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    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] Empty To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Post by Lady Hitomi 22nd January 2017, 9:32 pm

    Hitomi had stepped out of her home an felt a very gentle breeze go slowly passed by her. "Seem like a perfect day to go to the beach, lucky  I am heading to the docks today." Yes for once she had a planned out coruse to go to for once. The other day she had heard that they would be giving out passports at the docks in Hargeon Town. Hitomi thinks if she can get a passport with a different last name would make her blend in much better that way. Just in case the Akiyama clan had ever sent someone(s) to look for her here in Earthland.

    [108 words]


    A snake will allows bite back.
    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] F6677210
    Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan | Cloth | Biological | Bank
    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] Empty Re: To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Post by Lady Hitomi 22nd January 2017, 9:48 pm

    Before Hitomi had taken off towards Hargeon Town for her passport. She had ran back into her home to change her black bra and panties for a perfectly fit sea green bikini on under her clothes. So that way once she got done with getting the passport Hitomi could enjoy the rest of her day. After a few hours andgoing thought a couple of forest she could see a town and the sea a little bit. A big grin had popped up on her face and she rashes oover to the town and show a big sign in front of it that reads 'Hargeon Town'. "Yes! I made it will plenty of time to get everything done and enjoy the beach for a while."

    [124 words]

    Last edited by Lady Hitomi on 22nd January 2017, 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Missed up color of text.)


    A snake will allows bite back.
    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] F6677210
    Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan | Cloth | Biological | Bank
    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] Empty Re: To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Post by Lady Hitomi 22nd January 2017, 10:06 pm

    Hitomi had quickly made her way into the town and started looking for the docks. But as usual she did get a little side tracked an spent a few hours just looking around the place. Sadly a lot of the people did once again back away from Hitomi because of her snake like eyes. Then she had noticed that the time was getting away from her. So once again she had rushed of towards the docks. "Wow, there's a lot of people here..." Hitomi grow wide open in shock about the number of people here. She began to become really worried that she would get a chance to get one of the passports.

    [113 words]


    A snake will allows bite back.
    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] F6677210
    Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan | Cloth | Biological | Bank
    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] Empty Re: To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Post by Lady Hitomi 22nd January 2017, 10:18 pm

    Hitomi had tapped the young man in front of her that was no older then 18 years old, "By any chance do you know how many passports they are handing out today?" The young had shock his head no, "Sorry miss but if you need one really bad you may go ahead of me." Hitomi had given the young man a big hug. "You're so sweet and thank you so much with the passport they are handing out I will finally be able to go see my family again." Yes she had to make a little white lie but it was for a very good reason. Now all Hitomi has to do is may her way up thought the land to get one of them.

    [125 words]


    A snake will allows bite back.
    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] F6677210
    Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan | Cloth | Biological | Bank
    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] Empty Re: To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Post by Lady Hitomi 22nd January 2017, 10:40 pm

    Hitomi starts brain storming about how to jump ahead in the line. Then she remembers about her gift that she was given to her at birth but it's not something she ever wanted to abuse. "Guess I have no choice but to use that because it's very important that I get my hands on one of those passports." Lucky for Hitomi there were more males then females in the line because man are always so easy to use her gift on without even really doing much. So she had quickly began sweet talking all then men into letting her go before them. She had made it up to the middle of the line an stop there because the line started moving really fast.

    [123 words]


    A snake will allows bite back.
    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] F6677210
    Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan | Cloth | Biological | Bank
    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] Empty Re: To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo]

    Post by Lady Hitomi 22nd January 2017, 11:18 pm

    Hitomi got really happy because the line had almost been over for her. She was the fith person in lane for a passport and was getting closer an closer to being one step ahead of the Akiyama clan. "Next!" They lady at the table had yelled and waved for Hitomi to come over to her. "I'm here for a passport, please and thank you." The lady smile at her, "You're pretty lucky young lady because this is our last one for the day. So if you please would give us your name and if your a mage we will need the name of your guild." Hitomi had grinned back to the lady, "My name is Hitomi Sunēku and I am a mage but not in a guild. I was told that it's allowed to put in as a wondering mage. So if you would please do that and thank you for all your help." She had filled out everything for Hitomi and handed it to her. "There you go young lady have a great day." Hitomi an kissed the lady on the cheek, "Thank you so much." She happy walked away and headed for the beach to enjoy the rest of her day.

    [203 words]


    A snake will allows bite back.
    To Earthland... And Beyond! [Job Solo] F6677210
    Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan | Cloth | Biological | Bank

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 10:23 am