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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 18th February 2020, 11:00 am

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    You know things are tight when you have a full-time job in Earthlands biggest military force and yet somehow you still have to do side jobs on your day off. And for Lilith Kadokawa, that was certainly the case on today of all days. But those shoes, those knee-high black and gold designer strappy boots sat in the window of her local boutique. Just over her current budget for shoe expenditure, budget referring to the current amount of funds in her bank account. She could not continue her current way of life and not be the owner of such delicious footwear. Unfortunately, her paycheck wasn't going to come in for another two weeks, and the current sale they were in only lasted three more days. Which was why she had taken one of the local jobs, having barely skimmed the pages of what it was that was required. Test out some weddings goods right? That couldn't be too hard.

    She arrived at the venue, dressed in one of her more casual attires, which was still more flattering than the usual uniform she was sporting these days. She wore a light grey crop top allowing for the small exposure of skin between itself and the high waisted black pleated skirt that sat beneath it. Over her shoulders, she sported a white denim fashion jacket, less for the benefit of keeping warm and more for the adding effect of tying the look together. Her black office heels tapping softly as she crossed the stone pavement towards the entrance of the job's assigned location, the Grande Lotus Hotel. She had never stayed at the hotel itself, but it was certainly extravagant, she could see why whoever it was she was testing the goods for would pick it for something like a wedding. Although for herself the concept of marrying anyone was by far more commitment than the Vixen mage was ready for.

    The raven-haired Rune Knight stepped up to the front desk of the hotel's reception area, leaning over the counter to address the mousey haired brunette girl sat there. "Hey, I'm here for the wedding tester job," She told the girl, who would smile artificially whilst pulling out a list of names. The girl confirmed her name and asked her to take a seat whilst she fetched someone for her. She took a seat, waiting as the event organiser made his way over to her with a clipboard and contract. "Hello Miss Kadokawa, Thank you for accepting our job posting. Before we get started I just need you to sign this consent form." She arched a brow, taking the consent form, she was a little surprised that a simple wedding testing job would require consent from the employees in the first place. It seemed just a little...sketch.

    Her emerald eyes skimmed the page, trying to figure out why this was even necessary, she may have been reckless, but the girl was by no means stupid. As her eyes fell on a particular line her expression changed. "Are you fucking serious?" She barked, looking up at the event organiser with an incredulous expression. "Married? Just for a job? Even a fake one is a bit much isn't it? I thought I was just here to review some decorations and cake samples, not to get married off to some random uggo." She sniped, irritated by the idea. Lilith didn't even date, she much preferred to be single. It was just easier, the idea of committing to one individual was just too much for her to fathom. Devoting yourself to one person on this fantasy-driven feeling of 'love' was just something she couldn't comprehend. And even a fake wedding was just a little more than she was comfortable with.

    WC:  626 / 4000  Tag: @Dagda

    Last edited by Lilith on 28th February 2020, 12:22 pm; edited 2 times in total



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 27th February 2020, 5:06 pm


    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine's Event
    Post Word Count: 972
    Job Word Count: 972/4,000
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Ever since his arrival on Earthland, Dagda had vowed to himself to experience as much as he could. From taking jobs to trying new foods, he took any opportunity presented to him. So much new information had flooded his brain since his crash landing. All the places he went and people he met only increased the chance of him finding out how to return home.

    Some of the places Dagda went were purely for enjoyment. He was trying his best to stay positive and see the bright sides of his situation. A few odd jobs had been taken and the alien attended some sort of winter festival, which he enjoyed immensely. During that afternoon, he had met a fellow father and his adorable son and discovered how delicious dark chocolate was. It was the fondest memory Dagda had on Earthland so far. Being stuck on a foreign planet where he knew next to nobody was lonely, though. The titan jumped at any opportunity to meet new people and make connections. Everyone he had met so far was kind and helpful.

    Dagda flexed the metal fingers of his right arm as he approached the Grande Lotus Hotel. Just a few days before, he had seen flyers plastered all over Hosenka. Some chocolate company had expanded their business to cover all sorts of wedding services now. They were asking for help to test out some of their new features. Dagda had jumped at the opportunity. Earthland weddings were surely much different from those of the titans on Tetsukazu. He was eager to experience all the facets of it. Dagda had sent a letter in reply to the advertisement on the same day he picked up their flyer.

    Strands of white hair were pushed off of his forehead. As usual, Dagda’s fringe had a mind of its own. Some days it was white, others it was the same deep black as the rest of his hair. When he woke up earlier, it seemed to have chosen white for the day. There was no rhyme or reason to it. Before he entered the building, Dagda straightened out his clothes to look presentable. The tight black longsleeve he wore clung to his muscled torso closely. Simple jeans accompanied the top, finished at his feet by combat boots with thick soles.

    Once he was satisfied with the state of his clothes, the titan pushed through the massive doors. His steps as he took in the lobby. The Grande Lotus Hotel was certainly extravagant and was the perfect venue for such an event as a wedding, albeit a mock one. A massive fountain occupied the middle of the lobby. It gurgled pleasantly in the sun rays that fell from the skylight above. Dagda’s dark eyes traced to the front desk. A woman with brown hair sat behind it, deeply engrossed in the papers at her fingertips. He approached the desk and peered down at the receptionist. Too focused on her task, she took a moment to notice the giant man. Blue eyes traced all the way up to his face in surprise.

    “Er… can I help you?” she asked tentatively. Dagda realized that his stature must be intimidating to her. “Yes, I’m here for the wedding testing. My name is Dagda,” he replied with a friendly smile and a little wave. “Oh! Just a moment,” she drawled. After his name was marked off of a list, he was approached by an official looking man in a flawless suit. Apparently he was the event organizer. His mustache was trimmed to perfection. Dagda rubbed the stubble on his own chin absentmindedly.

    The titan was handed a clipboard with some paper on it. The suited man had explained that it was a contract for the job. All he had to do was read and sign. Dagda took a moment to skim through the paper. The job requirement of a temporary marriage to someone else was unexpected. He wasn’t quite sure how that worked. Maybe situational brief marriage was some sort of Earthland custom? Maybe the job couldn’t be done without it? Dagda just shrugged to himself. Surely it couldn’t be that bad.

    Once the paperwork was complete, the titan was sent to sit in the lobby and wait for the person he would be marrying for the afternoon. He had arrived early, apparently. Dagda had struggled to figure out the time by the sun’s trajectory. The sun worked differently here, and there was only one! The timing of his arrival had been off by at least 15 minutes.

