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    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]


    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Imai-chi 17th July 2020, 10:35 am

    Job Info:


    His heart sunk with every beat. It was heavy, a tad thrilling but at the same time catchy. The cocky, rebellious phase inside of him came to life, and Imai wanted nothing more than to party his ass out tonight! This festival that rocked the streets of Crocus, the Urban Nights as it had been cleverly dubbed, was just the kind of sweaty, untamed festing that he digged. Still not used to alcohols, he would want to sip his cola like any alcoholic, rock his head to the techno and heavy beats, show off his intense freestyle dances and have fun with everyone. The walls were sprayed with neon colors, and neon lights were bound to every light pole, coloring the air in screaming blue, green, purple and orange. People donned their most ‘rebellious’ wear with spiky features and accessories, and Imai fitted in well with his new, sleeveless and rugged jacket. This time, he left the scarf back home, and he had even cut his hair shorter in preparation for this event.

    … Man, Mai had spent too much time at the guild lately. Maybe it was because of Luna, or maybe it was just her being bored or lazy or whatever. Whatever the case was, he couldn’t just leave her at the inn all by herself… she was a ticking bomb. He knew that much given what happened back when they baked a cake together. He had to keep an eye on her, but he also really, really, really wanted to go to this event.

    So how did he arrive in Crocus with Mai under his arm? You see, a flyer where he read about the coming of the Urban Nights also informed about a strange group of people called PL4GUE who had harassed the staff behind the event and accused them of plagiarism. It was encouraged to report their presence if spotted in the festival, so Imai expected trouble to arise. That was when he got the brilliant idea that could get Mai to come along with him.

    Just convince her that Miss Luna was specifically targeted by this PL4GUE group. They apparently had history or something, and PL4GUE wanted revenge for her spoiling some of their evil plans. Such evil plans would include erasing all candy in the world - oh, the horror - as well as forbidding food… as a whole. Food, forbidden. That would definitely convince her to go with him to protect her beloved mother figure as well as keep her under his radar.

    “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” he roared with his rock sign in the air, his hand signaling it as his head rocked. Even in the middle of the street, it felt as if he was within a crowd right in front of a concert stage. This was insane… where did the music even come from? He couldn’t see any speakers… sound magic? Whoever administrated this sure put a lot of effort into it, and Imai was 100% grateful. Although… it would be better if he could spot Kenna and Itori nearby too. Partying with them would be heavenly… with how much people cramped upon themselves, being sandwiched between those two goddesses was one of his highest wet dreams. Obviously, all the other details were censored for good reasons…

    “Hey, Maaaaai!” he called to the girl he held under his arm, “Can you heeeaaaar meeeeeee?! We need to fiiiiind Plaaaaaagueeeeeeeeee! Let’s loooooook arooooouuuuuuund!” With that said, hopefully she could hear him despite being hit with music from all sides. Did her God Slayer Magic take this kindly? Imai honestly had no clue… oh shit, maybe it would render her deaf- oh shit, oh fuck, oh no! He had to get some ear buffers or ear steaks… otherwise, Miss Luna would murder him.

    Thank god, they got to a place with less loud sounds… but even more drumming. There was a lot of sharp drumming here, and some dude approached them covered in neon paint. “Hey, ya two! Whaddya say, fellas?! Come challenge me!” He nodded towards a circle with drums and lots of neon paint, and Imai realized that it was some kind of contest.

    “Yeah, and let the kid play first! Be a nice brother, busta…!”
    “Why’d you even take a kid with you?! Ouch, stop that, bro, I was just joking…”
    “Let the kid play first, or I’ll punch your teeth out!”

    “I-I get it, I get it, alright!” Imai replied before lifting Mai up in the air, “Mai! Make Sabertooth- I mean, make Miss Luna proud! You can play drums, right?!”

    WC: 769/2000


    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Mai Stormschild 19th July 2020, 12:39 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "I know!" Mai exclaimed to the little tree sprite as they played catch with a rock it had retrieved. "Miss Luna's always working on things, but at least she got me you to play with! Miss Luna's the best, isn't she?"

    "Yahaha!" the sprite cheerily yipped.

    Mai placed her hands on her face, enjoying the presence of the helping hand that Luna had gotten to help watch over Mai. She was fully unaware when Chio laughed again, and Mai heard the familiar voice of her enemy, Imai. He mentioned something about some evil group or whatever, but Mai was too angry to listen to him until he mentioned some details. "Whaaaaat? These meanies are going after Miss Luna, and they're going to forbid food forever! We have to stop them!" Mai scrambled out of her seat and rushed to her room for a moment, gathering two of her many bags of candies, stringing them along her waist as she rushed back out. "Lead the way, dumdum!" Mai barked, popping one of her candies in. "I need to make sure that these meanies don't get their way with everything! I need to show them the error of their ways and beat them up! Wait, but that would mean giving them my candy!" She gasped. "I don't wanna give them my candies!" Imai reassured her, and off Mai went, her and her new guardian tree sprite dashing off with the Sabertooth Ace towards the capital of Fiore.

    The noises and lights in Crocus certainly excited Mai, who was distracted enough by it to not realize the utter tragedy of her already having completely eaten one of her bags of candies. Every so often, a partygoer would toss some sort of foodstuff at her or Imai, which Mai would promptly eat, still too distracted by the bright lights and loud noises to really comprehend the situation or the taste. Though Mai had little in terms of partying attire, what she wore was enough to get her in the mood for partying.
    "I can hear you, dumdum Imai!"
    Mai chirped back as she was beneath his arm, being held like a sack of rocks. "Okay, let's go look for those meanies and bash crash pow them! They're trying to ban food and be mean to Miss Luna, and we can't let that happen!"

    Not really paying attention to where they were going, Mai soon found herself hearing the rhythmic beat of drums around her. She looked up to see Imai arguing with a bunch of other stupid humans about something. Then, Imai told Mai to play the drums. "I can play drums really well!" she said happily. "Papa told me, and now Chio helps me sometimes, too!"

    "Yahaha!" Chio laughed before disappearing in a puff of smoke once more.

    Imai set Mai down, and she wandered over to the drums. They were really weirdly colored, and when Mai hit one with her hand, the paint hopped into the air! Mai recoiled for a moment, shocked by the unexpected attack of paint, until she realized how fun it looked. "Yay! The paint is really bouncy!" Mai haphazardly began slapping the top of the drums,  paint flying every which way. A lot landed on her, painting her clothes in vibrant colors and some getting into her mouth. "This paint is yummy~~" she purred as she continued slapping the top of the drums. Her beats intensified, splashing paint high into the air, landing into her own hair at this point, before one hand punched through the drum entirely. "It broke..." Mai said, sadness evidently in her voice. "I bet this is your fault, Imai!" She pouted, getting even more paint spread around as she pouted and crossed her arms. One of the nearby people apologized for the drum breaking, before offering to put a stamp down, which Mai adamantly insisted be placed upon her forehead, which they obliged to. Mai, still pouting, went back over to Imai. "I still don't see those meanies anywhere. But that was fun!"
    WC: 0671 | TWC: 0671

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] FuTi3lI

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Imai-chi 21st July 2020, 8:29 am

    Up until now, things looked stable. Mai was convinced that they were on a cause to save Miss Luna from this organization named ‘PL4GUE’, so she would be within his field of vision for the most of the time. Although, the events of the Urban Nights presented in front of them would likely cause a bigger obstacle than expected. Right now, they wanted to see Mai play drums - there was something adorable about seeing young kids play with musical instruments, so maybe they just wanted to sugar their hearts with her display…

    They didn’t know just how maniacal she could be.

    She could play drums, she said. Papa told her, she said… Imai knew little to nothing about her Papa. With a god complex like hers, how was her father? Miss Luna, at least, was more than mature enough to be out of the question when it came to who was faulty for installing such behavior into Mai. Oh well, that was a thought for another day…

    … Cute companion. A tree leaf and chonk of wood that came to life followed her around. Reminded him of the alien, Sei, that was still sleeping on his back.

    Anyway, back to the drums. Imai kept a solid eye on the God Slayer as she began playing, hitting the drums with a stick and watching the paint splash up. It was very bright and messy, but she seemed to have a lot of fun with it. His heart would drop, though, as her statement reached his ears.

