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    The Eulogy: Death and Departed


    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Dubhlainn 24th October 2016, 10:46 am

    And another blade stabbed to the ground in honor for the death of a man he worked with, another for a man he killed, another he betrayed and the last was the soul that he left behind. The black mist shrouds this place, the powers of the Dullahan lay dormant but only for so long. He had conquered the mass consciousness and ill that it may bring to his mind and despite that he comes here.

    The cemetery, to bury the dead and pay his respects to those he killed and soon, long forgotten.

    Every sword honors a man, the offer of flowers be given to those of the innocent that were dragged into his work, those that didn’t even deserve to die. He pitied the dead and mourned for them when no one did and at least while doing this, he’ll be the only one to remember. At last the final grave, unlike the others, this one was a special grave to the one he loved so dearly the most.

    “Gwendolyn…. I’m glad I kept my promise to you” Dubhlainn had only parted and gone from the guild and the world who knew him only to see Gwendolyn one more time in her final moments. Everything that happened to Gwendolyn, happy or sad, he treasured them all. Till death do us part. Gwendolyn was born with an illness to begin with but now that she’s gone, Dubhlainn must carry her corpse and prepare a grave just for her. It was in the middle of the forest, where trees aren’t rotten, where refuge from the mist is still possible and it was the only place where the light would shine in this forsaken place.

    Now that he’s buried her, he returns to the cemetery in order to pack his equipment and be on his merry way… but…

    “Eavesdropping is unbecoming of you but I’m thankful that you gave me time to say goodbye to her.”


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Eulogy: Death and Departed GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty Re: The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Guest 24th October 2016, 12:57 pm

    Making a base post for references of my magic and lineage, et cetera. I will make the actual post later on, since I'm currently eating.

    The Ravenous Hand
    Mark of Lilith
    Lady Without Mercy

    Marceline Anicetus

    "When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."
    - Death

    Since the beginning of time, Death has always been around collecting the souls of those who were meant to die and sparing those who were not yet ready to pass on. However, Death never had one set image; Death was simply an idea that happened whenever a creature became too old and its body could no longer sustain its soul. However, a species would be birthed into the world that would change Death’s outlook on Life for the rest of the time that the concept of Death existed. Throughout the ages, as the human race grew and evolved, sentient thoughts came to and produced the idea that Death was personified. Death wasn’t just a singular idea that happened when something became too old; no, it was a living, breathing creature just as they were. As this idea spread across Earthland, Death became aware of this, and the very belief of Death having a visage gave It strength. With this given strength, Death was able to produce an appearance for Itself, giving birth to legends of the very concept, itself.

    Death does not have one single visage, however; centuries of its existence has caused many civilizations to believe Death to look so vastly different from one another. The most commonly believed visage of Death is that It is a skeleton of a long-dead man, wielding that of a scythe and shrouded by a hooded, tattered, black cloak. Fog surrounds the bottom of His cloak, hiding any form of ability to walk so that it appears as if the being is simply gliding along the ground. Yet, Death does not have a set appearance, It will take on any image that It so desires, passing generation after generation with a different appearance. For, it is not just one thing, but Death is everything that is around a person, from the green leaves that dance in the wind to the small bark of a dog in a yard. Each and everyday, things are slowly withering down to their molecular forms until not even they exist in the essence of the world. You see, Death is not just something that has stopped living, it is even the things that still breathe air and exist around you.

    It has become known as one sentient being with a thousand names, but no matter where It goes, everyone knows It as the “Lady Without Mercy.” She appears in towns, villages, and cities donned in a black, hooded cloak, wielding a scythe that is constantly dripping blood from those she has taken the soul from. A silent entity that if spoken to, she will never respond back, and looking into her eyes will only ascertain one’s death through the black abysses. If she is seen passing through a town and the scythe is dripping blood, it typically meant that everyone was meant to die. Still, if the scythe isn’t dripping blood as she passes through, it meant that the people of the town would live to see another day. Not one to speak words to her victims, simply passing through a place meant death for those that lived there, as there has never been a time her scythe wasn’t dripping blood. Beware the Lady Without Mercy for even her presence casts out Death where she walks and no one is safe from the end she brings.