    Dark eyes spaced out for a while. Looking around the room had grown boring so Dagda retreated within his thoughts. That was, until another person that had entered the hotel minutes before caught his attention. He snapped out of his daydreaming to look. The event organizer had joined the new entrant and was speaking with her. The titan tilted his head slightly as he took in the woman’s appearance. Long, raven-colored hair fell from her head to her waist. Dagda couldn’t help but notice her exposed midriff. Those legs, too…

    The massive man shook his head as he stood and approached the two. Dagda was self-restrained enough to force himself to focus on the task at hand. The suit guy and the lady’s conversation reached his ears shortly after. She was berating him about the necessity of marriage for such a seemingly simple job. It seemed as if marriage was equivalent to torture for her. The suited man just looked uncomfortable.

    ‘Uggo?’ I’m hurt. Is that any way to talk about your temporary husband-to-be?” Dagda spoke as he walked up to the two, placing a hand over his heart in exaggerated mock pain. His tone was lighthearted and teasing. A friendly grin was plastered on his face as he looked down at the woman.



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 28th February 2020, 12:50 pm

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Lili had been about a minute away from calling it in, walking out and giving something else a go. There were betters ways of coming up with the cash she needed surely, something a little less comprimising to the upstanding morals of the proud and single. Although, her loyalty to such a cause wasn't so strong that it couldn't be swayed, there was perhaps one thing that could persuade her to give in. And that thing so happened to be standing behind her. A smooth masculine voice spoke up from behind her, causing the Ravenette to whip her head right to look at him, taking in what could only be described as a tall glass of delicious.

    He was burly in every way a woman could enjoy, a tree of a man if she ever saw one. Practically standing a foot above her, looking down at her with dark eyes and a friendly grin. An especially prevalent scar running over the bridge of his nose that only added to his strapping features. It didn't take long for her expression to change, her harsh scowl softening immediately as she unabashedly ran her gaze over him. "Apologies... it seems I've been proven wrong."" She said, looked up at him with a soft smirk. "As the paperwork says, it is only a faux wedding and it will only last for the day. It is automatically annulled after and will have no implications legally." Lili dragged her eyes back to the girl behind the desk. Thinking over, considerably less hostile. The idea of a fake wedding still irked her, but if it meant spending the day on the arm of an absolute hunk and getting paid for it then maybe it wasn't so paid. "Fine, hand me a pen." She ordered, before signing the papers. Turning to face the soon to be groom, she tilted her head.

    "So, Can I know the name of the man I'm marrying?" She asked silkily, leaning back against the desk casually. "I'm Lilith, but you can call Lili." She purred. It wasn't long after she's signed the papers that some doors to the side of the reception would open and a group of individuals would walk up to the group. "The event stylists will be taking you to get ready for the event separately." The receptionist informed them eagerly, Lili nodded, "you mean we aren't getting changed together? Now that is a shame." She remarked playfully at the man before allowing herself to be steered away by one of the stylists. "See you soon," She called to him, throwing a glance over her shoulder at the yummy giant. Before heading into one of the hotel rooms that had been turned into a preparation area.

    As the door closed behind her, the tailor asked her if she had any preference to the style of dress. She pondered it for a moment before responding, "As suitably sexy as I can get away with for this event." She instructed the tailor was a little thrown by the request but got to work none the less. After a half an hour they managed to find the most ideal dress, with a quick flourish of needles and fabric, it was fitted to her shape. Then came an array of hairstylists and beauticians to prepare her for the event working in an efficiently synchronised manner to get her ready in quick succession. When they finally pulled the mirror in front of her, revealing her incredible strapless white gown, Lili took a moment of quick admiration for her own appearance. She looked good, it had suited her more than she'd expectedly it to, although that did concern her slightly. She felt what she could only assume were 'pre-wedding jitters', which if it wasn't for the fact that this was a fake wedding, she was fairly certain would result in her become one of those infamous runaway brides.

    Following the preparation of her outfit, she was led out of the room. Brought over to the church, she was positioned in a side room, where she would wait. Instructed not to come out under she heard the bridal chorus' playing to signify the start of the wedding. She paced the room, spinning the bouquet in her hands and unpleasantness settled into her stomach. "Remember the money Lili." She uttered under her breath, trying to steady her growing discomfort.

    WC: 732 WC: 1358 / 4000  Tag: @Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 9th March 2020, 10:22 am

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine's Event
    Post Word Count: 1,171
    Job Word Count: 2,143
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    The woman turned around as he spoke and Dagda knew he was in for an interesting afternoon. She was even more gorgeous up close. The titan could feel her greenish-blue eyes tracing his form. The color reminded him of a flower that grew on Tetsukazu, the Odraire. It grew sparsely and was treasured for its unusual color. The flower and this woman were quite comparable in their beauty.

    Her tune seemed to change the instant Dagda made his presence known. A scowl had been replaced by a flirty smirk. The receptionist tried to ease her worries further. After a moment of consideration, the contract was signed and she had turned back to the tall man. Her voice was smooth and sultry as she spoke, and Dagda felt a pleasant shiver down his spine.

    “I’m Dagda,” he responded simply. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lili.” The titan dipped his head in greeting, unsure of what else to do. Earthlander formalities were still a subject he had to learn more about. He would likely wait until he was sure the way in which his interactions with Lili went. As much as his interest had been piqued, he didn’t want to be too forward. It had been a long time since Dagda had flirted with someone. He was quite rusty. However, his mind was jumping at the opportunity. Something about Lili was irresistible and he was dying to know more about her.

    A group of people came from another room. The receptionist excitedly introduced them as the outfit stylists for the wedding event. They were all impeccably dressed from head to toe and definitely knew what they were doing when it came to fashion. Lili’s flirtatious words were unexpected, but more than welcome. It seemed she was into Dagda and didn’t shy away from making it clear. “A crying shame,” he added with an exaggerated pout. He wouldn’t mind seeing more than what she was showing. The titan waved as the stylists pulled Lili away.

    The remaining outfitters led Dagda to a room on the opposite side of the hotel. Sewing machines and packs upon packs of pins were set out in preparation. Rolls of fabric sat in a neat pile. Some half-finished suits hung from a rack nearby next to a fitting room closed off by a curtain. Dagda looked around curiously as he was pushed right into the dressing room. “You vill try ze suit on ze hanger in zere,” the lead stylist directed, pointing to the outfit already in the little space. “Zen come out and ve vill make ze necessary alterations.” It took a moment for Dagda to process the words under her thick accent. He had never heard anything like it before.

