Fairy Tail RP

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    A Passport


    Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,637

    A Passport Empty A Passport

    Post by PivoineCorbeau 29th April 2020, 7:26 pm

    Job Title: To Earthland and Beyond!

    Rank: D

    Player Requirements: Must be at least D-Rank. If you've joined a Dark Guild, you must claim to be from one of the Light Guilds or your passport will not be issued.

    Job Requirements: 500 Words

    Job Location: Hargeon Town or Rose Garden

    Job Description: A huge line of bustling people are going nuts in front of the docks. Families, children, and old folks are all attempting to go on vacation; everyone's clamoring for a Passport! Count Sparrow and the Magic Council have reopened Fiore's borders to outsiders, and in turn, have opened the borders to Seven, Bosco, and Minstrel as a show of peace.

    Fiore, along with Bellum and Seven, has always produced some of the most skilled wizards in all of Earthland; and so, the Magic Council has decided to offer the services of our wizards here in Fiore abroad in other nations (for a hefty fee of course!). Your job is to obtain your passport! Cut in line, or wait in line! Do whatever is necessary, because people are going crazy trying to get their entire families Passports registered!

    Enemies: (None)

    Reward: D-Rank EXP, 5K Jewel and a Passport (Access to international jobs and casual RPing in other nations)



    Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,637

    A Passport Empty Re: A Passport

    Post by PivoineCorbeau 29th April 2020, 7:43 pm

    Pivoine wasn’t an idiot. She bought a bottle of water before she even thought about standing in that line. A few others ahead of her bragged about their sixpacks of lemonade bottles or equally absurd amounts of drinks. But, just about everyone else knew that was going to end into an emergency trip to the bathroom before they even got their photos taken. Foolishness.

    She had also thought ahead to purchase a wide-brimmed hat. It didn’t exactly go with her militaristic red and white Dies Irae uniform. But, it kept the sun off of her face and her shoulders. And it kept her cool. With hair as dark and shiny as Pivoine’s, it just wouldn’t be smart to be out in the sun without protection.

    The morning was gorgeous. But, that quickly gave way to a salty, sultry afternoon as the line wore on. Multiple queuers ahead of Pivoine swore at the heat, wiping their sweaty brows on the back of their hands. But, Pivoine? Like a lady should be, she was composed in the seaside heat. Of course, the uniform was a little warm. The icy drink and wide-brimmed hat did help with that, a little. Once in a while, a gull swooped low, looking for some inattentive person to steal a snack from. She watched as one managed to snatch an entire ice cream cone from a middle-aged man who looked the wrong way at the wrong time. The man looked back, then began cursing the gull, the gull’s parents, and the gull’s ancestors back several generations.

    A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Yes, it was unfortunate. It was very sad. But, it was also a little funny. No matter where she went, some things always managed to be the same. Overly aggressive seagulls were one of those. Pivoine could remember losing a few dumplings to the birds when she was younger, and still a few more fried rice cakes when she was a little older than that.

    “Next,” the photographer sighed.

    Damn if that old lady didn’t look like she was about to keel over on the spot from boredom. Pivoine swore she nearly saw the old woman nod off while standing up and manning the ID camera. It was fascinating. She’d sway a little back and forth. Then she’d blink longer, longer, longer. Then she’d start back awake just in time to press the button or attend to the printer. Then she’d do the same thing while the printer worked, with another cycle before calling for the next customer.

    Did they not have another person to man the station? Pivoine waited a grand total of three hours before it was her turn. By that time, the person taking the paperwork had to actually elbow the old woman to wake her. The old lady startled, rubbed her eyes, and snapped back that she was awake. Her co-workers each rolled their eyes or clicked their tongues in disapproval.
    Pivoine Corbeau. Mage. Guild: Dies Irae. Smile. No, not that much. Sit straight. The flash. Then, it was over.

    Wordcount: 511


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:51 pm