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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
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    Cosmic Coins : 505
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    Age : 27
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    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 3rd August 2018, 12:55 pm

    His eyes wandered over the docks, the gentle crashing of the waves in the background forming part of the special atmosphere of the port city of Hargeon, Johann set his gaze to the sea, the scorching afternoon sun hanging low in the sky. This was a routine trip for the Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company, the delivery of goods and wares to and from Hargeon having become standard practice for the Company which, undoubtedly, controlled the majority of the trade routes to and from the south of Fiore, having gotten so rich and influential to even go as far as acquiring their own continent, the world looking upon the new landmass with awe: Tolgalen, a haven not only for the countless members of the West Fiore Trading Company, but also, unknowingly to everyone, being the home to the guilds darker, hidden side, Onyx Moon. In any case, the male had accompanied this shipment himself, overseeing the offloading process personally as the various crates and boxes were taken from the deck of the steel warship and loaded onto the stone surface of the port of Hargeon. Johann sighed. It had been a short while since he had returned from Shadow Island and the wounds that Mars had ripped open were still fresh. In truth, the Vice President could imagine doing better things with his time right now, but he knew that he couldn't lock himself in his dark office for days on end and had to get out of the Company's HQ from time to time. And so, after giving the sailors their shore leave, he turned towards the city behind him. Dressed in his usual white company uniform, his rapier on his side, he took a step forward, then another. "There has to be a place here where I can get a drink"

    A good walk and a short detour to a bar for a whiskey later he found himself still close to the water, but further in towards the city near some sort of patch of green, a park perhaps ? Johann had gotten a good feeling for the streets of Hargeon, it had turned into something of a second home for him, after all, but he had never been here before, at this particular spot, the raised position allowing the citizens of this magnificent metropolis to have a pretty good view of the ocean around, the harbour, and the still gentle crashing of the waves near the shore. Sitting down on a bench, Johann stretched briefly, rubbing his hand with the mark of the West Fiore Trading Company silently, his gaze absently staring into the far distance. "Why so stern, old friend ? 'Tis a beautiful day, is it not ? I haven't seen the sun glow like this in hundreds of years, tsehehe ...", the eerie, distorted voice of Mars, the demonic lord of war, ringing in the back of his head. Even in moments like these he couldn't escape his influence. The Vice President had made it his goal to try and tame the demon sealed inside him, but easier said than done, leaving him wondering who exactly was taming who. The truth of the matter was that Mars had about as much influence on the man as he had on the demon, which, considering Mars unending lust for blood and combat, hadn't been too great of a thing, especially recently. But, for the time being, there was nothing Johann could do but endure. Speaking quietly, almost whispering, he hissed "Leave me alone, Mars" before turning his gaze to the clouds above, his only answer being the demonic cackle echoing through the very edges of his consciousness. Maybe what he needed right now was just some peace and quiet.



    Lineage : Light of Luna
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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 3rd August 2018, 1:41 pm

    With what limited vision the girl had, Lothric loved to look at everything possible with it. Maybe she couldn't show that love, but it didn't change the fact that seeing was beautiful.

    Walking by the water, the swordsman - or rather swordswoman, but she hardly liked the way that sounded - trekked the thin path that was the curb just before the ledge into the water. She hated that stuff, water. She never really understood the appeal of swimming... Then again she hardly understood appeal as a damned concept. A light sigh, the fingers of her left hand tightening their grip on the handle of her katana. That sword wasn't something that she was okay with letting go of; not only was it precious, but it was her only real form of defense in a place like this unless she felt like leveling a building.
    Speaking of buildings, Lothric placed her back against one and gritted her teeth, fingers slipping from the handle to cover her left eye. Pain was shooting through it, burning her nerves, frying her senses. Everything was getting blurry, mixing together into some kind of twisted abstract art.
    'Is this the one? Is this the one where I go blind?' She started scratching the area around her eye like she was trying to subtly tear her skin open to get at the fire. She walked streets nobody else did just to avoid people seeing her like this, to avoid appearing weak to complete strangers. 'Well maybe if you'd actually talk to people they wouldn't be strangers?' Her conscience echoed her fears, pulling at her limbs. She didn't want that, no way could she want that.
    So Lothric parted her lips to simply reply.
    "Sh-shut up, get out of my head..." Was all she could bother to muster, and even still the strength of that request was trivial.
    In a few minutes Lothric was reduced to sitting down and holding her "functional" eye, waiting until she could actually see before she continued on her way.

    So after the few minutes it took for everything to focus, the small girl stood up and took careful steps, hand tracing along the building for support in case she fell. It still hurt, but the shapes she could see were meshing together into something that at least made sense. A tiny smile adorned her lips as her eye traced over the scenery again. How pretty.
    Lothric, confidence that she wouldn't go blind just yet renewed, cut through an alley and into the more... Populated... Side of... town....? There was barely anybody here! She could have been walking through this way the whole time and it wouldn't have made much of a difference... Except that these people would have seen her in that pitiful state. Lothric's body shuddered at the thought of it. She couldn't even imagine someone seeing it, the mere mention of that fearful fantasy making her tremble. Nobody would see her like that, not again.
    Batting her hair over to cover her eye hole on the off-chance somebody pities her because of it, Lothric took a handful of steps into the park, turning around to look back out at the ocean. This was certainly a nice place to put something like this, with a view of the water right there; Lothric hated the liquid unless it was in a glass, but she couldn't deny the sheer beauty it possessed.
    That was when she heard someone speak, so she turned around to have her eyes meet a man, notably alone with nobody except her near him, facing just away from her so that he might not be able to see her. The small girl tilted her head and took a step towards him. Who was he speaking to? Wait- why did she care?
    'Probably just some weirdo talking to himself, not worth my time.' Another echo of her mind, but this time she had to deny it. Maybe it was just a primal curiosity, just instinct, but Lothric wanted to know the answer to her question, so she quietly stepped up to the man, behind him. Maybe she didn't want to show off her face, maybe she just couldn't be bothered with manners.
    "Who are you talking to?" She spoke quietly, her voice not quite sharp, yet not quite soft. A middleground of comfortability you could say.
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
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    Cosmic Coins : 505
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 5th August 2018, 6:25 am

