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    House Repair [Job]


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    House Repair [Job] Empty House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 10:51 am

    Job Requisite:

    Fade arrived at the Weatherstien's place in the early morning, destruction laid around the tiny ranch from the storm the night before. Sadly, it was due to make a U-turn and hit this place again, the stuff wasn't fixed up now then there would be nothing left to fix in general. The dark-haired boy knocked on their beaten door three times and made company with the man. Hello, how do you do? I'm here to fix your house." The man graciously shook Fade's free-hand, and they chatted for a few minutes. A whole list was given to him depicting the area, their was the main house, their barn, and some things to paint. Very well, all of this was within reach. The boy walked off the porch. Ready to begin. First he looked to the barn itself, the main source of income, and entered. The place felt like it would fall at any moment...


    :: Profile ::
    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 11:20 am

    As Mavis was just getting ready to enjoy a free day from all her missions, she had been called upon from the bartender of Blue Pegasus the night before. They told her she had been requested to go work on a house along with another wizard and possibly a few others from other guilds. Was the guild trying to get out their to show the Fiore-country it was still kicking? Mavis didn't mind representing the guild by getting in to gear by doing a lot of work and picking up the slack of the guild over-all. 

    Mavis smiled as she arrived in Magnolia. She had never been here so this was a first, she stopped a got a strawberry smoothie from a tiny shack along with some other smoothies and water of the best quality. Hopefully this would gear up the team and make them enjoy doing a bit of handy-work. Also come to think of it, Mavis has never built anything or repaired, but that couldn't be to difficult could it? Mavis approached the shabby house, knocking on the door.

    "Hello?" She opened the door, letting herself in seeing as no one had came to open it.

    As she walked she came upon a boy, she smiled and wave. "Oh hi, I'm Mavis Lockheart from Blue Pegasus, sent to help rebuild the house. Now what about you, who are you?"

    Mavis would smile and take notes on anything he said.

    "Well I have never repaired anything so if I do anything wrong, feel free to correct me." Mavis graciously bowed.

    Last edited by Mavis Lockheart on 27th November 2016, 8:28 am; edited 1 time in total


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 11:38 am

    When the boy looked up to see a girl, he raised a hand, silently muttering a question to himself. He was already well through the barn and would be moving onto the actual house and porch soon. For now he was just hammering in nails around the foundation of this building. Painting would be a little more annoying, but luckily he had help. "It's not too hard, but if you really don't know how to do anything. You can sit down and I'll do it. I didn't expect anyone else to come anyways." The boy said flatly, returning to his concentration. His blank face, and almost withdrawn aura might've made him seem dull. But that's just who he was, he wasn't awkward or anti-social per say. He just didn't care about anything. In fact, he hadn't a memory in his lifetime where he wanted to go out and make himself known... Edgy. He snapped his finger and two heralds slid out of his body, he ordered them to use their powerful tongues to push things inside the building and around. They flew off and began renovating the inside of the barn as instructed. "My name is Fade, Mavis, I come from Infinity Hydra."


    :: Profile ::
    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 11:47 am

    He began to explain that he hadn't expected anyone else, as well as he even offered that she could just sit back and do nothing at all. That sounded like music to the woman's ear, the Pegasus longed to rest her wings and recharge her energy, however now wasn't the time to be getting lazy, she had to buckle down and get some work done whether she wanted to or not.

    "Ah that is very kind of you, but I will help however I can." Mavis stated.

    She then learned that the boy was from Infinity Hydra, she heard a bit about their guild master and had also read up on the guild in a few books here and there, nothing special though. She grabbed a hammer and began to nail up wood where need be, and used other tools to cut and paste and slide stuff where it needed to go to help repair the broken walls and as well as to help rejuvenate the house. Hopefully she didn't screw up too bad, the woman grabbed a sip of her smoothie, eyeing the hard-working boy. 

    "If you want I got you a smoothie and some water, it's water from a high quality, good stuff." She smiled at him pointing to the smoothies and waters.

