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    Invasion of the Four-Finger Pirates


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Invasion of the Four-Finger Pirates Empty Invasion of the Four-Finger Pirates

    Post by Admin 18th February 2020, 12:12 pm

    Job Title: Invasion of the Four-Finger Pirates
    Rank: C
    Category: Normal
    Job Location: Any Island
    Solo Word Count: 1,000
    Group Word Count: 2,000
    Additional Requirements: N/A
    Job Description: A call for help in the form of a letter arrives at your guild or is sent to you. A coastal town has been threatened by a pirate gang that if they don't pay a handsome sum to them then they will be raided and wiped from the face of Earthland. You are sent to protect this town from the pirates. Keep them alive if you can but protection of the people and town are the most important things in this job. To succeed you must defeat the enemies and make sure no harm comes to the town or city.


    • Four-Finger's Pyromaniac x10
      A fire wizard from the Four-Fingers gang, not too skilled but their spells seem to have a long range and homing capabilities.
      Enemy Rank: Weak
      Enemy HP: 40HP
      Enemy MP: 100MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 10HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 10HP
      Enemy Speed: 20Mps

    • Four-Fingers Cannoneer x5
      The requip masters of the Four-Fingers gang. They wear leather coats. The are more skilled but are extremely slow when they have their cannon summoned. They can summon huge hand held cannons.
      Enemy Rank: Normal
      Enemy HP: 80HP
      Enemy MP: 100MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 10HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 60HP
      Enemy Speed: 20mps

    • Four-Finger's Summoner's(x3)
      These 3 wizards wear blue and white masks with wave designs on them and leather coats. They are weak by themselves but together their pets can deal a lot of damage. They each have a different summon; one is a metal golem with 3 artillery cannons on it (one on each arm and one in its chest), one is a huge parrot with extreme speed, the last is a whirlpool with 5 tentacles sprouting out.
      Enemy Rank: Normal
      Enemy HP: 80HP
      Enemy MP: 100MP
      Enemy Melee Damage:
      - Mages 10HP
      - Golem 20HP
      - Parrot 30HP
      - Whirlpool 40HP
      Enemy Spell Damage:
      - Mages 40HP
      - Golem 40HP
      - Parrot None
      - Whirlpool None
      Enemy Speed:
      - Mages 20mps
      - Golem 10mps
      - Parrot 40mps
      - Whirlpool 30mps

    • Captain Four-Fingers
      This guy is the big bad of the Four-Finger's gang. He is a very skilled Wizard; C-Ranked in his level of skill. He specializes in requip and fire magic, having the abilities of both the pyromaniac and the cannoneer without their weaknesses.
      Enemy Rank: Boss
      Enemy HP: 160HP
      Enemy MP: 300MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 30HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 60HP
      Enemy Speed: 30mps

    Reward: 20,000 jewel and thanks from the town.

    --- Credit to Manann Mac Lir

      Current date/time is 17th June 2024, 10:45 am