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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 21st April 2017, 2:28 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    With the old guild hall destroyed and the new guild hall being constructed in their new home Kite felt that it was best that Sabertooth set up shop on the rebuilding Ace of Spades. All of Sabertooth’s standard operations were still going as as usual, the job board was as well as the temporary Guild Hall was none other than the refurbished building that had once been Sabertooth's guild hall once upon of time. He fancied the center bar stool and had a spread of papers on the counter in front of him, with a glass to his right. He took another sip of his vodka as he read through the jobs until one had gotten his attention. He had set that one aside while he sorted the rest of the jobs by rank, once finished he handed the stack to the hired help to pin the flyers on the board. In the meantime he pulled the flyer he set aside for himself and began to read while occupying his free hand with his drink and casually sipped while he read. His eyes traced the sentences from left to right and all the way down the page, he would read out loud as he gathered theinformation, ”Wizard Guilds, we are in desperate need of help. An an earthquake had torn through our land a few days ago. Unfortunately not only did this earthquake manage to damage homes, businesses or hurt people or did something much more dangerous. An ancient shrine where a goddess is worshipped and said to be sealed has also been damaged and thus elemental like creatures have been sprouting up like weeds. If this keeps up our town could be overwhelmed by these forces and be reduced to nothing. Offering reward for any who can quell this sleeping god's rage.“”So. Elementals are popping up all around Talonia and the causing a stir around the town. The locals believe that it's due to some god's shrine being destroyed from a recent earth quake… he trailed off as he spoke to himself recalling the events that use literally brought down their guild hall as well as had them face off against gods. Kite knew who exactly he wanted to bring on this job Mashyuu the earth God Slayer and Theo the new guy with a lot of potential and someone that Kite needed to get to know better. He would turn around to see if two certain mages were in the tavern but as it would turn out they weren't there yet. Kite looked back at the barkeep with a smirk.

    ”Hey buddy, did Mash and Theo happen to pass through for the day yet?“ the barkeep had a glass in his hand and a drying towel being run through it. He looked up at the ceiling and then made eye contact with the Demon Slayer. Kite watched as he put the now dry glass down and then looked back up at him. “ No they weren’t here yet. If you want I could send some of the boys to get them for ya?” Kite would rubbed the stubble on his chin before answering, ”You know what, why not. It will be the easiest thing about today.“
    The bartender left the bar and went to the back to gather a few members of his staff and sent them on the errand to locate Mashyuu and Theo and deliver the message that the Guild Master needs to speak to them each. While the employees were out looking for the mages Kite would take the time to allow his thoughts to run wild a bit. He couldn't help but let his wild thoughts to point back to the fight against the elders, ancient gods that picked a fight with them and now paid for it with their lives ending and how this job seemingly points him to an enemy that is also a “god”. ”It would seem that my demon encounter has fallen behind my god encounter rate. Maybe I am the wrong kind of slayer.“ he would joke with himself but with the numbers where they were it wasn't so far fetched to think this way.

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    Made by Ravana


    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Gvf4gD8



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st April 2017, 3:29 pm

    Job Details:

    It was a nice and sunny morning, and after the Sabertooth Guild Hall was destroyed Mashyuu managed to collect his minor trinkets and return to his old home in Beanstalk Village. The small home, a few miles outside of Ace Of Spades was surrounded by small trees that had a stone door put up in place of the wooden one that was destroyed when Mashyuu met up with his ex wife's adoptive daughter. Mashyuu was sound asleep in his bed, refusing to sleep in the master bedroom where his mother and father used to sleep. Instead Itsu could normally be found there but on this morning Itsu was in the kitchen actually making a small breakfast for herself and her best friend. Mashyuu held his arm around Kenna, keeping her close after the nightmare of a fight they had against a God, one that nearly killed them both. Suddenly Mashyuu's nostrils flared up heavily, something was coming towards his home and he didn't recognize the smell. Mashyuu's glowing blue eyes opened wide and he very carefully slipped his arm out from under kenna and grabbed his magical robe. As he flipped it on over his shoulders it dimly flashed with power and changed into a pair of black pants with a red tee shirt that had a sleeveless black vest resting over his back. Silently he stepped out from his bedroom and snuck past the kitchen to the living room and glanced out the window. A sigh escaped his lips when he saw a worker from the bar snooping around the village and drawing closer to Mashyuu's home. The God Slayer rolled his eyes and slipped outside silently. "I haven't taken a day off since I came back from the dead. What the hell could this guy possibly need?" Mashyuu muttered and grabbed his boots and bracers that were resting on his front porch. The brown haired man slipped his boots on and started to strap up his stone bracers on his forearms while the young worker walked up to Mashyuu and waved at the Slayer. "You're Mashyuu right? Sorry I don't see you around the bar much. The Bar owner said Kite was looking for you, something about a job." With a heavy sigh Mashyuu stood up and glanced back over to the half opened door behind him. "Give me five minutes..." Mashyuu went into the house and grabbed his sword off the mantle and moved into the kitchen to talk with Itsu about making sure Kenna knew where he went and that he would be back in a few days time at the most....

    Mashyuu stepped into the bar, the sunlight gleaming on his back the Wizard glanced around and walked towards the bar, each of his steps echoing on the wooden planks. The God Slayer jumped into the seat next to Kite and spun around in a wide circle only to stop, facing the bar and glanced at the job. "I think you are the first person to actually summon me. Good thing I was close by instead of on a job like I usually am. So what's the job?" Mashyuu asked and took the flyer to quickly scan the page. "Alright, I got this in the bag... Why is this an A rank job! I can handle it myself...." Mashyuu grumbled and glanced back at Kite. "So you're coming with me or.... am I supposed to find a job partner?"

    WC: 580
    Velvet Skydancer
    Velvet Skydancer

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 155
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Dragon's Dance of Life
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    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Velvet Skydancer 22nd April 2017, 3:58 am

    Theo placed his book down on the desk before him and released a sigh as he rubbed his eyes. He couldn't focus. Since the day he'd joined Sabertooth he hadn't really had a moments rest; hell, the day he'd arrived he had found himself caught in the middle of the chaotic events leading to the guild's current rebuilding process and had been traversing the Ace of Spades assisting the commonfolk as best as he could. Today had been his first day off and he could feel every muscle aching. He'd also found himself getting frustrated due to the lack of training he'd been able to do since coming to Fiore; his sword skills would naturally be sharp, but he'd been unable to read up and gain more knowledge of anything, particularly this country he was now residing in. Furthermore, just that morning he'd received a letter from his parents suggesting he joined a guild. A great suggestion were it not for the fact that they'd advised joining Lamia Scale, another guild within the country that prided itself on knowledge. Oh how fickle the mistress of fate could be. Still it gave food for though - too much perhaps as Theo's brain was in overload, resulting in his current lack of concentration.

    A knock at his door returned his thoughts to reality and nearly caused him to fall from his chair. He quickly adjusted himself and cleared his throat. "Yes?" he called out, his Pergrandian accent coming through clearly and concisely. The door opened and a young man entered. "Hi there, Theo wasn't it?" Theo nodded in response. "Boss man is looking for you. Apparently it's important. He's at the guild's bar at the moment." the young man continued. Theo nodded again and smiled politely. "You have my thanks. I'll be along in a moment." he replied calmly. The young man seemed taken aback by the sentence - perhaps due to the accent and the specific words used - but nodded and backed out of the door, shutting it behind him.

    Upon hearing the door click shut there would be a thud as Theo's head hit the desk. Whether he liked it or not he would have to at least visit this other guild that his parents suggested. But first he'd need to speak with 'The Boss Man' of Sabertooth. He removed his head from the desk and pulled himself to his feet as he grabbed his coat from the back of his chair. He'd pull that on and then walk across the room to head to his destination.


    Upon arrival into the guild's bar area (which made up the majority of the guildhall at this point in time), Theo could see a number of people going about their day or helping to shift materials about. As he walked towards the bar however there would be three figures that would catch his attention. The first was the barman, stood stoic as ever behind his counter. The second was a bulky man whom he vaguely recognised. He didn't know the man's name, but he'd seen him helping with the rebuilding efforts. The third and final face was Kite, the guildmaster. They'd met briefly during the chaotic events of the guildhall's destruction, and it was him who'd summoned Theo here now. The fencing prodigy cleared his throat as he approached and gave a light bow upon coming to a halt. "Hello. You summoned me?"

    WC: 572
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 23rd April 2017, 8:31 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    After the barkeep left to to order his staff to go and retrieve the two men he wished to discuss the job with Kite went back to what he was doing which was enjoying his drink and the little bit of peace  wrote this got out of control again. His drink was finished and the glass was set aside so he could clean his weapons. His larger sword which he has no name for, was extended into its broad sword mode and leaned against the bar next to him waiting its turn as its little brother Rose, a lacrima saber morphed into a short sword was in Kite’s left hand while a red rag he got from the bartender rubber up and down the length of the blade. He had just finished and placed Rose across his back, with its roots wrapping around his torso making a makeshift scabbard and had reached for his primary weapon when He felt the magic signature of Mashyuu enter the Tavern, as well as the scent of dirt. ”The earth god Slayer is here.“ he would say and spin in his chair to face the large man as he approached causing the floorboards to creak at his mercy. Kite spun his chair as Mashyuu did facing the bar. There was no greeting only Mashyuu remarking on how not only was Kite the first to summon him, but that he also was lucky for Mashyuu was still in town. ”Lucky indeed.“ he replied before Mashyuu asked about the job. Kite causally slid the flyer across the countertop towards the earth mage. Kite observed as Mashyuu plucked the flyer from the bar and read it to himself. It took no less than a moment for Mashyuu to read the job and state how this would be a cakewalk but the reaction from Mashyuu mentioning he could handle the job himself made Kite look back. ”Handle this yourself? Earth god Slayer as well as a light dragon slayer. I have no doubt that this Goddess would be a foe you may be capable of handling One on one. However with different elementals seemingly at her beckon call it could be troublesome for you or even myself alone.“ he would remark. ”And for your question regarding who will be joining you...“ he was about to answer but as it would so happen, part of his answer had just made themselves present by greeting Kite. Kite would spin in his chair slightly and smile at the man, ”yes I surely did.“ he would look over his shoulder at Mashyuu and smirk, ”the answer regarding who is going on this job with you is the both us. Theo and yourself will be accompanying me on this job to Talonia. The way I see it the three of us could make quick work out of this goddess and these elementals at her disposal with our slayer magics and Theo’s Rune Fencer magic.“ Kite smirked at Mashyuu after giving a nod to Theo ”Let’s add another god to our list.“ he said to them looking to fire them up for the job. A thought would pop in his head as he looked at Mashyuu with a grin. ”And don’t worry Mashyuu. My airship is busted so you won’t have to endure it this time around.“

    With the help of a teleportation lacrima Kite along with Mashyuu and Theo were now several miles west inside the town of Talonia. The town itself looked rather peaceful but there was something off about it and Kite could sense it, he could also guess that his guild members could also sense it. There was an immense amount of magic power that permeated the area. ”The presence of the elementals maybe?“ he recalled the flyer mentioning something about a shrine or a temple that contained a god, ”Maybe that’s the power i am sensing?“ he said to himself. All of a sudden the calm weather turned into a scorching heat. The heat itself didn’t other Kite by any means but he was able to sense the sudden and drastic change in the temperature. ”That’s an odd increase in..“ just as suddenly as the heat increased the clear sky darkened with clouds and unleashed a nasty downpour onto the three of them.  The combination of the heat and the sudden moisture causing a massive spike in humidity, ”okay then. They weren’t exaggerating about the freak weather patterns.“ he said as steam vented off his body as the cooler water met his hot skin. ”Alright so. We can either look around and ask where the temple is located or we can try to find it on our own.“ Kite was fine on looking for the temple on his own but there could be intel they don’t know about or waste their time and find nothing at all. Either way there had to be a choice and he himself was leaning on the side of heading out to locate it on their own. If they did they would be bound to run into at least one of these elementals along the way. ”I am up for anything, do either of you have a preference?“ he asked them. While awaiting their answer a small group of 15 fire and 15 wind elementals were on their way to the town. The presence of the three Sabertooth mages has seemed to upset them. As the enemy came closer to town the rain vanished and was replaced by another episode of intense heat and this time it brought gale force winds with it. The demon slayer looked in the direction the wind was blowing from to see them, the spheres of fire and glowing wind racing for them.  ”Let’s bench that decision for now and deal with these things.“ he would suggest preparing himself for battle. ” Mission starts now, its show time!“

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    Made by Ravana

    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 23rd April 2017, 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Gvf4gD8

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by NPC 23rd April 2017, 8:31 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 24th April 2017, 3:57 pm

    He couldn't help his smug smirk. Mashyuu was on a roll and was over all feeling very good about the work he had been doing. Casually he shrugged his shoulders and spoke. "Yeah well... I'm not worried about some elementals. I have a few tricks up my sleeve other than rocks and light. You would be surprised." Sharply though, Mashyuu raised his brow when Kite went on to talk about who Mashyuu would be teaming with for the job. "Both of you? Heh you guys might as well become the last two members of my team." Mashyuu lifted his wrist while resting his elbow on the bar and waved at Theo, surely a lazy way to say hi but a greeting none the less. "Oh, even if it wasn't I'd do my best to keep pace with you. I can fly too ya know." Mashyuu flexed his arm, the stone bracers on his arms vibrated to show their magical power. "So, lets go get this job done. I have a few other things to get done once this job is over." Lazily Mashyuu pushed himself off the bench and shoved the job flyer in his pocket then followed the others to a teleportation Lacrima.

    The trio activated the magical tool and appeared among the town of Talonia. Mashyuu opened his mouth and spit on the ground. It was almost stiflingly humid in the town, making the God Slayer nearly gag, and he liked the heat. "Ughh, today is gonna be fun..." Mashyuu started to groan then it started to rain and the Wizard placed his hand in his palm. "I hope we find this temple soon. A lot of my magic won't hold up if this rain is in any way magical." The man commented just to let the others know where he was at magically. Still he still had his light magic and his gear to keep him safe. Kite asked what the two wanted to do about finding a way to find the temple they were looking for. "Well if the rumors are true I bet we could find the thing if any of us took to the sky and just looked around a little. It should be a sink hole or something right?" Mashyuu reasoned. It didn't really matter though as magical powers were felt drawing closer to them from the village and easily thirty elemental's started to move in on the trio of Wizards. Mashyuu took up his mountain stance, keeping himself from getting moved by anyone or anything that wasn't truly stronger than he was. "Looks like everyone gets ten. No big deal."

    Mashyuu broke off from the others, knowing how his magic worked and raced past a group, his enhanced speed carried him past five fire and five wind elemental's. Mashyuu's feet planted on the ground and he jumped up while twisting so he could face the group that had turned to fight the God Slayer. Mashyuu pulled his right hand back and opened his palm, sand formed in his hand and started to swirl rapidly while it grew. "Secret Art: Earth Gods Sand Twister!" Mashyuu called out and hurled the small twister straight into the group that had turned to face the Wizard. Just as his feet touched down Mashyuu noticed that the five wind elemental's he had been facing seemingly vanished as his spell hit, their magical powers fading away faster than it arrived. The Wizard raised a brow and shrugged his shoulder then drew Excalibur from the scabbard on his left hip. Quickly Mashyuu lifted the silvered blade and the weapon flared with light when the intent to harm something made itself apparent in Mashyuu. "Kings Cleave!" The brown haired man declared while the twister held the Fire elemental's in place while continuing to damage the creatures. Mashyuu slashed the air and let his weapon launch a wave of pure magical energy through the tornado of sand, causing the tornado to vanish along with the fire elemental's. Mashyuu flourished his weapon and replaced it in the scabbard slowly. As it locked in place he glanced to make sure Kite and Theo were safe then joined them again. "So yeah, if you guys want to go ask around for information I can fly up and try to meet you guys at the temple, maybe clear the way for you. Just say the word."

