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    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 25th March 2018, 6:08 pm

    Job Info/Sign up:

    A flash of black lightning sparked out clashing against a shield of white flames. Azure eyes stared from around the shielding of flames while a pair of irregular colored eyes glared back from a distance where the lightning had come from. The two men looked identical to each other besides the color of their hair. The two men lunged towards each over across the area of a old, dusty and empty arena. They clashed with their magic the entire way towards each other until they both were at arms length where the battle lead into melee. The two swung their arms and legs out, one having themself covered in white flames and the other covered in black lightning. Neither of them let up in their attacks, even when they were forced to dodge they managed to swipe a leg or arm to hit the other somehow. The clash of powers caused the dust in the arena to move into the air around them with each strike making them kick of punch the dust towards each other. The flame user used this to his advantage and kick forward while the lightning user was forced to step back to dodge but the dust flew into their eyes as if it was some sort of ranged attack and blinded him, giving an opening for his opponent. The flame user did not let up as he dashed forward and slammed a flaming fist into the chest of his opponent causing him to gasp out in pain from the heavy blow. The flame user went to move their arm away but before he could the lightning user grabbed hold of the arm that had slammed into him and released a surge of electricity to move throughout the body of his opponent who had also given an opening by getting so close. The flame user yelled out in pain before he managed to twist himself around and kick the man who was holding his arm in the jaw, allowing the grip over his arm to be removed and then for him to create some distance between them. The lightning user took the kick but stayed on his feet. The two combatants stared at each other and grinned. They were enjoying this fight and everything that was coming from it. It was something that they looked like they lived for; The adrenaline rush of battle.

    "Cirven." A feminine voice spoke out from what seemed like all around both of them. "You do remember you have work to do, right? We can't sign all of these papers that need the signature of the CEO." The lightning user sighed and turned away from his opponent as the area around them started to disappear and change into somewhere else. When the room was done changing the CEO opened his eyes where he was laying in a pod with Alisha standing in front of him with her arms crossed. The pod opened and the CEO stepped out of it. "You know that I was doing one of my specialized scenarios again. They just finished one with the old me in it and I just had to see how close they got it to being who I was. Couldn't resist." Cirven spoke out and Alisha glared at him. "Try and be more aware of your duties, Cirven. We can't do some important things without you being around and active." Cirven laughed and put out his hand to touch Alisha's shoulder but instead stumbled forward a bit and grabbed somewhere else on her. Alisha looked down to see her boss' hand on her chest with wide eyes and a clear shade of red over her face. "Sorry! This pod stuff can mess with your head sometimes." He said but did not remove his hand. She squinted her eyes at him with her upper lip and left eye twitching from the sheer thought of what was happened then slammed her hand across his face roughly, spinning him around from the force as well as removing his hand from her. She then stormed out of the room angrily. "Its not like I wanted to touch a cow like you or anything!" He yelled out annoyed at the situation and did not understand why she hit him so hard for something so small to him. People touched each other all the time so it was no big deal, especially accidentally like that. He cupped his face with his hand feeling the heat from the slap that had just marked his skin as he made his way out of the area.

    He made his way to his office where he had to walk by person after person with Alisha angrily storming her way through the halls in front of him. A red hand print was on his left cheek as they moved through the headquarters. This was a typical sight for everyone to see with the secretary and CEO seeing as the two usually ended up at each other throats for some reason. Cirven could feel the eyes all on him as they made their way through the area but he had become accustomed to it with him being their leader. After a bit of time, they arrived at his office where there was a single paper on his desk. "You called me here for a single paper? You could have done this yourself and just copied my signature and just told me later." She did not speak and only glared at him as if to say 'I am never doing something so stupid for you' to him. He took the glare from her and made his way to his desk where the paper was laying and picked it up. The paper was not something that anyone could simply just sign and be done with. It was a job directly for the CEO himself to go and investigate a mysterious area in Desierto. An area that was hidden from the world due to a curse placed upon it. The entire story was a folk tale based on a cursed city called Lunula and the actual location was never found but the person who gave this job seemed to know the whereabouts of the city. The job interested the CEO because it was as if it had given him a way to go and have a sort of adventure again. A new adventure at that too which did not throw the country he helped build or those in it into peril. "Jonathan Levret, huh." He stated out loud the name of the client. "Alisha, this is a job directly for me because of the possible dangers it could have so it looks like I will be leaving Tolgalen soon. I'll need your help with something really fast though." He spoke out and grabbed her hand causing her to blush again. "Did you not just learn not to touch women like that!?" She said and reached her hand up to smack him again but before she could the tow of them were sucked into the shadows near them and were traveling through them. Her eyes widened in fear as they quickly moved from shadow to shadow until they stopped and jumped out in the Magic Training Hall where Adalinda, Cirven's new mentee had been training due to Cirven's orders to her earlier that day. "Yo, Ada! We have something for us to do other than be stuck in the HQ for days on end!" He said as he popped out of the shadows pointing at the paper that spoke of the job he was to go on. Alisha let out a grunt of anger and smacked Cirven in the back of the head. "Next time warn me before you do that, idiot!" She yelled out angrily.



    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 25th March 2018, 7:23 pm

    "C'mon Ada! Work your muscles! One! Two! One! Two! One! Tw-Omph!" A black haired mage that had blue streaks spotting her hair and bright sky blue eyes had just pushed over a purple cat that had been talking while doing yoga. The girl was wearing tanned pants, brown boots, and a white tank top that was slightly drenched in sweat. The cat was mainly just wearing yoga clothes, but had a nice little dress nearby to change into after they were done here. "Hey! That wasn't very nice! I was trying to help you you know?!" The exceed cries out as she stands up on her stumpy legs and puts her hands on her fists. The cat wasn't tall compared to the mage, barely reaching her knees, but she sure shared the same fierceness in her eyes as she did. The cat wasn't budging as they were starting to have a staring contest while standing there. "You could be nicer to me you know?" No response. The cat's ears fell back as she was trying to figure out what was going through the mage's mind. The mage's blue gaze bore down on the cat as she slowly moved to crouch to her level. Her eyes seemed to not blink as she kept her gaze on her. "Adalinda...?" The cat questions quietly.

    Slowly the girl leans forward as a small grin starts to form on her lips. "Really? Really Tammy? I don't need your help to train more... I've been doing just fine on my own... You're doing nothing but disturb my concentration. You're not my mentor... I could always bring out my own... claws..." She smiles to the cat. Tamaria glares harder at her, making Adalinda laugh as she stands back up. Her mood did a one-eighty on the cat suddenly. "Just quiet down. I don't need you to help right now, let me focus in peace." She requests from her cat. Tamaria gave a sigh of relief as she was a bit concerned for her. The cat was hoping she wouldn't go to the dark side or something with how she acted sometimes. She had noticed that Adalinda's been getting better at her training in the short time she's been with Cirven as her mentor too. She was even working on making new spells for herself, but they of course took quite a bit of energy from the mage. That made the cat feel proud, and it showed on her face as she cheered her mage on.

    Adalinda shakes out her hands and was getting herself ready in the center of the room to go through another scenario. Tamaria had decided she wanted to be there and do yoga as moral support, or something like that, but the most her being on her little mat had proven, was that she was kind of in the way of the scenario. Ada had to keep the training dummies at bay from her while she stayed in the room. She was about to start up the new scenario when Cirven was suddenly in front of her and... coming out of a shadow? She clears her throat and snickers to his words. Of course she was wanting out of the guild. It's been a few days since she did anything. She noticed the nice bright red hand print on his cheek, and softly snickered to herself the smack that Alisha had given to the back of his head. Her mind told her to behave and not comment on it since he was the guild master. Sometimes she wondered if they were dating with how they acted. "Um... Hi there?" She laughs a little as she wanted to see what the paper was, but she figured she should quickly grab her things. She ran to where she stuffed her extra shirt and her guild shirt as well. She kept her back to Cirven and Alisha as she tore off her tank top, and quickly put on her spare one while also throwing on her white and blue trimmed guild shirt, not bothering to button it up just yet as she jogs over to Cirven.

    Tamaria had quickly started padding towards them as well, wondering if she could join in on the fun. "Wow, Cirven, looks like you got a little bit of something on your cheek there!" The exceed couldn't help but teased the guy. Adalinda had jogged up just as she said that, and lets out a groan before she picked her cat up by her scruff of her neck. "Hey! Stupid dragon slayer! Put me down! I'm not your average cat where you can pick me up at your whim like this!" She was going on ranting about how this was treating her improperly and to put her down on her own two feet as Adalinda takes a deep breath. Clearly, she wasn't listening into the cat's cursing at her.

    "When do we go? Where are we going? What are we doing? How much is the reward? And is Tamaria coming with us?" She questions Cirven as she rolls her eyes. The cat was trying to talk her ear off now. She was sure of it. She then lowers the Exceed in her hand away from her ear, then opens her hand to just let her drop on the ground with another 'omph!' Part of her hoped that the exceed wasn't included, but she also wanted to keep the cat close in case she needed a quick getaway. She wouldn't say it aloud, but Adalinda was kind of giddy that Cirven was already taking her on a job so soon. She crosses her arms over her chest a bit, her shirt still unbuttoned, but she didn't seem to mind. She was sure if Ruvel or Johann were around, they'd tell her to button up her uniform properly in their presence.

    The exceed was dusting herself off as she glares to Adalinda for dropping her on the ground. "You could have been nicer to me. I bet Cirven would have been." She crosses her own arms and lets up a 'hmph' while turning her head away from Adalinda, who just stared at her with a blank expression before looking up at Cirven again as she let her face go into a neutral expression. She cocked an eyebrow and points down to the cat, silently asking if they were staking her again.

    Words: 1,068



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 25th March 2018, 8:39 pm

    The entire situation was a comedic one it seemed as Ada was not ready for the sudden appearance of her mentor from out of a shadow like he commonly did and Cirven was somewhat caught off guard by the clothing his new mentee chose to wear for training. He had not seen many women wear clothes in such a way but did not show any sort of reaction to it, at least willingly because his nose had a line of blood slip from out of it which Alisha quickly noticed and smacked the man in the back of his head again. "Stop having lewd thoughts, ya perv!" She yelled out and then turned her attention to Ada who ran to a bag and started to change with her back to them. "Excuse the CEO. He has not seen many women in such a way before and tends to be an idiot with how to be around them at times. It is surprising he has gotten through life this long like that..." Cirven rubbed the back of his head from the latest smack he had gotten from the secretary of the WFTC. "Why do I feel like I need a new secretary around here...?" He mumbled out loud with Alisha next to him. "If you can find another one who can put up with your idiocy then go ahead. Will save me the stress of being here and covering for you all the time!" Alisha spoke up and huffed then crossed her arms. "What do you need me for anyways?!" She glared at her boss with her eyes attempting to put spears through him for the short time they had been around each other and he had annoyed her.

    Before Cirven could answer Tamaria spoke up to Cirven about the red printed hand that was on his cheek. He smiled at the exceed and shrugged. "This is what happens when you have abusive work partners, I guess." Alisha listened to what the devil had said and gave off an air of tension around them as he continued speaking. "Especially when they are pretty much a cow." He did not look at her when he spoke his last sentence but if he did he would have seen Alisha's eyes widen and her quickly move closer to him where she would start talking about the type of boss he was to her and how he was the worst she has ever had and how she wanted another job but no other job would pay better, etc. She kept talking as Adalinda grabbed her cat partner and asked about the job causing both the mentor and mentee to have their companions ranting in their ears while they spoke to each other. "The job is in Desierto." He handed the paper to Adalinda. "We are to find a city called Lunula that only appears at night. It is a city that is pretty much only a folk tale that most believe doesn't exist. I have heard bits and pieces about it from my time in Desierto but nothing ever sounded concrete. For all I know this could be a job where nothing happens but the client says they know where the city is so if we are able to go and find it then we are to investigate it and go from there. This could be a pretty fun little adventure for us to go on. I was going to ask if you wanted to come but with how you packed up so quickly, I already know the answer." He had to speak over Alisha who was next to him but being that his apprentice had Tamaria he figured she was used to blocking out voices around her and listen to what she needed to. Both Alisha and Tamaria stopped their rants near the same time with Tamaria being put down and Alisha turning her back on Cirven in a huff and puff way. "I am fine with Tamaria coming. She could be a good help with what surprises could come along with us." He knelt down and pet Tamaria. "I'll make sure we get some nice fish from over there for you to try. Some of the oasis in Desierto are said to have some of the tastiest fish in the world. Has something to do with the water in the desert being of a different quality from what I heard." He then stood up and turned to Alisha and spoke to her. "Speaking of help with surprises... Alisha, this is why I have you here." He spoke out but Alisha didn't turn to him at all. He then moved to stand in front of her so she would look at him but she kept turning herself to avoid being able to see him. The two moved around in a circle over and over as if they were children playing some kind of impromptu game. Cirven finally grew tired of it and grabbed the woman by her waist and held her in the air where he moved her to be next to Adalinda and himself. "I need you to use your magic so that Ada, Tamaria and I can speak to each other from a distance if we need to. I'll make sure the chefs make your favorite treat if you do it." Alisha looked at Cirven for a few seconds and then put her hand out between them causing a yellow light to pulse from out of hand. The three others would feel weird but after a short few seconds Alisha's hand would return to normal and she'd move it back into being crossed over her chest. "You better not being lying like last time. You know how much I like red velvet cake from the chefs here." Cirven smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, I know. you need it so those grow big and strong." Alisha did not hesitate and slapped Cirven across the other side of his face to give him a matching red print on the other side of his face for the other one. She then stormed out of the room.

    "Welp, at least we get to have some good cake at some point. I never told her when I would tell them to make the cake so she will have to wait until we get back from the job." He laughed at having some sort of triumph over the woman who had hit him four times in under an hour. Cirven then placed his hand over his ear and spoke to Tamaria and Adalinda telepathically. "So to talk to me or Tamaria directly you just need to be able to put your hand or something over one of your ears and then just think of who you want to talk to and of what you want to say. Easy, right?" He then removed his hand from his ear. "Alisha can be pretty handy with her abilities but is easy to anger. I only treat her the way I do because we have always been that way. It helped her with losing our previous Guildmaster and all. It is hard for me to change that, you know? Try not to hold any of what she does against her." He spoke out not knowing the Alisha was around the corner listening. "Idiot..." She spoke aloud and then left them.

    "So we should get going. We need to meet up with the client. Pack anything you have up and bring them to the front of the HQ when you are ready." He then left Ada to go get ready and made his way to the front of the HQ. When he arrived he let out a whistle that some of those who have been in the WFTC would have known what it meant. Seconds later a serpent dragon would fly down and land in front of the HW and wrap herself around Cirven letting out happy moans and her tongue slithering out of her mouth excitedly. "Hey Zinny, I missed you. Having fun in the forest?" He smiled as he was wrapped around and spoke to her. He got a few moans back in response and smiled more. "Sounds like it has been a fun time for you out there."



    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 26th March 2018, 8:57 am

    Adalinda hadn't been paying attention before when Alisha had smacked Cirven's head for a second time, but she heard it and turns her head just slightly to listen to the secretary. She had turned back enough to see her mentor rubbing the back of his head. She honestly didn't feel surprised, but she did noticed his red streak from his nose. She pursed her lips before she had quickly changed her clothes. As Cirven explained to Tamaria that his handprint on his face was from 'being abused by coworkers', Adalinda was trying to not laugh, and even more at the fact that he called his assistant a cow. "Hey, I don't think she looks that bad. I think she looks quite pretty and would make an awesome girlfriend or wife if she doesn't have someone to love her to pieces already." She winks to Alisha as the cat didn't hear over her yelling. Of course she was attempting to butter up the secretary some. She knew that if Tamaria heard her and paid attention to the mild flirting this time around, the cat would have been egging her on some more. In truth, Adalinda may swing both ways, but Alisha didn't seem too her type though.

    The dragon slayer listened to Cirven explain their job, and smiles to him a bit as she grabbed the paper from him, skimming it over. The jewels obviously seemed pretty nice to her, and she grinned some more. She snickers at the information her mentor himself gave her about the city, and nods as he knew already she was rearing to go on the 'adventure' they were to have. Already this job seemed like it was fun. "So all we gotta do is find a city that apparently comes out at night... then look into it when we find it? Sounds easy enough... or maybe too easy." She shrugs her shoulders and looks to her exceed, then the ranting Alisha. Of course she didn't mind speaking over the two of them, Adalinda sometimes naturally had a loud voice, and her enhanced hearing helped her hear Cirven better over them as well.

    Cirven petting Tamaria, made the exceed pout with her ears falling back, as she felt like she was being treated like a common pet. At the mention of getting some tasty fish for her though... her ears started to perk up once more. She glares at him a bit and points a claw at him. "If we can bring it back here and have it made into sushi... I'll be happier." She grumbles before she crosses her arms over her chest again and takes a deep breath. When Cirven calls out to Alisha, both Ada and Tammy watched them as they went in their strange dance. Adalinda was clearly trying to not snicker at them at all. When he picked her up, Ada's eyes grew wide. "Wow... someone's bold after getting marked already." Tammy snickers under her breath, making Ada put a hand over her mouth and nose to attempt to stop her own snickering. The two stayed silent as Cirven made his request to his secretary, and blink at the yellow light. A shutter went through Ada's spine as she looks curiously to Cirven. Of course she wondered what happened, but that smack he earned again from Alisha made Ada crouch where she stood, and start laughing. She found this quite amusing oddly enough. Tamaria was trying to hold back her own laughing. "Cirven! You happen to have something magically appear on the other side of your face!" She cries out to him. Adalinda had reached out to go and grab the cat as she laughed, but Tammy had skipped back a couple steps before Cirven begun to talk to them telepathically.

    Adalinda shot up and was standing next to Cirven once again. Her eyes were wide with amazement from what just happened. She then reaches a hand up to her ear like Cirven had, and followed his instructions on how to talk to others, using this as an opportunity to test it out by talking to the two of them. "It's that simple, really? What exactly is her magic anyways?" She then removes her hand and looks to Cirven as she starts to grin rather widely over this magic now. Tammy had ran away to the other side of the training hall to change out of her little yoga outfit and back into her orange dress. She had jogged back as fast as her little legs could allow her. At Cirven's quick explanation of his relationship with Alisha, Adalinda blinked. "So you two aren't dating...? And you... you two got rid of the previous Guild Master?" She tilts her head a bit. Her mind was whirling with various reasons as to WHY they would do that in the first place. She quickly shakes her head as she freed her mind of those thoughts. She didn't need to worry about that now. As he told her to pack her things and get ready, Adalinda gave him a lazy two finger salute before touching her other hand to her ear once more. "You won't have to wait too long for us! We'll meet you there in maybe ten." She grins and drops her hands as she looks to Tammy, who simply nods. They begun having a race, with Tamaria shooting her wings out and trying to race against the slayer that way. Adalinda was laughing with excitement from the race to her room to get her stuff.

    It didn't take long for Adalinda to have packed a regular sized backpack with all of hers and Tamaria's essentials and was running to the front of the guild with it on her back when she had managed to hear the whistle. She let out a gasp when she remembered what it was, and a whole new feeling of excitement coursed through her again. She had heard that whistle maybe once or twice before since she joined. As she gets to the door, she stops her running and comes to a stop, looking at the dragon wrapped around her mentor with wide eyes and a goofy grin. "She's beautiful..." She couldn't help but say as she felt Tamaria sit on the top of her backpack on her shoulders.

