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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social)


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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 7th January 2017, 7:02 pm

    Zeron Guzmial stretched her arms lightly as she took a seat at the Oak Town Library, eyeing the stack of books that had been picked out. The stack was comprised of high-level books on biology and magical theory, ones that hadn't been available at the lab in Magnolia. This trip would be worth it just for the opportunity to absorb new information like this; if only this was the main purpose of the siesta from his lab work and she could have gone abroad without the disguise or the pseudonym, this would truly be like a vacation.

    Not that she minded this current form, even if the gender was the opposite of what she was used to. She'd come to enjoy the variety of forms that humans could have, and intended to make full use of it and expand into the even greater variety of demonic forms when the time came. This time around, she was in the guise of a medium height woman with mild curves and long white hair. She was dressed rather plainly as well, not intending to draw attention to herself. The half demon cracked open a book and began to read, although she kept an eye on her surroundings for any interesting characters.



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 7th January 2017, 7:12 pm

    Phaje was disappointed in not finding the book he was searching for, and found little books of interest in this library. After reading most of Lamia Scales, most books had redundant information. Still nothing on the lost arts, though. He studied those around him, not seeing much of interest until he saw a female sitting at a table with a small pile of books... He hadn't seen those books on the shelf, maybe this was his lucky day. He strolled over, new purpose in his step, and even he noticed that the gravity around him was more intense than usual. That was how he trained his body to be a honed weapon, though: intense gravity training, and every moment was an opportunity. He was glad to see it start to fluctuate on its own. As he reached the pile of books, he had forgotten about the girl and started going through her stack of books without thinking, coming to disappointment at the first title.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 7th January 2017, 7:32 pm

    Zeron's gaze flicked upwards momentarily as she saw a strange black-haired youth walking around the library, browsing as she had. It was good to see teenagers interested in knowledge these days, even if Zeron was only a few years out of that range himself. Knowledge was the most important tool in this world, after all. You needed it to get anywhere with a life, whether you were trying to move yours or others'. Despite herself, she smirked slightly.

    Of course, the smile soon faded as the boy started leafing through her pile of books without consulting her. Rude. She soon perked up, however, as she started to wonder what the boy's intentions were. "Interested in biology, boy?" She asked him in a melodic, yet firm tone. "Or maybe magical theory? If you're an aspiring student, I might not even be mad at you for going through the pile without asking."



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 7th January 2017, 7:48 pm

    Phaje nearly jumped out of his skin as he realized that these books were picked out by the girl. Embarassment filled every fiber of his being as he turned red in the face and sulked. "I.. I do apologize miss. I am not normally around humans this much. I guess you could say magical theory in a way... I am searching for anything on gravity and its effects however, the art is lost just as my father had said... no books. I just thought to look at these as I had not yet. I am deeply sorry! I did not mean to be rude." He turned away, sulking even lower. That tone had said it all. He had offended yet another person. He wasn't very good at this.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 7th January 2017, 8:02 pm

    Zeron watched mirthfully as the boy became embarrassed. The discomfort of others always managed to bring a smile to the half-demon's face, although the show was diminished slightly by the fact that the boy had done it to himself with barely any attempts on Zeron's part. Still, somebody this easily shamed would be fun to stick around with for a bit. Maybe she'd have some entertainment this afternoon after all. "You said gravity magic?" She started as the boy turned around. "Unfortunately, I can't say I know a lot about it myself, but I have a few...Shall we say, contacts, who might know more on the subject. Walk with me for a bit." Zeron stood up and walked past the boy, motioning for him to follow her.



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 7th January 2017, 8:13 pm

    Phaje intensified his own gravity as punishment to himself. How could he have forgotten they were someone else's books? As the girl spoke of contacts, his eyes widened. Could she really know about someone who may know about the lost art? He followed her movements as she spoke, stepping back from her a little, hoping that she would not feel the exertion of the gravity around him. Most would not be able to ignore him if they knew how much gravity he was training under, and he knew that anyone knowing he was a mage could easily feel it from afar. As she beckoned him to follow he did so. "Are they currently here?" His embarassment was long gone and he had an air of determination around him. "Surely, if you have some research to do it can wait, though the books you have on biology and theory don't add up well. The book "Biometric Effects and the Extrapolation of the Humanoid Anatomy" at the Lamia Scale Library would do better surely. It says pretty much what all these books say but a bit more elaborate and it makes some more interesting points."


