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    The sky looks good from up here. [Open-Intro]

    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Public The sky looks good from up here. [Open-Intro]

    Post by Noah Springfield 12th February 2019, 2:00 pm

    For hours Noah only heard the rattling of cargo boxes from the carriage he sneaked into from the previous town he was in. It felt like torture to just sit and patiently wait to arrive at his destination. Timbermere was the name of the next town that the owner of the carriage said he was heading to, from what Noah over heard in the previous town. He heard rumors of a new guild being established at the highest mountain peak on the outskirts of Timbermere. This sparked a curiosity from the male, he always was moving from one place to the other, taking on small contracted jobs, but he had ultimately decided that maybe there should be a change of pace in his journey. Joining a guild has crossed his mind before, though he wanted to make sure he joined a guild suitable for himself. While pondering on what this new guild would be like, he noticed an abundance of noises coming from outside the carriage. He instantly jumped from where he was seated in the carriage, scooting to the quilted fabric which was layered over a wooden frame. His head peaked out from behind the cloth, his eyes widening in excitement from witnessing the crowds of people walking from each small shop to the next. Jumping out from the carriage rather quickly, landing onto the ground at ease, he leaned himself up along with a deep inhale through his nostrils. Soon after he exhaled softly through his mouth in satisfaction, feeling the nice relaxing breeze from the mountains flow through the strands of his hair. "Phew. . another minute in that cramped thing and I would of lost my mind!"

    Shortly after his comment, Noah began sniffing out an aroma that was flowing through the air, he knew straight from the start it was the scent of freshly cooked meat. He was stuck for hours without substance, so he took it upon himself to track out where this scent was originating from. Pacing over in curiosity, it lead him to a small shop that sold freshly grilled meats attached to a stick. His dire state of hunger came over him, he quickly rushed to the shop keeper, digging into his pouch for the left over jewels he had. Though he also had another intention in mind, approaching the shop keeper in a rush with the jewels on hand, he spoke rather quickly, "Hey shop keeper! Snag me one of those good looking delicacies for me please! Also! Do you happen to know if there is a guild around here? And if so, which direction should I go?" The shop keeper paused for a moment, but soon gave a small chuckle to Noah. Handing him the delicate meat while exchanging the jewels that Noah offered for the edible. "Not from around here huh? Well since you've done business at my shop, the least I can do is point you in the right spot! Behind ya you'll see that tall mountain that stands out from the rest, that one is where the guild can be found at, the very peak of it! Can't miss it! But it is a rigorous climb so if you do feel confident enough you'll reach the top, then shoot for it." The shop keeper pointed behind Noah, showing him the rather large mountain off in the distance.

    Noah opened his mouth, taking a rather large bite of his meal before turning around, squinting his eyes a bit, he saw the mountain passed all of the vertically designed buildings in the area. Quickly swallowing the substance in his mouth, he shifted his body towards that direction the shop keeper pointed. Moving his left arm up to wave at the shop keeper while he departed. "Ahh alright I see it! Thank you, i'll make sure to come back here again, the food is great!" Taking one more step, Noah's body blurred and quickly dashed around the crowd of people. The locals that happened to see him come by only could make out a humanoid object that blurred past their vision, with a small gust of wind blowing by them afterwards. Using this speed, he scaled up to the buildings in order to keep a steady visual of the mountain. Reaching the roofs, he began to jump from one roof top to the next until he approached the base of the mountain. Landing onto the ground he decided to take a moment to gaze the structure of the mountain while finishing off his meal. He took note that the cloud cover surrounded majority of the mountain, so he couldn't determine how exactly high this mountain was. Tossing the stick from the left over meal to the ground, he tilted his neck to the right, a loud popping noise was made from his joints. Soon he tilted it to the left to mimic the exact noise, hopping in place while he let his arms dangled slightly to loosen himself up. His eye brows slanted downward gently while a smirk started to form on his face, leaning his body forward and bending his knees to adjust a running posture, his body began to radiate a soft blue aura which outlined his body. Quickly sprinting forward towards the base of the mountain, he began to grab onto the rock formation which inclined upward, hopping and jumping onto each solid piece of rock which he deemed safe enough to use as a platform for him to climb.