    WC: 742
    Total: 1322
    Velvet Skydancer
    Velvet Skydancer

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 155
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Dragon's Dance of Life
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Velvet Skydancer 11th May 2017, 4:26 am

    So it seemed that Theo was being thrust into a job almost as soon as he'd begun considering his position in this guild. At first he contemplated turning the offer down and stating his decision to leave there and then. Then he had second thoughts; if he turned them down and left outright it would've gone down about as well as him setting fire to the stool the guildmaster was sat on and laughing at it. No, he would give this guild a chance and build some ties. Even if he still left afterward, he could at least create stronger ties between his current guild and his potential new guild. "I shall do my best." he spoke calmly. Of course, little did he know that the job would be so damn demanding.


    The rune fencer almost passed out immediately upon arrival in Talonia, such was the sudden change in the atmosphere. He fell to one knee, putting one hand to his head as he composed himself. He was used to hot weather in Minstrel, but this was something else entirely. It was a dry heat...for all of 5 seconds before the weather seemed to change in response and coated the trio in a heavy downpour of rain - although still equally as hot as before. "Erratic weather is an understatement." he stated as he got back to his feet and began to follow his teammates in their search for the temple.

    They didn't get far before they came to a complete halt; before their eyes were a ton of creatures that Theo had never seen before. However, upon inspecting them, he could tell they were some type of elementals, likely either a cause or a result of the erratic weather patterns. The larger of his teammates, Mashyuu, immediately set off and began to deal with a cluster of them himself. Kite, the guildmaster, was likely to follow suit. Theo on the other hand was hesitant. This was a large group of ranged-magic wielding creatures, just about the worst possible opposition the fencer could find himself facing. He wouldn't be able to smash through them like Mashyuu had, but he immediately formulated a plan of action. Whipping his rapier out, he readied into a battle stance and began casting, runes appearing upon his feet. A second later he would burst into the fray, leaving a trail of dust behind him as Rapid took effect. The myriad of spells that had been aimed at him hit the dirt behind him as he simply sped past them, swiping at the nearest elemental and then piercing through it. He was now essentially right in the middle of the group of elementals, and they'd all begun charging their next attacks.

    And Theo was ready for them.

    WC: 462
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 16th May 2017, 8:30 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite couldn’t help but smirk upon hearing Mashyuu’s statement regarding how elementals weren’t a concern of his for he had more tricks up his sleeve then light or rocks. ”I look forward to seeing these tricks of yours then.“ he stated casually to the up and coming mage of his guild. Once Theo had joined them in the bar and everything was revealed he made a rather unique offer to the both of them, stating that they both should join his team. Kite replayed the statement over and over again in his head and chuckled after the third or fourth repeat. ”Sorry but I’ll have to decline. My days of being a part of a team are long behind me.“ he said in a clear and somber tone. Truth be told the number of teams he had been apart of and then one way or another they fell to pieces by one means or another. Now as the Guild master on top of it all it may not be the right time to be a team member.

    Upon their arrival to the town each of the mages had something to say about the sudden and changing weather, Mashyuu worried about his magic in the rain, and the sudden change to the intense heat gave Theo reason to remark about the erratic weather. The heat didn’t bother Kite much and the rain was soothing but going back and forth was quite annoying. ”Once we find and put down this goddess of theirs then the weather will go to it’s normal state. No telling how sudden it may be but normal is the goal.“ the word goddess tasted sour on the way out and who could blame him. It was a horde of gods that dropped their guildhall from the sky.

    The spheres rapidly approached the trio from sabertooth, thirty in total leaving exactly 10 for each of them. All in all this should be pretty easy for them, in particular the ones made of flames would be of little problem for him after all they were salamanders made of flames so that rendered them from five foot lizards of fiery doom to five feet of dinner and Kite was hungry for that to come. However the other elementals were made from air to the form of birds and while he didn't believe they would be a challenge of any sort he couldn't deal with them as easily as the flames. Kite began his approach towards his part of the battle. Not going in as head strong as Mashyuu he still approached his prey all the same. Ten broke off from the group to deal with Mashyuu, ten broke off to meet Theo and ten were equally as foolish to approach him for a fight. ”I would have expected elementals smarter than this.“ the weather changed once again and seemingly held over the demon slayer, a downpour of heavy rain. His body steamed even more now as his magic power began to regulate to the surface. Soon enough the steam was overpowered by the sudden appearance of his signature blue flames that poured from his body causing the rain to evaporate before even touching his flames. Instinct must have taken over for the fire elementals for as soon as Kite’s flames ignited two of them charged at him. ”Bring on the feast.“ he dodged one and caught the other by its neck and sunk his teeth into the searing and fiery flesh of the salamander of flames and began to suck down the flames that created the shape of these elementals and within seconds the shape of the elemental was broken down completely and was sucked into his stomach. A burp would escape his mouth followed by his tongue licking his lips, ”not a bad starter but I think I skip the salad and soup and hit the buffet.“ Kite charged at the salamander that had missed in its attempt to attack him and pressed hard into it’s back forcing it to the ground. It fussed around trying to wiggle itself out from under the hungry demon. ”Don’t worry, your pals will be joining you soon.“ he inhaled and with haste sucked in this salamander as well consuming all of its flames and soon it vanished like its other friend. Kite looked over at the three remaining elementals he could eat and then at the five bird like elementals. Content for now Kite was ready to drop these birds in their place, his hands were positioned in front of his body as he gathered up his flames and condensed them into a sphere in the space between both of his hands. The blue sphere of fire began to grow in mass to the point he had to raise the large sphere of flames above his head. ”Flame Demon’s Inferno Destroyer. “ he heaved the entire sphere at the group of elementals striking a bird and exploding upon impact catching the birds and the salamanders near it in the fiery sphere. The Salamanders took no damage but the birds weren’t left unscathed. Kite charged in instantly kicking a salamander out of the way and jumping onto the back of a bird, Kite’s hand was pressed against the back of it’s head ”Flame away.“ and he cloaked it in coat of flames shot from the palm of his hand slamming the bird down on the ground. Planting his feet, Kite launched himself away from the bird as the salamander shot a stream of fire from it’s mouth. A wind elemental came in next to the attacking salamander and both released a spell at Kite, creating an explosion that would have hurt if not for one fact. Kite’s mouth had sucked in flames of the explosion and aside from some smoking spots on his coat he was unhurt. There was a veil of smoke between them so the elementals were unaware of this fact and he took full advantage of this. Kite charged through and slammed the bird with an extended leg from a push kick causing it to crash into the ground. The salamander jumped at him but was side stepped and met a spinning back fist that sent it into its salamander brothers. ”Fire rocket“ Kite’s feet ignited and in an instant he landed feet first on the salamanders. ”tasty“ he inhaled deep sucking the last of the salamanders so now it was only the birds. ”Are you all that’s left?“ the birds flapped and swooped back and forth and despite not having any sort of visual emotion he knew that the flame salamanders and the birds combo attack was their trump card. ”Let’s finish this shall we?“ he pulled his sword from the small of his back and pulled the trigger causing the gears to shift and pushed the blade straight out forming the large broad sword fully. He charged in with a horizontal slash at the nearest bird cutting though it’s body of air. Following through he spun on his foot and landed a back kick knocking the bird to the ground. A sphere of flames gathered before his mouth and soon he leaned back and then craned his head forward, ”Flame Demon’s Rage!“ and just like that from the back of his mouth he released a stream of flames which caught the remaining birds in the blast. Craters and trenches dug into the ground from all of the fire power released from Kite now littered the land near Talonia with blue flames flickering all over the place. Kite began to walk away towards his teammates who were finished or finishing up their own opponents but stopped when he heard the sudden flapping sound. Kite would turn to see two birds in the air flying towards him but the demon slayer wasn’t worried. His hand was balled into a fist and pulled back with a swirl of blue flames circling it, ”Should have stayed down. Now I put you down.“ he threw his hand forward and shot a gigantic hand at the birds slamming into them and exploding, ”Flame Demon’s Desolation fist.“ streaks of air fluttered into the air as a result. ”Air and fire… I wonder how many more are littered around the area.“ he would ask himself looking around calculating the damage done from the first fight, ”We can’t afford to fight in the open anymore. Time to take the fight to them. Mashyuu if you can find this temple go for it. I’ll hold the fort here until you return.“