    "Shit", Johann thought to himself, his eyes darting over to the right. He had been lost in thoughts, not paying attention to the approaching stranger who he, using his vastly heightened senses, could've noticed sooner, would've noticed sooner, but had missed the opportunity. He had no visual on the person, but he didn't need his eyes to see. The person approaching from behind was just over 5 feet tall, a girl, from the looks of things that ... carried around a blade ? Just great. Maybe she was another assassin sent by a rival trading company ? Johann's eyes lit up briefly with a flash of red energy, his muscles tensing ever so slightly. Why was it that he couldn't enjoy a day off every once in a while ? The last thing he could use now was having to explain a death to local authorities, and it wouldn't reflect too well on the West Fiore Trading Company itself, either. When push would come to shove though ... In any case, he wouldn't jump the gun and take any rash actions. That he thought until she spoke to him.

    Johann relaxed for a second. What did she say ? Who he was talking to ? Johann almost chuckled. Why would the girl care, and, more importantly, what should he tell her ? "Oh yeah, hey there, I'm just talking to the demonic embodiment of the apocalyptic horseman of war, harbinger of a divine end of the world, who's sealed inside myself, thanks for asking !", it went through the Vice President's head with a distorted giggle from Mars, "Tsk. Just thinking out loud" Johann shrugged nonchalantly at the comment from the girl, at which point he turned his head and looked over his shoulder, his grey right eye and his red left eye falling on the person who had directed this question towards him for the first time now. Indeed, a girl, young, probably still in her teens, very pale hair. She was, as Johann had determined, carrying a blade, but the perhaps most striking feature about this girl was the empty eye socket, a scar covering a large part of her face. How strange ...

    Anyway, it didn't seem like the girl was hostile towards the man at all. Her aura didn't change, it was calm, although she seemed a little nervous. "Are you feeling alright ? How can I help you, young Miss ? Have you perhaps lost your parents ? Do you want me to help you find them ?", Jo slipping back into his regular official, mannered "Vice-President-of-a-prestigious-trading-company-persona". He could actually imagine doing better things with his time, but he wasn't gonna refuse someone help if they needed it, especially with how the girl looked. Fragile almost ... though he could sense magical energy coming from her. Most strange, indeed ...

    Last edited by Johann on 5th August 2018, 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
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    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 5th August 2018, 8:02 am

    She seemed content with his answer, before starting to nod her head. She stopped nodding her head when he spoke again, though.

    Lost her parents.

    A hand came up to her face, gripping the skin tightly with a slight tremble, her palm hiding a grimace. Did he really think she was a child? She knew she was short, but still...
    That tone.
    It didn't match what he said, it was ever so slightly off-kilter, it just didn't quite match. He didn't sound like he pitied her but that didn't excuse those vile, scarring words. They wouldn't stop, people. People wouldn't stop, they couldn't. They should but they couldn't. Everybody looked down on her even if they didn't sound like it, look like it, she knew it! She knew they all did!
    But she dropped her hand from her face, giving a small, cutesy head tilt.
    "No, no sir, I'm not a child,- but I am... Lost. I don't really know where anything is, I've never been here before." Her mouth kept moving, she couldn't cut herself off, she couldn't stop talking, she was asking him for help anyway! How pathetic, how pathetic, how pathetic! Her body wasn't listening to what she wanted, it was asking the man for help! She wanted to vomit at the mere thought of needing someone's help, she could navigate this place perfectly fine, on her own! She didn't need help, she didn't need any help, she never needed help!

    Lothric could feel her heart beating faster and faster and her chest started hurting. She felt a faint hint of pink coming to her cheeks, and her foot scuffed across the floor, hands clasped together nervously, a faint smile slipping into her lips. She was avoiding eye contact as she talked, it was the only thing she could control and she couldn't bear to look at his disgusting, ugly face, filled with good will to help an innocent and helpless little girl.
    She wanted to throw up right here, right now, this feeling of no control. Was she blushing!? That was revolting, she'd never thought of anything so repulsive before in her life!
    "I-I... Uhh... Maybe if you aren't busy, you c-could show me... Around?"
    No, no, no! Jesus christ no! Lothric bit her lip, hard, very hard, but even still she couldn't find herself drawing blood or any real pain. She felt weak- no, she was weak! She was so damned weak! Even her own body looked down on her and took over for itself. This wasn't her doing, it couldn't be! She'd never ask for something so pathetic, she could do this by herself! She could! She really could! She didn't need some blabbering idiot to show her around she could take care of herself just fine! Just fine! Yeah, she didn't need this guy!

