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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)


    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 11th November 2016, 12:52 pm

    Job Stuff:

    Maya stretched lightly as she made her way down towards Hargeon's beach. Normally, the beach was a bustling place, filled with tourists, locals, and traders aplenty. However, things had changed recently. Apparently sea life had been washing up on the shoreline in droves, causing people to be driven away due to the masses of rotting fish. They had put out a request for a mage to investigate; since Maya was rather low on Lacrima funds, it paid rather well, and it didn't seem like combat would be involved, Maya decided to spring for it.

    Truth be told, she was rather frightened to be on a job on her own for the first time. She'd never held a job before the incident, and here she was trying to get something done on her own when she had been a mage for barely a week. She could only hope that she would be up to the task.

    Gold Rush Lineage choices for the thread
    Passive: Increase your own jewel reward by 100%
    Active: The user's luck will become at its peak (as though you needed any more...) and will now have great things overall happen to them. This ranges from getting a simple kiss from that one special person, to having your opponent stumble, causing them to, even if narrowly, miss the direction they were sending their spell at.

    Last edited by Meletzo on 11th November 2016, 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 93
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    Experience : 150

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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 11th November 2016, 1:39 pm

    As Maya approached the shoreline, it quickly became apparent as to why nobody was going near the shoreline anymore. The smell hit her first, and she nearly gagged. The scent of rotten fish permeated the air to the point that Maya had to pull the 'collar' of her hoodie over her nose so she wouldn't vomit. The sight that came into view as she approached the shore wasn't much better; the shoreline was almost coated with dead sea things of all shape and size, from tiny minnows to massive whales. I should have asked Gisen about protective gear, she thought regretfully, filing that thought away for next time.

    She reached the shore after a short while later. The smell was very nearly overpowering at this point even through Maya's hoodie. She started to take a deep breath to prepare herself, but gagged instead; this was very obviously not something she was used to. That being said, this was something she volunteered for, and if she knew anything, it was that backing out a job this early in her mage career would probably end badly. So she steeled herself and moved on.

    Posts : 23954
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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by NPC 11th November 2016, 1:39 pm

    The member 'Meletzo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) WeakMonster Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) NormalMonster Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) WeakMonster

    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Experience : 150

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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 11th November 2016, 4:02 pm

    As Maya inspected the beached animals (going slowly so as not to overload her already strained senses), a certain spot caught her eye. Lying on this particular part of the beach were a decently sized school of fish and a pair of sharks that seemed rather less rotten than the rest of the dead animals. Maybe there was still hope for them? Maya decided to find out, making her way towards the center of the spot. As she walked, the fish twitched slightly; they were indeed still alive! Maybe she could find a way to-

    As soon as Maya reached the center of the spot, the school and the sharks sprung to life, leaping at her with the sharks baring rows of razor sharp teeth. Maya's eyes went wide as she looked around at the fish flinging themselves all around her and the sharks edging ever closer. Her mind was blanking; she had absolutely not been prepared for living wildlife, let alone ones that threw themselves at her. As her panic and fear spiked, the Lacrimas embedded in her lit up, spots of varying colors appearing and immediately glowing brightly. If she could see herself, she would also note that her eyes, normally brown, were now glowing a bright red.

    Boom. Maya felt a sharp pain in her left wrist as the Lacrima within it suddenly discharged all of the magic stored within it in a storm of multicolored energy, flinging the swarm of fish and sharks around her away. Her hand went limp for a moment, involuntarily spasming slightly before returning to normal, but Maya was too busy trying to figure out what the hell had just happened to focus on that. The fish were in shreds; the few that were still intact were lying on the ground limply. The sharks were still alive, but the explosion had obviously bewildered them; they flailed about on the ground blindly, biting into the ground and whatever other rotting things were around them.