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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 17th May 2017, 7:39 pm

    The trio of Sabertooth Wizards were already proving that they were as their reputation stated, better than any ten Wizards that roamed the earth. The team made quick work of the elemental's with Kite using more magic than the others but to be fair he had plenty to feed on in order to restore his powers. Soon enough the Wizards regrouped and considered how to go about dealing with everything in the town. "Agreed. Fighting our way through the city is only going to drain our mana and risk lives that we could save. Okay, I'll take a look from above and find the temple. Look for the golden light in the sky, that will be me above the temple.See you guys soon." Mashyuu saluted the others and started to break off into a run. Quickly he flexed his forearms, putting tension on his stone bracers and jumped up with his legs spread apart in a firm stance. The ground under him broke off and floated up to catch him. Without warning Mashyuu was high in the air sailing over the village. Should have brought Itsu with us, she would have been good for recon in this place. She is faster than most the Wizards in Sabertooth and hits just as hard as most of em too. Mashyuu thought to himself while he scanned the ground below, looking down at all the elemental's in town. A lot of them were dragging people out of their homes and to a pit in the ground. Mashyuu's bright glowing eyes narrowed while he followed the trail the fire elemental's were making. Like ants leaving an ant hill he could see how they seemed to be taking the towns folk to a large pit. It looked like something once rested at the center of the crowded town.

    "That is for sure where the temple used to be... considering there are a ton of air elemental's circling above it like hawks..." Mashyuu sighed, he wouldn't be able to use his Earth Magic as effectively against air elemental's and he wasn't sure how great his light magic would fair either but he still had a few tricks up his sleeve. Mashyuu sailed on his board of stone towards the elemental's of air, figuring it best to deal with them before he signaled the others and calling them to the hole before he could take out any air support. Before he even arrived on the scene Mashyuu had started to count the amount of air elemental's he could see flying around the radius of the crater in the ground. Five of each element surrounded the crater, earth, fire, water were all on the ground and in the air were wind elemental's. Mashyuu sighed, knowing he would have to do a dive bomb on the others when the team knew where to converge on. "All right, lets fuck up some air." Mashyuu muttered under his breath and sailed towards the five elemental's. Mashyuu pulled his right fist back, the black leather and cold metal of his gloves tensing up while he focused his power and a pair of elemental's started to fly at him. Mashyuu took aim and his body lit up with golden light, changing his hair color to match the light that flooded off his body. "Super Dragon Fist!" He shouted, throwing his fist forward to allow a massive black dragon of shadow to explode out of his fist, slamming into two Wind Elemental's, blowing the creatures backwards in a spiral. Two more sets of whipping air flanked Mashyuu and launched a blast of wind at the Slayer, hitting him hard enough to nearly bounce him around. The man started to stumble on his platform of stone, the only thing that kept him from stumbling off the earth board was the fact that he had been blasted from both flanks. Held in place from the two blasts he barely managed to glance up in time to see the third elemental come up above him and prepare for an attack. The God Slayer winced and drew a deep breath then called out: "Quick Silver!" His body became wrapped in a flexible metal that reflected all three elemental's backwards with their own power. Mashyuu fell to his knee and took a deep breath while glancing around to see all five of the monster like elemental's regrouping and getting ready to strike again. "Crap, these things don't quit..." He complained while glancing over his shoulder to see if Kite and Theo were on the way. His nose twitched, feeling the air move in on him from a head on position. His body naturally lifted to a fighting stance and his gloves activated more of its power. "Sky Breaker!" He shouted and drove his left arm in a cross hook, blasting apart two elemental's in the process. "Okay, three more! Light Dragon's Holy Rain!" Mashyuu shouted and condensed power in his palms then unleashed it at his left and right, creating two mid ranged blasts of burning cone shaped light that seared the wind elemental's at his flanks. With four of the five monsters destroyed the last one soared down into the cavern below and vanished, apparently to warn whatever was ordering them around. "Good thing these things don't know about Kite and Theo.."

    WC: 895
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    Velvet Skydancer
    Velvet Skydancer

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Velvet Skydancer 22nd May 2017, 1:31 am

    The elementals launched their attacks almost in unison, making it surprisingly easy to dodge them. Theo focused on one of the elementals in front of him, a dark brown one that was launching a blast of sand at him. With Rapid still in effect, he surged forwards as his blade began to turn green and, in one quick motion, sidestepped and pierced the elemental. His rapier glowed as the wind energy the runes had gifted the blade began to take effect, ripping through the elemental and, within seconds, it was completely gone. Theo turned to face the remaining elementals, preparing to strike again when he heard Kite speaking to Mashyuu about finding the temple. A solid plan seeing as how they were barely on the outskirts of the town and they were facing this many opponents. If they tried to fight through, they'd either be completely drained before they reached the temple or simply dead. Neither was an ideal scenario to say the least.

    Still, there were elementals still here to face. Theo had dealt with three of them fairly easily but it was a slow process. He was beginning to curse his limited abilities right about now - why hadn't he tried to create a spell to hit multiple enemies yet? It would have saved him so much time and effort. Alas he couldn't dwell on that for long as the elementals continued their assault, causing him to continuously weave between incoming blasts of magic as he attempted to approach them. Unfortunately he was still outnumbered and a stray blast of wind caught him off-guard, sending him flying backwards to the floor. The fencing prodigy quickly recovered and rolled to his left, barely dodging a scorching as a blast of fire magic hit the ground where he'd been sprawled just seconds ago. "Kite, how many have you got left?" he would call out, not looking at the guildmaster as he watched the seven elementals still in front of him and awaited their next move. If they could finish this group off quickly and if Mashyuu found the entrance to the temple fast enough then they could duck into cover and, with any luck, avoid any more elementals. Truth be told, he was embarrassed at how much he was struggling with these creatures.

    Once again he had no time to dwell on this as one of them charged at him; it was a dark blue one this time and it seemed to be thriving in the current downpour as it sped forward considerably faster than the others had been travelling. Once again Theo was faster though. Just as the creature was feet from him and about to pummel him, runes coated the young man's body and he phased out, his body disappearing from in front of his would-be attacker and appearing directly behind it, his sword now turning blue. He plunged it directly into the elemental much like before, only this time it began to turn lighter in colour as its body began to freeze and turn clear. Theo could hear more abilities charging behind him as the elementals, clearly incensed by his movements, were looking to finish him. He waited a few seconds, holding the rapier in place as the elemental continued to turn more and more solid. Then, as the other enemies launched their assault, he jumped aside. The effects of the myriad of magical energies hitting the now frozen water elemental was a sight to behold; in a blast of white light the elemental simply exploded into thousands of fragments of ice. Theo meanwhile was now stood beside Kite, somehow making his way to the larger man without even intending to do so.

