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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai


    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Azrael 19th June 2018, 8:23 pm


    573 words @bootywarriors
    hewo it me :eyes:
    He stared upward at the rise of history. With every fixed fragment that stood as a reminder of the time which had passed, he could scarcely see the past which had originally been nothing. A small little town, grown and flourished like a meager sprout roused from the obscured earth. Quickly, perhaps if not unsettling was the limit of life being chased. From a wolf nipping at the heel of a mule, it left everything that surrounded him in the rush. Some only aware when the moment was falling short.

    Natsu frowned, discovering the horrible feeling that he’d been subject to while pondering so deeply into the extent of living. Even now it was a bizarre idea that those of humankind were curious over losing themselves to simply become immortal. A horrible thing, but he knew, no he thought in the present that it was simply more than what a human could ever portray as horrible. Slowly, and at an unbearable pace he could feel his body grow heavy with dread. If only it were that easy to fool the mind, if he only he could become like the rest. His features were strained by discomfort, the warmth of a hand resting at the edge of his upper arm.

    A startling touch-- his astonishment from being brought into reality settled on an obviously afflicted looking individual. “E-Excuse me… are you alright?” amusing as it was when the girl appeared close enough to descend into a stupor over the every uncertain sway. Natsu kept the blankness and the lack of exposure to how he’d truly been feeling, as much as the approach had been a thankful one. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” there was a steeper weight on the left, for just a second he’d been subject to the fear of this still nameless woman collapsing. Instead the hands gestured, frantically as if in suspense over a thrilling show.

    “Ah… forgive me… you looked sad,” she’d mutter, somehow managing to obtain balance, “I’m unable to go into work today, our shop just over there-- the plushie one… we wouldn’t mind an extra to go and test out the toys. I thought it might make you happy.” the inside of his chest knotted and fluttered, teasing the cords of his heart like a thousand butterflies. The courtesy of the stranger was hardly the key. “You said plushie, right?” the twinkle in the eyes was apparent, nothing worth the heed of the lady who was more certain that she wanted to lay down. “Y-Yes…” on the immediate reply, Natsu was already withdrawing from the company and towards the door of the shop. Quickly he stepped inside. It was warm, but not so warm it would’ve been unbearable. There was a calming scent doused into the entirety of the space, each shelving and carpeted fragment of flooring layered in the absolute perfection of a plushie.

    “This is… the best!” laughter trailed at the end of his excitable words, approaching the first and largest one. Carefully he took it into his hands, bringing it close enough that he’d managed to share a passionate hug with what had been created as an immense teddy bear. “How soft… ah… I wish I could stay here forever.” of course believing that he’d been isolated in this shop, he wasn’t going to allow anyone to ruin such a brilliant moment. As much as the whole picture might’ve been rather embarrassing.  


    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Oykai 28th June 2018, 3:11 pm

    Word Count:
    685 / 1'000
    @Ahote @Natsuzora

    It had been so long since Yuiisai had seen the outside of the guild hall and yet again the teenager was getting restless, she wanted to go outside and do something but because of the rules set in place for her protection this wasn't exactly the easiest thing to accomplish since she needed to find someone to go out with her. To say it was frustrating to the teen would have been an understatement, that was for sure. For the moment she was in her room on the floor looking at the ceiling as she tried to think of something fun to do within the guild grounds but nothing was coming to mind "I'm sooooo bored! There's nothing to do, everyone's busy and I've got no one to talk to." she complained to the universe as she finally sat up with a deep sigh as she decided her next course of action "That's it I'm going out, I need something to talk to at least if no one is coming to visit or I'm going to go stir crazy!" her voice heard a conviction, it didn't occur to her that she actually looked crazy speaking to herself and even if she was there wasn't exactly someone there to call her on it. Moving to her dressing table, she spent around an hour fixing her hair, adding pins and other accessories before spending an additional hour dealing with her make up. She had no idea as to why but this seemed to be very important to her and second nature when she got to it.

