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    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Perry Bardell 6th September 2018, 7:51 am


    545 - 545 WC
    The Mystic (tune)
    Nothing more calming in this world, than the sound of my violin...
    It had been an information run for Vinn, since he arrived in Fiore. It was a new land, afterall. A land that was not permanently covered in snow and ice, which intrigued him. He packed only his bare necessities for the road. Clothes, some food, his family heirloom and of course, his precious violin. Vinn didn't play it in front of anyone. He played it only in the privacy of his own room. It was one of few things that he performed in secrecy and it always gave him a good rush, not getting seen. He did pick up violin as an obligatory hobby that he had to choose, but people believed that after those few obligatory years he dropped it. And he wanted to keep it that way. But here, he could do whatever he wanted. Nobody cared that he held a nobility title to his name. Not that they should. Vinn preferred being anonymous.

    Along the way, he had heard about the mages that populated Fiore. They had formed several Guilds and one could choose which to join, based on their goals and ideals. Or stay free, without tying themselves to a Guild's name. That was what Vinn decided to do. He didn't to slow himself down with unneeded ties. That being said, he still needed a place to stay. He heard about several different towns and cities, but the one that intrigued him the most was Talonia. Supposedly it was a hub for mages who held no allegiances to Guilds. Sounded like the perfect place to call home, even if temporarily.

    A leather bag was slung across his shoulder, his family heirloom was safely hanging on his neck and his right hand was a rather expesive-looking, carved case that held his violin inside. There was a waterfall in the distance, as he neared the town, eventually stepping into its boundaries. Not too many people were walking around, which made it easier for him to search for some sort of accomodation. He came across a dingy-looking inn and without too much thought he walked inside. All he needed was to have an overnight roof over his head. Nothing more, nothing less. He paid for a couple of nights, but it was all of the money he had. Vinn knew that he would have to do some work, to earn some more. With a groan he dropped his leather bag onto the floor of his room. It had a cozy feel, but it smelled kind of strange. Sleeping in there would definitely be something. Still, he needed to clear his head. And Vinn knew exactly how to do that.

    Soon after, he was standing in the Solemn Park. The name suited it perfectly, as the atmosphere that permeated through the air gave Vinn this weird feeling. There was a light breeze blowing, fluffing up his loose shirt that hanged on his shoulder over his striped t-shirt. He set the violin case on the grass and opened it, gently. And even more gently he took out the violin out of its case. Vinn tried a few testing notes, making sure the instrument was tuned to perfection, just the way he liked it. Then, he started playing a tune, with a slightly mystical vibe to it.

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
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    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Takeji 7th September 2018, 7:16 am

    It wasn't often that Takeji had to leave Magnolia for a job. He usually would avoid jobs that required him to travel far, but he was almost out of money and it was a tempting reward he would gain, and just for an easy task. For him, anyway, it was the type of mission he specialized at~

    He had been in Talonia for a few days, although the mission was already over the day he arrived. He still had to wait while they graded his mission however, maybe they couldn't believe how easily it was for him to get that work done. Not that he was bothered, it's no problem at all long as they pay for all of his work as well as for the nights he spent at the inn. That's what rich customers are good at, but perhaps only that. Nothing could get on his nerves like their arrogance afterall, he's already had enough of that.

    Takeji was free to do all he wants in the mean time, but he had to be back to his employer after they're done checking on his work, or he could just leave them and try find another source of income, and quickly in his situation. He already is in debt if no one pays for the inn. He was in no position to run out of patience, not that it felt so unusual for him, that's how he lived most of his life. On his knees before those superior to him, or those whom he needs help from.

    On the first day, after finishing the job, he went on a long walk through town. "A place for those not belonging to any guild, huh? Well I see it's for good reason. Getting jobs here is easier than anywhere I've been. Well, except..." He cracked a finger with his thumb as a distraction, he'd rather not remember that one place. This town was the best non-guild place for jobs, and that's it.

    On the third day, he was paid for his job and could finally go back home. But he had a few hours before the train would be off to Magnolia. He had nothing on him when he arrived here, so he wouldn't need to pack up any bags. He preffered it that way, so he could just spend that time on a last walk in that town.

    He walked out of his room, closed the door, and walked outside of the inn. As he walked through the door, he could see someone coming his way, walking into the inn he just left. "A one eyed pyramid?..." He glimpsed at the symbol he wore, it was very intriguing. It wasn't familiar, but he felt a negative vibe from it. Not that he did anything about it, he just brushed that feeling off and continued walking.

