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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey


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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Pandora 11th February 2017, 12:45 pm

    396 words of 1750

    The last two times she had gone out hunting for people who were wanted criminals? The pay had been very decent and the time consumed had been worth the payout she got in the end. Thus Frey had decided to accept another one of the missions labeled ‘wanted’ because that seemed to be the trend for when someone needed someone captured and brought to them. The morning had already arrived and it was time for the little girl to head out for her newest job, so one of the servants at the castle helped her pick a dress to wear for that day while she picked her own little pair of knee high sneaker boots so she could run around easily. Even if she was a little girl? She understood that formal and classy high heels or other such footwear were not the best choices when going on jobs. Considering she could barely walk in anything with a heel, to begin with. Anyway once she was dressed and had eaten a stone breakfast the child mounted her companion, Silver, the male was a giant wolf roughly around the girl's height and a very proficient short, and they headed off in the general direction of Crocus which was where the latest job was supposed to take place.

    Hours later they arrived at the Guard building near the outskirts of the capital, the little girl easily hopping off her pet. “Do you need help little girl?” the Guard’s were all adults, two of them male and one female. Clearly? They did not know who she was and that pissed her off because she was The Princess, yet considering information she had recently gathered up, the girl did not correct them, doing so would require she reveal more than just being Princess and well it could land her in trouble from what she understood. “Actually I’m here to help you.” it was the first comment she made as she smirked slightly standing in front of them. “There is no way you're one of the two mages we hired, you’re just a kid!” the Guards clearly did not believe she was a mage since they lacked enough magical affinity to sense her power, but she couldn’t exactly show them her Guild Mark to convince them and wasting mana on casting a spell was not something she looked forward to.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 11th February 2017, 1:10 pm

    Yazuki slowly approached the group as the guards made their quip about the girl not being a mage. While he had planned to do the job himself, it seemed that Crocus had made other plans, sticking to the two mages they had originally asked for. While he didn't appreciate the lack of confidence in his abilities, he really didn't appreciate how they treated the girl. Yazuki let loose a small bolt of lightning that struck in front of the guard that smirked as he was seemingly belittling the girl he assumed to be his companion for this job.

    "It matters not who she is, she offered help and you should respect that," Yazuki had changed a lot since his mission with Nightken. A scar ran along his face across the bridge of his nose and underneath his eyes, his eyes now green, and his hair now long and red. He left his bang hanging, but the rest of his hair was in two ponytails at the center of the top of his head, each fountaining out to either his left or right side. He wore his robes that Nightken had provided, his Raijin Shoulders and his Dharma, giving him a royal if not godly appearance that did not match his attitude. He stopped a few paces away from the guard.

    "The wanted job, I am here for it. And if this girl is as well, I suggest you treat her with respect. I have little tolerance for people who disrespect a lady." He looked over at the girl and her wolf companion for a moment with a soft smile, then turned his stern gaze back at the guards.
    "Where is the target and what do you know about him," he said very calmly as the guards shifted uneasily.

    "Well, there is this guy Raigel who has caused a lot of ruckus, but that is all we know about him. He is in a mine to the south of town, can't miss it. No one has come back, so sending a kid might be more of a risk than it is a help. She doesn't look.. battle ready." The guard said, slightly flushed as Yazuki's eyes seemed to pierce into him.

    "I could do so alone if I need to, and I don't know her purpose here, so let's not assume," He looked down at the girl, eyes once again softening, "Was that the reason for you coming here? The wanted poster? Or was there something else?"

    Before anything could be said the female guard chimed in, quickly stopping paralyzed for a moment after she spoke, waiting for Yazuki to say or do something. "Not like the town needs help with much at the moment, I assume thats why she is here."

