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    Fire works and a light show (private social)

    Megane Ginger
    Megane Ginger

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 24
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Fire works and a light show (private social) Empty Fire works and a light show (private social)

    Post by Megane Ginger 14th November 2016, 12:34 pm

    Nex walked through the bustling streets with his hood up. His soft breath leaving a soft cloud as it leaves his lips. His shaggy red hair hung over his eyes which hid behind a set of spectacles. Nex continued to walk forward with no direction, he had no more money and still was unable to find work. The last time he had a mean was a few days back, nothing but a bird he had hunted down. Feeling exhausted and famished Nex pushed on forward.

    He entered a few shops asking if they were hiring, unfortunately he was turned down by all of them. Soon he found himself in the streets again, his vision growing hazy. Nex put his hand on the handle of of his sword wrapped in worn cloth on his side. "I gotta find work.....I need to find some food...." grumbled Nex as trudged on forward. After a few steps he stumbled and bumped into a man clothed in fine garbs.

    "Watch where you are going peasant!" growled the man as he shoved Nex away. Nex unable to keep his balance due to his balance fell. "I-I'm sorry sir..." apologized Nex as he apologized and slowly got up with much effort. The man didn't even bother to look back. With a sigh Nex made his way to an ally and plopped himself down on the wet cement. He finally let his exhaustion take over and in a matter of second Nex's consciousness faded.


    Fire works and a light show (private social) 14359310
    "Why don't you tell me your story?"

    Fire works and a light show (private social) Empty Re: Fire works and a light show (private social)

    Post by Guest 14th November 2016, 12:53 pm

    Summer Guiyang was in the rose garden as always, typically. She would be freezing because of winter was coming, but thanks to a coat that she is wearing, she doesn’t feel as cold as she normally would. Keeping herself to herself as she looked around. She got really excited as she thought of the events that happened not too long ago, she went to minstrel with an ace of her guild because she was invited to go to a formal event. Even though that wasn’t Summer’s thing. She very much enjoyed it, even though she had to carry Astrid out of the ship bridal style. She couldn’t wait for more adventures like that, she enjoyed life.

    Looking around while she thought of the events that night. She spotted a male with red hair, he looked like he was passed out and she bit her lower lip, he needed help. Standing up and keeping her coat cuddled into her, she ran over to the male and sat next to him, instantly placing his on her lap so his head had something comfortable to sit on while sighed softly. She had no idea what to do, but she didn’t want to wait that long either. She had the urge to help this guy.

    “Hello??” The female called out softly, hoping that he will wake up soon. This where she wishes she had Laysha with her, Laysha would probably have done a better job then the fireworks expert because of her own childish nature, but she has already learnt so much from Laysha already whilst being on the path of maturity.

    “Please, wake up.” She begged, showing concern on her face.
    Megane Ginger
    Megane Ginger

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 24
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Fire works and a light show (private social) Empty Re: Fire works and a light show (private social)

    Post by Megane Ginger 14th November 2016, 1:25 pm

    In the midst of the darkness Nex heard a voice, it was unclear like the warbling sound of someone speaking underwater. Nex was still unconscious but his hand still clung to his sword tightly. A few seconds later Nex's eyes opened slowly, his vision blurry. Brief moment he couldn't distinguish the shapeless blob that hung over him. He realized he was lying down and his head was on something soft....Nex blinked a couple of time until his vision came into focus. To his surprise it was a very pretty young woman. He also realized his head was resting on her lap.... at the given moment Nex would have blushed, but his lack of energy left his face pale. Nex tried to get up but the sudden movement made him feel nauseous, he ended up falling forward on the woman. Yet before a generic romantic comedy scene could unfold Nex lurched to the right redirecting his course just in time, so instead of falling into the arms of a beautiful woman Nex had a romantic kiss with the wet cobble stone path of the ally.

    "....Sorry about that...." Nex said weakly as he rolled over to his back. He looked up at the sky, not a single star could be seen.....it sadden him, back when he was at the village he would spend hours with his sisters looking up at the night sky marveling at it's beauty. He then moved his gaze to the barren sky to the girl next to him. She was indeed beautiful...Nex couldn't help but wonder why she was here....nobody bothered to help him before...the last time he had trusted someone he ended being robbed of his possessions.....luckily his sword wasn't stolen, but what ever food and money he had was gone. "....Who are you?....What are you doing here...." Nex said softly as he strained himself to sit up.


    Fire works and a light show (private social) 14359310
    "Why don't you tell me your story?"

    Fire works and a light show (private social) Empty Re: Fire works and a light show (private social)

    Post by Guest 14th November 2016, 5:05 pm

    Summer didn’t know what to do, she called out a greeting of some sort but it didn’t seem to be grabbing his attention of some sort. She looked down defeated, she would just have to find some shelter in case the man got too cold while he was unconscious. Looking up to the sky, Summer was deciding to let his head go on the concrete once more but then she heard some noises emanating from him. The fireworks expert had to look down to see his eyes slowly open, she was instantly relieved.

    Seeing him try to get up got her slightly worried, and even more so the moment he landed head first onto the concrete floor.

    “Oh gosh!” Summer bit her lower lip, this was no time to be excited. She in fact, felt sorry for him. He looked like he was in no state to be out in the cold and she felt absolutely sorry for the man. What was he doing out here anyway?? She didn’t know because that was none of her business.

    “Oh, it’s fine… I am glad you have awoken in time.” Summer stood up to see the redhead looking at the stars in the sky. Summer couldn’t help but also look up to the sky, there was a few perks with the night time that she always knew, and that wasn’t her being biased because of how stronger her magic was at night.

    Upon hearing the males question, she tilted her head and smiled softly. “My name is Summer, Summer Guiyang. For why I am here... Well you see, I always chill in the rose garden for various reasons… I seen you stumble around not too long ago and so I came to help.” The female admitted as she smiled softly at him. “I could ask you the same thing, however.”

    She was very excited on the inside right now, she was trying her best to make a good friend out of him. She was going to try for that, anyway. “I mean, it deeply concerns me that you just passed out like that.” The female added.
    Megane Ginger
    Megane Ginger

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 24
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Fire works and a light show (private social) Empty Re: Fire works and a light show (private social)

    Post by Megane Ginger 11th April 2017, 7:55 pm

    Nex grew almost as red as his hair as he saw Summer smile. He looked down allowing his shaggy crimson hair to partially hide his blushing face. He cleared his thoughts and cleared his mind allowing himself to gather his bearings. "Sorry about that...I haven't had a proper meal in quite sometime....but...thank you for your concern. I'm sure I'll be fine...uhm my name is Nex Emerson Hope....just call me Nex or Hope, which ever you like" Nex smiled and extended his hand for a hand shake. "It's really nice to meet you..."

    "Well I'm here looking for a job....I was trying to get a job in the city....but no one was wanted to hire me...hahaha so here I am wandering around looking for a decent honest job to send some money to my sisters in Beanstalk village." Nex smiled and explained his situation. He felt a bit defeated because he was unable to find a job yet, he knew his sisters were worried. He sighed and forced himself to get up by leaning on his sword trying to find his balance.


    Fire works and a light show (private social) 14359310
    "Why don't you tell me your story?"

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:33 pm