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    Girlfriend for a Day [Solo]


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Girlfriend for a Day [Solo] Empty Girlfriend for a Day [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 15th January 2017, 8:12 am

    Job Info:


    Girlfriend for a Day [Solo] QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Girlfriend for a Day [Solo] Empty Re: Girlfriend for a Day [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 15th January 2017, 9:17 pm

    Today was like any other sunny day in Magnolia. People were swimming at the beach, vendors were out, up and early to profit off the morning rush and children were running, playing games like tag. The sun was beating down on the streets of Magnolia and it was not hard to feel it. It was abnormally hot, considering it was the colder season at the moment but no one really minded the break from the chilly weather.

    Hikari was walking through town with a bit of spring in her step as she had an easy job to do. Pretend to be some guy's girlfriend? Seems easy enough especially since a lot of adults seems to like the maturity I tend to exude. Hikari smiles as she looks at the request paper in her hands but something that she passes catches her by surprise. She backs up and looks to her left, this is where she sees one of her favourite snacks being served in the marketplace: popcorn! Hikari takes a couple steps towards the snack bar and then pauses for a moment, thinking I can't stuff my face right before I meet with my client... especially if I'm meeting his parents... Hikari has a single tear fall from her eye as she walks away from the popcorn stand. I'll be back for you... my sweet prince...

    Hikari continues walking until she sees the cafe that she and the client agreed to meet up at. She enters the cafe and sees a familiar face. Izumi? Is that you? The model looks at Hikari, and blushes before looking at the coffee he ordered in front of him. H-Hikari? A-are you the mage that accepted... m-my request? Hikari's eyes widen when she realizes that Izumi is the one who requested for the girlfriend. She walks over to him, and he still is blushing heavily and looking into his coffee. She sits down in the seat in front of him and deciding on what she is going to do, she winks at Izumi, who is finally looking at her eye to eye. Couldn't get enough of me the first time, could you? Hikari smiles as Izumi's blush intensifies as he avoids eye-contact once again. He manages to stammer out, M-my parents saw t-the photo shoot and questioned me about the... l-last photo. They kept asking me if we were dating, so I panicked and told them yes. So in result of that, I commissioned a job that I had a feeling you would accept. Hikari ponders for a moment before she realizes what photo Izumi is talking about. Oh! The one that looks similar to how you look now. Hikari grins when Izumi tries to deny it, even though all the evidence is showing on his face. So, you want me to play pretend? Are your parents expecting a lot from me? Yeah... although here's the thing? Hikari raises one eyebrow in suspicion as Izumi continues, They expect me to be "in charge" of the relationship. Hikari narrows her eyes as she thinks, Ohhh, so they are those kinds of parents, backwards with the times. Izumi shakes his hands, in disagreement. No! They just don't want me to be taken advantage of... Hikari smiles as Izumi says this and stands up from her seat. Okay! That's all you need to convince me to do this job! Let's do this! Hikari places money for Izumi's coffee on the table and grabs his hand, to which he blushes, Wait, what are yo- Hikari, hand-in-hand with Izumi, runs out of the cafe in order to go meet Izumi's parents.

    Hikari has her arm linked with Izumi and she is leaning on his side. At this point, Izumi has gotten used to it but he is still blushing faintly. So, where will we be meeting your parents? Hikari scans the buildings in the area, also noticing all the actual couples surrounding them. Izumi scans the area before he points to a simple family restaurant. Ah! That restaurant over there! Hikari looks over at the restaurant known as Sunset. The "couple" walks in together and sees two people, sitting in a booth, who immediately wave Izumi over. Hikari and Izumi walk over to them and sit down in front of them. Izumi's mother, who introduces herself as Sarai and Izumi's father, who introduces himself as Liao, are very nice people who Hikari can tell care deeply for his son and the choices he is making. So, it's been about three months since that photo shoot... At this point, everyone at the table is still eating dinner and Liao continues, How far have you gotten with Hikari? Liao raises his eyebrows suggestively towards Izumi, emphasizing the question. Izumi blushes heavily and starts coughing, due to being in the middle of chewing something. While Hikari was drinking something, almost spits it up to do a spit take but manages to swallow her water before Izumi responds, D-Dad! T-that isn't something you ask while eating! Hikari looks at him, wondering if that is what he talks about beyond the table and Izumi shakes his hands in front of him, disagreeing. Sarai hits her husband in the arm and he winces from the surprisingly hard hit. Izumi is right! Don't talk about that while we are eating. Even if it isn't our table, that's not something you'd ask here. Liao laughs heartily as he looks at Hikari and Izumi It's okay! At that point in their relationship, we were- Hikari and Izumi wince when they hear Sarai's heel dig into Liao's foot. Liao would have yelled in pain but Sarai gave him a scarily-sweet smile that said: Do you really wanna continue that? Hikari and Izumi wince as Liao shakes his head furiously, trying to avoid anymore unnecessary rage from his wife.

    Hikari and Izumi sigh as they walk outside from the restaurant. Man, they really like you. You sure have a way with people! Izumi chuckles heartily while Hikari giggles, looking at Izumi in the moonlight. He laughs like his dad. Pretty funny trait that he got. While they walk through the marketplace, Hikari notices the popcorn vendor is still out and open. She looks at it longingly, and Izumi takes note of this. He stops walking and walks over to the vendor, buying two bags of salt and vinegar flavoured popcorn. He hands the bag over to Hikari, to which she gladly accepts. How did you know this was my favourite flavour! He smiles softly at her and says, I mean it's my favourite too... So, it was a good coincedence. Consider it an extra payment for the job... Izumi lingers away from the sentence while Hikari smiles and is about to dig in to her popcorn before she notices Izumi leans in.

    The kiss isn't that short but it's full of the emotion that was felt the entire night but never spoken. Hikari kisses back but Izumi pulls away. and that is payback for the photo shoot. Not so funny when you are on the receiving end now is it? Hikari stands still for a moment before covering her face with her arm, trying to hide her blush. It's no fair when you play like that, you are supposed to be the flustered one. Izumi smirks and leans, putting their faces dangerously close to one another. I wanted to see how you react if I acted the way you did all the time. I should do this to you more often Hikari looked at the ground next to her, her blush intensifying. Izumi smiles and waves to Hikari, Bye sweetie~

    Hikari is walking towards her inn, face still red and looking at the moon. She chuckles, It doesn't suit him to act so cool... That's my schtick. She munches on her popcorn before feeling her lips. She blushes again before clutching the popcorn tighter to her chest, crushing a lot of it inside. I know what this means... Hikari's eyes close for a moment and thinks, before immediately putting a fist out in front of her, her eyes burning with passion. This means I have to tease him ten times as hard as I did before! Izumi, you better be ready the next time we meet! Hikari looks towards the moon again, grinning, wondering under what circumstances she will see her friend again next time.

    WC: 1395/1200


    Girlfriend for a Day [Solo] QOmg1XE

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm