Fairy Tail RP

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    No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam)

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam) Empty No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra Tue 19 Jun - 17:23

    "Siiiiilllvvvvviiiiiaaaa!!" The loud voice of the bunny girl cried out, searching through the nightly forest alone. No voices had called out in reply, no animal growl or cry to help her or show she'd been going in an awry direction. "...Where did you go..." She spoke in a low, aloud tone. The elemental rubbed her arm in a guilty manner. Every since they had entered this forest they had come to argue in such an excessive way that she had stormed off without her telling. "Papa, can't you find out where she is?" She asked, her eyes scanning the area in hopes to find the lost Sylph. A moment of silence covered the area in a veil of suspense. "You know as well as I do if she is in the air even by an inch, I cannot. Currently, I have no idea from where she could be since she ran off in this direction. It's safe to say she switched to her Sylph form and took off in the air to avoid being detected by us or anything in these lands." Gaia informed all he could, leaving Gisen to sigh and slam a fist into a tree, denting the trunk quite a bit. "It's all my fault... It's always been my fault..." Tears began to stream down her eyes, leaving only her crying to fill the air around. Despite the earthly spirit wanting to speak out, he knew he could only do so much and in this current condition and it didn't seem like it was a time where she could be comforted by mere words.


    The usual pairing of Gisen and Silvia had traveled into the Unknown Lands on a personal hunch. They'd been tracking leads on their own and keeping every person including Raphael from what they were doing. A plan was devised equally as to where they could begin once they had finally located on final place to which they had escaped to, however once they were there... that teamwork in planning diminished quickly. "I'm telling you, we move left and go straight in." Silvia directed, her arm and finger pointing out in that direction she had wanted to move in towards. Gisen looked around that area and then to other spots, shaking her head in protest. "I disagree... There's no signs that any persons been there. If we move straight ahead, we should-" "Why don't you shut up and listen to me for once!?" Silvia snapped, making Gisen look right at the Sylph from the confusion of how she was just being yelled at. "S-Silvia.. I-" As she started to explain herself, the angered spirit stomped her foot. "You dismiss everything I tell you over what you can see. I get it helped you live as some little girl who had to be chased from home by some lousy, superstitious humans, but you aren't a little kid! I've done everything I can for you, and yet you're practically still the scared little brat you were when I met you!" She continued on, the tears starting to well up in Gisen's eyes from how she was being yelled at.. or the fact she actually was being yelled at. "You're socially inept, you can't communicate without sounding like a complete imbecile unless a carrot is stuffed down your throat more than a two cent whore! So GROW THE FUCK UP, BECAUSE I'M DONE!" A heavy gust of wind made Gisen flinch, ceasing just in the second it began and left her standing there alone, Silvia completely gone from sight with no clue of where she'd gone.


    Given that she was now left alone.. or at least physically alone, Gisen continued to work on her search for Silvia, despite all that she had said to her. There was plenty to say, and quite the reality check that was shoved into her face, but she was slightly glad to have had it happen. Until now, she'd been stuck in spot where she felt more like a child and less like the person she was supposed to be and whom she was supposed to represent. It hit her like a ton of bricks, though as ironic as that sounds, she had time now in the search for her to think about everything. "Siilllviiiaaa!!" She called out, trying to get her attention and have some hope she would come back. It was a thin hope, but it was a hope that Gisen had in her heart that she had every intention of holding to, even if she had to spend months out in this strange forest to do so. A rustle of the bushes got her excited, making her look to it with a happy look. "Silvia!?" She asked, turning towards a bush before a shadowed blur lept from it with a quick speed. "Look out!" A warning shout just too late, the bunny girl was tackled by a large tiger. Her shoulder pinned down underneath it, she looked up to the growling feline. The tigers body was much different than usual. It's crushing pressure made by oddly enhanced muscular limbs, it's body misshapen and almost morphed. It seemed as though something or someone had altered it via some form of efforts to make them more- ...

    877/3000 words


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam) Empty Re: No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra Tue 19 Jun - 18:13

    Her eyes couldn't believe the sight before her. Another poor, innocent creature taken in and used as a lab rat for this sick freaks perverse actions and desires. "I-I'm so sorry..." The bunny whispered, her eyes locked on the altered look of the animals. She smiled lightly, as though it were to sooth the beast before growling in her face. "Y-You hurt? I.. I know you do.. He hurt you, didn't he. The man in white?" Despite its body not moving, it nodded lightly and had kept its eyes locked on the bunny girls as she tried to talk this morphed beast from ripping her body to shreds. "Help me then. Let me help you and others he's toyed with." With her hand, she tried to move it over so that she could reach up to the best of her ability and place her hand on the body of the tiger. White wind began to lightly blow around the body of the mutated tiger and the aggressive actions suddenly lessened. It slowly began to step off of her while more had moved around and continued to work on the poor thing. "There isn't much I can do, but I hope this shows I mean it." The tiger purred from the soothing feeling on its whole body and began to make some form of growling and meow like noises, speaking to Gisen as though they spoke a common language. Of course, Gisen could understand completely as she had for years and years. "No.. I don't think there is a cure... I'm afraid if you stayed like it that you would get worse, maybe end up hurting your loved ones. You worry about your wife and cubs.. that's why you haven't tried to go back?" She wanted to understand this creature, try to get information she could use to see if anything could help her, but so far it all seemed unimportant or unrelated.

