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    Finding the Pups

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Finding the Pups Empty Finding the Pups

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 7th April 2019, 6:45 pm

    Being the newest additions to the ever growing list of Runic Knights recruits, Grappa & Jellisha would have their first mission assigned to them in record time. To think, they had just been sleeping on an egg all that time and just now the world would have opened up for them! Grappa was so excited she hardly slept in the bed fashioned for the both of them. Jellisha of course would sleep like a pile of bricks (what a strange expression!) which left only her to stare up at the ceiling until the next thing she knew, it was morning. The young recruit shot straight up and would rush to get everything done as her sibling continued to rest in the bed where she had once been cuddle to her. "Omigosh! Jellisha! Jelly!" she called to her sister while brushing her fangs, straightening out her hair and every now and again, attempting to wake her half asleep sister from her partial slumber and shaking her. Jellisha would lie on her side and torture herself through all of Grappa's attempts to get her up. The look on her face was one of somebody who enjoyed mornings as thoroughly as a fish enjoyed the refreshing hot feeling of a warm pan. Maybe they could get fish sometime here...

    "It's just a job, Grappa. Go bother somebody else." Jellisha replied, mumbling the initial few words and then growing as frustration was beginning to get the better of her. There was a pause before she felt her sister's paws plop down on her head. "Just a job?! It's our first mission! The very first time we can make a good impression on everyone! So...get up lazybones!" Without any further protest, Grappa lifted Jellisha out of the sanctuary of their covers and pushed her into the bathroom before helping her brush her fangs, get dressed, all the fun stuff. Jellisha would entertain it though had half a mind to just strangle Grappa when she was fully awake. Lucky they were sisters.

    A little while after that, the two would begin their trek over towards Magnolia Town. According to the documentation, they were to meet with one of the members of the guild at the entrance of the town and then proceed on with their orders. "All this to find a couple of dogs too." Jellisha complained. "I was hoping for something kinda of...not insanely boring."

    [ 400/1500 ]
    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 238
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shiva
    Experience : 106,180

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    Finding the Pups Empty Re: Finding the Pups

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 10th April 2019, 9:43 pm

    The city was bustling and the sea of people moved in waves. Till this day Tam was at awe at the sheer amount of different people and magic that blossomed in the land of Fiore. Tam was born and lived on a far off fishing island till he was four, he then lived and trained with his teacher Fjord on a unnamed island hidden in the clouded seas. However now that he was on the main land, Tam enjoyed every bit of civilization, the food, the architecture, and the people filled with Tam with Glee every time he spent his lazy afternoons wandering about the lands. Today was not one of those lazy afternoons, Tam had to eat therefore he had to work. Due to the shortage of funds to fund a very unnecessary surplus of snacks, Tam had to find some work. After diligently looking for the easiest job, Tam finally decided to pick the particular request of a case of missing puppies. It had only been a week or so since Tam had joined the ranks of the Rune Knights, tam wasn't looking to be the strongest nor was he looking for glory. When he had heard about the need for Rune Knight he simply joined on a whim in hopes to earn a few coin and help a few people along the way. Tam did his best to keep a low profile thus he avoided trying to do any combat based job that would reveal his combat and magical abilities. Tam was trained to fight, and he could hold out his own but he was far from strong. His master had trained him the basics and because of the tradition of the martial art his master had trained him in, he was to take the basics, hone them and make his own style unique only to him...

    After a few minutes of wandering around he was able to find the location where he would meet up with the Rune Knights he was assigned to work with on this mission. At first Tam didn't notice anyone, but his keen ears picked up the soft murmuring and arguing of two individuals. Tam straightened his black Rune Knight Jacket and walked slowly as his slippers flopped onto the ground with every step he took. Tam adjusted his Glasses to see where the voices came from. To his surprise he found the most adorable pair of smol kitty cats.

    "AWWHHH.... You two are so cute!"
    Tam's eyes sparkled like the glistening sea reflecting the afternoon sun. His bright smiled emitted a warm glow as he approached the two. Though he stood 6 feet tall, towering over the two sibling, his demeanor was gentle and friendly. Tam fought every fiber of his being to reach out and pet the two, he felt that it would be rude if he suddenly did so.

