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    This is Paradise...?


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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 9:24 pm

    Poko eyes Quill during his spinning, the way he spun and the air resonating from him reminded her so much of her own magic. By the end of their time on the ice Poko was able to skate seemingly well, she still couldn't perform any tricks or anything special other than a little bit of skating backwards, but she was more or less pleased with getting that far. "Yay Coco!" Poko almost jumped for joy, but stopped herself because she was still wearing her skates and she would most certainly have fell flat on her backside if she had done so. She quickly made her way over to Quill, removing her skates and putting her boots back on before enjoying the warm, chocolatey liquid sliding down her throat.

    Once she was done drinking, she found a secluded part of the cave to change into the gear Kanojo had provided her for the warmer regions of Paradise. It was just a simple long-sleeved, black dress, with stockings and boots but Kanojo had assured her it could withstand even the most intense heat and would keep her cool in the process. She put her coat over the top to keep herself warm as they headed to the next location, but removed it once it got too hot, stuffing it back in her new backpack. Zephyr wasnt too keen on the hot location and stayed well above them, high in the sky as he kept his eye on them.

    Poko was surprised how cool she still felt, the spider-queen was most definitely amazingly skilled. She watched the puffs of ash blast from the earth below, swirling as they mixed with the air above, almost like it was dancing.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 9:37 pm

    Quill looked around and found a tonal where he normally goes lava surfing, he then smash a rock which formed a large board of lava rock, Quill then put it near the entrance of the tonal and told Poko to sit on it. Once she did, they would go though the tonal at high speeds, Quill will also try to show off a bit and dodge some magma streams without even getting a drop anywhere. Once they, they were only a 5 minute walk back to the top of the tonal and Quill said," So how was your first time lava surfing, fun I hope." Quill then went back to go a second time, this time faster and with a more advance route by himself.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

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    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 9:50 pm

    Poko was a bit hesitant about this 'lava surfing', but she trusted Quill, so she tied her hair up, just in case before climbing on board of stone. She had barely positioned herself when he took off at breakneck pace, leaving Poko screaming in fear as they made their way down. Soon the screams changed from fear to enjoyment as she realised she was in no real danger, she clung on tightly to the board, still a little bit terrified of what would happen if she were to fall off. When they reached the end, she was more than a little relieved in all honesty, while it had been an enjoyable experience, she was not keen to repeat it.

    "I-It was alright.." Poko said a little shaky, "But, not again, please." she declared, resting while Quill enjoyed his time surfing. Poko sat with her arms around her legs as she waited, resting her head on her knees. While she would probably never admit it she today had been by far one of the best in her life and she was more or less thankful that Zephyr had forced her to meet Quill. Poko saddened as she thought about how eventually she would have to say goodbye, I mean they weren't going to stay here forever and Quill had things he wanted to do with his life, dreams even, which was more motive than she had for anything. She brushed away these thoughts from her mind after Quill was finished, not wanting him to see her upset, especially after he had given her such amazing experiences.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 10:02 pm

    After he was done he came back to and ask Poko if she wanted to see one of the most prettiest springs in Paradise. Quill's grandfather had called the springs "The Diamond Boiler because large crystals would form near the water and sometimes in the water. A large diamond formed in the very center of it and sprays out water all the time, most of the crystals are in the water but some form water falls. The spring itself is massive being a whole 4 cityblocks large almost like a mini lake, the water only goes does to 4 feet and some crystals were cut to make sets for the people and animals to rest on. It was normally enjoyed when naked, but i think Poko might be uncomfortable about that part, so will Quill but there is a tonal in the springs he can swim in that leads to a private area full of beautiful crystals and light that shines though them, there is also a great view of inferno area there as well.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 10:18 pm

    "Yes, yes!" Poko perked up immediately at the idea of going to the springs. She was practically bounding with joy, similarly to Zephyr as they made their way there, "It's so huuuuuge" Poko gasped when she saw it, the crystals were truly a sight to behold, it was hard to believe a place like this really existed. She quickly found a place to get changed into her swimwear, and raced into the spring, nearly slipping over the crystals in the process, but managing to catch herself with a small puff of air against the water's surface. "This is amazing!" Poko exclaimed as she relaxed a bit before noticing the tunnel, "What's through there?" She asked curiously, heading towards it, but waiting for Quill to say it was okay to do so first, in case there was a monster inside, if he said it was okay to go she would head down it to experience the amazing view first hand.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 10:39 pm

