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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)


    Lineage : Land of the Fairies
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by uwulover Wed 29 Jul - 3:24

    Naturally, when it came to cities and towns and any location really, there was a specific draw to them. For one, it might be the charming atmosphere and the lovely architecture! In a different case, the main attraction could be the bustling urban life and the economic and social opportunities. Riia was fascinated by how much she had been able to learn over the past few weeks in Fiore. Both the towns and their inhabitants were fascinating to the point where the fairy felt she could take all the time in the world and only begin to understand their systems and culture. Luckily, she kind of did have all the spare moments, because she was wholly unemployed and unaffiliated with any organizations that might procure a work load. The only thing that kept her from assuming she would have forever to study these humans and have fun learning with and about them was the steady, inescapable fate of destruction. Undoubtedly, just like everything else in most dimensions, eventually all of this planet and its universe would devolve into chaotic matter. A mixture of enemies, whether that was demonic and holy, or spiritual and physical.

    Shrugging to herself, Riia put those thoughts away and stared over at the high woven metal arch, with its rather large sign in front that read, "Talonia." The whole reason she had gotten to thinking about what motivated people to move around and live in certain areas was... well, a couple reasons, actually. First of all, she had come to this lovely city, and it was very well known for being a gathering spot for guildless mages. While not a human herself, Riia felt like she could qualify as a user of magic who was unaffiliated with a guild organization, thus rendering herself guildless. Nodding, she also remembered that Talonia was well known for its enormous and quite lovely water fall. Herself, Riia was not hugely fascinated by water. She preferred taking to the air over the land or seas, but the liquid was important for human biological processes, and really all of them, so she couldn't read too much into it. The second reason she had thought about specific draws to locations was that she had heard there would be a party here. Apparently, similar celebrations were occurring all over Fiore, but only in major cities. This one had been the closest, so Riia had subsequently edited her course of direction to head towards it.

    A great lover of food, loud music, dancing, and all things associated with parties including drugs, the fairy was extremely excited. Despite her altogether extremely pure intentions for coming down to the mortal world (spread good and cheer and happiness, yadda yadda) she was, at heart, a creature who fed off of emotions. It just so happened that the ones she required and, as a result, attempted to cultivate and perpetuate in others, were mostly positive. However, Riia wasn't dumb to the fact that she could just as easily be a succubus or some kind of evil torture demon. Trying not to ruminate over that fact, the fairy glanced in her bag. Today she had prepared not only several bags and sticks of candy floss, but she had also begun a very special new set of treats. Frozen sugary mochi! They were essentially ice cream mochi, but instead of having regular old ice cream inside, it was compacted cotton candy. While the texture and flavors were comparable to ice cream of the same flavor, it was made of her special fairy floss magic.

    Riia was extremely proud of this new creation of hers and couldn't wait to show it off to the world. She figured, there would be plenty of people at this part, and moreover, enough mages would be around that nobody would blink an eye at the special magic she had possibly imbued within the treats. Smiling, she tugged down the hem of her shirt absentmindedly as she strolled through the arch way leading to the rest of Talonia. The fairy was dressed casually, doing her best to blend in. With a loose white off the shoulder T-shirt that had bold abstract art printed on the front (with a black tank top underneath just in case she got cold- because at night, well...) and light wash jeans with a hot pink belt, she felt like she was expressing her favorite light pastels while still being a modern day looking individual. Sometimes, Riia had an issue with wandering around wearing antiquated fey clothing. This apparel was sure to make her stick out less like a sore thumb. In addition to everything else, she had also put on white sneakers, just to be able to run around.

    Getting a bit bored by now with just wandering Talonia, not even paying attention to her surroundings, Riia figured she would try to find someone to talk to and maybe offer cotton candy. By now, she looked to be somewhat in the middle of the block party, with people milling about waving glow sticks and sipping on multicolored, neon drinks. The music was utterly deafening, but she was happy to be able to hear it at all. Moving some of her pink locks away from her shoulder, since she felt a bit sweaty and as though her hair was sticking to the back of her neck, the fairy searched for the perfect target. Oh, but before that, she'd better grab a drink, first! It was no good to offer food to someone else in their place before accepting something from the host first. She slid up to a bar and tossed a smile at the bartender. "Hey, can I get something to drink? Surprise me!" Riia had enough money to buy something special for the night, and it might as well be this. The bartender shook her head at the jewels she had held out. "It's on the Magic Council for tonight," she said, as she mixed up something vaguely pink before pouring it in a glass and adding a sprig of... some green thing that smelled rather fragrant. Smiling and thanking the stranger, Riia was tempted to offer them cotton candy, but worried about the circumstances. She didn't want to get anyone in trouble for being distracted if they were busy working.

