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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Mack 2nd December 2018, 3:34 pm

    "This feels like a bit of an anticlimactic start to this search," Mack muttered, speaking more to himself than to either of his companions. They had journeyed together from Talonia to Oak Town and, overall, the trip had been rather uneventful. After making it to the town they had spent a few days canvassing the Great Library to gather as much information as was possible about the catacombs that ran beneath the town.

    As it turned out, they ran for quite some distance.

    Miles and miles, in fact.

    Searching them all to find one small section that supposedly contained an ancient shrine of the Hospitalariae Order was, in all likelihood, not going to be an easy task or one that was accomplished in a short period of time. After all, if the Shrine were easy to find then it would have been found long before now. Or else, well it was always possible that there was no shrine to be found.

    Given all of that, and all they had discovered concerning the Catacombs themselves, the silver haired healer had expected there to be some kind of impressive door within the Great Library that marked the entrance to the Catacombs. Maybe some kind of revolving bookcase, or a painting that swung out to let people inside, or some kind of ornate wood door with sigils carved into it, or maybe a wrought iron portcullis like what castles had but smaller.

    "It's just a simple door, like all the others," the Healer muttered, leaning on the polished ebony of his crozier. "This doesn't look all that impressive." He shrugged his shoulders and regarded the two women with a calm and level purple-eyed gaze. "Oh well, I suppose I'm ready if you are. We'll see if that tip was any good." Taking the simple silver doorknob in his free hand, Mack turned it and pushed the door open with a soft hiss before disappearing onto the stairwell beyond.

    Word Count: 325/1500

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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Pokomon 3rd December 2018, 1:20 am

    Kumi stood with her newly made comrades, she had never imagined herself taking on a job like this to help a human out before. Although she did have her own reasons for being interested in this place. Why had her head hurt when she thought of oak town when it was first mentioned? The more she looked around the library the more familiar it felt, but she was certain she had never been in the town, let alone this place full of books and knowledge. It was definitely not her scene, much preferring to spend time out amongst nature, than between dusty shelves and books.

    She had decided to finally reveal to those around a small part of her magic, as she was getting bored with her current appearance. Feeling her spiritual energy, or aura as some like to call it, around each follicle of hair and fur, she changed her ears and hair to a dark blackish blue colour before changing her tail to match. Once she was satisfied with that she briskly walked till she stood in front of Mack just before he could enter the stairwell behind her, staring deep into his eyes, hoping to make him feel at least slightly uncomfortable or nervous. With a small, sly smile, she used the reflection of her own currently pale blue eyes, before making them swirl and change to match his amethyst coloured orbs. Rather pleased with her appearance she took a step back to take a better look at what the male had been talking about.

    Indeed the door that had previously been open did look a bit bland for something supposedly hiding something secret and powerful behind it, but the stairwell was definitely gave off a strange magical feeling as she stared down at the dusty steps. "Well, it could certainly do with a good cleaning." Kumi quipped, with a small grin, before pulling out a small hair tie from her grey sweatshirt pocket. The kitsune then began braiding her hair, before tying off the end. "Alright, I'm set." she announced, shaking her hair to ensure it was tightly bound before raising her hands to gesture towards the stairs, "After you, my lady." Kumi teased with a small bow directed at the white haired male, hoping to see some sort of reaction out of him, even if it was just a little sigh. Honestly teasing him was actually some what enjoyable and she was starting to get excited over what they might find below the town deep in the catacombs. Kumi promptly followed the man down into the deep, dark abyss below.

    [WC: 435/1500]

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Luceam 4th December 2018, 10:58 pm

    Luna came out of concern for the man, she figured better to have his back then worry. She followed the two closely, in her human form to make sure she could keep up and not cause any trouble. However within two days of research, and memories of past experience in the library complemented with Integrated mind, it was a simple task. However her attempts to communicate that to the male seemed to have failed, as it was not until he found later on his own. She laughed a bit at Mack's thoughts coming in. "You do know I tried to tell you all this yesterday, right? I've been here before. The catacombs aren't a secret, so there's no secret passage, and if it leads to catacombs, no need to dress it up. Usually hidden doors are further on, double deception."

    Luna followed the man and the Kitsune down the dark path, she could sense a looming darkness. It was making her uneasy being so far from the sunlight, she could start to feel her heart beating rapidly as she grew concerned. She tried to focus her senses, however without as much life as there would be, most of her senses were limited to magical energy. She nearly jumped startled as her iLac buzzed, notifying her of a text. Checking the text made her feel almost sick. "Thank Shirain, just my sitter, they're starting to charge overtime fees, I've been gone for a while."

    However there is an issue that has been bothering Luna since the encounter in the Soul Bar. "Hey Virvidox, what makes you think that the tome found here is the original and not just another copy?"


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Mack 5th December 2018, 5:25 am

    "I guess I just imagined something that was a bit more, Gothic maybe," the healer said in response to Luna's remark about the rather nondescript nature of the door that would allow them to enter the catacombs from the Great Library. Of course, this raised an entirely new and interesting question.

    Why did the Library, of all places, have an entrance to the catacombs within its walls?

    After all, when someone died, the first thought of most people was not that the recently deceased needed to be immediately taken to the library for proper entombment.

    The silver haired mage was on the verge of taking the first step on the plunge into the dark abyss when Kumi slipped in front of him. The curvy kitsune forced the healer to come to a complete stop, so as not to bowl the smaller woman over and, as it was, he just did manage to stop before he would have collided with her. The purple eyed mage tried to avoid glancing down, well glancing down further than the woman's eye level anyway, as she peered up at him but he had the distinct impression that there were less than three centimeters separating the two of them.

    "Uh, yes," he asked, peering down into the now dark haired and furred woman's face. And just like that, her eyes were the same shade of purple as his. Or, at least, they were close enough to the same shade that he could not tell the difference.

    "Oh," he said, brought up short for a moment. "Well, I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," he muttered, moving past the Kitsune as she made her remark about ladies going first and ignoring the jest. Given the narrowness of the doorway and the close proximity of the woman, to say nothing of her build, it was impossible to squeeze past without brushing against her in a slightly awkward manner, with one of his hands practically passing through the bushy black fur of her tail.

    As he started down the stairs and into the darkness beyond he tapped the ebony crozier in his left hand three times. With each thump there was a resounding and solid sounding thunk of the staff on the stone steps. At the third tap, a soft golden light erupted from the staff, illuminating an area out to about thirty feet in front of the trio. "That's better."

    Continuing down the steps, the question from Luna reached his ears at roughly the same moment as the staircase came to an end. "In truth, I don't know if there's a shrine in here or not. I absolutely doubt that the shrine, if it exists, will have the original copy of the Codex Hospitalariae. Such an artifact would not, I think, be in a place like this. But, information about all three of the ancient orders, Templarum, Teutonicus, and Hospitalariae is relatively scarce. Beyond what's contained in copies of their ancient texts, none of which is a perfect copy. The theory is that each copy was made with deliberate errors, in order to conceal the secrets of the orders and make it impossible for anyone other than the leaders of each to know all the secrets and spells they had."

    As he moved through the darkened passageways, following no particular path, the healer would occasionally tap a stone. Each stone that was tapped would have a glowing golden arrow pointing back the way they had come emblazoned onto it. It was a simple way to make sure they did not get lost in the catacombs. "The Hospitalariae were known for their healing spells and magics. It's said that more than a thousand years ago their original High Priestess was the most powerful healer that the land has ever seen and that the secrets and knowledge of the healing arts that she possessed is unrivaled, even today. Even her burial place is, today, lost to us. But, if there is a lost and hidden shrine here, from the waning days of the order, it may contain clues to locate other such shrines. Find enough shrines and enough clues and, maybe, we can trace that all back to the original codex."

    Word Count: 1028/1500

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Pokomon 5th December 2018, 6:04 am

    Kumi scowled at Mack's reaction to her attempts to tease him. "Geez, you're no fun at all." the kitsune muttered to herself as she followed them all down the stairs. Kumi practically glided down compared to the thumping sound of her male comrade, but she was at least a little impressed to see he wasn't stupid enough not to light the way. The way the bricks glowed made her wonder just what kind of magic he really used, was it light magic? Or was that just a little trick that was unrelated? He had mentioned being a healer but there were many ways of healing in this world. Honestly, the conversation between the fae and the human were not too interesting to the raven haired fox. Regardless of whether it was real or just a copy, it didn't matter to her, that was not her goal.

    She had joined them for a chance to discover why she had felt such a headache at the thought of this place, but she was yet to feel anything since arriving. Could it have all been just a coincidence? Did it have nothing to do with her lost memories after all? Kumi internally sighed at the realisation it might be pointless for her to be here, but it was far too late to pull out now. At least there might be a bit of entertainment down here. As her lavender eyes looked around at the walls she began to wonder if any of them had actually done proper research, not just about the location of the entrance, but how exactly to find their way around this maze like place. Rather than keep quiet, she decided it might be best to speak up, just in case. "So, either of you bring a map or know where we're heading? Because to be honest it sort of feels like Mack is just haphazardly guessing..." Kumi accused, waiting for a response, but continuing to follow anyway.

    As she did though, she started to feel something... Something odd... Something deep within the catacombs. It made her fur stand on end, immediately forcing her into 'alert' mode. Ears twitching, waiting to hear if something should come their way. She couldn't quite place what it was exactly, she had never felt anything like it, but she was certain they weren't alone down here. Kumi wondered if she should mention her feelings to the group but decided instead to just keep it to herself. There was a chance she would just be needlessly worrying them if she were to tell them, for all she knew they would find what they had come for without even getting close to whatever was giving off such a strange and unusual aura. Still she didn't like what she was sensing, so she wasn't going to let her own guard down, if necessary she would protect her comrades, she had become quite fond of them after all, although she wasn't sure why. That was something she'd have to think about later, she had agreed to help and help she shall till the mission was over, her personal feelings and thoughts would have to wait.

    [WC: 527 | TWC: 962/1500]

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
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    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Luceam 7th December 2018, 12:11 am

    Luna's senses were going into overdrive as she felt as if she was surrounded by sharks. However she hated to admit she shared the same line of thought as the kitsune about the navigator of the trek into a pit of death. Her finger's twisting the ring on her right middle finger as she could sense the eerie aura of death in the air of the catacombs. "Leading a being of pure life into a pit of death without a map,a cruel deed if held true. I don't belong down here, the life in here is dead, the dead has claimed the life." Luna thought her anxiety was starting to get to her, however that seemed to make some sense when she sensed the vermin crawling through the catacombs. Vermin that live off of the flesh of the deceased.

    Luna saw a group of rats pass by, so she called out to them, wondering if they would be able to give directions. "You! Please, may I have a word?" The rats stopped before looking at Luna, their fur died red around their jaws, while piercing red eyes glared. "flesh.... flesh...." Luna backed up nervously, the rats seemed to have a one track mind. "What do you know of these catacombs?" The rats seemed to be mindlessly focused on Luna as they rushed at her and leaped at her, jaws open. In a reflexive reaction, a white energy gathered around her forming a white disk shield as she bashed the small group of rats, knocking them back before the shield dissipated.

    She felt a great deal of regret. "Those poor souls... They've only feasted on human flesh their entire lives. Incapable of sane thought. What is it about human flesh that drives these poor things crazy? Well, isolation has a factor here." She couldn't watch as the rats suffered, she wanted to heal them, but she sensed the life draining from them. It was too late. Returning her focus to the main goal, she wondered what ungodly horrors were to follow. "This place... sickens me. I never thought I'd say that. But a mausoleum of death..." Luna's hands started to clench into a fist as she was resisting the urge to bring it all down around her. "Has no rightful place. I can't heal life if the soul has died inside. Again, Virvidox, how do you know where to go?"

    WC 399


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 39
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Mack 9th December 2018, 11:25 am

    "Or, maybe I just have a really good poker face," the healer said in response to Kumi's complaint about how he was not very much fun to tease. Of course, if he told the kitsune woman the kind of teasing that would be most effective, it was quite probable that he would wind up being slapped, or worse, for his trouble. No, it was best that the foxy woman figure that little mystery out all on her own. Safer too.

    In rather short order after the trio had entered the catacombs the questions began to be voiced as to whether or not he knew where he was going and where he was leading them. The absolute truth of the matter was that the silver haired healer had no more clue than did either of the women where it was that they were going within the catacombs. They would get there when they got there, as the general saying went. At the same time, though, it was not as if they were simply bumbling along blindly.