    WC: 616
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 2nd June 2017, 7:26 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite didn’t move from the spot where he fired his desolation fist at the last of the bird shaped elementals reducing it to wisps of air in the sky. Azure flames littered the ground around him from the destruction he brought upon the elementals. ”Those flames didn't taste too bad.“ he said to himself before hearing the voice of Theo calling to him asking how many more Kite had left to deal with. Kite turned his gaze over to his guild member and observed as he dealt with the seven remaining elementals. Out of the two he was having the most difficulty with the swarm of creatures and Kite had every intention of lending his aid but first he wanted to see and evaluate this Theo’s magical ability. He watch as Theo used his runes to turn himself into essentially a non corporeal being with numerous runes and let the bird made out of air pass right through him  and then countered by sticking the now blindsided elemental with the pointy end of his rapier and froze it solid to the point that in a matter of seconds the avatar exploded into pieces due to the attack of the other elementals. Theo had backed up trying to make space between himself and the other remaining elementals but upon doing so he managed to reach Kite’s location and was right next to him. The Guildmaster reached up and put his hand on the shoulder of Theo and gave him a smirk, ”There is Six left. Why don’t you handle a couple of the Birds, leave overgrown fire lizards to me.“ Kite didn’t hesitate nor did he wait for Theo to answer, he was already on his way to handle the Fire elementals. He walked normally towards the battle ahead but when he was within fifteen feet of his first target the three of them lowered their stance and hissed at Kite and in turn he inhaled and sharply exhaled letting loose a small puff of Azure flames from the nostrils of his nose ”I can make noise too! Now get over here.“ They snarled and the first of the three came at him but instead of charging in he let the beastie get close and right when the time was right Kite lifted his sword and dropped it onto the Salamander. The sword pinned it’s body on the ground and due to the actual weight of the sword without the enchantment reducing the weight of the weapon it wasn’t going anywhere. The next two wouldn’t wait for a one at a time approach, instead they attacked at the same time looking to pounce on the demon slayer. They were a little too far for him to consume their flames so he decided to take a different approach, pure offense.

    Kite’s hand was pulled back and it was open and in one motion he pushed it forward releasing a wave of heat in the form of a circle in front of him. Inside this wall of heat ripples of azure flames began to form twelve total. ”Flame Demon’s Inferno Burst.“ He shouted as twelve projectiles erupted from the pockets of fire and rained down on the salamanders. However the flames passed right through them leaving them unharmed. ”Shit.“ he said to himself having to adjust his battle strategy now. One was a bit closer than the other so having little time to pull of a sneaky move Kite reached out with his left hand and grabbed the one by it’s throat. With the first salamander being held in the air by it’s neck with a firm grip Kite pushed it into the oncoming Salamander smacking it away and slamming the one he was still holding into the ground. ”So Fire doesn’t work on you bastards. Almost had me…. almost.“ he opened his mouth and started suck in fiery body of the salamander. It squirmed under his grip but soon it’s fight stopped and it was no more. Not satisfied Kite walked over to the other salamander but it released a stream of fire from it’s mouth catching Kite in the attack. Kite walked through the smoke and fire with little burns on his clothes. Drawing his rose saber from his back emerged from the flames to reveal himself to his enemy and dashed right at the salamander with his sword held across his chest with his right hand he was on top of the enemy before it could actually react. He pulled it across with a reverse swing and slashed horizontally at the salamander and cut through it’s body. The salamander screamed and lunged at Kite but he side stepped and swung his sword across it’s back as it went by. ”I don’t feel like eating you.“ He pulled out an elemental lacrima bomb that was tinted with the color of blue and released it from his grip to let it drop next to the salamander. Kite walked back to the last fire elemental that was still struggling under his sword but only when he reached did the water filled explosive lacrima explode taking out the target in a watery explosion. Kite crouched down next to the salamander and smirked, ”You I will eat.“ he said to it as he reached down and lifted up his weapon off the back of the salamander but already had the point of the rose saber driving down into the back of the fire lizard pinning it to the ground. ”Sorry no running away for you.“ he said as he grabbed it by it’s tail and pulled it into his mouth and literally bit into the fiery flesh and in an instant all the flames that made it’s body rushed into his mouth. Kite’s hand gripped the handle of rose and pulled it from the ground and looked over at Theo to see how he was doing. He also looked in the direction Mashyuu took off in ”Be there shortly Mashyuu.“

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Gvf4gD8



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd June 2017, 1:16 pm

    It seemed Kite and Theo were being held up by something. Mashyuu glanced back over his shoulder but could feel the Sabertooth Wizards still standing. The two would arrive eventually. For now Mashyuu needed to secure the area at least. That way the pair would have a place to catch their breath when the arrived, not only that but Mashyuu didn't know if they were coming out the way they were going in. If so, they really didn't need to have to fight more after they cleared out the temple that was in the ground. Fire, Earth and Water. Mashyuu was going to have an issue with one of those elements. So the Earth would be last. Fire first and Water second just to work up to the hardest thing then be able to coast through the finish line. In the air Mashyuu circled around the crater in the ground, quickly lowering himself until he was level with the ground and jumped off his earth board, letting it fall to the ground at his side. He stood in the center of town, a crater at least a mile long in front of him, behind him streets and buildings of all shapes and sizes. Mashyuu took his mountain stance as flames danced closer to him and moved around to start surrounding the God Slayer. A wide grin spread over his face as he watched the red and orange hues take the shape of man. These things weren't going to slow him down, no. They were just going to turn to ash before him when he was done. Mashyuu closed his eyes and focused on the power inside his body. "Secret Art: Earth Gods Intercepting Sand!" Sand literally spilled out of Mashyuu's body and swarmed around him, unmoving at the moment but that wouldn't last. Still he knew that speed had to come first against fire, Kite wasn't around to hit the flames or eat them. For now he needed to keep the things at bay or destroy them before the water and earth elemental's could get to the fight.

    Mashyuu let his spiked magical boots power his speed, glowing for just a moment as the dormant magical power surged through him. The young Wizard became a blur of color as he moved, darting to the left in a straight line before quickly circling around and moving in a rotating pattern around the fire elemental's, narrowly avoiding balls of flame that were hurled at him. At his flanks and behind him explosions went off, the flames licking at his heels with every step he took. Mashyuu continued to close the gap between him and the fire elemental's then broke into a mad dash towards the creatures and lined his body up with the line of five elemental's. Golden sparks flung off Mashyuu's body as he charged, he knew normal strikes wouldn't have an effect on these things and he would need some sort of energy attack to deal any sort of real damage. When he was about to slam into the fire creatures he jumped off the ground and let his body soar towards them. "Lightning leap!" Mashyuu's body converted into a series of golden bolts of electricity that dug into the living flames. The blast of electricity came out the other side of the Elemental's and twisted around before changing back into Mashyuu. As he reformed the God Slayer was holding his left arm out and the cross that hung off his wrist from a small silver chain pulsed with blue energy. The blue energy exploded out of his hand and formed a bow shaped like a web in his palm. A sly smile spread over his lips as he pulled back the string of the bow and hundreds of arrows formed along the web lines of the bow. "Hail of Arrows!" He shouted as he released his bowstring. The bowstring slammed into the bow and launched a volley of arrows into the fire Elemental's, causing the flames to shrink in size, showing they were weakening.

    Mashyuu sighed when his two attacks didn't seem to take out any of the fire elemental's. Things weren't going as planned and that was starting to get to the Wizard more than he cared to admit. One of the fire creatures broke away from the group and lobbed a blazing sphere at the God Wizard, his Dragon Slayer powers absorbed the light from the blazing orb, making dark fire that burned just as hot but the magical light from the flames fueled his own magical energies. Mashyuu jumped backwards as the fire ball that was launched at him hit the ground and exploded, burning Mashyuu's arms as he threw them up over his face to shield him from the magical energy that reached his body. The God Slayer touched down on the ground and thought for a moment then placed his hand on the ground, charging it with mana. "Earth Gods Basilisk Wall!" He commanded, the ground before him shot up to a massive height and length, three dog like heads stuck out of the wall, facing the fire Elemental's and turned the creatures to stone, locking them in place. "Okay, water next.... God I hope the others get here soon."