    So she went for someone who was right near the bar, who looked a bit more like a fellow party goer. As she sipped on her drink, which was utterly delicious by the way and made her even thirstier for more, she addressed the new person in her focus. "Want some ice cream mochi? They're a special brand," she waved her hand and a sparkling miniature fridge popped out of the air, glowing briefly before falling on the ground. Riia pulled it open and held out a box of the mochi to the stranger. "I don't remember what the flavors are, but they probably kind of correspond to the colors!" Laughing nervously, the fairy thought, she probably ought to know, but... well, she had been busy thinking about other things. Like other ways to make cotton candy into every single thing imaginable on this planet. If it existed, there had to be a way to make a sugary candy floss version of it.

    1213 Words

    Last edited by I Love You on Wed 29 Jul - 3:30; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Land of the Fairies
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by uwulover Wed 29 Jul - 3:25

    Drink Roll



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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by NPC Wed 29 Jul - 3:25

    The member 'I Love You' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Die_01_42158_sm

    Lineage : Crystallized Record
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by Eversum Fri 31 Jul - 4:41

    At the moment, Eversum was stuck between a rock and a hard place.  And ironically enough, neither had any relation to the crystal in her chest.  No, it was just regular old human-like issues: being poor.  With no previous job experience and no particular strengths, Eversum had been struggling to live inside society.  To be fair, there were plenty of entry-level jobs in Talonia, but none of them were able to satisfy her requirements.  What the violet haired woman desired was a position where she didn’t have to put too much effort into her work.  Oh, and it’d help if she was allowed to go traveling often too.  And you couldn’t forget the paycheck!  If she wasn’t getting paid enough, Eversum couldn’t find the motivation to be employed.

    But that only highlighted how painfully she had set the bar.  The crystalline lifeform often wondered if she should just suck it up and take something along the lines of an office or fast food job-- anything to fill her empty pockets.  But every time such thoughts popped up in her head, Eversum immediately dismissed them.  She wasn’t someone who could compromise on such an important issue.  Especially since she still felt as if there was some field of work she hadn’t considered yet.

    But tonight, Eversum was setting aside any of her financial qualms to enjoy herself!  The night was young, the people were enjoying themselves, and the block party was-- erm, partying?  What kind of adjective would be appropriate to describe the neon-colored rave?  Either way, the woman had already prepared her attire to fit the event.  Instead of the typical dress, she decided something much more casual would be appropriate.  And thus Eversum walked the streets dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a plain white top.  One might say that it was a bit too ordinary for the “Urban Nights Vibe”, but she liked to keep things simple.  But just because she was dressed for the event didn’t mean Eversum was 100% positive what she was meant to do.  She lacked the confidence to try blending into a random group of party-goers, so what would she spend all night doing?

    Eversum let out a sigh as her gaze scanned the embellished streets.  It was then a certain establishment caught the woman’s eyes: a necessity for any late-night gathering, a bar.  Perhaps some liquid courage could help her enjoy the night to the fullest?  Eversum soon came face to face with the bartender, sliding the appropriate amount of money towards the mixologist.  “Just give me the cheapest drink, thank you.”

    However, the bartender simply shook her head, returning the jewels to Eversum.  “Tonight it’s on the house.”

    “O-Oh, I see!  Thank you again.”  The violet haired woman replied as she hastily put her money back into her pockets.  It was a relief that she’d be able to enjoy herself without worrying about the costs, but she couldn’t help but feel bad for the bartender.  Perhaps they would still accept a tip?

