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    This is Paradise...?

    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 29th March 2018, 9:22 pm

    Quill saw that the golden cleaner drake swim over to Zephyr and picked him up out of the water, they then moved him into a are with a bunch of pictures on a board. One of them was a no splashing sign, they then move him back to Poko and some cleaner drake swam up to her to check out the new face in the springs. Quill then said," hhhaaaa, This feels heavenly after traveling for such a long time, I hope one day i can find something else this good. How is the water for you Poko, not to hot for your blood I take it." He can see that she is enjoying her self in the springs, but something is telling him that she might not be 100% relax with this situation so Quill asked," You are probably wandering where I got this 'Berserker' scar aren't you Poko."


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 29th March 2018, 9:39 pm

    Zephyr hung his head in shame as he returned from being told off, he decided he’d had enough of the bath and instead shook out his drenched fur, causing droplets of water to fly in just about every direction. He looked pleased with himself as he gave a mischievous look towards the drake that hold told him off earlier. Meanwhile Poko was trying her best to be social. "Well...I..Yes, but.. I didn't want to be rude." She stammered, blushing slightly as she glanced at Quill before quickly sinking herself down further into the water. Of course she was curious but she hated when others tried to dig into her past so she felt it only fair that she didn't pry into others. Everyone had their own secrets and sometimes they were best kept that way.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 29th March 2018, 9:47 pm

    " Well I will tell you how this came to be. See I come from a village that was known for its population of old retired heros, but my grandfather was mocked for his heroics, simply because he was a berserker. In my land berserkers are out cast, and monsters, my father didn't want to be known as a Scorchwood so when he married my mother, he took her last name. By now you should know my mother was a noble and as such i was taught to be one, didn't liked that so i ran away to live with my grandfather. Some of the local kids heard about it, so one day they corner me and start carving the word berserker into my chest like a bunch of psychopaths. So now you know where i got my scar, any questions?" He says all of this while petting Ava who had swam up to him at the start of his story.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 29th March 2018, 10:33 pm

    Poko hung her head, she didn't really know what to say about that. She understood where he was coming from, she too had been an outcast in her village, but none of the children had ever physically assaulted her like that. "Sorry." was all Poko could mutter, she felt even more ashamed of herself for staring now. She thought for a few minutes trying how best to talk to Quill, he had opened up to her it was only fair she should share some of her past. "When I was younger, before I even met Zephyr, I lived in a small village I don't even remember the name of anymore." Poko started, trying to recall all her memories, "I was raised by a woman who I thought of as my mother, but we weren't blood related, I don't even know who my true parents are." She stopped for a second, trying to decide how to continue. "I was told from the day I was born that I must be a cursed angel as they found me with nothing but an old pocket watch with a strange inscription, if not for the woman that took me in, I would have been left out to die. All the other children in the village grew up hating my very existence for no reason other than pure hate for the unknown. The reason I'm so afraid of dogs..." She stopped, tears threatening her ocean blue eyes as she recalled her past, "It's their fault..." is all she could mutter, she didn't want to continue, it got too painful after that. She looked up to see if Quill was listening.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 29th March 2018, 10:52 pm

    Quill looked at Poko, then said," Not the first story i heard where the orphan child who grew up to be a handsome man or beautiful woman was hated because they were different, hell one of those same people became the Queen of the land. I did meet her but she was very old, she had the body of a woman but the scales of a snake, i believed her nickname was the snake queen. She mostly used healing magic but she knew magic that could melt the bones off a person if needed. But it wasn't your fault, your parents probably loved you but didn't want to be harmed by ridicule so they left you there in hopes that someone would take you in. People like that disgust, leaving your own new born child to the fate of who ever comes to find her, I have met people who's lives are worst then what their parents have. But that it can not be help, that is the reason my Grandfather made the key of paradise to get away from that world. Whelp we have been in here long enough, okay everyone time to get out and get some food in your bellies. Poko please dry off and change out of your clothing so we can eat those macaroons okay." Quill stood up and walk back into the home to change into his PJ's and night robe.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 29th March 2018, 11:04 pm