    But Lothric refused to move.
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
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    Cosmic Coins : 505
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 5th August 2018, 4:15 pm

    Oh well ... so much for time off, the Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company thought, lifting the corner of his mouth briefly. At least she didn't seem like just another assassin, no, that would be more than just odd. Well, it was his mistake. The girl really didn't seem to know him and he didn't really want to come off as rude, so he opened his mouth anew, his voice lower than before, a hand scratching the back of his head. There had been days when Johann von Weiss had been infamous among his guild mates for his formality and manners, but since the merge with Mars the demon had been influencing him, the man this time prefering to keep it simple and to the point "I apologize, Miss. My fault. You're not from around here, I take it ? Well, that's fine. Oh and please, don't call me Sir ...", a weak smile decorating the VP's face as he spoke the last part. There was little he had come to hate more than being addressed like that. Like he had some sort of authority. He associated these sorts of formalities with nobility, despising his own noble heritage since the Shadow Island incident ... it was the reason, as he had learned, his family, his friends, his life had been taken from him. "Oh, extraordinarily pleased to make your acquaintance, milady, please, allow me to introduce myself ...", the ever dimly flickering flame in Johann's chest grew a little just thinking about it. "You're not gonna flip and allow me to take over right here in these streets, are you, old man ?", Mars still teasing Jo every so often after he himself had changed the man's body, the flame dying down a little as Johann regained his composure "... agreeing with you makes me want to claw my eyes out, you vile abomination",  a chuckle once again ringing through the back of the VP's head "Tsssehe, just be careful"

    He was digressing. "I'll be honest, I'm not from here, either. I used to call Minstrel my home, but ... uhm, yeah, Johann von Weiss, Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company. And you are ?", his new dislike for formality seemingly bringing with it a bit of social awkwardness that had been hidden behind a facade of confidence before. Or maybe it had always been there ? Jo just couldn't be sure what was real and what wasn't anymore. He knew he could rely on his family, though, thus having no qualms to use this title of his. It was something he drew pride from. Something he had worked hard for. Something he would give his life to protect. Family had given him purpose. It had given him strength beyond comprehension. He would make up for it someday. Why was he even telling her. Why was he even thinking about this right now. He sighed. Strangely enough, listening, involuntarily, the girl's heartbeat seemed to get faster. She still didn't send out any murderous intent, but was she really this nervous to just talk to someone ? It didn't matter to Jo anyway. He had already made his decision, rising up from the bench. Maybe she would help distract him from the ever present, dark and stalking eyes of Mars. "Show you around ? Sure, I was just about to suggest the same thing. Say, you're a mage, correct ? Every being gives off a faint magical aura of varying strength and yours is ... of noticeable strength, different from the aura of the average magus", yeah, it was alright for Jo to talk, the VP generally working to conceal his newfound, vast magic power in public. "I have sensed something akin before, though not quite similar to the one you hold. Perhaps ... you are part of a guild?"

    This was when Johann realized he might be asking to much, overstepping his boundaries, that maybe he was a little too pushy for someone the girl had literally just met for the first time ever. Just peeking into someone's aura like that. Though he did tend to ramble, he coughed, clearing his throat, trying to distract from his gaffe by quickly, with colder tone, but the same voice, continuing "So ... do you have anywhere you are staying, or where should we begin ?"

    C Rank Word Count: 1.5k

    Last edited by Johann on 18th April 2019, 4:21 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 78
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Lunar Arts
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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 5th August 2018, 9:11 pm

    A slight nod. She could respect his preference to not be called something like sir... But, "Is mister okay, then? Or must I call you Johann?" Lothric tilted her head. She was... She was doing these things, she was making these movements, she was acting like this, and in all honesty she didn't really mind... Something about the way he spoke his words made her able to bear it, she could accept the things he said. He didn't sound like he was pitying her, he didn't sound like he was looking down on her, he just sounded like a man that she had asked to show her around. His voice brought her back to reality however and she perked up, holding her hands behind her back and smirking.
    "A-ah, yes right. My name is Lothric." She did not mention her last name because as far as she was concerned she did not have one.

    The newly revealed Lothric blushed a little harder as he complimented her magical aura, even driving her to avert her eye, closing it a bit and biting her lip in embarrassment. She was starting to not feel okay with this again, but yet...
    It felt so good!
    It felt amazing when he said that, it felt incredible, and Lothric was fairly certain she was instantly addicted to his words! Oh, oh dear oh dear, her heart had start beating even louder now, so loud that she thought even he could hear her throes of ecstasy inside of her body, her mind. A compliment, a compliment! She had never gotten one of those! Her cheeks were flushing vibrantly, and she started to nervously rub one arm with another. She even, even went so far as to raise a hand to gently hold her cheek, ever so slightly twisting her body side to side.
    "N-noticeable... Strength...? I-I-I guess I am... Kind of a special person... Ehehehhhhhh....~" Wow, wow, wow! WOW! As far as she was concerned this was the best interaction she'd ever had with another human in her entire life, she could die happily now and forever!
    Except that she couldn't.
    Alas, his follow-up finally sunk in to her currently thick skull and she shed the extra emotion and blushing weighing her down. Lothric shook her head and blinked twice. "I'm not in a Guild yet, but... I was actually planning on joining the West Fiore Trading Company myself!  If you wouldn't mind do you think you could show me around there too?"