    Getting back to working on the walls, on cleaning the dust and dirt. She felt bad for the residents this must be a pain to have the house repaired quite a bit. From tearing down and replacing damaged wood she could tell this had happened more than once. What a bummer.

    Last edited by Mavis Lockheart on 27th November 2016, 8:28 am; edited 1 time in total


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 3:37 pm

    The boy had gotten well through a great deal of the barn and was getting this done faster than usual thanks to his special magic. The girl offered him drinks, while that was all very kind. Fade was constantly thirsty, his thirst was unquenchable, in fact, nothing could hydrate him, he had longevity and didn't need water or anything but... it wasn't the same. To be kind however, he gave her a smile, and took the drinks with a bow. "Thank you so much. I will drink it right away, I was feeling very parched-- this will make me feel better. Thank you." As he sat to drink it, Fade's eyes traveled along the sky with the darkening clouds. A storm was already well on it's way here and they'd need to hurry. That is, if they didn't want to restart again tomorrow for free. "I wonder why the Weatherspoons' haven't just moved their home elsewhere. I can imagine the soil is amazing here, but I can't imagine how much money they pay for renovations all the time. Seems like a waste of profit to me."


    :: Profile ::
    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 4:21 pm

    Mavis sat with the boy as they watched the skies and he drank, she had gotten probably half the work he had done, but she was mostly watching what he did and tried to mimic him. As he drank the smoothie and water, he began to talk about why don't they just move the house, she completely agree'd with him.

    "I know right, it must be pulling money right out of their pockets." Mavis added.

    She felt over time they would slowly lose their profit and then be forced to move away from this all and move to place where they'd be unhappy and not enjoy themselves. Mavis grabbed a water and drank about a fourth of the water bottle, before she got up. She grabbed the paint and began painting the repaired walls, using the suggested paints. She pondered on a few questions if she should ask them, just to get the conversation flowing.

    "So hydra-boy. Got any dreams?" Mavis asked with a smile.

    She made sure to get every little inch of the wall she was painting on as she asked her questions.

    She giggled, "Also what's it like to be apart of Infinity Hydra?"

    She was a curious woman, and curiosity had needs that needed to be fulfilled.

    Last edited by Mavis Lockheart on 27th November 2016, 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 4:40 pm

    The girl was easy to talk to, and he appreciated that. The two heralds returned, using the handle he latched the paint-jar into the Black Heralds' mouth and gave the paintbrush to the White, which it held by gripping it's pearly white teeth around the handle. The two ran off to the other sides of the building. Fade took off his school uniform jacket, and stood beside her, kicking his shoes off to keep paint off them. He then began to paint about four feet away from her. His head was focused on the faded red walls, which he placed a new coating over. The rain would likely wash this down the side before it could dry, but he wasn't getting paid to care about that. "I'm not really a dreamer to be honest, I just live on. I'm still searching for a reason to be, my mom always had big dreams for me though. Sadly I got the wrong genes, and her dreams can't be fulfilled." The boy said, as his eyes narrowed. In retrospect he was holding back his emotions, but thankfully Mavis probably wouldn't be able to notice. He then looked over to her. "I wouldn't know, Infinity Hydra isn't very close, the guild is usually empty with all of the stronger mages gone. So I stay gone too. No point waiting around for them, not that it bothers me. In fact, it's better I stay away really. Gets kinda lonely from time to time though. What about you? How's Blue Pegasus?"


    :: Profile ::
    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 4:58 pm

    \When she heard he wasn't a dreamer kind of person she was astonished, his eyes looked like he had constantly thought about his every action but never wanted to show any care. However she wasn't one to call someone out on that subject, Mavis had been known to bite back her tongue and doubt her thoughts as well so there's no need to get him to spit it out. Although that didn't stop her from giving a bit of her knowledge to him, she was the type to do that much. She smiled looking at him with concern eyes, pausing her process at painting, which was fine she was sure Fade's friends could handle that much.

