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    It Pays to Be Evil

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
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    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
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    Experience : 786,120

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    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
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    It Pays to Be Evil Empty It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 16th March 2020, 9:09 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76

    Since being a small child in Seven with naught but a single key containing an all-too-irate Frozen Sea Spirit, Odhran had one dream. This dream was to become a notorious villain, wreaking havoc across the world for the sake of spreading his own glory and fear. He had done many things towards that end. He had crashed weddings. He murdered political officials. He even spray-painted a phallic symbol on a Rune Knight's Outpost, or at least he was pretty sure it was a Rune Knight's Outpost. Now, it seemed as if he had finally gotten some recognition. He held an invite in his hand from one "Louie Calvin Klein." The name was unfamiliar to Odhran, but the gold leaf on the edge of the envelope meant for sure that this "Louie" was rich. Someone rich and powerful, asking for the presence of the one called the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm? How could he possibly deny such a thing! Despite Arnaluuk's insistence on doing at least a little research on the mysterious Louie Calvin Klein, Odhran knew that this was an offer too good to pass up. This was his shot, his opportunity to rise to the cream of the cream of the crop of evilness. This influence, this power, this majesty was enough to send Odhran for a spin.

    Wearing his best slightly-torn tuxedo and gaudy monocle with a slightly chipped rim, Odhran stepped towards the restaurant that the invitation had set: Nourriture Vraiment Raffinée. Scorpio was behind him, in her female form and a set of magnificent gold armor, marvelling in the fanciness of the outside of the restaurant. Atsuai, too, was looking elegant as ever, a light, calm smile plastered on her almost-too-perfect face. To round out the ensemble, Sweetie was on full display, complaining ever-so-slightly about the likely lack of "good" food. He looked around to see no traffic outside the restaurant. As the invite said, it was completely reserved. The only person outside was a black-haired woman. "Oh! Hello there! Are you here for the very important meeting with Louie Calvin Klein? You know, the one about the really evil people meeting up or something like that? I am too! Come on now, let's head in together!" Before even asking a name, Odhran had already grabbed the woman by the wrist and begun dragging her in.

    Befitting the outside of the restaurant, the interior of the place was fancy as fancy gets. Gold and silver was in each and every trace as far as the eye could see. Someone was playing a harp. In fact, Odhran saw four harp players and someone sitting nearby with a didgeridoo. A tuxedo-wearing man came up beside the man with the didgeridoo and whispered something, causing the didgeridoo player to requip into a fifth harp. That same tuxedo-wearing man then approached the counter.

    "I ahm very sorry, monsieur, but zis place is reserved for ze partee of Louie Calvin Klein, and I must ask you to-"

    Odhran raised a hand. "Have no fear, Timothy! I have an invite! See! And this rest of the party is with me. I'm a Celestial Spirit Mage, see. And these fine ladies are my summons! Now, if you can bring me to mister Louie, that would be appreciated."

    The man, slightly disinterested, shrugged and led Odhran and his crew towards Louie, who was not alone.

    "Hello! You're the Louis fellow that sent me this fancy letter! I am Odhran Aegisbane, the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm! Oh, and this is Scorpio, the Scorpion of the Zodiac, very fancy and I'm sure to your liking, as well as Atsuai and Sweetie. Oh and this is..."

    He looked at the woman, confused. "Who the hell are you? How did you get mingled in with my Spirits? Well, you're here now anyways, so you might as well introduce yourself.

    WC: 0647 | TWC: 0647

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    It Pays to Be Evil SQB8HXg
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Experience : 5214

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    It Pays to Be Evil Empty Re: It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by Rekka Hecate 17th March 2020, 8:45 am

    Rekka had been graciously given an invitation to a dinner at one of the finer dining locations in all of Fiore. The man seemed to just lose his head over giving her his invention and his guest simply was dying to get away from him. As Rekka smiled taking the man's reservation she began to make her way toward the restaurant, he was some sort of corrupt man so no one was going to miss him. His guest was a worker of the night, she was better off being in her knew found afterlife. As she made her way there she saw some guy walking inside, this man was clearly rich or just liked to pretend., He had very nice clothing on as it piqued her interest and he was quite handsome making her lick her lips lightly. She would make her way inside as she waited for a man in front of her to get seated, this man was the opposite of a nice aura, in fact he seemed like a moron. The level of stupidity in his actions only made her shake her head, some people were just destined to be walked on.