    With a nod, Dagda pushed by the curtain and closed it behind him. He had to duck to pass under the bar that held it up. Once inside, he turned around and realized that the space between the curtain and the ceiling was right at face level. He could still see out into the stylists’ room and his head was just inches from the white ceiling above. It seemed that Earthland buildings weren’t intended for someone as tall as him. The titan had noticed having to duck under doorframes ever since he arrived.

    Dagda turned and undressed. He grabbed up the suit and peered at it with dark eyes, feeling the material with his left hand. It was smooth and well made. Not a thread was out of place. As he started to put the dress shirt on, Dagda’s brow furrowed. The sleeves struggled to go over his biceps and the material between his shoulders was stretched to its limit. The titan tried to be as gentle as he could with the garment. He didn’t want to rip it.

    Next came the pants, which proved to be a problem as well. Dagda had managed to pull them up most of the way. However, they would not go over his butt despite his efforts. The titan began wiggling and hopping as he pulled on the black trousers. A couple times he nearly lost his balance. The material began to inch over his rear. With one last tug, he pulled them all the way up, but not before smacking his head on the ceiling. “OW! Shit,” Dagda mumbled, rubbing his head. He heard the stylists snickering outside of the fitting room and couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

    He managed to get most everything on, though the buttons on everything were strained to their limit. It was clear that the stylists had been expecting someone of smaller stature and figure. Dagda stiffly exited the dressing room. His movements were slow in order to preserve the suit.

    The stylists’ jaws dropped as he stepped out into the room. Silence filled the room as they observed his horribly mis-sized outfit. Everything was nearly bursting at the seams and Dagda’s stomach and ankles were exposed. “Um… I think I need a bigger size,” the man said gently, not wanting to offend the professionals. They all nodded vigorously in agreement.

    The lead stylist approached him. “No vorries, ve fix you,” she said, patting his arm with a toothy smile. The group got to work, using magic and sewing to correct and expand the outfit. The sleeves now fit comfortably over Dagda’s arms. The right arm of the dress shirt was cut off and tucked neatly into the grooves of his metal arm, but the suit jacket still went all the way down to his wrist. The pants were snug but stretched comfortably with each movement.

    Dagda looked at himself in the mirror, turning to one side then the other. He was thoroughly impressed and felt confidence rising up within him. The titan didn’t feel bad about how he looked in general, but the way this suit fit just brought him to the next level. Next, the stylists tackled his hair. They washed, dried, cut, and styled his hair, lathering it in creams and hairspray. It was more than Dagda had ever had done to his hair. His scalp was tingling by the end. The stylists also shaved off his stubble, leaving his jaw smooth to the touch.

    By the end of it all, Dagda felt like a new man. He had begun to look forward to the rest of the job and was excited to see Lilith again. Surely the other stylists had worked their wonders on her too and made an outfit perfect for her. She would look amazing, he was certain. The titan was led out of the styling room and to the church, which was fantastically decorated. Flowers, ribbons, lights, the whole lot.

    Dagda stopped at the altar, standing with his hands in his pockets. He was told to wait for the music to start. Moments later, it did. He was curious how the ceremony would work. It would be interesting to compare it to weddings from his culture. The titan looked around for Lili as the song played.

    Last edited by Dagda on 9th March 2020, 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by NPC 9th March 2020, 10:22 am

    The member 'Dagda' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] OdAaNwh

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 12th March 2020, 3:12 am

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Lilith stopped pacing as she heard the tell-talemusic begin to play, it would seem that her wedding was about to begin. She took a calming breath, Just think of this like a show, you're just an actress. This is nothing more than your own little broadway moment. She told herself encouragingly, it was this thought that seemed to help her get her head focused. It was just acting, she could do that, she was a great actress. During the times she had played such roles back in her school days, she had always stolen the show. Lost herself in the production and felt nothing of it after. There was no reason for today to be any different. Not only would she get through this little performance, but she would shine the entire time. Because that's just who she was.

    With a newly fueled confidence in her decision she rounded the corner, entering the hall of the church layout eying for a brief moment it's marital decor as she slipped into her role of blushing bride. Adorning a sugary smile, holding her bouquet a little below her chest as she did the slow stride along the carpet, throwing a 'blissful' glance to the audience as they watched her with their wide-eyed stares. The soft classical melody playing in the background providing a pace for the woman to proceed at, although it would have been preferable to have something a little less dull in her opinion. Lili was much more partial to a song she could shake her hips to, which was just another reason why weddings weren't her scene. Her gaze moved to the gorgeous mountain of a man standing at the end of the aisle, her irises twinkling with excitement. And of course, he was another perk of today's little adventure. A delicious not-so-little package wrapped up in that suit, just waiting for her to unravel.

    As she stepped up to the podium and positioned herself across from Dagda, she threw him a cheeky grin coupled with a wink. One of the 'fake' bridesmaids hopped forward, taking the bouquet of roses from the Rune Knight before moving out of the way. The minister began by welcoming everyone to the event, running off into a quick lecture about being blessed to witness this wonderful union and more tedious drabble. He then led them into prayer, one that Lili did not repeat. It was only slightly noticeable but as the prayer went on, the girl felt a small wave of nausea run over her. She frowned slightly, before shaking her head, it must have been the lack of food. At the very least she would get a free meal out of today, she just hoped that the catering was decent. It was bad enough having to endure all of this farce, they had better feed her something worth her pallet. As the prayer came to an end, the clergyman drew his attention to the couple.

    "Please join hands." Lilith offered her hands to her groom, "We gather here today to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish." It took a significant amount of effort for Lili not to shoot the man an incredulous glare. This was quite clearly rehearsed for the sake of putting on a good show, but it was completely irrelevant and untrue. Was it acceptable to perform vows in such a way when this was so clearly a facade? Was it not a little blasphemous? Lili didn't know enough about religion to know if this was true, nor did she care all that much.

    There was a little more speech delivered by the officiate before he finally moved onto the rites, he would turn to Dagda, addressing the titan. "Do you Dagda take Lilith to be your wife? To unite in the covenant of marriage, and share with your whole self, to honour and keep her in sickness and in health for as long as this union binds you." Following the man's response, he would turn to Lili and repeat to her the same albeit slightly altered question; "Do you Lilith take Dagda to be your husband? To unite in the covenant of marriage, and share with your whole self, to honour and keep him in sickness and in health for as long as this union binds you."