    Tamaria put her elbows on the top of Adalinda's head, and perks an eyebrow up. "So, Boss, we taking your dragon to Desierto? Or are you going to earn yourself more abuse from your coworkers?" Adalinda had reached a hand up and tried to smack the Exceeds head blindly, but she was able to jump off before she could be touched, and snickers to Adalinda.

    "When will you stop being rude?"

    "When you settle down with someone... maybe..." The cat cackled as Ada hung her head. They had already come to the conclusion that it would have to be a one in a million chance for her to fully fall for someone, and they her, in return. Tamaria looks back at Cirven, skipping over to him. "We're all ready to go when you are now!" She says in an innocent tone of voice, making Ada roll her eyes before she runs a hand through her hair and listen as well. She was ready for the job to start now as well. She did quietly hope to ride upon Zinny. She heard a few members talking about the guild masters dragon before, and she longed to get close to the dragon as she was now. It was clear on her face that there was an admiration for the creature before her.

    Words: 1,272
    Total of 8,000: 2,340



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 27th March 2018, 7:45 pm

    The devil had bounced around the questions thrown at him from his mentee almost as if he was avoiding them but he did plan on answering them at some point. They did have a decently long trip ahead of them where they would be heading to a completely separate country of Desierto. He had just wanted to get going so they could start their quest and not hold up their client any longer than they needed to.

    At current though he was being slithered around in a hug from his close friend and pet, Zinnath just as Adalinda made her way out of the HQ and looked at them. Her response was genuine as she looked over the scene of the two embracing causing Cirven to smile at her. "Hey Zin, I want you to meet my latest apprentice, Adalinda and her exceed, Tamaria." Zinnath looked towards Adalinda as Cirven introduced them. The giant serpent then unwrapped herself from around him placing him back on the floor, then hid herself behind him showing her shyness. In truth, she only was able to hide most of her face behind his body and could still see Adalinda from around him. "Zinnath. We really need to get you over this shyness with the members of the company." He pet her head with his hand in order to try and calm her. "Ada, Tamaria. Come over here. Don't be too quick or anything. Don't want you to scare her. She is just really shy around new people." He beckoned the two over towards him. He made sure to stand between Zinnath and the two of them until they got close enough to pet her. He moved out of the way and gestured for Ada and Tamaria to pet Zinnath. "Zin, these two will be your friends so don't worry about them." He waited for Adalinda to pet Zinnath and would watch as it happened smiling. Zinnath would be reluctant at first but give in and allow them to pet her. Her tongue would slither out of her mouth as they did so to show that she was getting more comfortable with them.

    After the two sides were able to get a bit more comfortable with each other, Cirven would remember that he needed to take his mentee's things. "Oh yeah, Ada. Is that all you have packed up? If it is let me see it so I can store it for our traveling." He'd speak out and put his hand out to receive her bag. After getting the bag he would then open a pocket dimension out of thin air and place the bag inside it before closing it. "This will make sure no one can get to our stuff and we can have it on us where ever we are located. Pretty convenient, right?" He grinned at her and then jumped into the air and landed on top of Zinnath. "To answer your question, Tamaria, we will be taking Zinnath as our way to travel to Desierto. It is an easier trip just taking her than going through all of the motions of getting one of the ships we have and taking it. All that paperwork gives me a headache after all. You will be fine getting on her now after petting her. She trusts you enough." He waited for Ada to get on Zinny before taking off and instructing the dragon on where she should be flying to. He had a good understanding of the layout of the land so it was easy for him to figure out where they needed to go. "With Zinnath's speed we will be stopping in Minstrel tonight so Zinny can rest up but before then you might want to get comfortable and make sure to speak up if you want to stop anywhere because I plan on this being a straight shot until we need to stop otherwise." With that being said he'd have Zinnath take off towards their destination. It would be around four to six hours before they stopped in Minstrel unless they needed to stop for anything else.

    During the trip Cirven would bring up the answers to the questions Adalinda had asked earlier. "So to answer your questions about Alisha and I, no we aren't dating. We friends and help each other out with things as a CEO and his secretary would. About the last leader of the company, her name was Anastasia. We did not get rid of her ourselves and did not want anything like that. She was taken from us after a job we did. It was something-" Cirven's mind replayed the events as Anastasia was shot down by a man they had just stole from while they were masked. Anastasia was on her own ship while he was on the invisible ship, the Vaalkyrie with everyone else. The job went smoothly until Anastasia was suddenly shot down and all they could do was watch. Cirven went on alone and destroyed the ship of the man who shot his leader down and nearly killed everyone on board if it wasn't for the appearance of the man who would later be his right hand for a bit before leaving himself. "-We had no control over."



    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 28th March 2018, 12:37 pm

    After Tamaria skipped away from Ada, the slayer went back to looking in awe of the dragon. The Exceed takes a deep breath and goes back over to Adalinda, scrambling up her to be clinging to her arm by one paw, and reached her free paw out and started to snap at her dragon slayers face. "Hey! Earth to Ada! Wakey wakey! Eggs and Bakey!" She cries to her. "I know you're obsessed since you say you're daddy's a dragon as well, but c'mon! You're starting to drool here!" She says, making Adalinda jump a bit and reach up her sleeve that Tammy wasn't hanging on to wipe at her mouth, only to realize that Tamaria had lied about her drooling over the dragon. She glares at the cat before Cirven introduced the dragon to her and her exceed. A smile was on her face as she watches the dragon 'hide' behind her mentor. She puts a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing at the sight of the massive dragon.

    As Cirven motioned for her and Tamaria to go over to him and Zinny, she slowly starts to walk over with Tamaria on her arm. She slowed her stepping when she got close to Cirven, till he moved out of the way. She stops in front of the dragon, admiring the detail of her scales. She smiles as she let her hand go out to pet her. Tammy tugged on Ada to pull her other side closer to the dragon just so she could go and pet the dragon as well. "You're in heaven, aren't you?" Tamaria questions as Adalinda nods slowly to her. She looks back at Cirven when he questions about her backpack, and she slowly nods to him cautiously. "I can carry it though..." She reluctantly gave it to him as he held out his hand. When he made the pocket dimension, she gasps and was in awe of it. Tamaria chuckles and jumps off of Ada's arm. "Guess that comes in handy quite often." The exceed chuckles to him with a nod while looking back to Ada, who nods in agreement.

    "I can't believe I have the chance to ride another dragon again..." She chuckles to herself as she gets on after Cirven gave her the okay to do so. Tamaria had flown up and sat in between the two mages comfortably leaning back against Adalinda. "Glad I can be a great head rest... cat..." She says as she rolls her eyes some. As they take off, Ada stays quiet, relishing in the fact she was riding on top of a dragon once more for the first time in ages. She shakes her head to wanting to stop by anywhere along the way. She wanted to just get going there as well. Adalinda goes quiet again, listening to him tell Zinnath where to go.

    Adalinda was mostly lost in thoughts of the dragon she was riding upon with Cirven when he told her about his relationship with his secretary, pouting a little. "I'm sorry about the old guild master..." She scratches the back of her head a bit as she gives a nervous smile. She looks down to the dragon, and can't help but feel the scales by her leg. She was bitting her lip as Tamaria nudges her. She looks to her confused. And for a few minutes, the two were having a conversation between one another through their eyes. They were having an argument it seemed with how Adalinda was shaking her head rather violently to the cat. Both of them were being stubborn on whatever silent argument they were having, not wanting to budge from their spots. A couple times, Adalinda glances up to Cirven, hoping he wouldn't look back to them.

    Tamaria quickly stands up, ending their argument while ignoring Adalinda's protests, and crawls around Cirven to sit in front of him. "How'd you get Zinnath? Did she have a bad owner or something before? Is that why she's so skittish?" The exceed gasps, her ears seeming to perk up more than they normally were. "Did someone try to hunt her down for her scales before and remove them from her body?!" Adalinda was leaning around Cirven a bit to glare at the cat. A smirk was on Tamaria's face as she sees her friends face. She turned her head and smiles to the dragon's head. "Why the name Zinnath too? Does it have a special meaning to it? Or did it just sound cool?"

    Adalinda takes a deep breath as she hangs her head. This cat was going to be the death of her. While clearing her throat, she looks to Cirven while still slightly leaning around him to be in view of her Exceed. "Sorry if she's being rude... Sometimes I think she does it on purpose just to get me in trouble or something..." She nervously scratches her cheek and glances to the dragon. Tamaria's questions were all the questions she was thinking herself though. She bit her lip as she looked around her. Normally on a vehicle of sorts, she wouldn't be able to get the chance to enjoy scenery while traveling, but since she was on a dragon instead, she was more than able to. It felt good to her. "So after we stop in Minstrel... we're heading straight to the location that the job said or wherever? What do you think we'll find?"

    "Ada! Why ask about that now? We're on a dragon! Ask about..." She trails off as Adalinda takes a deep breath.

    She looks away from Cirven and Tamaria again. "You wouldn't happen to know about Metalicana... right?" She questions, before shaking her head some. She doubted he knew anything about him. Maybe his name, but that might of been it. In truth, Ada would be rather excited if he did know, but she didn't want to give her hopes up too much in case he didn't.

    Tammy claps her paws a little. "Or would Zinnath know?" She pipes up. Ada glances over to her Exceed, then rolls her eyes some.

    Once they get to Minstrel, Adalinda was a bit in awe of the place. She had only ever been to Fiore outside of the Divide Islands. During their travels, Tamaria had moved to be back sitting in front of Ada, resting up against her calmly as she enjoyed the sights and took a small nap on occasion. Adalinda looks around the place a bit. "Holy crap... This place smells weird..." She couldn't pinpoint how the country of Minstrel smelt, just that it was weird to her compared to Fiore and Tolgalen. Maybe that was because it was a new place she hadn't been to before. She let her blue eyes go over to Cirven again, raising an eyebrow curiously. She knew they were staying here tonight, and couldn't help but wonder what was in store for them the next day. "Hey... How long till we get to Desierto from here?"

