    As an unnecessary explanation came her way, she had given a bit of thought as to what was said. She was right, however even Lehanna had to realize that being cold and distancing herself was not going to do her good. A guild was a community or for some a family, and given she had neither before... maybe a change was necessary. ”No, I suppose you’re right, Miss Aurence. And it does, may.. we get going please? I know you didn’t want to miss this night.” Putting them on track more, or so she hoped without seeming pushy, she would approach her a little more and simply flick a small glance to the rack of clothes and then pretending as to have not.

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    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 16th August 2020, 2:38 pm

    Rolling for both Drinks!



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    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by NPC 16th August 2020, 2:38 pm

    The member 'Kitalpha Aurence' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Normal Dice' :
    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Die_02_42159_sm


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Die_06_42164_sm
    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 16th August 2020, 2:51 pm

    Secret runaway child...? Abusive household...?

    Although she'd been rambling on in an attempt to redeem herself, those words dawned on her moments later, after the magic circle had appeared, and still pulsed next to her as Lehanna took a peek inside the vastness it contained. Deep inside Kitalpha could feel that small bubble of pride grow larger when seeing the girl be so curious, as if that very display was the step forward she'd anticipated. She had not, but it was certainly welcome. There was a smile playing upon her lips, and it grew bigger still when she actually complied with her explanation.

    ”No, I suppose you’re right, Miss Aurence. And it does, may.. we get going please? I know you didn’t want to miss this night.”

    Miss Aurence? Kitalpha shook her head and almost immediately replied to Lehanna's formalities. "Please, no need to be so formal! We're friends after all! Fellow guildmates? I prefer friends though..." The blonde's brow furrowed as she thought about it, but quickly returned to what she actually wanted to tell Lehanna. "Kitalpha is fine! Or Kita, if you don't want to bother with the entire name, I don't mind." The smile that followed was genuine as she let her crimson eyes rest on the young girl, then nodded solemnly. "You're right though, we should get going, or we'll miss the best part!" Said same crimson hues now shifted towards the golden gate, still softly rippling like water stirred by a soft breeze. Kitalpha's lips curled into a slightly devious grin, and she whispered softly; "Watch this~".

    Extending her arm once more, the blonde positioned herself in front of the circle and touched the surface again. Only this time the surface rippled more vibrantly, growing solid in color once more as a golden aura started enveloping the cursed magus. Her current clothes started glowing, her armor's extensions rapidly dissipating until the layer of golden light laid flush across her skin, making it glow in kind. In a matter of moments the light and aura rippled like the Gate did, only to fade away and reveal a black strapless dress, with a large, flower-patterned see-through back. A thin black choker and golden earrings finished the picture. For the party they were supposed to attend-- Kitalpha liked for them to attend-- she might've been a bit too overdressed, but she liked this one. She'd stripped the dress of its length so it could function as a glorified cocktail dress.

    But most of all, the display had been to impress the girl, for her sudden interest and speechlessness, along with those intrigued eyes, had not gone unnoticed. Call it showing off a bit, if you may. Giving both of them a few moments of respite, Kitalpha then extended her bare hand towards Lehanna, waiting patiently for her to either take it or leave it. "Let's get going then, shall we?" Kitalpha smiled gently, allowing for the twosome to leave for their destination; Rose Garden.

    ~ Rose Garden, at dusk ~

    Although she'd gotten quite the few sideway glances, the blonde was very certain about how it wasn't her outfit but rather taking a minor into a bar. Still, nothing a few well-thrown glares couldn't fix as they finally settled at the counter, Kitalpha helping the young brunette unto her chair if she needed to. An almost unsettling feeling sunk into the cursed magus as she decided not to sit down, instead just lounging at the bar standing upright, positioned as such that none could get behind her younger companion without her knowing (and doing something) about it. The barkeeper nodded, and Kitalpha returned the gesture. Only a handful of moments later did he return, sliding her a bright red drink oozing smoke from the top. The little flames dancing on top reflected in the crimson hues that watched it. Taking the glass Kitalpha handily flicked it to her other free hand, her attention now shifting back to Lehanna. "What would you like to have? You can have anything, it's all on me."

    675 || 1520 /2000 || 2223 /4000


    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,160,407

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 16th August 2020, 4:51 pm

    It didn’t seem like Kitalpha enjoyed being addressed so formally. It was just what Lehanna did naturally with anyone, even those of her own age, but frankly it wasn’t something she’d done while in school when it came to other students. With that in mind, the brunette had seemed to just nod her head and decide for a moment what she could think would be the best course of action as to what she could call her for the time being. The idea that she would so easily call her a friend made her a little happy, enough to crack a smile to her face for a moment. ”Alright.. Kita. That is if that’s what you want, I can try. Just a formality habit of mine.” Having made a bit of an unnecessary apology, the brunette shrugged off the idea and kicked back, so to speak.

    To her dismay, Kitalpha did not join the club of cutesy style outfits. Instead, there was one fixed to her body that would make even the blind drool in awe. Through the rush of a light that fleshed itself out like the wind covered her view only to reveal itself to this stunning attire choice from which the elder mage had chosen for herself. It went without saying how flushed Lehanna’s cheeks had been seeing how stunning the dress was, much less how she looked in it as well. After all, sometimes the outfit can only be as good as the one whom dons it. ”Th-That outfit is so pretty. And I’m not one for fashion but, but my gosh.” Her eyes continued to peer up and down the design of the outfit until the blonde had spoken again, which snapped her out of her in-awe trance. ”O-Oh, right. Yes, ma’am, I’m ready when you are.” Lehanna replied, taking the woman’s hand without much thinking and simply let her lead the way to the event she was being taken to.

    When the pair arrived, they had quickly come to decide to join into a spot to grab a drink. Quite an odd place for a teenager to be, but it seemed that it didn’t matter. She could find something to drink that could have no alcohol in it at all. And while her event companion didn’t seem to bother with a seat to be cared for at the moment, Lehanna had to struggle slightly in order to get up into the bar stool to sit up over the counter. Probably one of the biggest struggles with being short. A bartender by then had given Kita a drink and then looked at the brunette with a strange look. Most likely surprised a person her size and age popping up at random. He smiled and just grabbed her a drink and set it down in the glass on top of a napkin. ”Thank you.” She said, taking the drink and then sipping it, only to find that she was given a glass of ice cold Ginger Ale. ”So, Kita. Do you have questions you want to ask?” She abruptly asked, looking up towards her. ”I know most adults would. Someone my age in a guild, using a weapon as heavy and large as I do, though not with me currently. If you’re gonna pay, then I’ll repay you with information.” A small smile appeared by the end, seeming to almost enjoy the idea of pushing herself to open up.

    573 words
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    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made Empty Re: [EVENT] Flashy Displays & Mistakes Were Made

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 13th September 2020, 5:14 pm

    "Well, I do admit being curious about what brought you to Silver Wolf, that much is true," Kitalpha nodded solemnly, taking a sip from her cocktail before putting it back down, letting her fingers linger around the edges of her glass. "But honestly, it's everything but because I'm an adult, or frown upon a youth having left the nest early to find their own place in this world. I'm just genuinely curious about you." she smiled, leaning down against the bar's counter, but twisted enough to face the young girl in full. Despite the strange way of holding herself, Kitalpha still managed to pull it of with a certain flair to it. "So tell me, what did bring you here, to Silver Wolf?" she asked, genuine curiosity visible in her crimson eyes.


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