    Yazuki, however, didn't respond to the guard but rather continued waiting for the girl's response.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Asmpgx10

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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by NPC 11th February 2017, 1:10 pm

    The member 'Yazuki Yoshino' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Attack

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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Pandora 11th February 2017, 3:09 pm

    881 of 1750

    She was standing there with this serious face as she considered what to do about the isolate guards who refused to believe the strength of death’s princess, stubbornly proclaimed she was not even a mage despite the fact she had the strength to take all three of the mortals on and come out on top. Frey did not notice the new person who was approaching them until the bolt of lightning struck between herself and one of the male guards. At this action? Silver bolted up and snarled at something he could not yet see, looking around for the source of the elemental event he had considered threatening to Frey, yet he calmed much quicker than Frey was used to him calming down since she joined Savage Skull not too long ago. Of course, this might be because the man seemed to have been doing his action to help her and the fact Yazu was not from the guild which the male wolf held a distaste for. Even though Silver had gone with Frey when she still had green hair when she left Fairy Tail in the middle of a fight for the group they were fighting against? The wolf had never approved of his mistresses taste in new comfy and he made sure to use every opportunity to express that fact by growing at every other Skull including the little girl's mother whenever he could, not trusting the Dark Guild to raise his mistress properly, not trusting them to do anything but corrupt her.

    Hearing the man speak brought a small smirk to her face, pink bangs covering her eyes slightly as one pale hand raised to play with the fringe beside her ear. The way he spoke, calling her a lady? Appeased the little princess, made her think she might be able to work with this individual long enough to do this. “I’m more battle ready than one may think fools.” she quipped her head back slightly as she spoke, angling it to the side with disgust. Frey knew she was not the best fighter, but she was far from being unprepared for battle, her mother was the queen of death itself after all! “I’m a dragon slayer, perfectly capable of fighting!” the guards seemed shocked as she announced her status as a slayer, maybe because a good deal of slayers were somewhat older than the child was. However, Hemlock trusted her with the magic and blessed her with it so to speak. Even before that, though? Frey had been fairly strong in her own right, despite having been a support mage. Yet she felt bad because that was not where she believed her power came from, the child instead thought her strength was due to her family, after all, her lineage was powerful.

    Frey bent down and picked up a rock beneath her feet, popping it into her mouth with a small sigh, making a hand signal to her wolf. “So we’re going to head to the mine now.” with that comment she picked up his reins and started walking off



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 11th February 2017, 3:34 pm

    He looked at the girl at her quip about being a Slayer. Another one? As she picked up the reigns to her pet, he followed her at a slight distance at first. He was still pretty fresh from Mysterious Canyon, where he had finally come to terms with the scar across his face. When they were out of earshot of the guards, he felt they had gone far enough to confide who he was, but he opened his mouth only to close it again. Should he let this stranger know who he was? Fairy Tail had a bad name right now, so mentioning them was out of the question. Not a lot of people knew him yet, but Takumi was well known for some reason. Mentioning his last name was another one not to mention as Anastasia had pointed out. Finally, he chose a nickname for himself. After all, the dharma and his shoulder plates fit the theme...

    "It's nice to meet you, young lady. I am Raijin. I'm a Thunder Demon Slayer. It'll be a pleasure to work with you," he stated, finally being able to speak. "Another slayer though? I seem to find more and more slayers the more I travel. Dragon Slayer though? Were you taught by a dragon?"

    He stopped at this last question, realizing he was being really social at the moment and stopped for a moment. He looked at her and wondered how old she could be. She seemed too young for him to hit on for sure, so he tried not to be that weird kind of pervert. He was respectful when it came to age, as too young was just too young, and too old was just weird.

    "How... old are you?" As they had kept walking, they arrived at the outside of the mine, where a few houses and an office building stood on either side of them, the mine directly ahead. He stopped for a moment hoping to finish any conversation before he unloaded his wrath on those that they were sure to come across. He had been itching to take some aggression out. He hoped it wouldn't cause her to think less of him.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Asmpgx10

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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Pandora 11th February 2017, 6:59 pm

    1231 of 1750

    “I’ve meet most of the other dragon slayers and a god slayer so it's not that shocking for me anymore.” She could still remember stealing everyone’s shiny things and how mad Hera had gotten over that when they all meetup to talk about the black dragon or whatever. “Being taught.” she clarified his suspicion right away, the fact she had learned and was learning directly from a dragon to use their magic. “Hemlock a Earth Dragon is my mentor, my adoptive father was the earth dragon slayer before me, so it was a natural choice.” even though right now she was very upset with her adoptive father for dying alongside Kanix and having the nerve to come back to life without the former guild master of fairy tail! Frey called upon Mashyuu when she needed him, but every time it was rather apparent the child was somewhat holding a grudge against the male for what she perceived as failure from him and maybe projecting her own concerns about Marceline disapproving of her having an adoptive father, onto the man himself. Of course none of that was of concern right now and the nudge Silver gave her to her rib cage reminded her of that.