    ”This paint is yummy~~”

    “…” Some of the paint landed on his shirt - most likely on purpose from that little rascal - and Imai picked some of it off with a finger and tasted it. Was it even… edible? If Mai had ingested normal paint, then… she wouldn’t like the effects of that.

    After a test, it was confirmed; edible, as a dude would assure him who stood next to the Ace, but it didn’t taste good for Imai. Mai accidently broke a drum, and just as always, she blamed her accident on the oh so evil and mischievous Imai. He sweated profusely, annoyed that all her own problems were blamed on him. Even one of the spectators tilted their head in confusion and mumbled: “B-But he didn’t even do anything…”

    Alas, she had fun. Imai, on the other hand, was offered to play on the drums too, but something caught the corner of his eye… it was trouble. They sure didn’t wait too long, did they? A pair consisting of a floating liquid as bright as the whole theme of the event as well as a girl with pointy ears clad in neon colors herself - probably from all the ink - were harassing a couple… or well, the girl didn’t seem to put any input in the harassing, for she was too busy using her iLac. The liquid elemental, however, kept latching onto them, and steam erupted from their skins which indicated that it tried to burn them like acid.

    Imai leapt up in the air to bypass all the other buzzers and people who heard the screams of the hurt couple and ran, and as some space was cleared in the confusion, Imai landed. With one flick of his wrist, he spawned a black hole that began sucking the elemental into it, freeing the poor man and boyfriend to the crying girl of more pain. Unfortunately, some of the neon liquids latched onto Imai himself…

    “… Huh?” the horned, elf-like girl let out in the slightest amount of curiosity that she could muster, “Tch, who the fuck are you?”

    “What, who the- no, don’t even pretend like you ain’t got anything to do with this unbearable shit-!” Imai spat back at her in annoyance, but he smelled burning flesh and realized that his new clothes that he had bought specifically for this event were… well, beginning to dissolve in the neon acid.

    “… Oh shit, my cloth- YOU BITCH!!!” he roared out of his lungs before kneeing the girl’s chin in a sudden outrage. Delicate as she was, she was knocked out for the count, but Imai’s rage led him to step on her several times just to be sure. “Goddamn demon-looking ass, ‘mind-your-own-business’ looking ass, unneeded distraction from Mai looking ass- w-wait… Mai? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaai?!”

    Oh shit.

    WC: 727
    TWC: 769 + 727 = 1496/2000


    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Mai Stormschild 8th August 2020, 7:31 am

    Rolling for the Dance-Off.


    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] FuTi3lI

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by NPC 8th August 2020, 7:31 am

    The member 'Mai Stormschild' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] NXDHjfc
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Mai Stormschild 8th August 2020, 7:48 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    After the stamp upon her forehead and heading over to Imai, the meanie went off somewhere without Mai! She knew Imai was not to be trusted! He was ready to abandon her in the middle of Crocus, all by herself! Mai knew it. This was Imai's plan all along. He would bring her to Crocus, away from Miss Luna, and do devious, devilish things to her! Heck, he might have been the one looking to steal all the food and candies in the world! Imai must have lied about all of it! That was the only explanation! Guided by Chio, Mai continued wandering the streets, looking out for these alleged meanies that Imai talked about that were going after Miss Luna or looking for the creme de la creme of meanies, Imai himself.

    Rather than find anything of the sort, Mai found herself in what looked to be a combat arena. People surrounded her on all sides as a ring opened up, a single person standing in the middle of the circle. Bright green neon lights lined his black gear, head to toe, with a pair of really weird goggles on.

    "YOU ARE MY OPPONENT?" the weird robot man asked, tilting his head slightly.

    "Are we fighting?" Mai asked, tilted her own head as well.


    "Dance?" Mai asked. She recalled the word, but it had not quite- "Oh! I know dancing! Dancing is fun!"