    When she was satisfied she checked over her sky blue and white hanfu before heading to get a cloak from her wardrobe, she was pretty sure breaking the rule of going out alone was bad enough if caught but if she managed to get in and out with no issue then no crime happened. Then again if she came back and was sick it wasn't exactly like she could explain that away so decided to at least play that safe. Placing white cloak with a hood on she just pulled up the hood hurrying out of her room and down the corridor, she quickly got through the main hall and out of the door before anyone could think to stop her. She still had no idea just where she was going to which suited her fine, but still she knew the further away she went the harder time she would have getting back in without Ahote not knowing that she vanished, and given she had already done it twice before she dreaded the punishment for the third time of disobedience. Even though it had taken a while and many modes of transportation she found herself in a town she didn't remember and so went to find a map to find out just where she had ended. Finding one she read the map to see the place was called 'Oak Town' and where things where located with a little history on notable places. She turned and was about to walk off when she overheard a conversation between what she thought was to locals about a toy shop, testing toys and plushies.

    To say her interest was peeked was an understatement, she watched where the girl had pointed and followed the one she was speaking to inside. Her eyes went around in amazement as she took in the sight of so many beautiful and colourful things, some of them looked so fluffy and cuddly it would be easy to fall asleep on them and never wake again. She moved over to the other who had been directed into the shop and smiled "It looks so fluffy, cuddly and warm." she said picking up the plushie that had been sitting beside it. "My name is Yuiisai, wanna play?" she asked with a warm tone and gentle smile almost as if it was meeting a friend on the first day of nursery, she could only hope the other agreed and that they could form some sort of friendship. That would make her happy beyond belief.
    Template by Leila Vergious


    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai 59867_s

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Ahote 28th June 2018, 5:11 pm

    The air was thin and fluffy white clouds swam in their usual cerulean ocean that was the sky, with a bright, round sun beaming in its center. It was a sight that no Mt. Hakoban settler could often see without the prying eyes of the government leering over them. And yet, despite its trivialness, it was marvelous nonetheless. Far grander than a sky the color of tar and frosty air, and it seemed that most cherished towns in this wicked country often shared this sky, while those shunned by society were shunned and cast away to more undesirable locations. It was the way of life for the ne'er-do-wells of Fiore.

    Oak Town was true to its name, as it was littered with great oaks and pines older than anyone or thing living about the area at the time. It was a town that the wandering Ahote derived a true pleasure and comfort in traversing, but he had no time to admire it, as he was here for a reason. The raven-haired man had been out mapping the towns, scribbling notes on a crumpled sheet of paper as he meandered down the streets. But even a criminal needed a break from their mischievous schemes, an opportunity to indulge in common pleasantries. But the restaurants were crowded with screaming children and the roads were swarmed by a sea of people. It was, by far, lethargic to wander about without any space. That was, until, his topaz orbs had laid upon a rather obscure store tucked between large brick buildings.

    Ahote made his way over to the building, which appeared spacious and quiet. But much to his surprise, it wasn't an empty store that greeted him, but shelves upon shelves of stuffed animals, with glossy, beady eyes and fur that looked as fluffy as cotton. Instantly, Ahote pressed against the glass so closely that the breaths that poured from his nostrils had fogged the glass. His cheeks lit up a rose blush and eyes twinkled with a certain childlike wonder. Even the menacing raven-haired man had his loves, and cute stuffed animals were perhaps at the top of that list. In fact, somewhere within the depths of the Basilisk Fang fortress, the white stuffed rabbit, Oscar, was hidden and sitting to collect dust. He would occasionally retrieve it to dust it.

    His nose continued to be stuck to the glass, taking deeper breaths as each foggy coating faded into a thin layer of moisture. Ahote sniffed, "Strawberries. . ." he whispered with a honeyed voice. Yes, the stuffed animals on display smelled of the reddest strawberries, sweeter than air freshener. Because of this discovery, Ahote felt inclined to enter the store! He raised his head against his black hoodie and jeans, peering into the space once more. But something was strange, something more alarming than the shelves of cuteness lying about. In the store, a short figure of with a pale complexion and long locks. He could smell them from here, a scent so familiar that Ahote couldn't have been mistaken. Yuiisai!

