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    Dream Daddies Rave


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Danny 13th July 2020, 7:43 pm

    Summer. A hot time. Really hot. I mean smoking hot times. The beaches filled with people in barely anything at all that leave nothing to the imagination! Danny was living for summer! All the beautiful people roaming around showing off their bodies! He was gunning for some love! Ya know? That summer love stuff? Word on the street though, Fiore was having a country wide block party in all the cities available! What better way to cut some slack and find a hottie than at a party?! A rave at that! He found himself on a boat from Amber Island and headed to Fiore. Sammy was with one of Danny’s friends in Minstrel who wanted to see him for a bit, having a sleepover with their own child.

    Danny was enjoying himself. No one could blow this for him. A little bit of freedom from his child for a day doesn’t hurt. He could be a bit more freer now. “Yeah, so free.” Arminius snorts as he is next to his brother in a brown long sleeve shirt, covered by a black hooded short sleeved trench coat and a pair of jeans. He was actually visible to others for once as he was wanting to experience this rave that they were going to as well. Danny was dressed in a green and white horizontal striped tank top under a purple, off the shoulder, asymmetrical hemmed, shirt and sported violet skinny jeans being held up by a yellow belt. His arms had various wristbands of rainbow colors and a couple rings were on his left index and middle fingers for decoration. “Free enough for game without worry.” The pink haired guy grins as he put on his sunglasses before checking on his carrot earring on his ear, making sure it was still there.

    The ghost and his twin had found their way to Magnolia, finding their block party and the beautiful sights there were for them to see. Armi snorts to his twin and gives him a two finger salute as he starts to walk off. “Have fun finding your lover, punk.” “Says the punk. I’ll catch you around!” He gives his brother a peace sign for now as he shoves his hands in his pockets and leans towards a poster. ‘Urban Nights’ was stamped across the poster on a wall, and when he glanced farther into the town, the walls were coated with graffiti and neon lights lit up the night! Rave and cyberpunk was as far as his eyes could see. Music blasted from somewhere, and Danny found himself already hopping with excitement as he pumped his arm up in the air to the music. He got himself a pair of glowsticks at a vendor and held it up in the air after he got himself a fruity drink. He heard the bartender call it a ‘Summer Breeze’ and he was honestly excited for it! It had a rather raspberry taste to it, and he was glad he got it. He sipped his drink as he continued to dance on towards the dance floor. No way was he going to miss this!



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Dagda 5th August 2020, 9:49 am

    Rolling for drink~



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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by NPC 5th August 2020, 9:49 am

    The member 'Dagda' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Dream Daddies Rave Die_02_42159_sm

    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Dagda 5th August 2020, 10:51 am

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Urban Nights
    Post Word Count: 664
    Job Word Count: 664/XXX
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Work For You
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Among the throngs of people in the streets of Magnolia, Dagda felt out of place. More than usual, that was. He was a giant compared to Earthlanders, so towering over most people brought him many stares and occasional discomfort. But this time, he truly felt odd. It was the night of the block parties around Fiore. Everyone and everything was neon. Black lights shone on the streets, giving bright colors a vibrant boost. People wandered around in the most odd outfits the titan had ever seen, most of them quite skimpy. There were so many different types of material too, from fuzzy faux fur to iridescent plastic. He’d never seen anything like it.

    Dagda sat at the bar currently, waiting on his drink. He felt out of his element, as a block party was a foreign concept to him. There were so many people around and he’d seen new colors so vibrant they nearly hurt his eyes. There was a subtle feeling that he was older than the target demographic for this event.

    However, that hadn’t stopped him earlier in the day. Overconfident in his comfort level with an event like this, he’d gone to a local shop in Magnolia, where he’d been shacking up for a while. He’d asked an employee for recommended clothing for the block party and was taken on quite the wild ride of trying on different clothes. At first the employee had given him a neon rainbow harness top with a matching bottom that barely covered anything. Rainbow cloth gauntlets accompanied it. Dagda had vetoed it. It was more revealing that he felt necessary, and while he didn’t mind some attention, he was going into this party blind with no prior experience. He wanted to fit in but not stand out. After a few more outfits, he settled on a pair of black khaki-style shorts with neon stitching and a sheer hooded tank top in neon green. The top was unusual to Dagda, but he liked the style. There were no sleeves, instead the arm holes were massive and exposed parts of his chest and back.