    But as she waited for her drink to be mixed, Eversum was suddenly approached by a stranger who had been sitting nearby.  With their impressive appearance and outgoing demeanor, she struck Eversum as the type who often attended raves and other such parties.  However, the woman was completely focused on the party-goer’s words.  It was ice cream mochi!  Ice.  Cream.  Mochi.  If there was one thing she loved most in the world, it was ice cream.  And so when a mini-fridge appeared out of thin air, Eversum was already too shocked to form sentences.  The fact it was a “special brand” and the stranger was unsure of the mochi’s flavors raised a few red flags, but what could a girl do?  It wasn’t good to drink on an empty stomach anyway.  “I probably shouldn’t be accepting sweets of such dubious origin, however…”

    Eversum promptly reached out to grab a pure white piece of mochi before popping it into her mouth.  A smile spread across her face as the cool yet sweet taste spread across her tongue.  In fact, it was explosively sweet to such a degree that she was tempted to label it sugar-flavored.  Despite the overwhelming taste, the mochi was absolutely deletable for the woman and she finished it up in a jiffy.  “I can’t help myself when it’s ice cream, thank you very much for sharing,”  Eversum said warmly to the stranger, trying to make sure they knew just how much she appreciated the gesture.  “Oh, and since you went through the trouble to grant me such a wonderful snack, I only find it appropriate to introduce myself.  I’m called Eversum, it’s a pleasure to be acquainted.  However, may I, erm, have some more?”  It wouldn’t be courteous to empty someone’s fridge of sweet treats without consent.  And who knew if they planned to give others a taste of their special mochi?

    word count: 814
    total word count: 2027

    just gonna do a drink roll now don't mind me

    Last edited by Eversum on Thu 6 Aug - 14:18; edited 3 times in total



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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by NPC Fri 31 Jul - 4:41

    The member 'Eversum' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Die_02_42159_sm

    Lineage : Land of the Fairies
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by uwulover Sat 1 Aug - 9:55

    Dubious origin? Riia's face slightly fell; was this woman going to reject her gift? Luckily, she seemed tempted nonetheless, and the fairy laughed a little bit. Had she been a demon looking to lure in an unsuspecting soul, this vibrant haired girl would undoubtedly have been a perfect target. Her unresistable nature when it came to ice cream shone through. However, Riia had no bad intentions and she simply smiled gratefully when the stranger accepted a piece of mochi. "Let me know how it is!" she requested lowly, not wanting to be too upfront or demanding in case the girl took off running. But she really did want to know about the taste. She said, thank you for sharing, which the fairy assumed meant she had enjoyed it! Then she even went so far as to introduce herself... aww, these people were so nice. Riia was thoroughly enjoying this outcome (it was far better than anything she had hoped for).

    Smiling, she held out the whole box and said, "Nice to meet you, Eversum! You're so sweet. Of course you can haveh some more," if the new woman- er, Eversum, was willing, she would hand over the entire little box of mochi and then lift up the mini fridge and pull the door open. "There's um... one, two, three... five more boxes in here! You can have them all, if you want, it'll refill when we close it and open it up again," luckily, they were enchanted not to melt, even if they did begin to grow slightly softer after being out in the room temperature air for some time. Normally, Riia wouldn't balk at just handing over the fridge in itself, but in this case, she kind of had to keep it, in order to give more people mochi ice cream. "Want to help me hand out the rest to other people?" She asked, deciding that even if nobody else felt like tasting her magic, she would find a place to give away a boatload by the end of the night in this young lady named Eversum.

    Just then, she heard a call out to the crowd, and Riia glanced over to a nearby open air stage. There were several people gathered around, and the man actually on the stage seemed to be calling out for volunteers. That could be their opportunity! While running around all by her lonesome (well, and with Eversum, perhaps) could be great, it was more effective to get to a higher place where more attention would be on them. That way, they could just call out and throw out several ice cream mochi boxes! People would grab them, right? Excitedly, she grabbed Eversum's hand, as long as the girl did not protest, and pulled her towards the stage. "We volunteer! We are super good at this!" Since Riia had no idea what this was, she had plausible deniability if it went wrong, right?