    Poko stayed silent, thinking over what Quill said as she dried herself off and made her way back to the guest room to change. 'Wait did he just call me beautiful?' Poko blushed, glad that no one was around to see. She did feel a little bad she had only told him half the story, but it's not like she wanted anyone to know the truth about everything, besides as long as everything went smoothly she wouldn't even have to ever use Xiolan around him, so there would be no more questions. Poko had totally forgotten to ask Kanojo to make some of those, but her old clothing would suffice, so she put them on. She then made her way back to the dining hall, looking forward to eating the sweets, she absolutely loved sweet things.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 29th March 2018, 11:15 pm

    Quill saw that Poko had finally joined him in the dining hall, he then said," Ok so I didn't asked what flavor you liked so I just made a bunch of different flavors and made a rainbow platter so enjoy." Sitting in front of them is a massive dish filled with many different flavor macaroons, they were ordered to look like a rainbow. This dessert was the only one Quill knew by heart how to make, his grandma loved making them and eating them, she always say that the macaroons themselves reminder her of home and each flavor reminder of each adventure her and Quill's grandfather had when they were Quill current age. There was a special one that was all her favorite flavors, it looked like a rainbow heart, that reminded her of how much she loved Quill grandfather because that was the same one they ate want he proposed to her. Quill had that recipe, but he did not make it because it had that much sentimental value that is should only be made for someone that Quill wants to marry.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 29th March 2018, 11:55 pm

    "Oh wow they look so delicious!" Poko squeaked happily, she couldn’t believe how amazing they looked; each colour was a different flavour? She wanted to try them ALL, but she didn’t want to see too greedy so she picked up a red one first to try, it was AMAZING. She couldn’t quite pick the flavour but it was so sweet and delicious she savoured every mouthful then waited for Quill to have one before she took a second, she didn’t want to be greedy. Zephyr on the other hand, wasn’t a fan of desserts, he was a grass and berry man so he sat by a watched instead, curiously surveying the scene.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 12:06 am

    Quill picked out a orange one, they were his favorite flavor. Quill told Poko that it was ok that she can take as many as she likes he could always make some more later. He then handed one to Stormfang and Ava, they liked it very much the Quill said," Okay, i'm going to go to bed it is late and I have to do some work in the morning, feel free to explore of a while around the house but please be careful some of the items in here are from my grandparents and I don't want then to be destroyed, so please do be careful when exploring. Night. With that he had went to his room to fall asleep.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 2:03 am

    Poko ended up eating several different flavours, she decided she liked the blue ones best, they were just the perfect amount of sweetness for her palate. After she had had her fill, she bid Quill a goodnight and decided to do a little bit of exploring before bed, she hadn’t really had the opportunity to yet and he gave her permission as long as she was careful. She looked through the various rooms and all the different items, some were peculiar and caught her eye but she knew better than to tamper with things that didn’t belong to her. Besides she just seemed to finally be getting somewhere with this friendship and she didn’t really want to ruin it. After some time she decided it was best if her and Zephyr went to bed, so they headed back to the guest room. It had been quite an exhausting day, travelling here and there and she fell asleep pretty much instantly, with Zephyr curled up next to her.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 11:12 am

    While Quill was sleeping, he had a dream where he was back in his home town but this wasn't a good memory dream it was a nightmare bad memory. All the events that lead up to him gaining his scar, once they were finished carving it in he woke up in a cold sweat almost screaming. He had phantom pains from where the scar was, it was dawn so Quill might as well finish his chores now then later. First he if all the food spots have regenerated, then he woke up the cleaner drakes to go and explore the world to clean off any animal that needs it, next he go food for the home, and finally he clean his weapons that he had so far. After all that he went inside to make breakfast, he was going to make french toast with cinnamon and sugar glazing, another of his grandma's recipes. The smell of it went though the house filling the whole house with the smell of something really tasty.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 3:45 pm

    Poko yawned loudly as she stretched after fluttering her eyes open. She couldn't deny it, she had one one of the most comfortable sleeps in a very long time, this place was amazing. Zephyr stirred awake along with the girl he nuzzled into her neck in a sign of affection. "Morning, Zeph." The girl yawned at her comrade as she forced herself out of the bed, half not wanting to leave. As she did something in the air hit her senses, a delicious, sweet smell. Zephyr bounced up to perch on Poko's shoulder and the duo left the guest room to find the source of the smell, eventually finding Quill in the kitchen. "Good morning!" Poko announced as she popped in, her eyes instantly finding the food and locking on with interest, she had to hand it to this guy, he really knew how to cook.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 4:53 pm