    She intentionally ignored the former part of his last question, about having somewhere to stay. Lothric didn't exactly have a home, she didn't have the money for that kind of thing, not now. It wasn't like her parents had left her anything, anyway.
    No si- I-I mean, no, Johann. I don't have anywhere to go in particular except the Guild hall, however... If you could show me some stuff around here too, I think that'd be....
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 6th August 2018, 9:05 am

    "Whatever you're comfortable with, honestly", Johann quickly responded to the girl's comment, not wanting to go into more detail on this topic. The pain was still ever present, and he had the feeling that no matter what happened, he wouldn't be able to simply go back to his old self. No ... the wounds that Blood Seal had torn were simply too deep to just heal. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Anyway, this wasn't about him. Listening to the girl give him her name, Johann returned a warm smile. This was by far his favourite part of being in a guild, about being a Vice President of the West Fiore. Meeting new people, each one uniquely different from the next one, each with their own talents, skills, and even magic. Though unable to comfortable feel happiness at the moment, he felt easier than before. At least she wouldn't make an attempt on his life, and that in and of itself was something, was it not ? "Lothric. An unusual, but lovely name, young Miss. Nice to meet you, Lothric.", the VP briefly going back to his official persona, at least for the introduction part. It was simply part of etiquette, and so, he gave the girl a respectful bow, raising his right hand to his chest.

    As he would have done for every other client, partner or person dealing with the West Fiore Trading Company, honestly. He hoped she wouldn't take this the wrong way. Though, when Johann raised his head again, he met the girl's gaze, leaving him wondering if everything was ... alright with her ? She seemed rather nervous, though excited, her heartbeat erratic almost. Was she not used to conversation like this ? Well, she was still young. "No ...", Jo would have shaken his head if he hadn't been in the middle of a talk. Judging from the gruesome injury on her face the girl had experienced more than most people ever would in their lives. He wasn't repelled, curious, more, though he had both sustained and inflicted worse. Still, he knew that pain was pain, and knew exactly what it felt like. "Oh, you are ? Is that perhaps tied to your magic ? Tends to be the case with most people", the VP had slowly started strolling away from this elevated bit of green and back to the streets of Hargeon, which was when he received an answer to the other question he had asked "What a coincidence. Well... as you've found out I'm one of the three Vice Presidents of the West Fiore Trading Company, so I could help you out in that regard. The company principally always takes in new recruits, no matter the position they desire to take, of which there are of course a great multitude to choose from, but every new member is tested by the leadership of the company in some way upon joining. This has multiple purposes, but I think it's not the time to go into greater detail about that just yet." Johann thought to himself for a bit. It was entirely possible that this meeting had indeed simply been coincidence, or, on the other hand, there was the possibility she knew exactly who he was, and had deliberately approached him with the intention of getting the VP to help her into the company. A plausible scenario, but approaching the man directly wouldn't give her any sort of advantage, so it wasn't exactly too logical, either. Well, no matter the case, the outcome would be the same.

    "You know, that's fine, Lothric. I have a suite booked for me in one of the local hotels, but ... I don't really sleep, so if you want it's gonna be yours for the night. Would be a shame to just let it be unused, would it not ?" Johann's face going from a weak smile to a wide grin. It was truly ironic, as they say, history repeats itself. He took a moment to remember his own introduction to the West Fiore Trading Company, how he had spent all his money on the transit to one of the Islands close to the Headquarters on the Company and how Ruvel, who was now one of his fellow Vice Presidents, had given up his room for him to use, not out of pity for the penniless mage, but out of a sense of pragmatics. He had trouble suppressing a gleeful, nostalgic smile. "The ship back to Tolgalen, where the Headquarters of the Company is, will leave port tomorrow.", tossing the girl a white key card "Until then, please, enjoy the generosity of the West Fiore Trading Company" he chuckled to himself. In honesty, the Company made way more money than they could ever spend, anyway, and so spending a little here in Hargeon wouldn't matter too much, anyway. "So, Lothric. You're a mage. I hope you aren't uncomfortable with me asking, but ...", Johann tried to spark a small conversation while they were walking to pass time "... can you tell me a little more about your magic ? Your aura, quite frankly, intrigues me, leaving me wondering what exactly it is that you do. How did you end up here in Hargeon, and why do you want to join the WFTC of all ?". Well, Johann could imagine the answer. The same reason he had joined the Company in the first place. Money. The man chuckled to himself quietly.

    Last edited by Johann on 7th August 2018, 4:20 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 6th August 2018, 10:51 am

    She could get used to this, this docile behavior. As far as she was concerned this man had an excellent way with words, and a silver tongue, when in reality he was just helping her without a hint of pity in his voice - he was even complimenting her on her power that he didn't even know yet!
    However, she had one qualm with how he spoke to her.
    "P-please don't... call me miss, anymore. Just Lothric is fine."
    "Miss" would be the name a little six year old princess had with the maids, as she explicitly denied to be called "Princess Lothric". 'Sounded so girly and stupid, she couldn't stand it, so miss was what she was called. Now, all it brought was a little beacon of pain in her heart...

    Or maybe that was just the pain from that time she killed herself to heal a broken arm.

    Lothric couldn't even speak words as he tossed her the key to the hotel room. She hadn't slept on a bed in... In ten years! The girl wondered what it was like, she couldn't really remember it. She caught the key with little problem, looking at it with awe filling her eyes. Would she get food too? A real meal? Maybe she could.... "Grow" a little if she ate some more. Not like she wanted to grow, though, she was just fine with this size! ... But being a little taller couldn't hurt, surely. As long as she didn't get fat...
    A suppressed giggle. She was absurdly far ahead of herself as it was. What was she even thinking?

