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    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004


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    Private [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 9th June 2018, 4:40 pm

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    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 9th June 2018, 9:51 pm


    Katherine stared at the job board of Basilisk Fang blankly and tried to make sense of all the nonsense that covered it. What would be legible words to most people turned into scrambled blobs of black ink before her eyes as she lacked the ability to read English at all. How she'd managed to go so long without such an important skill was beyond her comprehension at that point because all she could think of was her frustration at not being able to pick a damn job. She sighed and bit her lip, tapped her foot against the cold stone floors, and crossed her arms over her chest only to drop them back at her sides a moment later. The task was as boring as watching paint dry, not to mention infuriating. She probably looked like a moron too, standing there in the tavern with an intense look of distress on her face and having not moved more than an inch in at least an hour. She'd gone through all of the options she had to make this easier and none of them were currently posable. Her guildmates were never anywhere to be found when she could have really used them, which was a pain considering. Not like she would have expected them to help anyway. She didn't have much faith in her peers nor any real relationships that she could count on. Another sigh and she would pull her lenghty crimson tresses over her shoulder and play with them absently, just so she had something to do. But she'd soon get bored of that and put them back where they had been, once again crossing her arms and then uncrossing them. This was a repeated process.

    Eventually she came to the conclusion that perhaps she sould just give up, wait until another day when someone was around to help her out. She had this thought, played with it, but never acted on it. She really didn't have anything better to do that day, so why not just stand and stare at a job board she couldn't read? Without any possibility of a case of numb limbs or aching bones, Katherine could stay there for hours and not need a seat. And yet she'd take one anyway, slipping to the floor and crossing her legs, letting her elbows rest on her knees and her head in her hands as she stared up still at the blurry scrawl that covered the board in front of her.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 415 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 25th June 2018, 8:07 am

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 PGMkCor

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 161ee0cb-591e-4fe1-a174-a56cbc05e4b6




    " "
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    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life sometimes one must Destroy."

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 2Cvofe6

    - Aemon

    " "
    ” “
    Aemon was where he always was when he wasn’t out on a job and that was on top of his made bed inside his quarters inside the fortress of Basilisk fang. His joining of this guild wasn’t a voluntary decision so to his perspective this was nothing more than a prison that and so he typically treated it as such. There were a few exceptions to which he would will himself to leave his room an actually traverse through the guild and those exceptions were when we was in the need to get food or when he was assigned a mission. So it was easy to guess that he spent most of his time just laying around and waiting for a job to be thrust upon him. "Are you going to just lay around like pouty child?" Ddraig asked him but instead of mentally like he usually would a green orb of light was on his right hand and spoke normally. Aemon didn’t take his eyes off of the ceiling "So after all this time you now say something? And how am I being a pouty child?" Aemon was unamused by the question but the answer would come regardless, "You have the ability to go and come as you please but because you were tricked you refuse to leave this self made prison." Aemon closed his eyes as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed and pulled himself into a seated position. "I have no interest in the idea of interacting with these people but there is no where I can go while my head has a price on it." Ddraig wasn’t hearing it, "At least you can leave. You don’t know what a prison is like when you lose your body and have to live in another." This was true. Ddraig most his body along time ago and was shoved in host after host to just be used for his power, a tool for those who had plans for him, this was something he could understand himself. "Fine Ddraig… I’ll go get food and see if there is a job worth volunteering for." he stood up and walked a short distance from his bed to the door before opening it and exiting.

    The walk through the halls was painless as usual and surprisingly despite the hideout being located in a snowy mountain range it was well heated to the point where he could wear his armless black armor. He didn’t have his red mantel or the red coat like tail and his hair was not slicked back but more laid out in front. He entered the area where most of the guild members gathered to find a job via the job board. However there wasn’t as many people around and in fact there was only one person at the board, it was a redhead girl who had taken a seat on the floor looking up at then board. Curious to why she was sitting he walked up to the board but had his gaze fixed upon instead, "Miss are you..." his sentence got pushed back by a pleasant surprise. This wasn’t just any red head, "Kathryn?" he asked unable to hide his surprise "What are you doing here?" the last time he had seen this girl was during a job in the Phoenix mountains a job where they had to eliminate a gang of bandits the job was easy enough but there was a situation where she had almost died as a result of being overly exposed to the cold, it was then that they had become fast friends during her recovery.

    template by Darkee


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

    Lineage : None
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 25th June 2018, 9:22 am

