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    How many tails is too many tails?


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    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Noheme 7th January 2018, 6:58 am

    How many tails is too many tails? 9eQE92W

    Noheme Fairy Tail H-Rank

    Once again, the days started slowing down, yet would leave little to no memories that would allow the Vixen to feel like any time actually passed. Right now, each day was a bit of a drag. But once it was over, it was almost as if that day never even happened. Distant events started feeling like they happened just yesterday and nothing new was happening. Were these the signs of the girl’s increasing age? No, surely not. In reality, she was thousands of years old and days or even years would not make much difference to her in this way. It was something a little different.

    Walking distance away from the Mountain Village there stood a big, yet somewhat humble looking oriental mansion. Due to the nature of these mountains, it often snowed and even now, the building was mostly covered in the white powder. While not too known in the rest of Fiore, locals already knew very well what this building was. That is a fairly new Hotel and restaurant that also provided natural Hot Springs. A luxurious establishment that was built by a girl known as Eris Sytry. A name that Noheme used when introducing herself to complete strangers. But these days, she was actually embracing her true name more than ever.

    She was a moon goddess that originated in the Void between worlds. Eventually receiving power from a Miracle Demon, she was able to create an Astral Realm. A world much like Earthland, but consisting only of Islands that floated in the air. This realm was now mostly abandoned due to the many unfortunate circumstances. Something that resulted in the goddess now taking residence in this world, Earthland. And after she received power that could rival the strongest individuals in this world, she decided to settle down. Not for good, but she was spending a lot of her days in this establishment of hers.

    Exchanging the action-packed days of being with other mages or alone and fighting for her life for the quiet and long days of doing almost nothing. She had hired plenty of staff to take care of the guests and the only real excitement she had in her life right now was occasionally peeking into the female section of her hot springs and admiring the beauty of her favorite type of costumer. After all that, one should not have any trouble understanding just why the girl felt so alone and lonely from time to time, her days dragging on without anything going on.

    But today was to be different. Despite being a proud owner of this place now, she did still go out into the field from time to time to enjoy some of the more carnal desires. And for quite some time now, the Kitsune would hear about this strange dragon that could not even fly. Far above the land where most people walked, at the peaks of Terra Ignis, the creature would slumber. To be honest, she had never paid all that much attention to legends like this. But now, it became quite enticing with the fact she had absolutely nothing else to do.

    She had already taken down a dragon or two, so she certainly had the experience and power required to do so again. Not to mention that such feats were always handsomely paid for. If not in gold, then in fame. And while the vixen did not particularly desire to have all that many eyes on her, she figured that stories of taking down an obsidian dragon would increase her chance of getting the ladies every now and then. A reward in itself that would make her future quite a pleasant one, at least during the night part of the day.

    Chuckling to herself and her silly ideas, the nine-tailed fox would get up from her royal-looking couch and stretch a bit. She had one of her servants gather all information she required about the creature and the mountains themselves. Her abilities would allow the fox to simply ‘teleport’ to the peak and right to the boss fight, but she figured that would be just way too boring. No, she wanted at least some adventure today. As such, she told her servant to look for a suitable landing spot near the mountain so that she could climb it from the very bottom.

    Ringing a small bell that lied on her work desk, the doors soon opened to let in a young and fairly short girl with cat tail and ears. A Joyan that worked in this establishment and was the person Noheme asked to do all these favors. Receiving a list of all the information from her, the goddess would smile warmly at her servant. All nine of her golden tails would sway in the space behind, almost knocking few of the items around down but just narrowly avoid them with the girl’s experience and knowledge of where everything was in this place.

    Good job. Go and enjoy the bath for today as a reward, dear. It’s on the house. I won’t be around for the rest of today.” Dismissing her servant, she would require a moment of time alone as she prepared herself. Well, there wasn’t really much that she needed to prepare. Mostly just her own will, the fact that she would once again enter combat. A little stretch before she would transport herself. And soon enough, shadows in the room would start gathering beneath her divine form, her physical form sinking into them and becoming one with the Earth.