    "Listen, Fade." Mavis' voice was soft and calming, "I don't think you were given the wrong genes you're perfect the way you are." She now placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort the Hydra. "Also her dreams can always be fulfilled, you just have to find another route, ya know?" 

    She smiled at him. Then she'd continue to listen to him about Infinity Hydra, so they had the numbers but it was still quite the empty guild-hall. He seemed curious about Blue Pegasus, she would hope he didn't think less of her guild's capabilities.

    "Well you see, Blue Pegasus is going through some tough difficulties." Mavis would try to explain the situation to the best of her knowledge, "Our guild has recently lost many members and we've been on a spiraling plummet downwards on activity. Our guild master is no more, I don't really honestly know what happened to them. So the only difference in the reasons why our guild hall is empty compared to yours is lack of members..."

    The Pegasus woman would sigh.

    She slowly and slightly smiled though trying to boost her own morale, "But you see I plan to help make the guild Soar high once again. It's gonna be tough but I think I can do it."

    Mavis drank her water once more leaving about three fifths of the water left, looking at Fade to see if he had any reaction.

    Last edited by Mavis Lockheart on 27th November 2016, 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 5:31 pm

    Perfect? If only she knew what was inside of him, his insatiable sin. Then she'd be eating those words, regardless, he could go on thirsty. He was more than just a beast, and she seemed to think the same. "Thanks." When she spoke about his mother being proud of him, he froze. Flashing back to that day, her sacrifice, his guilt. It caused him to drop the paintbrush mid-stroke. He quickly bent down to pick it up and returned to what he was doing. Mentally shaking off his inner panic-attack.... Fade glanced over to Mavis. Kind of happy for her support, especially when she rested a hand on his shoulder.
    "I-uh, well. I think Blue Pegasus will be thankful for your addition to their team, you'll make them a great again. From what I've been told they've been doing small things for quite awhile but with you, it'll someday get it's respect back for sure." Fade said, as he noticed a thunder-strike in the sky. "We should really hurry or we'll get caught in this storm." He wasn't lying either, the male deduced the storm would be here within the next hour for sure. They hadn't even started on the house either! If they wanted to beat out the storm, they'd need to use their time efficiently from here out.


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    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 9:36 pm

    Mavis was happy to hear his compliments, many of Clover town's citizens don't even believe in her at the least. They tell her the town would be better off with a new guild that can actually help out around. Mavis would try her best to convince the townspeople that she could do this and the guild would once rise again. However every now and then even Mavis doubted if she could save the guild, but Fade's words made her sure of herself again, it ignited a flame that was once dying out and gave it life.

    Mavis would continue to pick up her slack but as she did she figured she should share a bit of her past with the Hydra.

    "Hey Fade, don't ever feel bad for something in the past you had no power to control." Mavis smiled as she painted, her eyes tearing at the thought of that one dark night, the one that had scarred Mavis, even at her infant stage the screams still haunted her dreams. "Y'know. My father, took my mother's gun and shot her, I don't know where he shot but I do remember her last actions, screaming in agony. That was the last thing and only thing I have to remember her by, the scream of her death." Mavis sighed, "She died quickly after giving birth to me, because my father didn't approve of her work."

    She'd leave it at that, careful not to share too much with him. Hopefully he wouldn't think any less of the Pegasus. She had finished painting and she began to work on the roof. That way they'd have cover for the paint if it rained.

    "Shit happens. We can't change it at all, we can only carry on our loved ones life, by living our days brighter and better than the day before." She smiled to herself as a tear fell onto the roof she was repairing.

    Last edited by Mavis Lockheart on 27th November 2016, 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 10:23 pm

    That vivid detail though, thought Fade to himself. Man, her life story sounded as bad as his, but instead of the indifferent approach to existence, she went the optimistic route. The boy had to respect her decision; a lot of people took a pessimistic path after such an event, which led to even worse sorrow. But her heart was held high, very redeemable. He bowed his head and spoke to her blankly but with care, "Sorry for your loss Mavis, you seem like too good a girl to have deserved such a thing." Fade decided snark, or the questioning of her ability to mention such things out loud was undesirable-- as he was beginning to grow fond of the girl. He was smarter than to let a female hurt for no reason. She was every kind of good that went into a woman, and would make someone a very happy person someday. The boy watched as a tear slid off her face, he was still on three ground when she'd taken to the roofs, as their was small segments to finish. Instead of being stubborn about his own affairs and pasts-- he gave her the answer he felt she rightfully deserved. "Strong resolve, it's fitting in someone like you." Fade worked in silence until they finished the barn. It was time to move onto the house and porch.