    She wondered if he'd be disappointed that she was an Earth Dragon Slayer... She'd heard tons of people saying that an earth type is stupid and weak, that the other kinds were way cooler. She did, in fact, feel rather uncomfortable speaking it though, however even if he was lying, simply knowing why her aura was so strong shouldn't be too much of a threat...
    "Well you see, I'm.. A Dragon Slayer. You can figure out for yourself what kind some other time. I... Wander, you could say, today just happened to be the day I ended up here. I wanted to join the company..." She started walking as she realized he had as well, jogging a little to catch back up. "'Cause I don't really have that much money, y'know. That, and having no Guild is getting pretty old. I tire of the same types of jobs, even if I am... Very good at them" Her tone grew rather dark near the end. She was of course referring to her assassinations, albeit low level, that she regularly performed. She wasn't going to spill that to this guy, especially since the Company was a legal guild, but there was definitely something off about her tone of voice.
    She, of course, didn't know about the other side of the Company after all, however she would surely be pleased to find out.

    "I know a decent amount about business and the likes, I spent the majority of my earlier years learning it, but even if I've forgotten most of my lessons I still know enough to be, ehm... confident." She sighed slightly. She couldn't say she really missed it, even if she knew she should. This kind of life was much more exciting, after all!
    Shen Kadokawa
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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 7th August 2018, 5:54 am

    "Hm ?" Johann briefly turned his head "Sure thing. Whatever works, Lothric", speaking in a passing manner as he continued down the street, taking a look in both directions before coming to a standstill. "If I'm correct there is a wonderful Restaurant further down by the sea. Can I convince you to grab a bite ? Not gonna lie", Johann once again feeling the downsides of a faster than normal metabolism "I'm kind of getting hungry over here", without waiting for a reply making his way into the direction of his desire. "Ah, a Dragon Slayer, huh. That explains your unique presence. We have a few of those in the West Fiore Trading Company as well. I'm very sure we can always find use for someone of such standing. You might want to have a word with Miss Ortinbras, one of our stronger mages and trainee for a Vice President position ... though she can be, uhm, unique at times", Johann shrugged. To be frank, he had disliked Adalinda before, not for what she was, but her habit to drink always and everywhere. In his opinion it was a stain on the spotless reputation of the prestigious Trading Compnay, and he hadn't exactly made his opinion a secret. Now ? He couldn't really care less. Thinking about it, she was a rather strong mage, and a valuable asset to the Company. Maybe Mars' influence wasn't as subtle as he had hoped, his newfound stoicism unexpected to say the least, certainly, but time would tell how this would affect him and his peers.

    "That's fair, I joined the West Fiore Trading Company for the same reason when I was starting my career as a mage. But rest assured ... we know what to do with people who know how to hold themselves. We'll see about that when you're actually part of the WFTC, though." Johann's friendly smile hiding the implication, the reference to the darker side of the Company's deals. Of course, the girl didn't know, but in due time, if she would, could prove herself ... who knew ? "Until you are, though, don't worry about money. You wine and dine on me today, no matter what it is you need. I've gotten the same offer when I first joined so there's really no need to be stingy", the VP grinned to himself, once again reliving moments long passed ... almost missing the entrance to the restaurant to his right, hastily stopping, a hand raised to the back of his head "So, uhm, here we are". The outside itself looked bleak, nondescript almost, a building part stone, part wood on top, though, upon entering one found find themselves in a nicely decorated establishment with a rustic, nautical theme. Of course, Hargeon was famed for its selection of excellent seafoods, but Johann wasn't a fan of seafood particularly, making this restaurant, the Blau, which wasn't as heavy on those kinds of meals, one of his favourites whenever he was in town. Following the waitress to a table he sat down, ordering his drink before, a few moments later, the glass of crimson liquid, Pinot Noir, was placed before him, along with Lothric's drink. The restaurant was still rather empty, it wasn't too surprising considering the time of day, but it didn't really matter to Jo anyway. "I'll have the House's Lentil Stew as a starter, please", not needing to go through the menu first, handing it over to the girl in his company. On there she would find pretty much anything her heart desired, anyway. From the amount of times he had been here ... he knew it from memory. Perhaps Ruvel had a point when he called him a glutton ? Internally, he shrugged. Maybe this newfound nonchalance would be a blessing, after all ? Life seemed easier when you really didn't care.

    "So, Loth, any idea what you wanna do if you're accepted into the Company ? And about that test, you know, what would you say are your strengths ?", the whole thing kind of resembling a job interview ... if Jo hadn't resorted, unconscioussly, to using a nickname for the girl. This, though, was an indicator that he had gotten comfortable. maybe he'd get to enjoy his day off, after all ?



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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 7th August 2018, 8:39 am

    Lothric was very... Confused. She was confused about herself and how she felt. She didn't mind his treatment of her but Lothric's heart kind of hurt, beating so fast. He was going to just... Give her food? She didn't want to seem like she needed it but she was in no way going to stop him.
    Her meals had to be paced, since she wasn't making a lot of money right now.  A nervous little giggle and she simply nodded her head at his request. She did, very much so, want that. She very much so wanted everything he was giving her in all honesty. She felt spoiled like she used to.
    Just goes to show how little she really remembers if she thinks this is a royal treatment.
    The swordsman's little body trembled with anticipation; she had been skipping most of her meals just because she didn't feel like eating, let alone her pay, but either way right now she wanted something nice, something filling, or just food in general.  