    "I do." She answered smoothly, delivering her line perfectly. The Minister nodded, reached around to his side, he would pull out a red and gold ribbon. Wrapping it around their intertwined hands gently. Lili felt soft radiation of magic emanating from the fabric, a power that surged slightly as the many continued with the ceremony. "May this binding be blessed as a symbol of your union." The ribbon glowed for a moment, linking the two together. The officiate removed the ribbon, before placing his hand over his heart declaring the final words of the marriage ritual. "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have; the gifts of your lives united. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

    Finally something good! She thought, turning her gaze from the priest to her would-be husband. She stepped forward, reaching up, she would wrap her hands around his neck and pulling his gently down to meet her, during she would tiptoe to meet his halfway. He was, after all, practically a foot taller than her. She would bring her face close to him, stopping barely a centimetre from his mouth, her eyes looked at him curiously, waiting to see if he would close the distance.  

    WC: 1037 WC: 2395 / 4000  Tag: @Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 21st March 2020, 11:16 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine's Event
    Post Word Count: 838
    Job Word Count: 2,981
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda’s jaw dropped as Lilith rounded the corner. She was magnificent. The crisp white of her strapless dress only made her skin tone warmer and the raven locks of her hair stand out more. The stylists had done wonders enhancing her features, including how well-fitting her dress was. The titan was more than enjoying the view.

    She strode down the aisle to a monotonous song. Dagda hadn’t heard it before, but it must be a special melody. An old lady in the crowd had been wiping away tears since it started. Personally he preferred something with more beat, but he wasn’t too bothered.

    Dagda looked down at Lili as she joined him on the dais. She winked at him and he couldn’t keep the grin from his face. “You look stunning,” he whispered to her. The two stood across from one another as the priest began the ceremony. It was hard to pay any attention though, instead he kept his eyes on the striking woman before him. A prayer was started and Dagda noticed that Lili kept quiet throughout. He figured she may follow a different religion than the one being used in the ceremony today. She wasn’t alone, as Dagda couldn’t recite prayers he didn’t know anything about.

    He caught the little downturn of her mouth, his own brows coming together in concern. The priest asked them to join hands, so Dagda took Lili’s up in his own. The size of her hands was nearly dwarfed by his own. The stature difference between the two became even more apparent to him in that moment. As soon as their hands grasped, Dagda ran his thumbs gently over the back of her hands a few times. It was his little attempt at comforting his gorgeous temporary bride.

    After many minutes of blathering, the priest finally arrived at the rites. He queried Dagda about the depth of his dedication to Lilith, which seemed a bit ridiculous as the commitment was temporary. “I do,” he responded. After Lili repeated the same sentiment, the priest wrapped a ribbon around their hands. Dagda peered at it curiously as he felt the magic emanating from it. It must be what officially bound the two together for the rest of the day.

    They were now husband and wife! For now, at least. Dagda turned his attention as Lili did, a keen smile on his face. The priest had given them permission to kiss and he wouldn’t protest one bit. The giant felt her arms wrap around his neck as she pulled him in. He leaned down quite a bit so she didn’t have to strain to meet his height. Dagda felt her warm breath on his face as she stopped. Their faces were nearly touching. The beat of his heart quickened.

    He met Lili’s eyes, wondering why she hadn’t finished the movement. The way she was looking at him brought him to a realization. She was waiting for him to close the gap. The titan knew he had to complete the kiss and prove to her that he wasn’t just all looks. There was power and desire within him, he wanted her to know that.

    Dagda surged forward, their lips colliding in an instant. His hands instinctively wrapped around Lili’s waist. The softness of her lips was like flower petals against his own. Such blissful sensation made his eyes close. The giant man leaned into the kiss passionately, supporting Lili’s back in case she leaned too far back. There was more to it than just the action, though. The intense kiss revealed the fiery lust that was budding within Dagda.

    At last he pulled back. The cheers from the ceremony attendees flooded back into his hearing, which he realized had been occupied by the roaring of blood in his ears. Dagda shook his head to clear it. Everyone was looking at them expectantly, waiting for the newlyweds to walk back down the aisle together. On a whim, the titan bent down and swept Lili off her feet. She was carried - well, bridal style - in his arms with one beneath her knees and one around her back. Dagda gave her a wink and a peck on the lips. He proceeded down the aisle with Lili in his arms. The audience whooped and hollered. Dagda felt his cheeks hurt from smiling. Even though this was all fake, he was having a great time.

    At the end of the aisle the wedding organizer waited, a more pleasant expression on his face than before. “Excellently done,” he praised the two, giving a few quiet claps. “Now we’ll move on to the next piece, the first dance. Off to the dancefloor! Pip pip!” He ushered them towards the other side of the room. Dagda continued to carry Lili all the way over, setting her down on the smooth wooden floor. The wedding guests gathered around the edges of the dancefloor section, watching the newlyweds excitedly. “Shall we dance?” Dagda asked her, bowing a bit and offering his hand.

    Last edited by Dagda on 25th March 2020, 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 23rd March 2020, 3:32 pm

    Rolling for dancing~



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by NPC 23rd March 2020, 3:32 pm

    The member 'Lilith' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] R2fEWNz

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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 23rd March 2020, 5:18 pm

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    There were often occasions where Lili made moves or flirted with those who weren't interested, sometimes she even did on purpose just to wind people up. She had flirted with more people than she could remember, let alone count. From which she had gained experience, the ability to pick up on certain signals. Always useful when working out the dynamic between herself and another, whether they were interested and if so, just how much. It was almost an equation of body language and wording, she had always been good at reading people and even better at reading flirtation. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Dagda was at least somewhat interest, the playful exchange of words between them. The look in his eyes that reflected her own amorous curiosity, the general vibe that he gave off. It all pointed in a positive direction, one she hoped to take full advantage of.

    As they were set up for the kiss, her emerald eyes explored his, a challenging smirk playing on her lips as she waited to see if he would give in. She would feel him wrap his strong hands around her slender waist, he would close the distance between them, pressing his delicious lips against hers. It was in this moment of contact that she felt everything slip away, closing her eyes and she lost herself in the mouth of the gorgeous titan. She would move her lips against his in kind, kissing him in such a way that only proved to reciprocate his tender passion. Pressing her body against him so that she could feel the front of his hard muscles of his chest and abs against her, she turned her neck, deepening the kiss as her hands pulled him closer. After several moments of sweet pleasure, he pulled back, ending the kiss. Lili opened her eyes which had changed colour during their intimate exchange, instead of their usual emerald green, they were now shining like rubies and filled with lust.