    Building connections was an important thing to Gisen, but as she sat here with this formerly hostile being, she came to realize just what it was; afraid. Hiding from people or other animals and then coming out of the blue to be a surprise and possibly be afraid of them for it? Just another ton of bricks to whack the purple haired elemental with. Suddenly, the tiger pointed its head in a direction and began to "speak" again to Gisen, trying to explain and inform her of what it knew from where it came from since it was released from its cage. When she looked into that direction, her eyes sunk from the realization of that direction being given; the left. She was wrong. Had she of listened to the Sylph for once, she might have actually never had any of this happen, but... it didn't call for anything that had happened to her next. With the tiger speaking up again, her head shot over to it. "Y-You can't be serious! B-But what if there is a way to-" She was cut off as the tiger refused to hear her, roaring to make her stop her rebuttal. Gisen stood up onto her feet without saying a word, the tiger following her movement. "I see... I... I don't want to... but... if you want it for sure." Giving just a small sigh, a light would form in the bunny girls hand and as her hand too grasp of it, the light dimmed to show a long blade white from the hilt began with a white color, slowly the tinting color had lightly progressed down towards the tip in a blue shade, tinted with colors of red in the very center and black, showing the patterning of scales and parts that had been used to craft this weapon "Y-You're going to use La Loi, Gisen? Isn't that danger-" A quick slice through the tiger sprayed blood everywhere, its corpse splitting in half and falling over. "I'm done playing nice... this ends... today." With a serious, stern glare, she turned back toward the left direction she was given.

    "My child, can't you reconsider using La Loi? It's untested and could harm you." Gaia tried to speak to the bunny girl, wanting her to reconsider what she was doing and approach things much easier, but he couldn't get through to her at all. "Then now seems like a wonderful time to use it. He's put me and this ecosystem through far too much. I will NOT let him get away again." She finally replied, her motives more personal than ever. Pushing through brush and weaving through trees, she continued in the direction until she felt something. The mention of Silvia's comments from before made her think and she closed her eyes. Listening, smelling, ... TASTING! "I FOUND SILVIA, PAPA!" The excited bunny took off towards the scent and taste of the Sylph's wind. Knowing full well what that was like, she had known she was on the right path. Her surroundings completely ignored as she ran continuously until she skid to a halt once she reached the sight of building. Looking around, she couldn't very much find any entrance. "Bun, let's take this carefully and-" Before he could finish, Gisen had put her fist through the wall, pulling at the metal structure until she'd pulled off a sufficient hunk of the wall and threw it aside as though it were nothing. It was then her eyes widened. Her mouth grew ajar and she was shaking from the shock of the scene before her; Animals of all shapes and sizes were morphed, disfigured, and some dead. Several children even laid in cages across from the animals and all eviscerated and bloodied, leaving nothing but corpses for animals to feast on at some point. The centerpiece of the room made her go over the edge in every emotion possible. Silvia hung there, unconscious in the middle of the room, held up by a pair of shackles. "S-SILVIA!!" She screamed, rushing in several steps until she came to a halt as she caught something from the corner of her eye.

    877 + 1014 = 1891/3000


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam) Empty Re: No Carrot Can Save Them Now... (Gisen/Exam)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra Tue 19 Jun - 19:11

    There was something else in the room. Something... different. Though its back was turned at the moment, the second she shouted the Sylphs name and ran in, it turned around and gave a toothy grin. The creature started to laugh a little bit and took only a single step which made even the ground under it crack and dent. "My my.. how bunnies change with the seasons~" The voice was deep, raspy, and very.. demonic. "Y-You.. Y-You're the-" The realization set in on just who.. or what this creature was. The scientist performing experiments on creatures, things, even attempting to do so with her at one point. Though because she had no normal body or system, being the experiment was off the table, Silvia was not... "Your friend was a lovely help in making this form... Her life was very much worth the cost." Gisen looked up at the Sylph and then back down to the large, inhuman looking monstrosity. "Y-You killed her!? You son of a bitch!" Growling like a feral creature herself, her eyes began to glow, a white wind beginning to encircle her. "Does that make the little bunny angry?~ After all, such a useless buffoon would surely have found this place a lot sooner if she had listened~" He mocked, laughing and only causing her anger to rise more.

    "Do not let this fake mutt get to you, Gisen! Calm down before it's too-" As he tried to warn her, a sudden fist crashed into her face and sent her flying into the metal wall and straight through it, creating a huge hole from the impact of her rock body. "The sylph's wind makes me much faster than I had ever expected... AHAHAHA!" The beastly scientist took a step forward, his body oozing with wind aura similar to Silvia's. The appearance of him was similar in some aspects to the hulk. Large, overly sized muscles. His body sized increased to at the least 8 to 10 feet in height and a second set of arms. His facial structure appeared to be similar to that of a werewolf, which at this point would make the mutt comment from Gaia to be much more on point with it. "Come now, little rabbit! Let me show you the powers of the new demon of storms!" He declared, howling with a laughter fit to be from a cocky, and typical villain.