    Quill looked a Poko and said," That leads to where my grandfather would relax when he comes here, though since his passing it is now my spot. I would let you go there but here is the thing, if you want to fully relax you... you have to get naked." Quill's face looked like a tomato when he said that, he has never seen anyone naked in his life but his grandfather and that is because he would bath with his grandfather when he was really young. Other then that he hasn't seen anyone else naked, especially a woman near Quill's age, he then dived into the hole in pure embarrassment and came up to his hangout spot. Quill then thought of the thought every boy has at one point, then slams his head hard into the wall of the cave, lucky the cave was very strong.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 11:00 pm

    "Eehhh?" Poko blushed furiously at the thought, suddenly feeling incredibly exposed even though she was still technically wearing swim wear. She sunk herself low into the water, so only half her face was above it, enough to breathe. Her face was the most scarlet Zephyr had ever seen and her eyes were a shade of hot pink as she stared down into the water. There was no way, even if Quill was serious and it would be best that way, she couldn’t do that, maybe if she was here alone, but most certainly not in front of anyone but Zephyr. Poko decided it was best to stay put where she was, she was far too embarrassed right now to deal with seeing, let alone talking to Quill.

    Zephyr meanwhile grew concerned as he noticed Poko and Quill, he had been flying high above them, then when his purple orbs searched below he saw Poko and Quill no longer near each other, could they have had another fight? After such a good day too? He drifted down, landing on Poko’s head to see if she was okay. The young girl didn’t seem to be crying, he tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out what was going on exactly.

    Poko took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, "Don’t worry Zeph, it’s fine." She told him, reaching up to give one of his ears a little scratch, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Poko then relaxed for a few more minutes in the water before getting out and changing into the sundress Kanojo had made for her and sitting with her bare feet in the water while she waited for Quill, deep in thought and lost in her own imagination.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 30th March 2018, 11:16 pm

    Quill soon came out with his trunks on, looking like he just fought a bear and lost. His face was still red from embarrassment, and he didn't look at Poko at all, though his grandfather wasn't wrong about how to relax in the springs but Quill shouldn't had even mention it to her. But his grandfathers rules must also apply to him so nothing is changed, the walk home was uncomfortable and quiet on Quill's end, he didn't want to say anything else in hopes of not making matters even worst then it already is. Quill got into his non adventure clothing and started up diner which was honey roasted ham with a side of golden leaf salad. Quill wouldn't eat in the same room as Poko so he took his meal to his study to eat it which his study was labeled,"Master Quill's study".


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 1:27 am

    Poko tensed up upon Quill's return, while she couldn't look him in the eye, she stole glances in his direction occasionally during the trip back to the house, occasionally opening her mouth to say something, then closing it again as the words failed her. Was he mad at her? Or maybe he was disappointed? She couldn't really tell and it started to eat her up inside. Poko avoided Quill while he made dinner, she wanted to offer to help but she was still pretty certain he didn't want to talk to her, her fear confirmed when he went to eat alone, leaving Poko to eat her meal in the dining room herself. At first she picked at it, not really feeling like eating, but she was afraid if she didn't eat it she would offend him more, so she was sure to force herself to eat every last morsel. Upon finishing she took her dishes to the kitchen for cleaning, before asking one of the nearby cleaner drakes where she could find Quill, it showed her to the door of the study. Poko swallowed down her fear and knocked twice, "Quill?" she whispered, "I-I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry." she waited for a response, if she didn't hear from him soon she would just make her way back to her room.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 10:34 am

    He heard Poko saying sorry for some reason so he got up and walked to the door, he opened it and looked at Poko then said," Look i am sorry, i shouldn't of said anything about that rule and just lied about, I didn't mean to make think weird its just that my grandfather put that rule in so people could fully relax in that spring. I wasn't trying to be a pervert, just wanted to keep that rule, so again i'm sorry for even bringing it up in the first place." Quill's face started turning red yet again from this situation and he didn't like that so just looked down said good night and try to close his door so he wouldn't make anything more weird as it is.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 4:20 pm