    "Oh..haha my bad y'all just the sweetest little tiny cinnamon rolls aren't cha.... anywho... my name's Arotrias Ryuusei Tamlin, fresh Rune knight Recruit reportin for duty... Ya'll can just call me Tam... Ya two don't happen ta be my partners for the day?" Tam asked as he knelt down to meet them in a much more comfortable eye level. He smiled softly and reached out his hand for a handshake.

    [551 words]
    [551/750 words]

    Last edited by Tamlin on 14th April 2019, 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Finding the Pups Tenor
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Finding the Pups Empty Re: Finding the Pups

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 11th April 2019, 4:20 pm

    865/750 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    The sound of people approaching from behind took the twins by surprise. Two grape colored heads would turn around just in time to be greeted by a young looking boy. He was lithe, with dark hair, blue eyes and a rather sunny demeanor. Grappa's mouth formed into an absolutely adorable smile. "Ehehehehe~ Thanks! You're cute too! And super tall!" Of course to their 1 foot frame, any normal person would be reasonably tall. Jellisha's eyes would flatten at being called cute, her crimson red irises glaring up at their supposed team mate for this outing. "We're not just some cute cats, you know! We're magical creatures, with magic so powerful that we could cleave your head in an instant. Our wind powers combined could topple cities at the flick of our wrists. Our wings-" She looked over to herself just in time to see a dust outline of where Grappa once had been. The exceed was busy nuzzling her head into the palms of Tam's hand. 'Why do I even bother sometimes?' she thought to herself as Grappa would pick up from where they likely would have been before he had dared to uttered the dreaded "c"-word at them.

    "But yep! We're your partners for this mission! I'm Grappa and that's my sister, Jellisha. Say hi, Jelli!" Her sister would stare at them in a mixture of annoyance and exhaustion. She just grunted and would turn around to them. Grappa would recoil from this and face their partner again. "It's okay! She gets kinda grumpy sometimes when you call her cute. Anyway, we should totally team up together and find those dogs! I bet they're super cool!...Hey Tam, what are dogs?" Of course from hatching so recently, of course the two wouldn't have the faintest idea what a dog would look like, let alone how they could be described. "Are they like Exceed as well? Or just really animal looking animals?" Regardless of his answer they would soon arrive at the location of the owner who explained his plight to the party. All the puppies had come loose after he went to go fix lunch and could be anywhere in town. "Don't worry, Mr! The Rune Knights are on the case!~"

    Grappa and Jellisha would take the aerial approach, using their small frame and ability to fly and scouting from the sky. Their search turned up one dog immediately, who would be busy trying to play ball with some of the local children in the street. "There's one!" Jellisha pointed out, Grappa flying behind her as she continued their search. They found multiple puppies in a variety of places. Inside of the mailbox, chasing a painter, stuck in a can. After dropping off about 7 puppies, the twins wondered how Tam would be faring.  

    HP: 200/200
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much

    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 238
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shiva
    Experience : 106,180

    Character Sheet
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    Finding the Pups Empty Re: Finding the Pups

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 15th April 2019, 8:01 pm

    Tam smiled and knelt close to meet Jellisha "My bad... didn't mean to offend ya. I may have called you cute but I never called ya weak. There wasn't a second of doubt. I know you two are strong I can sense it. I'm pretty sure you two can beat me... heck I bet it would just take one of you to beat me haha... I had a little sister too... she was really cute the cutest person ever! But she could beat me up like it was nothin.. keep in mind I was older and taller than her too!" Tam smiled and offered his fist as apologetic fist bump to the small exceed. "I'm sorry...I promise I won't ever call you cute again. So we good? Don't wanna have any bad feelings on this mission, 'sides it would be better if we all got along, yeah?" Tam sincerely apologized as he gave a soft smile in hopes to make amends.

