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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th July 2018, 11:32 am

    Job Info:

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av6Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av6Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av6

    Nessa was travelling with Rina, pacing along a dirt road. They were patrolling the unknown lands, due to some suspicious activity in the area; disappearances and suspicious behaviour. They were just taking a look, having a look around, nothing specific. She had undergone a lot lately, so it was nice to hang out with Rina again. Last time they had really seen each other was that job that had undergone in the Ace of Spades. That had been a tough learning curve for Nessa, having to face so much in one long stretch of battle after battle. When she had become a mage she hadn't been prepared for how tough it would be. How much fighting and pain you had to take to get things done. That job especially, had been a massive wake up call for her, but fortunately she had had Rina there to help her through it. She genuinely felt like she had grown much stronger because of it, and was much more confident in her own ability. A lot had changed since she had stepped through the guild doors, anxious and excited, that day were she had been so clueless to the reality of it all. The ups and downs since, it had been a rollercoaster and she wouldn't change a thing.

    Nessa was wearing her usual white and violet dress, accompanied by her knee high socks and elbow length gloves. Her hair tied in a loose ponytail behind her, and around her neck her newest accessories. The same crystal necklace she had actually received from doing the job with Rina, it's sparkling blue crystal shimmering in the light, emanating a soft magical energy. After having her Dad look into it, they discovered the item had magic amplifying abilities, making her magic even stronger than it was. It was a really blessing and made the hardships they had gone through a lot easier to swallow.

    As Nessa plimsoles pressed against the gravel of the road, she heard something that caught her attention. She glanced down, lifting her right foot, founding a flat object underneath. She stepped back kneeling down, "Hey Rina..." She said, calling over the ace. She reached down and picked up the object, quickly realising it was a card. Standing back up, she lifted the card, leaning forward she blew a puff of her, blowing off the excess dust so she could see what it was. She recognised it as a Tarot Card, one of those cards used by fortune tellers to predict your future. Nessa had had her cards read before, once when she went with her Aunty who wanted to find out if she would find love again. It had been a pretty vague fortune.

    'Kissed by the heavens, and blessed with it's light,

    I see much greatness in your future, greater than you could ever imagine,

    But in light their is dark, tainted dark, and it poisons you from it's eternal grave.

    It must be severed or the light will fade, and the wicked will prevail.'

    A strange, strange fortune indeed, a lot more vague than the one her aunty had gotten about meeting a man with a beard on the night of celebration and grandeur. The only thing that had made sense was the 'blessed with it's light' part, which Nessa assumed meant her magic. The rest just seemed really morbid. Although there was also the likelihood that the fortune telling had been a fake. Just because they lived in a magical world, didn't mean their weren't frauds out there. Nessa's drew her attention back to the card, the image of a man standing on a cliff, looking up to the sky with his belongings hanging over his shoulder. Her eyes scanned the words at the bottom, the Fool.

    A loud cackle filled the air, making her jump, she looked around. Admittedly frightening by the sudden laughter, as she glanced around she couldn't see the source of it. She looked back at Rina and gulped, "I've got a bad feeling about this." She said allowed, and almost like a response to her remark, the world around them shifted and everything around them changed. Nessa dropped the card in surprise, looking around trying to get her bearings. They had clearly been transported somewhere, "Crap, I really have to learn to stop touching things!" Nessa said with a frustrated groan. Here we go again, She thought. In front of them was a door, with roman numerals embedded on it for the number one. Another laugh could be heard, this time even louder and crazier than before. Then the laugh is followed by a voice;

    "You are now trapped in my little fun house. Try to escape if you dare. Behind each of my little doors in a fun little arena that you can fight my brothers and sisters in. Hopefully you die, because that would be very fun for me! Now then, turn the knob or I will kill you here and now. Please, just make this fun for me!"

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37

    WC : 839 /9000


    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] 60582_s


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 25th July 2018, 3:55 pm

    Rina had gotten a notice only a few days ago. It wasn't as though it was immediate, but Rina knew that she had to go on this job. However, she had suspected something powerful was waiting for them once they got to the location of the suspected kidnappings. She had really hoped that the two of them wouldn't be taken away like the others who had investigated the area. She gritted her teeth as she looked down the dirt road that began to spread out ahead of her. It was kind of scary that they would be doing this job together, because last time, the most grueling and horrible job had been forced upon them. They had both touched a mysterious creature that led them to 12 locations. Each one had a boss with strength that scared both of them horribly. Although Rina had been able to finish the job with Nessa quickly, Rina had to rest herself for about a week before her soreness had left her body. It was extremely painful for her, even now as she though about it. Something about this job, had felt a tiny bit more similar to her than the one before, which was not a great sign. She did not want to get stuck in another area, where she had to fight multiple "bosses" or whatever. However, she thought that this job would be as good of a time as any to use her newfound abilities blessed upon her by the Heavenly Garden's Goddess. Rina knew she had a duty to the creatures and things that lived there, which was why she took the job anyways. The powers were just a plus.

    She tried to begin running through the new abilities Rina had. Although the Goddess had said something about new spells for Rina to cast, Rina didn't quite now when she would be able to use them. The Goddess was very vague about her abilities, but to an extent. Some abilities she was able to tell Rina, while others were just left to Rina's imagination. She went through the ones she had confirmed were real first. So, she remembered that she had been able to actually glow a white light. Apparently, her allies found the light more soothing than what her past glow had been, but to her enemies, it would cast a blindness upon them. She found that ability way more interesting than her little glow spurts from before. She began looking at her hands and arms to see them encased with a faint white glow. It was a beautiful sight that even Rina was surprised by it. She couldn't believe something as small as a title could make her glow with such an intensity like this. She had also heard from the Goddess, that her spear would be upgraded to better suit Rina's needs. What this meant, Rina wouldn't know. Unless she found an actual threat that required her spear to be used, she wouldn't know how much more powerful it was than before. So, Rina was pretty much just left with her imagination to clearly understand how its new power would handle itself. One thing that truly amazed Rina, was the fact that she was able to form new versions of herself, almost like illusions. They were made of light, and followed her bidding. They were able to damage enemies, or even heal allies. They were useful, and could even be used to help Rina distract enemies. She really wanted to activate the skill now, but she knew for sure she would need them.