    He now sat in that same outfit on a barstool. While the clothes had felt outlandish at first, upon arrival Dagda realized that he was hardly the most wildly dressed. One person had even passed him wearing an entire unicorn outfit! The titan shook his head at the thought. Earthlanders were weird, that was for sure.

    Just then the bartender slid his drink across the counter. She then grabbed up his hand and stamped something on the back, whisking away again in a heartbeat. Dagda tossed her a few jewel as a tip - a concept he had just learned about recently - then looked down at his hand. On his olive skin was a neon smiley face mark. Apparently he got a reward for trying a drink. Speaking of, the drink looked rather ominous. Red liquid filled the glass while a flame burned out slowly on the top, smoking as it went. It looked like a drinkable volcano. Dagda looked it over skeptically. This was supposed to be consumable?

    The fire went out shortly after and the titan hesitantly raised the glass to his lips. Hopefully this odd Fiorean drink wouldn’t kill him. He took a sip and cringed, ready for his stomach to explode or something. But nothing happened. It was a pleasant berry taste on his tongue with no side effects. Dagda shook his head. Such a spooky looking drink somehow turned out to be simple and tasty.

    Just then he spotted a familiar mop of pink hair in the crowd. Though he had glasses on, with a longer glance Dagda knew who it was. “Danny!” the tall man called out, abandoning his barstool with drink in hand. He wove his way through the crowd, trying not to push ravers as he passed. “Danny!” he called out again as he got closer, his deep voice clear above the crowd noise.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Danny 9th August 2020, 1:38 am

    lets dance hoes



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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by NPC 9th August 2020, 1:38 am

    The member 'Danny' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dream Daddies Rave OdAaNwh

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Posts : 122
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Danny 9th August 2020, 3:14 am

    tags: @Dagda
    WC: (1080) 2267/4000
    Urban Nights/Page 2, Post n°30
    Danny was enjoying the party going on and was constantly on the move, bouncing around and head banging with some groups every now and then while he sipped on his drink. He threw his slender hand holding his pair of glowsticks up in the air once again and let out a wolf howl while he enjoyed himself. The music was pumping loud and with a great OOMPH. It was what he needed. The bass coursing through his body with the deep wubs shaking his core. He wanted to get closer to the speakers for it to rattle him and mess him up. Though, he’d definitely go for another way to be messed up that night too if he could. His summer breeze drink was near gone by this point in the dancing and jumping and hooting and hollering with the other party goers, enjoying his time and not even giving an ounce of attention to how much he had drunk his drink. He could get more and get shitfaced if he really wanted to tonight! Ain’t nobody telling him to slow down and watch his liquor intake!

    As he was heading towards the DJ booth and the speakers, he could have sworn he heard his name being called out by someone. He paused and turned to look around. He didn’t look too far. The giant of a hunk was sitting not too far from him. Then the giant got up and made his way over to him, speaking his name once again. His eyes grew wide and a cheeky grin was on his face as he held his drink up to him as a greeting. Fuck his voice was an orgasm waiting to happen for the pink haired man. He half wished he would shout his name one more time, just close to him so he could reach that peek. “Dagda! God you’re looking sex-ay boo!” He cackles as he bit his bottom lip. He was checking out the taller man, not even hiding it that he was doing so. “Damn… You’re looking really great… should I be sure to go and grab a fire extinguisher because you are absolutely looking like fire!” He tries to be charming towards the man, pushing up his glasses to expose his purple eyes to the man.

    He purses his lips as he glances towards the crowd closer to the DJ booth, then back to Dagda. “I honestly wasn’t expecting to see you here. What have you been up to lately?” He lightly stuck his tongue out, exposing his guild stamp and his tongue ring as he lightly jumped in place in tune with the music. An idea sparked in his mind, and he grinned slightly devilishly as he moved up to be right next to the giants side. “What do you say about hanging out with me during this bumping rave?” He leans closer to the man. A new song had come on and Danny was finishing off his drink just as a small clearing nearby the two happened. A dance off was starting between a pair of twin raver girls and some other schmuck. He wasn’t doing too well, and Danny felt hurt. “Arminius would cry.” He snorts to himself before he tilted his head back and took the rest of his drink down his throat. “Give me a song before you answer that, please?” There was a trashcan behind him, and he tossed the plastic cup in it before he threw himself in that circle, hip bumping the man out of the way.