    The more he climbed up the colder and thinner the atmosphere became. It seemed as if he was at this for hours, his finger tips show a irritated red color from the rugged rock formation and cold temperatures. But he was determined to reach the peak, at this point he was within reach of the cloud formation surrounding the mountain. "Hehe. . man that shop keeper wasn't joking. This is a lot more harder than I expected. ." Noah knew he couldn't keep doing this for long. He allowed himself to dangle from a ledge of the rock formation in order to quickly catch his breath, once he felt comfortable enough he propelled himself up the side of the mountain to quickly scale it. Finally breaking through the layer of clouds, Noah shot up into the air, finally having some form of visibility. He landed onto a platform that was much more flatter than most of the terrain around here. Leaning over while resting his hands onto his knee caps, he began to pant from exhaustion. His head leaning up to see what was around him, his panting began to suddenly slow, his Prussian blue hued eyes slowly began to widen. He saw a large structure just a few meters away. He was certain this was it, this was the guild that was located at the peak of the mountain. Though before he could shout in excitement, he noticed a creature off within the same direction as the structure was located, gazing at this creature he slowly began to pick out features. It had four legs, rather bulky, it's skin texture was white. Both of Noah's eyebrows raised in question. "Is that a horse. . ? All the way up here. . ?"
    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Public Re: The sky looks good from up here. [Open-Intro]

    Post by Shane Stern 15th February 2019, 1:16 am

    The blonde mage, his muscular physique giving him a militaristic vibe more than a mage, was hammering down the last of the wooden signs with his bare hands. It had an arrow pointing in the direction of the mountain path, with the words “Path to Aurora guild headquarter.” The edges were painted red. It seemed more like a warning sign than a directional sign, but the urgency attached to the sign was well-deserved.

    Like what he himself had done when he had arrived at the base of the mountain with the intention of joining Aurora, there had been quite a few recruits that had tried to scale the side of the mountain from the outskirts of Timbermere. As far as he knew, he had been the last one to make it up the mountain successfully through that arduous yet self-punishing method, owing to his magic. Every last one of the recruits who had had intentions of joining the guild gave up when they failed to make their way up. It was fortunate that none of them had suffered any grievous injuries or died.

    Shane had attributed that to the location of the mountain pass. It was rather hidden, and would take a certain level of exploring the foot of the mountain to find it, or at least if the villagers of Timbermere were more helpful in their explanations. Most of the time, when asked, they would just point up to the mountain.

    Wiping his hands on the side of his pants, Shane was rather satisfied with his work. From the town exit to the beginning of the path, he had placed a sign every two meters.

    “That ought to point them in the right direction,” the superhero in training said with a smile. As he turned around to return, the smile on his face crumbled. He let out a sigh. Right before his eyes, a new mage was scaling the mountain. Flexing his muscles and releasing his magic, Shane blew out a trail of white smoke from his mouth as his body exuded the same smoke. With a running lunge, Shane leapt off the mountain path and began scaling the mountain as well. He could only think of that way to keep the new recruit safe.

    With practiced movements, Shane pushed through with his herculean strength to the top of the mountain, making sure he was near to the newcomer until they reached the top. The moment he saw the new fellow reached the top safely, Shane pushed off into the air with a sudden burst of strength, launching himself high into the air and landing forcefully beside the new mage. Who was looking at Murphy in astonishment.

    “That’s Murphy,” Shane spoke up, barely a break in his breathing. “He’s the guild mascot. A unicorn actually. Let him hear you calling him a horse, and you’ll find his horn pointing at the wrong place.”

    Shane turned around and held out his hand. “I’m Shane Stern, an Aurorite. I don’t think you are here for purely sightseeing. Let me show you around.”

    Shane led the new guy around the entire compound, the two of them having ascended where the side of the castle was, and led him to the gates. The large gates of gold, as blinding as ever with the sun reflecting off them, opened quickly despite their size and Shane walked through towards the guild building.

    “Welcome to Avolire Fortress, our not-so-humble home.”