    Long Time, No See

    She sat somewhat crosslegged, her hands set back behind her to support her weight as she stared up at the job board still, so intently in fact that she hadn't noticed the slight shift in the room's temperature or the footfalls of another approaching until a deep voice reached her ears. With a tilt of her head in the direction of the sound and her lips parted to respond, she was shocked into silence as soon as she took in the sight of the man who stood before her. Her eyes grew wide as she stared up at him and completely tuned out whatever it was he said. All she could muster was a strained squeak and suddenly she was blushing. But not out of embarrassment. As quickly as she'd been stunned by his appearance, she leapt to her feet and all but threw herself at him. The impact was audible as her body collided with his and she was sure he'd have to steady himself, but she didn't care. She embraced him as tightly as she could, really not believing what she was seeing and needing to feel it instead. And everything was just right. His signature warmth was just as she remembered it, as if they'd just met the day before. Nothing had changed and yet everything was different. She took a deep breath and then let it out shakily, not wanting to let go but knowing she must. She pulled away reluctantly and as she caught his gaze, she gave a watery smile. When exactly she'd teared up was a mystery really, but a justified reaction if one knew how she felt about him. Katherine gripped his hands in hers tightly, not wanting to stop feeling because she was afraid that if she did, all of this would turn out to be false. "You have no idea... how happy I am that you're here," she started, her tone giving away just how purely elated she was. Her smile faltered a little. "I thought I'd never see you again... I thought I'd..." She stopped herself there, not wanting to finish the sentence or even the thought. Because if she did, she'd be admitting to him that she'd nearly wasted his efforts to save her life. She blinked then, and yanked her hands from his, mumbling a soft 'sorry' as she turned away.

    Everything was blurry, her skin itched and she felt dizzy from this emotional whiplash she'd just been subjected to. She was at a loss for words now, absolutely speechless and she felt... awkward. So incredibly awkward. And it was then that she realized what she'd done and her head felt like it had burst into flames. (It did in a way.) She covered her face with her hands and hunched over with a groan, willing time to reverse itself so she could force herself to make a more composed and proper woman of herself in that moment. Only that wasn't possible. She knew that. And so she'd have to deal with whatever came of her actions.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 510 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 5th July 2018, 3:24 pm

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 PGMkCor

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 161ee0cb-591e-4fe1-a174-a56cbc05e4b6




    " "
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    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life sometimes one must Destroy."

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 2Cvofe6

    - Aemon

    " "
    ” “
    When he woke up this morning he had a mental list of what he could possibly expect during the day. Being assigned a job, eating and sleeping were on the list. Hell even taking out the originals of all of his weapons and giving them a good cleaning even though while they are stored in his weapons factory they are left in pristine condition at all time. The only reason he go through the process of cleaning would be to waste time, but all that aside there were a few outliers that he expected to happen but who he had just ran into in Basilisk fang of all places caught him totally off guard. However his expression didn’t reveal this but the tone of voice couldn’t hide it when he has said her name and asked what she was doing there. It was clear that his presence surprised her just as much as her’s did to him but unlike him her words were swallowed by her surprise and a loud squeak was the only thing he heard before she jumped to her feet and leaped at him with her arms open to embrace him. Had he been a split second slower in his reaction time he would have caught her in time to end up on the floor with her but his arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her in to return the embrace only moving slightly from the momentum she produced but his met muscles were conditioned enough to take the shock. The moment that the embrace had started it was like time around them froze and he was able to register her touch, the chill of her body and the scent that was intrinsically hers, as much as an identifier as her own fingerprints. So it really is you. he thought to himself.

    The memory of the cave when she has asked why he wanted to save her, how their paths crossing again was unlikely and his words that said if she lived it was possible that it would happen, but here of all places? Those were some odds. He noticed she has ignored his questions and while this would have annoyed him had it been anyone else but due to the circumstances he wouldn’t hold it against her as she merely excited to see him. He would allow her to finish before remarking on what she had told him regarding how happy she was that she was able to see him and that she didn’t believe that she would have ever seen him again. By this point she had pulled away from the embrace and was holding his hand but that didn’t last long as she pulled away and apologized which despite it being spoken under her breath, it was heard as if she spoke normally. "I’m very happy to see you again and i agree. I didn’t expect to see you as soon as this, especially not here. he would put a hand on her shoulder and smile should she look up "but Kathrine as happy as I am to see you and am flattered by how much you missed me you didn’t answer my question. Why are you in Basilisk Fang’s guild hall?" he knew she had some combat experiences but she didn’t seem like the rest to her but perhaps there were things he didn’t know about her. Could she be as ruthless as these snakes or was her purpose similar to his own?

    template by Darkee


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

    Lineage : None
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 6th July 2018, 8:26 am

    Catching Up

    Upon feeling his hand on her shoulder, she'd turn to face him slightly, spreading her fingers some to peek through the gaps and look up at him. His smile made her cheeks redden, but then as he asked again why she was where she was, in this awful place filled with death and malice, the redness faded and she frowned. She took her hands away from her face, one reaching to grasp his that rested on her shoulder and taking it down, not letting go this time once it dropped to her side. It was something of an effort to keep calm, because that's what he did for her strangely enough.

    Katherine looked down at her feet for a moment and shifted her feet where she stood. "Well... it's a long story. One I'd rather not tell in full detail to be honest with you. But," She said, returning her gaze to his eyes. "I am not here by choice. To make things brief, not long after I ran into you in the Phoenix Mountains I went to Magnolia and was staying with a family kind enough to foster me. During that time, this guild made an attack on Fairy Tail, poisoning the water and ultimately taking the lives of the people who were caring for me. I wasn't close with them, but they were innocent and didn't deserve to die, so upon hearing chatter that it was Basilisk Fang that had wreaked havoc on the city, I made it my goal to investigate. Really, a terrible idea, one I regret following through with every fiber of my being." She took a breath and sighed at the memory. "So, my goal brought me here, to Mt. Hakobe. I nearly died because the settlers tried to kill me, probably would have had it not been for Famine's son, but even after the kid took me in our exchange didn't turn out well." She gave a sick, crooked smile, and her irises darkened in disgust and anger. "I ended up in their dungeon of all places, covered in nothing but a blanket. Famine gave him a choice; kill me or brand me, thus making me a member of this godforsaken guild. I imagine you can already guess which he did." With that said she'd drop his hand and touch her left side, her ribs just under her breast. She huffed and swallowed harshly, lowering her arm to rest against her stomach. Blinking out of her building rage, she looked at him calmly again.

    "I've answered your question, so it's only fair you now answer mine. Why are you here, Aemon?"
    ( tags: N/A . words: 438 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 14th July 2018, 5:47 pm

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 PGMkCor

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 161ee0cb-591e-4fe1-a174-a56cbc05e4b6




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life sometimes one must Destroy."

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 2Cvofe6

    - Aemon

    " "
    ” “
    It was clear by her the sudden disappearance of her blush and smile was a clear indication that the answer to his question wasn’t one that brought the red head beauty any sense of joy. While he was glad to know that he wasn’t the only person in the guild to have that be the reason behind their “membership” he was not entirely happy that was a fate that she shared. She then confirmed it to be the case by explaining that shortly after they had completed their job together she found a home in Magnolia where a family took her in but the family was slain during the attack Basilisk fang made in the town. He saved his condolences and remained silent as she explained that she had sought to investigate the guild but was attacked by settlers there and was saved by Ahote, the snakes son but his version of hospitality included having Kathrine declothed and locked in a dungeon only to be branded by him as a member of the guild. Once she had completed her story he kept his composure despite having an urge to teach that boy some manners, "I’m very sorry that happened to you. Perhaps if I had invited you to journey with me than this fate could have been avoided." he said to her allowing a more sympathetic expression to reveal itself in place of his neutral expression. He released his grip of her hand while she held her side and then spoke looking for him to answer the very same question that he has asked her. "Like yourself I am not here by my own initiative either. While your personal recruiter was the son of the snake I had met the snake herself." The story of how he got recruited or rather tricked into having no choice but joining the guild wasn’t something he enjoyed sharing but he didn’t see the harm in withholding the truth from her, ”I had been living mainly in Talonia and working as a mage for hire. I was approached by this woman and her boy pleading with me to help dispose of bunch of people who had corrupted their home and local university. I did the job however It was all a set up.“ he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, ”As soon as i had completed the dirty work Famine struck like the snake she is. Informed the police of the murder of nothing more than college students and to top if off gave them my physical description leaving me with the choice of facing the death penalty or coming with her to become part of this organization.“ he would open his eyes to look at her and shrugged. ”I should have looked into the job more thoroughly but unfortunately I cannot change the past.“

    With everything that had been said by the both of them he felt it was time to change the topic at hand. Looking at where she was sitting and what she was sitting in front of when he had arrived he was able to deduce what it was she was doing. ”So how come you were sitting down on the floor here?“ He would use his thumb to point at the board, ”Was there a job that you wanted to do?“ He smirked and lowered himself so they were eye to eye now, "We can team up again like last time. Doesn’t that sound fun?"

    template by Darkee


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

    Lineage : None
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 14th July 2018, 8:04 pm


    She wondered if he would have really asked that she accompany him on his travels. It was an interesting sentiment, one she'd have enjoyed she was sure, but then wasn't the time to think about such things. He told her that he was there for a similar reason; that reason being it was not of his own accord. Upon learning this she would grimace, but listen to him speak quietly, absorbing every word and slowly becoming used to hearing his voice again.