    "And where are we resting for the night? Are we gonna stop by an inn here? Or... camping in the forest someplace?" Ada glares at the Exceed as she shuttered before she said 'camping'. "Hey! I'm not a camper! Can you blame me?" Tamaria pouts up to her before settling back against Adalinda.

    Words: 1,223
    Total: 3,563



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 29th March 2018, 5:42 pm

    It had been a funny experience for Cirven seeing his new mentee being in complete awe with Zinnath. He had let many people meet the serpent dragon but no one had acted as she did over the dragon. It somewhat reminded him of the first time you gave a child something sugary and they were suddenly opened up to a new world. Even while they were on the Zinnath and riding they Adalinda seemed like she was still in awe over her. "Don't worry about the old guildmaster situation. It wasn't something you had any help with either way so it wasn't your fault. It can only fall onto those who were there. Other than that though, I'm happy you are enjoying your time on Zinny. Don't you feel the same, Zin?" He rubbed the dragon's side and she returned the rub with a happy sounding moan. "She basically said she likes you guys. After so much time around her I kind of developed a way to tell what she is meaning by her moans. I might be off a little bit at times but I get the overall idea." He spoke out while still rubbing Zinnath.

    He did not notice the silent conversation the two ladies behind him were having as he was petting Zinnath and causing her to moan more as she flew them towards their destination. His attention was brought to in front of him as Tamaria crawled around him and in front of him and asked multiple questions that mostly had all the same answers in the devil's mind. He then heard Adalinda apologize for her companion's questions and then ask more questions with Tamaria protesting against her asking any of her own questions. "You both are pretty close, huh?" He chuckled. "Don't worry about asking anything girls. I have nothing to hide and I know that you are both curious about Zinnath. Zinnath was my sister's pet in the past when we were a part of Sabertooth under the team name Holy Tempest with others. Her and I went missing for a year at one point and Zinnath ended up flying off herself to look for us where she was captured ironically by the same people who had captured us but placed in a different location. This group loved to experiment on people and things in order to gain knowledge of their abilities and seeing as Zinny here was a small snake that was morphed into a large dragon they took notice pretty quickly and captured her. After my sister died and I escaped I managed to save Zinny from them. She used to be shy back then but now she is even more reluctant because of it." A somewhat sad smile came over his face. "The way you both are together kind of reminds me of my sister and I. Always weird to see similarities in others." He sighed silently and then continued answering the questions presented to him. "So when we get to around halfway we will be stopping at an inn. Also I have heard of Metalicana but I have never met her. Zinny only knows of Hydrianna which is the dragon that trained my sister and changed Zinny into what she is now. Did she teach you your magic?"

    After some time the three and the dragon found themselves at an inn where Zinnath slept just outside the inn. Cirven had specifically asked for a room with a window that Zinnath could see them though if they needed to see her or vice versa. They each had their own bed in the room with one bed extra seeing as the room was for four but was the only open room they could get with a window that Zinnath could be seen from without causing any issues. Cirven did not sleep much that night, keeping up his nights of barely any sleep. He used the lacrima he had on his person to open the door to the area that Adalinda would be familiar with called the Void Room and trained. It wasn't that he couldn't sleep but it was what he was used to seeing in his dreams. All they were were reruns of failures redone in some way that his mind put together to make them worse and worse each night.

    They woke up in the morning to Zinnath poking her head through the window and moaning through it at them. Cirven was already out of the Void Room and petting his best friend's head. He then opened up the pocket dimension they had put what they had packed in. He first was just digging with his hands but then what he was looking for seemed to be eluding him so he dipped his body in with only his waist and legs hanging out. He then came out of the dimensional pocket holding a large chunk of meat wrapped in plastic. He took the plastic off and held it out to Zinnath who quickly gulped it down. "Oh sorry. Did she wake you? I usually feed her in the mornings and she was a bit persuasive with her needs this morning." He pet Zinnath after he spoke. "We can head out whenever. We are almost there now." He would then change his clothes into a simple black sleeveless shirt and black pants while putting a cloak over himself knowing that the sand in the area of Desierto could be an issue. He hoped that his companions packed in a similar way too.

    The group took off again towards their destination but this time it was a short trip for them only being three hours. The trip went by fairly quick with the three of them talking and then they finally arrived at their destination where they landed into a small town in Desierto named Wahah. It was a town that the client specifically asked them to go to in the paper sent to Cirven. Zinnath landed just outside of the city and Cirven pet her before sending her off on her own. "I don't like leaving her around waiting for me so I let her go and do her own thing. She is strong enough to take care of herself but I don't what I'd do if I lost her, you know?" He spoke out as he pulled the paper out from his pocket and skimmed through it. "This says to meet at the local bar here. Means we should be able to get ourselves some drinks then which is always a great thing." They made their way around the town after Cirven asked a random person where the town's bar was and pointed them in the right way. This lead them to stand in front of the Crescent Rose, the bar in the town. Cirven lead the way in and sat down at the counter near the bartender where he stretched his arms into the air. The bar had around ten people inside of it with each drinking or doing something else. "I swear after all that traveling I really needed a drink. Bartender! Give me the best tasting beer, mead, or whatever you have! Also can you get whatever my companions want here too?" The bartender stared at Cirven at first and looked like he was measuring him up to see who he was. The bartender then reluctantly got the drink and gave it to him. "So where are you coming from, sir?" Cirven quickly downed the entire glass of liquid before answering the question, even putting out his finger in order to say 'one min' to the bartender as he waited. "We are from Tolgalen. We are from the West Fiore Trading Company for a job here. Have you seen Jonathan Levret?" The bartender stared at Cirven and then at those around them before nodding to the devil. "Just had to make sure who you were before this happened.." the bartender's words stopped just as a bottle was brought up above Cirven's head and started to quickly move down towards him but the devil lifted his arm up and stopped the attack. "At least give me another drink before the fighting part. I'm pretty parched here." Cirven said as he then pulled the man's arm down slamming the man's head into the counter, breaking a chunk of it off. The bartender pulled a long knife from off of his side and slashed it through the air just barely missing Cirven who jumped back and out of his seat to dodge it where he was grabbed by a large man in a bear hug. "Man, it has been awhile since I have been in a bar fight." He spoke out loud and swung his leg backwards and in between the larger man's legs, quickly causing the man to let go of him and drop to the floor coughing and in pain. The devil turned around to see everyone in the bar was wielding some type of weapon. "You guys serious? At least use some sort of magic or something." Cirven's words were quickly responded to as the weapons sparked to life with different elements. "There we go! Consider this training, Ada! I'll take the ones on this side of the room and you handle the other side."



    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 30th March 2018, 10:24 am

    The dragon slayer sits quietly as she listens to her mentor speak of the previous guild master, nodding silently to herself as she knew it wasn't too much of her concern since she wasn't there. That didn't stop her from feeling slightly bad for whatever it had been that had happened. A smile slowly forms on her lips as he asks the dragon if she enjoyed having her and the cat on her, and then proceeded to interpret her moans to them. "Unfortunately it's more she won't leave me alone more than 'being close'. But she's occasionally good company I suppose." Adalinda says as he questions their closeness, making the cat glare at her now. Adalinda snickers and sticks her tongue out at her as she shrugged her shoulders. She was mainly teasing the exceed though, and Tamaria should know that anyways. Ada goes quiet again as Cirven answers Tamaria's questions, and listens intently to him. She was in awe once more as she begun to pet the dragon herself now a little. "She's been through so much, it seems." She muses quietly. She didn't know how to respond to his bit on her and Tamaria being similar to his sister and him. Normally she didn't like being compared to people. As Cirven talks of Metalicana, Ada pauses and shakes her head. "Hold up, what? Metalicana was my foster father? Not a female dragon." She had stopped her petting of Zinnath as she said that, looking at Cirven with a confused look. "Metalicana did teach me my magic though. He wanted to make sure I was a great metal slayer, or at least he did... He disappeared when I was young though..." She reaches her hand down and touches her right knee a bit through her pants. Normally, out of her uniform for work, she wore a skirt and showed that she had a bandage wrapped around her knee. It didn't seem to bother her, or even inhibit her ability to walk or run and the like.

    When they finally reached the inn, Adalinda relaxes on her own bed, and takes a deep breath. She had been a bit stiff from riding upon Zinnath, and allowed herself to stretch after she washed herself up. She figured Cirven would want a room that Zinnath could be close to them. Who would want to be away from a giant snake that was pretty much their best friend? In the room, they technically had two extra beds in the room as Tamaria enjoyed sleeping sprawled out on Ada, much like an actual cat does. Adalinda had passed out rather fast after Tammy laid upon her and held her down. She was blissfully unaware of Cirven's nightly routine of not sleeping and training instead. In the morning, the moan of the dragon woke her from her sleep, and she wiped the drool off of her lips. She sits up slowly, dumping Tamaria onto her lap and scratched her eyes. She wasn't a morning person. Tammy looks to Cirven as he was half in his pocket dimension, and taps Adalinda to get her to look as well. The slayer looks over in confusion, raising an eyebrow of the sight of her mentor being half missing. She snickers a little, and smiles as he fed the dragon some meat.

    As he apologized for waking them, Ada just shook her head. "It'z fine..." She sleepily slurred to him before she yawned, covering her mouth and flopping back on the pillow with her eyes closed. "I'll... be up... eventually..." She says before she feels where the cat was sitting lighten for a moment. She snaps her eyes open just before Tammy jumped on her. "Wake up!" The cat calls while Ada groans at the cat on her stomach. "You're going to kill me one of these days..." She mumbles. At the sight of Cirven's change of clothes, Adalinda gets up slowly, shoving Tamaria off of her to keep her from jumping on her stomach again. "I should change too..." She mumbles to herself before she grabs her stuff. She had taken her bag over to the bed and had her back to Cirven again while she quickly changed. Adalinda honestly didn't think of how Desierto was, but Tammy did and made sure she had a cloak in her bag, same as for herself. Ada had changed into a black halter top that had mesh at the top, and changed into a pair of her uniform pants. She fastened her belt onto her hips and dons on her cloak after Tamaria had changed into her own spare dress.