    Ahote marched into the store with scrunched brows, "I didn't know you had it in you to lie to my face so mischievously. Why are you here?" he hissed quietly, his eyes sharp and droopy.

    WC: 545/1,000
    @Calathes @Yuiisai @Ruvel



    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Azrael 29th June 2018, 2:41 pm


    580 words @Ahote @Yuiisai
    hewo it me :eyes:
    As the bell chimed signifying the entrance of another into what had originally been such an isolated space, he kept himself burrowed into the mound of the teddy. The noises from afar were submerged in the up frontal chaos of his excitable thoughts. Only when the other had drawn closer, her scent extending forth much quicker than her words, Natsu jerked back in surprise. A long and hesitant blink that bared precisely into her, like an amused lion that had been caught off guard by the lamb. For now he'd disregard the fact that he'd been exposed of his cuddling before this stranger. It hadn't seemed hardly of note with the next query to rouse from the depths of this room. Now that they were alone-- wonder crossed over his mind. An idea that would make this moment all the more grand.

    Natsu smiled, "Well miss, you are certainly right about that," in reference to her comment about the plushies that surrounded them he casually stood to his feet. "Though aren't you a bit to old to be playing games?" there was a tease in the tone, placing the teddy back where it had come from and reaching for another, "Just kidding of course-- some of us just wish to stay children at heart... that I can understand," a raven tinted kitten was handed in her direction, a smaller one in comparison to what he'd been holding so tightly before. "What would you like to play-- preferably something within the shop? It would be a shame to leave all these wonderful toys," the light bulb radiated the sudden crisis of a thought, "Right! Where are my manners! You can call me Natsu, Miss Yuiisai. It is a pleasure to meet you." the emphasize on his apparent elation held a much more sinister meaning.

    Just as he was beginning to imagine the taste of his potential meal, the bell chimed once more. The electricity shuddered against the sensation that came towards the pair, an energy that was almost identical. Canines gripped the side of the cheek, gnawing on it in an act of frustration. There was no point in going through with it now. Icy pools, layered beneath by crimson markings did not heed the other until he started to speak. So they were acquaintances? Natsu just figured someone had to ruin this splendid day, what was mostly curious despite this obstacle for eating, was the fact this man smelt familiar. As the fray of silver masked the view, he turned to get a look at the individual.

    A tall and rather gloomy looking human-- but still there was something. Natsu stared at him for awhile longer, thinking and thinking. Finally it had hit him. The child within the woods that had delighted in his company. Surely time hadn't passed that quickly? Laughter broke from the beginnings of a possible dispute. "She's here to play of course, why don't you join us?" there was something diverse from the last time they had met, aside appearances, the other seemed a bit more stale in the previous flare of his childish emotions. For just a moment it had been intriguing to know what had happened, but then the concern was disregarded. "Miss Yuiisai, I think your friend here could use the company of some plushies," he'd say with a slightly insulting smirk, glancing up at the taller man. Fleeting as it was, it seemed harmless in the zeal of his kind demeanor.


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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Ahote 14th July 2018, 9:13 am

    There was nothing Ahote loved more than cute things and his comrades, but he struggled to determine which held more importance to him. The teddy bears filled with and covered cotton smelled of strawberries and citrus, making it almost irresistable to grope. But with a blue-eyed stranger with the complexion of a ghost and his inquisitive companion all in one place, Ahote was determined to get to the bottom of her disappearance.

    Ahote folded his arms and began to tap the tips of his feet against the floorboards. He had almost resembled an impatient parent awaiting some kind of response from their child, except his eyes were floating between the soft plushies surrounding him and the two before him. He sighed, "Is that what she told you? Honestly. . ." his gaze sharpened down to the petite Yuiisai, shaking his head before raising it to a familiar scent. The ghostly man before him smelled of the woods, a scent so familiar and warm to him that he could hardly recall it from another place. The memories were a blur, but though fogged, still flickered in his mind. Ahote paused, peering at the man with a suspicious frown, "Sir, have we met before?"

    Notes: Skipping Yuiisai
    WC: 747/1,000
    @Calathes @Yuiisai @Ruvel



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Oykai 15th July 2018, 2:32 pm

    Word Count:
    1,432 (747) / 1'000
    @Ahote @Natsuzora

    Yuiisai giggled happily as she seen the other emerge from within a large pile of overly fluffy plushies while still holding onto the one in her hands, it reminded her of a snake that had be laying in wait for its pray. Little did she know that was what she was close to becoming with the other, but then given she was sure that she had blown up a village she was sure that she could take down a single person; had they started trouble with her. Not that to her the other seemed the type but she knew it was better to be safer than sorry with strangers as you never quite knew their past or where they had come from. She began to move the overgrown plushie from left to right, as if it was dancing in her hands, her giggles like a sweet music as it grew into a child like laughter. "Do you think we could even dress them up like a build a plushie store?" she asked him as she danced around with the plushie as a dance partner, it was hard to believe with how she was acting that she was a dark mage but things weren't always as they had first appeared.

    Hearing the other's words about her being to old to be playing she stopped dancing, her giggles and laughter stopping along side it as she almost looked upset. "A-are you calling me old?" she didn't seem offended, she did however seem extremely hurt by the notion that she was classed as old given she was still just a teenager. "I'm only nineteen..." she said falling to her knees holding the plushie close to her for comfort as if it was the only thing stopping her from crying. Right now she believed the other mean for his words but then she realised there could have only been a few years between them, so if she was to old to play with toys couldn't the same be said for the other? Getting to her feet she kept the overly fluffy plushie to her face "I'm barely older than you, if I'm to old so are you." she said with a muffled voice thanks to keeping the plushie in front of her mouth. "O-oh... you where joking... I.. I'm sorry for misunderstanding, I don't get out much." she said bringing down the plushie a little a grin on her face as he invited her to play nodding "I'd love to..." her eyes darting around as she dropped the toy she had been holding and dashed towards a pair of super fluffy cuddle bears, she moved to be on her toes but the things she wanted was still out of her reach her cheeks puffing out in frustration as she continued to try and get her prize. "No need to call me Miss. Pleasure to meet you though Na-" her words cut off as she heard a very familiar voice.

    Since she was caught off guard she turned mid stretch and fell backwards over the fabric of her clothing, it could have been a somewhat painful thing had there not been a bunch of fluffy kitten plushies to land into. She couldn't help but giggle as she heard them purr "Natsu these ones purr!" she exclaimed for a moment, but the giggling again abruptly stopped as she was accused of lying to her guild masters face. She shook her head to the accusation "I.. I didn't lie Ahote, everyone was busy and I was restless. I came to town to get something to keep me amused and maybe something for you. Then I was going to head back home." she confessed, her eyes going to the floor like a scolded child for a second before taking a deep breath. "I'm not a child Ahote, I can leave home and return on my own there's no need to worry and I wouldn't say anything I'm not meant to; I remember my list." she tried to convince him "How can I prove I'm ready if I'm never given the chance?" she said crossing her arms her eyes gentle but still held a sternness that they once did. "I asked him if he wanted to play, so yes that's what I honestly said." she confirmed to the other her voice gentle as she threw a tabby plushie at him "They purr.." she said happily as she started to get up and move towards the two.
    Template by Leila Vergious


    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai 59867_s

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Azrael 15th July 2018, 3:23 pm

    Stale of the zest in sharp oculars, energy poised itself further, creeping nerves like tiny spiders which inched further and further along. It should have set aside the clarity in discomfort, however it was fuel that brought flare to what ghastly thrills she pursued in delight. Metal tainted the scent, dampness weighing scarcely in travel. Advised her it had of the time of vulnerability. The curl of lips lessened, fading into the look of indifference for what had been unaware had grasped onto the prod of liberty in such seemingly dull memories. Quickly the features bounded forth, taking role with the character just moments before.