    Poko looked at the ground thoughtfully as he attempted to explain himself, still afraid of making eye contact, "I-it's fine, b-besides I'm a guest here. I-I should have followed the rules." Poko bushed a little bit as she realised what that would of meant. She went to steal a glance at Quill, only to notice him trying to close the door, her mind raced, if she let him things might stay like this, if she didn't things could potentially get worse. Just before the last inch of the door closed, Poko made up her mind as she sent a huge gust of wind towards it, forcing the door open and the possibility of anyone behind it getting knocked down. She clenched her fists on the side, eyes tightly shut, but facing somewhat in Quill's direct, "DON'T SHUT ME OUT YOU IDIOT!" She bellowed at him, "Y-YOU'RE THE ONLY FRIEND I HAVE!" Poko opened her eyes, tears threatening to swell as she blinked them back.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 5:42 pm

    He stop mid way from closing the door when he heard Poko say that he was her only friend, this stopped him dead in his tracks, stun with nothing to say. Then Quill open up the door and hugged Poko for joy with some tears starting to form for over whelming joy, he then said," I AM SO SORRY, I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE SO MAD AT ME IF I TALKED TO YOU. I'M SO HAPPY THAT I FINALLY MADE A HUMAN FRIEND." Quill was squeezing a bit to hard but he let go of Poko and then went into his room to get something," Here, I was going to give you this tomorrow but what that hell, here this belonged to me when i was little. My grandfather gave it to me so i can visit him anytime want to see, I want you to have it so you can visit when ever you want. I did modify its look a bit it is still the same item." Quill handed her a sky blue key with a cress on it that looked like a rabbit in the sky, it pretty much acted the same as Paradise's Key but was a copy.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 6:39 pm

    Poko was overwhelmed with happiness as Quill embraced her in his arms. She nuzzled her face into his warm chest so he wouldn't see any of her tears of joy as she hugged him back. "Dummy, I thought you weren't talking to me because you were mad at me.." she muttered before releasing her grip on him and moving apart. Poko looked over curiously as Quill walked away from her, only to turn and hand her a magical key. She blinked a couple times dumbfounded, was she really allowed to come here whenever she wanted? This was the nicest thing anyone had done for her since she could even remember. She looked back at Quill, completely elated with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you! I promise never to use the spring with the crystals in it till I'm ready to abide by the rules." Poko declared blushing a little, eyes a pinkish hue, before moving onto her tip-toes, grabbing Quill by the collar and attempting to pull him down so she could kiss his cheek as a proper thank you.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 6:50 pm

    Quill was a bit dumbfounded when she kissed him on the cheek, every strange, made Quill blush a bit, then he said," Well I could redesign a room for you and you can use that as your room, and its no bigy your a friend and i enjoy the company. But if you bring someone new here with you just let me know, im happy to meet new people and again I don't mind the company." He looked around still blushing a bit, then said," So what do you think, living here with me and all the cleaner drakes, its up to you. I'm not going to force you to stay but I do home you say yes. I can teach you to do a lot of cool stuff like my family had, minus my father who was kinda a jerk. At this point Quill's face looked like a peach that was going to turn red at any moment.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 7:04 pm

    Poko was completely ecstatic, she finally made a friend that wasn't Zephyr or Xiolan, if you could count Xiolan as a friend. The idea of having her own room, made her literally jump for joy as she hugged Quill again, she pulled away quickly though as she started to notice Quill's expression. "I would love that and of course I wouldn't bring someone else here without permission." Poko said happily, 'not like I have anyone I'd want to bring anyway', "But um," Poko tilted her head to the side, her brow furrowing the tiniest bit, "Are you feeling alright?" she asked eyes full of concern as she stared into Quill's orange ones, his face looked red as a tomato, maybe he was had a fever or something. "Do you want me to get you a glass of water or something?" Poko asked, getting ready to turn and fetch some if he needed it.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 7:18 pm