    When they were ready to go and on Zinnath again, the slayer was dozing still, till the exceed passed her her flask of sake. She took a swing of her flask and seemed to start waking up. During their travels, Tammy was talking about how she met Ada while ada was gardening, on a job after she first joined the guild. Ada had been grumbling the whole way as she didn't like to garden, severely after a job she had come across before she met her Exceed. When they arrived at the town, Ada kept on snickering at the name. "'Wahah...'" She giggled to herself. She nods to him as he explained his situation with Zinny, and cheers as they get to go drink alcohol. Tammy groans as she places herself on Ada's shoulders. Of course she knew the slayer would be excited for alcohol... it's practically a meal for her. Adalinda seemed to feel right at home in the bar and orders herself the best ale they had, starting to sip it. Tamaria refused a drink, saying she needed to be the sober one among the drunks, even though she knew Ada couldn't get drunk unless she stays sitting while she drank.

    When Cirven chugged his drink, Ada was quite surprised. This guy was nothing like the other VPs of the guild, and it made her feel giddy. "Jeez Cirven... Breath as you drink!" She couldn't help but tease as she goes to chug half of her own drink. Him being suddenly attacked, made her pause in her drinking, glaring around the room. "The hell?" She grumbles. She wanted to drink in peace for once. She was suddenly grabbed from behind by another man, and growls to herself. "You're sorely underestimating yourself if you think I'm weak and passive, bucko!" She says as she grabs his arms and quickly throws herself out of the seat while dead weighting herself. She caught her fall by throwing her foot out to the ground and the man ends up going right over her and tumbling into the chair that Cirven had been in before, making him groan at the pain in his back. "Really? Been a while since you've been in a bar fight? Been like... I dunno... five years since I have been in one... Unless you call street brawls, bar fights as well?" She laughs as she looks over to the rest of the bar, in which her laughter dies down for a moment. She glances to her mentor as he spoke, then let up a snort. "You kidding?! If this is training, then you're the best mentor in the world!" She laughs. Tamaria had jumped out of her seat and was hiding under the bar with the chairs blocking her way. She wasn't a fighter, but she was trying to keep herself out of harms way while staying near Ada to help her out if need be.

    Ada had gone to the side that Cirven had indicated for her to go to and was already having her kunai out. She got up rather close and personal with someone who happened to have a sword with her little kunai, getting all the way up to their cross guard with her little blade. She seemed to just disregard dangers coming at her mainly. As soon as she noticed another person gong towards Tammy with duel hatchets though, she was quickly on their backs and quite viciously flipping them over while hijacking their hatchets. "Don't think so buddy! Cat's off limits." She growls before she throws the hatchet at another person coming at her. She hit them in the leg, making them stumble and drop the short sword he brandished. "I should get myself a sword, just to look cool..." She laughs to herself before she gets off the guys back she was sitting on and quickly grabs the guys to drag him away from Tamaria before she chucks him towards another, knocking both of them out as they crashed into the wall behind them. She claps her hands as that got them gone. She gasps as someone threw a flaming knife at her hand and knocked her kunai out of her hand. The knife had manage to cut her on the back of her hand and right where the thenar was as the knife slid over her hand with how she jerked her hand. She hisses and quickly kicks her foot out as they came at her after throwing another one that got her shoulder, getting them in the stomach with the heel of her foot. As they were kicked back, her heel would reveal a harpoon like blade coming out of it that had a bit of blood on it. "Self defense." She mutters as she shakes her hand a bit. Her hand and her shoulder both stung with the fresh cuts on them. Minor things. Till she heard a crash of an empty bottle and someone came at her with it. She blocked the attack with her arm, but it only held for a moment as she was kicked in the side by the guy with the bottle, which made her cry out in slight pain before she twisted herself and grabbed a chair and bashed it over the guys head. "I feel they were thinking they could take me on and win!" She groans as she shakes her head.

    Words: 1,671
    Total: 5,234




    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 30th March 2018, 10:39 pm

    "Good one, Ada. Every time you get hit I will have to give you some sort of penalty during our next training session so try to dodge." He spoke out as he ducked under a acid covered sword that swiped at his neck. From under his coat eight knives flew up into the air and cut their way through the man who just missed him. "I take it that I can use slightly lethal means seeing as the rest of you are, right?" He spoke out with a grin forming over his face after. The devil gave off an aura that seemed as though he did not mind hurting any of the men or showing them much mercy, especially once they noticed his irregular red eye and sharp fang-like teeth. One of the men broke from out of his fear and gain some sort of confidence that propelled him forward with a large sword covered in flames. The large blade ripped through the air burning through a sign hanging from the ceiling like it was butter and headed towards Cirven. The devil grabbed one of his knives from out of the air and used it to block the large sword causing the group of men to look on in awe. Four of the knives that the devil could control flew forward and slashed across the man's body who wielded the large sword. "Really? Is this all you each can do? This is not impressive at all... I'll make things interesting." Cirven started to generate a large amount of purple lightning around his mouth. "Survive this and I will let each of you get a hit on me." Not giving any of the men a second to react Cirven released a blast of purple electricity onto the group of men in front of them which took out the area in of the bar in front of him and ripped its way through the wall. Debris and a wave of dust covered the area around where the devil had attacked. "Looks like none of you are conscious enough to attack me, huh? Boring. I just want some fun rather than small fry like this." Cirven spoke out as he walked through the hole he just made and left Ada to fight the rest of the men in the bar alone. He looked over each man he had just attacked and realized each were actually knocked out from the attack and were not pretending for any sort of surprise attack.

    "Yo, Devil!" A voice called out to Cirven causing him to look towards it where he saw a man wearing a pair of glasses, an open gray coat and matching clothes under it. "I think I heard that you wanted to have some sort of challenge rather than some weaklings? Maybe the man you are looking for could help you out." Cirven smiled. "So I take it that this whole job was some sort of way to get me to come here for you to use me for some plot or something? Or maybe this is some sort of test?" Purple electricity traveled around Cirven's arms and legs. "Is either of my ideas close to what is going on, Mr. Levret?" Cirven questioned the man as he and the man moved closer to each other. "If you knew it was a trap then why did you come?" Levret looked confused. "I came because I needed to get out for a few. It gets pretty cramped in my office all day. Also, came because if I didn't come then you possibly would target someone else whereas I can just stop you here myself and not have to worry about anyone else being a victim for you." Levret laughed and shook his head. "You are crazy! I'll be happy to show you a good time though before I kill you." Cirven chuckled and then dashed forward quickly showing that he was done talking. Levret was not ready for the speed that Cirven possessed and as a knife was swung up towards his body he did not react fast enough to dodge but Cirven's knife hit something metallic before being able to contact Levret and bounced off. Cirven jumped back before there could be a counter attack and saw a large metallic hand had appeared just in front of Levret where he would have struck him. The hand extended out into an arm and then into a head and torso and then the full body of a metallic golem like creature. "Summoning magic?" Cirven could not feel much magic power coming from the golem or even from Levret at all which caused him to feel uneasy about his next move. Things were too weird at this point but he knew he had to deal with Levret somehow in order to get answers on why he was really called there.

    Cirven rushed forward with his knives moving with him as well as two of the eight of them in his two hands. He wanted to test what the golem could do before using anymore spells so he used his knives to slash around the golem but each attack did nothing to its sturdy frame, not even from his own strength with the knives in his hands. The golem reached out to touch him but he jumped away from it again before it could touch him. His mind ran through ideas on how to approach the golem but the best idea came to his mind and he quickly went about his plans. This lead him into attacking the golem again up close and personal. He sent two of his knives flying outward towards the golem but the knives ricocheted off the golem who the reached out to Cirven. The plan had worked though as Cirven's knives flew towards Levret who was not fast enough to move away from the attacks. the golems hand disappeared suddenly and reappeared in front of Levret where it slapped away the knives aimed at its master again. Thinking quickly Cirven gathered up a mass of electricity into his right arm that surged off of his arm and ripped through the area around him before he swung it out across the body of the golem, sending out a claw-like form of purple electricity. Upon hitting the golem Cirven could feel something pulling the magic power from his body suddenly which caused him to stagger from the quick loss of power from his body which the golem took advantage of and wrapped its arms around Cirven. "Got you!" Levret yelled out with a victorious smile coming over his face. Cirven could feel the power he had being sucked away from his body. He let out a grunt of pain as he was literally being drained of his magical power and could feel himself losing consciousness.



    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 1st April 2018, 7:39 am

    Tamaria had scoffed at Cirven's comment about dodging attacks. She knew her slayer was practically the queen of getting hit. It was only a matter of time. And... oh... would one look at that? Ada already got hit... twice even. The cat was snickering to herself as she watched the fight go on. When Ada got the guys out of the way, she darted over to Tamaria and picked her up. "Sorry for almost not getting that guy..." She brought the cat into a hug and squeezed her tight. "You're crushing me... Let go..." Tamaria was gasping for breath and Adalinda quickly held the cat out at a distance before she looks over to Cirven fighting. She watched as he was approaching the guy they were to meet with. "Wait... I was dragged along for a trap?" She glares at her mentor a bit before the two started to go towards one another. She shakes her head a bit, eyeballing her mentors move till he hit the metal object. Her eyes bulge out of her head a bit as she takes in this golem made of metal before her mentor. "Can I eat it?" She asks as she started to lick her lips. Tamaria let up a groan and hangs her head.