    The next question asked of her? Shocked the little girl slightly, causing her to stop and turn around to look at him. Frey never did know how to answer that, her body looked eight but she was four, and then there was the fact she knew she could likely be immortal due to death being her mother. “In terms of how long ago I was born it's been four years, if your talking about this body it’s clearly older, but it matter’s not, I’m likely immortal anyways and my body isn’t even flesh I could look like this my whole life.” she had stopped worrying about her age personally, but she knew some still considered it important. Anyone’s once she spoke the little girl kept walking, her wolf looking around contently, seeming more calm with this strange man then he was with their own guild mates.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 11th February 2017, 7:57 pm

    As she spoke, he pondered about what she said about herself, not quite grasping it. He didn't understand what she meant by not being flesh, so he eventually just dismissed it for now. Who knew, she probably wouldn't hang with him much longer after they finished the job. "Well, I am 19, just left Mysterious Canyon for the week for a bit of stretching and letting loose."

    Something made a sound as he slowly started to make his way a bit further and a bit faster than her, to take the front, as a series of explosions went off, hitting Yazuki as he was unaware of what happened. Twenty or more land mines went off, knocking him back a bit. It was definitely something he did not see happening. He cloaked his hand in lightning that was infused from his shoulders and quickly healed himself. This wasn't normal, and these mines weren't magical. Laying on his back still he looked over to Frey.

    "So he loves to use explosives. Duly noted." Slowly he got to his feet, just in time to see a man rushing towards them strapped with dynamite. Yazuki sighed he infused himself with his speed aura and prepared to make easy work of him. "Leave this one to me ok? I haven't had fun for a few weeks."

    With blinding speed, he kicked the man in the face with a Lightning infused Kick, screaming, "Thunder Demon Volt KICK!" The man started to fly back, but not before he got his next spell off.
    He quickly putt both hands to the sky, lightning brimming across his arms. "Lightning Demon EXPLOSIVE WINGS!" He shouted as a bright explosion of lightning erupted around Yazuki. The dynamite around the man began to explode as the lightning caught all the fuses on fire. Thankfully, the blast of Yazuki's lightning kept it from hitting him, but he still felt the force of the explosion run through his body. He stood up straight, his dharma now glowing, lightning dancing around his body. He stood up and gave a small smirk back at his companion.
    "I guess it was so ELECTRIFYING up that he just exploded." He quipped with a wide grin.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Asmpgx10

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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Pandora 11th February 2017, 8:31 pm

    1556 of 1750

    The young girl was kicking the dirt as they went along, her shoes getting all dirty something the servants at the castle would fix for her when she got back because by now even her dress had signs of dirt on the bottom ruffles. The female was shocked when the other slayer ran ahead of her, triggering land mines and causing several explosions, which caused Silver to force her onto his back and press his muzzle to the ground in order to sniff around any mines that might still be around, to protect his mistress. “Warn me before you do something reckless like that, I don’t give a damn about your life, but I would like some forewarning before you go doing suicidal stunts.” the little girl spoke up as she watched the fight between him and the man with explosive’s, one of them was clearly dead after the fight since dynamite went off, while the male on her side seemed just fine. Rune played with her long pink hair slightly, her eyes running over the back of his figure as Silver came up behind him and nudged him, happy he had acted as he had because it kept Frey safer and the girl was all the wolf cared about in this world.

    “So I guess we should head in, there is no need to trigger anymore traps that might be waiting, Silver can sniff out thing’s so let us at least walk next to you or right in front of you, alright?” the little girl felt a little bit outshined right now, small hand grabbing a rock off the wall of the cavern she had just entered, bringing it to her mouth for consumption. “There are still more thing’s to be electrified, I want to complete our job soon.” that way she could go see if her Mother was in the castle and try to spend some more time with the black haired woman.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 11th February 2017, 8:41 pm

    Yazuki grimaced slightly at hearing the young girl start to scold him. Who was she to think that she could command him as such? He dismissed it. He didn't know what she was capable with and rather not have a casualty on his hands. He sent 4 bolts of lightning ahead of them to see if it would set any more explosions off, but nothing happened. He looked over at the girl and thought for a moment. Her pet seemed to be really fond of him, and when he was nudged by the pet, he gave him a pat on the head, a smile on his face. He looked back at his dharma, now glowing at a great rate. It would light up the mine without a problem now.
    "Do you have a nickname? I really could care less about your real name at the moment. A title even to call you. Just don't expect me to bow. Raijin isn't my name to be honest, rather the title of the man who gave me my dharma and shoulder plates. He told me I was his embodiment. So, i guess using his title only seems fitting."

