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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Lumine Fennec
    Lumine Fennec

    Lineage : Seductor’s Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 119
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Masha
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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 Empty War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Lumine Fennec 7th April 2019, 2:35 pm

    Fuyuki, a city torn between too many worlds to tell the difference between reality and fiction. An unfortunate side effect of this was that it had begun to create alternate versions of itself in other worlds. One such world was that of Earth Land. Magnolia Town had become something out of nightmares in one particular timeline which happened to have been connected to our timeline by a small rift, just large enough for two people to fit through, and invisible to the naked eye. Two unfortunate adventurers had managed to pass through said rift on this very occasion, while making rounds in Magnolia Town. Luna Fennec, a kitsune who had recently been recruited by the Royal Knights felt funny afterwards. Her energy had grown, but she felt weaker somehow. After this, there was an immense pain that felt like someone had taken a branding iron to her right hand, and been none too light with it, causing her to double over and scream rather loudly. When she looked, she noticed three glowing marks, which eventually faded to a dark shade of red, as the pain started to dull. Her eyes watered as she looked towards Jin, hoping to find some answers.

    "What the hell is this?! Why do I have these marks on my hand?! Why do I feel so weak?!"

    These questions weighed heavily on the unwitting new Master in the Holy Grail War. She didn't know what she and her guildmate, now servant, had just walked into, nor did she know that even now, as she raised her questions, they were being watched by friendly and enemy forces alike.

    "I mean, have you ever seen a spell that can do this to a person? Because I certainly haven't. I didn't even detect any magic being cast, or waiting to be walked into. How the hell did this happen?!"

    This was not the normal, happy, nice Luna. This was what she turned into when made vulnerable, it was a terrifying situation for her, not being at her best.

    Post WC: 339
    Total WC: 339/3000

    (Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t29486-war-of-the-holy-grail-episode-1-the-flaming-city-fuyuki-2004 )
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 Empty Re: War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Shipping Goddess 11th April 2019, 9:25 am

    Jin Suzuka

    The rift in the town of Magnolia wasn't too different from the types of rifts Jin himself uses to travel to and from the Land of Nothing, especially considering it was completely invisible to the naked eye. That being said, Jin was still slightly shocked when he was dragged into another world while simply making his own rounds with a partner, only to land in...

    Literal hell.

    The city was on fire, there were corpses everywhere, buildings were ravaged, and there was a gigantic tower on the far side of the city that Jin didn't know the correlation to, but knew it had to be important. It wasn't a building, and looked nothing like everything else in this land - unless you count it looking quite grim - and so Jin immediately deemed that relevant. Jin was looking around the hell that was this world when he heard a sound of a woman's voice making a groan of pain, as well as a man's voice. He quickly turned to Luna, whom was a much weaker mage than himself, and decided to tell her to remain as safe as possible.

    "Stay here. I will return."

    Without waiting for any response, the Rune Knight dashed off towards the sound, preparing a spell of Nothingness, as a rift in the world began to form on his hand, and there he saw two people - one a violet-haired man with a japanese-style outfit and a longer than normal katana, and a woman on the ground bleeding out, and fading away into some... dust? The woman looked up at Jin, and apparently saw something inside of him as she smiled before fading away, but the golden... something... began to flow towards Jin, surrounding him. The man with violet hair did nothing as the Rune Knight passed out, only to flow into dream land.

    While passed out, the man saw the same dying woman as before. She was simply looking at him with a face that was tender, but not warm. Smiling, but not happy. She was the same as Jin, a neutral party. Was that what she saw in him?

    "I am entrusting my spirit with you. You, like me, are connected to-"

    Her voice cut off, or rather, she purposely stopped talking. Jin immediately understood what she meant. They were both connected to Nothing, the Void, or whatever they wanted to call it. Jin nodded to the woman, not understanding fully what she meant, but his sense of duty kicked in and he felt obligated to agree with the woman. With that, the woman touched Jin on his chest, and then disappeared. Afterwards, Jin woke up immediately.