    "You can't go eating every metal thing that's out there, Ada..."
    The cat chastises the dragon slayer, who simply glares at the treat she wished she could have so badly. Adalinda began watching how Cirven was fighting the golem. None of his own attacks were working on it, and she glares harder as she was wondering if her own would work. She then glanced over to Cirven's opponent, the golem deflected attacks. A plan started to form in her mind and she tugs lightly on the cats ear. "I need you to... pick up... something..." She grins before she lets the cats ear go. Tamaria blinks as she looks to the mage, who grins and winks before looking at the guy who was supposed to be their client. She just flicks a finger at the guy in a way that the exceed would see, before she caught on and grinned just as evilly as Adalinda. "I'll take care of the metal beast... you never know... I may be able to eat it..." She snickers. As she said that though, Levret yelled out that he had Cirven, and Ada saw her mentor looking like he was getting tired. "No way..." She grumbles before she starts to form scales on her body. She quickly sprints over to the golem and lets up a growl. "You can't have all the fun now, Cirven! Now I hope I can eat this shit too." She laughs as her skin was now a grey color and scaly.

    Adalinda reaches her hand out and crushes the golems arm before she tears it off of the metallic body and peels Cirven out of its grasps. She brings the arm up to her mouth and takes a bite of it to test if she would lose any of her power. "You are not disappearing on me anymore." She had seen how Cirven was reacting to the golem before and grabs hold of him and quickly while she jumps back a couple steps with her mentor in her other arm. "Don't you pass out on me now... Thought you were stronger than this?" She was trying to get a rise out of him to get him to show her what he could do. A grin was upon Ada's face as she held onto the hand she ripped from the golem and continued to munch on it a bit more. "Oye! Metal head! You're forgetting something!" She chuckles as she points toward Levret. The golem looks over, and sees Tamaria hiding a short distance behind the guy, but before he could go after her, Adalinda grips the ripped golem hand harder in her own hand as she ran towards the metal thing. Ada let up another growl and manages to jump up onto the golem before it did it's disappearing act and wrapped herself around it's other arm before proceeding to rip it's other arm right off again. "Did I not just say that you're not disappearing on me?!" She chuckles as she crushes the hands in hers before she tucks them under her arm and goes after the golems head. Her arm is wrapped around in a sort of headlock before she starts to tug the head back. Ada could feel a small tug somewhere in he, but she wasn't sure what exactly that was all about. It wasn't her right leg having an issue, and she was thankful for that, but that wasn't what she needed to focus on right now. She continued to yank harder on the golem's head to rip it back and off of it's body. Adalinda glances over as a crash was heard and sees that Levret was no longer standing. He was now up in the air, being held onto by Tamaria, who hat knocked him out with a bottle she found inside the bar. The exceed had snuck up behind the guy and smacked his head without him knowing what was going on.

    "Ada... this guy is heavy... Much heavier than your fat butt..." The exceed groans to her as she held the guy under his arms. "Ha... ha... very funny Tammy. I forgot to laugh for a moment." Ada growls through her teeth. She glances over to the exceed and tightens her grip on the golem's head. She plants her feet on the back of the golem and starts to straighten them out while arching her back slowly. Her eyes close as she quickly yanks herself back. She tumbles to the ground, and wasn't sure if she slipped, or had yanked the golems head off or not. She did manage to smack her head on the ground though on her fall back, so she was seeing stars. The golems hands were no longer in her grasp as she laid there. "Goddamn dragons..." Her scales stayed on her body, protecting her body a bit, she was just rattled from the fall.

    Words: 1,030
    Total: 6,264




    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 3rd April 2018, 7:42 pm

    The devil was feeling completely drained and more so as the golem was wrapped around him. He was able to let out grunts of pain but the short time he was wrapped in the arms of the golem had caused him to feel like he could not breathe as he felt weaker and weaker. He tried to think of what he could do next but with how rapidly his power was being sapped from him he could not focus well enough. Luckily his mentee had seen his predicament and came to the rescue. She was able to rip the golem apart quickly from him where he fell to the ground almost lifeless. "Ada.. Don't use any magic on.. it..." He was able to mumble while he tried to pick himself up from the ground. He knew she would be able to hear him with her heightened hearing. His body was feeling different from what it before he was bear-hugged by the golem. He managed to get to his feet as some strength started to come back to him but he was wobbly for a short time after getting onto them. He watched as his mentee was able to make quick work of the golem as well as Tamaria was able to knock out Levret. "Something isn't right with this..." He thought to himself. It was like the golem was not fighting suddenly after it had drained him. Then it hit him. It was testing her just like it had done him.

    "Ada!" He called out as she fell from the golem, removing its head. The head came off but never made contact with the floor but instead it floated into the air as its pieces disappeared and reappeared behind his mentee. Thinking quickly he stabbed one of his knives into the ground and became a being made of pure purple electricity and dashed through the air towards the metallic golem where he pushed his mentee out of the way and then quickly dashed back to the knife he put into the ground. "Figured me out, huh?" Levret spoke out and quickly moved out of Tamaria's grasp where he stood up and grabbed the exceed around her neck. The golem de-materialized and reappeared next to Levret. "Giving a false sense of superiority to your enemies is an easy way to take advantage of them. It just was a waste to pay all of those men to distract you and wear you out seeing as they did not do either. I guess it all works out though now that my little friend here has what we came after. I wanted all of it but thanks for the donation to changing the world, Mr. CEO." Cirven snickered and glared at Levret. "So you took my power but can you really use it? It is not something that is easy to use, especially for a human." Levret chuckled. "Maybe you have not figured everything out have you? Doesn't matter. I will be leaving now. If you follow me I will kill your friend here." Cirven started to move forward but Levret increased his grip around Tamaria's throat causing her to be choked and gasp out for air. The golem then lifted its hand up above Tamaria also and Cirven stopped moving. "I am not kidding here, Devil. You either listen or I kill her. This would be a small sacrifice for what is needed." The golem moved its hand and touched Levret who had a grin plastered over his face as the three of them de-materialized and disappeared.

    "Damn it!" Cirven cursed out feeling like he could not do anything but just watch as their friend was taken captive. He then fell to a knee as his body felt like it was drained again after the adrenaline rush had wore off from his body. "I feel weaker. My magic, my body, everything feels weaker." He spoke out and he huffed in air. He managed to regain himself and stand back up. "We have to find him and save her. You ever do an interrogation?" He spoke out as he walked away from Ada and found a glass of alcohol that was left on the counter in the bar. He then grabbed one of the men they had knocked out and poured the contents of the glass on the man's face. "Wakey, wakey." He said as he held the man up against the wall. The man started to wake up and as he did the devil threw the glass out of his hand and caused purple electricity to spark out around the free arm. "Whoa! Whoa!" The man gasped out and tried to move but found out he was being help up off the ground with his back to a wall. "We need some answers and quick. I count around ten to eleven other men in this room that could answer the questions I need too so I don't mind adding some more color to the room thanks to a hole put through your chest." Cirven did not take his eyes off of the man as he spoke and made sure to not drop eye contact. "Wha..What do you want to know!?" The devil smiled showing the fang-like teeth hiding under his lips. "Good boy. Maybe you won't end up with your guts spilled out over your friends. Where is Levret going?" The man stuttered at first some gibberish and Cirven moved his electrified limb closer to the man. "He-he-he kept talking about so-som-some hidden city named Lunula. Sa-said it was located just outside of the town but tha-that place is a rumor and folk tale!" Cirven lowered the man back onto his feet. "That's all I needed. Thanks." Cirven placed his electrified hand on the man's shoulder causing him to be shocked by the attack and then knocked out from the pain. "We will need to use our noses to find him it sounds like. This city is invisible to us and will only come out at night. so I'm guessing Levret will hide out with Tamaria somewhere until it gets dark out. I don't like it but we have three choices. We wait for him to show up at night and find him near Lunula, we try to find him before hand where he is hiding or we do a combination of both and split up. What do you think?"



    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 3rd April 2018, 8:50 pm

    Ada had indeed heard him, and snickers as she felt proud of her thoughts of how to deal with this beast of metal. As she came back out of her stupor from falling off the golem, she blinks as she sees that the head was floating above her for a minute, and her eyes grew wide. "What...?" She murmurs before it disappeared and yelped at Cirven suddenly grabbing her. She quickly snapped her head towards Tammy once she heard the guys voice. Tamaria was surprised herself when Levret was out of her grasp, and let up a scream as she was grabbed by the neck. "Tammy!" Ada shrieked and started to take a step as she saw him tighten his grip on Tammys throat. Adalinda was visibly shaking as her pupils shrunk while her vision was on Tammy's throat. "Let her go!" Tammy was whimpering in Levrets hand, coughing a bit from how tight he was holding her. She was trying to fight the spots she was already seeing. Adalinda's jaw was shut tight as she glares at Levret, then at where he had been when he disappeared with Tammy. "If he hurts her... I'm murdering him." She simply mutters. Tears were actually welling up in her eyes. Adalinda was trying her hardest to blink them back.

    She glares over to Cirven, biting her tongue so she wouldn't snip out at him. She was feeling her anger boiling, and didn't want to take it out on her mentor. Didn't want to loose him so soon. She takes a deep breath and lowers her head as she grits her teeth, shaking her head to his question on doing an interrogation. "Never needed to." She mutters as she follows him a bit, hands in fists as she was digging her nails into her hand to distract herself, till she spotted an unopened bottle behind the bar that was untouched. A grin forms on her face as she quickly jumps over the bar counter and was inside, grabbing hold of the unopened alcohol and popped it open. She quickly stuck the bottle to her lips and tilts her head back as she decided to chug the whole bottle. When she finished it, she let it drop to the ground before she jumps right over the counter. She let out a deep breath while she shook her head, as if she was trying to clear her thoughts. "That hit the spot..." She mutters to herself. She listened to the man and Cirven talk, snickering quietly to herself.

