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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Aoi 23rd October 2017, 9:41 am

    The prior couple days spent being loomed over and as a literal dress up doll to a deranged maniac of a woman. Despite her ill will to comply, the threats were more than Sakura could think she could bare on her mind if something happened over doing something so petty like this. But the myriad of different outfits Milala put her in had made her rather sick of the casual clothing and the cosplay themed things like a maid, cheerleader, bunny girl. Her comfort zone was much more sophisticated and doll like that one would imagine, but she liked it and it was cute to be pampered for something aside from pity and empathy for her illness.

    However, it seemed that once Milala had been done playing with her where she’d abducted her from for a while, that she claimed ownership of Sakura for herself. To make sure of that, she’d been mummified in the last outfit she wore with an exuberant amount of seran wrap and a second layer of what seemed to be a thick tape until she couldn’t move her body but from the way she had been contorted and tossed inside a duffle bag. The tape was placed over her mouth, with the heavy adhesive on her porcelain face, it stuck to the point she was unable to even open her mouth. Thankfully, Sakura needed no oxygen to survive.. or food, nor water to survive with this body. She squirmed and fought in the bag the whole trip to wherever she was being taken to, angry she couldn’t just willingly go, but instead he treated like nothing more than luggage or cargo. Still, she was unable to do anything with magic or any sorts to try and free herself. But after some time, she felt herself plopped onto some kind of cushion and left there. There were no sounds but what she thought was a door shutting. She’d hope she would come back soon... being left alone in her current predicament could lead to anything, and in her current appearance even underneath the caccoon of wrappings, she found it extremely embarrassing as it was already.



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 25th October 2017, 4:27 pm

    Yuiisai had returned back to their room after seeing their last client of the night off, they swore they would like some time to themselves but knew that was never going to be on the cards until they where dead but even then believed that they would still be working. Getting back to their room they sighed and sat at the low wooden table and sort of flopped over it groaning in frustration, though they enjoyed the coolness of the wood on their forehead sighing a bit in relief before heading to light another stick of incense. It was then they had noticed a package that they hadn't seen before and blinked unsure what to make of the poor attempt at wrapping "What on earthland..." they said moving towards it picking it up taking note of the weight and size. "What is this? A gift?" they where more than a little puzzled as they began to unwrap whatever was below from the tapes that had encased her. Seeing a doll starting to emerge she was more puzzled "A doll?" They couldn't understand why exactly someone would send them a doll no matter it's beauty.

    After a while the doll have been released from it's restraints and they couldn't help but look disgusted at the outfit what it was wearing "How distasteful, your beauty and elegance deserves better than this." Yuiisai said placing the doll onto a silk cushion as they went to a small doll closet and started to go through the clothing within. It was true they had out grown dolls, but they enjoyed being surrounded in beauty so had kept the clothing of the dolls that had either broken due to regular ware and tare or had been given to other apprentices. Before long they returned to the doll removing the clothing that they had been wearing, Yuiisai had never seen anything like it before but was sure that no one with an ounce of culture would find something like that proper attire. It had only taken a few moments before they had dressed the doll in something that seemed would add to its beauty before starting to do it's hair "I hope you don't mind what I chose but you seem like a doll with culture and grace." they said trying to get the knot's out of little doll's hair.



    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) 59867_s

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Aoi 25th October 2017, 5:18 pm

    It’s not much that she didn’t continue to try and fight against all of her wrapping, as tight as it had been. She figured that she would be able to draw some kind of attention is she fought and squirmed like a worm that she might get free at some point. Even if Milala had come back to take her away for another torturous day of being some little cosplay doll, she would like nothing more than aggravate her in any way she could just to try and have some form of relief from the.. thing. While she was doing so, she could hear the door open and shut that had been nearby, which told the small doll that she was in some kind of room and Milala was nearby. Next thing she knew, the doll had been picked up and she could hear a voice that she couldn’t place too well on a gender from the sound. She fought and flopped around until she had figured out the voice was not like Milala’s at all, and so her flailing ceased.