    "Oh my," She purred, glancing around at the enthusiastic audience clapping away for this with zealous vigour. It was in this moment that she suddenly found herself swooped under, squealing with excite from the random. Meeting his gaze once more, he would wink at her, before throwing her off-guard with another playful peck. As they made their way down the aisle, Lili would laugh in delight, waving at all of the happy onlookers. The weird part was over, and now they could party. Plus she had got to enjoy an absolutely fantastic snog with the man holding her. At this point, she could feel any uncertain emotions she'd previous held washing away completing, the wedding was done now and their wasn't anything that could be done about it. She might as well enjoy the little 'act' and the yummy man who would accompany her through it.

    As they reached the end of the aisle, they were met by one of the organizers who seemed significantly pleased with their efforts. Lilith threw Dagda a smug grin, even if it hadn't exactly been a difficult job, there was something rewarding about knowing you'd done the task well. The organizer informed them of the next part, another exciting feature of weddings that Lilith didn't actually mind. The first dance, and fortunately for her, Lili could move. She wasn't a ballerina or a break-dancer, but she had rhythm flexibility to compensate. Dagda continued to carry her into the main hall of the wedding reception, which was beautiful decorating in a manner that matched the decadent style of room in which they held the ceremony. Moving over to the dancefloor, she would be reunited with the floor once more as hordes of their audience flocked to watch them. The gorgeous man would ask her for a dance whilst bowing in a gentlemanly manner, to which she reached over, taking her hand in his. She stepped closer once more, leaving only a few inches between them. "Why of course, but do try to keep up won't you." She whispered playfully, as the volume of the music rose and the dance would begin.

    Lilith knew that the floor was enchanted, so her moves that would already pretty good as it was seemed would only make her better. Adding a little more pizzazz and fire to her already alluring dance moves. As a dancer, Lili was the type to make full use of her blessed accents, with sensual shakings of her hips and showing off how malleable she was as she danced along side him. she was fully aware of the fact that she couldn't go all in, after all there were far to many witnesses. But occasionally, she allowed her body to brush against him during certain moments, teasing him for a moment before pulling away. She was trying to elicit a reaction from him, the small signals that would confirm her own interest and hopefully coax out his own. Together they managed to earn the whoops and cheers of the crowd as they performed their first dance, and as the voice over the microphone asked them to give them couple a round of applause. Lili spun to face him once more, her eyes settled back to their natural green. "So... you wanna go again? Or was that too hard to handle?" She said to him challengingly flashing him a devilish grin.

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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 25th March 2020, 12:52 pm

    Rolling for cake~



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by NPC 25th March 2020, 12:52 pm

    The member 'Dagda' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Die_05_42162_sm

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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 25th March 2020, 2:47 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Free Form
    Post Word Count: 1,067
    Job Word Count: 4,048
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda loved the kind of woman who could challenge him. One who pushed the limits to the brink. One who was strong-willed. One who could always surprise him and keep him on his toes. It seemed that Lilith fit this type quite well. Not only had she challenged him to keep up, but she was giving him little hints and brief touch as they danced. It was driving Dagda wild.

    Dancing wasn’t a huge part of the culture of his people, so Dagda didn’t really know what he was doing. He simply went along with his instincts and how his body was telling him to move. Much to the titan’s surprise, he found himself moving smoothly to the beat of the music. It was as if some outside source was guiding the dance moves Dagda didn’t even know he had. He remembered something in the paperwork about an enchanted dancefloor. The magic didn’t bother him at all, in fact he was quite pleased that it allowed him to keep up with Lili.

    The cheers of the crowd died down and Lili propositioned him once more. “I can last much longer than that,” he replied with a wink. “Let’s go another round!” Dagda grabbed her hand and pulled her further onto the dancefloor. A song started up, one with a more smooth, suggestive tone to it. The bass coming from the speakers made the floor rumble beneath their feet. The DJ hadn’t hesitated to change the music to a more club-like vibe. The lights had been lowered in the area around the dancefloor, though the rest of the venue seemed as bright and wedding-themed as ever.

    Dagda pulled Lili in. “This is more like it,” he whispered, his deep voice just loud enough for her to hear. The other dancers around them paid little attention to the newlyweds. The titan got closer, leaving mere inches between the two. All his focus was on the woman before him. Her touch and presence was a high he just couldn’t get enough of. The dancefloor aided his movements once more. Should Lili follow his lead, the two would be dancing body to body in a style of dance almost too risque for a wedding. Luckily the darkness and other guests masked them fairly well.

    The song seemed to end too quickly. Before they could continue dancing, the event organizer approached the two once more. He beckoned them both to follow and led them away from the dancefloor and loud music. Dagda pouted a bit. He was having a great time dancing and didn’t want to stop. As soon as he could be heard, the organizer turned to Dagda and Lili. “As much as I’d love to let you two dance the afternoon away, the job is not complete yet. You still have to cut the cake!” He pointed to the side of the room where there was a table piled high with desserts. In the center was a massive cake with five tiers.

    When he reached the table with the cake, Dagda raised his eyebrows in surprise. He had never seen a confection so large in his life. The effort it must have taken to create was impressive. At the top were two tiny figurines, magically adjusted to look like little replicas of Dagda and Lilith. They must have been magically powered too, as the figurines danced together in a waltz atop the cake. The titan was fascinated.

    A crowd of guests had wandered from the dancefloor to gather before the dessert tables. Some of them held glasses full of alcohol in their hands. Apparently the bar had been opened up after the ceremony had finished. Several of them looked unbalanced as they stood swaying. One let out a slurred cheer.

    Dagda raised the knife up to the cake. He hated to ruin such a masterpiece, but it was unavoidable. He began to slice into the top tier. Just then, one of the drunks began to move forward. He had gotten too close to the dessert tables and, in a drunken stupor, lost his balance. The guest came stumbling right towards the cake! Dagda acted fast, throwing the knife away from himself so it wouldn’t cause harm by the crashing drunk. The utensil lodged in a nearby wall, far away from any other guests. He then grabbed Lilith and pulled her in to his chest. The titan turned his back to the table to protect his bride from flying desserts. The resounding crash echoed around. Gasps came from the other guests. Dagda felt the majority of the cake collide with his back, splattering all over his suit jacket. Luckily he had taken the brunt of the delicious disaster, leaving Lili’s dress still clean.

    Dagda turned around to see just how bad it was. The drunken guest was lying in a pile of cake, cookies, and pie. Frosting made his hair stick up in messy spikes and pie filling dyed his face red from the fruit. He groaned and struggled to stand, wobbling and losing his balance. Dagda paced over, stepping on clean patches of floor so he didn’t ruin his shoes too. He picked the drunk up by the shirt and placed him on his feet.

