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    This is Paradise...?

    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 9:59 pm

    Quill sat there as night truly took a whole in the world, the stars came out and brighten up the land with is brilliant beauty," So Poko has that following her, should talk to her when she wakes up. Would love to know why she didn't tell me about that." Quill went inside quickly and changed out of his combat clothing and into some more comfortable clothing and made some hot coco, it is rare that he gets to sit down here, drink some coco and just look at the stars like he was little again. The smell of the coco could be smelled all around the house, and whip cream as well, with some tiny marshmallows. Quill started to ponder why he didn't confront that creature earlier, more questions he has to find the answer to.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 10:06 pm

    Poko stirred in her bed, she thought she heard yelling, it almost sounded like Xiolan. That couldn't be the case though, she could only appear if she summoned her. Perhaps she had just been dreaming, she rubbed her eyes, noticing the empty space on the bed where Zephyr should be. Where had he gone off to? Poko stretched a bit wondering if she should go looking for him or not, he would probably be fine, maybe he'd just gone to see Stormfang. She rolled over and went back to sleep, this time drifting off into a deep slumber. Zephyr looked worried, he stuck near Quill, not taking his eyes off him for a second. He lay down next to him as he drank, he hadn't seen Quill so on edge before, it troubled him. The half-rabbit decided he would keep a close eye on Quill till he went to bed, then he'd go back to rest with Poko.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 10:20 pm

    Quill had passed out on the chair, when morning came he had woken up. He made some pancakes that morning, he was half asleep but he had felt to touch on one of his shoulders this makes Quill panic and turn around to slug anyone who was behind him. No one was there, it was just Stormfang and Ava wanting their food, Ava got a large sea bass while Stormfang got a large slab of meat that was from a boar. Quill had set out a plate with some pancakes out for Poko when she was ready to come down and eat, Quill was cleaning Scatter during that time and only sip some milk when he was finished with a part or area.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 10:36 pm

    Poko woke up and stretched her arms and legs, feeling refreshed. She had had a lovely dream and after yesterday she was in high spirits, she finally had someone that she could call a friend. She dressed herself in one of the dresses Kanojo made for her, it fit her form so perfectly and she did a twirl just for herself. Poko had noticed Zephyr still missing, which worried her slightly, but she felt relieved when she spotted him hanging around with Stormfang and Ava. "Good morning!" She giggled to the creatures as she made her way to the dining room, finding Quill had already made breakfast for her. She beamed happily as she scoffed the pancakes with delight. Once she was done she went looking for Quill, she spotted him busy with something and crept up silently, wanting to surprise him. Poko pounced towards his back, using her magic to get the extra height she needed in an attempt to hug him from behind. "Morning! Thanks for the pancakes!" Poko exclaimed, as she released him and jumped down, waiting for him to greet her in return
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 10:44 pm

    Quill force himself not to react in a bad way instead he put on a smile and said good morning to Poko. Quill then," Poko, there is something I want to talk to you about. You're not in trouble I just want to talk about something that happen last night, so when you are done with your pancakes I would like to talk to you about something of importance." Quill had gotten up and want outside, it was a nice warm day and the wind was blowing softly, be a great day to just relax and do nothing but Quill had to talk about what had happen last night with that creature. He did feel like Poko might not be something trying to kill him, but he had to know for himself if she was a friend or foe.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 10:50 pm

    "O-okay..." Poko stammered as she cocked her head confused. What was Quill on about and why did his smile seem so forced? Did Zephyr do something while she was asleep? He was always getting up to mischief but she doubted he'd do something serious enough to make Quill mad. It couldn't have been because she went straight to bed last night right? Had he'd really wanted to swim last night and was upset because she blew him off for some rest? That didn't seem right, she thought of other scenarios, but nothing seemed to make sense. They were friends now right? He had said so last night and he had seemed completely elated by it. Poko followed Quill outside, feeling the warm breeze on her face, confusion still swimming in her eyes as she waited nervously for him to react to her presence.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 10:58 pm

    Quill look a Poko dead in the eyes then said," So Poko, since I have met you i felt like i've been watch by something. At first i thought it was nothing but then when we entered paradise that feeling of being watch was still there and last night I found out why that is. An angle like creature pop out of the shadows, we had some words with each other and she told me that you are her master. Now I am not mad but I would like to know who this angle creature is and why she is attached to you." Quill had his gun in his hand just in case the situation goes south hard. He waited until she had answer his question.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 11:21 pm

