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    Frey's Tertiary Magic


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    Frey's Tertiary Magic  Empty Frey's Tertiary Magic

    Post by Pandora 22nd March 2017, 10:50 am

    Username: Frey Rune
    Tertairy Magic Name: Partial Creation Control.
    Description: Earth magic is a special sort of magic that can do many things from fertility inducements all the way to creating forests. Clearly, Frey as the Earth Dragon Slayer can do things with this magic besides for simply fighting. This is all mostly fun stuff that doesn't truly benefit any one person, though it is all immensely enjoyable for Frey herself.
    ❀ Gives frey lots of fun tricks to play with and new gems to hoard.
    ❀ Tertairy magic so it has no real combat usage.
    ❀ This still classifies under her dragon slaying magic since its all she has so if someone can lock dragon slayer magic or such, she can't use these.
    ❀ Most of the impressive stuff regarding this magic require understanding that only comes with higher ranks.

    Name: Precious Metal Creation
    Rank: D
    Type: Earth Magic
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Frey can create precious metals out of nowhere for whatever purposes she desires. However most times they appear in the shape of unengraved Gold, Silver or Bronze coins.
    ❀ Frey can create her own shiny objects instead of stealing from others.
    ❀ This ability only makes things like gold, silver and bronze, not things like rubies or diamonds.
    ❀ Only creates a limit amount of the material at once.

    Name: Gem Stone Creation
    Rank: C
    Type: Earth Magic
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3
    Description: This is one of Frey’s few abilities that does not require the material to already be there. Literally she can create gemstones out of thin air, just poof and there’s a gemstone, or lots of gemstones..
    ❀ Very helpful for keeping Frey from stealing shiny objects.
    ❀ This spell can only make gemstones not precious metals like gold.
    ❀ Only creates a limited number of gemstones at a time.

    Name: Color Manipulation
    Rank: B
    Type: Earth Magic
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 4
    Description: By manipulating the composition of already present elements in any given object Frey can change the color and pattern of them to whatever she wishes. Alternatively this can be used to make a thin film with a 50 meter diameter that can change the color of perceived light that passes through it, allowing her to manipulate the lightning in a room if she wishes.
    ❀ If she gets bored of clothing she can simply change the pattern and color of it to make it interesting again.
    ❀ When using this as a film if someone were to touch the film, it shatters back into it’s basic components
    ❀ She can really only change the color of up to 10 items at once, so no turning whole towns red.

    Name: Growth Inducement
    Rank: A
    Type: Earth Magic
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 5
    Description: By channeling her earthen abilities for a range as little as the space right in front of her or great as 75 meters around where she is standing Frey can cause flora to grow. This ability can not be used to do something like creating a forest in the middle of a town, but short of something like that she can grow anything she wishes so far as the total span of growth does not exceed 75 meters (so she could not grow two 50 meter tall tree’s at once). The most common application is simply growing something like a flower or piece of food.
    ❀ Can make fruits and vegetables for someone if she wants to help a hungry person or such.
    ❀ If she is in an area where the soil is barren and would grow nothing normally, she can not use this ability.
    ❀ She can not go far as growing a whole forest at once and her growths are not immortal, having basically the life spans they would have if they had been grown normally.

    Name: Detection Blocking
    Rank: S
    Type: Earth magic
    Duration: 10 posts
    Cooldown: 11 posts
    Description: Through an understanding of how particles in the air interact with light, sound and such? Frey can gather them together in order to make a sort of barrier that prevents those inside from being detected through normal means, and protects them from being sensed by lower ranking mages. However this spell is ineffective to the senses and magic detection abilities of mages ranked higher than the spell. While the barrier is invisible to those whose perception is blocked, for those within the barrier and the people whose perception is not affected, the spell is seen as a faint glow anywhere on the color spectrum except for black and white.
    ❀ Good for watching someone if you don’t want them knowing you're spying on them.
    ❀  Normal S rank mages, SS and H rank mages are entirely immune to the effects of this spell and perceive those under it
    ❀ Can only block perception of herself and one other person, so it's not really useful if there are many people around.
    ❀ Not combat usable, really just a cheap cute trick for spying on an apprentice or something like that.

    Last edited by Frey Rune on 22nd April 2017, 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Frey's Tertiary Magic  Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500

    Frey's Tertiary Magic  Empty Re: Frey's Tertiary Magic

    Post by Guest 21st April 2017, 5:49 pm

    Please use the correct template for your tertiary magic. Everything should be the same as the secondary magic template, minus UAs and S-rank signature.

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    Frey's Tertiary Magic  Empty Re: Frey's Tertiary Magic

    Post by Pandora 22nd April 2017, 5:53 pm

    Sorry about that, the top part hadn't copied when I took it from google docs, should be good now.



    Frey's Tertiary Magic  Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500

    Frey's Tertiary Magic  Empty Re: Frey's Tertiary Magic

    Post by Guest 26th April 2017, 6:51 am

    Frey's Tertiary Magic  E6AbbWA

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