    WC: 881
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    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 19th June 2017, 8:48 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite would utter the words about telling Mashyuu, who was no where near him that he would be there to help as he looked back at Theo, the mage hadn’t made his move against the three remaining air elementals. Knowing full well that time was of the essence that that Mashyuu very well might be up against any number of elementals, Kite would act now and take care of these things once and for all. Kite would place his sword against his back and let the rose saber secure itself around his torso while at the same time pulled the trigger all the way in which started the gears in his weapon to spin and crank to life. The segmented parts of the blade started to angle backwards and created a curve in the back of the blade. A new red edge revealed itself locking the curve in place and also acted like the blade of the scythe, the entire blade pivoted on the handle and the hilt extended like a telescope creating the long handle of the weapon. With both hands on the handle Kite gave the entire weapon a twirl in the air and ended with a long golf swing like motion and let the shaft of the weapon lean against his shoulder as he walked towards the elementals, ”I have no interest in playing with you airheads any longer.“ He picked up his pace and soon was running towards the three remaining air elementals, he didn’t want them to separate, he didn’t want to pick them off separated no in a group so that this could end swiftly. His first move was to lift the butt of the shaft and jabbed it into the closest elemental like a spear pushing it back as well as causing damage. Twisting his hand that held the weapon in it so the blade was pointing in towards Kite he spun and repositioned his arm so as he spun backwards the blade of the scythe bit into the next air elemental and with a yank the blade cleaved through it’s wing made of air causing it to drop where it once hovered. The third one flew off and double back to attack the demon slayer and he spun his scythe again so the blade was at the standard position for a scythe to be held with one hand just under the neck of the blade and his other hand holding it down lower to give a more powerful swing and swung it at the bird only for it to dip out of the way with a barrel roll and still came in for the attack. Kite would rotate his body with the momentum of his attack so he would just be missed by the bird and released the neck of the scythe from the grip of his right hand and with his left held the blade out and used his spin move to have added power to his one handed swing and would catch the elemental by its shoulder and cleave right through it. It’s two pieces would spin and crash to the ground. The unharmed bird flapped it’s wings as it hovered over it’s injured companion and left itself open for what Kite had next. Retaking its place, his right hand would grip around the neck of the scythe and would hold it back as if he were going to swing it but instead stood there with a smirk on his face. ”This isn’t meant for beings like you...“ the scythe blade started to glow first and spread down through the weapon so it were completely glowing with an awesome power. ”but I won’t be picky. Demon Hunter!“ The glow revealed its true nature as the blade morphed into a larger blade in both length and thickness creating a more moon shaped blade. Flames would then engulf his body and took off at a speed that let him close the distance between himself and the two elementals but that wasn’t enough, he would swing his newly formed scythe cutting not through one but through both birds. The one that was hovering was bisected while the one with the missing wing merely lost its head. The elemental’s forms would whisp into the air until there was nothing left of either one of them. The Demon hunter form would vanish and Kite would withdraw his weapon fully placing it on the small of his back and rushed in the direction he saw Mashyuu flying off to.

    He wasn’t sure exactly where Mashyuu had gotten but once he was close enough he would be able to pick up his scent and if the Earth god slayer had managed to find some sort of combat he would let out enough magical energy for him to detect it. Luckily the latter was the case and Mashyuu was causing enough of a ruckus for him to do so and ran in that direction. Upon reaching he discovered the massive destruction that was caused by the god slayer, ”Well if I were to say anything about him it be that he knows how to lay the smackdown.“ he then saw Mashyuu leave waste to a fire elemental by simply turning it to stone leaving a water elemental shaped like a mermaid left. Using his fire rocket one last time he went airborne until he was able to angle himself and started to dive down right over it’s head with blue flames spilling from his right hand and then his left bringing them together creating a fireball in between them and it kept growing. He would rotate forward in the air in a front flip like motion keeping the massive sphere above his head and right when he was ontop of the elemental he would slam the ball down on top of it ”Flame Demon’s Inferno Destroyer!“ teh explosion was massive catching the elemental in not only the impact of the spell but the explosion but that wasn’t enough, next was for Kite to put this foe down. The flames around Kite changed from the azure flames of his Flame Demon Slayer magic to a new color of flame, a flame that he had not used since his last dealing with Marshy, a flame that wasn’t suited for a mage of good like him to use but he had enough of these things. ”Nether Flame’s howl“ he released the purple black flames from his mouth slamming it into the water elemental cloaking it in the flames. It writhed in pain as the flames of death ate at it, burned it to the point where it wouldn’t move due to the pain shooting through its body, ”Sorry I’m late. Find anything good?” he would ask Mashyuu curious if the earth god slayer has been fighting this entire time or if he managed to investigate anything.

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Gvf4gD8



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 20th June 2017, 9:51 am

    Mashyuu had just finished off an elemental by turning it to stone with his Basilisk wall when he felt the somewhat familiar energy of Kite soaring up above him. He twisted on his heels and at the waist, glowing blue eyes watching the Wizard ignite his hand with blue flames that seemed to spin and heat up as he closed in on the water elemental. "Oh hell, this guy is gonna evaporate that thing. I need to move!" Mashyuu shouted when he saw Kite moving in on the monster. He twisted and started to run, jumping away just in time to escape the blast radius of Kite's spell. Mashyuu slid across the ground hard, slowly twisting until he could watch as Kite finished off the monster with some sort of evil fire that made the holy light Slayer's skin crawl with intense anger. He wasn't sure if he liked the idea that Kite was using a sort of element that a woman who once kidnapped him had used to nearly kill the God Slayer a year ago.

    Slowly Mashyuu pulled himself up to his feet as Kite rejoined him. "...Um. So what happened to Theo? He wasn't killed or something was he? Are you injured? Because if you are I can heal the wound." Mashyuu both asked and explained while he took in his surroundings. The past few minutes had been filled with so much combat that he wasn't even sure what was going on at the moment. It took a minute but Mashyuu realized what Kite was asking him and nodded his head up and down. "Yeah, turns out these thins are guarding a church or temple or something, see that ledge there? Deep down is what looks like a church that was dragged under ground. I'd bet we need to go in from above and work our way down and to the ground floor to find whatever is causing these elementals. By the way, is it just me or do you feel like your magic is stronger here? It's a little exciting right?"

    Carefully Mashyuu walked to the edge of the area where the church seemed to have been dragged deep into the ground and peered down. His light dragon slayer lacrima had given his eyes the gift of darkvision, allowing him to see in the darkest of nights, something that had come in handy more than once. A long whistle escaped through his mouth when he saw the grand building hundreds of meters under ground. "So we are looking at grey and black brick and steel, the church is more of a tower than a one story building and I really don't think it's smart to just jump down there. Let me get us a ride." He pointed to a large stone that had been knocked lose during the last skirmish. Slowly it quaked under the will of Mashyuu's magic bracers and floated up to rest level with the ledge where the ground had been pulled down. Mashyuu lazily stepped onto the stone and motioned for Kite to follow. "Ready to smash some Gods or whatever it is we are supposed to actually do?" He asked while crossing his arms over his chest.

    It didn't take too long for the duo to touch down on the domed roof at the center of the tall building, on any side of them were deadly metal spikes that reached up high into the air, seemingly reducing the distance between the building and the sink hole, not that falling on them would have been a fun thing. Mashyuu stepped off his flying earth and grabbed the large stone, quickly eating it to restore some of his lost magic. Once it was finished he wiped his mouth of stone crumbs and looked around under his spiked brown boots. "Looks like this dome is glass and supported by metal beams. If we are going in with stealth I can cut the glass and catch it, ya know since glass is just heated sand. If you think you can cut through the beams a little with your fire. Or if you think we can fit between the spaces of the beams?" He asked while motioning towards the crisscrossing patterns of the beams holding up the painted blue glass that was a tight meter apart at each intersection. Mashyuu glanced at Kite and followed his lead.