    When he mentioned a really evil meeting she simply placed her hand on her face and shook her head in disbelief, not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. He was literally just screaming someone quick call the rune knights, but she doubted anyone would because if a bunch of dark mages were gathering they knew off would be their heads if the rune knights did show up. As she simply waited for this idiot to get seated she got pulled into a crowd of flusy women that were around him, as she tried to struggle to get free of them she got pulled in with the bunch. As she was forced to head to the area with all of his stupid spirts as far as she could tell he turned and asked who the hell she was. A wave of deep anger showed on her face, first, this idiot announced a dark meeting, then his stupid groupies forced her to get pulled along like she was part of his entourage. She would look at him with clear anger before the man stood a woman with long black hair, down to her lower back wearing a traditional style of Chinese dress.

    "Who the hell am I, no more like what idiot would announce all those things publically, I have known some morons in my life but you top the cake. I got pulled in with your stupid celestial groupies and had no plans to be anywhere near a filthy man like you. I guess introductions are in order since somehow you don't know who I am the name is Rekka Lawless, quite known mind you. I do see a guest I am actually interested in talking to, however."

    Rekka would walk over to the table and do a slight curtsy to the man she actually was interested in talking to, flashing a coy smile as she would take a seat at his table. She would wait to see if anyone else showed up, maybe someone in her past would be here. She doubted this they were all long gone, either dead or simply vanished from the publics' eyes, she still remembered fondly her wondrous adventures of her past.

    "So who exactly are you, I think this idiot with all the groupies gave away the plans for this so-called gathering. I will stay and enjoy the feat however, maybe you can convince me you are worth my time to listen to."

    She would watch a waiter walk by with his shirt slightly untucked standing in anger she made her way over to him and stood in his path looking down to him with disgust.

    "You need to be dressed properly, this untucked shirt is an insult to your guests, I should tell your boss to make sure present scum like you sleep outside in a box but for now tuck in your shirt and make sure I never see your face the rest of the night."

    She would return a and take a seat letting out a sigh, she hated the commoners of the world, someday she would change this world and they would desire to serve her like she was their queen.



    It Pays to Be Evil Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    It Pays to Be Evil Empty Re: It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by Louie 17th March 2020, 9:42 am

    When Louie had instructed his chauffeur, William, to assemble names of prominent or otherwise valuable people, the young millionaire was expecting modest men and women who possessed some modicum of the things he had. He wasn't expecting a fool dressed in magnate's clothing, accompanied by what Louie could only describe as an exotic escort and an unimpressive broad who thought too highly of herself.

    Louie, on the other hand, was the supreme standard he was expecting to see in his guests. An obsidian tux and charcoal undershirt, compliment by the onyx tie tucked in between. The earrings dangling from his visage were large and golden, and the two rings that adorned his fingers were a stunning ruby red and platinum. His golden hair slicked back against his head, revealing his unblemished countenance in full so that his guests could marvel at his attractive features. Looking at him was a privilege in itself, after all. He had even spent an ounce of his wealth to reserve this restaurant, and this is how they repay him?

    The funny-looking fellow, Odhran Aegisbane, was a carefree individual who didn't seem to hold much value in etiquette or manners. He might have been a "god," but he was a God who lived amongst barbarians nevertheless. What else could you expect from fools like him? The other unimpressive girl had some modicum of respect, but she held an image of superiority that didn't exist. She was so insignificant and too unattractive for Louie to even recall her name. To top it all off, the sorry excuse of a God addressed him incorrectly, and the ugly woman was the one evaluating Louie of all people! Louie Calvin Klein! He could feel his irritation begin to boil over.

    Louie began to think to himself, the only visible sign of anger being the twitch of his brow. Ridiculous. These are the fools William recommended? Do they think they can address me any kind of way? Let's see if they're really worth the effort!

    With a gentle clearing of his throat, Louie stood up to properly greet his guests. His visage was kind and friendly, his crimson eyes gentle and soft. It was completely different from what he was thinking to himself right now. "Good evening, mademoiselle. Monsieur." he looked at both of them and nodded, "You can call me Mister Klein, and this is Aeluri. She is with me, tonight." said Louie, his hand gesturing towards Ms. Gorilla, who was nearby.

    Why are the filth of this country so terribly unattractive? Who gave pigs such power?

    Post Word Count: 427 | Total Word Count: 1803 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
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    It Pays to Be Evil Empty Re: It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 24th March 2020, 11:10 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    If Arnaluuk were here, she would have smacked Odhran upside the head, though Odhran had the foresight to predict such a thing happening, and so he only had summoned forth Scorpio, Atsuai, and Sweetie, though the most recent gift from the Celestial Spirit King was begging to be brought forth.