    Maya HP: 95 (-5 from Lacrima Burst)
    Maya MP: 115% (cast Mana Burst)
    Posts until mana regen: 5
    Cooldowns: Lacrima Burst (2 posts)

    Last edited by Meletzo on 11th November 2016, 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by NPC 11th November 2016, 4:02 pm

    The member 'Meletzo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
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    Experience : 150

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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 11th November 2016, 6:27 pm

    Once she had calmed down a bit, Maya decided to take a look at her left wrist as the sharks blindly flailed a good distance away. The rest of the Lacrimas were still glowing brightly (albeit slowly fading as she calmed down), but the one in her left wrist was completely back to normal already. What the heck had just happened? Did she blow out the Lacrima's excess capacity or something? If so, could she learn to do that on demand instead of just when she panicked? She also noticed that her hand was rather bruised and cut suddenly. If that was a side effect of the burst, she'd have to learn how to control it. Maya stretched for a bit, wincing as her hand ached, and moved over towards the shore. Despite the carnage on the beach, the water looked the same as ever; It was a beautiful sight, even if Maya risked gagging to do so.

    That was right about when Maya heard the noises behind her. The sharks had regained their senses and had slowly flailed their way to a position only a few feet behind the novice mage without her noticing. Maya froze again, cursing under her breath. When's that 'family luck' when I need it? she thought bitterly. It never seems to work when I really need it. With a start, she realized that the sharks were about to leap at her again. With the ocean at her back and two daunting opponents in front of her, she did the first thing she thought of: She leapt to the left. The sharks leapt at her, passing over where she just been...

    ...And right into the second pair of sharks that had just jumped silently out of the water behind her.

    The four sharks all collided with each other and fell to the ground, writhing and biting at each other. Maya muttered several thanks under her breath to God, her luck, and her parents for inheriting said luck. There would still be survivors from this clash, though; if only she had some way to hit the survivor, this would be much easier.

    It was at this point that Maya realized the Lacrima on her right hand was glowing brightly. As she stared at her hand, the Lacrima began extruding a tendril of energy that spiraled in on itself in her palm until there was a bright, multicolored orb of energy formed in her hand. Was this the Lacrima's way of assisting her? There was only one way to find out. A quick glance revealed that the sharks had finished tearing into each other, leaving one very weakened survivor. After a few moment of hesitation, she lobbed the orb of energy at it. The orb whistled slightly as it passed through the air, leaving an incandescent trail in the midday sun as it landed on the shark, then exploded in a bright firework of energy. The shark let out a hoarse cry before falling limp, dead.

    Maya was panting heavily. For the first time in her life, she had killed something that wasn't an insect. Even if it was in self-defense, it still left a terrible taste in her mouth. The novice mage briefly pulled down her collar and popped one of her Lacrima 'candies' into her mouth, hoping it would help to calm the raging torrent of nausea, adrenaline, and emotion she was feeling at the moment. She uttered another prayer of thanks for her luck and an apology to the shark before slowly resuming her adventure on the beach, stumbling somewhat.


    Maya HP: 95
    Maya MP: 105% (-10% for Lacrima Bomb)
    Posts until mana regen: 4
    Cooldowns: Lacrima Burst 1, Lacrima Bomb 3, Gold Rush 4
    Gold Rush Active used, luck maxed for this post

    Last edited by Meletzo on 11th November 2016, 6:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by NPC 11th November 2016, 6:27 pm

    The member 'Meletzo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private) Empty Re: Something's Fishy (Meletzo/Job/Private)

    Post by Meletzo 11th November 2016, 8:33 pm

    It took around twenty minutes for Maya to calm down fully. The Lacrima helped more than it probably should have; at first they had tasted horribly bland, but in the weeks since the accident they had taken on their own flavor similar to a mystery lollipop. The doctors had said that was due to something about Maya's body acclimating to its new magical power source. Maya thought it was interesting, but didn't pay it much mind; it made the days a little more bearable, so she appreciated it.

    As she finally felt good enough to investigate again, she stood up and patrolled the beach once more. There were a few new carcasses, she noted; the animals were very clearly beaching themselves (and still were in the process of doing so) for a reason. What the reason could be, Maya had no idea; the water still looked normal, if not better than it had been when she first arrived. As she walked over to inspect the shoreline once more, she started formulating what she was going to tell her clients when she returned.

    Since she was facing the shoreline, she was able to react to the shark attack this time. She jumped backwards, stumbling a bit as the sharks missed her and landed on the shoreline flailing like the others had. It doesn't seem like there's anything else for me right now, she thought to herself, already starting to head back on the path back to downtown Hargeon. Today had been an important day; she made good discoveries as to what exactly her power could do, and she was able to make a good inspection of the shoreline. All in all, it was a pretty good day.


      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 8:26 pm