    Last edited by Fade on 26th November 2016, 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 10:38 pm

    Mavis was no stranger to the danger of pain, but it was something everyone was going to experience in their life at some point, some just more than others. Now you had two kinds of people, the ones who grow and learn from pain and the ones who take a more negative route using the pain as an excuse. Mavis always tried to be the more positive person when it came to anything major, or anything that could alter someone else's life or choices. Looking back onto her past, she too wondered how she became so optimistic about it all, her life had been a never ending roller-coaster.

    Mavis had gotten half-way done with the roof, she had opened up a projected flat screen. She typed in some information, and began to research the most efficient ways to build a roof, Mavis was onto a pretty good start but some tips would be helpful. She found a tip about making her tiles very specific and diagonal to help support the roof and as well as keeping an leaks from getting in. She quickly closed down the project screen as she had found the information needed. She had quickly gotten to work on making the roof, finishing about three quarters of the roof.

    "So tell me, Hydra boy." Mavis smirked at his nickname that she had given him, "Why repair a house? Did you choose to do this?"

    Mavis however didn't quit placing tiles on the roof and edging them together, with special paste.


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 10:56 pm

    Fade peered at her from the other side of the porch as he began replacing boards with new ones provided by Joshua. He listened to the girl, ignoring the nickname as he found it better than a number of things he'd been called in the past. In fact it wasn't half bad, now that he thought about it. After this little segment was finished, the patio would come next. "Hm? Eh, I picked it out because I thought it was kinda petty that no one wanted to get down here and help these people fix their home. The guy living here is obviously too old to be out doing this kind of work anyways, and another hit from a storm in these conditions and there won't be a home left... Never in the job description for being a mage says that we need to focus solely on magical criminals. Being a mage is about helping those in need yeah? That's implying no matter the task or difficulty, if the higher-ups forgot that simple rule then fine-- that's on them. But someone has to flip the burgers, so why not me?" Fade said out-loud, clearly focused on his job. He lifted planks up and switched out decaying hardwood for new and improved resources, making it all the more fancy looking. Oddly enough, the porch was much easier than the barn had been, and likely the house would be too. They were so close to being done. Determination would their virtue.


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    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 26th November 2016, 11:22 pm

    The Pegasus began to see that this Hydra wasn't as bad as he made himself out to be, he was actually down to earth and sweet and knew what he was doing. He knew the true meaning to being a wizard, why they took upon the job of being in a guild, sure you choose a guild based on it's rank or the people in it, but also being apart of one you contribute to that guild, and being in a light-guild or a legal one as wizards when doing missions it's about the experience of helping people. Mavis completely agree'd with him, she felt she had the same thought when she helped the two men explain to their daughter that their daughter's goldfish died. Sure she approached with a completely different attitude but it was about the experience of helping someone out. She smiled, happy to have been sent on this mission by the bartender.

    "Yea, I was sent here by my bartender, I was told I need to get out their and interact with the other guilds and prove that Blue Pegasus isn't dead yet." Mavis had a toothy grin, "and we won't be dead either, as long as I'm alive."

    Mavis had finished the roof and noticed it started to sprinkle a little, perfect timing the paint could dry without the rain ruining it, well the pain on the inside, but hopefully the extended roof would protect the sides a bit. Mavis had walked over to Fade helping him put in the patio, placing wooden beams and arches. This was fun, she wasn't a repair-woman or anything architect-wise but just talking and fixing that was the way to go these days.


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 26th November 2016, 11:48 pm

    "Wow, sounds like a good guy. Or.. Lady I guess." The light drizzle turned into gale-force winds in no time, the patio, the beams, all of that was a thing of the past. They had a single obstacle left and that was replacing some un-needed foundation to the building with ripe new versions. The hopped over the new porch, running through the showers of rain as fast as he legs could carry him. Fade quickly removed old stone blocks, which were cracked and damaged from around the buildings base. This was done as quickly as possible to replace them with fresh new versions. Then he busted through the wood and hammered two-by-fours into place to cover up the old spots. His Heralds followed suit on the other side of the building, "You have the ceiling for now, right Mavis? I'll try and get up there soon, just a few more things to take care of here first!" He had to shout over the downpour, but hopefully she'd be able to hear his relay message. To be fair, his whole outfit was soaked, and his hair was a completely wet mop over-top his head. Maybe Mavis was doing better where she was at, but he knew the odds of that were doubtful.

    Tbh I have no idea how to actually repair a house, so I'm winging this.


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    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Posts : 155
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    Age : 24
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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 27th November 2016, 12:00 am

    Mavis had been smart and brought an umbrella with her outside, she quickly walking inside, seeing no water had got in. Good the roof had done it's job. However that didn't mean the ceiling couldn't use some repairs. Mavis would use some ladders to climb up so she could make repairs to the ceiling, such as patching holes and fixing cracks by putting special paste in it's place. Mavis then went over a new coat of paint for the ceiling. She thought of how hard it was raining outside, hopefully Fade was doing better than when she had left to come inside, he was a wet mess when she left him out there.

    Mavis began to finish painting the ceiling and she went to the hallways of the house and the rooms to then repair those ceilings and walls, which were much needed. Mavis was happy to be of help to Fade. Even though she had no idea what she was doing.

    OOC: Wow I thought you did tbh XD


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Fade 27th November 2016, 7:57 am

    After finishing the outside repairs, which took longer than expected, Fade entered the home, it looked as if the residents had left until after the storm was finished. That was fine, he could probably collect his pay later. Regardless, today had been very tiring. The boy looked around the abode until he found his new friend. She was a lot dryer than him. Exhaling strongly, Fade slumped into the hallway floor and took a few seconds to regather himself as he stared off straight-- leaning his head against the walling beside him. "Everything surrounding the building should be fine.. Need any help in here?" The boy said, dismissing his Heralds which were trapped outside in the raging storm. Fade noticed Mavis had done a lot of work on the walls, it was looking really good in here. He found himself wondering if she'd done this type of work before, but recalled her saying she hadn't any experience with it. Interesting, was she a natural perhaps?

    You'll come to find that I'm not the brightest tool in the woodshed lmao.


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    :: ReQuip: The Disappearing Armory ::

    House Repair [Job] UhhY4s5

    D: 2

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    House Repair [Job] Empty Re: House Repair [Job]

    Post by Reiya 27th November 2016, 8:05 am

    Mavis would be patching up a wall, only to later paint a coat on the wall when Fade had walked in on her. Mavis had opened up a project screen full of information on the best ways to fix walls and ceilings. It was like Mavis' own little cheat-sheet. When she finally gave Fade her attention she noticed he was soaking wet, she smirked.

    "You know it's probably best you avoid all the paint, sweet-heart." Mavis coo'd her voice soft as silk, "I got this, you did a lot of work in the beginning I am simply picking up my end of the work." 

    She would go on to finish painting the wall she was working on when she looked over her shoulder at Fade.

    "Since we're growing as people, did you know my father in place of my mother's work he had me enslaved at four years old in his slave kingdom." Mavis would tell him, continuing her painting process, her voice calm as the seas, "Yea, he killed my mom because she was too exhausted after giving birth to do any work as a slave."

    Mavis had finished the one wall she had been working on and she moved on over to the next wall.