    "It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you, Mister Klein! You as well, Aeluri! I am as honored to meet you as I am sure you are honored to meet me! As they say, it's always best to play your best hand first, so I think that I ought to truly prove myself as a powerful person to get such an invite from you! Oh, though I must make sure that you have the means to send the world information of my exploits! That simply is a given, Kleinny. Now, as I have mentioned, I am the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, and, as such, I have been granted many gifts from the King himself, these three lovely Spirits included. If you would wish to introduce yourself, you three?"

    Sweetie perked up at the idea. "Right-o! Heya, guys! I'm Sweetie, the sweetest Spirit in the whole world! Plus I got the goodest li'l boy here, Gumdrop!" The small, candy-made dog popped out from her handbag and barked softly before retreating. "I might not seem like it, but I'm preeeeetty good in some hand-to-hand combat, plus I got some good magic to boot!"

    Odhran clapped for the introduction as Atsuai took the next step forwards. "Pleasure to meet you, Mister Klein. I apologize for Sweetie and Od-chan's...excitable behavior. They're more eccentric than most, to say the least. Though I'm sure that won't be much cause of concern to you, Mister Klein," a devillish smirk crept onto Atsuai's face as she knew the next thing she was about to say would likely ruffle some feathers. [color:af9c=E14F76]"...or for your girlfriend there."

    Atsuai stepped back calmly with a quick curtsy, Scorpio looking tall towards Louie. "Louie, is it?" she asked. "I suppose it's for the best that you have such influence here as I do in the Celestial Spirit Realm. I'll fight for you as long as you provide Odhran with good enough incentives." Her serious face faded quickly as she joked, "Though a 'good enough incentive' for Odhran's a bit on the low side."

    Odhran then took center stage once more. "Now, what are the terms of this deal? So long as I get my exposure, that's all fine and good, but what do I have to do for you, Mister Klein?"

    WC: 0430 | TWC: 1077

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    It Pays to Be Evil SQB8HXg
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    It Pays to Be Evil Empty Re: It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by Rekka Hecate 25th March 2020, 6:06 pm

    Rekka listened to the harem of stupid slut spirits as they continued to say their master was great, it made her head hurt. There was no way this man was strong, he had a harem of sluts working for him, still, spirits could be really strong, her personally however was just taking advantage of them. The man that called the meeting name was Louie it seemed as Rekka took a seat at the table. Of course, being paid would be good but she was more interested in just what he planned to do, if he suggested something stupid and childish she would storm out, she would offer her own suggestions if she thought he was weak.

    "So Louie what exactly is your plan, I certainly hope you don't suggest something childish, I have more important things to do than a simple robbery or tagging buildings. I am sure the idiot's celestial spirits are strong but can we put any faith he isn't a little squealer and snitch. I assure you if you looked into me you would realize I am not someone that plays games, I am not here for that we need to change the world. It has been too complacent ignoring all the wrong hiding under the guise of legal mages or the royalty and politicians."

    She would glare at the spirit that mentioned girlfriend, stupid sluts she wished she could kill them but sadly those damn spirits don't die. She waited for her food as she looked at the waiter and motioned for them to come close, she would look at them disgusted and ordered a bottle of wine, of course high in cost but it appeared she at least knew her wine well.


    It Pays to Be Evil Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

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    It Pays to Be Evil Empty Re: It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by aeluri 20th April 2020, 3:15 pm

    Feles Noctis
    I’m just a sentinel waiting for mountains to fall
    Job: Baddie Business
    Post Word Count: 617
    Job Word Count: 617/XXX
    Muse: 8/10
    Music: Bang!
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: None
    Aeluri had accompanied Louie to this meeting of individuals with curiosity. There was potential in working with other dark mages, especially when there was money involved. The two themselves were business partners in a sense. She was hired to guide and protect him. Thus, at a meeting with unknown people, her presence was a necessity. If something were to happen to Louie, she wouldn’t get paid that sweet, sweet reward. She was alert, scanning the room every few minutes and listening with heightened hearing to the other people in the restaurant.

    As the guests started arriving, Aeluri had ordered a glass of whiskey. She sat just to Louie’s side, dressed in the same red blazer and black shirt as the day she had met him. This was a business meeting, so she decided to dress the part. The dark mage was quiet as usual. She took another sip of the liquor. Crimson and gold eyes peered over the edge of the glass as she observed them with a sharp, calculating gaze. The one who introduced himself as Odhran was quite peculiar. He seemed to throw caution to the wind as he announced himself and his celestial spirits in a bubbly tone. Aeluri found his carefree attitude and eclectic collection of magical companions entertaining.