    The colour drained from Poko's face as she averted her gaze, not able to look him in the eyes. Did he mean Xiolan? There's no way, she could only come if she was summoned. She noticed the weapon in Quill's hand. Wait, did he think she was a threat? What was going on here? Poko realised he wasn't kidding, Xiolan must have really summoned herself and spoken to Quill while she was asleep. But how? Why? She had a billion questions, but of course they could only be answered by the Angel herself. Poko was going to have to have a serious talk with her after this. Poko looked at her feet, shuffling them around, "I-If you mean Xiolan...Which I think you do." she stopped taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself, "She's a being that I am able to summon at will." She looked up to see if he was watching her still before looking back at her feet as she tried to find the words. "For as long as I can remember, I've had this pocket watch," she gestured towards a brass item that she had clipped onto the dress she was wearing, "It has an inscription and when I say the words, I can summon Xiolan. She's forced to follow my every command till she can no longer stay in this world and returns to darkness where she heals." The more Poko continued the more ridiculous what she was saying sounded, she'd never told anyone the truth before and she just prayed he understood.

    "I don't fully understand it myself, I only have what she's told me, but basically one of my ancestors fought and beat her then placed an enchanted amulet around her neck. Since that day she's had to listen to my family's commands for centuries since." she finished recounting what she knew. Honestly Xiolan refused to tell her much more and even commanding her to do so didn't work for some reason, something about the previous master casting another spell on her that stopped her from doing so or something. "P-please don't hate me." Poko hadn't realised but she was already crying, tears were streaming down her face, "I-I've never t-told anyone, or r-really had to e-explain her before. I was g-going to tell you eventually, I swear." she stuttered through the tears, she wanted to run, to get away, but she couldn't make legs move, they were rooted to the spot.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 11:35 pm

    Quill unloaded the bullets from the chamber and threw them into a small bag, then he put down his gun then hugged Poko then saying," It is okay, you didn't want to make me hate you, I fully understand you don't have to be afraid. Now then can you summon her so i may speak to her myself, i would like to have a few words with her, you don't have to if you don't want to but i would like some words with Xiolan so i know you won't get put in danger by her." Quill was a strange person but he was also a very nice person that cares about the people he likes, Poko was her own strange but she didn't have a life like he did from what he can gather. He then got up to put his gun back in the armory so Poko doesn't feel as threatened then when he had it with him.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 11:58 pm

    Poko's sobs slowed down while he hugged her, feeling reassured that everything was okay again. She pulled away, wiping the last couple droplets from her face, "S-sure, but um..." Poko stuttered, "You don't have to worry. I consider Xiolan one of my closest allies, she's fought by my side countless times and always protects me when she can." She explained, "Plus she couldn't harm me, or anyone for that matter without my say so." Poko waited while Quill to return from putting away his weapon, she also wanted to have a few choice words with her angel. Once Quill was back, Poko began to sing, "Hold it together, birds of a feather, nothing but lies and crooked wings. Oh. Fly over me evil angel. Open your wings evil angel."

    As the chanting finished Poko's pocket watch shone brightly and in a burst of black smoke Xiolan appeared with a gentle smile as she looked at her master, she then moved her gaze, scowling as she spotted Quill. "Master, who's he?" The dark angel practically spat in his direction. "I'll be the one asking the questions, thank you very much." Poko responded, cutting her off. Xiolan sighed, of course the boy actually told her, typical. "What did you do to Quill last night?" Poko demanded looking rather pissed off. "Quill is it? I don't know what you're talking about." Xiolan responded, one of her wings twitching in defiance. "Tell me the truth." Poko commanded so that the angel couldn't fight her words. Xiolan sighed loudly, "I didn't do anything. We simply talked and I told him that if he hurt you he would pay the price. Happy?" She finished glaring back at Poko. "Quite." Poko smiled happy to know what happened. She had other questions, but they could wait for when she had a chance to talk to her alone. "Now you're going to talk to Quill again, this time you're going to answer all his questions, no lies or tricks." Poko stated with a grin. "Tch." Xiolan huffed, "Fine, what do you want boy? My time in this realm is limited so make it quick." The angel said, scowling at Quill.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 12:20 am

    Quill stared at the angle like creature," First off, if you want to stay here you will either address me by my name or by sir, second never under mind the master of this world I am pretty much a god here, do I make myself clear Xiolan. Now the real reason why I asked for you to be summoned here, i have a deal for you, if and this is, you will not deflect or lie to Poko while you are here, if she ask you a question you will tell her the truth. If you agree to this, I will let Paradise supply you with the energy to stay in the place as long as you want, but once you leave you will go back to the way you are summon. While you are in here you must also follow Paradise's laws and you won't be able to use any sort of offensive magic or any kind of magic that will cause harm, if you agree then shake my hand and i will set up the room you and Poko will be staying in as you like."