    Only mere seconds later, shadows would do the same in an Inn that was filled with life this fine day. Understandably, everyone present would be stunned for a bit as one of the walls suddenly created a pitch black spot from which a nine-tailed fox girl exited into the reality. It was a simple establishment right at the bottom of the mountains used by tourists who wished to climb before or after they would do so. “Good day to you all~.” She would playfully greet everyone around her, their forms still in shock. And at the same time, she would look around to see if she could spot someone more interesting than just a regular human.

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    Tags: @Cr1tikal
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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Cr1tikal 8th January 2018, 2:54 am

    The life of the woman known as Aiyana Shuer had been a slow one as of late. Sure, she had gone on jobs with others and gained fame and fortune, but she had yet to do anything for herself in the longest of times. The want of adventure was not one she had had in a while, resulting in her private activities rivaling illegality and criminal at best if one were to see inside of the large house she now owned. Jewels had been spent in large numbers to buy items and consumables for herself and others even as she threw private parties that no one was allowed to speak of before or after. It was after such a party that Aiyana was waking up from, no one inside of the home and only a massive mess to prove anything had even happened. The nine-tailed fox would use her frostfire magic to move, and burn, the majority of the mess in the large fireplaces that could be found in most of the rooms of the house. The naked woman would hazily roam around and clean the place, ignoring the emptiness of being 'single' for so long. It had been a few months since she had completely lost contact with Mao, having no clue where she had disappeared off to and not knowing if she was coming back, and in her absence, the celestial spirit had devolved into her normal habits of trying anything she fancied at the time. Drugs, alcohol, other beings, it did not matter at this point in time as long as she felt good during it.

    Once the naked female reached her own, private, bedroom, and made sure everything was where it was supposed to be she would begin to brush her hair and fur until they were exactly as she wished them to look. The girl was in her basic form, the nine-tailed fox celestial spirit body that had been forced upon her on that cursed job she had taken a long time ago and was so used to it that she almost could not remember what her original body looked like anymore. It should have been something to be upset about, but the twenty-seven-year-old no longer found an issue with being in the one-thousand-year-old body, or older as she had never really known how old the original owner of the body had been, that could never really die. Immortality had its price, as she had to learn about outliving others and similar lessons along that route, but it also had its perks. Overdosing was never an issue, and there were no basic necessities for her to survive anymore. It was a dream for some, a nightmare for others, and normal life for Aiyana. With her hair and fur at optimal levels, also known as perfect for others, the woman would bring about the magical illusion of clothing of the normal variety for her so that she could remain naked while out in public. "Awesome! Memory, would you go and get the mail while I gather my thoughts and prepare for the day? I'm pretty sure there might be a job mailed to me at this point. Given I haven't done shit for the last two weeks other than getting wasted and party." The shadow faerie would do as asked, never turning down an order nor speaking up to Aiyana save when asked a question and would eventually come back with a small stack of envelopes of varying sizes.

    Grabbing the stack gently from her pet, Aiyana Shuer would begin opening each piece of mail as she rested upon a comfortable couch her tails spread out across the three-person seat as she skimmed through most of them. Love letters, letters from friends she had met along the way, junk mail that wanted her to buy or sell a variety of things. The list went on for a while until she came across a fancy looking envelope with the stamp of the Magic Council upon it. "Oh? What's this? Magic Council has something to ask me?" The question should not have sounded as surprised as it did when it came out of her mouth, but the surprise really was there. Opening the envelope to read the contents would tell her that the Magic Council wished for her to go out and take care of an 'Obsidian' dragon that was causing havoc out in the mountains of Teras Ignis. From what she could remember, due to her time doing jobs and hanging out with Ardere Kasai, that area was out near Mountain Village and was the dominion of Infinity Hydra. It was odd that the Magic Council would not just ask the entirety of a guild to solve this issue, given their proximity, but the pay was good enough for her to want to go. She had a dragon slayer magic after all and was able to turn into a dragon if she absorbed enough magic from others to do so. The woman also had no issues with having to take down a dragon that had gotten a bit too big for its proverbial britches, though it would be quite amusing to see a dragon trying to wear pants that fit properly. That would be a LOT of cloth!

    Not wanting to weigh herself down, figuring she would be climbing the mountain to make the job a little fun, the woman would simply say goodbye to Memory before walking out the door and making her way to the mountains of Terra Ignis. The time it took between her leaving and arriving at the general area was not kept by any man or beast, including herself, and the celestial spirit would find herself walking towards an inn that was at the base of the mountains. It was a place of rest, recovery, and romance if one really wanted to do such things where others would likely hear everything that was going down in the room. Aiyana Shuer was one of those people, but she was not here to do any of the things that the inn held in interest for people. She was here to do the job and get the money so she could blow it on exorbitant goods that would be used up or destroyed within the next few days of buying them. Would she find anything else on this trip? Maybe she would make some new friends, or find a recurring enemy to deal with in the future. Everything was left up to the fates as she simply walked past travelers that simply gawked at her as the nine tailed creature did her natural strut towards the very in so that she could touch the wall as a type of 'beginning' to her supposed long hike up the trails.



    How many tails is too many tails? MQNhOUw


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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Noheme 8th January 2018, 6:05 am

    How many tails is too many tails? 9eQE92W

    Noheme Fairy Tail H-Rank

    G..good day to you as well, miss!” One of the males present would finally reply to the kitsune’s greetings. And along with him, all the people around would slowly start nodding as a gesture of welcome, soon dismissing her presence as they realized she was just another mage that was probably about to ascend to the guild hall of Infinity Hydra. Still, many of them would try to glance at the beautiful creature, especially her behind, as she walked around. But what a shame, no matter how hard she looked around this place, she saw only few females and all of them waitresses that were far too busy to pay her any real attention.

    With a sigh, she would blow a bit of wind on her face with the fan she held. She really hoped that there would be someone she could have fun with before dedicating her entire day of climbing, but it seemed that she was just fresh out of luck. And while she could have always tried to have some fun with one of the boys here, as they would surely accept an offer like that in a heartbeat, she just wasn’t quite feeling it. That was Noheme and her undying affection for the more feminine gender.

    Giving everyone one last look as her nine tails swayed around, she would just turn toward the main entrance and head out, actually being able to feel the disappointment behind her as everyone realized their eye candy was leaving already. This must have been quite the side of civilization if this was the reaction she was getting. But no matter, she still wished to go through with her original plan and down the dragon that was supposed to be resting atop these mountains. She would not be satisfied until it was done good and proper.

    However, something happened the moment she grabbed onto the wooden door handle. A magical energy that was approaching. And one that was quite powerful as well. “Oh-ho?” Quite surprised by this turn of events, she would open the doors and step out into the fresh day, letting the outside wind blow into her golden locks and fur of her tails. It was just to her side as she carefully turned her head and rested her eyes on the source of this magical presence nearby. And it was something she would have never actually expected to see.

    Another nine-tailed vixen stood there, her hand resting on the side of the inn and her posture ready. Now, this was quite the sight to behold! Not only was she the embodiment of beauty, but another one of Noheme’s kin? Not that the form that the vixen had right now was her true one. After all, she was the Moon goddess of the Astral Realm. Her true divine form was a bit different and her current appearance was not much more than a vessel she was ‘wearing’. And for some reason, she actually felt something very similar from this other Kitsune.

    A celestial energy, one that she would always feel when near a summoner with keys. Only much, much stronger. Though she dismissed that fact, not bothering herself with theories and conspiracies when there was a cute and sexy girl in front of her. Hiding her mouth behind her hand fan. Due to her ascended form, the other girl would not be able to feel Noheme’s magical energy, nor would she be even able to hear any sounds that the goddess would produce. Yes, her existence in this reality was so fleeting that she wouldn’t even produce noise while interacting with it.

    But at least that offered a chance for a nice surprise. Approaching Aiyana from behind, the golden-furred fox would tug one of the many tails and wonder if they were as sensitive as tails of some other creatures. She particularly recalled Jiyu Kazehime, a life-form that would fall in a lustful state when her tail was touch. At that point, she was quite reminiscent of an animal in heat, it was quite amusing. In any case and regardless of the reaction, Noheme was interested in interacting with this being, whoever she was.

    Good day~. I’ve heard that fully adult Kitsunes are rather rare in this world, so I had to take the opportunity to approach you.” She would simply say in the way of greetings. Now she was just hoping to get an interesting reaction that would not involve getting punched in the face because she pulled on one of the tails like that. She quite appreciated her face and did not want it damaged. Not that it would not regenerate if it did get damaged, but it was always nice to avoid harm completely if at all possible. She was just a playful one is all.

    Word Count: 1,839 / 17,000
    Tags: @Cr1tikal
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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Cr1tikal 13th January 2018, 2:30 am

    It would only be a few more minutes before she eventually touched the wall, her lips opening to say 'boop' as a single finger touched the corner of the inn before she looked up towards the tops of the mountains. It was a long way up, but she was going to do this! She was a dragon-slaying celestial spirit that could turn into two different types of dragon due to the magic she had within her. The Wizard Saint of Pleasure, and Ace of Lamia Scale, was ready to prove herself again. The woman's nine tails would move about anxiously as her mind traveled to the possibilities that the future held for her. Her mind wandered to all the creatures she might encounter, friend and foe, and even wondered if she should eat some of her elements as she went along. It would be the smart move to do and would allow her to become a dragon herself to take on the obsidian dragon a bit easier if she had to go it alone. The name of the dragon went along well with what information she had been given about it in her little request letter from the Magic Council. It was made entirely of a golden, glass-like, stone that held the properties of steel. It was pure golden colored and able to cut like a scalpel made of obsidian. Such a creature was sure to be a beauty to see, and Aiyana would be sure to get someone in the Celestial Realm to make her a portrait of it once she got back and spoke to the others so one could pull the memory from her mind. Hell, it would be even better when she got to summon it using her pet. The shadow faerie was able to pull any monster Aiyana had ever met from her mind and allow it to be used to fight alongside her. It was a useful ability to have, even though she always tended to go for Tom Ato the trash talking tomato demon. The guy was just so cute, even if he did get annoying at times, and hearing his food puns never got old!

    Aiyana was just about to start walking up the mountain paths when she felt a sudden pull on one of her nine tails. This elicited a slight gasp of relief. One more for the fact it hadn't been 'that' tail and that she was not about to accidentally fondle, grope, or rape, some stranger that had wished to grab a sensitive limb for whatever reason they had come up within their minds. Turning to face her assaulter would reveal another kitsune. Well, this was going to get interesting, was it not? This other female was telling her about why she had taken the opportunity to do such a thing, after giving a couple words of greeting beforehand, and that was all she said up til then. "Well, that's a pretty interesting way of saying hello to a fellow kitsune! If this was any other time I would try and do the same." The flirtatious words would leave her mouth without even a second thought as to what they would cause the other to do. "But it is nice to meet you! My name is Aiyana Shuer, of Lamia Scale. Would you like to go on a job date with me?" She was, of course, talking about the job she was here to do. The woman had no clue what the other was here for, but for her it was another person to flirt, and sleep, with. If nothing came of it, that was fine, the chase was almost as fun as the end result.



    How many tails is too many tails? MQNhOUw


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Noheme 21st February 2018, 2:20 am

    How many tails is too many tails? 9eQE92W

    Noheme Fairy Tail H-Rank

    Noheme simply laughed as she covered most of her mouth with the hand-held fan. Indeed, her way of greeting others, especially strangers, was considered very daring by most if not all bystanders. And it would have probably been considered that by her very own self not too many months ago. The goddess was quite reserved when she first came to Earthland for a proper stay. Though that very quickly changed after meeting certain characters that would shape the girl’s view of this world and methods of acting inside of it. But at least this other Kitsune did not seem to mind this sort of behavior.

    Maybe this flirtatious personality was common among all fox-like species? Noheme actually didn’t know all that much about nine-tailed Kitsunes, even after assuming the form of one. She wasn’t like this before, but she required a physical vessel in order to interact with this world. And this golden vessel tickled her fancy the most. Was that inconsiderate of her? Probably. Did she care? Not at all. She very much liked the ownership of nine fluffy tails, as they have been proven to be quite useful in my different situations. Perhaps they would prove this time as well.

    What’d be the point of saying of saying hello? A special greeting for special people~” She would also exclaim while now eyes the other Kitsune’s front. To her, life was often nothing more than a constant fight against boredom. And the best way to combat such a thing was to do things considered unusual or uncommon. And now that she was looking at this Aiyana from the front, she was not disappointed with the other woman’s ‘development’. It really did seem like the foxes were born with traits of beauty to aid them along the treacherous way of this world.

    But enough of such things, there was a job to do! And to the goddess’ surprise, Aiyana might have just been going after the same thing. At least that was the conclusion the fox girl arrived at, considering her magical energy was also quite powerful and there was not much point for someone like that to be here for something weaker than a legendary dragon! “My, my… I usually have to be the one to ask for such things and then get turned down. This is a rare opportunity indeed. A date it is then~” She would laugh and hide away the hand-held fan for a bit.

    Here for the great dragon atop these mountains, I presume?” Saying those words, her gaze would move up toward the skies where she could see the highest point of the rocks in front of them. It would be a climb alright, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Those emerald green eyes then rested back at the other girl. “If so, then I truly cannot let such a beautiful fox go up there alone. I’ll have your back, help a bit, maybe warm you up if it gets too cold along the way~” It seemed she was back to her usual teasing self now. A goddess seeking earthly pleasures, that was for sure.

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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Cr1tikal 15th March 2018, 7:09 pm

    And so the other kitsune would take up Aiyana Shuer's offer of a job date! Who knew! Maybe this date would end up with something more than a kiss goodbye! Not that Aiyana was in any kind of dry spell, last night had made sure of that. "I am indeed here for the great dragon at the top of the these mountains. It should be a cinch for me, even easier with you, and that means we can enjoy the trip up! Well, barring the occasional annoying enemy or rock slide that might try to interrupt the day." Lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my! Who knew what else they might come across as they climb these mountains. There could be bandits, robbers, murderers, dark mages, and even other beings that might wish ill of them while they were up on the trails. Well, it would be a good way to get to know this new female she had just met!

    Tails happily swinging in tune to a song that ran through her head, Aiyana would open a hand for the other to grab if she wished before she began walking towards the path that would begin to lead them up higher in elevation. "Well, shall we? I want to see what is up there, and get to know you a little better. Care to tell me about yourself before I do the same?" Aiyana's other hand would reach inside her "clothes" from what anyone around could see and she would make sure that the materials hidden inside of her "pockets" was still there. After assuring they were she would nod her head as she began to walk slowly to begin the hike that she would never have to worry about tiring her. That was the joy of being a Celestial Spirit, she had unlimited endurance and would never have to worry about being winded or exhausted. It was fun, more so with other things, but would come in handy for the job she was now beginning to work on.



    How many tails is too many tails? MQNhOUw


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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Noheme 25th March 2018, 9:49 am

    How many tails is too many tails? 9eQE92W

    Noheme Fairy Tail H-Rank

    A dragon that was never defeated by anyone, proudly standing atop these mountains without a single smidgen of a worry. To think that defeating such creature would be a walk in the park could be considered foolish. But the female in question was a Kyuubi and possessed a great deal of power. And from the magical energy that Noheme was sensing, there was some celestial magic at play as well. Perhaps the two vixens were more alike than they thought? Regardless, it almost burst the goddess’ bubble. She was actually hoping that the dragon would be a challenge, but looking at it realistically, it would surely crumble beneath the power of these two.

    Sighing internally, she would smile on the outside. “If a dragon is to not even be a challenge, then what could possibly cause discomfort during the trip? It doesn’t even have to be taken if one grows too bored of it~.” She teleported to the inn they were standing next to. And with a bit of precision and focus, Noheme probably could have easily warped herself to the peak of the mountain, getting straight to the boss of this mission. The reason why she did not do so was to add a bit of challenge and thus hopefully also a bit of entertainment.

    Of course, all of that was just a hope. In reality, this would probably not be much different from the rest of her adventures, causing the girl to stay just as bored as she always was on the inside. Something that she would almost never show on the outside. What she needed most was another immortal being who was thousands of years old to explain how they entertain themselves. But perhaps this boredom was also good in a way. After all, it enabled this meeting, forcing the Moon Goddess to leave her home and stretch here for a bit.

    Oh my, where are my manners. You may call me Eris Sytry, a guardian deity of the Fairy Tail guild. Pleasure to make your acquaintance~” Folding the fan she was holding in front of her face, she would hold out her other, empty hand and take hold of Aiyana in a matter as elegant as she could possibly make it. It was a bit strange, she had never met a woman that would appear so affectionate, especially this early on after their meeting. But the goddess was not questioning it and simply accepted the fact graciously.

    Word Count: 2,250 / 17,000
    Tags: @Cr1tikal
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    Posts : 1756
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    How many tails is too many tails? Empty Re: How many tails is too many tails?

    Post by Cr1tikal 17th April 2018, 1:53 am

    Aiyana was not sure what about this other animal featured woman reminded her about her most recent party she had thrown, but something triggered a massive memory from the night before. Why was she remembering it now? Why was it such a stupid thing? How high and drunk had she been that the lyrics she spat out seemed like a parody joke song rather than the original song she had been trying for? Beard Al Pacino, the parody singer, would have been proud with what the celestial spirit had done on the karaoke that night, but no one else at the party was likely to have enjoyed it unless they were out of their wits as well.

    The house, Aiyana's house, smelled of cheap beer and sweat as the large mass of people continued on with the party she had begun throwing. Many of these people she had no knowledge of, the people she told to bounce for the party making sure they seemed safe enough to enter having her trust with how much they would be paid if all went well. A little bit too much to drink for herself, coupled with whatever she had sniffed up about ten minutes ago, gave her all the courage she needed to step up to the karaoke area and put up a song that she normally would ace with little to no issue. What came out of her mouth was pure cancer, though most of the people didn't understand what she was singing in the end, and was one for the record books if anyone managed to record any part of it.

    The Song Sung:

    People cheered, some laughed, others ran to the bathroom to get sick so they didn't ruin the nice wooden floor they were told not to damage too badly. All in all the thought it a success at the time, but what would she think of this in the morning? Only time would tell!

    The memory made her giggle as the other woman allowed the two of them to actually hold hands. With that, they were off to begin their trek up the mountain, hand in hand until something along the way stopped them! Tails would move about, sometimes brushing up against Eris Sytry, as they moved. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. It's been a while since I've hung out with anyone from Fairy Tail. After my sister left the guild when they went dark cause of their refusal to get rid of a serial killer in their guild, I kind of lost reason to go and visit. The way the guild you're in went is a bit bitter for me, I really liked the familial principals they were founded upon. But I'm wholly against the killing of sentient beings, so even them harboring people that do so keeps me from visiting even the ones I thought of as good friends." Aiyana's mind would go from greeting to chat about the guild the other woman was in. Until something stopped the two of them, which would likely be early in their journey, the celestial spirit fox would continue to talk about anything her mind could think of. If the Fairy Tail mage wanted to talk about something else she would have to but into the conversation and change the subject, Aiyana would not care if she did so as it was a welcome relief to have someone else bring up interesting subjects as well.

    [Yes, I parodied an entire song. That took ages...


    How many tails is too many tails? MQNhOUw

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:15 pm