    The other woman seemed to hold herself in high regard and was focused on getting the meeting going. Impatience was something that annoyed Aeluri, but she let it slide. This was Louie’s meeting and she didn’t want to stir up trouble just yet. It was clear Rekka felt nothing but disgust about Odhran and his spirits by the way she glared at them. She had called him an idiot to his face without so much as a blink! Her interaction with a waiter didn’t go unnoticed either. If untucked shirts set her off that much, who knows what else would? Aeluri raised a single brow.

    Louie began his introduction and welcomed them all. His polite tone would seem genuine to others, but Aeluri had come to know him well enough to know it was a facade. Under the surface he was surely boiling. The corner of her mouth twitched in a slight smile. His rage was entertaining when it was pointed at other people. Such trivial things riled him up, she both loved and hated it.

    Odhran’s spirits began to introduce themselves one by one. The black-haired lady in the kimono skipped introducing herself, instead apologizing to Louie. She added a snide remark about a girlfriend at the end. Aeluri bristled. Did this smug little spirit really think she was dating Louie? Disgusting! The golden-haired man was an annoying little rich twerp. She would rather die than consider him romantically for even a second. Mismatching eyes narrowed at the kimono-adorned spirit. She’d have to keep an eye on that one.

    Rekka seemed to be pushing for an explanation. While Odhran had explained that he wanted exposure and for his name to be known, the impatient woman seemed to want to right the wrongs of the “good” people in the world. Each individual’s goals were acceptable. Aeluri was intrigued to see how exactly they would all work together. While she didn’t like relying on others, she couldn’t deny that a grouping of dark mages was a deliciously dangerous thing. Together they could do some lasting damage. The possibilities hungered Aeluri.

    She glanced at Louie once more to gauge his reaction. Would he really want to work with the likes of these two? There was potential, yes, but there was a risk in the endeavor. While she waited to see what he would say, the dark mage took another sip of her whiskey, watchful as ever.


    It Pays to Be Evil 60637_s

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    It Pays to Be Evil Empty Re: It Pays to Be Evil

    Post by Cetus 1st May 2020, 11:15 am

    Cetus sat in the rafters of the restaurant, peering down at the group below. They were a unique little group weren't they? The assassin had worked with Odhran before as Dubhar. He debated that Ego being the face for this meeting. He was rather eccentric with as much cause to be serious as to be silly. If this job wasn't particularly difficult, that was the Ego he would choose. However, if skill and precision were needed then the Prime Ego was needed. The relatively few details he'd had regarding the job was irritating. It made it rather difficult to figure which personality to choose. Any ideas Flowers? Or must I wing it? He thought at the construct implanted in his head. I suggest the Prime Ego, sir. The insufficient data at the moment, makes using the 'Dubhar' Ego inadvisable. Too unpredictable. Fair enough

    Cetus moved like a wraith out of the rafters. He pulled a mask out of his pocket. It was little more than a blank slate with large smile near the bottom. It wasn't his favorite mask. That one had a removable bottom half and had shark teeth closing around his jaw. It made biting his opponents less conspicuous. The assassin dropped silently to the pavement. A light rain began to fall as he placed the mask on his face. He swept his long white locks back from his face. Now where had he placed that go bag. Ah, there. Swift assured movements soon had the suit over his assassin leathers. It was custom made to fit over them without issue. He tightened the tie and straightened his jacket. Now for the entrance.

    The assassin pushed open the doors to the restaurant. He silently used his magic to briefly light himself on fire. The fire evaporated the water and swiftly dried his clothing. "Good eve'nin y'all." Cetus said stepping further into the room. "I apologize fah bein' late. A little business caugh' me unawa'es." The assassin clasped his hands behind his back. He wished he had a hat to doff. It gave his hands something to do other than fiddle with his weapons. "I'm Mistah Sha'k. Please call me Sha'k. Its a pleasah to meet you, Mistah Klein, Mist'ess Aeluh'i, Mist'ess 'ekka, and Mistah Odh'an" He pulled out a nearby chair out and sat down. The assassin placed his elbows on the table, clasping his hands together. "So wats dah job we's was called heya fah?"

    WC: 408


    Gabriel Bank

    It Pays to Be Evil CetusSigs

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:08 pm