    " Ya ya I am fine, just need to cool off so don't worry, Oh. Have you ever tried ice cream before? If not i have a lot of different flavor ice creams you can try, but be warn, eat it slow or you will get a brain freeze. Lets see there is vanilla, chocolate, strewberry, mango, dragon fruit, cookies n' cream, just alot of different flavors you can try." Quill's face eventually went back to normal and he headed down to the kitchen, he had taken Poko's hand before he gotten to the kitchen and took her to it, he then handed Poko a tablet that lit up," Okay, now drag your finger across the tablet until you see a flavor you want to try, I will wait until you have selected the flavor you want to try." Quill sits down on the counter waiting until she selected the flavor she wanted.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 7:36 pm

    Quill claimed he was fine, but Poko wasn't completely convinced as he changed the subject to ice-cream. She let it go, he obviously didn't want to talk about whatever it was, "I know of ice-cream." Poko replied as she thought back to watching kids asking their parents and enjoying the snack, "But, I don't think I've ever had it before." Poko happily followed Quill down to the kitchen, blushing slightly as he took her hand, but she quickly stopped when she came face to face with all the flavour choices. She scanned over the tablet, trying to decide which flavour suited her fancy at the current moment, she wanted her first experience to hopefully be a good one, so she thought she'd pick the safe flavour of chocolate, seeing as she knew that one would have to be tasty. "Now what?" She asked looking at Quill after she had made her selection.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 7:50 pm

    Quill touched the chocolate icon and then a cone, a panel in the wall open up with a cone of chocolate ice cream, next Quill got cookie dough ice cream cone. Quill then handed her a black towel then said," You main need this, you said you haven't had ice cream before, well make sure to use this, it can get messy when eating it, especially chocolate ice cream." Quill was lucky to of found Poko, she puts a smile on Quill's face and it seems that Stormfang and Ava like her and Zephyr, he hopes they stay friends for a long time but something didn't feel like, Quill felt like there was something watching him when around her. Quill shrugs it off and finishes up with his ice cream then said," Well there is some light still out, do you want to got take a dip in the hot springs?"


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 8:06 pm

    Poko took the ice-cream with delight, thanking him as she did, she had seen children make plenty of messes with them, so she understood what Quill was on about. She carefully licked the chocolate, it was amazing, so sweet, but so cold, it reminded her of a certain someone, but she would just keep that to herself. She was careful not to spill too much, but a couple drops managed to get past her and drip down the cone and onto her hands. Poko managed to polish off the whole thing and was looking quite pleased with herself as she cleaned off her hands and face using the towel. When Quill mentioned the hot springs, the previous events of the day flashed into Poko's mind, causing her to blush again, "Um.. You go ahead, I think I've had enough bathing for the day." she replied, turning so she wasn't facing Quill, "I might just go to bed, if that's alright, I'm rather tired after all the walking around." she muttered as she began to shuffling away, towards the hallway. It's not like she was lying, she was incredibly tired, it had been a very long day after all.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 8:15 pm

    Quill said his good night and then went to his room to change, but he was not changing into his swim trunks but his combat cloths, with Scatter & Solider in hand he want out side. He wasn't sure of what was stalking him or even if it was someone stalking him but his gut tells him that someone was and is watching him, so he simply said," Didn't know I invited two people into paradise, why not come out and we can have a friendly chat. See I don't like trespassers in my home so come out or i'll have the inferno drakes sniff you out." Quill seem to be talking to no one, just himself, it might of just been his imagination but the cleaner drake were staring at something, something that wasn't really there.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 8:31 pm

    Poko was completely exhausted and emotionally drained, she flopped onto the bed in the guest room and fell asleep nearly instantly. Zephyr snuggled into his partner, curling up next to her for her warmth, however he startled awake as Poko's pocket watch glowed, usually that only happened when Poko summoned her but occasionally the Angel would appear through her own power, while she couldn't defy Poko's wishes in general, while she was unconscious she was able to appear of her own free will. Zephyr had a bad feeling about this, so he followed the angel as she made her way outside through the shadows.