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 7th January 2017, 8:45 pm

    As the pair left the library, the boy straightened himself out, shaking off the embarrassment. Good. It would make plunging him back into the depths of shame all the more satisfying. As the boy started to speak, however, Zeron was forced to quickly reevaluate her opinion of him. This boy was definitely more of a scholar than he seemed, going so far as to name another book that Zeron had read in her quest. Perhaps he was valuable as more than just somebody to toy around with.

    "Biometric Effects and the Extrapolation of the Humanoid Anatomy is a great and informative book with a unique outlook," Zeron responded, "but it's also just one source. One has to find the knowledge in other books as well, in order to form a picture of the entire situation and corroborate claims; that's what I was doing in the library. If you aren't seeing or at least considering the whole picture when you think and act, you might as well be blind. When you do connect the dots, however, you can start adding your own dots and improve the picture as a whole." She paused for a moment. "I don't want to just rant, though. How much have you read up on the subject of magical biology?"



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 7th January 2017, 9:45 pm

    "I studied the entirety of Lamia Scale's library after my father disappeared. Since then I have read 3 other libraries worth of information.  This library had more books,  but most are the same subject material. Magical Biology tends to be pure speculation in earnest.  All of it makes perfect sense,  but full on manipulation of cells seems to be far fetched.  Though intriguing.  I would love to see the magic in practice.  To control another being would be godly. " He realized he had started to get excited and his gravity had gotten out of hand.  He looked over at the girl and hoped she had not noticed.  He quickly backed it off,  knowing that 2x gravity was not for everyone. " I apologize I got excited.  It's not every day a human takes interest in deep magical theory."
    He studied her.  She was simplistic but beautiful.  He blushed a little and felt a weird feeling he had never felt before.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 8th January 2017, 4:39 pm

    Zeron arched an eyebrow as the boy as he described his reading exploits thus far. That was a level of scholarship far beyond what she had expected. Honestly, it was rather refreshing, meeting somebody younger than her so interested in the scholarly world. She was used to being the youngest at any given time compared to all the other researchers. When he brought up magical biology's emphasis on theory and lack of practiced results, she broke into a full on grin. It seemed as though he only knew of the older side of magical biology, what the crusty old researchers of the previous generation had wrought. The exploits of the new generation, spearheaded by the Demon of Corruption, would boggle his mind.

    When she opened her mouth to correct his misguided point, however, she stumbled momentarily. The gravity around them had momentarily strengthened, it seemed. Based on his apology, it also seemed likely that the boy had been the source of the surge. Zeron smiled wider. "It seems like that interest in gravity of yours isn't just idle curiosity, hmm?" She mused aloud. She reached out and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Now I'm really interested. Let's go expand your horizons a bit, shall we? Our goal is the residential district. I've got an old contact here who might know where you can find some info on gravity magic for you."



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 8th January 2017, 4:57 pm

    Phaje looked at her with a fresh perspective. This girl had become of the utmost interest to him. He continued to blush, maybe even moreso than he had before. Her words humbled him, and he realized that he had forgotten all about the information on gravity. He was genuinely didn't care at the moment. Her company made him feel something that he hadn't before and it confused, puzzled and amazed him all at once. "That is fine. Lead the way miss... I apologize I don't think I got your name. I am Phaje Kuroryu. It is really a pleasure to interact with a human that actually seems to understand magical theory." Her hand on his shoulder made him feel strangely.... warm inside. He hoped that this was the start of a friendship. He had only known her for moments but he had felt at home with her for the first time in 5 years since his mother's death.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 8th January 2017, 5:50 pm

    Zeron retrieved her hand from his shoulder, her smile only growing wider. "You can call me Zeron Guzmial. The pleasure is likewise; I look forward to the path ahead." She turned around and motioned for him to follow her as she made her way towards the residential district. On the inside, however, she was desperately trying not to burst out laughing. She had finally connected the dots when she saw the boy blush, and the revelation was hilarious.

    She'd had a lot of people with crushes on her before, but never one so much younger than her, or one that fell for her this quickly. This one had a lot of potential as a mage, too; Gravity was a horrendously strong force when used well. It might be worth her while to stick around this Phaje child for a while, see where he went. He seemed to be misguided about her human nature, however; she was most definitely not human. If they were to be together for an extended amount of time, she'd need to correct him about that. But it could wait until later. For now, they had a magic to explore. "Here we are," she started as they reached the residential district. "We're looking for a Professor Millins, an elderly old man with crazy silver hair. I have no idea what his house looks like, but I know he's around this area somewhere."