    Famine had tricked him into commiting mass murder and later reported him for it as incentive to get him to join the guild's ranks. This act didn't surprise her. It was a typical thing for a woman like that; having people do her dirty work and manipulate them to follow her every command. At his ending lament, Katherine hummed, not really sure what to say to all of that but knowing it was polite to acknowlege it at the very least. She had opened her mouth to speak, to fill the gap of silence she felt was beginning to spread, but he spoke instead. His questions were like rapid fire and she couldn't quite get an answer in until he finished and she was stuck, staring into his green eyes where he'd leveled with her line of sight and wore a smirk. The only thing she could think to say was: "Uh, I- Well- Yes, it does but I-I can't... read."
    ( tags: N/A . words: 243 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 21st July 2018, 4:18 pm

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 PGMkCor

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 161ee0cb-591e-4fe1-a174-a56cbc05e4b6




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life sometimes one must Destroy."

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 2Cvofe6

    - Aemon

    " "
    ” “
    Aemon’s questions momentarily went unanswered, and he really didn’t need to hear it, it was obvious that Katherine was fully interested in taking a job and even more so now that Aemon offered to be a partner for the job it was only cemented that she would take one further but what he didn’t expect to hear was what she had to say next. She agreed that taking a job with him was a great idea but she revealed to him that she didn’t have the ability to read. It was quite shocking to hear and frankly he didn’t know what to say or how to react initially. He recalled when they had met on the job to eliminate the the bandits that he had held out the flyer for her to read but all she had gotten was a blank stare at the paper. He didn’t think of it as anything at the time but now it made more sense. It wasn’t a simple disinterest on her part but a case of illiteracy. "I see." he said as he turned around and looked up at the board and picked one off that had the words Holy grail war printed on it and pulled it down. "Outside of Magnolia a rift in space has appeared and all accounts of anyone entering the rift have not returned." he looked back at her and smiled, "This one sounds interesting." he held the flyer out to her to see and smirked "and when we finish this we will find time for you to learn how to read." with his index finger he made the motion for her to follow him and he would lead her to one of the large windows in the fortress and opened it up allowing the cold draft in. He knew she would dislike the breeze due to her sensitivity to the cold but he knew how to remedy that. His hand extended out to her for her to take and once she had he would take it as a sign of trust and would proceed with the next part "
    Welsh dragon’s wings."
    the vocal command forced a pair of red dragonic wings to sprout from his back. Once they were fully extended he would scoop her up and jump out the window with her only to fall for a few feet before a flap of his wings sent them into the air above the clouds where the sunshine would get soaked into her body hopefully replenishing any heat she might have lost.

    The continued to fly east towards Magnolia and due to their choice in travel would save them quite a bit of town. Aemon would land with Katherine just outside of Magnolia where the rift had been located according to local sources and witnesses. "Before we go in do you need to prepare?" he would wait for her answer and for her to prepare if need be but once he was sure that she was ready he would lead the way and enter the rift. Upon entering they stand before a strange presence masked in the darkness that now surrounded them. “The two that have entered the war please choose one to be the servant that engages in combat and one to be the master who commands the servant.” Aemon would look over at Katherine and back out into the darkness "I’ll be the servant that enters combat." The voice would respond back, “You May choose your class servant. You may choose either to be the Saber, Archer,Lancer,Assassin, Caster,Rider or the Berserker class.” "I’ll be claim the archer class." considering his skill with a bow and arrow it made sense. “And what is your name, Archer’s master? “

    template by Darkee


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 183
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,862.5