    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Public Re: The sky looks good from up here. [Open-Intro]

    Post by Noah Springfield 15th February 2019, 10:35 pm

    The warmth that escaped the male's breath turned to small puffs of smoke from the cold atmosphere, his gaze still fixated on the creature he caught interest in. Though his focus was suddenly broken from the landing of the young muscular male which stood beside him. Standing up straight as the opposite male started to speak about the creature, Noah picked out from the sentence stated that the unicorn was the mascot of the guild. The excitement that rushed through his face already spelled it all for the blonde mage, this uncontrollable rush of emotions caused Noah's Prussian colored hues to illuminate a quick bright blue color. This was due to his magic reacting unconsciously to his emotions, soon after a large smile was presented on his face. The effort of climbing the rigorous mountain top was well worth spent, this is the guild he was searching for.

    Nonetheless he couldn't help but snicker at the comment that was made involving the unicorn. Knowing it even had a name with such a personality was already something Noah took a liking to. Watching the robust male extend his arm out for a hand shake, Noah took it upon himself to quickly extend his opposite arm to deliver a proper and genuine handshake. A small, but chilly breeze, blew by Noah. His black hair waving along in rhythm to the wind that passed by.

    "Yo! The name is Noah, Noah Springfield. It's nice to meet ya Shane! Honestly feels comforting seeing someone else but me up here, but by all means lead the way!" Breaking the handshake with Shane, he soon pursued the male in ascending to the guild structure.

    While walking with Shane, Noah began to visually examine Shane's rather muscular physique. Only pondering on what sort of regiment he underwent in order to gain these results. Ideas and thoughts popping into his mind, but Noah knew for a fact, Shane had trained for a long time. He couldn't get the thought from out his head on how strong of a mage Shane potentially could be. Thinking to himself on when he could even get an attempt to spar with him was already making his blood pump. Noah had to keep some form of self control though, he knew just out right asking would be rather rude for introducing himself.

    Once approaching the giant golden gates to the front entrance of the fortress, Noah's eyes squinted slightly from how bright the color radiated from the sun's light. Moving his right hand up to move over his eyes in aiding his vision, he slowly began to move this hand down once the doors began opening. His eye brows perked up in interest to see how the inside would even begin to look like. Walking past the gates along with Shane, his eyes shifted towards the other mage in front of him. "Not so humble huh? I mean this place is pretty much a castle to say the least! Something I've only seen kings live in!"
    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 623,530

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plus Ultra
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    Public Re: The sky looks good from up here. [Open-Intro]

    Post by Shane Stern 21st February 2019, 7:15 pm

    His boots tapping on the marble floors in a consistent rhythm, Shane walked casually into the foyer. He had been here for a few weeks, and he would still marvel at the luxury of the place. He had been mistaken when he had first appeared here. He had thought this was on the same level of royalty. But in fact, this was already much more. The foyer alone would have been serve as the royal ballroom.

    He laughed as he heard Noah’s comment. “I prefer to call it a fortress. Although with a unicorn like Murphy running around, sometimes it’s a little difficult to think of it as a castle straight out of a fairy tale.”

    It took them almost five minutes walking at normal speed to move through one end of the hall to the other. Reaching another magnificent pair of doors, towering above the two of them, Shane pushed it open with unbelievable ease. The twin doors swung open smoothly and quietly, revealing the mess hall where the guild members gathered. Two long tables spanned the entire width of the hall. A stage for the guild master to address his members. And a bar counter. It was the standard fare but on a much bigger scale.

    “This is the mess hall. Where we get our meals, drink, lounge around and just plain gather. We are all here most of the time when we have nothing to do,” Shane said, standing to one side of the entrance to let Noah through to take in the sight and then exited the mess hall into the hallway.

    Turning to go down the hall again, Shane began to lead Noah towards the job room. “The other most populated room in the entire fortress.”

    As he spoke, Shane pushed open the doors with force, letting them swing inwards at the same time. The most eye-catching object in the room was the floor to ceiling, edge to edge gold-framed bulletin board on the wall facing the doors. Walking with a smile into the room, Shane himself glanced over the various pinned-up posts on the board before turning around to face Noah.

    “As you probably can see, this is the job board. It’s updated with the latest jobs you can do. Once you’ve picked up something you like, just take the job script, put your name on the back and slot it into the box there,” Shane said as he pointed to a box sitting on a desk to one side of the room. And then with an awkward expression, he continued, “I know you just joined us and you are supposed to get the guild mark but only the guild master can do that for you. It’s done in this very room, but you will have to get Luna. I will inform her when I see her too.”


      Current date/time is 5th June 2024, 2:56 pm