    Since Paradise is in its own reality, that is possible. But as Quill mention, magic that is used for harm outside a training battle can not be used that is why Quill has so much strength because his grandfather taught him magic as a enhancement not as a crutch to lean on. Quill sticked his hand out waiting for the Xiolan response.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 12:41 am

    Xiolan stared at Quill's hand with contempt, she was basically a goddess in her own right, having to listen to one mortal was more than enough for her. Poko had earnt the right to be her master, not just because of the amulet around her neck, but because of who Poko was as a person. She was not going to sit by and let some runt who claimed to be a friend of Poko tell her what to do. The angel raised her hand, slapping Quill's hand away, "How dare you even think for a second I'd listen to anything you have to say, your species is beneath me and I only take orders from Poko. I'd rather spend eternity in darkness than ever do as you want me to." The angel turned, glaring at Poko with her evil red eyes, "Next time you call me, you better be out of this godforsaken place." she spat before turning into nothing but a cloud of black smoke. Poko glanced nervously at Quill, she was used to Xiolan's attitude, but clearly he wasn't too keen on it.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 12:54 am

    Quill didn't even flinch at all, once she poof out in a smoke the just said," Well that was really dumb, an offer like that isn't cheap on my end. Well that is choice not my to make, tell me if she changes her mind at any point, i am going to get started on your room now, do you want any kind of theme or something." He then put down his arm and walked inside, he then walked into a room that basically had a model of the house, it seemed to be to a kind of home modification room. This allowed the home to be modified anyway like adding in extra room or making the building much larger, or change a room to have a theme, he waited to hear what Poko wanted.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 1:09 am

    Poko was somewhat relieved to have the air cleared between her and Quill again, but she knew Xiolan was going to be an issue again sometime in the future. For now she'd try to push the angel to the back of her mind, it's not like she'd force Xiolan to do as Quill says, that wouldn't be right, it needed to be her own decision. Poko followed Quill thinking about what she'd like, she honestly wasn't too sure, she'd never had even dreamed of creating a permanent place to sleep. "Um...I'm not really too fussed on the details, but if it could be forest themed or something, I'd probably find it more relaxing." She decided, smiling at Quill, excited to see what would happen now.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 1:19 am

    Quill had made her room, the door to it was located right next to Quill's room so she would have easy access to talk to Quill when ever she needed," Okay done, you want to go see how your room looks, i wasn't sure what kind of forest you wanted so i picked a coral forest, make you feel under water but keeps the feeling of of the forest in mind." Quill would take Poko to her room, the door had a sign that looks like a bunny on it and it says,'Poko and Zephyr's room', Quill opens the door to show Poko her room, it looked beautiful like you just stepped in a underwater coral forest.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 4:41 am

    Poko's eyes lit up, it was even more amazing than she could have ever imagined. She just stood there unable to move, as happiness overwhelmed her, this was the nicest things someone had done for her. She wiped away a tear of joy, afraid Quill might think she was upset, when in reality it was quite the opposite. "It's amazing Quill!" Poko squealed wrapping her arms around his side into a brief huge before running about the room to check out everything. There was a wardrobe for all her clothing that Kanojo made for her, a beautiful dresser with a large mirror and a rounded bed in the center. When she hopped onto it she sunk in as she discovered it was a water bed to match the theme. Zephyr looked around, noticing a smaller bed made just for him if he felt like it, he zoomed around the room in circles, happy not only for himself but at seeing Poko feeling such joy, he had never seen his human be so carefree and happy before. "Quill, you've got to try out this bed with me, it feels so weird!" Poko exclaimed as she sunk into the watery mattress.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 11:13 am

    Quill smiled at how much joy Poko had right now, he then walks over to a desk with a mirror and takes a strange book," Okay before you fully settle in her is one last gift from me, its a gate book. This lets you set portals to locations in Paradise that you would like to visit, it also has a map in it to find what ever you are looking for, just select what it is you are looking for and follow the trail of glowing particles. Though it is pretty much useless out of Paradise, so make sure you leave it here when you exit Paradise for some normal world exploring." Quill handed her the book then sits down on the water bed, it felt weird and felt like he was on water without getting wet. The strange part of the bed was that it wasn't an actual bed but a kind of coral that was filled with water that most animals use as a bed.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 11:23 am

    Poko happily accepted the book with a thanks, still sitting on the bed while she scanned over the pages. She was fairly certain she had only just begun to find out what was available in Paradise and she honestly wanted to know as much as possible. After reading for a little while, Poko looked over at Quill next to her, she put the book down and looked at him with a serious expression. "This is great and everything but, don't you have plans to find that dragon grave thingy?" She asked blinking, waiting for a response from the dark blond boy as she stared intently into his orange eyes. She might not have had any real goals or plans in her life just yet, but that didn't mean she could stop others from achieving theirs.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 1:10 pm