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 21st July 2018, 5:17 pm

    To War

    He didn’t say anything immediately in response to her revealing the issue she had that kept her from choosing a job on her own. Not long after however, he said simply: “I see.” And turned to the job board before them as she, at his side, but the inside of her cheek. He quickly found a request that peaked his interest and turned to her with a smile, reading to her the brief description. She nearly returned the visual gesture but blinked oddly in shock when he mentioned teaching her to read afterward. ”A-Aemon you don’t... you don’t have to do that, really. It’s nothing for you to worry about.” She said this hoping she might discourage him, but as she knew so far, he was a stubborn man and once he decided something he didn’t change his mind. Regardless, she’d follow him to a large window positioned at the face of the guild hall. Once there she would stand silently and cringe when he opened the window and let the cold mountain wind rush in. But he offered his hand to her and after staring for a moment she took it gently, instantly feeling warm all throughout her body just at the touch of his skin on hers. She couldn’t help the bright blush the bled into her pale cheeks. He remembered her sensitivity to the cold. She thought that was... sweet. After she’d taken his hand, he summoned his wings. This was a sight she didn’t think she’d ever get used to but she remained silent, keeping her questions and comments to herself. And then he picked her up.

    He lifted her into his arms and jumped out of the open window before them. Katherine didn’t know how to react at first, but when the event finally caught up to her she squeaked and clung to him like her life depended on it. She had her eyes shut tightly, ready to brace herself against the cold. Only the cold never reached her. Instead she felt warmth and this urged her to open her eyes and see- the sun. That burning star in the sky she hadn’t seen in months. She practically glowed under its light and stared on in awe, completely ignoring now the fact that she was being flown away from the mountain.


    She stepped down carefully, feeling the ground beneath her feet. It was different and familiar at the same time and she smiled to herself for a moment. ”Oh, no I’m fine. All ready,” she said, tugging at the wraps on her arms to tighten them a bit. She’d then follow him into the rift, comforted greatly by his leadership. This was good, because the darkness that surrounded them made her chest tighten in fear. The presence within the darkness was strange to her and she flinched when it spoke. And then again when Aemon responded. She looked to him and watched him speak until the voice addressed her.

    ”M-master?” She blushed a little. That was a title she’d not get used to. Not ever. ”Uh... Katherine Neel...?”
    ( tags: N/A . words: 515 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 5th August 2018, 1:29 pm

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 PGMkCor

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 161ee0cb-591e-4fe1-a174-a56cbc05e4b6




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life sometimes one must Destroy."

    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 2Cvofe6

    - Aemon

    " "
    ” “
    Once the roles had been assigned to them “Master” Katherine had her command seals magically grafted onto her hand and and a small red glow filled surrounded Aemon which acted as an Indication that his status as the archer servant was finalized and that he was now Padres to be Katherine’s servant for the war. With that out of the way the voice spoke one more before the war would begin. “Master Katherine and her archer class servant your holy grail war now begins. The darkness faded from around them slowly revealing the recreation of Magnolia the home of the Fairy Tail guild, during the late night. Luckily for them the actual guild of Faith tail wouldn’t be there due to it being a recreation only the guild hall would be present. He wasn’t sure what sort of adversaries they would encounter but he was more than confident that he could handle it no problem. He had remembered the story Katherine had told him before they embarked on the journey about how there was a family that had taken her in, a family snuffed out by Basilisk fang during a raid. He looked back at her with a gentle smile, "While this isn’t the real Magnolia this is your first time back here since Basilisk Fang’s attack correct?" he knew the question might be a bit sensitive but it was one that he had to ask. He would protect her not just as her servant in the war but as someone he cared about but it would be alot easier if for him to know if her head would be in the fights to come or the past which had to be filled with pain and pain can be a huge distraction on a battlefield. He follow up the question with  statement that she needed to hear, "I need you to be here for the fight. If there is something you need to do while we are here it might be best to do so before the fighting begins but we shouldn’t doddle. Magnolia is a big town but we could encounter an enemy at any moment." He would follow her lead regardless of what she would choose constantly on the lookout for any possible enemy servants that might have the idea of attacking them. Once they finished what she needed to or if she decided she was okay Aemon already had an idea that would work in their favor possibly. "Katherine…. I mean master.." he said knowing that she would be embarrassed with him calling her master out loud but he would soon continue with his suggestion. "Since I am of the archer class it might be a good idea to pick a location to serve as the high ground for us. I was thinking we could either hold up in the remodel of the Fairy Tail guild which would put us on a high ground at the edge of town with only the sea at our back making it difficult to attack us from behind. Alternatively we could try to head towards the center of town and go to the top of the cathedral’s massive tower. Both have their advantages and disadvantages." Depending on the answer he would lead the way towards their new destination but that is when they would meet their first opponent