    They reached the entrance and she didn't seem to care what kind of food she got, as long as it was food. Brushing her hair over her empty socket as to avoid drawing attention and maybe getting another fork in there (albeit those circumstances were much different), Lothric followed him follow their waitress. The Lothric protesting seemed to have simply shut down, possibly out of embarrassment, leaving a rather misleading representation of the girl. His tone killed her inside because she couldn't understand it - was he talking to her like an equal? Is that what this was?
    A little sigh and she sat down in her chair, simply asking for water as her drink and scouring the menu he graciously handed her. She'd always liked haddock... She thought. She thought she did, that's what it was, right? She liked some kind of fish, so she'd order that. Handing her menu to the waitress she turned her gaze back to the man before almost instantly averting it.
    "Th-thank.. You.." Her words were growing softer now, not quite as sharp as they were when she first inquired. She looked softer as well, nervously shifting in her chair. She wasn't going to piece together what this scene looked like, but to a passerby it might just be a date with an age gap. Speaking of that, however...

    "What's alcohol like? Most of it smells pretty bad..." She sounded more displeased than curious but still a bit curious anyhow. "I'm sixteen right now, so I can't try it anyway... Not like I'd want to. Getting intoxicated just seems unappealing." She uttered distastefully, propping her arm up against the table and resting her chin on the back of her hand, giving him a slightly tilted stare. "Why do you drink it?" She at least had enough knowledge to know what he had ordered was some form of wine, so she was curious to know what she didn't understand.

    "I.. I would take jobs, get some money for myself, y'know... Start livin' normal again. As for my strengths, well, you're honestly looking at them..." She tapped her arm, thigh, and sword. "I could pretty easily beat a wizard of my standing without any magic 'cuz even though it's all powerful and stuff... My magic is pretty sucky I've heard. I seem to be the least popular type of Slayer, after all..."
    Shen Kadokawa
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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 8th August 2018, 8:03 am

    "No need to thank me", Jo quickly waved his hand brushed it off. In all honesty, he was just desperate for a filled stomach right now. "Hm, can't blame you. I was of the same opinion when I was young. Some people like alcohol for its taste, take this Pinot Noir for example" The Vice President grabbed his glas, swirling around the blood red liquid inside " "Black Wine" from Minstrel, given the name due to it's deep colour, has a distinctly fruity and acidic taste, different from most other wines. It's quite enjoyable. Other people enjoy alcohol for its effect, though ... one should try to keep themselves in check. I myself physically cannot get drunk, my body rejects it as poison, which alcohol, if we're being honest with ourselves, is. So, taste it is." It seemed obvious the girl had a slight disdain for alcoholic drinks, but Johann didn't really mind or care too much. To each their own, hoping to at least have satisfied her curiosity with his explanation for the time being.

    As they were chatting, the waitress from before returned, their meals in hand, handing Lothric hers, and placing before the VP a bowl of steaming, brownish liquid. The smell was exhilarating. Finally, some good food. Slowly, Jo took a spoonful of the stew. The taste was wonderful as always. "I see", he responded to the girls answer, taking another spoon, the steam rising from the meal forming little swirls in the air before ultimately dissipating. At what she had to say next, Johann's face turned a little colder, her words saddening him deeply. He didn't know where or why she would pick an opinion like this up, honestly. "Magic is not a popularity contest, Lothric. All magic has worth, all magic in this world is beautiful, and you as a dragon slayer are especially unique. Don't let people drag you down. As far as I am concerned ... Licht und Schatten, Lothric. Yin and Yang. Light and Darkness. You will find that everything has their good sides and bad sides, ... magic in particular." Why the girl would even think that her magic was dependent on popularity was far beyond him. "Let me tell you a story, Lothric. I have met a good few slayers in my career as a mage. Dragon Slayers, Demon Slayers, God Slayers. All of them were and are unique people, with their own unique magic. The woman I told you about, Ada, a Metal Dragon Slayer, her will perhaps stronger than the material itself. A friend of mine, Gangting, an Earth Demon Slayer, with each step of his the very ground below would tremble at his sheer might. Sol, one of my fellow Vice Presidents, a Venom God Slayer, his words can be as venomous as the magic he wields. If I wouldn't know better I'd say the man would actually kill gods given the chance." The man quietly chuckled to himself "You see. No matter what magic you wield, it's the physical manifestation of the power of your soul ... and if your magic is anything like you, I'm sure it's more than adequate", ending his rambling with a low breath.

    "But I guess I'll see your magic for myself soon enough. You're a fighter, as you yourself stated, so I think I know how I will test you. That being said ...", Johann placed the spoon in the now empty bowl "... it's time for the main dish", ordering his next meal.



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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 8th August 2018, 4:28 pm

    "Ah... Maybe I'll try it in a few years, then." She sighed. It didn't sound terrible, to be fair. Soon after that she made a mistake.
    His explanation, while rather good and thorough, was useless. 'Sh-shit I said that totally wrong, didn't I!?' She averted her eye and let out a nervous giggle. "N-no that's not.. I didn't mean it had anything to do with how popular it was, I just meant..." She pushed out half of the words, trying to figure out what she had meant. She shifted around like she was getting uncomfortable. "I d-don't wish to speak more on the subject." She huffed and crossed her arms, staring down and away to her right side, her dominant side. A typical, ashamed look.

    A shiver went up her body, she didn't want to meet his eyes because she expected some kind of condescending look for how she had spoken. Lothric didn't know why she thought that, but she just... Knew he'd give her one. Between eating food and swallowing it her eye refused to lock with his own for even a second, even if he requested it. Maybe she meant how much it annoyed her when they laughed because she was "just an earth dragon". Idiotic, it was. Simply idiotic. Earth was one of the easiest things to get access to, and not to mention the versatility of the rocks she used. Calling her magic weak was stupid, mentioning that people didn't like it was stupid as well. She was stupid, why would she even say that?