    "I don't precisely know where we are going," the man admitted, tapping another stone at an intersection so that a golden arrow would appear to indicate the way in which they had come. "But, we do have a guide, of sorts," he continued, holding aloft the lighted staff as he spoke. He then fell silent for a few seconds as Luna held a brief conversation with some rats that had creepily glowing red eyes. Based on her reaction, and her need to defend the small group from the rodents, the conversation did not end well.

    "A word to the wise," the healer commented, his purple eyes narrowing on the last of the rats that was still clinging to what remained of its life. The vile, insane creature squeaked and twitched madly, but it seemed to have broken its back when it slammed into the shield created by Luna. While the front legs worked madly, the back legs remained eerily still.

    "If you begin a battle, be prepared to finish it." The man raised his crozier and brought the butt of the ebony staff down on the rat's skull with the crushing force of finality. The creature twitched once, and then was still and silent. "If you cannot heal or turn the creature, it must be killed. It is inhumane to leave it here to suffer or be torn limb from limb by its comrades once we have departed."

    "Now, as I was saying, we are not totally without a guide," he continued, moving past the scene of Luna's brief battle with the rats. "Even though I don't have any map to speak of." As he was talking they reached a four-way intersection in the catacomb's tunnel. Stepping into the middle of the intersection, the healer extended his staff down each of the possible ways that the party could travel in. The light from the staff grew noticeably brighter when waved in the direction of the right hand corridor.

    "I happen to have a small relic from the Hospitalariae Order, a Star of Saint Janine," he said, shaking the staff slightly which set the small medallion affixed to it to swinging. The medallion itself consisted of four mother of pearl chevrons attached at their central point to form a sort of eight pointed star. In the large spaces between the arms of the star, at would have been the intermediate compass points, there were two golden lions and two golden unicorns. A unicorn occupied the northeast and southwest corner, while there was a lion at the northwest and southeast corners of the medallion.

    "Are you familiar with the basic principle of magic, like calls to like," he asked, pushing on before the question was answered. "I've tied this medallion into the lighting spell on my crozier. The light will glow brighter the closer we come to our goal, and given that the light has been growing slowly brighter... there is definitely something connected to the Hospitalariae Order in these catacombs."

    Before he could continue to explain the grand scheme a dull, dead moaning sound filled the intersection they were standing in from every direction except the one from which they had come. The moaning was accompanied by the sound of rusty, long disused, metal scraping along the paving stones that made up the walls, ceiling, and floor of the catacomb. Holding his staff aloft, Mack directed the light down the halls in every direction and, within a few seconds the owners of the voices and weapons came into view.


    Zombies in rusted armor, half hanging from rotted flesh. Zombies dragging weapons that had not seen use for their intended purpose in who knew how long. Zombies that had, most clearly, been gnawed on by rats, if the occasional missing eye, ear, nose, toe, or finger was any kind of indicator. "I believe we've found the cause of the madness in the rats," the healer said in a calm tone, turning to face the zombies approaching from the corridor directly opposite of the way the group had come.

    WC: 1881/1500 (Word Count met and exceeded)

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Pokomon 9th December 2018, 4:16 pm

    Kumi had tried to simply stood back as Luna attempted to converse with the crazed rats. She had thought things were going well, up until they started attempting to her attack of course. Before Kumi even had a chance to help defend the other two, they had already dealt with the small group, at least these two seemed capable enough to deal with a few rodents. Not that that said very much, after all Kumi could feel something much worse within the catacombs, still she would continue to keep that to herself for now, the last thing she needed was for these two to start panicking, especially Luna who already seemed quite on edge down here, perhaps she was a little claustrophobic? Or maybe she just had better sense than the human who seemed to be calmly moving forward, tapping another brick with his staff.

    "Great... So we're basically following the intuition of a medallion..." Kumi muttered quietly under her breath, not that she was particularly annoyed at the fact, at least they had something rather than nothing to help guide them. She carefully watched with her currently lavender eyes as he made the next brick glow, she hadn't really been paying attention to it before, thinking it was just his way of marking the trail back to the library. Well at least he appeared to be telling the truth, the brick was definitely glowing a lot brighter than the first one she had paid attention to. Perhaps this human wasn't as stupid as he looked.

    The kitsune's ears twitched as she heard a strange moaning sound from up ahead, there was definitely creatures up there, but, how had she not felt their auras? As Mack lit the way of the path, she quickly discovered why, these creatures were already dead and did not have a spiritual life connected to them anymore. Well, that was definitely something new, she had never met creatures without even a glimmer of a soul before. Kumi sighed, it's not like any of those thoughts mattered right now, they needed to defend themselves and destroy these vile creatures before they harmed their small group.