    She looks over to a chair, and raises an eyebrow as some of the chairs here were made of iron. She grabs one and rips off the leg before she lets her grey scales disappear, showing her pale skin once more as she looks to the guy Cirven just knocked out. "Lunula? Isn't that the place on the paper we were supposed to go and investigate according to the papers?" She grumbles, voice monotone as she rolls her eyes. The anger was still in her voice though, and she was trying to not let Cirven know too much how pissed she truly was. She was giving looks like she would kill with her eyes if it was possible. All the thoughts in her mind were of her tearing his limbs from his body bit by bit for simply touching Tamaria like he had before her. She was even vowing to every god that may be imaginable that she was going to destroy this man for touching her precious Tammy. The cat could be a pain in her ass trying to hook her up with everyone, but she was hers, and her friend.

    As Cirven poses his ideas of what to do, she taps her chin a bit. Of course she wanted to have Tamaria back as soon as she possibly could, but the heathen of a man would probably hurt her if he noticed them. She snarls to herself as she runs her hand through her hair. Already she was trying to not cry. "I want Tammy back before he does anything else with his greasy hands to her... I say we try to find where ever the fuck this bastard is hiding with Tamaria, and I get to smash his face in. If we can't find him before nightfall... I guess we can fall back on that plan of waiting till then to get in the supposed 'mystery city' and then go back to me pounding the Levret bastards face in once more." She wasn't even hiding the growl in her voice, or even trying to make her voice sound like she was 'sweet and innocent.' Adalinda knew she wasn't. Hell, she knew she probably couldn't even pass as innocent since Johann had thought she was a suspicious person on those docks back in Hargeon Town when he first offered letting her join the guild, and that was just before she met Tammy too.

    With a sharp nod of her head, she looks to Cirven. "Yeah... I say we search for his head first if possible..." She looks to the door of the bar, and takes a deep breath as she starts to head for it, walking over the men on the ground. She wasn't even waiting for Cirven either. She felt she might wreck the place more if she stayed still any longer. "Guess we should go and see where some of the villagers here think their hidden city lies?" She mutters as she threw open the door and exits the bar. She let her eyes rake over the people around, and saw the few stragglers about seemed a bit scared of her expression, rolling her eyes as she shakes her head. "Bah..." She mutters to herself before she goes off to find anyone who would tell her anything of Lunula.

    Some people had simply scoffed at her, telling her she's following a fools tale. But some people whom she talked to were excited that she was trying to find the city. Most people who were excited for her search, didn't know where exactly the place would be located. A couple children said that Lanula was the opposite way of where Adalinda stood. Someone else said that they believed it was actually in the sky. All of these theories were proving hopeless as people weren't actually sure the real location of the city they only heard the tales of. Adalinda takes a deep breath before she sniffs the air a bit. She was trying to get Tammy's scent again. "Excuse me miss..." An elderly man murmurs to her as he gingerly touches her elbow. In his other hand was a walking stick of sorts that he had a hunched back. "I heard you were looking for the tale of Lanula... yes?" "More the location of the so called city of Lanula..." "Maybe I can be of assistance to you then!" The elderly man smiles sweetly to her, and Adalinda takes a deep breath as she holds out her arm to him. She figured the best way to get to Tammy, was riding on this guy. "You seem like you may be searching for someone at the same time... So I'll try to go fast. I used to go go there many a times when I was just a knee high to some large grasshoppers. It's just a ways this way, my dear." He started to talk to Ada about his 'tales of olde' from when he was a 'young whipper snapper' and had all the energy in the world to conquer it, and more. Ada would keep her eyes out for Levret, sniffing the air a bit to see if she could find the man, or even smell Tammy. She even made sure she could sense Cirven, if he didn't split up from her.

    Eventually, Ada and the old man had made it to a clearing not too far from the outskirts of the town. Adalinda tried to coax the man into going back to his home as it's been a long walk, and she was slightly concerned for his health, but the old man refused her and insisted that she let him accompany her. She started to get concerned the closer they got to the clearing and he kept on jabbering on about what the city used to look like in it's heyday. Ada looks up to the sky, and was noticing the sky changing color as the sun was working on setting here soon in front of them. "Where did the city used to be...?" She questions him quietly. The old man had been telling another story of one of his first wives, who coincidently used to live in Lanula by his word, when Adalinda questioned him about the city once more. He takes a deep breath and points right ahead. "Not too far from us, fortunately. Just a good few paces ahead. Sad that it's gone though." He says as Adalinda watches the clearing, stopping a distance with the man. She wasn't able to smell much around here. Closing her eyes, she let her other senses take over. She was trying to listen for her Exceed once more, that was, till the old man patted her arm again. "Look! The sun's setting." He says in a soft manner, making Adalinda open her eyes as she glares at the area that the old man was pointing to. "You'll see the glory that used to be Lanula once upon a time." He seemed to be in bliss as he talked of the city again.

    As the last of the sun was nearing the horizon, Adalinda's eyes grew wide, the outline of buildings were starting to form little by little from where she and the old man stood, till the sun disappeared altogether and the moon begun illuminating the sky instead. She was in awe of the fact that the city was actually there. The old man's grip tightened on her arm. "I didn't think it actually still existed..." He mutters, a tear falling down his cheek as he had a grin upon his face. Adalinda quickly turns her head in search of Cirven, wondering where her mentor was and if he was seeing this along with her. She was getting excited from seeing this before her, and was near ready to race forward to find Tammy herself if the old man hadn't been holding on to her.

    Words: 1,743
    Total: 8,007




    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 9th April 2018, 8:20 pm

    The duo of mentor and mentee quickly started to move through the city to ask those around them about the location of the lost city of Lunula. The devil knew that if they stayed around each other that they would not be able to cover as much area than if they separated though it would be safer but they did have a a safety measure with the magic placed on them to help them talk to each other. The devil's pointed ears twitched as he remembered the connection and he quickly put his hand to his ear. "Tamaria, where are you? Where did they take you?" He waited for a reply but did not get anything back from her. He was going to try again but he figured that the exceed was either unconscious or not able to respond for some other reason. "We will save you! Wait for us!" He finished talking to her and then let out a sigh. They had not lost yet and he knew that but the entire situation was his fault for happening. His cockiness had caused him to being drained of his power and caused Tamaria to be captured by their enemies. "I'm sorry, Ada. I should have told you I saw this as being a trap though I was hoping it wasn't. We will save Tamaria but for now we are splitting up. Try to find the location of the city and I will try to do the same. Keep in contact if anything happens." He did not give the girl much time to respond to him before he sunk into some shadows and started to move around the city inside of them.

    He came out of the shadows when he felt he was far enough away from his mentee who could ask on one side of town as he did the other. He was going to try and figure out where the lost city was but the idea of dealing with such a tricky opponent again with Adalinda was not something he wanted to do. He figured the man would try to take her as another shield against him also causing a situation that could put him completely at the will of the enemy. He knew what he had to do to prevent that from happening, meaning he had to go at it alone in finding Levret in order to save Tamaria and stop Levret from whatever he was wanting to do. He started to use his sense of smell to try and track down Tamaria or the scent that he got off of Levret himself. His sense of smell did not catch much of anything with the mix of smells in the area of the small town. He tried to move around the city into different areas that he had not tried to catch either of the scents. His traveling around paid off when a scent crossed his nose that he knew to be Tamaria's while he was near a inn of some sorts.

    In one of the rooms Levret sat in a chair hunched over with a tied up Tamaria laid across a bed. She had a gag in her mouth also so she could not talk. "You will be my way to keep them at bay and away from me. This world is full of things that people treasure and will go above and beyond to protect. I want to fix that so that everyone does not have to worry about protection. I want the power to fix make everything peaceful, forcefully." He spoke out to her as he stared at her. He then pulled out a book and started to look through it while she watched him. after some time he looked at his watch on his wrist to see the time and nodded to himself. Before he could do more though, a knife came from out of a shadow towards his body but his golem materialized itself and blocked the knife. He flinched back as the knife came too close to hitting him and then another came at the back of his head from out of another shadow while two more came out from more shadows around him aimed at various parts of his body. Each knife was charged with purple electricity adding more threat to how dangerous they were. The golem managed to make its body parts block the knives that had been thrown and had its body wracked with the purple electricity causing it to crumble over onto the ground. Cirven came out of a shadow with his right arm surging with purple electricity and charged towards Levret while his golem was incapacitated. Levret was not able to move quick enough to dodge the attack and only managed to put up his arms to try and block the attack sent at him which caused his body to be quickly wracked by electricity and caused him to yell out in pain heavily as it happened. The force from the attack caused Levret to be sent flying through the wall and outside of the inn and onto the sandy ground where he convulsed slightly. Cirven stood out of the hold he had just created where he looked down at his handy work. He knew he was weaker but he had grown used to being weaker than his opponent's which was why he had resorted to his strategies against them to overcome them.

    In the short amount of time it had taken for Cirven to attack Levret the golem had managed to regain itself and picked up Tamaria by her neck like Levret had done earlier. "You.. Can't hurt me.. anymore.. In this situation.." Levret smiled as he started to pick himself up from the ground. Cirven snickered. "I must be weaker because if I wasn't then you would have much more crispy and not able to talk." Levret grinned at his enemy. "True but this is the situation you are in and I don't have the time to deal with you anymore than I have to." The golem's body and Tamaria quickly distorted and disappeared as they did so earlier and then reappeared next to Levret who continued to stare at Cirven as his golem touched his shoulder and they started to distort. Thinking quickly Cirven threw a knife from his side at the duo but it was quickly deflected by the golem's hand before it could hit Levret. "Bye, Devil." Levret spoke out as he waved to Cirven but was suddenly met with a fist that came inches away from hitting his face which was blocked by the golem. "Who said I wasn't coming along?" Levret's eyes widened as all of them were distorted and then brought in front of the lost city of Lunula and in front of the old man and Adalinda. His mentee would see the devil quickly swipe his hand out to hit Levret again causing the golem to have to move his hand with Tamaria in front of Cirven's attack just seconds before he would hit. Levret's face lit up into a sinister grin as he realized the situation but it changed to pure shock as the devil managed to use his attack to knock Tamaria out of the golem's hand and grab her before jumping backwards. "I'll take her. Thank you!" Cirven spoke out as he snatched the exceed away. "Are you okay, Tammy?" He said and then used one of his claw-like fingers to cut through the restraints on her.

    "You haven't won! You won't stop me from changing this world!" The golem distorted with Levret again and then reappeared closer to Lunula. Levret placed his hand out towards the city which caused a barrier to show itself suddenly that shocked him slightly. "Do it!" He yelled out to the golem and without missing a beat the golem's body was engulfed in a dark aura that transferred to its left arm and then to its fist. It them swung its fist out and broke the part of the barrier in front of them before they quickly went inside of the barrier. Anger rushed through Cirven as he rushed forward towards Levret but the barrier quickly rebuilt itself between them and prevented him from getting at the man. "That was my power?! That was what you took it for! Give it back!" He called out and then focused purple electricity over his right arm and slammed it into the barrier. He did not break it but it caused him to be shocked by some sort of dark magic and then sent flying backwards. Levret laughed on the other side of the barrier and then continued into the city with his golem where Cirven was left on the other side of the barrier on the ground with black energy surging over his body for a short time. The pain was excruciating but it wore off leaving Cirven feeling defeated as he looked towards the starry sky above them. He slammed a fist into the ground in anger. "We have to get in there and stop them from using what they stole from me." He said as he pushed himself up from the ground and could only watch as Levret went into the city.

    WC Completed:


    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Lethe 10th April 2018, 4:49 pm

    Adalinda had completely forgotten about the connection that Cirven had Alisha put between the three of them. She had been more focused on Tammy than anything. When Cirven went to apologize to her, the dragon slayer could only glare over at her mentor heavily. Yeah, she was pissed at him for not telling her about knowing this was a trap. She would have rejected Tammy coming then if she knew even a sliver of that in the first place, or would have had her stay back away from the fight to not even risk this happening to her in the first place. She had let up a growl as he was gone before she could speak to him. She finished off the last of the leg of the chair she had been eating before she left the bar.

    While walking with the old man, Ada didn't really get to smell Tammy or anyone else, and it upset her that she wasn't able to, but she had kept her senses open in case she did. As she was waiting for the city to appear before her and the old man, Ada started to smell all the senses at once. She tensed in the old man's arms, and turns her head as she starts to move herself in front of the old man. "Sir... Get away from here... Quickly... There's someone who is a dangerous man coming here." She mutters just before Levret appeared with his golem, and Cirven? She least expected him to come, but it was still a grand entrance in her opinion. "Tammy!" She cries out as she watches Cirven smack her exceed out of the golem's hand. She let out a sharp gasp of air as she was freed from her gag and from being tied up. Adalinda growls as she grips a hand in a fist. Her seeing her friend tied up wasn't something she wanted to see... ever.

    She couldn't go and help Cirven as she was being held back by the old man still. She had to protect him still, especially with Levret here. Adalinda's eyes locked onto Levret again, glaring a glare that had a thousand daggers once again. "I hope you want me to pound your face in for even touching her, and then murdering you for tying her up." She says with a grin to Levret as Tammy clung to Cirven, till Levret and his golem got closer to the city, then she decided to high tail it back to Ada and sticks herself to her torso. The old man finally decided to let go of her, and clears his throat. "I should probably start heading back home now... shouldn't I?" Adalinda glances to the old man, and nods her head a bit before she takes a deep breath. "Yes, sir. You really should." She mutters as she felt him loosen his grip on her arm, but she didn't move it to continue to block the old man from the city. As Cirven went to attack the barrier around the city, Ada's eyes went wide as he went flying back. Quickly the mage skidded on her knees next to her mentor. "You sir... Are probably worse than Ada when it comes to fighting and getting yourself in predicaments." Tammy says as she puts her hands on her hips.

    Ada had went from looking at Cirven to make sure he was okay, to looking up above them at the city. Her eyes glare some as she puffs her cheeks up. "Tammy. Do me a favor, fly up there." She says as she points up towards the highest point of the city. "Try to keep away from the barrier..." She then gasps and her eyes launch around her. She scrambles and grabs a few small sticks before she came back to Tamaria. "Use these, toss them out and see if they get crispy. There has to be a weak spot somewhere up there." She tells the cat as she grabs the sticks from her. Tamaria nods as she looks up to the barrier. "Alright... and if I do find a hole?" "Guess we're gonna 'drop in' and say hi to Levret. Maybe even exploit the secrets of Lunula." She gives a wry smile to the exceed.

    Tamaria sighs as she nods once more before glancing over to Cirven. She wondered if he had anything to add onto that before she took to the skies to get closer to the top of the barrier. She starts to throw a stick at a time as she started to climb, just to see if it would not fry the sticks. All of them seemed to, and she didn't even make it too far to the top. Tamaria came back down with a pout, and looks over her shoulder at the ashes that were the sticks she chucked from above. Ada sees the ashes, and how Tammy didn't seem like she was positive about continuing already. She looks up and rubs her neck some. "Guess it's too tall...?" Tammy nods as she shrugs her shoulders. "Sorry... I tried..." She says nervously.

    Ada thinks for a moment before her eyes glance at Cirven, then she went over to him and grabbed his shirt, with both of her hands, to yank him to her face. "You sir... Are a fucking goddamn dumbass!" Her voice had started out low and relatively even, and gradually went to yelling in his face before she shoved him back. She grits her teeth as she points her finger at him. "If you freaking knew it was a trap, and decided to, oh... I dunno, let me in on it! Tammy wouldn't have been touched and we could have gotten into the blasted city you were wanting to find for the goddamn thing! I have half the mind to beat you to a pulp with the state you're fucking in right now!" She says as she kicks her foot out at him. She had aimed for his stomach. "You ever think of doing that again, and I'll beat you senseless! Or try to get the guild on you, you selfish fool!" She screeches at him. She then grabs his shirt with one hand to bring him back to her again as she points to her face. "You're supposed to be the fucking CEO, my goddamn mentor, and leader on this stupid thing. All I'm freaking seeing is a piece of shit who seems to not think all the way cause he's a too into his ass and pride to think his mentee can help out more than she's able to! You don't tell me the damn plan again, and I will personally have your ass if it threatens Tammy's life once more like it just did." Her eyes were trying to pierce into Cirven as Tammy was taking a few steps back.

    Tammy had a hand on her heart as she loved how Ada felt compelled to protect her, but at the same time, Tammy's never seen Ada get pissed like that before. "C-Cirven... I think next time, just give us a heads up, unless it's a simple surprise, so I don't have to deal with a pissed Ada... kay...?" The exceed nervously tries to laugh off as if it was nothing. It was a tad bit clear that she was scared of Adalinda's growling and such. Ada then just shoves Cirven away before she let herself punch him square in the face like she wanted to so damn badly. She was even shaking as she gripped her hands into fists before she spies Tamaria and quickly grabs her into a hug and holds her close. "Yeah... I get you were scared that you'd lose me forever... but you really will if you don't let go of me... since I have a lack of oxygen now..." Tammy gasps at the dragon slayer.

    Words: 1,316
    Total: 9,323




    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) Empty Re: Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda)

    Post by Cirven 13th April 2018, 10:33 pm

    The devil was too caught up in his own thoughts of how he had just lost Levret again to really think about what was going on around him. He watched as Levret simply walked with his golem into the city and tried to come up with any plan he could think of that he could use to get the man before he was able to cause harm with the power that he stole from the CEO. Before Cirven could speak up though, he was grabbed by his mentee who yelled at him about how his actions almost cost Tamaria her life as well as endangered Adalinda herself. He knew she was right in what she was saying and why she was angry at him. His pride was always something he listened to before anything else and because of that he thought he could handle anything that came his way without endangering those around him enough for it to be a actual threat but multiple times now this had proven to be the wrong way for him to go about things and he was slowly figuring that out as Adalinda yelled at him. "You are right, Ada. You should beat me down if I do something like that again. I didn't mean for this situation to go that way and was too confident in my abilities that I did not trust you enough to help. I have always been that way with the bigger stuff because I always have feared losing those close to me so I keep them out of the loop when it comes to my actions and what I'm doing. I thought I could deal with him alone and stop his plans but again my pride was more than I could handle. I only really had a hunch of this all being a trap also though I still should have told you." He spoke out to her as he stared her directly into her eyes to show his seriousness. "It looks like I will have to learn to work with those around me rather than always trying to protect them, huh?" He grinned as he knew what he had to do next.

    He moved his right hand up to his right ear and pressed on it before talking telepathically through the magic put over him. "Alisha, we need back up in Desierto. Things have gotten a bit more serious than I have thought they would have." He would speak out telepathically allowing both Adalinda and Tamaria to hear him. Back at the WFTC HQ, Alisha had jumped out of her chair in her office upon hearing her boss' voice but then listened to it. She grumbled something and then replied back. "I'll have them go to where you are based on the destination you went to for the job. Be careful, Cirven. As much of a bad leader as you can be, we still need you." She replied with some concern heard in her voice causing Cirven to grin. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Contact me with who is coming as back up when you get them." He lowered his hand from his ear and let out a sigh with his eyes closed before looking towards Adalinda. "So I don't know what we will get into inside of this city at all so I want to bring others in to help as well as get everyone on the same page. For now just know that our goal is to stop Levret in what he wants to do and get my power back from that golem he has with him. We will have to stay in this town until our back up gets here so we will be training until they get here." He told his mentee and then walked back towards the town. He knew that the three of them would be getting into the belly of the unknown and because of that he wanted to make sure Adalinda was ready which meant they would be training in the Void Room until their back up arrived.


    Dunes of the Moon(w/Adalinda) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:51 pm