    Quill heard Poko say good morning to him, he said good morning back then he set a plate down for her with the french toast, maple syrup, and butter. He also pored her a glass of milk then said," Okay, do pace yourself, it might be good but please take your time chewing it we don't want you choking all right. Oh, do you want to leave paradise today or spend another night here because I do not mind the company plus I can show you more of this beautiful place, though thats all up to you." Quill did want to have more company but Poko was the only person he knew of that he actually doesn't mind being around, post people he meet are either greedy, want more power for any reason, to become someone important or someone who just want to use Quill and the items he has.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 5:31 pm

    Poko rolled her eyes "Yes, mother." she said sarcastically as she picked up and bit into the french toast and chewed in slow-motion, "This better?" she smirked as she enjoyed the flavour. Poko thought it over, she didn't really have anywhere to go, but she also didn't want to overstay her welcome, "I'll stay for one more night, then I should be on my way." she declared as she took another bite, maple syrup running down her face. She did really want to explore a little more, this place was so different and unusual, plus the creatures were all so amazing. Perhaps Zephyr had once lived in a similar place, she had never seen another creature similar to him, but he must have come from somewhere. She looked down at her companion who was currently licking his paws while he waited for the humans to finish eating.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 5:54 pm

    Quill looked at Poko, smiled and went back to reading his newspaper,"Well then, in that case, we should head over to the snow area, a lot of beautiful and adorable things live there and I haven't been ice skating in a while so it would be more fun. So when you are ready we should head over to Kan so you can get some more cloths for the area's im going to take you to today." There were only three places that needed special clothing, the cold area, desert area, and inferno area. These three area's hold mostly animals but the ones in the inferno and desert area's hold large species that would be more aggressive then other species, but since paradise had a effect that calm down these aggressive species they would be fine and won't get gored to death.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 6:07 pm

    Poko had been many places before, but her and Zephyr usually avoided snow as she couldn't afford to buy tons of clothing or carry them around with her all the time. She couldn't wait for the opportunity to actually enjoy herself in it for once. Poko beamed a beautiful smile at the thought of seeing Kanojo again, sure she'd probably have to leave some clothes behind when they left paradise, unless... She looked at Quill with hope in her eyes "Do you think Kanojo would be able to spin me a backpack to hold all the clothing she's made me?" she queried, attentively awaiting Quill's answer.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 6:15 pm

    Kan agreed and gave Poko all the clothing she would need to endure the three area's, back at the home Quill was packing for the trip, he packed snacks, cool drinks, warm drinks, non bladed ice skates and other items he normally brings to the three area's. Stormfang was sleeping on the back porch in a sunny warm spot while Ava hanged out with the other cleaner drakes for the day. Everyone had something to do today and Quill was happy that he had someone to do the stuff he and his grandfather use to do when he was younger, Quill also found the copy of Paradise's Key that he was give by his Grandfather, it was made of bronze and was on a necklace so it could not be lost. Quill put this somewhere where he could find it later after he and Poko were done having a adventure in Paradise.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 6:28 pm

    The winter outfit Kan had made Poko was simply adorable, making her feel super cute, she even got the backpack she requested and decided to let her hair down for once, allowing it to flow through the magical air of Paradise. Due to generally avoiding cold regions, Poko had never been on ice, let alone ice-skating so she was looking quite forward to it, in fact she was completely ecstatic and she didn't even attempt to hide it as she showed off her new outfits to Zephyr who simply rolled his purple eyes at her. "Come on Quill, let's go already!" Poko called out, already waiting impatiently for him to be ready to leave as she spun around and forced a small breeze resonate around her.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 6:40 pm

    Quill heard Poko to hurry up so he got all the stuff he needed and jump out from the top floor landing next to her, he then said," Okay lets got to the see the snow bunnies, they should be happy to see a new face around. I should say if you meet a large fluffy bear with a pelt that looks like a cloud that is my grandfathers pet, Skywalker. Don't worry he is a sweet heart and won't attack anyone unless provoked of course, anyway LET GO HAVE FUN." As he said that he then started heading to the Cold area which you can see many tiny adorable bunny like creators. They look like the snow bunnies kids would make out of snow but with fur and moving, one of them sneezed and a cloud of snowflake had puffed out of the tiny adorable bunny.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 6:47 pm

    Poko couldn't help but continue to smile, her eyes shining a bright yellow as she followed Quill through the landscape, laughing at the snow bunnies along the way, they were simply adorable and reminded her of Zephyr. Speaking of which, the rabbit-like creature was already bounding around above the snow bunnies in an attempt to play with them. At first they were a little alarmed to see him flying through the air but they seemed to take a liking to him eventually and he lowered himself to join them in the cold snow, his fur eventually getting covered in a soft, white layer of ice. Poko pulled on Quill's sleeve to point Zephyr out to him, just in case he missed it as Zephyr bounded into a pile of snow and completely vanished for a few seconds before bouncing out and shaking off some of teh snow, forcing it to fly through the air towards the two humans. Poko raised her free arm to cover her face, cursing at her familiar as he went back to playing with the other bunnies.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 7:00 pm

    He felt a tug on his sleeve and saw Poko point at Zephyr playing with the snow bunnies, he chuckled at the small rabbit because it looked like he to turned into a snow bunny. Soon after they had reach their destination, a large ice cave with a frozen lake that looked like it was made of crystals and light was shooting though them making it look like a rainbow, Quill's grandfather had name this cave the Rainbow lake Cavern and was the an area were Quill first learned to ice skate. Quill then pulled out a custom pair of ice skates where they look like they have no blade at the bottom of it, the then pulled out and second pair that might fit Poko. Once he got the skates on he then started skating on the ice with them.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 7:18 pm

    Poko's eyes turned purple with excitement as they approached the cavern, the lights created from the crystals reminding herself of her eyes, a beautiful rainbow. Poko looked a little scared, but she took the ice skates from Quill, she hadn't ever ice-skated before, this was going to be a challenge. She was thankful that at least her wind magic would come in useful in stopping her from crashing into the ice if necessary though. She went to stand up after putting on the boots, only to wobble a lot, "How am I meant to stand in theeeese?" Poko cried out towards Quill, arms flailing as she tried to find something to hold onto to balance herself. Zephyr merely ignored Poko's cries for help and pawed at the ice curiously.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 7:39 pm

    Quill did some figure skating that his mother had taught him, then he saw that Poko was about to slip and fall on her bum so he skates in to help her then says," You have to balance yourself before trying to propel yourself forward, once you have master the balance try moving one of your feet like you are pushing yourself forward, well you are but you know what I mean. Okay i will help you out first before going back to skating." Quill put his hands on Poko's wast to help he balance easier, once she gets the hang of it he will let go and show her how to move forward maybe show her some moves she can do for fun. This was one of his favorite things to do when his mother visited his grandparents, his mothers parents were more serious and not so fun to be around that is why he mostly hanged out with his fathers parents.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 7:55 pm

    Poko blushed slightly at the physical contact but was thankful to have Quill balance and guide her, it was a little tricky but she eventually got used to balancing herself, even if she did have to cheat and use some magic occasionally around her feet to keep them from slipping. After a few more minutes she got the hang of moving forward and basic turning, but it was nothing compared to what Quill was capable of, she had seen people occasionally figure skate before but always thought it would be super easy, how wrong she was. Meanwhile Zephyr has began slipping and sliding all over the ice, consistently losing his footing on the slippery surface, he even tripped over his own ears a couple times. The creature decided this sport was not for him and instead took to the sky, instantly feeling much more comfortable in the air.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 8:06 pm

    Quill went back to what he was doing, Quill spin like a tornado for a whole 2 minutes before almost falling down. That was his longest one yet, his mother can do it for a whole without losing balance or even slowing down, 2 hours had pass and Quill then said," Okay Poko time to move on to the next area, we will need to rest up first so hurry up and get your hot coco." Quill pored two mugs of coco and waited to drink it, once she finish up her mug and some more, they will head out to the desert area. This area was more full of oasis and beautiful desert plants, they would hike though it until they got to the inferno area where they can see some ash puffs and do some lava surfing.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 2 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

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