    Something about the job her and Nessa took was really bothering her. The place they were in, clearly didn't seem like one that people could just be picked off the road. Surely, people would've helped people who were being kidnapped, or maybe even see what happened to them. It just didn't make sense to her that something like this could happen to people. Even other mages had been sent here, and haven't been able to come back. She was almost positive that some mages could easily have defended themselves and fight off some culprit. Either way, there was no time for what ifs then, the both of them needed to find the person or thing taking away these people and do it safely. All of a sudden, Nessa picked up something off the ground. Rina arched her brow, realizing it was some sort of tarot card. On it, was a title, "The Fool". With question in her eyes, Rina began to realize what was happening and tried to yell at Nessa to put it down. However, it was too late. Rina's fears had been realized as the both of them had been transported to a new area. In front of her, was a door with a roman numeral. As Rina walked over to the left wall of the room, she put her hands on it and began smacking her head into it. With that, she heard a voice. Rina then took a glance towards Nessa, and said to her, "So, I guess we don't really have much of a choice. Let's hope that this isn't like last time, where we have to go to 12 new places and fight a grueling battle." To Rina's luck, she wouldn't have to fight 12 bosses, she would need to fight around 22.



    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 27th July 2018, 2:54 am

    Job Info:

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av6Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av6Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av6

    The voice that spoke was clearly some kind of evil entity, that seemed obsessed with having fun and killing. Talking about them dying with playful glee, Nessa's scowled in irritation, not pleased with how little this 'invisible' creature thought of them, assuming that it would get the best of them. It clearly didn't know her, nor Rina. She actually thought she was a lot stronger now, and she knew how strong Rina was having seen it in person. She was not about to prove the thing right by dying in a place like this. She had to get home, she had so much more she wanted to do. She had her family, as well Sebastian and Arielle now too, not to mention other familiar faces that came to mind. Faces she definitely wanted to see again. They would just have to push through another gruelling situation once more, and do their best to make it back. Nessa wasn't about to let Rina die just because she stupidly picked up a Tarot card off the road.

    Nessa watched as Rina smacked her head in frustration against the door, feeling somewhat guilty about having once again been the trigger that had got them into this situation. She bit her lip trying to think of a positive spin to put on the situation. Her mind struggling to come up with something that might cheer Rina up, Then as a thought came to her, she did a little shrug "At least we know this most likely has something to do with all the disappearances, we can get to the bottom of that at least." She offered, it wasn't much but it was something.  Nessa figured if they at least had some sort of reason for being there, it might not be so bad. They had after all disappeared from the world they were in and appeared in this world. Who was to say others hadn't done the same. Maybe getting through this trial would ultimately save people, at least that's what she hoped. It was also another opportunity to grow stronger and that was always useful.

    "I guess we go through the door then... I mean, I'm sure it's only going to be a couple this time round. How many siblings can this guy have." She said naively, clueless to the size of the family they were about to take on. As they both entered through the, they moved into a place completely different from where they had started. The door creeping to a close behind them, and disappearing completely, meaning they no longer had a exit. The world looked like a mystical jungle, with beautiful greenery and clear lakes. It seemed almost relaxing, the beautiful sight around them was one she could have easily enjoyed. So mystical and pleasant. If it wasn't for the fact she knew she was going to have to fight something, and most likely kill it, she could have been happy to visit such an astounding place. She spotted the large earthy creature they would have to face, much larger than them, with a body made of wood, and leaves. It seemed to be frolicking around on the land, appearing almost happy. That was, until it saw him, giving them a menacing growl. The creature turned it's large body to face them, then bending back on it's legs, it leapt forward, Quickly bounding it's way in their direction, clearly angry to have these intruders stepping on it's turf. Nessa shifted her legs apart in a steady stance, reaching for her magic. Fortunately, as she reached for the magic with in, she could feel that her supply was not feel limited here, that was good. Her connection to the stars still in good reach.  

    Orbs of light appeared around her as she awaited the beast, with realising that a vine was wrapped it way around her leg. Suddenly yanking her off her feet, she screamed as she flew into the air. Dangling upside at least three feet above the ground, she swung back and forth. She tried to reach up and undo the vine, but it only gripped onto her tighter. She growled in frustration. Redirecting her orbs, she ordered two of them  to fly towards the vine, severing it's hold on her. She fell to the ground with a thud, fortunately the soil was soft so it hadn't been too much of a fall, but she still felt the shock of it. Wincing as she sat up, leaning over she yanked the remained of the vine off of her leg and threw it to the side. Then she began clambering to her feet, she took a breathe, so the creature could control the land. That wasn't exactly ideal, seeing as they were complete surrounded by the stuff. She would have to be cautious, she summoned her shield around her body so that no more vines would be able to get to her.

    Then creating a few more orbs, she directing them in the direction of the beast. The orbs spun around him, smashing into it's body in various places. One to the head, another to the gut. One of the back of the knee, causing it to buckle slightly. Fortunately for her, her magic had a burning effect to it, and the monster appeared to be covered in a lot of wood and grass. It's flesh seared and burned under the impact of her attack.