    The robot man mechanically nodded his head as loud music began to ring out. He quickly began a series of stiff movements, looking as if he were a robot, in time with the music fully. Mai was not really paying attention to him, she was just enjoying the music as well. To say her moves were good would be entirely wrong. She found herself mostly stomping around and spinning, until a great idea came to mind. She lifted her arms into the air and began to wiggle. This seemed to gain a pop from the crowd, which caused the young God Slayer to smile. They liked her dancing! Mai opened her eyes to see all these dumb humans giving her the respect she as a God and God Slayer deserved, seeing Chio's weird spinning on his hand nub thingies. The robot man looked confused by everything, and soon seemed to freak out and retreat into the crowd, a cheer coming from the surrounding people. A girl with some really fancy jewelry came by and congratulated Mai and Chio, offering a stamp. Once more, Mai insisted that she get stamped upon the forehead, and off she went to look for that meanie Imai once more.

    WC: 0456 | TWC: 1127

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] FuTi3lI

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Imai-chi 13th August 2020, 9:12 am

    Annoyingly, the bitch down in defeat didn’t really dismiss the presence of the liquid, neon elementi. They emerged from a white hole that Imai spawned, for having them in the void of space for too long took a toll on his mana. Nevermind that, though, for he spawned them at his behest, choosing a position where he could take one of them by surprise with a flurry of mega punches. The burning liquid did hurt, but Imai entered a state of carelessness and fury, biting through the burning pain in exchange for some solid blows to the monsters. His mana burst out from his fist and expanded the size of the liquid elementi, until it splattered and lost its heat and power in its demise. The other elementi showed no signs of clarity, thinking that it had a better chance against him. It charged towards the young man, only to meet the same fate as its brother.

    Now, a good chunk of the street was covered in harmless slime… including the passers-by. Scoffs, growls and ‘eww’s’ echoed through the area, in which Imai looked around with a pearl of sweat trickling down his face. “… H-Heeeh, uh, you’re welcome…” came out of his mouth, followed by a dash that dissolved his person as he was nowhere to be seen a moment after.

    He still had to find Mai. She was definitely nearby, for he could taste the God Slayer Magic emitting in the air. No… there was more than one taste in the air. Two? No, more than that… or was that just him?

    His thoughts were braked when he was pushed far back by a sudden sound wave, causing him to crash into a wall of an apartment. In front of his previous position was an armored dude, skull helmet and clad in an armor black in color but donning the same themes as the event itself. Who the fuck were these people, even? They couldn’t possibly be the staff trying to pull a prank on him…?

    The armored dude wasn’t alone, for a man stood behind him and moved forth. Wearing a flat, wide hat and a katana, this individual began slashing through decorations and even attempted to cut open a bystander nearby. The others, who were too busy to flee and save their own lives, couldn’t step in to stop this maniac, but the debris from earlier barely harmed Imai. Even though he felt a rib or two sticking into his lungs, the star mage had launched himself down towards the samurai and headbutted him with all of his might. The impact made a huge shockwave, noticeable from several hundred meters away.

    Imai felt terrible. His lungs hurt, his head hurt, but these idiots who just really, really wanted to make a hell out of this party needed to be taught a lesson. Fucking hell, Imai had been through worse, so he barely cared about the damage he sustained. He quickly picked up a stone from the floor, broken off from the ground’s kerb, and then tossed it at the armored dude. Tossing a rock wouldn’t normally do much, and even the armored bastard thought so, but when Imai tossed things, he tossed them hard. The rock darted through the air and cut through the particles themselves, igniting the air around it like a small meteor. The rock crashed right onto the chest-piece of the fucker’s fancy suit, breaking the speaker that he had used earlier to catch Imai off guard. It caused high-pitched, terrible sounds to be generated from the broken speaker, causing the Sabertooth Ace to hold up an arm in discomfort.


    WC: 616
    TWC: 1496 + 616 = 2112


    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] Empty Re: Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event]

    Post by Mai Stormschild 16th August 2020, 8:09 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A ringing noise ran into Mai's ears, the voice behind it strangely familiar. Oh well, it was probably nothing important. Probably Imai being a weirdo, and Mai was glad to be away from him. She wandered about even still, making her way through crowds of people and looking for that jerk. After all, he abandoned her! First he tries to bring Mai out somewhere alone, then he tries to steal all the food in the world, then he just abandons Mai before she can beat him up! That fiend! That meanie! That butthead!