    She didn't look up either, even when she took a bite of the fish she still didn't look up - that was, until he mentioned fighting... And more food.
    Slowly, like a scolded child or an abused pet she would focus on objects, gradually sliding her pupil towards his face; his chin, his mouth, his nose, and then his eyes. "I hope you won't hold back, then." She said, and despite her nervous acts she sounded very serious.

    "Main course, huh... Alright..." She browsed the menu again, before a little smirk came to her face. "I assume you're quite strong, being a Vice President and all, while you be using magic or not?" Now, almost a smug tone lifted in her voice. This wasn't a fight she could win, but it was a fight she could impress the man in and hell if she wasn't going to do just that. She didn't know if he had noticed the fact that she carried six swords or not, but it was quite a noticeable sight. All six were currently unhinged from her hips and placed behind her in the booth. She would impress him with six, with one, or with zero.
    Preferably not with zero.
    Shen Kadokawa
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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 9th August 2018, 2:58 pm

    "What did you mean by it then ? Because I am rather curious what would lead you to believe such a thing. But fine, let us speak of things you are comfortable with then, young Lothric", with that, the topic was done for the Vice President. It wasn't like he was mad or anything of the sort, just ... he knew what it felt like having no magic, being treated differently simply for what the had been born as. He just didn't want her to feel like that, or anyone else for that matter. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone that far. My bad", Johann scratched at the back of his head, turning his eyes away for a second, more for emphasis rather than actual embarrassment. Though after that, he didn't really have too much time to dwell on that topic any further as, with swift steps, the waitress arrived once again, carrying the meal Jo had ordered. Placed before the man was a plate with fried chicken strips, garlic spinach with onions, omelette, all lightly covered by a yellow curry sauce, sitting on a layer of rice. He was remembered why this was his favourite restaurant once more. Taking a fork, Jo's mood was instantly lifted.

    "Hm ? What do you mean, hold back. Oh, uhm, yeah, sorry for not letting you know sooner, it would be dangerous to let every random person asking know about him ...", Jo of course referring to Mars, the demonic lord of war who he had merged both body and soul with "You see, due to circumstance I'm currently sharing my body with another entity. Mars ... be nice and say hello", the face of the Vice President changing ever so slowly to a toothy grin, exposing the enlarged canines in both corners of his mouth, the white in his eyes turning to a deep, charcoal black, his pupils shining with bright crimson colour. "Heyo, pretty girl. My name is Mars. So the old man is finally letting you kn-", a deep, distorted voice unlike Johann's speaking from his mouth before being cut off by Johann's regular voice, his eyes changing back to normal "Enough fun for now, Mars". His gaze shifted over to Lothric, anticipating a reaction, hoping he hadn't scared her with the little display. "So, back to the point ... since Mars and I share a body he likes to, uhm, "help" with combat, and therefore I'm, well, kind of, uh, you could say "unable" to "hold back". I hope that clarifies things a bit, but please, if you have any questions I will answer them to the best of my ability within what I'm willing to let you know at this point in time". Picking the fork he had set down back up he continued to casually pick away at his meal, ready for potential inquiries coming his way.

    "Quite strong ?" Johann laughed out loud, shaking his head "No, I'm not nearly strong enough. You know, being a Vice President is mostly paperwork anyway. Besides ... we have stronger mages than me in the West Fiore Trading Company. If this is what you're after look forward to meeting Cirven, our CEO." Johann chuckled to himself once again "As for me using magic ... of course I do, and I always will for reasons I have explained before. Furthermore ... a fight between mages that is without magic would be boring, wouldn't it ?", he gave the girl a friendly smile. No, he wouldn't hold back in any case. Everyone would receive the same test from him if he could help it at all.



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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 10th August 2018, 12:06 am

    She bit her lip at his apology. Great, now she had upset him. She had upset him right? He was upset right? She couldn't tell by his face, he didn't even seem phased but she knew he had to be mad to some degree. His eyes shifted, they shifted so he must be uncomfortable... But he didn't seem embarrassed at all... A look of confusion washed over her face at the man's emotional complex. In all honesty his personality was rather simple if anything. As far as it could be told he had no kinks or oddities, but Lothric couldn't even begin to comprehend all of that. She couldn't understand him not being mad in a situation that she thought should have made him mad, so of course she couldn't understand his personality in the slightest.
    Lothric seemed very excited when her food arrived, instantly picking up one of her two sandwiches with both hands and bringing it to her wide open, slightly salivating mouth. She hadn't eaten something so large in weeks- no, months! Maybe she really could fill out!

    Now, about those oddities...
    Lothric sat there, her mouth twisted into some kind of nervous, toothless grin as she stopped mid bite, her head oh so innocently tilted to the side.
    Quite a cute sound escaped her lips, her one eye wide. Did she hear that right? Well, delusional or not the demonic voice the man spoke with certainly was real.
    Her head tilted the other way, blinking quickly... Or was she winking? Who knew.
    "You've got a demon in you?" She blinked/winked again, which brought up the fact of her right eye's incapability to close and signifying that not only was her eye gone, but her eyelid as well.

    She set her head straight on her shoulders, cracking a tiny smirk. "I gotta admit buddy that's pretty cool... I wouldn't have cared if you told me in the park. Just saying." She knew there was no way he could possibly know that so she laced her words with a hint of playful curiosity, just this once.. Just for this guy. She didn't want him getting the wrong impression, after all. He said most of his job was paperwork but Lothric could at least feel the slight sensation of his magical energy and it was paperwork her damned ass.
    Lothric, so stubborn that she might fight just about anything, was genuinely scared. She hadn't met anybody who scared her like this, even if it was just a minor one.
    But if he really was powerful, then she needed him.

