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    Narcissistic Cannibal


    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Narcissistic Cannibal Empty Narcissistic Cannibal

    Post by Narumi 9th November 2016, 5:06 pm

    "P- Pardon! Sorry! Whoops! Waaugh!" Narumi found herself falling backwards on the cold stone road as she tried (and failed) to navigate herself through the large crowd of people. Her ears folded down as she rubbed her head in pain. "Hey! Watch it yo-?" She was cut short by the fact that the person who had shoved her had all but disappeared from the crowd. Gazing around once more, Narumi still couldn't take it all in at once!

    So this was a town after all. Something she had heard about for a long while, but still hadn't had the opportunity to discover it for herself until now. She loved it! All the smells, colors, lights, and the magic energy dancing through the air! It was intoxicating, and Narumi couldn't bear herself to take it all in at once, she had to go explore! The Kitsune would excitedly make her way through the various streets, trying to absorb everything she could. All the people here seemed very diverse. Some she could tell weren't human, but neither was she. The kitsune would continue to be stared at by random people because of her fox like features, but she never seemed to care about it. Her attention was much too focused on the scene around her. Of course, the crazed look in her expression, filled with happiness caused her to get some unexpected attention...

    Narumi was just gazing through the window of a store when the girl felt an unfamiliar tap on her shoulder. The Kitsune's attention was quickly stolen from the fancy snowglobes to a rather ominous looking figure wearing a hooded cloak. "Hm?" Narumi peered at him curiously, her almost glowing golden gaze fixated. "There's someone who wants to see you, Kitsune. Would you be so kind as to follow me?"He asked, in a straight tone... Narumi's ears twitched as she stared at him for a few moments, her expression filled with curiosity. "Uh... W- Who?" She finally asked nervously. With that, the man unrolled his sleeve and showed the girl his arm... There was something on it! A mark of some sort... Depicting a black flower...? That's when Narumi's mind suddenly remembered! That mark! She had seen it before! She had met another with a similar symbol imprinted on her stomach! It was a logo that was for... What did she call it? A guild? Black Rose! That's the one! "R- Really? Are you sure they want to see me? I- I've only just arrived!" She chuckled, less nervous now knowing where this man was from. Surly if Narumi could trust that girl, then her guild could be too, right? "Aye. You were asked for specifically... You've been the only Kitsune spotted in these parts for a long while. Now then, please follow me..."

    A few minutes later, Narumi had been led through the crowds and streets, and brought into what appeared to be a small Inn. She looked over the title. "The Silver-Moon Inn..." She said quietly. The man brought her inside to the lobby, and showed her a seat at an empty booth. The place was quite lively from what Narumi could tell. There were lots of people, all enjoying themselves in this sophisticated establishment. She sat next to the window with a small grin on her face. "They'll be here shortly." The man said, before walking off...


    Narcissistic Cannibal Request


    Narcissistic Cannibal Empty Re: Narcissistic Cannibal

    Post by Guest 10th February 2017, 8:30 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ S Rank

    The youthful Bakedanuki had spotted the Kitsune while she was out and about once, but the more intriguing thing about the random fox she had discovered was the fact that her soul did not quite seem... right. It had taken the Guild Master a long while to sit back and form her plans, yet that 'long while' really was only an hour before she sent someone out to retrieve the Kitsune. The other Youkai would be a perfect stranger for her proposals. Even with too much information leaked, if the Kitsune refused and decided to spread her words, Izayuki could simply deny it had even happened. Who would believe a random yokai over the words of a Guild Master and Wizard Saint?

    Finally, her messenger returned to her office and notified her that the Kitsune was downstairs in the restaurant area. Standing from her desk, Izayuki made her way out the door of her office and through the halls in order to move down the stairs to the louder, lively area. The Kitsune was not hard to first scent, and soon spot, seated near the window. The Bakedanuki made her way over to the vixen that she had requested to see, and approached her in an amiable and nonthreatening manner. "Hello~" the Guild Master began with a sincere smile, before sitting down. "Name's Izayuki Hyoujin- I'm the Guild Master of Black Rose. I'm the one who wanted to see you. Your name?"


    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Narcissistic Cannibal Empty Re: Narcissistic Cannibal

    Post by Narumi 13th February 2017, 11:07 am

    Naru would be quietly sitting at her little table, her head leaning against the surface as her golden gaze closely observed what looked like a cup of beer. Her face was that of complete and sincere curiousness. What was this liquid? What was it used for? Why did it have such a unique color? A million thoughts raced through the Kitsune's head as she continued to stare with awe. She probably had forgotten completely why she was here, if she even remembered where HERE was. However, her gaze and thoughts would be shattered by the sound of a voice. With a quick ear twitch, Naru would turn her golden gaze over to another person.

    The woman had long pink hair, and two fluffy ears! What seemed like a long fluffy tail too! Could this girl be someone she was looking for? Did she also cove from Revara? She had to have been! Why else would she look like that? Why would she ask for Narumi to come? to the kitsune, there was only one explanation! Although her scent was unfamiliar. Naru couldn't quite place the odd sweet, maybe mixed with blood scent. The entire time Naru would just stare at Izayuki with a wide eyed expression, that was until the girl asked Narumi her name.

    "Huh? Oh! Right! Err... M- My name's Narumi! You can just call me Naru though." She blurted somewhat suddenly, her mind only now just registering the fact that this girl named Izayuki has had even spoken in the first place. "I... Uhh. I'm not from around here..." She'd say somewhat nervously, scratching her chin as she peered around the Inn, her white tipped tail would sway silently as she did. Her ear would twitch again, and she remembered Iza was still there. "So uhh. You wanted to speak to me, right? I was told so much about this little 'guild' from another person who had the mark! And you lead it!" She would begin to say in an excited tone, but in truth Naru had no idea what to make of this situation. She figured if this Iza was from the same place as Naru was, she would've said something about it. After all, she had assumed the other member "Jiyu" was from Revara, but as the girl pointed out, she was in fact not. It seemed her island home wasn't the only place with these spirits. "So.. Uhh. What did you want to see me for?" She'd ask curiously, her ear twitching for a moment.


    Narcissistic Cannibal Request

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:46 pm