    Not too far from their destination whichever it was they would approached by a speeding chariot rushing towards them using the main road like a race track. Luckily for Aemon and Katherine he managed to see the speeding Chariot’s sudden approach and scooped her up and jumped out of it’s path landing on the roof of a nearby building setting Katherine down gently. The rider of the chariot dismounted and looked up at the pair. “You two are the new opponents to enter the war? Behold you are in the presence of the mightiest Pharaoh that had ever lived.” Aemon chimed in rather quickly. "A Pharaoh? Sounds like you think very highly of yourself but can your actions back up that bravado?" he held his left hand out and prepared to summon his bow unsure what sort of man this mighty Pharaoh might say or do. “Your insolence will not go unnoted. As the one true absolute Pharaoh you should feel honored that I would lower myself to fight commoners such as yourself.” Aemon finished summoning his bow from within his weapons factory and was prepared to fight now. "Absolute Pharaoh or not prepare to fall here." he would look at Katherine. "You are the master here. Give me your orders." he was ready to fight and Rider was entering his Chariot and began to steer it around to charge at the building they were at. He would have no trouble wrecking the building so the clock was ticking for them.

    template by Darkee


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 8th August 2018, 5:01 pm

    She's the Man Master

    Katherine stared down at her hand and marvelled at the mark that appeared on its face. It was red and fairly inticate, similar to the tattoo she donned on her hip. At her side, Aemon was surrounded by a red glow and soon after it faded the voice spoke again, addressing her as "Master" Katherine. She couldn't help the blush that rose in her cheeks for the hundreth time that day."Master..." She felt the word on her tongue and found it uncomfortabe and awkward to have such a title. Especially when she was the "master" of a man that she felt must have been much more dominant than she could ever be... She glanced up at him as their surroundings became less dark and infinite, taking on the appearance of the town they had been in previously.

    It was late night, dark and chilled, the stars and moon shining brightly even in their mimicked state. Katherine stared up at the sky and watched the breath she took come out foggy in front of her nose. She heard Aemon speak next to her, but didn't look his way. "Yes... It is." Her unbeating heart panged a little in her chest and she clutched at it absently. The urge to revisit her familiar locations was almost irresistable, but with what he said to her at her side, it made more sense to let it be and keep her past disconnected from the task at hand. "No... It's best not to go back." With that said, she stared down at her feet, curling and uncurling her toes in her boots and grinding her heels into the ground. She looked up at him when he called her master, though, and again her blush returned. It was difficult, she soon noticed, to pay attention to the words that left his lips. The moonlight made his hair seem even whiter and the contours of his face stood out, more defined, even the muscles in his arms looked so- Katherine blinked harshly and chistized herself under her breath, forcing her focus back to the information he fed her even though her stomach twisted and fluttered, begging her to pay attention to something else; something that she really should not even care about.

    "I think... the cathedral in the center of town would be best," she said. "It would give us a 360 view, equal distance in every direction. I feel if we went to the guild hall, we might just spend most of our timing waiting for an attack and it'd be favorable to get this over with as quickly as possible." Then under her breath, knowing full well he would hear her, "We have much to discuss when we return to Basilisk Fang."


    The streets through mock-Magnolia were quiet, maybe a little too quiet. But soon that would be fixed. He suddenly scooped her up from behind and leaped from the ground to a nearby rooftop, making her squeak in surprise as a result. Once he'd set her down she turned to him, fully prepared to scold him for catching her off-guard like that but she shut up when she saw what had been approaching. A chariot and upon it a rider dressed quite fancifully in garb she had never seen the likes of. She blinked down at the man and cocked her head when he spoke of his title. "What's a... pharaoh?" She asked this in a whisper, but knew immediately she would get no answer when Aemon jumped to retort. His confidence was practically oozing and she smiled a little. Though only for a moment. She was fairly content with the two men before her engaging in competitive banter, but of course, she had to be involved. Aemon asked her for orders and a sharp shot of panic raced through her stagnant veins. "Uh- I- You-" Katherine stammered but then, she took a short breath and looked at him with such seriousness it could have killed a man had she intended it to do so. "Fuck him up and don't let him get away. Don't let me down either, I will not accept failure. Go, quickly." With that she touched his cheek gently and stepped back to let him do what he must.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 710 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 19th September 2018, 7:15 am



    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red
    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."
    - Aemon

    " "
    He was amused as she spoke the word “master” after he had referred to her as such. Curiosity made him wonder what she had been thinking upon him calling her that but he felt that he it would be best to not tease her too much now that the events were about to unfold before them. The town was now set before them and he felt it best to eliminate potential problems he asked a brought up a topic that was certainly going to be sensitive to speak about but Katherine didn’t divert herself from the conversation but instead forced herself to answer him. After confirming that this was her first time back in the town since the day Basilisk fang sunk their fangs into her she told him that it would be better to not go back. Even though he didn’t allow his face to reveal too much he was surprise by her answer, it was only natural to visit a place of mourning and he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to blame her had she decided to go through with it despite it being a tactical mistake. "If there is time after this is over perhaps we can go there so you can pay your respects but I must commend you on your rational decision." With that matter dealt with the conversation shifted its direction into the topic of where they should camp out for this war with the two options being the Cathedral or the Fairy Tail guild hall. Both had their pros and cons but he left the decision making up to Katherine and she was quick to make her call picking the Cathedral with her reasoning crystal clear, "The Cathedral it is, i also must say your rationale was quite the spectacle there. A 360 view wild be better just under the merit that we won’t be cornered, however let’s not rush this too much. There are seven more of these servants scattered throughout the city and each with his or her own unique ability so perhaps we should show some caution." it was merely a suggestion that he hoped Katherine would consider. However what she said next regarding them having to speak when they return to Basilisk Fang, as to what she what she wanted to speak upon he didn’t know and unfortunately he wouldn’t get a chance to ask at the moment for their first opponent would arrive.

    Their banter between Aemon and this rider would begin and would result in the two of them trading verba blows with one another. The rider would refer to himself as a Pharaoh which Katherine revealed that she had no clue what a Pharaoh was "Its a variety of monarch. Similar to a king but from a different land, most of those lands are now desert." this was pretty common knowledge so he was surprised that she didn’t know. Questioning her knowledge wasn’t a priority at the moment there were bigger fish to fry and this rider was one of them. He had asked for orders once his bow was summoned and he summoned his quiver full of his cursed arrows right after. Katherine stammered with her answer but soon enough she snapped out of it and gave him an order. She told him to beat him and that she wouldn’t accept failure, "I don’t intend to lose but I suppose if I do then that is one way to escape your scolding." he smirked as he pulled back on his bow creating an arrow out of mana only to release it once the string was fully drawn. It whizzed through the air to strike the mighty Pharaoh in his shoulder. He would wince in pain but pulled the arrow from his shoulder and tossed it to the side. The arrogant look on his face was replaced by raging annoyance, “You dare wound me?!” The Pharaoh took up the reigns of his chariot and readied himself for battle. “I the great Ozymandias will do you the honor of slaying you and your mistress in this battle!” Aemon looked back at Katherine upon hearing this declaration, "Never mind. If I lose you will get to scold me in the afterlife." he wasn’t prepared to let this declaration go uncontested. He began to sprint across the rooftops leaving Katherine where she was forcing Ozymandias, the rider to zoom by on the streets below and easily got ahead of him, Aemon stopped abruptly abruptly sliding on one knee as he kneeled. In one fluid motion he drew an arrow, knocked it and released firing the arrow towards the chariot. However the arrow’s trajectory fell short of Ozy and merely reflected off the chariot near harmlessly. "Katherine… I mean master he moves far to fast for me to accurately place a shot with one of my regular arrows." he narrowed his eyes as the rider turned his chariot and started to bulldoze his way through he building looking to take out his advantage of higher ground. "Do I have your permission to use my Noble Phantasm?"
    template by Darkee

    Last edited by Aemon Trahaearn on 4th June 2019, 9:08 am; edited 1 time in total


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 20th September 2018, 11:59 am

    In The Zone

    She stood beside him and watched silently, her arms folded stiffly across her chest and her lips pressed into a firm line that conveyed her seriousness clearly; one might think it immovable. Yet his smirk made the slightest smile break her stoney expression. "And it would be just that, a scolding," she said. "I like you too much to do you any physical harm." Katherine's stomach then fluttered with excitement as she witnessed his first attack on their opponent. For her it was quite the sight to see, even as the second time since they'd met nearly a year prior. Should he continue to impress her, she'd have to praise him when this was through.

    The Phaoroh took Aemon's shot and then threatened their lives for disrespecting his station. After which her partener turned to her and jested that should he die, she would get to scold him in the afterlife. She blinked and before she could get a word in, he broke into a sprint across the rooftops, effectively leaving her behind. You'd not die on my watch, I am confident of that much, she thought, watching his back for a moment before deciding it might be a good idea to follow.

    She would catch up in perfect time. As she slowed to a jog, a walk, and finally a halt, he would turn to her and speak. Apparently, simple attacks would do no good for this challenge. She paid no mind to the slip of his tongue; calling her by her name and then correcting himself with the job-given title of master. Honestly, she'd prefer her name, but she'd not tell him that.