    He motioned for the pet to walk ahead of him and walked beside the girl as they entered the mine.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Asmpgx10

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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Pandora 11th February 2017, 9:49 pm

    wc met

    He wanted her name, but he just kept rambling and eventually gave her a perfect excuse to not tell him her name. Normally? She would tell her name very casually as she was an unknown face so young, but he opened the subject of title’s! “My title.” she stopped for a second to turn back and look at him, , so he would know she was dead serious because make no mistake if he insulted her over this could become something neither of them headed out for this morning. “Princess.” the kid said it with the straightest face, clearly believing it, though he had no way to know if she was truthful or not and no time to question her because she suddenly threw a rock down the tunnel in front of them, causing a few explosions and revealing their opponent.

    Thing about being a little girl in a grown up mages world? Was the fact most of the enemies stalled, they faltered and seemed unsure if you were actually there as part of the job or if you were by mistake in the area. This common response allowed the little girl with long hair to stroll right up to the explosive mage seemingly without any care in the world. The second she stood in front of their enemy, her fingers suddenly turned to wooden claws and they slashed one across his lower chest the other up his leg as her foot lashed out to kick him causing the male to stumble as she darted forward with her claws again her wolf suddenly appearing behind the enemy and driving his claws into the explosive lover’s back as his mistress landed her final hit with her claws causing them to disperse back to finger’s. As her wolf lunged once more to bite into their enemy? Frey suddenly took to the air causing the enemy to miss an attack he had tried to hit her with considering the air she had priorly been standing within was now empty because she was flown to the tip of the cavern with her large ashen grey wings. Silver then tossed the man whom he had grabbed towards their job partner, trying to prevent Frey from doing anything further. Even if he loved her? The wolf was beginning to wonder if her morality was being corrupted by Savage Skull and he didn't like seeing her so capable because it meant she needed him less.



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Empty Re: Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 11th February 2017, 11:42 pm

    Yazuki watched the girl go all out against the mage before him. It started to make him wonder if he was needed on this mission, but obviously the wolf had separate motives. He started to notice that Princess's wolf didn't like her in battle. He didn't feel like looking weak as she displayed her mobility and her prowess. He broke his normal code of only using force when necessary. Princess, was she really a princess? The wolf tossed the wanted man towards him as the whites of his eyes turned black and a tribal on either side of his forehead that resembled demon horns appeared. A sadistic grin came across his face. He really needed this so he could unload and really just go all out. As the man was almost upon him, he punched the man in the face with a thunder infused fist, sending him back away from the girl, using the momentum of the wolf's throw to continue the man in the same direction that he was already traveling. He placed both hands in front of him, letting loose two intense bolts of lightning as his amulet started to glow. They connected, knocking the man to the ground. Before even a second had gone by he was right next to the man, not giving him leeway. His arms were once again to the sky, rippling with lightning as he screamed, "Thunder Demon EXPLOSIVE WINGS!" The area exploded with much more force than the last, devastating the area and leaving a crater in the area where the explosives expert lie paralyzed in fear.

    Lightning started to form in his mouth as he started sucking in all the remaining lightning in the area. He put everything he had into this one last attack, readying it for the killing blow. He let the lightning fly in a mighty torrent of electricity directly at the explosives expert, screaming, "Thunder Demon's Rage!"

    He looked at the man as he lie there on the ground. He was dead, without a doubt. He wouldn't be a threat to the girl for sure. He looked over at her, smirking an almost evil grin, his white teeth seemed to stand out in the face of all things.

    "Ok Princess, let's go collect our money for this shall we? Unfortunately, he is dead so less money but, it was quick so, not like we can't find something else to make the extra huh?" The light from the dharma behind him now brought a look as though he was a descended angel, giving him an almost heavenly look as he approached Princess and the wolf. He smiled at the wolf and petted him a little bit before saying, "Good boy, smart wolfie!"



    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    Demolition Expert Yazu/Frey Asmpgx10

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