    Finally free enough to see, she saw a person holding her, unbinding her to the best of their ability until they were freed. The little cheerleader outfit she wore seemed to upset them and she was placed onto a fancy looking cushion and she looked down, admiring the look and design. They had undressed her, with Sakura’s assistance as well until she was bare. Since her body was bare and blank, it hadn’t minded her that she didn’t try to cover up anything anymore... which might become troublesome if she got a human body again. ”O-Oh.. thank you.” She spoke. The blonde wasn’t so sure what was going on and she watched as they began to watch them go through something and pull out an outfit. Looking at it alone, Sakura’s eyes widened and she seemed to show an interest in it.

    The stranger dressed her up in the outfit without even asking. They seemed to take a rather genuine care with the doll and she willingly cooperated until she got into the outfit. They started to compliment her on the assumption of her tending to enjoy more higher quality appearances and nodded, feeling the tug on her head as her hair began to get brushed. ”Uuhh.. thank you. I do normally wear Victorian era style dresses. They hide the joints and.. I’m uncomfortable with people seeing them. Then that... tramp decided to kidnap me and turn me into a mannequin for Whore’s R’ Us or something...” She sighed and looked at the outfit on her and smiled, enjoying the appearance it gave and how comfortable it was despite her lack of the ability to feel anything physically. ”Would.. you be upset if I kept this dress? I really love how it looks so far. You have beautiful taste.. umm.. sir? O-or ma’am? I don’t wanna be rude...” Her eyes shy’d away, whether she had still been facing away or toward her.



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 29th October 2017, 12:42 pm

    Yuiisai almost jamp back as the doll started to move and speak on its own, it wasn't something they had encountered. "First dragons and now moving talking dolls... what am I going to encounter next? A demon?" they let out a sigh, it was nothing against the small doll that they had found themselves having to adapt quite a bit of late to things that were far from regular within the district they called home where magic was never used. "You're welcome miss..." they had no idea what to call the other as they had yet to introduce themselves "My name is Yuiisai." they explained gently a smile on their lips "Sorry how I acted before, magic is forbidden within this place so we don't see many people like yourself." she said hoping to clear up any confusions that would come forward before they came. They continued to brush the long blonde hair of the other starting to style it properly and placing a few plain red silk ribbons to match those on the outfits sleeves.

    "So pray tell, how did you end up in..." their face scrunched up a little in distaste as she pointed to the cheerleader outfit "That distasteful piece of fabric." they asked, it was clear they didn't like what it was and in truth seen it as a waste of fabric. "I noticed you're eyes went wide when I brought out the dress you now wear, I am guessing you approve of my choice." they asked calmly helping her to sit up at the table. Yuiisai listened to what was said next about the joints on their body and shook their head as they moved to touch the other's uncovered joints gently "Don't be uncomfortable in them, they make you unique and give you a valuable weapon if you ever had to fight." they said honestly pulling back their hand "They will see a doll not strong spirited mage and let their defences down, this is when they are at their most vulnerable and you can strike." they tried their boost the others confidence in how they looked even giving it a positive spin "I think it adds to you in honesty." they said moving to light some of the homemade incense "I hope you don't mind, even the clothing is imbued with the scents of my incenses" they said sitting down once more.

    Hearing such words coming from the small doll surprised them given they looked so innocent "My, you have a strong opinion on someone, to the point such an angelic looking being can have a foul demonic tongue." they said with a small chuckle, they had no idea what the small person in front of them had been through so couldn't comment or judge them. "No, not at all; whenever you are here you are free to make use of any of the clothing within the wardrobe it came from" they said calmly pointing over to it. "You can call me either, I don't mind as I can become both" they said so they didn't feel uncomfortable any longer.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Aoi 29th October 2017, 1:56 pm

    Once she was free from her mummified state, Sakura had seen the person jump back in surprise. They seemed to not have expected her to be a moving, living thing... but again, most people don’t. The simple fact was she grew cold of the feeling that people didn’t think more of her. It wasn’t a big deal, really. ”I’m sorry. I’m sure anyone would actually be a little surprised to see a moving, talking porcelain doll with her own being and existence... I’m not trying to be snarky about it, I promise.” She sounded a little worried, though the fact she’d been freed was enough to feel endebted and rather comforting around someone. The person seemed to not really know much about the freedom of using magic so freely, which was relatable to a person whom never had any to begin with. ”I understand the feeling. I never had magic until I had this doll body. I was just a normal teenage girl until this.”