    Once that was aid and done Tam and his new companions went out to get the job done. "What are dogs... well dogs are like....errr furry... they cute.... very loyal.....puppies are basically dogs but smaller.... they're baby dogs I guess. But yeah doggos are cute and most of the time they're cool" Tam explained the best he could. He wasn't exactly the most eloquent with his words. "They're not exceeds... they're animal lookin animals haha just like you said" Tam chuckled at the Grappa's questions. Eventually Tam and his Rune Knight Compatriots reached their destination. After receiving details of the Job The siblings and Tam split in order to cover more ground. The Exceed siblings took to the skies while Tam surveyed the area bellow.

    Tam took a deep breath and allowed his enhanced slayer senses to point to the direction of the pups. Like a hound on a trail Tam was able to track the missing puppies. After ducking and chasing Tam was able to catch two run away puppers. It didn't take too long, he found one stuck in a barrel, trash bins, and various nooks and crannies of the city area. The total count and all was about five puppies. Eventually he had to take them back and head back out to look for the rest. it would have been a near impossible feat if he had to keep an eye out for the hyper active baby doggos.

    Tam wandered a bit more until he caught the scent of one of the missing pups. In horror Tam witnessed a speeding cart pulled by some horses towards the unaware pup in the street. Tam went to a full on a burst of speed and dashed forward and snagged the pup right before it turned into a red puddle. Tam held the puppy close as he crashed into some stacked barrels. "D-damn it..... oh shi-" Tam was about to curse when suddenly he heard the tipping of the barrels just before it came crashing on to it. Tam used his body to shield the small puppy. The barrels came tumbling down splintering into bits and pieces. The barrels were filled with fruit and grain. Tam crawled out the rubble battered and bruised. A hatchet left on top of the barrels cam falling down nearly loping of Tam's head, missing only a few inches. "Sweet mother of Merlin.... That was close...." Tam's eyes wide seeing the hatchet impaled on the ground. Tam's attention was taken by the soft yipping of the puppy hidden in his coat. "Hey little bud sorry for scarin ya there.... are ya okay?" Tam asked as he took out the puppy from underneath his coat. The puppy borked and licked the scuff on Tam's face. Tam chuckled laughed and gave the pupper a soft pat on the head. "It's alright buddy I'm okay"

    Screamed the merchant that owned the barrels as he ran towards Tam. Tam jolted up in surprise, he then looked at the mess that had so happened to occur. "Ah! I'm so sorry... this puppy here was about to get run over by a passing cart....h-here please take all my jewels to pay for all the damages" Tam quickly apologized and gave the merchant his last remaining jewels. With some luck and a bit of persuasion the merchant let the whole ordeal go. Tam sighed and walked back to the meeting point to return the last puppy. "Looks like I still need to take another job after this..."

    Tam saw Grappa and Jellisha, he waved and lifted up the puppy lion king style to show them that it was mission accomplished. "Found the last one! hahaha this lil guy gave me a bit of trouble... but he's safe now" Tam smiled as he wiped a it of blood from a small cut on his cheek. After discussing the details with the owner of the pups the Rune Knights received their reward. Before Tam and the siblings parted Tam stopped the two exceeds.

    "Hey yall... before ya two go...I made some lunch... was wonderin if ya wanted some!" Tam dug through his rucksack that he left at the owners house before the puppy search. He then took out a neatly bound pair of bento boxes. "I usually prepare two bento boxes just in case I meet someone willing to share a meal and talk... here ya two can each have one." Tam smiled and handed out two bento boxes filled with rice with seaweed on top to make the shape of a cute cat. Next to the rice was some rolled up omelet with some mini tomatoes and other veggies. There were also cute little sausages cut up to look like little tiny octopus. For desert there were caramelized apple slices made to look like bunnies. Tam than took out a thermostat filled with warm green tea, slightly sweetened with some honey. "I hope ya enjoy...AH SHOOT i gotta go, dont worry about the utensils and the Tupperware just hand em to me when you see me at HQ!" Tam jumped a bit when his phone alarm ilac phone went off. He quickly silenced his phone and waved goodbye before dashing off to whatever errand he needed to attend to.

    "If ya like the meal, I can always cook for ya too! Just let me know what you like!"
    Tam yelled from a distant smiling as he waved happily to his new rune Knight comrades.


    [1072 Words]


    Finding the Pups Tenor

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm