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    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo]


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo] Empty To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 17th January 2017, 4:26 pm

    To Earthland... And Beyond:


    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo] QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo] Empty Re: To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 17th January 2017, 8:56 pm

    The port town of Hargeon is a sight to behold this time of year. The normally relaxed seaside town is busy, and bustling with tourists and people who are leaving to go to another land. The beaches at Hargeon are also a tourist attraction, so a lot of people were out swimming in the clear blue water. Hargeon, due to it being a port town, was full with a lot of officials in the town because it takes many imports and visitors from places all over Earthland. It isn't really known to hold many dark mages due to it being very risky for a dark mage of a dark guild to show up in town. Most dark mages, even those who are insane, wouldn't try to enter Hargeon Town. Hikari, very technically being a dark mage, wasn't one of those people who avoid it. So, maybe she was insane compared to other dark mages.

    Hikari is adjusting her hair, which today was done in a tight braid and went down the left side of her body. She was wearing a white sleeveless blouse and a black skirt with a pair of black tights underneath. The black tights came in handy as they covered her guild mark. Hikari looked at the spot on her thigh with the guild mark and sighed, It is really getting to me that I have to cover my guild mark... Hikari frowned as she looked at the spot on her thigh, Fairy Tail has been recently allowed to rebuild back in this world so why are we still considered a dark guild? Is there some sort of buffer between the changing of status in a guild? Hikari looked towards the beach and then continued walking to a very pristine looking building.

    Hikari looked around at the interior of the building. I mean... it's so bright in here, it hurts my eyes to look around. Hikari squints and looks around, before seeing the "Passport Registration" sign hanging above a moderately short line. Hikari smiled, thinking, Sweet! Since there is less people, it should be easier to get my passport! Hikari went in the line thinking this, but in about two hours, she moved up about three spots. At this point, she was fuming. Hikari repeatedly tapped her foot on the ground. Why. Is. This. Taking. So. Long. Hikari glared at the person behind the counter but then calmed herself down by doing some deep breathing.

    Soon, after an indiscriminate amount of time, Hikari finally finds herself looking at the young man behind the counter. She looks at his face, how he seems just about done with all the customers who have come in, so she decides on how she can adapt to this situation. With a professional air being emitted from Hikari, she walks up to the man and confidently states, Hello, sir. I'd like to request for a passport. The man is a bit taken aback as he didn't get to say his piece before she asked for what she wanted, but nevertheless, his stoic demeanor returns as he states, Okay, ma'am. I'm going to need you to answer these questions, so I can fill out this passport for you. Hikari smirks at him, That will not be a problem. Ask away. The man, who now that Hikari is closer, can see his name is Seha. Seha clears his throat and asks simple questions. What is your full name? What is your hometown? Very basic questions that Hikari quickly responds. The final question was, Are you currently in a guild. Hikari looks at her thigh for a quick second and says, No, sir. I am not currently in a guild. As these words come out of Hikari's mouth, she feels as though she is betraying her family but isn't showing it through her face. Seha finished typing everything and hands Hikari her brand new passport which she is happy and sad about.

    As the afternoon sun begins to set, Hikari steps outside of the building and walks to the inn she is staying at for the night. She opens her passport and looks at the word, Guildless She frowns at the word and once again looks at the spot where her guild mark is and says to herself, I yearn for the day I can bear this guild mark out in the open with pride again. But revealing in now wouldn't make the guild too happy to hear about how I got captured for being in a dark guild. Fairy Tail is my home, so hurry up and change are status council. Hikari throws her fist towards the orange sky, knowing that one day, the world will remember Fairy Tail for being the strongest guild in Fiore.

    WC: 791/500


    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Solo] QOmg1XE

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:51 pm