    Kumi calmed herself, allowing the energy of her aura to be controlled completely, before forcing it forwards which caused her to dash in front of her allies so quickly she appeared to teleport before them. The kitsune then summoned a beautifully rainbow like wave of spiritual energy into the path in front of them, wiping out the nearest group of zombies. Unfortunately this also caused the rest of the undead to notice the trio and being charging towards them. There were still so many though and she would have to wait till they grew closer and got into her range before she could wipe them out with another attack. There was of course still the lingering thought about what creature or presence she was feeling deeper in the catacombs, she didn't want to waste too much of her magical power before having to fight a creature far more powerful than these weak undead beings. For now she simply began sending a simple shot of her spiritual energy that didn't weaken herself at all at individual zombies that drew too close for comfort. Taking them out one by one was annoying and inefficient, but this way she didn't waste too much of her power at once.

    [WC: 564 | Total: 1526/1500]
    Word Count Requirement Complete

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
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    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Luceam 11th December 2018, 7:53 pm

    The sight of the man finishing off the rodents was not easy for Luna, almost sickening as she covered her mouth. However anger quickly set in as she felt the life for. Before they proceeded, Luna grabbed the man by the shoulder with an intense grip. Normally she didn't get set off by things, but this man who had claimed to be a healer failed to act the part. "Don't do something like that again. Even in a sickened state, they were still alive. They could've been saved, if you were a healer, you'd know that."

    As they progressed, Luna couldn't sense any life force, but she sensed some form of magical energy. She saw the undead beings walk through the catacombs. While Kumi had an impressive display of force, Luna used it as a time to prepare. She gathered a ball of white energy in her hands, it expanded to a diameter of twenty centemeters before Luna gently guided it forward passed the group. In Luna's opposite hand, liquidized energy seemed to pour out and form various tiny seeds. After the ball passed a significant distance, Luna threw the seeds down in front of the party. The last thing seen was the ball dividing itself many times over before a wall of ivy managed to grow in the way. "Those bombs will go off any minute now."

    Luna stepped back as the bombs blew up one after the other. She twitched as she heard the moans of the undead and the sound of their guts splashing about. The ivy wall soon fell, revealing that the attack was successful, but there were still stragglers of the party that were coming towards the trio. "Alright, I admit, not the best move for closed corridors or spontaneous. How are these things still alive? Either there's a necromancer, or some form of magic keeping them animate? Any guesses?"

    WC 315


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 28
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 39
    Experience : 0

    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Mack 19th December 2018, 11:49 am

    "The mark of a healer is knowing who can be helped, and who cannot be helped," Mack replied grimly, dropping back into a defensive posture with the two women and zombies began to advance and Kumi fired off some sort of a spell that temporarily filled the space with a prismatic light display. "The rat's physical injuries were not the problem, the problem was their mental state and there was nothing that could be done for any creature that far gone. Attempting to save them would have been every bit as cruel as attempted to save these zombies."

    Standing between the two women as they squared off against the zombies, the platinum haired man slammed the end of his crozier on the ground. A flood of brilliant white light blazed out from the medallion to completely illuminate the area. The effect of the lighting spell on the staff would not last all that long, but it would hopefully at least last long enough for them to deal with the current threat posed by the hordes of the undead coming at them from every direction. The light itself did not slow down the zombies in the slightest, there was no practical damaging effect from the spell, but it was at least something to increase the group's overall effectiveness.

    "Of course, if you think these zombies can be saved I welcome you to attempt negotiations with them," he continued in a dry tone. "I'm not sure you speak the same language though." The healer watched as Luna threw something that looked like seeds which exploded into some kind of plant-like display of force. In truth, the amethyst-eyed mage had never seen anything quite like it. No doubt the display had something to do with Luna's heritage as being one of the fae.

    As for his own display of magical power. Well, for the time being the women seemed to have things well in hand. There was a large number of zombies, no doubts there, but they were slow and relatively weak enemies owing to the relative age of the corpses being reanimated. The smell of the bodies, or lack thereof, coupled with the obviously desiccated state of the remains made it apparent to everyone that these reanimated bodies had been buried in the catacombs for quite some time. The leader of the little party was jerked from his thoughts by Luna's next question.