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37

    WC : 907
    Total : 1746 /9000


    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] 60582_s


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
    Second Skill:
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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 6th August 2018, 3:59 pm

    Rina looked up from the door she had banged her head on, and looked up to see that it had some sort of symbol on this. Rina wondered what this meant for both Nessa and Rina. Was it something that would be able to explain what the two would need to do? Was it some sort of warning? Or...was this all just a game, and that was just there to confuse them. As she continued investigating it, she looked over to Nessa, to hear her say something. Rina had really hoped it wasn't something too important. So, Rina said half-heartedly, "Sure..." For now though, Rina needed to make sure that this wasn't some sort of trap, or even if Rina and Nessa could go through it. Biting her lip a tiny bit, Rina touched it and received some sort of vision. It was fast, and almost like a blur, but for some reason Rina could remember it. The visions were sort of framed in some sort of movie. It seemed to look like a child.

    The child, didn't look like he had any parents at all. All he was doing, was frolicking in the nature around him, almost as though he had no cares in the world. He had no one to talk to, or even an imaginary friend to keep him company. The only things that he care about, was the forest around him, and himself. As her walked through the forest, he saw some sort of butterfly. He began following it, faster and faster. As it sped up, the little boy did too. As he tripped and fell, he laughed and giggled. With the remembrance of that part, Rina smiled a tiny bit, and tried to remember what happened next. Trying to form the image in her mind. Continuing from there, she remembered the boy getting up quickly and trying to continue chasing down that butterfly. He was close to it, almost enough for him to get the tip of his finger to touch it. To her surprise, she saw the boy lose his patience, and happily jump at the butterfly. As he did, he began to fall towards the ground. One second passes by as he's falling...then two seconds...the three...and after a while, the boy went out of the vision. All of a sudden, Rina could hear the sound of an impact in her head. With a small tear rolling down her cheek, Rina wiped it away. She had wondered what that vision was, and why it happened whenever she touched the sign. However, she knew for sure that something was wrong with it. She didn't know how, or why, but she knew that it had to have been important.

    As Rina began to come back into reality, she looked in front of her to see Nessa by the door. With that, Rina asked Nessa to open it, not letting her on to what Rina had seen just now. Rina didn't care if she asked, all she cared about was not ever needing to think of that moment again. With a deep gulp, Rina walked into the area. She looked around to see a beautiful forest. It seemed similar to something she had seen before, but she couldn't put her finger on it. As she looked around, she heard the moving of something large. She felt the ground beneath her shake, as she looked forward to see some sort of large creature made of wood. He was frolicking around the forest. He was happy, and Rina felt cheerful by the sounds of its creaking wood. With surprise on her face, Rina saw as the giant monster like creature face towards them. Anger filled his eyes as the his glowing white and misty insides turned into a red glow that struck fear into Rina. She couldn't believe something like that could become so angry. She was shocked, for maybe a few seconds, as she saw it charge towards them. All of a sudden, Rina's shock seemed to feel like it was going on for ages. She could still see what was happening around her, but she couldn't move. As her eyes moved over to Nessa, she saw quick flashes of what was happening. She saw a vine crawl up her, trying to take her down, but Nessa was quick. She had clearly grown in power since last time. This was especially clear when Rina saw Nessa unleash a flurry of spheres towards the monster, damaging him.

    As she saw Nessa unleash her attack, Rina become to feel her body move again. She stretched out her arms, getting back into the needed stance for battle. As she did, she summoned to her hand, her heavenly spear. As it filled the space she made with her fist, she began running for the beast. The beast looked over towards Rina, using the root of one of the trees, to try and trip her. Luckily, Rina was able to hop over it, making sure to keep an eye on her surroundings. Sadly, as she was in the air, the monster used a vine and rapidly sent it towards the foot of Rina. As it began to wrap itself around Rina, Rina began to fall towards the ground from the pull of the vine. Its pull was strong, but Rina knew that she could get out of it if she tried hard enough. She then summoned to her hand, her Heavenly Thorn. With the sharp blade of light, she sliced through the vine and stood up. She then stood up without caring about the dirt that had made its way on her body and clothes, and began rushing back towards the beast. All of a sudden, he screamed. As he covered his eyes, Rina realized that her glow must've blinded him. So, she turned her run into a dash, activating her heavenly petals to travel with her. Although they were faster than her, Rina was able to keep up with them as they slammed right into the body of the wooden creature, making definitive marks in their armor. She then took her spear and jabbed it into one of the marks the petals left behind, creating an even bigger wound into the creature.



    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 8th August 2018, 11:43 am

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37

    Nessa continued her reign of orb attacks, standing there calmly, and manipulating the orbs with her mind. Doing her best to stay composed as she fought. Normally she would be jumping in sword swinging. But today was different. They were in an unfamiliar world with bizarre magic. She had to be cautious. As she attack the beast, she was also now being watchful of her surroundings, she couldn't just focus on the creature ahead, She had to focus on everything. She had been pretty lucky the first time, but if the vine had risen high enough and dropped her on her skull. She may not be alive right now and the very least her natural fighting instincts had handled that situation. But she couldn't rely on that to work every time, she had to strategize. Through the corner of her eyes, she saw Rina begin her attack. Beginning with her heavenly spear, after having to fend off a vine attack of her own. She combined it with her petals to attack the beast. Nessa adjusting the orbs to behind the beast, so as to avoid accidently hitting Rina who was now fighting close ranged combat. Three orbs lined up in a row behind his back before slamming into his spine one after the other, causing the beast to roar in pain.

    As she tried to aim for the back of the neck, the base of the spine and the back of the knees. She sensed the space around her was ready for another attack. She glanced around, looking away from the beast. Around her, several vines had crept forward like snakes. Sliding over each other, creeping there way towards her. There were enough vines that if they got a grip on her they might be able to immobilise her. Orbs that appeared around her no longer moved towards the beast. But instead begin to spin around her, picking up speed. The wind picked up from the motion of the orbs, causing her hair to fly away. Storm they were moving so fast, she was standing inside a tornado of light. As the vines flew forward, they were ricocheted back off, severing and burning to the ground. No making contact, Nessa moved towards the vines following their path. She found the source of them, a tree wrapped in thousands of them. She pushed forward, allowing the tornado to hit the tree and rip it apart. Ending the beast source of 'vine' based attacks.