    489/1702 Riia, 2516 Total



    Lineage : Crystallized Record
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by Eversum Sun 16 Aug - 15:59

    Eversum always had a special place in her heart for ice cream.  Whether it be day or shine, the cool treat would always serve to cheer her up.  Becoming a fleshy, organic lifeform was a difficult transition for the woman, but ice cream made it all worth it!  She was previously unable to grasp the appeal of food, but now she couldn’t help but applaud the genius of previous generations.  The drive to give your tastebuds something pleasant to enjoy was-- in Eversum’s opinion-- an integral part of society.  So when a huge store of ice cream was right before her eyes, how could she say no?  The sweet scent of dough, the chilly air from the fridge, it was all begging for her to dig in.  So when the pink-haired stranger permitted her to have even more ice cream, Eversum couldn’t be happier.  The fact the fridge was able to mysteriously resupply itself struck her as more useful than suspicious.  You could have a portable cooler and as much ice cream as you wanted!  The violet haired woman wished that the local electronics store had something similar, she would buy it in an instant.  Well, maybe after she paid her bills, collected a few dozen coupons, and saved up for a few years...

    A bright smile emerged from her visage as the crystal lifeform picked up as many boxes as she could fit in her hands.  And by that, I mean all five, each of which had been precariously stacked on top of each other.  However, Eversum needed at least one hand open for when her drink came out.  But at the same time, she wasn’t confident enough in her balance to manage to hold the tower of boxes with one hand.  However, the poor mixologist probably wouldn’t appreciate a huge stack of boxes being haphazardly placed on their bar.  Truly, it was a conundrum that the young woman spent a fair amount of time mulling over.  It was a pity that she didn’t have her own fancy storage like the mysterious partygoer.  And thus, all the young woman could do was place her ice cream directly on the ground, praying that an intoxicated individual wouldn’t harm it.  Speaking of which, that drink she’d been waiting for had finally arrived.  Eversum didn’t hesitate a moment before downing the intimidating beverage in one gulp.

    However, she was soon given something else to garner her attention. “Oh, hand out these delectable morsels to others?  I would love to help!  Sharing is caring!  Generosity is a wondrous virtue!”  Eversum replied, her violet eyes shining with admiration.  This stranger wouldn’t stop at bringing joy onto her day, she was looking to spread her gift to the entire rave!  Maybe the drink she had was already getting to her, but wasn’t this person unrealistically nice?  If Eversum had a mini-fridge full of seemingly limitless amounts of mochi, she’d be hard-pressed to give any away.  But it wasn’t like she had anything better to do in the first place, so why not help spread the joy of ice cream?

    In fact, the crystal lifeform was just about to start digging into her own store of mochi when the odd stranger whisked her away from the bar.  And before Eversum could process where they were even headed to, she had already been placed on a stage before dozens of people.  The ice cream lady had just volunteered them to operate the DJ booth, right?  Eversum’s ears weren’t failing her, correct?  “U-Umm, wait, we?!  I, hold on, music??!?”  However, the woman failed to form a coherent sentence structure as she frantically addressed the stranger.  What she meant to do was calmly explain that she was actually the opposite of “super good” at DJing.  In fact, she had zero ideas on how to start.  Sure, she had experience playing musical instruments, but nothing like this.  “Erm, this, misunderstanding!”  She rambled, sending a desperate gaze towards the stranger who volunteered them in the first place.  Still, the violet haired woman’s incoherent blathering hadn’t helped since as she was soon herded by the crowd into the DJ booth.  She couldn’t begin to guess what the mystery mochi person was actually trying to do, but now that she was here she might as well try some things out.  “Darn...  What do these bits and bobs do?”  Eversum murmured, tentatively adjusting some random sliders and pressing various buttons.  But to her dismay, the result was… rather abysmal.  It was comparable to highly bass-boosted audio of a toilet being flushed.  “I-I need assistance!  Is there a manual?”

    word count: 764 // 1578
    total word count: 3280

    Last edited by Eversum on Sun 16 Aug - 17:08; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Land of the Fairies
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by uwulover Sun 16 Aug - 16:15

    Apparently, Eversum was on board! At least, she had been hauled up onto stage without struggling too much, so that success had to mean something! Beaming, Riia allowed the crowd to shut the woman inside of the booth. "Don't worry, I'll support you! I'm right here," the fairy gestured to her position on the stage, right next to the other mage. While her new acquaintance began to struggle with the buttons, the markedly shorter girl waved to the crowd. "Hi everyone! Who wants some ice cream mochi!?" Hauling the mini fridge, which had been floating behind her, into the air, she opened it up and clutched it in her arms. Riia spun around and around, letting the boxes fall out into the crowd. They were harmless, but did bonk a few people on the head, attracting enough attention that some of the group started to pick them up and examine the contents. Others, of course, stomped on them in annoyance and irritation, but the fairy didn't mind! She wouldn't allow the negativity to interfere with her journey to spread a love of cotton candy magic. Er, regardless of the fact that nobody actually knew it was made of the sugary fairy floss.