    "Odds are good it's something connected to the Hospitalariae Order. When they were active, before being destroyed, they were known as powerful healers though the lore is somewhat fuzzier as to how they went about conducting those healings," Mack admitted, shrugging his shoulders and stepping back into the very center of the small intersection as the hordes continued to advance.

    WC: 2343/1500

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Pokomon 20th December 2018, 5:58 am


    Job Info: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1
    Job Sign-Up: P.18, Post 449
    Notes: N/A

    Kumi covered her sensitive eyes as the light from Mack's staff erupted, almost blinding her initially. However they adjusted quickly allowing her to see her opponents far more clearly before Luna threw some sort of seeds into the middle of the main horde before them. Once more Kumi found herself protecting her senses as she held down her fox ears as the seeds exploded, the sound was piercing and only amplified through the echoing brick hallway. Once the ringing died down however, she picked up where she left off, eliminating the left over stragglers of the zombified creatures from the group Luna had bombarded with seeds with another wave of colourful spiritual energy cascading outwardly from her own body.

    "I agree with both of you. Life is sacred, but these creatures were not 'alive' by any means of the word, their souls left them long ago." The vixen commented, before brushing some dust off her clothing that had fell on her during combat. "Due to their nature, unfortunately I can't sense any of them crawling through these halls, so you all best be on the look out."  The vulpine cautioned as they reached the small intersection of paths, the light that Mack had summoned earlier was already beginning to dim as her keen eyes spotted more hordes on their way.

    "Ah... Screw it." Kumi sighed, she had been planning to save her energy in case they were challenged by a far worse opponent, but these creatures were getting on her nerves. From her left hand a bright blue glowing sword made of pure magical energy formed in a matter of seconds before the vixen moved so swiftly she practically teleported in front of the horde before swinging into the mob countless times till they were all taken care of. As she finished the half a dozen or so off she found herself catching her breath as she turned to the others, the spiritual sabre vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. "Let's get a move on quick, I'd rather get what we came for and get out of here as fast as possible." Kumi muttered, waiting for Mack to choose a direction given there were numerous tunnels leading in a number of directions, it may not be a map, but the staff's light was their best bet at this point.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Luceam 22nd December 2018, 11:36 am

    Going forth, Luna couldn't help but be pressed by the feeling that at the back of her mind, something was very much wrong. As Mack had led the way, Luna tried to sense around, but all she could sense were ominous vibes, so she decided to occupy herself with her thoughts. "So you speculate the healing capabilities of the Hospitalariae Order can animate the dead? I find that, a bit, odd as we've gone out of the realm of healing and into Necromancy."

    As they passed the zombies, Luna knelled down for a second and touched one on the back, triggering Integrated Mind. She tried to analyze the creature, but there was another force at work, all she could ascertain was the mission. "I can sense there's some form of magic at work, perhaps the book might have been holding them together, after they were animated? Like some form of preserver. Still doesn't answer if it animated them or not. Perhaps a failed attempt to raise the dead. Seems like no one told them about three days."  Luna stood up before continuing with the party. She was growing immensely concerned, now about the one who was leading the trio down into this abyss.

    Something so powerful in anyone's hand, could potentially be a great risk to everyone. Luna then leaned against a wall for a second, giving off of pink magical energy in some sort of steam as she faked some form of energy loss before she forced herself to turn into her fairy form, of 5.5" tall, before she flew onto the Kitsune's shoulder for the meantime. "Must've exhausted my human body, been suffering unconscious shifts in correlation to stamina lately." Luna hated to lie, but she wanted to have a small talk with the kitsune. She whispered quiet enough for just Kumi to hear. "Don't react too much, but I'm starting to wonder, if this codex is so powerful, there must be good reason to keep it hidden, can you think this man can be trusted with something so dangerous? I can't get a read on him."

    WC 349


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

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    Amelia Thorn

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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Mack 25th December 2018, 1:55 pm

    "Healing magic can easily be perverted into something monstrous," Mack said in response to Luna's question. "Especially if some of the stories about what the High Priestess of the Order could do are true. There are legends of the Priestess regrowing limbs that had been amputated from something called spirit flesh," the healer continued, advancing into the middle of the intersection with his ebony crozier and its light in his left hand. As he had prior to the attack of the zombies, the silver haired man held the staff out in the direction of each of the forks coming off of the intersection. As he did so he held up his right hand and summed a small cerulean orb of energy which added is soft blue glow to the light coming from the staff.