    There was another roar from the beast, this time even more volatile and unstable then before. Nessa eyes wide, she quickly looked over at him, suddenly feeling a great sense of danger. Turning from the desolated tree, She began to run towards him at full speed. Her legs whipping back and forth as she did her best to great across the space. He raised his arms up, ready to bring them slamming down on Rina. Before he could, Nessa who was still surrounded by her whirlwind of like. Bowled directly into him, knocking him backwards. The creature rolled over, it's stomach now seared with a deep charred wound. It's shook it's head side to side viciously, before refocusing on them and charging once more.

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12

    WC : 537
    Total :  2273 /9000


    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] 60582_s


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 24th August 2018, 7:03 pm

    Rina stood there as Nessa sent out a flurry of attacks towards the creature. Rina, now stuck within the grasp of the enclosing wood that was beginning to regenerate from its body, was now waiting to be freed. She hoped that something would happen to where she would be free, and would actually be able to help against the foe that stood before her. As Rina continuously pulled on the spear, she held it with such a grip, that even the vines pulling at her legs couldn't take her off. In all honesty, they were helping her more than harming her. She tried to use the force of their grappling to her advantage, using it to get her spear out inch by inch. She wondered how much more strain her spear could handle before it snapped in half. It had never happened to her before, but she knew it was a possibility. Although it would be able to regenerate back in the Heavenly gardens for about an hour, she knew that that was an hour too long. She couldn't just let that happen to her, especially not at this point in time. She had no idea what awaited them after that, so she pulled with all her strength she could muster up. With that, the spear popped out as a sudden force hit Rina across the side. She felt her back feel a sharp pain, as a tree stopped her from going as far as she could. She was dazed for at most, a few seconds. However, she could make out the outline of something big looking down upon her. As well as this, she saw 2 other large outlines on its sides. As her vision became clear, she saw as the beast tried to slam his fists down on Rina. Rina looked up in fear, wondering what she was going to do. Then, with the grace of Nessa, her magic was able to push it backwards.

    As he was knocked away from Rina, he saw him shake his head in rage. The red glowing from inside him, was clearly the anger he felt. She wondered what in the world this creature could've gotten so mad about. Especially when they were hitting him and attacking him without him getting mad. There had to be something special that Nessa or Rina did that angered him that way. However, Rina couldn't think about something like that at that point in time. So, she looked over towards Nessa and then looked back towards the wooden beast. As the beast rushed straight towards her guildmate, Rina activated her heavenly blossom, as it spread into multiple petals, shooting straight towards the beast. As they sliced into his back, he screamed in pain. That didn't stop his rampage though, as he rushed right towards Nessa. Closer and clsoer he got to her. So, Rina thought this would be a good time for her to do something else. All of a sudden, she turned into an orb of light as she traveled up the body of the beast. Looking at the multiple holes in his neck, Rina activated her heavenly thorn and stabbed it in a wound a foot from her. It arched its back in pain, which caused Rina to pierce through another gash in his wooden skin, creating a handle for her to hold on to. It constantly swirled around, trying to get Rina off of him. As Rina flung around constantly, she yelled out and said to Nessa, "Now would be a good time to attack!" All of a sudden, she was hanging by a thread as she was held on by one hand gripping onto the spear.


    notes-Just trying to get as many posts done over the weekend before school starts back up


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 25th August 2018, 12:28 pm

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37

    Nessa stopped moving forward as the earthy beast fell to the ground before her, readying her next attack. She couldn't understand, did her attacking the tree really anger it so much. What was this creature and what was it's connection to this world? Did it belong to him? Wasn't here just there to try and kill them? That's what the voice had implied at least. She couldn't quite grasp what was going on. So far the scenario had felt very similar to the job they did before, fighting a creature in a space they couldn't escape from. The voice had said brothers and sisters, so there was at least two or three more. But it was impossible to tell, last time it had been twelve enemies. That itself had been an exhausting feat, yet so far this creature was proving to be an even tougher opponent than most of the ones they had faced in the other world. She summoned more orbs to her side, one, two... all the way up to eight. She directed them at the beast as he climbed to his feet, charging at her ferociously. A wave of Rina's petal ripped into it's back, causing the beast to reel in pain, arching it's spine. Nessa took this opportunity to deliver a wave of orb into it's stretched stomach. It seemed in pain, but it was hard to tell how much damage they were actually doing, with such an unfamiliar beast you could only speculate it's weak-spots.

    As the creature came for her, Rina vanished into light, reappearing only to stab the creature in the back. The girl called out to her to attack, "Working on it!" She called back, as stood there sweat dripping down her forehead as she summoned more orbs. This was straining that's for sure, she needed to do something else. The tornado still billowed around her, but it's wouldn't help her here. So she allowed it to dissipate, the wind settling around her. She reached out her palm, the light extended from it a sword in hand. She charged forward, fuelling all her magic into it, she swung it back, before thrusting across. Slicing through one of the thighs of the creatures, she let out a yell as she carved through the limb, causing it to sever completely. The beast roared, crumpled downwards, it's arms stretch out to stop it's fall completely. Nessa pulled her sword back, thrusting it forwards down between the crevice of the creatures shoulder and throat. The creature let out another sound of pain, Nessa bit her lip, you can do this. She thought. The old Nessa would have hesitated more, would have taken the time to consider the creatures pain. But she couldn't do that anymore, not when she had another guildmate to look out for. Using all her strength, she drove herself forward, pushing the hilt of the sword hard and driving it deeper into the beast body. This wasn't a human, this was just a beast. So far it had shown them nothing but anger and hate and so they had to return in kind, this was the only way they would survive this world.