    Quill then remembered that he was planning on going there," Oh ya, okay i'm going to pack for the trip, you can come if you want or stay here, or go do your own adventure but i'm going to go to that location soon." Quill had completely forgot about that since he was settling Poko in to her new home, and having fun with his first human friend. Quill started packing for a short trip, when he checked his map he was only a hour away from where he wanted to go, he would be back later in the day but Poko might not be. He didn't know what she was planning but that is how life works, Quill was at the location where they first entered Paradise waiting a bit to see if Poko was going to join him or not.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 4:08 pm

    Poko smiled as Quill mentioned that she was more than welcome to join him on his journey, but she knew deep down that that was his adventure to have. Besides she'd spent enough time in Paradise for now, if she wasn't too careful she might never leave again and she still had a lot to do in order to become strong enough and redeem herself from her past. Poko packed her things, taking just a few of the outfits with her, a sundress, a simple casual outfit with shorts and the bathing suit. She had the key to return here whenever she wished, so she was certain she'd see Quill again, although not entirely sure when that would be exactly. She walked over to where Quill was standing with a sad smile on her face, "I thought about it and I think I'm going to continue travelling for a while, I'll come with you for today but after that Zephyr and I will be on our way." Poko explained, waiting to see Quill's reaction, "Oh but I'll be sure to return and see you again sometime." Poko finished, hoping he wouldn't be too saddened. As forced these words out she felt something inside her snap, she hadn't ever had a friend to part from before, this was indeed a first. Zephyr floated onto Poko's shoulder, he was also going to miss his new friends, but adventure always led to the possibility of new ones and as Poko had said, they would return to visit on occasion when they could. "A-anyway, we don't have to have any goodbye till tonight, so there's no reason to not smile right now." Poko stammered more in an attempt to reassure herself than Quill.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 4:25 pm

    Quill smiled and put down his bag then said,"One more night isn't going to hurt, and that place isn't going anywhere any time soon. Remember, you always have a place here in Paradise and most of the other residents can agree that you are welcome to come and go when ever you please, just don't loose your key okay." Stormfang runs up to Poko to rub his head in her leg and Ava just stared at her with her beautiful eyes of hers. Quill then said," So what do you want for dinner, pizza or something more fancy like steak or something you have tried before." Quill liked that he could cook for somebody else besides himself, it was boring to cook for ones self.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 4:36 pm

    Poko glanced to the side, she was afraid if she stayed one more night she would indeed never leave, but she also wanted to try out her new room and bed. Poko froze as Stormfang nuzzled her leg, she wasn't completely used to him yet, but she had to admit she had grown on him somewhat, she forced herself to give him a little pat, as she gave Ava a smile. "Okay, one more night." Poko nodded in agreement, "And pizza sounds lovely, but um..." She paused, "Is it possible to only have vegetables, I'm not exactly a fan of eating meats." Poko glanced up at Quill waiting for his response, she hoped she wasn't asking too much, it's just she could never really bring herself to eat something that was once an living creature, the thought made her cringe a little inside. Although, she occasionally ate fish when there was nothing else, living off of what a forest provides could be tricky so it's not like she never ate meat, she just preferred not to when she could.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 5:04 pm

    Quill then went to the kitchen to make some pizzas, he made one vegetarian as well as a small one for Zephyr, one meats lover for Stormfang, a normal cheese pizza for Ava because she doesn't like any topping, and a 45 different cheeses pizza for himself. He then put all of them in a stone oven where they will be baked until they can be eaten. His Grandmother thought him how to make pizza when he was 12 years old, it was strange how much his mother and Grandparents had taught him but he never learned any kind of magic, thats why he developed his own magic.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 5:16 pm

    Poko watched him set up all the pizzas, carefully trying to remember all the steps involved, but she sort started daydreaming at one point. Mostly she thought about how she'd have to say goodbye soon but during one of these daydreams a thought occurred to her that made her blush profusely forcing her to hide her face and stop paying attention to the recipe. Oh well, perhaps another time she thought to herself as she calmed down from her flustered state, hoping Quill hadn't noticed. Poko paid attention again as he finished the last one, ready to bake them. Poko honestly couldn't wait to try it, it had been an awfully long time since her and Zephyr had treated themselves to a pizza while travelling around. She tended to save her jewels for much more important things.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 1st April 2018, 5:41 pm

    Quill retrieved the pizza from the oven and cut them up into 8 pieces, after dinner Quill washed up and went to his room, he did say good night to Poko but he didn't fall asleep instead he messed around this a puzzle hid grandfather left for him as a final test for Quill. That was 5 years ago and Quill is still messing with it, he been tried every other way to opening it, explosives, chainsaw, gun, even a lot of pressure from a heavy animal but still nothing. Quill then laid down on a bed he used to replace the hammock, it was a lot better then the hammock when sleeping.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 4 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

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