    "Kumi, here," he said in a nonchalant tone, flicking the orb of energy in her direction. The small orb of pulsing blue light zipped across the space separating them and struck the woman in the chest. A soft blue glow spread out from the place where the small missile had struck Kumi, the glow slowly dissipating as the energy was absorbed. "You want one too, Luna?" As he was speaking, the healer slowly started down the right hand fork in the passage way, brushing some cobwebs away and trusting that the women would follow.

    "Back to what you were saying though, Luna," the healer said, his voice echoing down the dark stone corridors as the light from the medallion affixed to the crozier grew ever brighter with each passing step. "There's even one old legend I have come across in the journal of a soldier that claims the first High Priestess, the so-called Blessed Saint Ravenna Thomi, once raised a king from the dead on the battlefield mere seconds after he had been killed by an archer." The hooded man shrugged his shoulders, reaching another intersection in the twisting labyrinth of passages, turning left, and tapping the crozier on the ground to mark the pathway that would lead back out.

    "I have my doubts that story is true though," he continued, starting down the next passageway. "It's more likely it was just a very elaborate shield spell that intercepted the arrow after it had hit the king but before it could do deadly damage. If we find the Codex, I suppose we'll find out together."

    WC: 2742/1500

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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Pokomon 28th December 2018, 4:41 am

    Kumi thought a bit on what they were both saying. In all honesty she suspected that if this tomb was capable of keeping things alive like this it was indeed possible these were simply people that would have otherwise died down here while searching for the lost tomb. Still, if there was one thing she had learnt form all her travels it was that anything was possible in this world. The kitsune listened to Luna whisper in her ear as the fae creature sat on her shoulder. So she didn't know if she could trust Mack with something so powerful? Well that was understandable, humans were unpredictable. The vixen decided it would be best to send a telepathic message directly to Luna, rather than attempt to speak out loud, just in case. She shifted her aura, its colour changing to a bright purple, not that anyone without the power to see it would even notice the alteration. Now she was able to reply properly. 'I'm not sure what to think, but if we do find said tome, I think it would be best if either you or myself were to stick close by till we were certain.' Kumi replied directly into teh fairy's mind, hoping she didn't mind this method of communication.

    However, the vixen was a little shocked when the boy suddenly sent a small blue orb towards her chest. She was fairly confident it wasn't anything dangerous so she let it hit her, feeling a small tingling sensation course through her body. The small aches and pains she had felt previously suddenly vanishing. "Thanks.." She muttered, looking at her arms, as she felt the magic pour through. Well that was interesting enough, it was sort of similar to some of her own magic, although not quite the same. Still she was grateful for the gesture, perhaps this human wasn't so bad.  Although, for now she would leave her judgement for a later time. She needed to be certain before letting him stroll around with a tome filled with power, even if it was just healing. As he so aptly put it himself, 'Healing magic can easily be perverted into something monstrous'.

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    Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1 Empty Re: Quest for the Codex Hospitalariae - Part 1

    Post by Luceam 29th December 2018, 9:51 pm

    Luna paid careful attention to the telepathic message of the kitsune, but she was glad they were on closely the same page. However she realized that she was talking to someone part animal, and she tried her luck at giving a telepathic response, hoping she was animal enough for her telepathic capabilities to work. "I concur, I was lured by the mystery of a legendary tome, but as a legal wizard I can't afford to risk it falling into darker hands. I don't want to be picking fights and making enemies, but at some point my hands are tied."

    Luna looked around the catacombs, she couldn't see as much given that she shrunk herself, but she knew she had to be careful. She wanted to trust the man, but she knew all too well that her forgiveness stabbed her in the back twenty times at least. She knew she couldn't be as trusting as she'd like to be when something powerful is involved. With the man leading she had no idea what to expect, and the suspense was starting to get to her. She wished she could have a bit more information about the situation. However there was one thing that was clear in this ordeal.

    She spoke aloud, hoping to be wrong. "Still, I expected some form of guardian guarding the tome, however those undead beings didn't feel like it. Have the stories you heard mention any such being Mack? I always imagined something that would stand the test of time better."

    WC 257


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

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