    Taking a large gasp of air, Jin felt different. And one of the main things was... He was blind. He couldn't see anything! But... somehow, he could see everything. It didn't make sense to him, but... that's how it was. It wasn't that he could see anything, it was that he knew everything. He knew where everything was, despite not being able to see anything. Along with this "knowledge of everything," he knew his parameters have changed, as well as his clothing, and his eyes. His clothing changed to very formal wear, a white kimono with a blue obi. Very formal wear that was a little feminine, but Jin didn't exactly care. His eyes were one of the biggest changes to him. He became blind but he knew that his eyes' appearance had changed. They were now red, and granted him a special ability that he almost couldn't believe. He was most certainly blind, but he could still see these lines... the lines that he knew if he were to cut, they'd be killed. Jin was also now holding a katana, one that he knew he would be using on this mission. Lastly, his affinity for nothingness has grown so much that he could literally feel it, but the thing is, the creature of the void no longer resided in his body. His magic was completely gone, and it seemed to be embodied now in his very being. However, this "knowledge" he was granted with made him know that his magic would return once this job was over.

    Another difference in him was his personality. Now Jin felt more... apathetic. He didn't really care about fighting his way out of this, and just wanted to sit down and have a meaningless chat with his partner. He just wanted to see what his little sister had on her mind.

    "Little sister?" What?

    The thought ran through his head, as he tried to shake off that thought, but he couldn't help but now just feel that he needed to protect his partner as if she were his little sister. As such, he readied his blade, and sent a telepathic message to Luna.

    Master, come the route that I took. There are no obsticals there, and I'm about to engage for you.

    He finished, then thought to himself.

    ...why did I just call Luna "Master?"

    Post WC: 836
    Personal WC: 836
    Total WC: 1175


    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 M7mHyEw
    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 CKWpl03
    Lumine Fennec
    Lumine Fennec

    Lineage : Seductor’s Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 119
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 0

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    First Skill: Lunar Frost
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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 Empty Re: War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Lumine Fennec 12th April 2019, 3:27 pm

    Disregarding the warning to stay put, Luna had followed Jin, having allowed her curiosity to get the better of her. Something was off with this version of Magnolia Town. People seemed to be killing one another with no regard to authority or consequences. Luna was relieved to be distracted from the acrid fumes of burning buildings and corpses, as she watched the rather attractive woman dissipate, and then apparently merge with Jin. Something about him seemed different afterwards. It wasn't just his clothing, or his eyes, he seemed altogether different from how he was before.

    "You didn't expect me to sit around and wait for someone to attack me, did you?"

    It took Luna a full minute to realize that Jin had just called her 'Master'.

    "I believe 'Mistress is more appropriate, but I'm not exactly complaining. Truth be told, I could get used to being referred to as such. However, we can return to that later. I thought we would be finding answers, not more questions. Who was that woman? Did you just eat her? Or was that my imagination? Also, why did you call me master? Last time I checked, you're at least two ranks higher than I am, as a mage."

    True, they were the same rank within the Rune Knights. However, with the Magic Council of Fiore, Ranks were more a measure of strength, and Luna would be severely outmatched if she tried to fight against Jin by herself. Luckily, the two were on the same side, so that wasn't a major concern for her at the time.

    "Anyhow, I still don't know what's going on, what these marks are, or how we even got here. How do we get back, for that matter? In any event, it's probably a good idea to continue gathering information about this place. We may end up finding exactly the information that we need, if we keep looking."