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12

    WC : 531
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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 8th September 2018, 1:23 pm

    As Rina felt the beast begin to slowly fall backwards, Rina grabbed her spear and tore it out of th beast's skin. Rina looked as it tried to slowly recover it's wound. However, the wounds stopped healing after a few minutes. It seemed like the regeneration was trying to reach somewhere else. Rina wondered where. If it wasn't able to sustain its external injuries, that meant there had to be some sort of internal injury. As Aura looked through one of the deep gashes made by the two mages, she saw the inside of the beast blinking, as thought its light had been dying away. It was as though its light was being ripped away from it. In the eyes of Rina, she realized that the beast itself was dying. As she climbed up it's body, she looked downwards towards its head to see that it was dozing off. It looked up at Rina, but Rina could tell that it wasn't actually looking at Rina. She realized that he must've been looking at the sky. As he did, he began to find comfort in his state of living. His eyes began to slowly open and close, each time having a longer gap than before. For some reason, Rina felt sadness fill her eyes as a tear dropped onto the body of the beast. She couldn't believe she was crying for something that tried to kill him. She didn't want to feel remorse for him, but something within her made her cry. Over and over again, she pictured the image, and the sound in her mind. She went over that scene in her head over and over again. She knew that that beast wasn't that child, but her brain couldn't help but think. She couldn't help but think it. All of a sudden, the beast completely closed it's eyes, saying goodbye to the world it lived in.

    Rina then began to climb down the beast and looked towards Nessa. She hoped that the girl wouldn't bring it up, but Rina wasn't even sure what Nessa would have said or done after that series of actions. For now though, Rina looked over towards the newly appeared door. Like before, it had a number above it. Rina wasn't exactly sure about what was going to happen next, but she hoped that that remorse wouldn't have to be felt again. She had to be strong, if she was going to have the energy to fight a strong beast like that one. So, Rina wiped away her tears and walked slowly towards the door. All of a sudden, she heard the fluttering of something, or multiple things behind her. As she turned her head around, she saw the beast glowing with a beautiful blue light as it exploded. With the explosion of the beast, came hundreds, or thousands of beautiful blue butterflies as they flew up into the air. Rina opened her mouth in awe as she looked toward Nessa, wondering what her reaction to all of this was.



    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 9th September 2018, 4:02 pm

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Nes37

    Nessa tried to look on as the creature's life slowly faded but she couldn't, it was too much for her and she glanced away. Fully aware of what she had done, what they had done. She couldn't let the guilt take over, it had been necessary. They were trapped and without this creatures death the likelihood was that would never get closer to going home. And Nessa had to get home, no matter what. She felt her eyes welling with tears at the sight of Rina getting upset. She blinked several times, squeezing her lids hard in an attempts to stop herself from crying, trying hard not to watch. She couldn't help getting emotional herself, seeing anyone cry was a major emotional trigger for her, especially someone she considered a friend. No one wanted to see their friends cry and if she had time, she would've wallowed in the sadness of what they had done but they didn't have time. She knew fell well now wasn't the time for tears, they had to get out of here. To return to their own world, where people were waiting for them. She yanked the sword out of the beast's sleeping body, turning away from it. She took a deep breath, refocusing herself on the matter at hand. She look ahead of her, noticing the appearance of a new door. This time embellished with the numerals 'XX'.

    She glanced back at Rina, only to witness the magical display of the beast they had just defeated exploding. The thousands of butterflies appearing from the bright blue light, she watched as they flew upwards. It was enough to shake her for a moment, causing her to forgot what she had intended to say. She closed her mouth looking at Rina with a soft smile, "This world is... something else. Come, we should move to the next place." She said, turning away she headed over to the door. She really, really, didn't want to open it, but unfortunately it seemed this place had a set of rules that had to be followed. In order to move forward they had to fight, no matter how painful or tough it was, emotionally or physically. She looked over at Rina, her face hosting an expression of determination. "We're Fairy Tail mages, we can do this." She said, not really sure if she was trying to encourage Rina, or rather just herself. She reached out and twisted the handle, stepping through the door and leaving the earthy world behind.

    Nessa stepped out onto a plain that appeared to resemble a graveyard, several bodies lay across the land. Nessa took a breath They're not real, they're not real, she told herself. She didn't know if they was true but if she pretended they were just a figment of this worlds aesthetic, maybe she could maintain control. Pretending it was all an illusion was much easier than facing the possibilities that they were really surrounded by dead bodies. She looked away from them, scanning the area for their next opponent, finally her gaze rose up and she spotted her. A magnificent light floating about them, watching and clearly preparing to attack.

    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Av12

    WC : 530
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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 12th November 2018, 8:36 pm

    Rina retracted her tears, as her face became to calm down. She knew for a fact that the spirit of that little boy was now in peace. Wherever he was, he was most likely okay. Rina had to say that in her head a few times before it actually began resonating with her. As it did, she looked over to Nessa, and smiled. With that, she said with a cheerful and calming tone in her voice, "Thanks for that! It's just hard to do what we do sometimes. Especially when it means that a life is on the line, even if it isn't our own. But, don't forget...sometimes we have to go through so much fighting, for our lives, for money, or whatever else. Just don't forget, that the lives you are taking are alive. They carry throughout forever. Through your memories, through the memories of others, and more. Don't lose your humanity when it comes to doing jobs. Keep those monsters or people you faced and remember them. They are really important, and it wouldn't do them or you any justice if you remember that. I promise you, you will become a stronger and better mage for it." After those words were said, she took in a deep breath as she waited for something. Whether it be Nessa just ignoring her or replying back.