    “Get lost,” he growled at the drunkard. The sight of such a large, angry man combined with a drunken haze made the dessert-covered guest quickly scurry away. Dagda grabbed a napkin from another table and wiped his hands off. He returned to Lili to check that she was okay. From what he could see, the desserts had missed her.

    The titan peeked over his shoulder. The cake and frosting coated his suit jacket in clumps. It was unwearable, possibly ruined. Dagda carefully shrugged it off, making sure not to get anything on his other clothing. As entertaining as it would be to strip down in front of Lili, there were other guests in the room. Thus, he deposited the jacket on a nearby chair. His metal arm was now exposed. The titan hoped Lili didn’t mind his prosthetic limb. Dagda rolled up the other sleeve of his dress shirt to make it even.

    Looking down, he decided to remove his tie as well and deposited it with the jacket. As he undid a few buttons on the top of his shirt, Dagda winked at Lili. “The tie was a little too tight,” he explained teasingly.



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 27th March 2020, 10:13 am

    Rolling for Bouquet~



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by NPC 27th March 2020, 10:13 am

    The member 'Lilith' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] NXDHjfc

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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 28th March 2020, 9:06 am

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Lili's grin stretched further across her face as he baited her with his own retort on stamina, challenging her for another round. Her pearly whites flashing at him as he took her hand, pulling her into another dance. She would sway as she listened out for the next song, her eyes lightening up as she recognised it. The much sexually-empowering and upbeat melody was ideal for her, and as Dagda came closer she would rock her hips to the beat. Following his guidance, she would move in a much more provocative manner, circling her body as she turned to face away from him. She backed into him, grinding her frame against his along to the music, rolling her body to the songs hypnotic tune.

    As the song came to its end, Lili was more than ready to move into the rhythm of the next tune. Unfortunately, she wouldn't get the chance to do so as they were once again approached by the organizer. Lili rolled her eyes, this guy was turning out to be a honey pot block. She made no attempt to hide her clear irritation as he reminded them of the job at hand, indicating them towards the cake. She sighed loudly, before following Dagda toward the table, along with the crowd who had been informed it was cake cutting time. Lili plastered on her showgirl smile for the audience as the groom set about cutting the cake. What happened next occurred so fast that Lili barely had time to realise what happened when Dagda was suddenly standing over her, looming above her form protectively as crashing and gasps were heard from behind him. She blinked in confusion before peering around the giant man to see an inebriated man lying in what had been their cake. Lili couldn't help the snicker that escapes her lips, not in the least bit phased by the situation.

    As Dagda turned from her, picking up the drunk and barking at him to leave, Lili smirked. Enjoying the show that was this confectionary chaos. She would over, inspecting him, she reached across, scooping some of the white frostings that covered his clothes with her index finger. She popped it into her mouth, sucking it slowly as she eyed the man playfully. She released her finger with a soft 'popping' sound, before grinning devilishly at her protector. "Yummy." She commented in an amused tone. She watched as Dagda peeled off the jacket, exposing his prosthetic limb to the ravenette. Her eyes wandered, heat rush through her at the sight of it, and she found herself reflexively biting her lip. Scarred, missing an arm, and built like an Olympian, could this man get any hotter?

    He continued to remove more of his clothes, ridding himself of his tie and even going so far as to unbutton his shirt a little. She giggled at his flirtatious remark, rebutting with her own. "I bet it is." It was decided at this point, she wanted him and she was going to have him. She was about to suggest they enjoy drinks when the Clam Jammer of an organizer was suddenly next to her again. "Well that was a disaster, we need some damage control. Come with me, we'll distract everyone with the bouquet throwing so we can clean up the cake." He directed at her, grabbing her arm and yanking her away before she could say anything else. With a soured glare, she moved back over to the dancefloor, where a gaggle of women and some boys were waiting excitedly. "You know what to do here, and don't forget to smile." He remarked as he handed her back her bouquet from the ceremony, she smiled in a charming manner, looking over at the excited crowd. As the organizer went to move away, she reached out suddenly, grabbing him by the shirt with her free hand. She pulled him in, talking under to him in a pleasant voice that didn't reflect her words.

    "Just a quick thing, I'm trying to enjoy the event, the company of my delicious date and put on a good show. If you interrupt me again or so help me, grab me like that again; I'll drag you into the supply closet, gag you and break your legs. Do I make myself clear?" She told him sweetly, his eyes widened as he felt the menacing energy that began to emanate off the woman. He nodded vigorously, to which she would release him. "Good, now kindly fuck off." He scurried out of the way, following which Lili would return to her act of 'blushing bride', waving the bouquet teasingly at the horde. All the while thinking of how desperate they look as they jittered there hungrily awaiting her throw. Imagining being so starved for affection that your only hope for redemption was catching flowers at a fake wedding. She turned away, and with a swing, she launched the roses into the air behind her. Turning after to see who would be the sad victor?

    As it turned out, none of them would be. As the bouquet, which had been charmed with magic suddenly explodes in a mass of glittery lights and petals fluttered down on the catchers in a delicate and pretty manner. The majority of the wedding gasped in awe, applauding the majority display, although Lili couldn't help but chuckle at the faux smiles that clearly masked several of the catchers disappointed. With that out of the way, she searched from Dagda once more. Unable to miss the hunk, she strode over to him, confident that they weren't going to endure any further interruption. "I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for a drink. Fancy joining me?"

    WC: 957 |  4250 / 4000  Tag: @Dagda



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 13th April 2020, 1:06 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 356
    Job Word Count: 356/404 (4,404 Total)
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda kept eye contact with Lili as she put the frosting-covered finger in her mouth. The sensual action sent heat throughout his body and he felt himself inhale sharply. Damn, the titan thought to himself, I’m so screwed. At least, he hoped to be by the time this was over. Her grin only confirmed that he was being teased. It was driving him wild.

    Dagda was becoming annoyed with the wedding organizer as well. Each time he was having a moment with Lili, the man interrupted them! A slight pout appeared on his lips as his bride was dragged off. It seemed this activity was something she had to complete alone. He claimed a nearby chair and watched as the bouquet was thrown. For some reason, the flowers exploded in the air, raining down glitter and petals on the crowd. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

    At last Lili returned to him. The interruptions from the event host would likely cease now that the event was completed and the bride had given him a piece of her mind. Dagda felt his shoulders relax a little, releasing tension he hadn’t realized was there. The whole wedding had been something totally new to him. He’d had fun, but was glad it was over.