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 8th January 2017, 6:06 pm

    He followed Zeron without hesitation. He noticed his movements matched hers, step for step. She seemed very happy, or at least that was his thoughts with how much she smiled. She was warm natured as far as he could tell. As he walked with her to the district he thought of why this woman would have such interest in Biology and Magic theory, and gravity. Then a thought struck his mind... He had met so many immortals or otherwise so far. What would be the chances of her being something unique as well. He had to ask. At the mention of Professor Millins, Phaje actually laughed, then caught himself. "His information on gravity is due to my late father." He resumed a more neutral face. "They were friends at one time. But I do have to ask. Everyone I have met in this town thus far since arriving that I have conversed with... haven't been normal mortals..." He caught himself. He had a burning desire to not be the only mortal around but it was laughamous. "Nevermind, its nothing." Surely it didn't matter. Her attitude was better. "Zeron... that is... unique. May I call you Zera?"

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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 8th January 2017, 6:58 pm

    Zeron's face twisted in mirth as Phaje made the connection between his father and Millins. "What a wonderful coincidence," she muttered, laughing slightly. "He'll probably be more...willing to part with some knowledge if a good family friend is there." Zeron hadn't wanted to use underhanded methods on poor Professor Millins since he had been a wonderful partner in some experiments a few years ago, but he had been willing to do so if necessary. Having a connection between Phaje and Millins would smooth things out considerably.

    Phaje's second comment, however, gave her pause. Everybody that he had previously met here hadn't been human? Interesting. Maybe he had a talent for drawing such beings to himself? It was something worth considering, especially because it would probably be affecting Zeron as well. He wasn't human either, after all.

    "Well, you're not wrong," The half-demon replied to Phaje. "I'm not exactly human either, I'd say." Zeron waved a hand over her left eye, allowing its true form to show. The eye grew pitch black, with only a small pupil of light breaking the darkness within. Black cracks extended from the eye as well, as if the corruption was seeping from the eye into the rest of her body. She shut the other eye, staring down the boy with her single, now demonic eye. "Allow me to re-introduce myself. I am Zeron Guzmial, the Corruptor, child of Seranesca, the Demon's Desire. I may be mortal, but I am most definitely not human." Her voice seemed to take on a darker tone as she spoke, her attempt to truly relay her demonic nature to the boy. She continued to smile throughout, although it was more creepy on her newly demonic visage than it was warm and inviting. "Zera is an...acceptable nickname," she added. As much as she was revealing her true colors to her, she still wanted to add to his confusion on the aspect of gender. It was more fun this way, after all.



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 8th January 2017, 7:31 pm

    Phaje couldn't smile or frown... instead he grimaced with a straight face. Why the hell could he not find a normal person. Asura was still questionable as to what he was but why was everyone some sort of otherworldly being around him. The warm feeling inside didn't cease inside him, but instead he felt trusted by this demon, even though some questions came to mind.
    "So you are a demon child of Seranesca. The Seranesca leveled half of Fiore in a frantic rage about 30 years ago an almost brought the destruction of Magic as we know it would it? Also, the Professor has never met me. Are you wanting information from him as well?" This was slightly confusing. Was Zera using him to break the ice with this individual? He really didn't care for the information. He just wanted a book. One book on gravity. Outside maybe a dark guild, it would be nigh impossible by this point.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 8th January 2017, 8:36 pm

    Zeron frowned at Phaje's comment. "Don't remind me. My mother is a wonderful person normally, but something set her off and that debacle happened. She regrets it as much as the world does, I assure you. To answer your other question, I'm not particularly interested in what Millins has to offer, either; I got everything I needed from him years ago. I simply thought that he might be more willing to part with his information if he knew you were related to an old friend of his. It might save us a bit of trouble as well; he's known for being rather obstinate at times."

    The half-demon blinked and her eye reverted back to normal in an instant. She now looked that same as she had before, and her voice returned to 'normal' as well. "I'm just along for the ride at this point," she said to Phaje. "I don't intend to gain anything from this, although it'll be interesting to see an old friend after a while. I mostly just want to see a young scholar get the knowledge they're looking for." She wasn't lying, although she also wasn't telling the whole truth. She wanted to stick around and mess with him more. He was truly a perfect target, sharp and well-read enough to engage her intellectually but also oblivious and naive enough for him to be toyed with.



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 8th January 2017, 8:46 pm

    " Hmmm... To be honest i know a great deal about my art and learning more about it has nothing to do with it." He laughed a little then met her eyes once more. "I was just intrigued about finding a book about it. The only one I have ever found made me laugh because not even the greatest scolar could use gravity to that effect. It was truly laughamous and tried saying Shadow Magic was Gravity Magic. I felt my brain cells perishing." He let another laugh out, he was actually happy for the first time in three years. "If you would like to go see him though i would be happy to accompany you. But otherwise, I could grab us lunch. Besides, the book I currently carry is another form of Magic I have been studying.." He clutched the book that he had near his chest hidden under the Toga he was wearing over his robes. "It's knowledge isn't common nor can i find a book comparable. I'm losing track of myself here... We can see him if you like but I understand my Lost Magic in earnest. My father taught me well. Maybe too well..."