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    Post by Fade 27th November 2016, 8:15 am

    Fade silently breathed in and out, listening to her, he placed a hand on her foot, which in hindsight might've been weird. "That's terrible Mavis, I'm glad you were able to escape that life. You're a good girl.." He closed his eyes, and relaxed. He really didn't want to tell her what he'd done, and he hoped she wouldn't ask question, but, he felt like he owed her a story after she'd explained hers. "My mother locked me in a room with her because she was afraid I'd hurt somebody. She made me eat her Mavis..." He began to blink as water roled down his cheeks. Not just out of his own guit, but because of how wrong the world was to his generation. This girl needed a mother, he needed a mother. But outside variables were always destroying children's lives. "Sometimes... I kill people Mavis." Of course he didn't elaborate that he only killed criminals or rotten peope, but why bring that up? It's not like it could justify his sin. He wasn't human, and, in order to feel secure around this girl, she needed to know that.

    Last edited by Fade on 27th November 2016, 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Post by Reiya 27th November 2016, 8:25 am

    Mavis had closed the screen projection as she no longer needed the information and was quickly finishing the other final wall. As the Hydra boy told her she was a good girl, she knew with the goodness came darkness. For every light there was a darkness in this world. That's how the world balanced itself. Mavis didn't judge anyone for dark choices, she judged the people that made them turn to that route, a route full of rage and sorrow to the point where they were blind.

    As the boy began to open up to her, Mavis could feel his pain it radiated through out her body, how did he remain so calm, so emotionless... it was amazing. However no one should have to bury such pain deep inside their soul like that, it was unhealthy for the body. Mavis wasn't going to just let him walk away from this mission ending on this note, not after him telling her that his mother made him eat her as well as that he kills people. She wasn't that kind of person and this Pegasus was a caring person who would protect anyone she saw in need of it, and right now that's exactly who this Hydra was to her.

    "I am so sorry. I do not judge your actions for doing so. I am sure your mother had her reasons." Mavis told him, "However, I will let you know this." She began to smile, stepping down from the ladder, "If you need a mother-figure,- I know I'm not much older...- but I will act as a mother if you need me too."

    In all honesty the Pegasus woman already was beginning to feel motherly for him, she felt his sorrow and pain but hopefully she could help send it away, all the pain.


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    Post by Fade 27th November 2016, 8:40 am

    The boy released his touch from her, and rubbed his face on his shoulder. She was too kind, this girl... He wanted to just die at times like this. Honestly... "No no, I'm different after all these years. I'm fine. But-- I guess I won't pretend that I wouldn't like that. Thank you Mavis." He said, pulling his body off the ground and onto his feet, outside there was surely a raging storm occurring. They would just wait it out, he assumed. Looking over to her he offered a hand. "Meeting you was a treat. If you don't become the Guild Master someday, I'll be upset."


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    Post by Reiya 27th November 2016, 9:02 am

    Mavis always felt a motherly or big sisterly towards anyone who seemed to need a guide in these dark times, she didn't know if it was cause her life was already so fucked up it couldn't get better and she just saw it was better to help another than to let them fall. She wanted to be anyone and everyone's beacon of hope, not a beacon of light. Because who truly knew what was good or bad, it was simply just a set of lines that people put to judge character. However choices like that shouldn't just a character it depended on your past to why you made such decisions. Although this thought process didn't mean she couldn't determine if someone was bad or not, she still knew good from evil, of course. Mavis just rather not judge someone till she knows truly their intent for such a thing. Fade had thanked Mavis, which she was just glad to make him happy.

    "Of course, anytime Hydra boy." Mavis gave him a toothy grin.

    He told her he'd be upset if she wasn't guild-master some day, that made her heart skip a beat, to hear those words it was like music to her ears.

    "Well thank you, Fade." Mavis smiled.

    She sighed, looking out the windows of the house, the rain was down-pouring, sure Mavis knew she could use her magic simply as a map and find a route and get out of it. However Fade she knew he wasn't capable of that, so she would wait it with him to retrieve their reward in the morning, rather than having her client mail it to her guild.

    "So, Fade why do you kill people..." Mavis asked him, "I've killed multiple people in defense, so I won't judge you, no matter the reason."