    "Have we? Curious that I was thinking the same thing," downwards the ethereal bands motioned with the pupil, taking note of which lay missing, singular did a hand reach for the metallic piece with bare delicacy in her sudden hold. "How sad. I'm sure the last time we'd met you weren't lacking of an arm." pertaining the influence of firmly knotted fingers, the gaze granted itself the contact upon the other just a few hairs above, "Perhaps I should be glad the child from before has grown up realizing how big and bad the world really is." lowly did the tone reach, just as swiftly in something that felt natural, the humane smile recurred.

    Rotating nonchalantly towards the girl, softness was pertained precisely in her arms. "Why they do! How adorable." genuine it was in thought and in voice, allowing the momentary hum to mislead what crude intent had just been muttered, she took few steps from the much more lanky individual. "Don't you think so, Ahote? Why don't you quit being such... what was it again? Oh, a stick-in-the-mud!" moderate laughter slipped by in the lighthearted tease, "You wouldn't want to ruin such a good time, would you?" pressing the tabby into the other, slender tools motioned across the layer of carpet, severing distance between the towering shelves that gave rest to what teddies lay sprawled on top.

    "Did you want these, Yuiisai?" extending hardly for the overbearing pair, slipping from the wooden surface into the clutch of measly arms, it may have seemed absurd that one could bring about innocence in spite of how cruel she'd been before. Wavering in the size, so broad in fluff that it overlapped the visible display, only the blue could manage to peer just above. "They are quite big... aren't they?" muffled though audible, she advanced towards the girl with still uncertain steps in regards to what thwarted view she had.

    | 425 WORDS |
    @Yuiisai @Ahote

    Last edited by Natsuzora on 7th August 2018, 8:35 am; edited 2 times in total

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    the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai Empty Re: the might of the plushies (rawr) | ahote & yuiisai

    Post by Ahote 1st August 2018, 2:58 pm

    Ahote's sulky expression twisted into something far wryer as the woman's pale digits coiled over his metal wrist akin to the motion that of a serpent, or at least according to the sour Ahote. Although her fingers would just kiss the metal, Ahote had jerked his arm away as if retreating from a firm, dangerous grip. Sympathetically, his fleshy fingers would hug his shiny wrist while his unblinking orbs would burn with irritation towards the paler woman. Quietly, he shuffled a pace away from the group, "So that's who you are," he began quietly, fiercely, "What are the odds we'd meet again?" Ahote's complexion remained a sour one, yet his lips quirked up into a stolid smirk.

    His raven locks fell over onto his eyes as they fixedly shifted over from Natsuzora to Yuiisai. A weary sigh crept from his lips, "You're right, Yuiisai, you're not a child." he started, his stolid smirk remaining etched on his countenance while rubbing his wrist, "The lifestyles we live is certainly not for children and maybe not for some adults either. You might have a home waiting for you but I s'pose it's time you start thinking for yourself, yes? That is better for all of us." his smirk crept into a sharp smile, though his eyes twinkled with bitterness in looking at the innocent Yuiisai. When did she become such an eyesore? Every moment he spent thinking on this woman, every breath he used in speaking to her, each one reminded him of his missing Father, Sol. Every moment spent reminiscing his disappearance and his betrayal made his crimson cells boil and his head hot with contempt.

    With a defeated expression, Ahote shuffled back over towards the store entrance, snatching the strawberry-scented stuffed bear he had admired through the glass just minutes ago, both his metal and fleshed fingers beginning to grope and squish the bear jovially. His head would peer over his broad shoulders to view the pair just once more before pacing out of the door, "Why don't you join me for a walk, for old time's sake?" he beckoned Natsuzora as he made way through the doors, "I'm taking this by the way!"

    [Final Post/WC completed]

    WC: 1,111/1,000
    @Calathes @Yuiisai @Ruvel


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