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 8th January 2017, 9:51 pm

    "I see," Zeron responded, arching an eyebrow. "Well, the Professor probably wouldn't recognize me anyway; it's been a while." Also because I'm currently in a different form, she mused to herself. "If you aren't particularly interested in visiting him, then I have no reason to visit him either. It's just for you. I'll gladly take you up on that offer for lunch, though." The half-demon belatedly realized that she hadn't eaten anything that day and was rather hungry. Curse this human need for food.

    "Do you have any idea where to go for food? Unfortunately, I haven't been in this town very long, so I'm not sure where we would go." Another half-truth. She had truly only been in town for a short time, but she was aware of several places they could go for food. He was the one paying, however, and she wanted to see where the boy would take them. It'd help her learn about him, which in turn would lead to her being able to figure him out more.



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 8th January 2017, 10:21 pm

    "Well to be honest... I have never had a need to eat. So I can't honestly say. My father told me after my mother died it was something to do with her... I can't really say. We can take a stroll and search for it though. If they have fruit I will still eat. I despise meat though. It doesn't suit me. If I do eat it is for pleasure not for need." He studied her a bit more, looking her over. "It's wherever you want to go Zera. You are the first person I have had the pleasure of enjoying the company of in its entirety. The other 3 I met earlier on my way here were interesting, and Asura is pretty swell. But you connect with me on a different level. N-Not like as a girlfriend or anything like that. It's just... you are different. In earnest, its nice to have someone who is a fellow scholar of Magical theory. But..." He once again clasped the book in his toga. "Maybe a day will come that I will impart a knowledge on you that none who walk this earth have access to."


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 9th January 2017, 4:13 pm

    "Really now?" Zeron asked curiously. The boy didn't need to eat? Fascinating. It definitely wasn't just a slow metabolism if he wasn't eating at all. It would have to be something with his heritage, probably? Maybe Phaje wasn't as human or mortal as he thought. Perhaps it was similar to an Olm's legendary ten-year metabolism? Or maybe he didn't need to eat at all, and was a God or similar being? She wasn't able to tell. Maybe if she were to dissect him...

    Zeron shook her head. Don't dissect the promising researcher, dammit! she berated herself in her head. Her curiosity and bloodlust were starting to creep back in again; she'd have to let off some steam soon. First though, food. "If you don't know a place, I guess we'll just go around until we find something appetizing," she muttered. She gave him a warm smile, the girlfriend comment (and the knowledge comment) not lost on her in the slightest. "Shall we go, boy?"



    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 9th January 2017, 4:25 pm

    " Yes, just lead the way. I only went to the library since I have been here so I only know one area of this town. It would be great to sight see as long as I don't have to be too social... with others I mean. My mother wasn't of this planet, that much I do know. Her planet was destroyed long ago. I wish she was alive." He stopped suddenly, standing rigid, bowing his head and fighting back his tears. He realized how alone he had felt all this time. He glanced back up at Zera, his eyes glazed with tears he was refusing to let fall. "Both my parents are gone and I have no one really to share memories with. I apologize. It has been a long while. And I have not thought about her for some time... She was murdered 4 years ago." He cleared his eyes. He didn't want to seem too weak in front of this new companion, so he quickly grinned a wide grin and laughed slightly.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 9th January 2017, 7:36 pm

    Zeron's face fell as she heard Phaje explain his parentage. Family issues was something she could absolutely relate to, and as much as she despised her own sense of compassion, she found herself sympathizing with the boy. "I do understand your feelings," she replied after watching him try to hide his emotions behind a wall, like she had tried to do so many times before. "I grew up with a father who never understood me and a sister who utterly despises me. In a way, having family that hates you is even worse than a family that is missing. In my experience, the faster you try to remove yourself from sentimentality, the better. I know that's more easily said than done, however."

    Zeron grimaced. Now she was the one who was starting to feel sentimental. Damn human emotions. It was time to move on, figuratively and literally. "Anyway, enough of that," she muttered, turning around. "Let's get some food. I know a place." The half-demon continued on down the path towards the downtown area, moving quickly. Her mood had taken a turn for the worse relatively quickly; she'd have to find a way to let out this aggression, and soon.