    A hand reached across the table when his own were free, grabbing his wrist and being careful not to bump either of their glasses or anything.
    "If you somehow kill me in this test, do not, under any circumstances, bury me. Do not burn my body. Put it somewhere safe, maybe even somewhere nice, if you really wanted it could be your house. Trust me, I won't smell. I'll be alive again in around twelve hours, okay?"
    'You aren't the only one with shit going on inside them, buddy...' Another grin. She would only let go once her firmly agreed. She might eat dirt sometimes, and she might be able to recover from her body burning, but that didn't mean possibly suffocating multiple times before escaping, or trying to put out a fire, were ideal situations.
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 11th August 2018, 3:48 pm

    Johann gave the girl a weak, almost stoic smile as he swirled around the crimson liquid before emptying the rest of his glass in a single, large sip, placing the now empty container before himself, a small leftover drop of wine forming at its bottom slowly. He tried figuring out how exactly the girl had found out that Mars was a demon, where he had mentioned demon with not a single word, but he figured that she had had dealings with similar entities in the past, or perhaps something of the like. Or perhaps ... no, that would be too outlandish. Besides ... she would be the wrong type of slayer for that, probably specializing in Demon rather than Dragon Slayer magic if that was the case. Anyway, Johann continue to be wary and not let the other know too much about Mars. "It would reflect badly on the Company if it became known a Vice President was involved with powers that transcend mortal capabilities, would it not ? If someone, through sheer coincidence, would catch a bit of conversation they shouldn't ... , though ... people always tend to misunderstand, to fear what they do not know. A shame, really .", the girl not really seeming convinced. Well, not like he would care if she would believe or even trust him at all. This world was cruel, and he couldn't afford either the time or the patience to completely turn himself upside down when someone cried for help. Metaphorically speaking, of course. It was well within his power and authority to help the girl with a warm and most certainly comfortable quarter for the night and good food, and so taking an issue with the current situation he did not.

    Taking another bite of his food he suddenly felt the grip of something around his right wrist, not a forceful one, but she seemed determined. Fierce, almost, her one eye locked onto his own. "I will not kill you and you will not die, Lothric. I can't guarantee that you won't sustain injuries, but it will all be healed right away. No need to worry. Besides ... why should I not do these things ? Seems like a few odd requests to make.", Mars' voice immediately answering in the back of his head "Because little missie here is cuuuursed, I can feel it, tsehehe", Johann's expression remaining unchanged to allow Lothric to give her answer. Maybe she wasn't even comfortable talking about it at all, which would also be fair enough, in which case he would accept that and move on. Not everyone had to beas much of an open book as him, then again, most information about him was known to the public anyway. Most. Also ... Johann couldn't help himself but chuckle. He had fun at the thought that the girl was probably thinking she could maintain her grip on him against his will ... but he didn't desire to harm her in any way. In fact, he would do as much as he could to avoid that. Quite contrary to that though ... it was cute how she did. Taking the fork in his left hand once more, Johann slowly set to take the last few bites of his meal. Was it really almost time for dessert again, already ?

    B rank Word Count: 3.5k

    Last edited by Johann on 18th April 2019, 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private) Empty Re: Afternoon in Hargeon (Social / Private)

    Post by Lothric 2nd September 2018, 10:32 pm

    Lothric's eyebrows raised slightly, her eyes taking on a hint of surprise. "Oh, you have an actual demon inside you? I just meant it metaphorically, I think. It might have been a guess, I didn't really pay it much thought." Now that she thought about it, it appeared she had made an assumption and then convinced herself immediately that it was true. Foolish, reckless, and yet it still paid off? She was surprised to say the least, but god forbid that kind of emotion cross her face; she shrugged lightly, though, just to indicate it. She released his wrist and sat back down, seeming to take on a more  relatively relaxed posture, blinking slowly. "Yeah, yeah, I figure you don't go around killin' people but, y'know, when you think about it, dying is really easy. All you need to do is face plant in an inch of water and knock yourself out. Bam, dead. Tripped over something? Head trauma, brain damage, internal bleeding, maybe you snap your neck or paralyze yourself. You never know- If you're gonna dispose of my body at least do it somewhere with a nice view to wake up to." Her last hint to what she was meaning, making it fairly obvious before she continued eating. She definitely seemed to be getting more comfortable, more at ease, less tense, however since she had laid her swords a while ago her guard was hindered but certainly not down.

    This whole food thing, all of it at once, she was enjoying it thoroughly. She was allowed to enjoy it inside, right? That wasn't weak, to feel things inside- and besides, if she didn't feel inside, then she might not even be human anymore. That wasn't an appealing thought, because with her constant death and life cycle she was starting to doubt she could even be human anymore. She'd died so many times that she was no better than a tool, a blunt instrument, breaking and being rebuilt. She might just be a human incarnation of a weapon, in all honesty. Was that her obligation to never appear weak, then? Was that why? She couldn't remember her childhood that well anymore, after all- well, except for the pain it caused her. Was death stripping her of reason, then? Nothing she did seemed to make much sense, and in all of it that was one thing that did. Was she getting too philosophical about a matter that was probably just a response to trauma? Yes. Did she entertain it every day? Yes. Could she stop questioning it, or acting it? Probably not, because she hadn't stopped yet.

    She seemed to be eating much quicker than he was, which didn't necessarily surprise her; eating this much was a very rare occurrence, she couldn't remember the last time it had happened. It was welcome, however. It was very welcome.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:06 pm