    A few moments later the pair dropped down from a support beam and landed on hard marble tile, Mashyuu let his legs bend as he landed and rolled backwards to reduce impact on his body. Quickly he found himself on his feet, gazing about from side to side in order to get a good look at their surroundings. "See this is why I hate established religion so much. Look around. The top floor of this place is a marble floored office for the head priest. These guys tell the poor and weak minded that by praying to a god at one spot, and giving up what little coin they have, all their prayers will be answered. But really all that money goes to is making the coin purses of the priests fatter while the weak continue to suffer. This is no good." Mashyuu spat on the floor, almost happy this place had been taken down into the ground. Still a job was a job and they were getting paid to stop whatever Deity was destroying this town.

    Mashyuu found his hands curling into tight fists and opening again as he struggled to not simply rip open the nearest door and work his way down to kill every elemental that was in this place until he found the God he was destined to slay. "Ahhh! It's like this place is making me go crazier the closer we get to the thing we are looking for! When we find the God I'm gonna rip his arms off and beat him to death with them...." Mashyuu nearly shouted while digging his fingers into his palms, nearly ripping the metal and leather of his gloves in the process. Quickly he stormed to the door and pulled it open, revealing a set of winding steps that led deeper down, allowing for Kite to take the lead. "Take the lead for a minute, let me restore some lost stamina."

    WC: 1063
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    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th June 2017, 4:58 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite's slam dunk styled attack was a surprise for sure and that was the point, with the water elemental focused on the God Slayer the flame demon slayer would have a perfect opening to attack from an unexpected angle. Luckily for the both of them Mashyuu had noticed Kite's fiery descent onto the elemental and the last thing Kite saw before the sphere was large enough to slam into the water elemental and deal enough damage to potentially evaporate it, with that not being the case Kite had no choice but resort to his hidden flames which once it were used he would walk to Mashyuu's current location but would be sure to take note of the way he was looking at the purple black flames but figured it be best he leave it alone. The flames were something that he considered a curse, at the cost of his soul he was able to save someone who he had considered dear to him but these flames were now his burden to bare. Thankfully Mashyuu hadn't asked about the flames but instead inquired about the status of Theo, the third mage that had joined them here. Kite looked back towards the location where he had come from and looked back at Mashyuu. ”I'm not too sure exactly. He had a few enemies left but he just sorta stood there.“ He said and then looked at the temple's entrance, ”He should be safe once we deal with the one in charge.“ once Mashyuu asked the next question Kite did a quick check of himself, ”Nah I should be fine. I didn't have too much of a issue with them. I just ate the fire ones.“ he would smirk and pat his stomach happy with the meal he had so far. Kite's turn to ask his questions and luckily Mashyuu had a very good answer for him, apparently he discovered that these elemental were protecting a literal underground church. Mashyuu pointed to a ledge and Kite followed what Mash was saying and listened as he shared his theory that the church was dragged below the surface and was the source of the elementals and while it wasn't stated Kite pieced together an additional fact and once it was determined that they would need to go down to the temple from up high Kite would add his thought to Mash's impressive deduction, ”If you are right about the elementals being originated here then most likely the cause of the climate change too. If we are lucky two elementals one temple.“ he said summing up his own thoughts. Mash also stated something regarding the increase of magical power since their arrival and at first Kite wasn't sure but now that he was looking for it he noticed the ether density was abnormal but that could be due to the outflow of so many elementals in one area.”I have. Interesting indeed.“

    Kite would peer over the edge with Mashyuu to look down the dark deep hole in the earth where the church was located. It was dark and he couldn't see anything clearly but he didn't sense any sort of energy signature that the elementals gave off so for the most part it was safe from that standpoint but what he couldn't see was the bottom but it seemed that Mashyuu could. Being a light dragon slayer to a degree must have enhanced his sight in the dark, he only had insight due to his own time as a white dragon slayer, but Kite listened as his earth God slayer shared with Kite his observations. The church was a tower made from black brick, steel and other building materials and with the building's construction confirmed he had another thing confirmed that he figured was already the case, the jump from there wouldn't work out too well but the earth slayer had a perfect solution. With a slight quake that shook some debris from the ledge a large stone floated over and was resting on level with the ledge. Kite was ushered on and stood still with his hands on his hips waiting for Mash to do whatever it was he was about to do. The stone lowered down towards the tower and Kite couldn't help but take a step forward and lean over to watch as the their platform lowered onto the domed roof of the tower that was surrounded with spear like spikes that wouldn't be fun to fall on. The dome was made of glass and Mash had the idea of cutting through it and gave other options however Kite already had formulated his plan but figured it would be a not so good idea to to blow his way through and went with the slipping between beams. He found it difficult to fit due to his weapons on his back but with a little extra effort he made it work and soon enough he dropped down onto the marble floor with Mashyuu and looked up at the dome having an urge to blow the roof clean off. His eyes would shift as Mashyuu explained that he hated established religion and went on to explain his opinions. ”You aren't wrong.“ he would say in agreement, ”objects, ideas and people who pray off the weaknesses and the superstition are everywhere.“ he would flicker a flame on his finger glowing pure azure lighting the smirk on his face. ”We are Sabertooth. A guild built around the strength of spirit and all that is good.“ He would look around at the building and the floor, said all he had to say at the time but Mash started to act different, his aggression was increasing but at the same time a god slayer with his aggression pointed at an unlucky god would be bad news for that deity. He stormed ahead and opened the door revealing a set of steps winding down into the depths of the tower. Kite took the lead as Mash stepped aside in order to recover his stamina. Kite walked past but pulled out one of the flasks of he pulled from the his pocket and tossed it to Mash. ”Here. This should help put a pep in your step.“ he stepped to the first step and lit his hand a blaze with his azure flame. ”This place might have hurt and caused more damage than the good it promised." The flames grew brighter, ”Faith didn't allow the people here peace, Faith won't fix the weather, faith won't stop this god's wrath. Faith won't save them. This flame will.“ he said to himself and let his flames morph into a long spear made out of his azure flames and brought it up. ”No more stealth. Let's take the fight to this god.“  He spiked the spear of flames into the stairs, ”Purgatory Spear!“ the flaming spear pierced the stairs and with more power than he knew his spell had in it and went all the way down melting and destroying the stair case completely with an explosion at the bottom. ”That was unexpected.“ he noticed his power had increased on that attack. A wicked smile grew across his lips and looked back at Mash, ”Going down.“ he said as he took a step off he edge and dropped down the tower and landed on the ground below where the marble flooring was melted and disfigured. ”Time to fire things up.“

    tag: --- // words: 1237 // theme: ---

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    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 25th June 2017, 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Gvf4gD8



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 26th June 2017, 10:34 am

    As Kite took the lead, Mashyuu had mostly stopped paying attention while he started to scrambled through his pockets on the inside of his gear to find his supply train. He forget about it often and tried to get the potion that restored magical power when suddenly Kite told Mash to catch. His glowing eyes went wide as his hands shot out and batted the bottle around in the air, after a moment of fumbling with the glass item he caught it in his palms and looked at the potion with a smirk on his face. He lifted the bottle high and opened his mouth, slowly nursing the drink while Kite continued on to climb down the steps while having almost a villain monologue with himself, creating a large fire spear that caused Mashyuu to giggle and choke on part of the potion as it got caught in his throat. He removed the bottle and nudged Kite's shoulder from behind. "Hey man, calm down. We are gonna take care of this thing and go home. So long as we make sure we go get Theo after this. I'm afraid he might forget how to get home at this rate." Mashyuu joked and put the bottle back to his lips, taking another swig, already feeling better. It was then that Kite decided it was a good idea to slam his flaming spear into the steps below him and the case quaked, not so much that any normal person would notice but Mashyuu's tremor sense ripped through him, alerting him to the danger at hand. Mashyuu winced and took a step back, about ready to turn tail and run away when the steps fell in, stopping just short of dropping Kite in the process. The Demon Slayer turned to look at Mashyuu and in turn he smiled back. "Yeah lets go end this I guess." Mashyuu responded and dropped down with Kite to the first floor.