    "Oh, um, a manual?" From her right side, Riia perked up at Eversum's voice. Well, she was fairly certain there wasn't just a booklet to read on these types of things. But the noise was coming out, which had to mean it was working! No matter the quality of the DJing, ensuring it was happening at all had to count as a success in her books. "You did fine! Hey, let's try something else though, I think these people wanna give it a shot." Since it was Riia's first time at a party as large as this, she wanted to go about and explore everything she could. Experimenting was the best way to learn more about how things worked here; participating in human customs was a surefire method to ingraining them in her own behavior. "I wonder what this is for?" The fairy saw a set of drums on the side of the stage, with a small table nearby. On it were different bottles of paint, the shades inside slightly dulled by the plastic layer but still obviously bright and highly pigmented. When she opened it up, the crusty residue at the top hole showed that it was actually neon! "Blue! Wait, I want the pink one. Wait, no, the blue was so pretty, I can't pick," Riia frowned in consternation. She didn't even know what these were for and it was already a tough decision. Maybe it was to paint the stage, like graffiti style.

    Nearby, a woman wearing a badge on a lanyard around her neck strode up to the drum set. "Apply the paint to the drum, then have fun," she demonstrated, squirting the bottle generously onto the surface of the batter head. Riia blinked uncertainly. Surely if she drummed now, the paint would fly everywhere...?

    501/2203 Riia, 3781 Total



    Lineage : Crystallized Record
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    Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum) Empty Re: Water You Up To? (Riia, Eversum)

    Post by Eversum Sun 16 Aug - 18:11

    How does one operate a DJ booth?  No matter what Eversum did, the music blaring from the speakers was absolutely abhorrent.  All she could do was pray that after messing with enough settings, it’d end up being just a bit decent.  But as she desperately fiddled with the DJ booth, she couldn’t help but notice the... unique manner the mystery mochi lady distributed her ice cream to the crowd.  Watching the boxes artfully cascade from the sky was oddly satisfying, but where was the support she was meant to receive?  Perhaps the floating fridge, twirling, and ice cream were supposed to be some kind of emotional support?  Or maybe the odd stranger was just trying to give out ice cream… Eversum would like to believe the former was true.

    Sadly, it seemed as if the best the crystal lifeform could do at the DJ booth was produce a repeating chain of electronic ‘bleeps’ and ‘blops’.  Most partygoers appeared confused by the weird music and free ice cream, but others seemed drunk enough to enjoy the situation.  “O-Oh?  We’re done?”  Eversum sputtered, dizzily stepping away from the DJ booth.  “That… That was pretty nerve-wracking!  But it wasn’t that bad… I think?”  She murmured, following in the wake of the odd stranger.  It seemed as if the next activity wouldn’t be ice cream related, but it wasn’t like she had any other plans.  Parties were places meant for mingling, so hanging around a stranger wasn’t anything unorthodox.  So when the mystery mochi lady made her way to a set of drumsets, Eversum was already prepared to try them out.  Who knows, maybe this would redeem her horrid DJing?  The stranger said it was fine, but they were clearly just trying not to hurt her feelings.

    “Oh, I think I get the idea!”
     Eversum said, picking up a pair of drumsets and an array of paints.  “It should be fine to just put all the colors in…”  She murmured, applying a smidge of every color available to the drum’s surface.  And by the time she was done, there was more than enough color on the drumset.  The violet haired woman began softly tapping the surface, finding the artsy splatter to be satisfactory.  The fact she’d chosen to wear a white t-shirt was a bit regrettable, but that didn’t prevent the speed of her rolls from increasing.  It was good that she had experience with percussion, otherwise, there could’ve been two failures in one night.  All she needed to do was make sure she played within her current range of hand dexterity so that the sticks wouldn’t fly out of her hands.  And it seemed like it worked because partygoers in the nearby vicinity appeared satisfied with the performance.  Well, this was the same crowd that found the ‘bleeps’ tolerable, so that didn’t actually say much...

    word count: 472 // 2050
    total word count: 4253


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