    Post WC: 318
    Personal WC: 657
    Total WC: 1493
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 Empty Re: War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Shipping Goddess 12th April 2019, 4:24 pm

    Jin Suzuka

    Jin knew that the woman followed him, but he still felt obligated to say what he did. This... knowledge... was becoming too much to bear on Jin's part, as he knew everything and yet somehow felt even more in the dark than he ever was, both figuratively and literally, considering he was now blind. However, that did not cease to cause many questions to be raised of his partner, most of which he now had answers to, some of which he had none. But Jin was on his guard because he knew the man in Japanese clothing was his enemy, but also didn't put up his guard as much as he would have wanted considering he was now generally apathetic. He just didn't feel the care strong enough to make him want to fully try against the japanese swordsman, despite easily knowing that he could take him out.

    "That woman's name would best not be revealed... yet. I'll tell you later, I guess, but no promises. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. As for did I eat her... No. I don't think she would have tasted that good, and I don't even know how that would work. As for why I called you Master, it is because-"

    "I am sorry for interrupting your conversation, but it is unwise and disrespectful to turn your back on a swordsman. I would have thought you better than that, Saber. And to use a bystander as a hostage? That is the lowest of the low. I apologize, whoever you are, but I must kill you. It is nothing personal, blame the spirit inside of you."

    The Japanese man readied his overly sized katana, while Jin readied his. However, he didn't feel the need nor desire to actually fight. He just... didn't care. This definitely wasn't the Jin that Luna knew, the stoic and serious no-nonsense man who would complete his mission in an instant. This was someone... different. Or rather, the same person, but just altered.

    Master-imouto-chan, enemy Servant engaging!

    Sending a telepathic message to Luna, the Japanese man dashed forward, vanishing and almost instantly appearing behind Jin. The now-blind-man quickly did a 180, holding up his katana with one arm to block the attack from the violet-haired swordsman. He was still on the defensive, however, Jin wasn't trying. The enemy slashed a total of 10 times, each parried by Jin, but none were retaliated against.

    Why am I fighting again? This is... pointless. I want to go have a seat and chat with Luna.

    He thought to himself as he parried the attacks, seeming extremely disinterested in the fight itself. This didn't anger his opponent, but gave a little twinge of annoyance in his voice as he retreated slightly.

    "If you do not want to fight seriously, Saber, then I will force you to."

    "Your Noble Phantasm? ...hm..."

    Jin had a slightly tense expression. He wasn't really scared of the move, nor did he really care about dying, but if he were to die, how would he ever have tea with Luna, and talk about life and the stars? That was unacceptable. The japanese man pulled his sword back, directly next to his head in a stance.



    "Tsubame... Gaeshi."

    An unavoidable attack. One that was impossible to form with a mortal body. The literal representation of infinity, attacking with 3 different strokes at the same time. It wasn't 3 extremely fast strokes in quick succession, no, they were all at the same time. How did this swordsman do it? No one knows, but it was impossible to avoid. But Jin had to avoid it. He knew he had to, or he'd die. However the only way to do that would be to run light a shining cloud. Yes, that ability... Cloud Shine... the simple running that someone does on a winter snowy night, one that would result in an eternal peace and unstopping slumber. That is what he would do to this man. Send him to peace...

    9 meters. Stop.

    18 meters. Stop.

    27 meters. Stop.

    36 meters. Stop.

    45 meters. Stop.

    Like a flash of light, Jin bolted around the battlefield, using this ability to avoid the unavoidable. But that wasn't it. His eyes were glowing bright red as he did this, and with every movement came a slash, cutting one of the lines that he saw within the man's body. With each slash, they each were severed, and the man in the japanese outfit stood there, still holding onto his katana.

    "It was very pleasant to see you try, Saber. Even if it cost me my life."

    The violet-haired man disappeared into the same golden dust that the woman from before disappeared into. Afterwards, Jin stepped back towards Luna, and gave the same passive smile that the woman gave to him in his dream. One that was smiling, but not happy. Warm, but not kind. Very neutral.

    "What were your questions again?"