    It hurt her a little to think that she could have avoided the fun she’s had without this body, but there were the plenty of things happening that would make things even worse as well because of it. One being that with Milala having taken her for her own nefarious whims, despite how minor they were to her. When the stranger seemed to be finished with their hair, she curiously ran her fingers down until she found the ribbon in it, looking towards them with a small smile. “This is a nice surprise. Thank you.” She spoke not having expected them to do it, though the sentiment was more than they could realize. Though now that the slutbag That first kidnapped her came up, she sighed and rubbed the porcelain bridge of her nose. ”Well, the aforementioned pain in my... lack of a rear end kidnapped me, then threatened me into some dress up time or she’d murder people... When she was done, she instead of letting me go, decided she’d wrap me up to go and self proclaimed me as her property.” She looked down, the physical sign that she’d become a little mentally defeated by the fact she was allowed to be manipulated and taken by someone like her. ”Though truthfully, the attire concept was more comforting than the idea of being in a real body and having that happen... and then... w-well... worse things happen.” Nervously mentioning the idea of being abused sexually, though not sure how to comfortably mention it to a stranger.

    Suddenly, the stranger, Yuiisai began to speak to her. Not so much in a way she thought she would hear... honestly never. She wondered, but her mind was suddenly becoming flustered with emotions. Some were happiness, some sadness, others of envy, and excitement. They all clouded and circled around in such a way that made the doll silent. She didn’t know how to process this feeling. She was a 16 year old trapped in a position that not even grown adults could think to be able to enjoy. ”Why.. are you telling me these things? I-I know you mean well, b-but.. I... I...” She broke down, turning in to lean on them and hug them as best as her physical strength would allow. She never felt this way before. It was always a neutral, unchanging feeling of nothing masked by the relief that she wouldn’t have to suffer a painfully slow death. She couldn’t even respond to the rest of the comments that they mentioned. She had these pent up feelings that were magically unlocked from her that now she could finally release. It.. was something she’d find to be a really confidence boosting in the future.



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 1st November 2017, 12:09 am

    Yuiisai looked to them and smiled a little "I didn't expect to see a person in an unusual form." they said honestly, the courtesan could tell it wasn't a doll with a soul but rather a person who had been moved bodies. They couldn't help wonder if it was some sort of evil act that had done this to such a person or if there were other reasons, regardless of the situation it was not their place to pry but would listen if the person like doll offered the information freely. "Magic is a forbidden thing to those with my trade so if you had been delivered to anyone else they would have likely broken you." they hadn't said it to worry the doll it was just a terrible truth of this district, the courtesan where sheltered from almost everything and didn't question it; not even Yuiisai questioned it they seen little point in it as normally people would never be given the information asked for.

    "I am sorry to hear that you have been placed within such a form, at least it has beauty" they said calmly "They must have cared for you deeply." they smiled a little wanting to believe that was the truth of the matter but as they didn't know this girl all that well at the moment. Yuiisai watched as the young doll felt through their hair to feel the ribbons "You have beautiful hair so it needed something to highlight it, besides they go well with the dress." her voice showed she was happy the other seemed to have approved with what she had done for her. "That person seems horrible miss." they said their voice now saddened "Oh, my name is Yuiisai. I'm a courtesan." they said calmly, it wasn't entirely true given their contract had recently been obtained somehow by a male by the name of Sol but due to the medicine she had on the same day she wasn't well enough to travel so it was understood they would remain there until well and Sol would come collect her when she was better. She just didn't want to think what would happen if they made him wait to long.

