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    Technical Upgrades


    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 394
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Technical Upgrades Empty Technical Upgrades

    Post by SlayerMathis 4th March 2020, 8:25 pm

    With Mathis's rigorous training, there was little time that he had to interact with his fellow guildmates within Silver Wolf, but there was yet the time during his quick bouts of eating that he would speak with fellow guildmates, whether they be the most minor researcher or a powerful wizard the likes of Leona or some of the aces. It seemed as if he had become somewhat of a point of interest, what with his lack of magic, his mysterious weapon that not even he knew the origins or the machinations of, or his recent completion of the Artificial Blade, which, despite not needing the need, ate beside him in the mess hall.

    "You realize you do not need sustenance, Poppi, correct?" Mathis asked the Blade in a lull in conversation with some of the less talented workers.

    "Poppi is well aware, Master, but yet it seems as though it would be advantageous to eat alongside you to further strengthen the bond Poppi has with you and with the guild."

    Poppi winked slightly, leaving Mathis somewhat distraught. He had not expected that the AI program placed into Poppi would interact in such a way, but perhaps that was the fault of Mathis for not fully investigating the program before implementation. He had more faith in the people of his homeland, after all, to not create something so...stubborn. It was of great use in combat, as well as for research, allowing Mathis to spar outside of just training against the dummy and gathering information at a breakneck pace, but he had only wished that the demeanor of the Artificial Blade was more...grounded.

    "What information have you gleaned on some of the other members of the guild of note?"

    Poppi closed her eyes for a moment, searching her memory banks. "It was certainly difficult for Poppi to gather information regarding the pasts of many of our guildmates, but there are several small leads Poppi has managed to glean from research into the archives within the library as well as various news articles throughout Fiore that Poppi has been able to access via iLac. There is Leona's status as a Wizard Saint, which Poppi is sure that Master already knew, but in regards to the ace Theo, there appear to be several discrepancies I have noticed in regards to origin, though Poppi has not fully calculated a rhyme or reason towards the discrepancies, nor many of the details to have an accurate level of confidence in the matter. In regards to other members of the guild, Poppi has obtained significant data on Ella's past, but she has requested that I do not divulge this information to you."

    Mathis raised an eyebrow before letting out a light chuckle. He could accept there being secrets. "Good work, Poppi. Any other information?"

    "In regards to the specific directive, Poppi has no more relevant information. However, Poppi has cited a new target of note by the name of Mercury Arsenault. Poppi has had limited time to gather data, but Poppi has noticed Mercury's propensity for technological matters and has made a request that we speak to Mercury to see if Poppi's systems can be improved."

    This certainly was a shock. He had heard the name Mercury once or twice in passing, but he paid it little mind. He was more focused on the matters at hand with his training, but because of Poppi's request, he figured it would be best to seek out Mercury, or at least have Poppi deliver a message. "Very well. Poppi, please send a message to Mercury-san asking if she would wish to speak on matters such as these."

    Poppi got up, giving a slight bow. "Roger, Master!"

    With that, Poppi ran off, seeking Mercury as Mathis took one more bite of the tasteless stew.

    WC: 632


    Technical Upgrades DcM8us5

    [center]Mathis Lora | Blademaster Lineage | Monado | Magic | Poppi
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Technical Upgrades Empty Re: Technical Upgrades

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th March 2020, 5:21 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury had been keeping herself quite busy in this guild of hers. She had hoped the place would prove useful when she joined it, and so far she had not been disappointed. Sure, Earthland had so far proven to be a bit behind the technological game, at least in comparison to where she came from, but there were plenty of things here that didn’t exist where she’d been raised. More than enough to keep her occupied in her studies.

    She’d met a number of interesting people, as well. Theo and Aspen were mismatched but pleasant company, and the guild master Leona was pretty straightforward and open minded. In fact, many of her guildmates were of similar minds as she, social comrades that enjoyed delving into a mystery or expanding their knowledge in the ways of science and magic. The people here had actually taught her a great deal about magic itself, including her own. Overall it had been a very educational and engaging environment for her that she greatly appreciated.

    It wasn’t even just the members of her guild that she’d found delight in, either. In taking on jobs, she’d met individuals from other guilds and even gotten exposure to a number of new experiences and places. She was really impressed with the level of diversity in this world. There were deserts and oceans, forests and mountains, glaciers and islands. There were seemingly infinite towns and villages jam packed with people from all sorts of heritages, not all of them human.

    Yet despite all their differences, they all seemed to live in relative harmony, which was odd to her. No one knew much of anything about Mercury, even in the guild, except that she’d shown up one day to join and had brought a bunch of advanced, foreign technology with her. She was a woman that was used to a much harsher, cut throat way of life than what was found on the average day to day here. Not that Earthland and its various countries was without their own dangers, of course, but she felt much safer and at ease here than she ever had back home.

    She had been lounging in her room at Silver Wolf, tinkering with her pistol, when there was a knock at her door. Standing up from the little work bench she’d set up for herself, she opened the door to find what appeared to be a young woman standing there. The appearance was exceptionally convincing to the eyes, though Mercury’s connection with metal told her that the woman wasn’t actually flesh and blood. At least, not entirely. Mercury assumed the woman was some kind of artificial intelligence, which wouldn’t exactly be anything out of the ordinary around here. Even if the technology in this world wasn’t as advanced as on her own, it was still impressive in its own right and quite common to find.

