Fairy Tail RP

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    The Forgery


    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    The Forgery Empty The Forgery

    Post by Dubhlainn 21st November 2016, 7:54 am

    Like usual, melancholic air shrouds the dark guild known as Savage skull, deteriorating as weeks pass by for that the entirety of the guild and its members has seen better days that this. People come and go and that’s a fact but some to have either disappeared or have been caught by the Rune Knights is uncalled for, Savage Skull is losing members as fast as they are getting them but external liabilities weren’t the cause of it.

    But it was probably because majority of those who recently joined the guild after him possessed what he calls “the mediocrity of the mage” as all they ever did was roam around to proclaim how antagonistic they are than the other. There were a lot of times Dubhlainn were subjected to comparison but most of the members who dared do so either ended up being taken by the Rune Knights or eliminated by their special corps, the Garou Knights an organization Dubhlainn thought that have already disavowed, but recent information says they have grown active again in response to recent foundations of new dark guilds throughout Fiore.

    Dubhlainn Du Lac, is a veteran soldier of war who was subjected to biomagical experimentation and reasons for this is that he’d become a product that would replace guild mages and be a suggestive weapon for military uses. Through circumstances the military project wasn’t meant to be and is thwarted by the republicans. He is currently retired and through some strange fate, he became one of Harrigan’s servants. Though loyal to Harrigan, his activities are discrete and not many members of the guild knew of his line of work which made him suspicious.

    Those who actually knew him are those whose membership have been revoked or had gone missing.

    Not like it concerns Dubhlainn anways.

    See mission for details


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Forgery GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Master Yang [Chinese Swordsman], Master Matsushita [Japanese Swordsman], and Master Kang [Korean Swordsman]
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Unknown
    Second Skill: Unknown
    Third Skill:

    The Forgery Empty Re: The Forgery

    Post by Ethair 23rd December 2016, 2:50 pm

    Ethair had fallen asleep once again in the guild hall, it had began to become normal that those of the guild would see him laying down while his head is propped up against the wall. Next to him would be his giant rusty an blood stained chainsaw sword. Every once in a while people would see Zuhor flowing above Ethair every once in a while. Zuhor had been known as his pet that was made out of pure arcane magic even those they all knew he didn't care for any animal or human being at all. He had been passed out for at lest three days this time an if not for him growing at random times they would have though he had died.

    Some being made up of shadows had approached Ethair and throw a letter at his feet and blasted a small wave of darkness at Zuhor. Due to Zuhor not noticing the person or that he had done the blast had hit his back side and caused him to howl very loudly. "Grrr! What the hell Zuhor!!" Ethair had yelled at Zohur for waking him out of his slumber and quickly grabbed the chainsaw sword then swigged it at Zuhor. As always any a temps by Ethair to try an attack him had caused Zuhor to laugh at the pathetic being that couldn't even use magic. "You know you can't ever hurt me you fool. Hahaha!" Zuhor had side to Ethair as a very smart remark in the ruddiest way possible. Ethair getting so mad that he throw the chainsaw sword at Zuhor but just like normal it had phased right though his body and smashed into the wall. While Ethair had began to remove the chainsaw sword from the wall, Zuhor had let out a large sigh. "Before you go an break the whole guild building down just look there at your feet."

    Ethair had finished pulling his chainsaw sword out of the wall and looked down at the letter on the floor. He leaned down and had picked it up, he quickly ripped it open then read the whole thing over. A very evil an wicked grin creeped acrossed Ethair's face as he began to head for the guild hall doors. "What did it say Ethair?" Zuhor had asked him because it had been a while scene he had seen that much of a blood lust look on his face. "Shut up Zuhor! Its not like I need to ask for help from someone as worthless and weak as you." Ethair had said as he always did towards Zuhor because he hated him more then anyone an anything but of course he would say it to nearly anyone due to not caring in the smallish bit.


    Jian Liu the Stalker | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown
    The Forgery L9TXIdw


    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    The Forgery Empty Re: The Forgery

    Post by Dubhlainn 30th December 2016, 9:34 pm

    Introductions aside, Dubhlainn has been seen to be brushing his horse in the stables with his sleeves pulled upwards as he sat down on a tall stool, fervently caring for his mount. Beside him was a bucket of soapy water that when used along with the brush it would add some minty feel to his horse which the animal greatly appreciates. At times of silence where the darkness of the clouds loom over the guild, there was but hollow light that rained down from the skies. The guild was in a state of decay and it wasn't good news to Dubhlainn.

    With the absence of his masters or rather having no one to serve, there was need for some purpose. The actual reason why Dubhlainn remained in the guild was to help Savage Skull but to what avail? His master is probably dead or missing much like the rest of the Savages. Its becoming a mystery why they keep disappearing one by one almost as if they were hunted. There weren't any reports from the Rune Knights that they have captured or eliminated one of their mages.

    Dubhlainn would know, he had one of his men work in the Rune Knights.

    The creature neighed, jumping upwards as if it was caught in shock by the sound of something, not even Dubhlainn could hear. The man calmed his companion down and continued on brushing the stallion until finish. The stallion was clean, now all he has to do is to feed it with carrots. Dubhlainn took the bucket away, stretched his sleeves once more and lead the great animal to its stable. Unfortunately there were no carrots and so he must enter the guild hall to get its stores. If one were to see Dubhlainn enter the Guild hall he would have a strange hoof print on the right cheek on his face as a result of the horse being startled by Ethair's actions of throwing his weapon to a wall.

    Perhaps now he has found the reason for the stallion's misbehavior.

    He wasn't wearing his formals today but only casuals that involved a sweater like shirt and some jogging pants, entering the guild hall with an empty bucket to which he shall place in the  tool shed later after retrieving the horse's favorite meal. From what Dubhlainn has seen, Ethair looked as he was about to read a letter out to his pet Zuthor almost like a story teller who's audience is the juvenile.

    "I wouldn't be saying that if I were you..." It was uncertain whether Dubhlainn's statement was referring to Ethair's retort earlier or that he just wanted him to respect his companion regardless. Then again a horse is a much preferred companion than anything right now and that they are to be congratulated for not being as childish. They are brave, majestic and loyal creatures to their riders, given enough time to bond. He started headed to the kitchen, going through some wares to find some carrots he bought from the market. Hopefully the chef hasn't used them all.

    WC: 1274/9000
    I apologize for my late replies as the holidays pulled me over.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Forgery GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

      Current date/time is 5th December 2024, 9:08 am