    "I would ask how you can own a person but then I myself am owned so it would be kind of a stupid question really. The better question is how can you own a free person?" they asked looking to her listening to the others words, it was beyond confusing how someone could be so cruel to another. "Human form or doll form that kind of attire should never be put on someone such as yourself, it's distasteful and humiliating." she said her eyes showing she believed every word they spoke on the matter. She listened to the doll like teen as she tried to come to terms with what she had been told by her "Because it's the truth and you needed to hear it." it was as simple as that in her mind, feeling the small delicate hug she couldn't help but smile warmly and return the hug. "Don't let the darkness engulfed the light inside you." she finished gently


    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) 59867_s

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Aoi 1st November 2017, 8:20 am

    Fairly enough to the strangers statement, nobody could expect to have happen to them what happened today, but it was at the very least better to have had them find her than anyone else right now. To her, it felt like an embarrassment to be found by a guild member, a disgrace to be grabbed up by another dark guild person, but worst off was to be picked back up by Milala. "I never expected to be in an unusual form, either... But it beats my alternative." She replied, listening to them as they explained what would have happened should someone else have found her from where they came from. A small smirk came across her porcelain cheeks and she chuckled a little. "That wouldn't bother me, truthfully. I was told this body magically rebuilds itself and if I'm completely shattered, I simply reform back where this doll originated and it would be like nothing happened... I don't feel anything-- mainly in the physical capacity, anyway." She finished with a small sigh, picking up and looking at her own tiny hand, balling the tiny digits into a fist and back open, not for a specific purpose either.

    The tiny blonde turned her head as she heard them share their condolences for her situation. As her mother had been brought up, a look of realization set in for a moment before she'd return to the more blank like expression she normally carried. "Y-Yeah, my mom did everything she could to keep me from suffering. I.. still need to visit her again. M-Maybe, we could come up with a cute outfit for me to wear for her. She's always wanted me to look nice, and you have much more incredible taste than I do." She had finally realized that she had heard the name of the person whom possibly saved her from being a living mannequin for a sociopathic whore and smiled, giving a curtsy in her new outfit. "I'm Sakura. Sakura Kisagami. It's really nice to meet you, though I'd wish the circumstances were better... I surely don't regret this one at all."

    A tiny sigh seemed to come from a huff of breath the doll had let out. "I wasn't considered a person to them, that's the problem. I was a toy to them, something to please them in some form of way that thankfully I couldn't do alternatively..." Though now that she had gotten that all out, she had felt Yuiisai comforting her as she'd broken down emotionally, erupting in tears that she actually didn't think she could produce in her body. Though she couldn't feel in any normal capacity, the feeling like she was being pressed against their body made her just fidget. When she did this, she realized that Yuii was hugging her, which only seemed to comfort her more. As they spoke to her in such a way, she felt a warm feeling in their words, nodding her head against their chest and sniffling after she had finally gotten a grasp on her emotions. "I-I'm sorry I-I j-just broke down... W-With a-all of this in my life, I've always had to be the strong one... I guess I just never had.. the chance to let it out myself. I... I could tell you why, i-if you would like to hear it." Her eyes looked down to her body, slowly returning to her normal mental state, she hadn't verbally mentioned her condition, but she hoped that Yuiisai had come to the conclusion on their own, though she was sure they could.



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 4th November 2017, 4:39 am

    Yuiisai listened to the small doll like girl, not fully understanding what would possess someone to move the soul of a person into an object that was meant for the play and admiration of young girls, and it wasn't her place to ask either however if the information was freely given she would listen to the other. "I wouldn't know, but I am guessing it must have been quite bad for this having to seem like a better alternative." is all they could say to the other, it made them wonder if some sort of experiment had taken place or someone had tried to play god with the wrong type of magic, it suddenly made her small world seem that much safer due to the non magic rules for those like and training to be like her. Seeing the smirk they looked down shaking their head "You don't understand miss Sakura, your body would now be classed as a magic object, without a certain marking on it if broken you would not mend until taken from here. This is a non magic zone." she tried to get the other to understand that special permits and such had to be given for everyone's safety and those things as far as she heard were anything but cheap to obtain.

    Hearing that she could feel nothing physical it made her sad, sure there was the upside of feeling no pain but the down side was they couldn't feel the warmth of things like hugs which must have made their existence a bit more unbearable. "I will try and find a way to help you physically feel within your currently unfeeling body Miss Sakura." they said gently looking to the other, they truly wanted to help them feel not just emotionally but physically also just they had no idea how to do either. "Suffering?" they seemed surprised more so that it was in fact the young woman's mother done this to her meant that something bad must have been happening or the mother was a sick sadist but on hearing how she would like to visit she guessed that the former was more on target. "I can help with that, you have free use of the wardrobe Miss Sakura." she said with a smile "I am sure your taste is just fine, and that it makes your mother proud."

    Yuiisai nodded "Perhaps, but everything happens for a reason." this was something that the courtesan truly believed "You are a very beautiful person Miss Sakura, don't let anyone ever sell that short or let you feel less than what you are." the smile ever present as she took the others small hand within their own. Seeing the tears Yuiisai hugged the small doll like person closely allowing them to get their tears out, she shook her head looking down to Sakura as they tried to explain why she done what she done "No, it's fine. I completely understand." she whispered "That story is for you to tell when you are ready to tell it, not before and I'm not one to push for information, it's not within my job description." she said calmly


    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) 59867_s

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai) Empty Re: Package Delivery! (Private/Yuiisai)

    Post by Aoi 27th November 2017, 11:16 am

    Sakura seemed to only nod in reply to Yuiisai's question. They hadn't really been able to experience the things Sakura had to suffer through. The small mental gymnastics of trying to convince herself at first that she'd only been thinking that she may have just been a klutz, but after the condition worsened, she couldn't hide that fact any longer. For a while, it dropped her into a depression that she couldn't bring herself out of. The worse she seemed to have gotten, the worse the depression became. Her only enlightenment was just how closely her mother looked after her and tried to cheer her up. Sakura seemed to hold onto that feeling and tried to at least enjoy what time she had left somehow, and once they'd found the puppeteer, it all seemed to have been a lot different for them both, but not in a bad way thankfully... At least for a time being.

    With everything that Yuii had explained to Sakura and wished to do for the little doll, she seemed to only smile and shake her head at the task she had heard wanted to be explored. "That's.. not really necessary... I kinda like it this way." She smiled and looked down at her outfit, seeming to just enjoy the things she had now, looking back up toward them. "I don't want to play god any more than I already have, honestly. I'm.. pretty happy this way, honestly. Everyone I know seems to feel that way too. At least they'll have me around, and that's what matters, right?" A small giggle left her mouth while the tiny porcelain digits blankly rubbed the fabric between her thumb and index finger. It helped to think she could remember the softest silk imaginable in her mind and then recreate the sensation to think that she was feeling that, but it wasn't much more than that; her imagination.

    Sakura suddenly couldn't hold in a light burst of laughter at Yuiisai's comment of her mother liking her taste in clothing. Shaking her head, she rubbed the back of her neck before pushing her hair behind her shoulder and nodding. "My mom has been trying to get me to wear dresses a whole lot. When she found out my entire wardrobe were dresses, you should have seen the look in her eyes. Kinda looked like a pair of shooting stars." She soon dropped the smile as she got around to the story of her life until this point. Sure, she didn't have to tell it, but she can't very well move past it if she didn't get it out and make it seem like less of a big deal. "No no.. I'll talk about it, Yuiisai. I don't mind." She paused and stood straight up, almost as though she were a figurine standing among a collection, feet pressed together and her hands placed in front of her and one clasped lightly over the other. "When I was born, the doctors said I had this rare disease that magic was unable to cure, or even any medicine out there. For years they said it wouldn't mean too much at all, but that I'd never live to see past my 21st birthday if I was lucky. This disease slowly would deteriorate my muscular system to the point I had become too weak to walk. I was confined to a wheelchair for.... 7 months? Roughly in that ballpark. Anyway, at some point, it would reach a point where I wouldn't be able to speak, eat, or even breathe. So my choices of death were malnutrition or suffocation, if I was lucky enough to just be put out of my misery earlier if that had been the case. But we found this.. this puppeteer whom wanted to perform an experiment. We had nothing else to lose, so we gambled with our chances. He moved my soul or lifeforce or whatever you prefer to refer to it as from my human body into a doll body. That one however had been tainted with a dark, cursed magic... I liked it purely for my ability to fly, but I'd come to get pretty lost and happened to find this huge island full of gorgeous mermaids. They expelled me from that body and placed me into this one, gave me the magic I have and taught me how to use it. So... It's kinda current now, and every so often the mermaids pop up and they'll pick out my dresses and do my hair for me, so if my mother doesn't do it, I'm usually always taken care of." She finished, letting out a deep breath and then starting to laugh a little. "As long as I can taste, this body is perfection to me!~"



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