    In the mass of a nearly shattered tree, Gisen began to collect herself. Taking a blow like that had jumbled her mind for a moment, but once she was on her feet, she got herself combat focused. Her attire changed into a brown colored playboy bunny outfit, fitting with black colored leggings. With La Loi back in hand, the bunny girl raised her long weapon into the air and swung it back down into the ground. An immense blast of light mixed with white colored winds short down the same way she came down the way. Seeing this from the distance, the mutated scientist had grinned and prepared himself to block it with a shield. The green colored wind soon had been sucked away behind him, making him distracted from the weapon. The last thing he saw before the impact was a bunny girl inhaling the entire shield, holding a Sylph bridal style in her arms. Within milliseconds, the wave of light crashed into the werewolf like being, exploding and causing a chain reaction which had completely blown the laboratory up with near nuclear sized power.

    Dust covered the entirety of the area, including the blown away terrain and forest around them. Nothing creature wise was left alive from what could be seen, but a majorly cracked dome of earth. With Silvia set on the ground, Gisen removed the dome and looked around. The lab was nothing more than a blast zone, small bits of fire about and dust... a lot of dust. Suddenly, from underneath some amount of metal and rocky rubble, the werewolf beast started to emerge. With her eyes settled onto the beast, she took a position like a track racer waiting for the firing shot. Once he'd gotten up enough, the wind beneath her feet, she pushed off of the ground and propelled herself forward, slamming her fist into his face and following it up with a flurry of enraged fists and heeled kicks to the face and body respectively, until he'd finally crash into a tree and nearly going through it. The pissed off guild master tightly gripped her hand around his throat, tightly squeezing to the point he couldn't breath and simply watched him squirm in a weakened state. "How's it feel... being powerless right now. A predator being slaughtered by its prey..." She smirked, enjoying the sight of someone whom hurt one of her closest friends.. and much to one of her only friends at that. "Gisen Ceostra. Put him down. This isn't the way to do it." Gaia demanded, acting very fatherly in the way he had ordered her to stop. Instead, she chuckled and threw him aside. "No. It's not.. but what I am doing is." White wind from around both parties began to pull to her left hand. It started to shape into a scythe made purely of wind, but grasped much like a real weapon. The bunny girl turned the blade towards him and swung it, making the blade go right through his torso. Flicking the polearm around, she brought him above her head and the grabbed onto the weapon with both hands and gripped tightly with one. "Nighty night~" She flicked the blade, twisting it and swinging simultaneously so that the weapon would then slice his body in half, falling on either side of the angered bunny girl.

    After taking a moment to look over what she'd done, letting out a sigh of relief, she popped up --ears and all-- and ran back over. Sliding on her knees to the body like a soccer player who just scored a goal, Gisen looked over and shook her lightly, hoping he was bluffing about her being dead. "Silvia? Hey, come on.. wake up?" She shook her lightly again, hoping she was going to be ok, but nothing. "You know what to do. You can bring her back, Gisen!" The thought popped into her head at the reminder she was given. Pulling her head back while she took in a deep breath as the air turned white itself, Gisen placed her lips to the Sylphs. The air blown in had begun to flow through her body, healing her injuries, reviving her organs, blood flow, and everything else. Twitching, she had pulled herself off of Silvia and smiled, hearing her cough and flail about a little, jumping up and huffing for air. Looking over, she saw Gisen and.. well nothing else but a scythe made of wind, a little fire... and a whole lot of nothing between them and some trees. "Gisen, I-" A sudden hug made her stop, never having been hugged by Gisen before, she blushed. "I'm sorry, Silvia. I need to grow up, but I need your help. Please?" Baffled, Silvia remained quiet for a moment, but she nodded lightly before replying. "Sure... Gisen, I'll stay." Hugging tighter for a moment, the Sylph was suddenly picked up and carried as they began to leave together.

    "So... what were you trying to tell me?"
    "Just.. I hope you didn't kiss me back there.. you know, putting your lips to mine."
    "Isn't that.. how you do CPR? Cause.. that's how I revived you."
    "Y-Y-Y-You stole my first kiss!? You damn rodent! When I feel better I'll kick your cottontailed ass!"

    "Found you two, silly buns!" A sudden, bubbly voice caused both girls to squeak like frightened children. A pair of pink and white ears suddenly picked both girls up with ease and began to carry them off in the same direction. "R-Raphael! When did you get here!?" The Sylph questioned, confused on how she managed to find them both. "Well duh!~ I'm an angel after all! Someone has to watch out for you two!~" She replied, humming as she carried them out of the strange lands and back to a ship that could take them back to Pandora to rest.

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      Current date/time is Sat 27 Jul - 0:57