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    Forgery? No problem. (JOB/PRIVATE)

    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Forgery?  No problem.  (JOB/PRIVATE) Empty Forgery? No problem. (JOB/PRIVATE)

    Post by The Hustler 14th December 2017, 11:46 am

    Job Title: Forgery Job
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: 1-4 mages of C rank, minimum 2 of D.
    Job Requirements:
    Minimum of 30 posts at 300 words per post (or 9000 words overall)
    Roll 5 times
    Obtain the Documents
    Job Location: Crocus
    Job Description: Find the documents that are told to be crucial to the survival of dark guilds hidden away from human knowledge. This document is said to be able to spend country funding to send out search parties into unsearched lands and find these locations and remove them. However, this area is under 24 hour supervision by Rune Knights and will be highly susceptible to intruders. You are to break in somehow, and take these documents no matter how you have to do it.

    Weak: Basic Guards x3: A troop of basic Knights outside or making rounds in halls (Varying on location on roll). They carry polearm spears and shields, capable of dealing C rank damage and block C rank spells. They're taken down rather easily otherwise by 2 C rank attacks.

    Normal: Motion Sensor Activated Robots x2: Upon landing on this roll, you will be spotted by a micro motion sensor. From the opposite end of the area comes two robots, capable of dealing C rank electrical damage on basic attacks, and takes 4 B rank spells to destroy, or can be shorted by a single C rank lightning spell.

    Strong: Guard Dogs x3: These pups are no ordinary guard hounds. They're raised to smell out anything unfamiliar to their noses. On this roll, you can hear the dogs in the distance, moving at 5 m/s these dogs can outrun most people and can bite for B rank damage and claw for C rank. It takes 2 C ranks to knock out these hounds, but they return after 1 post, but can be killed with 6 C ranks.

    Boss: The Safety Guard 3001: This is no ordinary boss. In fact, this boss is but a simple safe. Upon finding this safe via only rolling the boss, you must roll 3 block dice. This represents the 3 times you can crack this safe via any methods your character decides upon. This cannot be destroyed without a successful miss on the roll. Blocking will activate a defense mechanism which will drain 20% of your max health and add a counter. Upon 3 counters (rolling three blocks), this safe enters lock-down mode for 24 hours or until a code is given before hand, gaining defenses that require 5 H ranks to destroy. The safe is rooted into the ground and can be removed if needed, but only makes it harder to escape with.

    Reward: 7000 jewels and C rank exp. If the safe was cracked, then the reward is double C rank exp.


    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Forgery?  No problem.  (JOB/PRIVATE) Empty Re: Forgery? No problem. (JOB/PRIVATE)

    Post by The Hustler 15th December 2017, 5:22 am

    Adalia was just outside the Rune Knight stronghold in a ditch where she wouldn't be noticed while she was both in it and would exit it.  Her job today was to infiltrate the stronghold, get some highly sensitive documents, and get out.  Stealth honestly wasn't her forte, but she wouldn't be doing this alone.  Her contractor had guaranteed her another partner, which, according to the details of what she were to do, was absolutely no problem for her.  She still remembered how she got hired, clear as day - some thugs had tried to steal her rifle and cap, said they liked how it looked.  She dealt with them quite professionally, obvious from their state afterwards that she wasn't afraid to dispatch of them permanently if she had too, but she didn't.  That time.

    The very next day some more thugs had come along, though, this time, she wasn't able to handle them; they were far stronger than the last few.  Among them was a clear leader, one that explained things to her.  "The livelihood of our type of folk is in jeopardy.  Well, more so that it'd be an inconvenience if a certain event took place.  You're going to do a small job for us after what you did to some of my men.  It shouldn't be too difficult to manage for someone like you."  Adalia was in no position to refuse, and she knew it fully well.  That's pretty much how she was in the situation she was now, after the briefing.  She hadn't met her partner yet, only was told it was another young kid.  Normally, she'd doubt their capability, but, here she was herself, so she knew it wasn't impossible.

    It was nighttime, so it would be much harder for the Rune Knights to see them in theory, but she wouldn't start without her partner, which, speaking of...  Where were they?  They should've been there by now.  Adalia couldn't help but sigh.  She just wanted to get this over with so she didn't have to feel threatened.  Next time she'd encounter those men, however, she'd be certain to have their heads.

    WC - 354/9000


    Albafica Temero
    Albafica Temero

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Posts : 158
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,825

    Forgery?  No problem.  (JOB/PRIVATE) Empty Re: Forgery? No problem. (JOB/PRIVATE)

    Post by Albafica Temero 5th January 2018, 3:43 pm

    The semi-long azure hair adorning Albafica’s head looked like darkened seaweed upon his shoulders as he snuck through the darkness of night. The silhouette of the Rune Knight’s stronghold drawn faintly into the moonless night, far to his right, was barely visible, with not even the stars illuminating the night sky enough to be seen froma further distance. To be fair, he wouldn’t have known of the stronghold had he not done some reconnaissance earlier in the day to get a hint of what terrain he would be scaling. True, he liked a surprise, but right now a tad bit more was at stake to afford any mistakes on his side. AND he had to find a companion amidst this darkness. Not the easiest thing to do seeing the time of day, visibility and the actual fact Albafica didn’t even know what his partner in crime actually looked like. A child just like himself, or someone of petite stature, so he was told. The guys he’d been hanging out with hadn’t been all that clear about it, he now realised. Well, no use crying over spilt milk, right? Better start scanning the area for some type of tiny shade that could possibly be the silhouette of said person.

    As Albafica progressed he started to wonder; what was it that had made him go along with this in the first place? Or rather, why had he even decided on joining these guys? They had seemed intriguing at first glance, but upon coming closer had noticed they’d taken a liking to a certain amount of offputting thoughts regarding his size and gender, be it they first thought him to be a girl rather than a boy. Albafica had not hesitated on showing them to be of more prowess to take into account rather than being a frail child that could be easily pushed aside. Truth be told, he would not have lasted long against the entire gang, but had been lucky enough to take the boss of the gang by rose-point. It was rather surprising to see how effective a poisonous rose’s stem to the neck could be on helping someone change their opinion about things. The rest of the gang seemed to change their opinion just as easily too, and from that point onward, rather than to keep them on edge as foes, Albafica had determined he could just as well hang with these guys for a while. Not too long after the issue regarding their ‘well-being’ had been put on the table, to which the child had chosen to repay their kindness of giving him a temporary roof above his head by helping out. Rumor had it one with impressive brawling skills had done a number on the grunts, and they’d ’persuaded’ them to take the job as well. Albafica was to help this person out. This person being the one he was looking for at this exact moment.

    It was thus that Albafica stumbled upon a bush quite literally; with a graceful dive he tripped over a loose rock, twirled around the full 180 degrees of his being to then proceed by flauntering through the thicket unto a meaty mess. He grazed something long and flexible that gave way as soon as he put more pressure on it, for a moment he would’ve sworn it to be an arm, and once his balance slipped away put a foot forward to rise again from his near fallen state. All in all it would’ve looked like a part of a shadow ballroom dance, provided the one he’d bumped into had enough light to see it happening. Within his turn he readied himself, unaware of whatever he touched to be friend, foe or inanimate object, and after a few seconds of awkward silence and getting his eyes adjusted to the darkness again, straightened his 1.20m full length. ”Whomever you are, excuse me for bumping into your bush, but the need was high and the visibility utmost poor. I hope you understand I had no choice but to dive right in to save my hide.” The child exclaimed, acting as if nothing strange had come to pass. ”Are you the one I’m supposed to meet for retrieving that charter? If not I’ll have to dispose of you and your bush posthaste.” Albafica stated quite dryly, as if it was the most natural order of business.

    Total wordcount: 739/9000


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:35 pm