    “Sounds good to me,” Dagda agreed, rising from his chair. The various cake-covered suit garments were left abandoned by the dessert table. Dark brown eyes sought out the bar, which was conveniently near the dance floor. Several guests occupied the bar stools with drinks of their own, while most mingled or danced. The titan placed a hand gently against Lili’s lower back, guiding her alongside him as they approached the bar.

    Since arriving on this planet, Dagda had discovered many new types of food and drink that he had never tried before. However, he hadn’t gotten the chance to explore alcohol very much. Beyond trying a beer once, he was inexperienced with the drinks of Earthland. Surely his faux bride would be able to give him some direction. “I’m not sure what I want,” Dagda admitted with a laugh. “What would you recommend, Lili?”

    Last edited by Dagda on 23rd May 2020, 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 26th April 2020, 3:07 pm

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Lili bridled with excitement as they approached the bar, finally, the two of them would get to have some proper fun. She had done her task for their little company and a good job too, the wedding was thriving. People were laughing, drinking, trying samples; even with the little cake mishap earlier, the event would no doubt do wonders for their business. And even better, Lilith would get paid, she could already feel those designer strappy hanging off her ankles. Now, all that matter was her own agenda, which was particularly focused on Dagda at this point. Getting to know the gorgeous titanic man was all Lili wanted to do for the remainder of the night. She was incredibly intrigued by him; his scars, his prosthetic limb, just what rough-housing had this man endured? And more importantly, how much had it hurt?

    As he admitted his uncertainty over the choice of drink, Lili smirked, dragging her eyes over the drinks selection. She would take a moment to inspect the familiar beverages at their disposal, what to enjoy? It was a bit too lively of an event for beer, and cocktails seemed a little frilly for the occasion. She bit her lip, an idea coming to mind. "You know, it is our wedding, I think bubbles would be best suited for this occasion." She remarked to him, before leaning over the counter. A bartender quickly caught sight of her, hurrying over to her. "Yes Miss?"

    "Get me a bottle of your finest Prosecco... on ice, Oh and two glasses." She ordered, the bartender nodded, rushing away to the higher end of the shelves where the pricier stuff was kept. Lilith grabbed a barstool, pulling it closer, she adjusted her skirt before hopping onto the seat, crossing one of her legs over the other.  In a few minutes, he would return with a bottle of Botega Gold, and begin to prepare them each a glass. As the bartender told her the price, Lilith laughed airily before shaking her head. "That's cute. No, you can charge that to the organisers of this little event, in fact, set us up a tab. I'll have our employer settle the bill once the night is up." She told her confidently, the woman nodded before proceeding to fill their flute glassed with the bubbling wine. Taking the stem of the glass, Lilith raised her drink in a toast, "Cheers," She remarked in a satisfied tone, winking at her date.

    WC: 407 New Thread WC:   1,061  
    Tag: @Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 23rd May 2020, 1:53 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 358
    Job Word Count: 358/762 (4,762)
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda tilted his head slightly when Lili suggested bubbles. What did bubbles have to do with alcohol? He had seen bubbles before, but they weren’t a drink. It must be some strange Earthland thing. The titan joined his companion on a parallel barstool, which was a little small. He managed to sit fairly comfortably anyways.

    His curiosity was only partially sated as the bartender brought out a fancy-looking bottle and two tall glasses. The label had gold lettering in an elegant font that Dagda couldn’t read. Dark eyes watched intently as the bartender popped the cork out and began to pour the drinks. The liquid fizzed as it fell into the glasses and a layer of white foam formed on top. Dagda was perplexed. There was nothing like this in his culture!

    The bartender started to talk about payment, but Lili waved her off. It only made sense that the wedding organizers would pay for their food and drink in return for participating. The two could eat and drink to their heart’s content and leave the tab to the annoying guy who kept interrupting them earlier. The perfect revenge for his disturbances. Dagda picked up the flute gently, glancing over the glass and its contents before looking to Lilith. “Cheers,” he responded in turn with a grin, raising the glass before bringing it to his lips.

    The sensation caused by the alcohol was odd, unlike anything he had felt in his mouth before. It startled him and he nearly spit out the liquid. How could a drink cause a fizzing on his tongue? In his culture, they hadn’t created carbonation in anything yet. He had never experienced the feeling of it before. Dagda finished his sip and placed the drink back down. He smacked his lips once in bewilderment.

    “This is probably a stupid question,” he started with a chuckle. “But how is this drink bubbly like that? I, uh, I’m not from around here.” That was the easy way of saying it. Despite his inexperience with fizzy drinks, he found that the sensation was enjoyable. Dagda raised the flute to his lips and took another quick drink.



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 10th June 2020, 4:22 pm

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Lilith didn't waste any time polishing off the glass of Sparkling Wine, enjoying the soft bubbles that fizzled against her tongue, coupled with an enjoyable yet soft tang of the drink's flavour. As far as alcohol went, Prosecco was one of the easiest drinks to indulge in, it's taste wasn't so intense that it was a struggle to drink. Not a somewhat overwhelming like whiskey or vodka, but light and airy. Dangerous in its own way. Because you could easily forget just how much you have drunken up until a point, and then it would just hit you.

    After swallowing the last dredges of the glasses content, Lilith lowered the glass to the counter, licking her lips as she did so. She then proceeded for the bottle again, lifting it up by its neck, she would tilt it above her glass, topping it up once more. Filling the glass with the golden liquid, allowing it to simmer a few centimetres from the top. Returning her gaze to Dagda, she lowered the bottle as he would ask her of the functionality of the drink and its bubbles. "It's just carbon dioxide dissolved into the wine." She explained, "I'm not really sure how they make it, just that it's hella noice~" She told him earnestly.

    Lilith adjusted her seat so that she was closer to him, allowing for a little more proximity but not so much that overzealous. The Ravenette reached out, trailing a finger playfully along Dagda's arm, her fingers trailing over the metal. "So is there a story behind this, or would you rather not share?" She asked playfully if there was a story here to how he lost his arm, she was hungry to hear it. The fact that he was wielding a metal prosthetic alone was enough to fuel a deep carnal reaction in the Rune Knight. Her mind already flooding with naughty thoughts of how it would feel as it explored her bare skin.

    WC: 328 New Thread WC:   1,747
    Tag: @Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 17th June 2020, 8:41 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 285
    Job Word Count: 285/1,047 (5,047)
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    ”It is nice,” Dagda agreed, taking another sip. The flavor was kind to his tongue. This was a liquid he could see himself drinking too much of, if not simply for the foreign feeling of carbonation. He noticed Lilith had downed her own glass, so he held his flute out to her to ask for some more. “If you don’t mind,” he added with a wink.