    "I may not need another job for a while now~" After leaving the inn, Takeji sat down at the most peaceful place and started calculating all the money he had. "Oh wait, damn..." He sighed and rested his back on the grass. He could need another job soon, his landlord was to collect rent soon.

    He just brushed off these thoughts, not like he was going to get a job now anyway. Takeji relaxed lying on the soft grass and closed his eyes. He could've fell asleep for a few minutes, but he was awake when he felt someone near. He didn't own the place, of course someone would come over to sit there like him, so he ignored them and tried to have a rest. It was very peaceful. Music started playing, which just complemented that peace. He sat up not to fall asleep again and enjoyed the calm tune.
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Perry Bardell 9th September 2018, 9:25 am


    260 - 805 WC
    The Dragon Charmer (tune)
    Not having the shackles of my noble House feels pretty good.
    Vinn finished playing the first tune. His ears didn't pick up anything out of the ordinary in the notes, so the violin seemed to be properly tuned. He placed the violin into the case, momentarily as he stretched out his arms and back. Now that the practice was over, it was time for a proper little concerto, to take place. His heirloom clicked softly, as he bent down and picked back up his violin. He rested the violin on the nape of his shoulder again and played an another tune.

    He was going to woven an another tune into the one he was playing to keep the concerto going, when he realized that he did indeed have an audience, that he didn't notice beforehand. Vinn was too focused on his violin when he came into the park, so he didn't feel too bad about not noticing them. But since he wasn't back home, Vinn could actually brag a little bit with his violin skills. He ended the tune, instead of continuing the concerto. The young man still had his violin in hand, as he turned to see his audience. It seemed to be a youth, a boy. Vinn would chuckle. "Enjoying the show, are you?" He would call out to the boy with a smirk on his face, the gentle breeze playing with his wild white mane. Violin tunes were usually serene and calm, but Vinn could always play more aggressive songs. He wondered what this youth prefered to listen to. Who knew? Maybe he would earn his first fan.


    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Takeji 10th September 2018, 1:40 pm

    After the music was over, Takeji turned to the violin. He was too distracted by the tune while it was playing, he hasn't even glanced at the guy playing it. He had long, white hair that he couldn't see his face through. He looked familiar though...

    "Thought so, a one eyed pyramid!" He had seen this guy at the inn before coming here, just a coincidence he assumed. The other boy was sitting some distance in front of him, his back turned towards Takeji.

    It was quiet now, with the music off. Any movement the audience made were loud enough to stand out in this silence. They even had the attention of the artist on the stage, so much that he stopped playing to turn around and look at his fan.

    "Yeah, you're good with that thing~" He replied in a friendly tone he made up with a slight smile. "Looking for... Attention?" He would think behind that smile, not displaying what he really had in mind. "Would be best if I seemed interested..."Not that he had to pretend, not this time at least, he was actually liking the music.
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Perry Bardell 10th September 2018, 2:59 pm


    212 - 1017 WC
    Perhaps my violin will carry me much further here, than I thought...
    Vinn chuckled at the boy's response. At least it seemed that he knew to appreciate good music. "I appreciate that, youngster." The smirk on Vinn's face didn't disappear. It would be in his best interest to get to know this boy a little bit better, Vinn reckoned. He could always use more connections. Especially now, since he had literally none. Networking in order to gain access to juicy information was a must in his noble House.

    The topic of his violin seemed like a good enough of a start for this connection, however. "Say." The young man would start. "Do you know any songs yourself?" It was a bit of a stretch, but if he knew at least a bit of a tune or melody, Vinn could go off of that. "I'm always interested in any new songs that I could add to my repertoire." Vinn was also interested in the songs just out of a principle of being in a land so far away from his own. He wanted to know if the music that was performed in these lands was any different from the tunes that he was used to. Although the kid himself didn't look as much of a musician to Vinn's eyes, if he had to be honest.


    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Takeji 13th September 2018, 4:18 pm

    The violinist clearly liked being praised for his work, and it was really good music that he could work too. Takeji smiled and scratched the back of his head at his reaction. "Yeah~" He kept quiet for the next few moments, till the other guy talked again. "Hm..."

    Giving him any song he knew for the conversation to keep going didn't sound like something he would be bothered by, but he couldn't play it to give an idea what it's like. He touched one of the strings of the violin with curiousity to hear the sound it made, he could probably tell how difficult it would be to play a song exactly. "Sorry, I often listen music, but that's all I can do with it. I can't play any." He would say on hearing the sound the strings made, an instrument wasn't made to be so easy for first timers, it seems.

