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    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private Empty A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private

    Post by desirée 24th October 2017, 8:02 pm

    Desirée Blooms

    s o c i a l

    Dear Charlotte,

    Since we have been friends for quite some time now, I think it would be so much fun to spend some time away from missions for a while and just chill! I am inviting you to my house in Rose Garden on Saturday night, which is only a few blocks away from the guild hall. The address is 71802 Komorebi Street, and it is a large white house lined with a white wall-fence being overgrown with beautiful green trees. You won't miss it! Make sure not to bring any food, drinks, or movies, I have us covered. Also, please wear and bring something comfortable, like pajamas, blankets, and pillows! I want this to be a time of relaxation, which is why I am inviting you to stay over for the night. I think it will be loads of fun~!"

    Desirée Blooms.

    The letter said it all, as Desirée had invited Charlotte for an awesome sleepover. This being the first time she had ever invited someone else to her house, she was as nervous as she was excited. She went all out on this event, as her house was now spotlessly cleaned, there was food and drinks of all types lining the kitchen and dining room, and the house was beautifully dim and playing relaxing music. It was about eight in the evening, therefore the only light coming from outside was the shimmer from the lacrima-powered streetlamps that were blocked from all of her windows, causing the only light in her backyard being the dim reflections being cast from the insides of the open windows and the dim lights she had set up in the daytime around the hiking trails and outpost in case they wanted to go on a midnight stroll. She was so fortunate for such a large backyard, and she knew that it would make a great opportunity for friends to come over.

    For now, Kiwi was asleep in the sink of Desirée's bathroom as he took a bath, and Desirée was wearing a white and red nightgown with two twin braids on each side of her head being produced from the back. After she had fixed herself a snow-cone with crushed ice, raspberry syrup, and condensed milk, she sat in her living-room and began to flip through the channels of the lacrima-vision that across from the couches. All she could do now was wait for Charlotte, as she spent hours beforehand preparing for what was yet to come. As she combed her holographic nails through her white hair, her heart was beating in anticipation for Charlotte's arrival. After all, she was super excited for the food they would eat and the movies they would watch together!
    "I am so excited!"

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 9th November 2017, 3:06 pm; edited 3 times in total


    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private IY2eFxu


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private Empty Re: A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private

    Post by Charlotte 25th October 2017, 4:00 am

    Charlotte Whiterose

    Whether this was normal or not, the girl did not know. But today, she received her very first letter. After all, she had no actual family and the people of Black Rose she joined not that long ago were her very first friends. So that in itself was a rather exciting thing for the young white witch, as she held the envelope in her hands, grinning to herself. Quickly running into her own room and jumping onto the bed as she cutched the letter against her chest, she was little too excited to open it right away. So after couple of minutes of a positive freak out, she would finally open the snow white envelope and read what text was wirtten on the piece of paper inside. It was from Desirée, the one girl Charlotte had closest to at this point. Unlike the rest of the guild, the two of them were of the same age and they already went on more jobs together than she did with anyone else. And as one could expect, the girl grew much more excited as she read what her friend wanted to convey. A sleepover? She was never even to anyone else's home, much less a sleepover! Not to say that she disliked the idea, quite the opposite! And so would begin a few days long wait of great anticipation for the shy girl.

    And on Saturday night, she would find herself walking in the faint light of many street lights and ornaments that would illuminate the streets of Rose Garden. In any other place, she would be probably too scared to go anywhere after the sunset. But this city was different, as it seemingly had much more tourists than anywhere else. As such, the night life here was about as busy as the one during the day. People would litter the streets and lights everywhere would create a magical atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. Though the young white witch soon moved to a little but more secluded living area that no longer had large crowds of people moving about. She had no idea if she should feel anxcious, excited or something completely different about this. But since it was Desirée she would be spending her time with, everything would surely work out just fine! Finally finding the large home, she would admire it from distance a little bit. It was way bigger than her own apartment that consisted of only few empty rooms.

    Right now, Charlotte was wearing her usual plain white dress, as the night was quite a warm one still. Yes, Des mentioned that she should bring pajamas and other things that would go along with the theme of a sleepover, but that was actually not quite necessary with this girl. After all, she already displayed that portion of her powers once, when they were welcoming a certain person in the guild. Desirée was in her pajamas at that time too, so Charlotte used her magical ability to create a dress over her. In a similar way, she would be easily capable of transforming her current clothes into anything else once actually inside. She was little too embarrassed to walk the streets of this place already wearing her night garment after all. Taking one last deep breath, she would steel up her spirit and push the bell, letting whoever was inside the home know that she arrived.





    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private Empty Re: A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private

    Post by desirée 26th October 2017, 1:05 pm

    Desirée Blooms

    s o c i a l

    As Desirée sat on her soft, white couch in her living-room, she let out a small yawn before dipping her spoon back into the snow-cone. She loved snow-cones, and was so excited that she would finally be able to use her maker that she purchased, especially since she would be able to do so with someone else. Her snow-cone tasted simply divine, mixing the tart taste of the syrup with the extremely sweet condensed milk she had purchased from the market in the morning. It was very cold and refreshing, making her face gush as she dipped the spoon into the cup of crushed ice each time. As she ate the dessert, she flipped through the channels more, and laughed when she came across one. This was playing an episode of her season of Fiore's Next Top Model, where she was speaking with Nova about the drama in the house. There was not much, but some of those girls were definitely shady.

    As she watched in detail and cringed at her edits, she could hear the doorbell ring from her front door. Desirée shot up in anticipation and quickly ran to the door, looking through the peephole before opening it. Standing there was Charlotte, as anticipated, in a beautiful white dress. She looked as beautiful as she did simplistic, which Desirée appreciated, as she loved and admired her style. Jumping up and down in excitement, she slowly reached for the door-handle and opened the door. Desirée quickly hopped onto her guild-member and gave her a warm and tight hug, as she was so excited to see her friend once again. Desirée would smell like flowers and anticipation, and her house would match that scent.

    "Charlotte, I am so happy to see you! Come in, come in!" she would exclaim after descending from her hug, leading Charlotte into her house.  Like the exterior, it would appear to be covered in white accessories, and the main entrance would stretch from a hallway that consisted of a stairway going upward toward the bedrooms, office, and music room. The hallway that lead into the living-room would expose a giant living-room, which would take up most of the first floor besides a guest bathroom and the kitchen and dining-room. There would not be many doors from the living-room to the dining room and kitchen, however there would be doors leading into the privacy of each room upstairs.

    "You can put your shoes near the door, the wood floor may seem cold at first, but there are rugs in the living-room and bedrooms. Would you like to eat, or hop right into the movies?" she asked her with a smile, as she did not know how to ask someone what they would like to do at her house. After all, it was her first time ever inviting someone over, therefore she did not know what to do or say. She was too excited to worry!

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 9th November 2017, 3:24 pm; edited 4 times in total


    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private IY2eFxu


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private Empty Re: A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private

    Post by Charlotte 28th October 2017, 11:46 am

    Charlotte Whiterose

    Charlotte didn't even have to wait that long. She pressed the bell button and Desirée managed to answer the door only few seconds later in a very energetic manner. Well, the now white-haired girl always seemed energetic and the young white witch yet had to see her actually be down or even tired outside of nightime and times of actual peril. In a sense, she dared to say that Des was like an angel of the Black Rose. A person worthy of looking up to, be it from the perspective of mage or just a human being. Perhaps it was because she was an idol that she could nurture these traits like that? Well, it didn't quite matter. Compared to her, Char was a shy and timid girl who would seek solitude or company of only few people that she truly knew and trusted rather than being put on the spotlight. And she liked it this way. It was just so surprising that she managed to find such a friend sometimes.

    And as one would expect from such friend, Des did not waste any time after opening the doors and leaped out, embracing the white witch tightly. As always, it was a little bit of a shock that she yet had to get used to, making her take a small step back. But she did return the hug and tried to bury her body into the warmth of the other girl even if it was for just a second. Being this close to others was still a pretty alien concept to the girl too. But she did not dislike it by any means. It was kinda funny how she probably received more love from Des the past few months than from anyone else her entire life.

    "H..hello! I'm happy to see you too, so if you would have me..."

    In her usual sheeply manner, she would follow her friend into her home. Her steps were very careful, as if she was afraid that she could break something with her movement or breathing alone. First time over to someone's home, obviously she was rather nervous and unsure what to actually do. That said, her mind was soon occupied by trying to process the interior which was in the same color scheme as the two girls. It was not as big as the guildhall obviously, but it was way bigger than what Char had. And that much managed to impress her beyond belief. Staring at it all, she snapped back into reality when she was told to just leave her shoes by the door. And on this special occasion, she was acutally wearing them. Normally, she could be seen with completely bare feet. And as she was now allowed, she removed the shoes to actually reveal those bare feet, quickly getting adjusted to the wooden floor.

    "Movies? Ah... um... aaah... I... I have actually never seen any movies... so I'm not very sure... sorry!"

    As someone who lived a very sheltered life in a pretty bland room, the young white witch never even owned a TV. Never having any friends or family, she would not see one somewhere else either. So when she was asked, she felt rather emberrassed. She knew what movies were, but couldn't even answer such simple question because of her lack of knowledge.





    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private Empty Re: A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private

    Post by desirée 9th November 2017, 4:57 pm

    Desirée Blooms

    s o c i a l

    Desirée was absolutely appalled that Charlotte had never seen any movies, as she saw hundreds of them when growing up at her old guild and traveling with others. Desirée quickly ran to the TV and turned it off due to her being on the screen performing embarrassing pranks on other FNTM contestants with her blue hair still in tact. She did not want to appear as a prankster to Charlotte due to her jumpy nature, and definitely did not want to repeat one of the things that occurred on one of their journeys that consisted of jump-scares. "Sorry to turn that off, it was just a bit... old of me. Come, I want to show you the kitchen!" she would exclaim, as she would grab onto Charlotte's hand and walk with her across the living-room and through a beautiful arch of white roses into the kitchen that connected to the dining room. With her walking came the bouncing of her two braids upon her head, hitting near her rump that was nearly flashed due to the length of her nightgown. It was a very comfortable and silky nightgown, which rubbed against her bare and soft body, causing its heat to become neutralized with the cold nature of the silk.

    "Ta-daaa! I... I hope you like the food!" Desirée would exclaim, as she would toss the remnants of her snow-cone into a beautiful and ornate garbage can and pose as if she was revealing a beautiful sight. Lining each table would be trays upon trays of salty and sweet foods of Italian, Asian, and European foods, along with parallel trays of desserts and sweets. Desirée would quickly pick up a miniature powdered donut and take a small bite out of the side, wiping the powdered sugar off her lips while soon realizing how disrespectful she was being. "H- have whatever you would like! I should have let you get your food first, I apologize..." Desirée would say, before turning away from Charlotte and stuffing the rest of the donut inside her mouth while beginning to act as nothing happened. She loved foods, especially donuts.

    "From Chrysalis, I welcome thee."


    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private IY2eFxu


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private Empty Re: A Glass Bead in the Nighttime || Private

    Post by Charlotte 4th December 2017, 3:13 pm

    Charlotte Whiterose

    Thank goodness, it seemed that Des had no problems with the young girl never really seeing any films or movies. The young white witch was almost an alien to this world despite growing up in it, which was rather strange. But she was sometimes the very definition of strange, so it really fit together rather well. Nevertheless, she would follow her friend into her home and even catch the moving screen of a technology she had seen behind the glass windows of various shops around Rose Garden. Her eyes glimmered in the light as she caught just the slightest glimpse of the blue-haired Desirée she had known in the past. Honestly, it was still somewhat strange, getting used to this new more pale version. But the person was still one and the same, which was what mattered most.

    With a cheerful smile, she would just nod at her friend. No matter what Des felt and what faults she had, Charlotte wanted to accept them all. And really, Desirée was her first and best friend. A bond that was more powerful than anything. Squeezing the other girl's hand just a little tighter, they would arrive at the place which was probably designed for eating your meals. Or at least that much Char judged from all the tables and food that was prepared for the two of them. Her eyes quite literally sparkled at the sight of it all, but Des stole her attention without fail as she presented the situation and took a bite out of her donut.

    "N..no, there is no need to apologize... um... here!"

    Slightly panicked, the white witch would grab another donut from one of the plates and position herself next to the other pale-haired female, holding the delicious treat up to her.

    "This sleepover is meant for the both of us, so... here. Bite~"

    Trying to be sweet and considerate, Charlotte attempted to feed her friend with her own hands. After all, she felt a little awkward being the center of attention anyway! And for some reason... this just seemed right and very fun.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:12 pm