    As Rina looked into the doorway, she saw a graveyard. Looking through it all, she saw dead bodies. There was so much about the place that seemed eerie. She could hear the cries of pain coming from each grave, as though they were looking for repentance. The cries were so painful to Rina. She couldn't even think without feeling the unimaginable pain the corpses felt. They must have been feeling so hurt. So lost, just broken. As she looked up, she saw a woman in golden armor above them. However, Rina felt that trying to attack her now wouldn't work. For some reason, she felt it in her bones that going up there wouldn't work. That was when it happened, the woman pointed to Rina and Nessa as she said the words, "Attack..." She said it so somberly and bored, it felt like she didn't care for them. Rina believed that all she thought was that they were nobodies. People who didn't matter in this world. Just another soul to take. Before Rina could ponder anymore on it, she saw a rotting corpse rush insanely quick at her. As she summoned her heavenly spear to her hand, the corpse ran into it. However, even through all his cries of pain, he kept tryng to come straight at her. Rina looked over at Nessa, trying to see if she could help her. She had no more free hands, with her trying to keep the zombie like creature impaled, and away from her. She really didn't know how long she could hold out, because this thing was way stronger than Rina thought it would be. All she could hope for now was for Nessa to try and distract it or something.

    wc: 514
    tc: 3570/9000


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 18th November 2018, 8:48 am

    Nessa glanced over to Rina, she could see that she was trying to compose herself. She didn't blame her, it was an intense situation and emotions were bound to be running high. Rina's words resonated with Nessa, it made a lot of sense. Although they were killing beasts, it was still lives they were taking, even for the sake of protecting those they cared for. Although she wouldn't forget these moments, she would do her best to learn from them. She would grow stronger and be a better mage for it. She had to, for the sake of her guild.

    She looked up at the golden knight, she was awe-inspiring and majestic all the while being incredibly intimidating. Nessa couldn't tell if it was a human or a mage, or neither at all. The voice at the beginning had referred to them as brothers and sisters but that didn't necessarily mean by blood. What she could sort of assume was that the knight was female, based on the design of the armour, but even that was a strong assumption she couldn't certify. She practically oozed power and killing intent. Covered head to toe in glistening gold armour, a large set of wings keeping her in flight. Her right hand holding a sword that was almost the length of Nessa's body, she stared down at them with unnerving stillness. Before calling out for an attack in a lazy cold tone.

    Nessa felt a chill run down her spine, she glanced down as corpses began to stir. She watched in horror as one by one they began to rise until four of them were on their feet. She felt her stomach turn at the sight of their rotting bodies, slashed open in ways that no living being could survive. She took a shaky breath as they made their way towards them. Backing away slightly whilst trying to work out what the best next move was. She quickly bent down and touched the ground, reaching for space where a corpse wasn't lying. She thrust her magic into the earth, directed it to the four targets as it divided accordingly underground.

    Straightening up, she threw out her right hand and summoned her sword once more, running forward towards the closest zombie. Her Starlight burst from the ground, stopping it in its tracks as it was hit with her spell, she swung her sword and thrust it's through the creature's chest. It staggered, snarling it looked up at her, unfazed by the wound. That wasn't right, a normal creature would not take being sliced through the heart so easily. She needed to find it's weak spot. She gulped, it was a creepy sight as it pushed itself further along the blade. She gritted her teeth, twisting the blade sharply in its chest before yanking it upwards with enough force for the sword to tear out of the walking dead through its shoulder. She stumbled back slightly from the force before regaining her footing. She charged once more, jumping to her left to avoid the swing of the zombie's arm, before throwing her blade into the creature's skull. It made a disgusting sound as it was driven through rotting flesh and bone. She looked away at blood spattered from the wound. It was due to this that she spotted Rina, struggling to hold back a zombie with her spear. Nessa threw our her free hand towards Rina, summoning several orbs she sent them blasting towards the zombies head. One by one they smashed into its skull, bone cracked and blood burst from it. Nessa looked back at her own zombie that had grown limp, dead from the sword impaled in it's skull, proving her theory was right.

    "Aim for the head!" She called out to her guildmate yanking out her sword, she summoned several orbs and sent them towards Rina to help her kill the zombie she was facing. Before darting on to attack the next one. Glancing up at the knight who was still watching them with intrigued, this was most likely just a means of testing their skill before she attacked. She was toying them, Nessa sent some of the orbs upwards towards the knight. Who dodged them with ease, she was agile that much was clear. But how strong was she? Once Nessa got rid of these annoying zombies, she wasn't going to give her a chance to make more. They would take down this next target and get out of this hell-hole.

    WC :  751
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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 25th December 2018, 5:09 pm

    As Rina looked over towards Nessa, she had seen that the light mage was doing extremely well for herself in the moment. Rina was extremely glad to see that she was doing extremely great thing, like fighting this beast as well as being able to understand their weak points, right as she stabbed the beast in the head. While in this moment of amazement by Nessa, Rina just kicked the zombie esque creature back everytime it got close enough to claw at her, or bite her. Until then, she just waited to see what Nessa was going. Then, she heard the thing she needed to her, where the weak point on the beast was.

    As the undead was up in her face, she could smell the breath of it's rot. She was trying not to gag, but it felt inevitable. She was strong, but she wasn't sure if she could handle something so gross and vile right up in front of her. She's seen worse, tasted worse, but she had never smelt anything like it before. She had always left if she had killed a monster, but actually smelling one after years and years of decomposing made Rina nearly tear up. With that, she took her foot and slammed it into the stomach of the zombie. She then prepared her spear, waiting for the perfect moment to strike at it's head. As it grasped at it' s stomach, it looked up in anger. This was her time, the moment where it was vulnerable. The moment where it was open to be killed. So, she raised up her spear, putting every ounce of her strength into this hit. She hoped it would be enough to actually put it to rest. Like that, it was dead. It's soul had finally been released, at least that's what she hoped. She knew these zombies just wanted to be set free from everything, so Rina hoped that she gave it the wish it desired. However, as it died, its soul went straight towards the woman above. As it did, it went straight towards her sword, making a section of it begin to glow. It seemed like at least half of it was lit up. Before she could look at it further, she heard a noise behind her. It was a zombie, one that had already leaped onto her back.

    She felt its nails digging into her as it tried to bite onto her. Rina consistently dodged her head from its grasp, hoping that she would be able to find a better solution. As she tried to think of one, she was still darting her head around. As the zombie was about to clasp down on her skin, Rina realized that she had a spell that could easily defeat this beast. As she felt her magical strength go towards the palm of her hand, she slammed it down into the ground. From it, erupted a beautiful lotus made of light as the zombie was flung off of her. It skid across the ground, leaving marks. It had even encountered a tombstone, crashing into it as it turned to dust. Obviously, these things were old, especially if the tombstones were brittle enough for an impact like that to destroy it. Rina then looked over to the zombie, with sorrow in her eyes. She could empathize with how the zombies felt. They had spent their whole lives here, dead with nothing else to live for. All they wanted was to prove themselves, so they could leave this world and be free and happy. She whispered under her breath, a tiny "I'm sorry." As Rina raised her spear, she jabbed it right into the zombie's head, hearing it let out a little whimper. As Rina twitched from sadness, she looked over to see how Nessa was doing against her beast.

    wc: 4211/7000


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 7th January 2019, 4:17 pm

    Nessa no longer felt any remorse for the disgusting creatures that attempted to surround her, now that she knew how to kill them it was easy. Plus looking at their monstrous, rotting faces, made it significantly easier to destroy them. She thanked her lucky stars that her father had trained her would a sword, one by one, she would worked her way at the zombies head. The woman above observing quietly, watching in amusement, it seemed she was enjoying the show. Something that only served to irritate Nessa more. Nessa sliced her sword through another zombies neck, taking off the head completely. She raised her arm as she was splattered in the things blood, squealing from the disgusting feeling. She looked up, the woman didn't really seemed to react. Yet, for some reason, Nessa got the impression she was finding this all very funny. Nessa growled, "I've just about had enough of this crap." She snarled, she allowed the sword to fade. Spread her fingers, the light would remould into her bow and arrow. She would point it upwards, taking aim, before releasing a bow in the direction of the woman. She flew to the left, dodging it with ease. Nessa didn't let up, summoning several orbs, they would split into groups of two. The first group would smash repeatedly into the skulls of any oncoming zombies, keeping them at bay. The second group, would fly alongside the arrow. When the woman dodged another arrow. The orbs were there, and would smash into her from the other side.

    Nessa would repeat the attack, only this time the knight was prepared, dodging the orbs as they danced after her. "Stop dodging me, fight me damn it, that's why we're here isn't it?!" She yelled at her, her temper rising. The woman shook her head, pointing down at the zombies she was still creating. what did that mean? Would she only fight them once they defeated the zombies first. Nessa growled under her breath, "So be it," She allowed the arrow to disappear once more, recreating her sword. "She'll only fight us once we get rid of these zombies, I expect once we defeat her we can move on. We can move on," Despite this hopeful thought, something told Nessa that they wouldn't be moving onto an exit. With a cry, Nessa ran forward, moving into a almost of a dance of sorts, weaving in an out of the zombies, she would strike them with her sword. Stabbing one head, kick to another gut, spinning on her heel, slice through the neck. Duck another zombies, grab, drive her sword up through it's jaw. Pull it out, move on to the next. It was an endless barrage of attacks, she would grunt and cry as she did it, putting all her effort into taking out as many as she could. Finally, she stopped, it was done. She and Rina had managed to defeat them all, she panted heavily. All the exhertion from the endless fighting has certainly used up a lot of her stamina. She looked up at the woman, "Satisfied?"

    The knight would glow with a beautiful light, moving her ferocious looking sword around her. Suddenly she soared down, swinging her blade at Nessa. Nessa ducked, narrowing avioding beind beheaded. The knight brought her sword up, before bringing it down. Nessa threw her sword up, meeting the blade on it's course. The two weapons collided, clashing with magical light. It took all of Nessa's strength not to buckle under the force of the blow. Holding her sword in place as the knight attempted to slice down on her. The knight raised her leg as use the oppurtunity to boot Nessa hard in the stomach. Sending her flying backwards across the field of corpses, before turning to move in on Rina. Nessa would land several metres back, wheezing from her impact of the knights metallic boot.

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] 60582_s


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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Musicalbunny 22nd January 2019, 6:38 pm

    Rina looked to see that Nessa had burst in anger. Rina had wondered how annoyed she truly could've been to be able to be filled up to this amount of rage. It was sort of scary and intense being around her, because she had really changed from the girl before who had so much remorse for those that she killed. Sure, their last experience was pretty bad, but Rina expected Dez to be able to be more contained. She may be a strong mage, but over these past few jobs she's been in, Nessa really needs to overcome her emotions. Whenever she feels them, she gets overly extreme, no matter what type of emotion it is, whether it is anger, remorse or something else. However, Rina could easily be wrong. She was, after all, once a homeless person. Most people she saw, she never was able to actually see through them. That was mostly because she had only ever see the world as black and white during that time, there was no in between at all. The world was cruel, but it could also be giving, same with the people who passed her alley by every single day. They would look at her and her family in disgust, hating on them for not being able to live through the months. It felt cruel to her to have so many people around her hate her family, even though they were trying their best. However, there were also some extremely good people out there. Those that notice you, and actually smile. It was one of the most redeeming things about humans to her, and is the reason why she cares so much for them, as well as life now. So, when Rina thought about Nessa, she tried to look at all sides as best she could. She knew she was a good person, it was just sometimes that she could get carried away with her emotions. However, that doesn't mean she can't go over them, it just means it'll make it hard for her to.

    As Rina was in thought, she saw that some time had passed her by. Now, she was on looking the valkyrie-esque woman from above coming down onto them, with a burning bright white light. Rina looked over to Nessa, as she stopped for a tiny bit, probably from exhaustion. Looking back up at the lady, she was coming extremely close to Dez. As she looked at her, she tried to yell at her, but she was too slow. Luckily though, Dez had enough energy to dodge the blow to her head. More unluckily though, the knight outsmarted Nessa, and kicked her in the gut while clashing swords with her. As Nessa skidded off, the knight know looked onto to Rina, as though she was just another target. As she dashed right towards her, Rina knew what she was going to do. With that, she closed her eyes, feeling all the energy around her. Although it was dead, she could tell everything apart, living and dead. Although the dead things weren't identified for her, the living things were. She felt a deep sense of nature in the ground below her. As she did this, she felt roots coming from her feet, as they dug into the ground, rooting themself there, in order to absorb the life source from it. As she did, she opened her eyes and locked her's with the knight's eyes. With that, Rina took her spear and raised it up in the air, using it sort of like a shield. The knight then smiled at Rina and said to her, "You're just an idiot aren't you!" With that, she kicked Rina in the gut like she did with Nessa. However, Rina just looked at her with a dead look on her face. Although the kick to the gut hurt, it didn't hurt as much as her seeing her friend get hurt.

    With a confused look on her face, the knight backed up. With that, Rina took this oppurtinity, and dropped her spear onto the ground. As she looked up at the woman, Rina took her fists, and activated her heavenly rose spell, and created rose gauntlets around her hands. As she did, she shot 10 rounds of rose blasts right towards the knight. As she did, the knight tried to fly away, only to have one of her wings blasted by Rina's rose shots. Then, as she was struggling to get up any higher, Rina closed her eyes, and said to herself, "For the souls who have been trapped here, be set free." With that, she unleashed one final blast outwards towards the knight. As she did, her weight gave way, as she began to fall from the sky, screaming aloud. As she did, Rina felt remorse for her, but she felt more remorse for the people this woman had tricked and schemed against. With that, Rina heard the thud of the woman as a cloud of dust surrounded her. With that, she went over to Nessa, and reached out her hand to pick her up.



    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] Empty Re: Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 8th February 2019, 7:56 am

    Nessa winced, gripping her stomach, as she reeled from the pain of the blow. That kick had caught her off guard, this woman was tough. Tough enough to knock her off her feet. She went to move up onto her feet, only to feel something grip her arm. One of the severed arms of the zombies had managed to grip onto her, holding her down. She reached over, trying to peel over the vice-like grip of the undead hand. Yet it would not budge. She looked around, how was this even possible, she had gotten then all had she. She heard a rasping growl and noticed a carcass lying a few metres away. Just made up of a head and chest, its head had been bashed slightly from her orb attack earlier but hadn't quite been enough to kill it. It snapped its teeth at her, in hope for a bite. Only due to its lack of limbs it was unable to reach her, forced to lie there and bite at the air between them. Nessa summoned several more orbs, sending them in the direction of the head. One by one, she gritted her teeth as she smashed an orb into its skull. Slowly caving it in until there was nothing by a crumbled mess. She brought her hand back over the hand there was gripping her arm. Bringing over the sword of light that she was gripping onto, she would bring the sword down on the hand, carefully not to harm herself. The blade would grow hot. Burning away at the corpse's hand, until it burned to ash. Nessa gagged slightly at the smell of burning rotten flesh hit her nose. Sitting up, she would climb to her feet, and witness that Rina had already engaged in a fight with the lady in golden armour.

    Nessa stood aside, preparing herself in case she needed to jump in. But fortunately, it seemed Rina had this under control, blasting away with her own magical light until the knight was defeated. Nessa watched as she watched the woman fell to the ground in a cloud of dust. Nessa sighed, it was strange, killing these creatures that look so human. Yet something in Nessa's gut was telling her that these beings weren't human, that they were monsters that had been manifested inside this chaotic world they had found themselves in. A short distance away, another door appeared, this one almost appeared to be made of pure light shining brightly, Nessa approached. "Let's hope there's not much more after this." She said quietly, as she reached for it. Pulling it open she made her way inside, onward into the next world.

    When Nessa stepped through, the first thing she noticed was the increased warmth she felt in this world. It was warm, comfortably warm, although slightly on the cusp of being too warm. The kind of heat you would feel on a nice summers day, great for a while, but too much exposure wouldn't be ideal. The next thing she noticed was that it was unbelievably bright, so brightly it was kind of hard to see anything. She winced slightly, attempting to look around. She found the source of the light, it seemed to be coming from a woman. This woman, slightly different from the last, seemed to have brown hair. Her face exposed unlike the last. However, a similarity she noticed was that she too had golden armour. She was also carrying a large sword. Nessa glanced down, unable to look at the woman much longer due to the intense light coming from her.

    "You are our next opponent?" Nessa asked, the woman said nothing. She moved her sword in front of her, in an offensive stance. Nessa could only assume that meant yes. "Okay, let's do this." Nessa said firmly, summoning her orbs once more, she fired them towards the sun woman, who easily deflected them with her giant sword. This wasn't going to be easy, light against the light was a tough was. This was going to be about hammering away at each other into someone felt, Nessa took a steadying breath. Bringing her sword in front of her, she shifted her stance, ready for the neck attack.

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    Major Arcana; Episode 1 [ Job | Rina ] 60582_s

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