    Xiolan eyed the young boy suspiciously as she took in her surroundings, this was not the mortal realm, at least not the usual one Poko summoned her to, just where exactly were they. She glided out of the shadows, her long, black tattered dress swaying in the foreign wind as she stretched out her large dirty, grey wings. Could this boy be an enemy? No, Poko wouldn't have followed him and be soundly asleep if he was. She would be sure to question Poko to great extent the next time the child summoned her. She chuckled at the boy's threat, nothing could kill her, she was immortal. "Oh dear boy, you wanted to talk?" She said, an evil grin upon her face. She couldn't attack or harm anyone without Poko's command but he didn't know that, "Silly child, if I'm here then I was invited, although, indirectly." Her red eyes stared into the boy's orange ones, as if piercing through his very soul. Zephyr glided out and over to Xiolan and she stretched her hand out to pet him, but didn't take her eyes off Quill.
    Quill Scorchwood
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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 9:09 pm

    Quill looked at the creature before him, an angle like creature with dirty, grey wings, tared black clothing, bright red eyes, and long black hair as well as very beautiful. His grandfather had told him about creatures like this, attaching to humans to find forgiveness to their sins, though this might not be the same kind. Keeping his guns at his sides," So why do you think i shouldn't send you back to what ever hellscape you came from, choose your words wisely demon I don't like being sent to what ever your version of hell is, pain in the ass to get back." Quill as dealt with lesser demons that had sent him to a nightmare realm in his mind, but he has not dealt with anything this strong. So he kept up his side of piecing stair but lucky for him, the inferno drakes did the same, making it seem like he has been waiting for a fight since he had met Poko from some form of monster or demon.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 9:25 pm

    "Demon?" The Angel chuckled, "Please, I am far from that." Xiolan cocked her head as if curious, "Although I can see why you'd think that. Much like the villagers of what Poko would consider her home town." She snickered at the thought, their screams had been music to her ears that night as she cleansed them from this world. "I have to say, you have guts though. Bringing my Poko to this strange world." Xiolan stressed the 'my' to ensure she got her point across, she would never let anyone harm a hair on that child's head, not while she could stop them. "So dear boy, what exactly are your intentions?" the angel narrowed her eyes at him, waiting for a response.

    Feeling the tension in the air, Zephyr landed on Xiolan's shoulder and nuzzled his nose into her neck in an attempt to show Quill she was a friend. He just hoped that he understood. The angel, stroked the rabbit-like creature with care, "Zephyr, says you are a....friend...interesting..." Xiolan muttered more to herself than Quill, could Poko have actually made a human friend? That seemed unlikely, Poko made enemies, not friends.
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 31st March 2018, 9:37 pm

    Quill gave a signal to the inferno drakes to back off and watch from a distance, Quill then said," Well you are no angle either since angles are banned from Paradise for what they try to do to my family all those years ago, so spill it. I rather keep my guess safe and my friends even more safe, I will ask you, who are you and how long have you been attached to Poko or are you Poko and you just wanted to lower my guard so you can take paradise for yourself you greedy fiend." This wasn't paranoia, in the past fiends have tried taking Paradise by leading him to believe that they are a harmless animal that needs a home. He been very continent ever since only letting in though with no malice content to take over this world or kill anyone in it. He waited for the creature to speak before doing anything stupid.


    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 25mifd

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    This is Paradise...? - Page 3 Empty Re: This is Paradise...?

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 9:47 pm

    "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE POKO!?!" Xiolan raged at the boy, letting her fury flow within her, her flaming red eyes glaring at him as she calmed herself slightly, still infuriated that someone would talk ill of her master, "Poko is my master, I go where she goes and if you dare even so much as think of harming her I will have your head. That's all you need to know you insolent human." she hissed at Quill. The angel felt a strange force upon her. Already? She could never stay in the human realm for long, but it usually lasted longer than this, perhaps it was the anti-angel spell the boy talked about. No, that couldn't be it, Poko must be stirring, maybe they had made too much of a commotion. "Well looks like my time is up. If you want to know more I suggest asking Poko herself. Although, seeing as you're such good friends," she practically spat the last word, pausing for dramatic effect, "I thought she would have told you already." she sneered as she disappeared into a puff of black smoke, returning to the darkness. Zephyr was left floating where she had been mere seconds before, watching Quill with his purple orbs.

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