    Mercury smiled politely. “Hello there. What can I do for you?” she asked. The blue haired android was someone she had seen around the guildhall before, but never personally met. Usually she was with another Silver Wolf member, a man with white hair that she’d also never been introduced to.

    Assuming the android stated her purpose for seeking her out, confirming Mercury’s assumption about her origins by inquiring as to whether or not she could help improve the woman’s systems, Mercury’s eyebrows would raise in interest. Did she already have that much of a reputation here that guildmembers she didn’t know yet were seeking her help with such things? That was something. Still, she was touched by the invitation. “Absolutely, I would love to,” Mercury told Poppi. “Let me get my tools together and we’ll meet in one of the work rooms. There’s more space there than in my room.”

    If that sounded agreeable, Mercury would let Poppi return to her companion to relay the message and gathered up her equipment. In only a few minutes, she wandered into one of the available work spaces where there was a clear table they could work at. Setting her toolbox down, she waited until they arrived and then offered them both a handshake. “My name is Mercury, though I suppose you already knew that. It’s a pleasure to meet you. What kind of issues are you having?”

    WORDS: 728/728 | @SlayerMathis_
    Serilda Sinclair



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 394
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Technical Upgrades Empty Re: Technical Upgrades

    Post by SlayerMathis 16th March 2020, 1:22 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Finding the room where Mercury would be, Poppi tapped on the door lightly, her metallic knuckles requiring little force in order to make enough sound to be noticeable to the person inside. The lavender-haired woman responded with a kind demeanor, greeting Poppi kindly. Poppi had a sense that the woman was not quite human, though there was still insufficient data in order to prove what the truth behind the mysterious woman was.  "Greetings, Mercury Arsenault. I am Poppi, an Artificial Blade platform created by the recent recruit Mathis Lora. My scans of the guild hall and the other members of this guild have indicated a strong energy flow coming from your person. As such, I have requisitioned for my Master to seek out your help on improving Poppi's systems if at all possible. Despite my Master's strong affinity in technological works, he admits that he is more certain in terms of smaller weaponry than that of an AI platform such as myself. My Master has now formally placed a request for your aid in improving Poppi's systems."  

    At the woman's agreeance, Poppi gave a quick bow before returning to the dining hall with the information on the meet-up in the work room. Despite the request for a workroom, she had not specified which in particular, but Poppi was confident that her affinity for the waves of magical energy that seemed to constantly emit from the woman would allow for easy tracking.  "Very well, Poppi. If she is unable to improve your systems even more, then it is no worry. Perhaps some might say that the work is as finished as it could be, though I will leave that decision up to those with the ability to change that."  

    Mathis slowly got up from his seat, finished the last of his single biscuit that he had saved for food, and prepared his equipment for the meeting with his fellow guildmate. Poppi, as expected both from her ability to sense where this woman was and her insistence that she come in and see if upgrades were possible, led the way towards the room that Mercury would be waiting. Just as Poppi had described, waiting in the room was a lavender-haired woman who introduced herself as Mercury, leaving her hand out for a handshake. Poppi gladly accepted the handshake, saying, "Hello, Mercury! Poppi thanks you for taking the time to speak with Poppi! This is Poppi's creator, Mathis Lora!"

    At his own introduction, Mathis bowed. "As Poppi says," he began, "I am Mathis Lora. I believe you have more experience with this guild than I do, Mercury-san. Apologies if I do not speak fully what I intend to say or ask, I am not entirely sure of the customs of Fiore myself. You have already been introduced to Poppi, and it was at her insistence that I seek you out, so I apologize if you were busy. From what Poppi has said, you are a wonderful worker of technology, especially for someone so young as yourself. While I certainly have many more years of experience on my side, I do not believe I have a natural aptitude for such works as Poppi, nor much for improving my own weapon. It is entirely possible that the people of Fiore have different mechanical works that may improve either the systems of Monado or Poppi. If I may so humbly ask, I would wish to see if you can assist with improvements on either."

    He bowed once more, removing Monado from his back-bound holster and setting it on the table before carefully opening up the inside to reveal the maze of perfectly-crafted wires and magical cores laden throughout the weapon, before tapping a few small buttons on Poppi's neck to open her back to reveal the inner machinations within.

    "I have had much difficulty in working out how Monado truly works, I will admit, Mercury-san. As much as I have examined, the wires seem to feed from nowhere, and the cores merely draw energy from the ethernano in the air. Should I change the layout of Monado-" he demonstrated by laying a hand on the hilt and letting it transform into dual knives. "-the blade can inexplicably separate into two. No matter or energy is lost, and it remains the same relative power. I have spent most of my life researching Monado to no avail."

    He then turned his attention to Poppi. "The core I received for Poppi's AI is something I have not been able to fully investigate, as the fellow from my homeland that granted me it seemed to have little knowledge himself of its construction. However, the artificial body may not be in the most ideal condition. Everything works at a fine rate, however I suspect Poppi is only running at roughly ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of maximum capabilities. It is a little much to ask, but I would see if you may assist. As payment, if you wish for me to investigate any weapons you have, I may gladly do so. I have techniques of my homeland that may be able to make more use of the limited materials this place has."

    He bowed once more, waiting to see how his fellow researcher would respond.

    WC: 0874 | TWC: 01506

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Technical Upgrades DcM8us5

    [center]Mathis Lora | Blademaster Lineage | Monado | Magic | Poppi

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:39 pm