    The situation quickly turned dire. They needed a fool-proof solution, and fast. His question was one she had no hesitation in answering. "Do what you must."
    ( tags: Speech: "X" Thought: X . words: 301 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 8th November 2018, 11:39 am



    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red
    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."
    - Aemon

    " "
    he smirk couldn’t be hidden from view but that was to mask the desperation that had been present at the back of his mind. His weapons were always reliable and if they weren’t enough then he could always invoke his true power with a small sentence. ”I who shall awaken.“ he would say to himself knowing the words in almost any given environment other than this unleash Ddraig and his body would take on a new form that was quite destructive and even while walking around normally he could feel that switch to flip for the power but right now he didn’t feel anything. He didn’t feel any real connection to the Dragon in his soul, in fact he had just realized that he hadn’t heard from Ddraig since they entered the world. He did know of the system in place by the… thing that made him an archer servant so he did come to the conclusion that Ddraig and his power was suppressed while this war was going on.

    Aemon set his gaze back on the rider that made his chariot barrel through the buildings as if they were made of nothing more than paper mache. The speed at which he moved didn’t give the red dragon much time to prepare the noble Phantasm, he had to take priority with the fact that Katherine was in very real danger with the building starting to collapse. He couldn’t be sure if her own abilities were also suppressed and it wasn’t something he was willing to risk. "Sorry about this." was all he would say as he would turn to face Katherine, lower his center of gravity so he was under her and would come up putting his arms around her legs and lifting her up over his shoulder. He would then plant his feet into the roof that was still available and would push off and jump backwards with Katherine secured by his grip and would watch as the rooftop they were on moments ago would collapse into the ground where the ground floor once was. Once he landed on the ground he would lower to a knee so she stand and without a word he would step around her and take aim with his bow with a single mana Arrow knocked and released in one rapid and fluent motion released it at the pharaoh that now races towards them both. “Such paltry weapons will not be enough to take the greatest Pharaoh. You both shall be destroyed by magnificent chariot.” the mana arrow hit the chariot but did little to no damage however Aemon knew this and had predicted that the arrogance of the Pharaoh was something that could be exploited. In his right hand he summoned what looked like Caladbolg, one of the many weapons that was stored inside the Weapons Factory that was inside his head however it was different, it glowed a deep red, an aura that was clearly identifiable as the power of destruction that Ddraig allowed him to use upon calling upon his power. "I who Shall awaken." he smirked as the red aura surged around him as the arrow was knocked and aimed at the chariot "saeth o dinistr
    he said as he released the arrow with a loud bang. It streaked red across the main street and as expected the chariot didn’t move, the Pharaoh suspected that his mighty chariot could handle anything Aemon could throw at him but he was sorely mistaken. It struck the chariot and the energy of destruction covered the chariot and the Pharaoh destroying it entirely with the Pharaoh along with it.
    template by Darkee

    Last edited by Aemon Trahaearn on 4th June 2019, 9:11 am; edited 1 time in total


    [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004 14e642f

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    Private Re: [Katherine/Aemon] War of the Holy Grail: Episode 1: The Flaming City Fuyuki 2004

    Post by KatherineNeel 8th November 2018, 12:28 pm

    Composure Lost

    It seemed his attempt to call upon his dragon would fail, the current environment's rules not allowing it. She was confident though, that he had a 'plan b' of sorts. The buildings ahead of them collapsed like dominos, one after another falling into heaps of rubble. That destruction would reach them soon and take them with it if they didn't move. She would have herself, but it was the strangest thing... Her magic felt as if it was put to sleep. She could feel it there, serving it's purpose in keeping her alive, but that was it. She couldn't conjure anything to her fingers or her toes, not a single lick of fire. Troubling, but logical considering the conditions. Whether it was lucky or not, she'd not have the oppotrunity to decide, Aemon took their departure into his own hands. "Sorry...?" She repeated, curiously. And then he picked her up over his shoulder, making her squeak in surprise and embarassment, and leapt away from the falling structures. She kept silent when he set her down again and did nothing but watch his next actions, feeling both grateful and in the mood to chastise him solely to cure her blush. When all was said and done, their first enemy defeated and silence drifting back into place, she stood next to him and stared off into the aftermath. "Well..." she started, clearing her throat. "That was... interesting. Who's next?"
    ( tags: Speech: "X" Thought: X . words: 238 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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