    Post WC: 823
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    Total WC: 2306


    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 M7mHyEw
    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 CKWpl03
    Lumine Fennec
    Lumine Fennec

    Lineage : Seductor’s Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 119
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Masha
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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 Empty Re: War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Lumine Fennec 13th April 2019, 3:59 am

    Luna was awestruck as she watched the fight. She had never seen someone fight with such skill, never seen such practiced precision. However, it wasn't long before the fight ended. When Jin appeared in front of her, Luna took a few minutes to carefully consider the questions that she would ask before opening her mouth.

    "First, these marks on my arm, what are they? Second, why did you refer to me as 'master'? And why was that guy referring to you with the name of a weapon? I know that this isn't the Magnolia Town that we know, but it is Magnolia, so I won't bother asking where we are. However, there are a couple more important questions. Namely, How can I hear you in my head, and how do we get back?"

    There were several questions here, and each required a separate answer. She hoped that there wouldn't be any more interruptions as she awaited Jin's answers. Luna knew that this world had different rules, but she didn't know what those were, and preferred to know what she was doing before she did it. At least if they had some sort of plan, things might be a little easier. At this point, Luna recalled something that Jin had thought to her.

    "By the way, pretty sure I'm not your little sister. You don't have some kind of complex, do you?"

    It would have been difficult for Luna not to make a joke about that, as she sat on a crate and waited for a response. Once again, the pungent scent of burning corpses and buildings alike began to fill her airways. There was no escaping it. This scent was a clear message that this particular world seemed to be falling apart. Once again, she noted that something seemed odd about Jin, but decided against adding to her already lengthy slew of questions.

    Post WC: 313
    Personal WC: 970
    Total WC: 2619/3000
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 Empty Re: War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Shipping Goddess 16th April 2019, 5:21 am

    Jin Suzuka

    It seemed that Luna had many questions to ask Jin, which he expected as such. In fact, he probably could have answered all of her questions before she asked them, which he was still trying to wrap his head around. Regardless, the questions were asked and it was Jin's responsibility to answer.

    "I would have wished for a less meaningful conversation... One a lot less serious and a lot more 'banter'-y but fine... The marks on your hand are Command Spells, three definite commands you can issue on me. I will be forced to comply with any command you give, even if it is to kill myself. However, broader commands such as 'win' or 'follow my every order' won't have as heavy an effect on me, and I can ignore them if I want - I'd probably just feel uncomfortable. Next question, I called you 'Master' because that is exactly who you are - my Master. The evidence are your Command Spells. Although it is not Master in the traditional sense. I am your 'Servant,' a much more powerful being summoned to help you win this battle. That is all there to the name itself. As for the name Saber, that is my class. Much like a video game, Servants are broken up into 7 Classes, named after their weapons or fighting style. I am Saber, warrior of ths sword. Servants refer to themselves as their Class Name to avoid disclosing their weaknesses. That's why I didn't want to tell you that woman's name, since technically she and I are the same person now. Next... Masters and Servants gain a telepathic bond. That's it, and we get back by killing every other Servant, although I think most of the work has been done for us. There is an extremely powerful Servant up those stairs, and he is currently massacring the other ones. We'll likely not have many, if any, left to fight by the time we get up there."

    Jin was preparing to walk up those stairs, presumably treading into his own death, as Luna said something about him calling her his little sister. Did he really say that? Thinking about it, it might've been subconsciously stated.

    "I assure you I don't have a 'complex,' hehe... It's just that ever since I merged with the Saber, I've been being altered a bit by her personality. I feel like I am an invincible older sister... Or brother, in my case. Like the only reason I want to fight is because I have you there to be protected. Otherwise I wouldn't really care, and I think that that is what got the woman killed in the first place. I'm sorry if I am making you feel uncomfortable."

    It was a lot of talking to do, but he got it done as necessary.

    Post WC: 471
    Personal WC: 2150
    Total WC: 3090
    Notes: Short post, busy af


    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 M7mHyEw
    War For The Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 CKWpl03

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