    The space between them was closed by a bit, catching his attention. Dagda watched as her delicate fingers traced the metal limb. He was used to people asking about it. A prosthetic was not so common and drew attention easily. While he couldn’t feel her touch directly, the vibrations could be felt in his upper arm above the metal, where nerve endings still existed. It would take some time for touch-recepting tech to be developed for his arm, so for now he was stuck with cold, lifeless metal.

    “It’s quite the tale, but the simple version is that I lost my arm in a battle. Some time passed before I was able to get medical attention, but the young man that saved me also saved the nerves in what was left of my arm. His name is Percy Dagger, the head of research at Dagger Corp. I’d never heard of the company before, but the kid is damn smart. He healed me right up and provided me with this arm that he made himself.” The titan lifted his metal limb and flexed the fingers, turning his wrist one way and then the other. Every aspect of the prosthetic still fascinated him. Secretly Dagda loved the way the silver glinted in the light, so he kept moving his metal fingers.



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 19th June 2020, 5:45 pm

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Lilith would happily oblige his request for more Prosecco, pleased that her choice of alcohol was going down well. Once their drinks were filled and they both had topped up glasses, she had drawn up a new conversation. The matter of his metal arm, its cool metal under the tips of her fingers thrilling her. The Rune Knight acting without concern for offence or personal space, after all, they had already shared a steamy kiss. At this point there wasn't really any need for her to hold back, which was why she didn't plan on it. Not even a little bit.

    Fortunately, it seemed that Dagda did not mind the question, quickly explaining how he had acquired the prosthetic limb. It seemed he had lost it in battle, perhaps one of the more exciting means of losing your arm. At the mention of Percy Dagger, Lilith's brow would rise, her eyes widening fractionally in recognition. "Huh, Small world. I know Percy, I'm friends with his older brother Artemis. Yeah, I'm not super surprised, he always was a smart cookie, really techy you know." She remarked casually, omitting the details of the relationship. Because whilst she was friends with Artemis, Percy was not a fan of her. Since the incident during which he had walked in on Lilith and Artemis during one of their wilder excursions, back when they were still friends with benefits. Adorable little Perseus Dagger seemed to be traumatised by the sight, a shame really - he was such a cutie. Even more so with his latest scar, but that would no surprise - the Daggers were a sexy bunch capable of making most scars look good. Even ones that covered close to a third of their face.

    Lilith chuckled as Dagda flexed the arm playfully, leaning back slightly and reaching for her drink once more. "In a battle, I see, so does this mean you can fight? I mean your practically a giant, I bet you could throw someone around like a rag doll if you wanted to." She remarked casually, although the idle flattery was layered with a hint of suggestive meaning. Her emerald hues wearing her flirtatious intentions clearly as they met his, looking up at him as she took another sip of her sparkling wine.

    WC: 382 New Thread WC:   2,414
    Tag: @Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 28th June 2020, 12:02 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 233
    Job Word Count: 233/1,280 (5,280)
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda’s face lit up as Lili mentioned her association with Percy. “No way! That’s great, I’ll have to mention it to him next time I go in for upgrades.” It was a little reassuring to know that Fiore was not so big that he couldn’t meet people with connections. What were the chances that his wedding date and the guy who saved his life knew each other? The titan shook his head at the sheer coincidence of it all.

    Dagda took another sip as Lili continued talking. An eyebrow raised behind the glass at her thinly-veiled flirting. Her alluring green eyes clearly showed the suggestive nature of her comment. Now that the ceremony was over, she seemed to be pulling out the stops all at once. He didn’t mind one bit. It felt great to flirt and be flirted with for the first time in a long while.

    “I certainly can fight,” he answered, “and I can throw someone around easily. It’s fun. I’ve got no problems with being rough.” Pushing thoughts of actual battles out of his head, he took another sip. The fruity flavors and bubbles sang across his tongue. He would definitely have to have this drink some other time. It was growing on him.

    “In battle, I mean,” Dagda added with a cheeky grin. That was definitely not what he meant, but he couldn’t help joking around a bit.



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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Lilith 2nd July 2020, 6:21 pm

    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] AlKaehG
    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    The faux-bride would smirk at Dagda's excitement over their mutual connection, she decided not to mention that her relationship with Percy wasn't a pleasant one. Well, at least it wasn't for Percy. Lilith had no issue with the boy, but ever since a certain incident with his brother, well Percy had become quite jittery around Lilith. Even more so than her own brother Shen, little Percy Dagger was near enough petrified of the girl. Which only served to tempt her into further teasings, did he not realise that his skittish fear only played into her enjoyment. Probably not, but all the better really, because it was also fun to watch the young Dagger squirm regardless.

    She licked the wine residue off of her lips, watching his expression as he answered her, enjoying his suggestive throwback. "Mmm, I bet you don't." It was subtle, but Lilith had moved ever so slightly closer to the man, just enough so that when she lowered her arm once more, she could gently stroke his non-mechanical arm with her fingertips. Tickling the skin there playfully with intentional strokes as she spoke once more. "So Dagda, what else is there to know about you? Like what made you take this wedding job, was it just for the money or did something else catch your eye?" She purred silkily, it was pretty obvious at this point that she was interested in the man. And as far as Lilith could tell he seemed to be picking up what she was putting down. So with the influence of the bubbly alcohol and the warm exchanges she had enjoyed with the titan. She saw no issue with a little more physicality and direction between them, in fact, this was rather minute compared to what she wanted to do to the man.

    WC: 303 New Thread WC:   2,950
    Tag: @Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event] Empty Re: Wedding rings are just very small handcuffs [Event]

    Post by Dagda 17th August 2020, 4:21 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 197
    Job Word Count: 1,477 (5,477)
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: BAD 4 US
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    All of a sudden Dagda realized that Lili was closer than before. Much closer. Her fingers trailed up his arm and left a blazing trail of sensation in their wake. It was becoming harder to focus on anything but those emerald eyes and that enticing touch.

    “Well,” Dagda started, taking a deep breath to try to refocus on the conversation. “I’m new to Fiore. Just got here a few months ago.” He wasn’t sure how she would react knowing he was from another planet, so he chose to omit that detail.

    “I took this job to help out the company that put this on,”
    he began in response to the loaded second question. There was definitely a heavier meaning implied. “...But it seems they may have helped me out instead.” Dagda winked. “Soon as I got here, I knew this event would be a treat.” Lili was laying down some pretty clear hints, but the titan held himself back a bit. He wanted a clear go-ahead before he could just pick her up and whisk them away to the nearest private room. Every move she made caused his resolve to waver even more. She was becoming irresistible.


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