    Takeji glanced at the pyramid while talking, but quickly would revert his eyes away, trying to avoid any awkwardness that could cause. Although he did take the first chance to ask about it. "Hey, so what's that? It looks pretty cool!" Pretty cool may not be what he thought, but it would be rude to be honest about that, wouldn't it? Takeji acted friendly and smiled asking that, trying to keep the conversation from taking any wrong turns his question could turn it.
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Perry Bardell 15th September 2018, 3:04 am


    280 - 1297 WC
    Humans seem to be only ever attracted to shiny things...
    Just as Vinn had suspected, the kid wasn't a musician. /"Ah, well. It was worth a try."/ The young man thought. Not that he was angry about it or anything. What he didn't approve of, however, was when the boy touched his violin. Vinn would take a step back. "Do not touch my prized possessions without permission." Vinn would scoff and place the violin back into its case. The musical instrument had the most value for Vinn, along with his family heirloom, that seemed to have caught the youngster's attention. Vinn hoped that the kid wouldn't reach to touch that item. "This is my family's heirloom." The young man would say and touch the ring on a string.

    "My parents deemed it useless for them, so they gave it to me when I was a kid." The young man would explain. The heirloom wasn't exactly a symbol for their noble House, so Vinn's parents were not obligated to have it with them, since they were the current heads of the House. Instead, they gave it to Vinn when he was little. He took great pride in that and he carried the ring with him, always, ever since. "There is a saying in my family that the heirloom is said to hold untold power." He would share the little tidbit with the boy. Though it was a well-known tidbit back home. "And only the ones that the heirloom deems worthy of that power, will receive it." Vinn would smirk. He was the one who had received the power, quite recently. But since that happened on his travels, nobody knew about it, back home. And he wanted to keep it that way.


    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Takeji 18th September 2018, 4:14 am

    "Uh?" He lifted his head up from the violin and the Symbol to look the boy's eyes as he got up and stepped back, placing the violin back into its case. "Not so friendly when it's about your stuff, eh~" He thought, it wouldn't be wise to do that again. "Sorry!" He smiled politely as he asked about the symbol, not even raising his hand to point at it. It'd be better if he didn't bother the other boy, for both of them.

    Vinn started telling the story, explaining what that thing is. "Family heirloom? Does his whole family wear that thing?" Although he didn't look like it, Minoru was intrigued. He listened quietly to the story, leaving all his questions and comments to himself. "Deemed it... Useless? Is he so proud about that..." If he did look at Takeji or gave him any attention, he didn't look like he had these thoughts on the tale. "Some power?" Really, all that bothered him about the story was that symbol. Other than that, it was all pretty normal. With all the magic out there, something like that wasn't too rare to see. "If so is the case, no wonder I'm getting these vibes..."

    "I see, pretty interesting."
    That's all he said out loud about it. He had already lost interest in the subject, anyway. He decided to just turn this into a short chit chat, before ending it maybe. He'd have to go soon for the train, anyway. "Hey, I'm Takeji by the way. And you?" He introduced himself, quite late in the conversation maybe~
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin Empty Re: [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin

    Post by Perry Bardell 19th September 2018, 12:33 pm


    226 - 1523 WORDS
    I will make sure to remember the name...
    After Vinn put away his violin, the boy didn't even point at either the violin or his ring on a string. Vinn didn't mind pointing, as long as it didn't transform into a touch. Chasing after somebody who stole a possession of his was the last thing he wanted to do. He had plenty else to do than that. The boy said interesting, but it seemed more like a response out of politeness. Vinn reckoned that this land had more than enough of artifacts that held special magics or the like. In Phaeton they had several magical relics and such, but probably not even close to the amount they must've had here.

    The youngster then introduced himself. It was high time that Vinn did so himself. "I am Vinn. Pleased to meet you, Takeji." He would introduce himself with a sly undertone to his voice and a light bow of his head. Vinn didn't exactly expect much from this connection, but still, he had to begin somewhere. For the time being, however, he had nothing more to ask or tell, himself. "So. If you have anything else to ask me, go ahead." He would prompt Takeji for questions, if he had any on his mind. Vinn didn't mind the company, but getting back to playing his violin didn't sound as a too bad of an idea.


    [Social - Takeji & Vinn] Strings of a Violin PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

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