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    Finding a Flower


    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 62

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    In Progress Finding a Flower

    Post by Seenter 28th November 2016, 12:20 pm

    Walking into the medicinal shop Kyrin’s nose immediately scrunched up. It definitely smelled like a shop that sold medicine, and about one step from smelling like a hospital. True it was a much lighter scent, but it still was enough to remind him of the doctor’s back home. Not really the best memories. Shaking his head he stepped up to the counter. Looking around he noticed there wasn’t anyone there. ”Hello. Anyone here?”

    A scuffling sound came from behind one of the large shelves in back, and an older gentleman with large glasses shuffled out. He looked at Kyrin and gave him a big grin. ”Come in, come in. What can I get for you? Some ointment for a cut? A tonic for a sore stomach?” Kyrin forced a smile to his lips, though it was obviously forced. No matter how he tried he just couldn’t give a natural smile to a complete stranger.

    ”I’m actually here for the job in finding a flower for you.” The older man smiled bigger, but didn’t seem put off by Kyrin’s attempt at a smile. ”Splendid. I’m so happy a mage’s guild is taking my request. It’s good to see some brave souls willing to help. Unlike some cowards.” He glanced back towards the shelves he just came from. A groan could be heard from behind them as if someone was sick, but the glare Kyrin caught on the man’s face showed that it might have been faked. Probably an employee trying to get out of doing the work.

    With a slight cough to get the man’s attention Kyrin tried the smile again. He just couldn’t get it right. ”So, the job?” The older man smiled hesitantly. Looked like Kyrin got the smile wrong again. ”Oh, right. I need for you to find me a Bluin Flower. It’s a rare ingredient for a swelling ointment I sell. It works five times faster than other ointments, and doesn’t have the unpleasant smell.” He sighed and shook his head. ”It’s found in the Spooky Forest towards the north. It shouldn’t be too hard to find. It has blue petals, green thorns, and a bright red stem.”

    Kyrin made a mental note of the flower. The old man made it sound like ti was easy to find, yet something told him that it wasn’t quite that easy. Especially since he asked the mage’s guild to find it for him. ”Alright, I’ll find it and be back before you know it.” He tried the smile again, and once more received a hesitant one in reply. He really needed to practice more. He turned and left the shop.

    Once outside he took a step out of the way of traffic and swiped his hand in front of him from left to right. A monitor appeared before him, and RAINE appeared on the screen. ”Good morning Kyrin. How can I help you?” Kyrin smiled genuinely. This was some very nice magic. ”Morning Raine. I’m trying to find some Bluin Flowers. I heard they were in the Spooky Forest. Have you heard of them?” A moment passed before RAINE spoke. ”Yes. They are used in some medicine to enhance swelling reduction.” ”Nice. Do you know where they might be found? A map appeared on the screen with a large circle around a section of forest. ”They are usually found in this area.” Kyrin’s smile grew bigger. ”Thank you Raine. That’s a big area. Can you put a copy of that picture in my account, and a picture of the flower itself?” ”Of course. Done.” ”Thanks Raine. Bye.” He swiped his head from left to right again. ”Goodbye.” The screen disappeared.

    With his destination set Kyrin turned and headed for the train station. This would be his second mission, but he was going to do it right. He headed for the Spooky Forest.

    [Word Count=642]

    *To Finding a Flower (Part 2, Job)

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 62

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    In Progress Re: Finding a Flower

    Post by Seenter 30th December 2016, 1:48 pm

    From Finding a Flower, Part 2

    Kyrin pushed open the door and looked around. The medicinal shop looked pretty much the same since he left it, though a few things seemed to have been moved around. It still had that medicine smell to it that caused him to wrinkle his nose. A short man was at the counter chatting with a young woman wearing an apron. The two didn’t seem to notice him as he came in, and so he proceeded to walk up behind the man.

    ”I almost feel pity for that idiot mage that took your father’s job. You won’t catch me going into those woods for the price of employment.” The voice belonged to the young man leaning across the counter. Kyrin thought he had heard it before. ”Still, I can’t believe you feigned being sick just to get out of it.” This was coming from the young woman. ”You do know you work in a medicinal shop right?” The young man scoffed. ”Worked in a medicinal shop. Your father fired me for ‘failing in my assigned task’. Well we will see him when he rehires me after that mage doesn’t return. Maybe this time he will give up on impossible tasks.”

    At this Kyrin cleared his voice. The two almost jumped at the noise, and the young woman gave him an embarrassed smile. The young man just quickly took a step to the side mumbling about quiet bastards. Kyrin paid no attention to either of them, as he looked past the young woman towards the backroom. ”Is the owner of the shop in?” The young woman looked confused, but the young man snapped. ”Why do you need to speak to HIM? Mary here can give you what you need.” Kyrin looked at him with no expression on his face or emotion in his voice. ”I’m the idiot mage who found the flower he wanted.”

    Both the man and the woman turned scarlet red, but Kyrin didn’t seem to pay attention. ”Is he here?” The young woman nodded and hurried to the back room. The young man just scowled at Kyrin. ”Did you really go to that blasted forest and find the flower?” Kyrin just ignored him. The man seemed to simmer with anger, but by that time the older man appeared. The young woman did not; though Kyrin figured it was because she was afraid of what Kyrin might reveal of their conversation. ”Did you find it?”

    In reply Kyrin took out the bag that held the flower he picked. It was a little dry from the journey, but the petals were still intact. He treated it carefully on the way back. The older man looked at the flower inside and a satisfied smile came to his lips. ”This is it. I’m surprised you found it so quickly. Those woods are not to be taken lightly." Kyrin tried to give his best smile, and this time it was only a little bit forced. ”Not too hard. All I saw was a big dog.” He was not going to tell them about the monstrous wolf that wanted him for a snack. The young man glowered, but the older gentleman just nodded. ”Well I’m grateful you could find it for me. It’s good to know some are brave enough to help others.” He didn’t look at the young man, but Kyrin could tell the red color blossoming in the man’s cheeks. He looked like he was about to do another fake cough, but thought better of it.

    ’Well I suppose you want your payment.” The older gentleman pulled out a bag from behind the counter and handed it to Kyrin. ”For your trouble. I may need your help again in the future.” Kyrin took the bag and put it in his pocket. He wasn’t going to insult the man by counting it in front of him. ”Thank you. I’m glad I could help. If you need any more help don’t hesitate to send another job request to my guild. It’s Infinity Hydra.” The older gentleman looked up with a curious expression. ”All the way in Terra Ignis? That’s a long way for a simple job.” Kyrin just shrugged. ”We take our jobs seriously.” He glanced at the young man who seemed ready to blow up, then turned and left the shop. It was best not to let a bull loose in a china shop.

    [Word Count= 730]
    Job Complete


    Christopher Seenter | Chris's Bank
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Undecided | Undecided | Undecided

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