    Both men hit the ground hard first Kite then Mashyuu. As usual, Mashyuu didn't roll with the fall and planted his legs firmly in the ground as if he were a tree that refused to move. He couldn't help it, the brown haired man drew a deep breath as he felt the first floor start to break under them. At least he knew there was a basement now. "Sorry bro." He apologized as the ground gave way and the pair fell another twenty feet into a dark, ruble filled room that was the size of the church. Mashyuu picked himself up off the ground and looked straight ahead towards the beast made of all the elements, constantly shifting in appearance, as if it had no true form. It stood at fifteen foot tall and unleashed a tremor causing roar at the two Sabertooth Wizards. Mashyuu glanced at Kite to make sure he was okay then reached into the one pocket he always kept the same thing in. "When you see the opening finish this thing... Going Force!" Mashyuu pulled a glowing white glass potion from his pocket and slammed it to the ground. Normally the light would heal those who were washed up in it but Mashyuu inhaled the light, his skin absorbing the energy. Mashyuu's canine teeth extended past his lips, blue eyes flashed vibrantly while his skin turned to a tough hide and thick scales. Waves of redish brown and golden light exploded out of his body while he dropped to a knee and he cracked his neck. Magical energy was overflowing from his body while he allowed a massive blue light to explode out of the Slayer to envelop the room. "Light Dragon's Domain: Transition!" He called out and thanks to the rubble of the steps and the roof Mashyuu vanished, trading places with a broken step next to the God that had risen from the depths of hell or wherever it was from. Mashyuu spun around the moment he appeared and drove his knee into the flaming head of the monster then vanished again by speaking the word -transition- He appeared again next to Kite and opened his palm, magical energy swirling from his hand as sand started to whip around. He threw it and shouted. "Secret Art:
    Earth Gods Sand Twister!"

    The resulting spell smashed into the God who was stunned from the sudden display that Mashyuu gave, causing the monster to get hit with the spell, enveloping it with bludgeoning sand that kept the monster at bay while Mashyuu glanced to Kite and shrugged his shoulders. "Kite get your licks in before it recovers then lets hit it with a unison raid!"

    WC: 779
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    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 2nd July 2017, 5:36 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite went on a small rant, speaking to himself and it must have been out of sorts for him, even Mashyuu who was a hot head himself told him that he needed to calm down. The reminder for them to locate Theo before heading home got Kite to focus more on his guild and less on the strange dark emotion he was feeling. Kite would nod but still proceed forward and would cause the staircase to completely be destroyed by his flames. Jumping down before Mashyuu Kite stuck the landing well enough and wait for the god slayer to join him. While he waited he couldn’t help but notice the strange and strong magic presence nearby. It was nearly masked by the intense ether in the air but just as Mashyuu landed next to him with a loud thud. The floor shook and soon it gave way completely from the force Mashyuu exerted upon his landing. Soon the duo from Sabertooth found themselves in the basement of the massive basement of the church. ”It’s fine. If that’s the worst that happens I am okay with that.“ He would reassure his friend however he spoke too soon. As soon as his red orbs locked onto the figure before them. It was a being like none he had seen before and it roared something fierce at the two of them. The force of the blast was enough to knock Kite backwards and down on his butt from the attack. In the mean while Kite watched as Mashyuu went force and started to go all out on the god once he was done eating his light. Kite stood up straight and smirked, ”works for me.“ he said pulled out a set of three lacrima full to the brim with fire. Kite smashed all three together forcing them to explode right in front of him and as quick as the explosion occurred Kite was already ingesting every last flame that presented itself to him. With his mana over flowing Kite would waste no time and soon his blue flames would surround him entirely but soon the purple black flames of nether would seep out and mix with his azure flames creating a mix of both flames. Kite’s eyes would go black and his azure flames would stream from his mouth as if the flames couldn’t be contained by his body anymore. He hated this mode, he hated resorting to these flames but at the end of the day if it helped stop this god he would gladly use them. The flames surrounding him would swirl around him and close above him creating a torrent of flames around him while he crouched slightly leaning forward. Once Mashyuu was done with his assault on the god and out of the way Kite launched himself like a rocket just cleared for take off at Tessara striking the god in the midsection and push it into a wall, ”Netherflame devil’s hellraiser.“ the flames from the attack would vanish and instantly the God would take a swipe at the demon slayer. Kite would jump just out of it’s reach and extend his hand shooting a stream of blue and black flames at it searing a symbol into it. It would chuckle and attempt to summon it’s elementals but as soon as it did the crest would blow instead dealing damage to it as a result causing it to scream in pain. ”Does it hurt?“ It wasn’t happy and would lunch at Kite with its gnarled teeth and would sink them into him.

    Kite’s arms would reach out and latch onto it, subjecting it to the black aura cloaking it completely in it burning it completely but he wasn’t done. ”Time to burn. Eruption!“ a sudden and massive explosion would ensnare the god in flames of both orientation and would writhe in pain from the fire power. Kite would toss the smoldering body of the god to the side and look back at his partner. Remembering Mashyuu’s words Kite would look at his guild member and smile. ”That sounds like fun.“ He would jump back and begin to focus all his flames into a sphere in front of his mouth. It was his Flame demon’s raging Inferno, the move he used when he was forced to blow his guild apart, it was fitting that he would use this spell on an opponent that was referred to as a god. ”Whatever you are thinking of doing let's do it. “ he would crane his head forward and whether he added something to the sphere hovering in front of Kite’s face or after the blast was shot Kite would release it all. ”NetherFlame Demon’s Raging Inferno!“ he would launch the attack, a large cone shape blast of fire rushing at the would be god.

    tag: --- // words: 802 // theme: ---

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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Gvf4gD8



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth vs the Geomancer Empty Re: Sabertooth vs the Geomancer

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd July 2017, 10:25 pm

    Mashyuu looked on as Kite took over for the God Slayer, attacking the constantly morphing God While the brown haired Wizard went over the possible outcomes of fused spells and unison raids. Kite used fire based Magic and Mashyuu used Earth and Light, already he had an idea. As Kite shouted to do whatever it was Mashyuu was planning the God Slayer smirked wide and clapped his palms together. "Alright here we go. Light Dragons Domain! Earth Gods Barrage! Unison Raid!" He shouted. Mashyuu jumped next to Kite's spell and unleashed a wave of blue light that surrounded the basement of the church. Next Mashyuu's barrage of stone shot up out of the ground and vanished, taking the fire that Kite unleashed along with it. A slight delay left all three fighters standing in silence and a bit of confusion. Suddenly Mashyuu's stones exploded out of the blue light, all soaring towards the God. The stones burst into flames and crashed into the God from every possible angle, crushing the creature. "Dragon Demon's Godly assault..." The smashing, burning attack left the God in a heap on the ground as its elements all seeped into the ground of the church that it came from. The building trembled and the ground roared with a rage unheard of before.

    Quickly the church was lifted out of the ground and the earth sealed shut, leaving the building standing proudly in the center of town. A magical blast of energy washed over the village, destroying the elemental's that had been attacking the area, leaving a silent peace in its wake. Mashyuu placed his hand on Kite's shoulder and gave him a thumbs up while his energy drained from his body completely and the Wizard fell to a knee, sweat poured off his body from the intense heat of the fight that he hadn't noticed before but now felt full force. After a few minutes to recover he stood back up and wandered out of the church. "Alright boss man. We need that money to finish building the guild. Tell ya what. I'll find Theo if you go get the money and I'll meet ya back at the Guild.... the bar.... I'll meet you at your temp. Office." Without another word Mashyuu commanded the ground to spring up and carry him across the city until he found Theo laying on the ground, blade in his hand but seemingly sleeping. Mashyuu hoisted the sleeping Sabertooth Wizard up over his shoulder and headed home, a job well done.

    WC: 420
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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:54 pm