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    Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private)


    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 14th November 2016, 11:43 am

    Job Stuff:

    Maya was beside herself with excitement. This was the greatest job ever. Not only was it pretty easy job, but she got to meet somebody she had always dreamed of meeting: The lead singer for the Snake Sirens, Kurumi. The novice mage had been following Kurumi's exploits since she had entered the scene, the punk rock band rocketing their way up the charts to become one of the most popular musical groups in Fiore. She was famous, talented, and hot as hell. And now she was going to be able to meet her, in the flesh!

    She was so excited that she had to focus to keep herself from accidentally crushing the letter in her hands. She was supposed to deliver the letter to Kurumi herself; apparently he was her childhood friend, and couldn't get the letter to her any other way now. This was fine with Maya; anything that got her close to Kurumi was a great job. And all she had to do was get past the security. How hard could it be?

    Gold Rush Lineage choices for the thread
    Passive: Increase your own jewel reward by 100%
    Active: The user's luck will become at its peak (as though you needed any more...) and will now have great things overall happen to them. This ranges from getting a simple kiss from that one special person, to having your opponent stumble, causing them to, even if narrowly, miss the direction they were sending their spell at.

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
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    Experience : 150

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    Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 14th November 2016, 11:52 am

    "What do you mean, I can't deliver the letter?!"
    "Sorry, but rules are rules," the massive hulk of a security guard grunted. He was easily two feet taller than Maya, with a neck thicker than Maya's head. Definitely not somebody to mess with. "I get that you have a job, but I do too. Kurumi is not to be disturbed before her concert."
    "But I have a letter to deliver," Maya responded, putting on her best pouting face. "Can't you make an exception just this once?"
    The security guard shook his head. "No means no. Tough luck, kid."

    "Fiiiiiiiine." Maya slunk off around the corner of the stage, leaning against the wall as she got out of sight. How was she gonna go about this? Obviously the guy wasn't going to let her get through normally. This called for some distraction measures.

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 14th November 2016, 1:39 pm

    The easiest way to go here was definitely to cause a distraction. There didn't seem to be anybody other than the security guard and herself around, so it should be easy. But could she pull off the same thing she had done on the beach? She'd have to try. Just like the time with Shen, visualization was the key. She imagined the energy flowing out of the Lacrima in her right wrist and forming an orb of energy in her hand, and the orb began to form. She was careful to not let the orb get as big as it had at the beach, however; she wanted to cause a distraction, not hurt people.

    When the orb was of a size Maya thought was good, she hurled the orb in as high of an arc as possible to the other side of the security guard's corridor. Fortunately for her, at that exact moment the security guard had chosen to look down and retie his shoes. "Hm?" His head snapped upwards as the Lacrima Bomb landed and made a satisfyingly loud POP noise; soon after, he got up and moved around that corner, investigating. Maya took the advantage to sprint down the corridor, dodging the man and making it backstage.

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Can I get an autograph? (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 14th November 2016, 1:49 pm

    Once backstage, Kurumi was very easy to find. She was in her backstage room, prepping her makeup; when Maya burst into the room, she was almost done. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" She asked, whirling around to look at Maya.
    "Kurumi, my name is Maya," Maya responded breathlessly, partly from having sprinted all the way into here and partly from being so close to one of your idols. "HUGE fan. I have a letter for you from one Teka Maron."
    Immediately, Kurumi's expression softened. "Teka? I haven't heard from him in years. What's in the letter?"
    "No idea, you'll have to read it yourself," Maya replied, handing the letter to her idol.

    Kurumi was silent for several minutes as she read the letter; by the time she was done, she was on the verge of tears. "Maya, was it?" The rock star said slowly. "Thank you for coming. This letter means a lot to me; after all these years, he still hasn't forgotten me. Is there anything I can do to repay you for this?"

    Maya was bright red. "Well, uh...Glad I was able to help. Can I...Can I get an autograph? And maybe watch the show?"
    Kurumi laughed. "Is that all? Of course. I'd even be willing to give you a backstage tour, if you want."
    "For real?" Maya replied, shocked. "I'll take you up on that!" Today was shaping up to be great, and it'd only just begun. Mission complete, and concert to be enjoyed.

    Job End

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm