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    Stopping Assassinations


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shane
    Experience : 28,105

    Stopping Assassinations Empty Stopping Assassinations

    Post by Katsumi 19th February 2019, 11:24 am

    Last edited by Katsumi on 19th February 2019, 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 194
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shane
    Experience : 28,105

    Stopping Assassinations Empty Re: Stopping Assassinations

    Post by Katsumi 19th February 2019, 5:58 pm

    "Ms. Akahoshi?" Katsumi turned in surprise to see Richard Ravenswood standing before her. She'd escorted him to a party a few days ago and had a little too much to drink. It had been clear where that would lead but she'd done it anyway. She needed to lighten up after LAO. The swords woman had also promised to find whoever orchestrated the death of Melody Ravenswood. It would look good when she applied to the Rune Knights. A bit of P.I. work couldn't go astray. "I think we're a little past the formal stage, Ri." Katsumi said stepping into the man. Ri was her own little name for her new boyfriend. Yes it was moving fast but life flew by if you didn't grab it. LAO had taught her that better than anyone.

    Ravenswood chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around her waist. "You don't do discretion very well do you, Kat? We should keep this from everyone." He leaned down to kiss her. Katsumi tilted her head in response. Once she had had her fill, she broke the kiss. "What's there to keep a secret? Everyone saw us at the party. You couldn't keep your eyes off me... or your hands." She grabbed a hand as it began wandering under her coat. A small laugh broke through her lips. It didn't help her attempt to appear angry. "I can't help it. You're simply gorgeous." Ravenswood said. His words sent a thrill through Katsumi. She opened her mouth but Ravenswood put a finger over her mouth. "This will have to wait til later. A nosy neighbor in town contacted me. She's old friends with my father and I told her about you a day or so ago. Apparently she over heard a 'Mrs. Coldflower' planning an assassination attempt on the winner of this year's Flower contest, Mrs. Cooper."

    Katsumi kissed Ravenswood once more. "I'll be back." She said stepping out of his arms. Ravenswood grabbed her wrist. "Be careful and don't tell Mrs. Cooper who told you about this." A strange request but Katsumi nodded. This woman wouldn't die. She'd seen too much killing inside LAO. Too many people had sacrificed their humanity to survive the game. Putting her leg muscles to work, Katsumi ran through Oak Town. She'd toured it earlier. There was a perfect place for an assassin to hide in wait. It worked well for one wanting to make a death look like an accident as well.

    As she ran, Katsumi pulled out her Henkan. Better to be prepared. I and II would suffice for this job. She didn't need to make any long distance shots... she hoped. A sword appeared in one hand while a pistol was in the other. "Out of the way! Out of the way!" She called out. People moved quickly. Katsumi hoped they didn't think she was a thief or anything. Her dark attire usually made people assume the worst. The swords woman reached the spot just in time. A dark figure was standing over a woman, holding a knife.

    "Stop!" Katsumi cried out. She didn't wait for the figure, simply firing at them. They flinched looking over their shoulder. "Stinking legals! I'll deal with you first!" The assassin launched themselves at Katsumi, unnaturally fast. She barely managed to dodge to the side. The assassin's legs looked strange. Not quite human under the black plates of their armor. "Takeover magic then." Katsumi murmured turning to face her opponent. The assassin grinned slowly. "I'm going to take you apart, nice and slowly. Nothing is gonna save you now, little girl."

    Katsumi chuckled. "I didn't need saving on the floors of LAO, I don't need saving now." Her confidence seemed to shake her opponent. Excellent. Katsumi struck in that moment. Her pistol barked at the same time her spell was activated. The shot took the assassin in the shoulder. The spell sliced into his middle. He cried out in pain. "You shouldn't underestimate your opponents." Katsumi chided, shooting the man in the leg. She didn't want him running away. He tore off his helmet. Katsumi was shocked to see a face seemingly mutilated to the bone. There wasn't much left of his lips, ears or nose. The assassin grinned at her reaction. His lips puckered.

    Katsumi reacted without thinking. Her spell slammed into the assassin nearly cutting him in half from hip to shoulder. The swords woman gasped, realizing that she had just killed someone. Again. Her sword clattered to the pavement. Her knees followed soon after. As the crowds around her erupted in applause, Katsumi wanted nothing more than to undo her deed. No one deserved to die. This was one more death that would haunt her conscious for the rest of her days.

    WC: 865


      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 4:24 am