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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 9th January 2017, 7:51 pm

    "What kind of food?" He asked with a sudden realization. She said she didn't know of a place and now all of a sudden she does. Maybe she just forgot about it...
    The way she had been towards him so far he had no reason to believe she lied to him but rather forgot, so he dismissed it for the most part. "Must have been in town a bit longer than you have mentioned and forgotten. Happens when you get distracted by good research." He smiled and hid behind a mask once again, pushing off the feelings that had just arisen. "Sounds like we have a lot in common. I will be traveling back to Hargeon in the near future, but I have a lifetime to go there. Was there somewhere you were heading after this?" He had a feeling that he might want to see if Zura would become close with him. He would prefer to be around someone who actually seemed to have a lot in common. "Though I must admit i have some aggression I may need to release. The tension from earlier almost had me in a mix up with 3 others, and I really don't like being that way. But some good release would be good. Someone to toy with who doesn't understand what he is getting into." His thoughts were back with Megalos, Asura and Ina. The interaction still caused him a lot of annoyance.


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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 9th January 2017, 9:43 pm

    Zeron froze as Phaje spoke. Her irritation had led to her inadvertently revealing her deception. Her fist briefly clenched and unclenched, a slight wisp of black mist emerging from her clenched hand and immediately dissolving into the wind as she forced herself to take a deep breath. She wasn't like others. She wasn't supposed to be stupid. Yet here she was, overlapping stories and not keeping them straight with somebody she'd just met. There was definitely something wrong here; she was letting her emotions get the better of her. Utterly unacceptable.

    She took another deep breath as she attempted to answer the first part of his question. "I don't have any plans for traveling for now," she muttered after taking another deep breath. "There are a couple of people in particular who I'm searching for, but I don't have the slightest idea as to where I could find them, so I'm just wandering. I'll tag along with you, I suppose." The idea of traveling with another potential scholar soothed Zeron's unwanted cauldron of emotions a bit; she wouldn't have to sit around and listen to idiots bumble around all day this way. Phaje's last comment, however, made one of the corners of her mouth turn upwards in a smirk. He was looking for somebody who was exactly what Zeron was using him for; irony at its finest. It wasn't the worst idea, though. Zeron certainly felt like breaking somebody, or someone. "We'll keep an eye out for a potential victim while we head over," she told the boy. "Sound good?"

    Last edited by Guzmial on 9th January 2017, 10:28 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Amanaki 9th January 2017, 10:26 pm

    "Well if memory serves, there is a jealous Wizard in Rose Garden that someone would like shushed and taken care of.  A small crew with him if I remember right. Pays 10,000. Also a bar tender there can usually locate almost anyone with his magic.  I met him slightly outside of town while he was enjoying a Stroll.  He told me where I could find him if this helps. Let's grab a bite and head that way? I'm not sure if this library will lend the books out but I'm sure we can sneak one or 2." He was excited now.  Zera had caused him quite the emotional roller coaster ride.  He had noticed she seemed a little upset at her mishap and wondered for a moment.  "Don't worry about hiding stuff from me.  It's not like I have ever kept a friend,  save one decent acquaintance so far.  Lies always come out around me.  I tend to have that effect.  And it's fine if you didn't want to share.  You just met me and sometimes it's hard to trust.  I apologize to having caught you off guard.  It's not my intent to anger you. But that's no ordinary magic you use is it? " He grinned.  He knew she may have been keeping stuff from him but she warmed his otherwise cold and lonely world. "In a world that rejects demons, its bot surprising that you wouldnt fully trust someone you have just met." He said while leaning in a little closer, just loud enough for her to hear.


    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) 39392910

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    A Little Reconnaissance (Social) Empty Re: A Little Reconnaissance (Social)

    Post by Guzmial 10th January 2017, 11:08 am

    Zeron sighed. "You're a perceptive boy, aren't you? I am indeed hiding things. But don't we all? You have that book of yours that you don't want anybody else to see. It's the same idea here. Some things shouldn't be explained to others if they can help it. Some knowledge should not be public." She turned and beckoned for Phaje to follow her as she continued to make her way down towards the restaurant she had in mind. "There are very few people in this entire world that I would trust with the full extent of what I can do, let alone somebody I just met. So I apologize, but my power will have to remain secret for a time."

    "Well," she continued as they walked down the path, "regardless of that, the mission you brought up is intriguing. A jealous mage in Rose Garden? Sounds like an intriguing time. It's not like I need the money, but the opportunity to teach somebody a lesson while being sanctioned by the law is a rare opportunity. Plus, I haven't searched Rose Garden for the two people I'm looking for yet. It's a city of magic, so the chance of them being there is rather high if I do say so myself." She turned her head to look at Phaje, a wry smile on her face. "Consider the job accepted."


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