    As the girls begun dancing to the song, they were in sync with one another and they danced rather well. Danny raised an eyebrow as he listened to the song that was bumping loud. He nods his head just before he started stomping. He wasn’t a professional as well, but he knew he had some moves up his sleeve that could still rock this crowd. He closed his eyes for a moment, then let his feet take over, directing his body to go with the flow with his arms pulling against the flow slightly. Between his fingers he was twirling around the glowsticks around like little batons. His sunglasses had slipped back down over his eyes, and he started having his devilish grin on his face as he glanced up towards the twins. As the bass was about to drop for a second time in the song, Danny looked up and quickly lifted his arm up before quickly ‘cranking’ it down and was quickly dancing like a robot. Of course he had hiccups here and there, but his robot went pretty well with the music. The twins were working on shifting their own gliding dance to a robot as well, not wanting to be outdone by some guy in skinny jeans. He rolled his shoulders again though, and transitioned out of the robot to his rolling dance, moving his hips rather sexily as he did so. At least he was doing more than what he was seeing from other guys, who were just pelvic thrusting in tune with the music.

    Honestly, by the end of the song, the crowd around the twins and Danny weren’t too sure who they wanted to cheer for. They both were decent dancers, almost on the same level. It took Danny leaning out into the crowd while he danced and winking at a couple girls to get them cheering just a tick louder for him, in which he ended his little dance off on one hand and kicking his feet up in the air, and both of his shirts falling down to cover his face and expose his thinish body and slight muscle he had. The song had ended and Danny let his feet fall back behind him, making an arch with one hand on the ground, and his two feet nearby. He was breathing heavily as he brought himself back up, letting his shirts fall back into place on their own, if only for a second to bring his shirt back up and wipe the sweat off of his face for a quick moment with his shirt. He quickly let his eyes look around for Dagda, hoping that he didn’t ditch him since Danny kind of did so himself when he went to do this little dance off… How crappy would that be if he ruined whatever it was the ghost boy was starting to form in his head because of this?



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Dagda 10th August 2020, 3:40 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Urban Nights
    Post Word Count: 666
    Job Word Count: 2,933/4,000
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Work For You
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda raised his cup in turn as the pink-haired man noticed him. He reached Danny in a few seconds, who, without hesitation, shot a flirty compliment towards the giant. Of course, it flew right over Dagda’s head. Flirting from men was something he was almost completely oblivious to. He had no clue Danny was into him, a realization would take a while to come to fruition.

    “Hey, thanks man! You look great too!” Though platonic, the compliment was the truth. Danny looked like he was meant to be at an event like this. From vibrant clothing to the glowsticks occupying his hands, the smaller man was rave-ready. From when they first met, Dagda got the sense that Danny was one who sought fun at any opportunity. The titan felt relieved to have found a familiar face in the neon crowds. Danny was the perfect person to spend a block party night with.

    Danny had asked him a few questions, but whisked away to push himself into the center of a ring of people. Dagda was left to process what was said and what his answers would be when the other man came back. He’d noticed the guild mark on the pink-topped man’s tongue. The guilds around Fiore were hardly familiar to Dagda, he’d heard of a few but his knowledge of which mark defined what and what each one did was sparse. Perhaps later he’d have to ask Danny about it.

    For now, the titan decided to join in the circle that Danny had pushed through. It seemed to be a dance battle. Some man who was struggling was quickly pushed out of the ring as Danny took charge. He began dancing against a pair of twins in matching neon gear. The crowd was cheering for both sides, but Dagda made sure to be extra loud in support of his acquaintance. He was impressed. Coming from a culture that only used dance for ceremonies, dancing for fun was something to become accustomed to. However, it would take a fool not to realize that both Danny and the twins were competent dancers. Each side pulled off moves that got the crowd going.