    Mai gasped at the thought. Miss Luna did not want her to say such vulgar things as "butt." Miss Luna was not reading her mind right now? What if Miss Luna was disappointed in her for thinking such a rude thing! Oh no! Mai felt tears begin to well up in her eyes as she listened around for the familiar mean voice of Imai. Sure enough, she heard the faintest cry of the meanie face, saying her name. Or maybe he was just saying his own? No! He must have been yelling her name because he was so repentant that he abandoned her! He was finally recognizing the awesomeness that was Mai and finally calling for her so that he could be sacrificed! A warm, happy feeling flushed across her face.

    As she made her way towards the sound of Imai's voice, she found herself upon a stage, behind a table, and running into the legs of a tights - clad woman. She looked over towards the little God Slayer and smiled. "Hey kiddo, want to DJ?"

    Mai tilted her head in confusion. DJ? What could that mean? Doom Jumper? Dinosaur Jail? Dusty Jalapenos? Delicious Jelly? Mai liked the sound of that last one. Delicious Jelly, all for Mai and none for Imai. She reveled in this possibility. There was a last bastion of hope, a final frontier of food away from the evilness that was Imai! All this Delicious Jelly on top of the table!

    "Yay! DJ!" Mai chirped, confident she knew what it meant.

    The woman smiled and picked Mai up by her armpits. "Alright, let's have you rock it! Just play around with these buttons and dials and maybe even the disks! I'm sure you'll do great!"

    Mai's eyes sparkled with joy. She got to play around! As she was told, she began wildly pushing buttons and revving dials, creating a cacophony of loud noises that seemed to excite the people. All the buttons made fun sounds when they were pressed, and all of them were really glowy! Mai was having so much fun! But wait, where was the Delicious Jelly? She was promised Delicious Jelly! She looked around, her hands absently pressing more buttons and playing with dials, when she saw it: the grand prize of them all! At the far right end of the table, surrounded by more flashy buttons and sliders! It looked magnificent! It looked brilliant!

    A giant burnt pancake! With strawberries in the middle! It certainly had a weird complexion for a pancake, but it was a pancake, that was it for certain! And that red stuff in the middle, near where the pokey thing poked through, that had to be the Delicious Jelly! Breaking away from her button pressing and dial wibbling, she leaned over to the pancake and removed it from the pokey thingy. The woman tried saying something, but this was a really weird pancake. It was really flat, and had a bunch of weird bumpy things on it, and the Delicious Jelly was baked inside of the pancake! She would not be able to eat the entire roundness in one bite, but that did not stop the wild child from trying, opening her mouth as wide as she could and trying to eat the strange pancake.

    The woman stole her pancake, though! How rude! She said something about that not being food or something, but Mai was too angry to really hear her. However, her mood was quickly quenched by another stamp being placed on her forehead and the woman holding her up once more, allowing Mai to play with the buttons and dials. Chio, meanwhile, put his little stubby thingies on the weird pancakes and they made a weird wobbly noise thingy. All of these buttons and dials and pancakes were fun, and Mai was content in staying away from Imai in this bastion of pancakes and Delicious Jelly. She looked around even still for Imai, seeing if she could find the meanie extraordinaire and bask in her ability to find food, even away from his evil clutches! Perhaps she could get rewarded with the strange burnt pancake if she saved this party from Imai! All these possibilities seemed so endless, and Mai was excited for it. Her eyes were closed as a peaceful, blissful look washed across her face, dreaming of a world where she finally has beaten of Imai, the world recognizing her for her heroism! Miss Luna and Candy Lady and Itori would be there, and they would all be so proud of Mai! Miss Luna would give Mai a hug and promise to get ice cream, Candy Lady would gift Mai a mountain of sweets and Itori would apologize for doubting Mai and then let Mai keep one of her tails! It was a perfect, flawless plan! A dream that certainly would come true! All Mai needed to do was to wait for Imai to show himself finally, and she could expose him for the evil being that he truly was.

    WC: 0931 | TWC: 2058 | GTWC: 4170

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Lez Rock Ett, Mai! [Event] FuTi3lI

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 2:55 am