    She tried to give him her full attention not dodging eye contact. Hopefully he could see through her eyes she was a serious and trust-worthy person.


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    Post by Fade 27th November 2016, 9:51 am

    Fade leaned against a wall, wise not to lean on one with freshly laid paint, mind you. It was then that he realized he'd forgotten his shoes and jacket out by the barn. Fuck. He silently made a 'tsk,' but doubted whether or not he really cared about cheap outfits anyways. Mavis seemed interested in his addiction. Very well, he'd tell her then. "I guess you could say I'm kind of like a vampire, people in my ancestry can live for long periods, hundreds of years, but they have a penalty which kind of makes it useless. One, we're always thirsty. It never-ends-- literally. Imagine going four to five weeks without what you would call water. That's how it is for me." Fade paused, turning to see how intent she really was on him, he scratched his cheek and got a little red in the face. "So even though I can live without it, I think. I still can't resist drinking if I've starved myself of blood for too long. It's pretty tormenting. There aren't any short-cuts or corners around it either, I've tried. My mother was skipped and the curse fell onto me, she knew I was resisting myself around the age of six, and despite me begging her to unlock that door... She demanded me to use her. So I did, and I never stop regretting it. I became a mage for Hydra in order to cheat my curse and drink from criminals instead of innocents. So at least I could tell myself so-and-so deserved this." The boy shrugged. "Legends say it came from a man named Caine, and that all who descend from him carry pieces of the demon who he was forced to merge with after killing his brother. Whenever we drink, we adopt his rage and become ten times stronger." Fade nodded. That about summed up the gist of it.


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    Post by Reiya 27th November 2016, 10:18 am

    Mavis was in awe, he was basically a vampire, she had heard and read many stories about them of collected information she could find with her magic, but she always thought they were a myth. However he did mention his thirst was not quenched, so did that mean right now he wanted or needed blood? Mavis felt the urge to offer her blood, she couldn't imagine going weeks without a glass of water, nor could she imagine drinking a glass or two and not being quenched. Poor thing, he was in a forever torment, however this sparked something for Mavis, maybe she could find a way to quench the thirst of Caine's Descent. Surely there had to be someone out there that knew how to quench the thirst or to take the curse away.

    Damn. That would be pure torture to be cursed just for your family's mistake, she couldn't imagine such a curse. Mavis wasn't one to accept a curse though, she always believed cursed or not there was always a way around it, maybe she couldn't take the curse away but maybe one day she could invent a device or invention that allows a caine descent to drink blood and be satisfied for a few days or a week. Maybe. Hopefully. She only wanted to help this boy, she knew it was much needed that he needed somebody to help him, cause he surely wasn't getting it from his guild at all.

    "Well damn, I'm sorry Fade." Mavis whispered.

    Mavis looked around the room, "Well, it's about time we head to bed." Mavis grabbed his hand and dragged him to lay on the floor with her. 

    As they laid there and Mavis fell into a deep slumber, she held onto Fade's shirt with one hand, the other hand draped around him hugging him. When morning came, Mavis would collect her part of the reward and leave Fade with a note on his forehead, since he was still asleep.

    The note: Fade, if you ever need a friend visit me at Blue Pegasus' Guild Hall~ Love, Mavis.

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    Post by Fade 27th November 2016, 10:28 am

    Retained his nondesrypt facial expression as his was pulled into the floor with her, his eyes widined, and a few lines of pink glowed from his face. As she fell into a slumber, Fade awakrdly stared up at the cieling. After awhile his eyes became heavy, and he had fallen asleep running a hand through her hair.

    Come the break of morning he was awoken by an overly happy Mr. Weatherstien. The parchment was left to him and he placed it in his pocket. The boy was offered a full course breakfest in addition to his reward, and had a meal with the Weathersteins' they were good people. All the while he stared down at the girl's note to him. With a small curve smile. After all was well the young mage took his jewels kindly. He returned home with his pay and an all new eagerness to meet more mages like Mavis Lockheart in the coming future.



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