    As quickly as it ended, the battle was done. Danny exited the ring of people and Dagda met him on the other side. “That was awesome!” the titan complimented, a grin on his face. “I had no idea you could dance like that!”

    The crowd had started to disperse around the two as the spontaneous dance battle had ended. Another one would surely start up somewhere else, and another after that. It was the perfect place for people to show off their skills. Dagda took the opportunity to answer the questions he had been asked before.

    “Since I last saw you, I’ve just been taking jobs and trying to become more accustomed to Fiore,” Dagda said. “The summer has been kind of rough,” he admitted, “I’m not used to this kind of heat. Feels like I’m melting during the day.” The titan let out a laugh. There had been many days where he wished he could just go bury himself in a glacier to cool off. He wasn’t too upset about it though. Over the time since he had arrived on Earthland, Dagda had been forced to become an optimist and take things in stride. He was somewhat that kind of person beforehand, but it had to be ramped up to keep him tough. If he lost hope and let little things get to him, there was no way he could keep himself going.

    “We should definitely hang out for the rest of the night! I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to block parties, so you could show me the ropes,” Dagda added, oblivious to the innuendo. “How are Arminius and Sammy? Where are they at tonight?” He missed the little goofball that was Danny’s son. The two had built a snowman together in the winter and it was a blast.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Danny 10th August 2020, 10:07 pm

    Paint drummin? Paint Drumming. uwu



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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by NPC 10th August 2020, 10:07 pm

    The member 'Danny' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Dream Daddies Rave Die_05_42162_sm

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Experience : 8,192

    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Danny 10th August 2020, 11:42 pm

    tags: @Dagda
    WC: (873) 3806/4000
    Urban Nights/Page 2, Post n°30
    The ghost whisperer’s heart seemed to skip a beat as he was complimented by the taller man's compliment. It was honestly something he didn’t know he needed. When he had disappeared into the crowd for the dance battle, Danny clearly heard Dagda’s voice over the voices, and was eating up that voice in his head. Shit! He may lose it if he continues to listen solely on his voice. Time to ignore for just a short bit. That’ll pain him internally. He allowed himself to push on harder in his dancing wanting to really impress the crowd here. When he was finished and was approached by Dagda again, a huge grin was on his face, honestly relieved that the other didn’t leave him like he feared. “Thank you! I had done a little bit of dancing in my travels before I had gone home with my baby.” He cheekily says while cleaning off his sunglasses quickly with his shirt. They had fallen on the ground and gotten some dirt on the lenses.

    The muscular man had started telling him about what he had been up to since the last time they met, and listens intently, even pausing his cleaning of his glasses. A small laugh came from him as the other says he feels like he’s ‘melting’ during the summer days. With that same cheeky smile he had before, he shrugs his shoulders. “Yeah, it does get rather hot, but good thing for ice and cold alcohol, am I right?” He put his sunglasses back on his face again and nodded as they were sufficiently cleaned to his liking. The next words that came out of the taller man’s mouth made the pink haired man get rather excited. He was going to stay with him for the night during the party! “Really?!” His voice hitched up an octave for a second there, in which he cleared his throat and repeated normally. “Really? I would have thought you’d be a slight party guy at least.” He snickers. The other questions about his brother and sons’ whereabouts, and he shrugs his shoulders a bit. “Armi is… somewhere around here, probably by the stage enjoying the music, and Sammy is in Minstrel with a friend having a sleepover. C’mon! I’ll show you something I think you’ll like.”

    Without thinking, he grabbed a muscular arm by hooking one of his own arms around it, and started to pull him along with him. He was excitedly pulling the larger man around, smirking to a few people as he passed them over the scene they were seeing. He pulled the man over to various bars and got them some things to drink, and almost dragged him to the dance floor, but instead found his eyes settling on something a bit more entertaining. “Have you ever played drums before?” His purple eyes were sparkling with excitement as he looked to him. Though, his question failed to mention one thing. These weren’t normal drums. They were drums with paint on the head of it. Regardless of Dagda’s answer, he grabbed the mans hand and dragged him over towards the drums and let himself get behind one of them that was available.

    He shook his hands a bit as he grabs the drumsticks that came with the drum and readied himself to play. He taps lightly on the drum at first, trying to get a feel of this. “Drumming shouldn’t be that hard, right?” He snickers as he feels he got this! Boy was he fucking WRONG. When he started getting more ballsy with the paint, the paint started to go all over the place. While he had a decent foot stepping, his drum beating wasn’t so great. It was almost literally some noise with how the paint was throwing him off. He even managed to get paint in his mouth after one slam of the sticks. No amount of going lighter with the drumsticks even helped him in this situation. He let up a groan as he continued to play, till he decided to give up because too much paint was getting in his face. He heard the crowd nervously clap, and he hung his head. Of course his drumming was terrible.

    After he escaped from the drums, Danny looked down at his outfit, then started laughing. He was an absolute mess of paint. As he was laughing, a familiar sandy blond man came storming up to him. “Daniel!” That shut Danny up real quick. “What the hell was that?! You are a disgrace to instruments! Don’t ever pick up drumsticks again or so help me I will gut you! Armi was getting into his brothers face, who held his hands up and looked away nervously towards Dagda. He was also trying to not laugh. “Hey Dagda… Here’s Arminius! Armi, how’s your night been so far? I’ve been chillin with Dag.” His voice was clearly uneasy as he wasn’t liking being scolded right in front of Dagda. The sandy blond man paused and looked over to Dagda, and grumbled something to himself before he hung his head and backed off of Danny. When he lifted his head again, he saluted Dagda as a greeting. “Been a while.” He nodded to him.



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Dream Daddies Rave Empty Re: Dream Daddies Rave

    Post by Dagda 13th August 2020, 8:50 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Urban Nights
    Post Word Count: 488
    Job Word Count: 4,294/4,000 [WC MET]
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Work For You
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    ”True that,” Dagda agreed, raising his glass in acknowledgement. Fioreans seemed to have ice available at all times. It had been a blessing to drink something cool whenever he wanted.

    “Of course!” Dagda dismissed the excited squeak Danny’s voice had taken, figuring he was just thirsty or something, as clueless as always. “And yeah, I probably could be, but where I come from things are a bit different.” Marmori parties were nearly always ceremonial in nature, never just for fun. He was quite enjoying the Earthland way of just celebrating for no particular reason. It was rather freeing.

    Dagda felt a slight hint of disappointment upon learning that Sammy wasn’t attending, but brushed it off. The boy reminded the titan of his own son. He’d have to go out of his way to meet up with the whole family sometime. Well, they would probably encounter Armi at some point. It was nice to have acquaintances in the area, it helped curb the loneliness a bit.

    The pink-haired man looped Dagda’s arm with his own and led them off into the heart of the party. There were no complaints from the titan. He had no clue what to do next, so having someone else take the lead was a relief. They got some more drinks to sip on, then Dagda felt himself being dragged towards a group of people surrounding some drums. Atop the instruments was a pool of multicolored paint. With each hit of the mallets, it splashed all over the drummer and anyone nearby.

    “I have played drums before,” Dagda replied, looking on in fascination, “But never like this.” His people had drums, but he had never thought of adding paint to create a musical mess. Abelios would surely love something like this. The titan made a mental note to show him someday. The possibility of that happening depended on a lot of things, but he could picture it as clear as day.

    Danny hopped into a vacant seat and Dagda cheered him on once again. While Danny was a great dancer, this paint drumming seemed to be a struggle. The audience clapped politely, but everyone could tell that this just wasn’t his forte. The pink-haired man didn’t last long in the ring and left with his head hung.

    His woe didn’t seem to last long as he began to laugh at the paint all over him. Dagda joined in. Danny looked truly ridiculous with tons of colors all over his face and clothes. It seemed Arminius didn’t think so. The blonde came storming up and scolding Danny about his drumming skills. Dagda took a step back, feeling that he ought to leave the scolding between the brothers and not get involved. But, just like that, he was pulled back into the situation by Danny’s mention of his name.

    Dagda nodded in return to Armi’s greeting. “Hey, Arminius,” he replied in a pleasant tone. “How are you?”


      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:12 pm