    Matter of Style:
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    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty Re: The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Guest 25th October 2016, 5:03 pm

    Marceline Anicetus
    Marceline giggled when Dubhlainn called to her, stepping out of the shadows of a bent, gnarled, and twisted dead tree. She was nothing more than a ghostly shadow against the tree's shade, standing tall and regal, but with a slight childish nature to her stance. Her slender, grayed hands were clasped in front of her at her bosom in a prayer-like position, a soft smile gracing her lips. Fiery, red orbs were alight with gleaming happiness and wonder, as if standing in the graveyard was a comfort for her. Slender and small feet carried her across the graves of the long and recently deceased with gliding motions like her feet never touched the ground. Before long, the woman stood solemnly in front of the dullahan, her hands clasped together now at her waist. Around her, the hem of the gown flowed close to the ground like a wisp of air that hid her limbs from view.

    "Why, I didn't know the great and mysterious Dubhlainn was capable of feeling affection for a being of the living realm," she spoke up. Her voice was in a harsh whisper, but in spite of the lowered volume of her voice, it still held a sweet taste to it. "You must have been aware that Master was bound to come for your beloved Gwendolyn quite early on in her life, no?" Marceline's voice had switched to one of softness to that of a condescending tone, her hands sweeping out around her to encompass the graveyard. The smirk played widely on her lips, brilliant, white teeth subject to the darkness as they glimmered in the dim light. She drew her steps closer to him until she was mere feet away from his face, then turned slightly to the left and circled around him. "I'm guessing you're aware of why I'm here then, why Master has sent his little servant to do His bidding once again. . ."

    She paused in front of him, where they faced each other, eye-to-eye, gleaming orbs of red staring into orbs of abysmal black. One of her arms extended outward, leading toward a grave until an open palm was facing upward to the sky. Slowly, her arm manifested from a bone-like material into that of a metallic blade of what could have been mistaken for a scythe. Her dreary eyes looked from Dubhlainn to the blade that was now her arm, she twisted it and thought silently to herself. "You haven't changed, have you? You're still as stagnated as you were before I had even left Savage Skull, such a pity. You're underdeveloped, a nuisance, something that needs to be gotten rid of being it takes up too much space in the world." Marceline gritted her teeth and swung her arm forward, sending the blade in the direction of where Dubhlainn stood.
    Junier of GS + Adox

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty Re: The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Dubhlainn 26th October 2016, 6:26 am

    Marceline’s word bore the truth and obvious and none of which Dubhlainn would need to reply to. There were no words to speak of it, he hid himself well from his comrades and now his long mission of eliminating the forbidden poison concluded. Burying Gwendolyn after fulfilling the promise put his mind at ease but that doesn’t mean his journey would be over.

    “I won’t stop you Marceline” he said to her.
    “But before you leave, I have one final request that I would implore you” and so Marceline would listen as she fades into the ash and black atmosphere of the spooky forest.

    “Remember my name, remember hers for that one day I can no longer” thus Marceline and Dubhlainn parted that day having preferred not to ask where the winds would lead the forsaken soul who served death. At that time Marceline had not known whom he referred as her.

    He caught her blade with his hand but the blade had not even made physical contact with his flesh, it was then in a few seconds that a gauntlet would materialize to cover it and when Marceline blinked to look over, Dubhlainn was already in full black armor as hints of his black mist would leak out.

    “Indeed I have not changed because I’m satisfied that I lived as a human even in the shortest moments for whence the world has seen me as a monster and one had not, it was more than enough.”

    Bogeyman effect – Dubhlainn was only given the powers of the Dullahan, he wasn’t born as one but many seem to have forgotten that quality because of how terrifying he appears to be. Because of his passive that allowed him to adapt and reduce all foreign elements, the Bogeyman Effect had only fazed him but he shown no expression of fear. Marceline had stared right into his soul but failed to intimidate him completely. Usually Dubhlainn would have nothing to fear but there was one concern he had. It was when he requested Marceline to remember his name. For that if he dies and his consciousness would submit, Cruach will rise as told by Merlin, the Dullahan that Dubhlainn suppressed for a long time. He would not remember who he is and when Cruach takes over, Fiore will have a troublesome threat. That was why he wishes not to die soon. This was his fear… and fear felt because he is human.

    Shinigami Eyes – Her eyes would confirm that Dubhlainn indeed has a lifespan but her vision of it was blurry not because of Dubhlainn’s magic but the fact that he possessed a power that has its own consciousness.

    Because he held her blade so tightly, he mocked her with a poke to the forehead with two fingers and would do this repetitively for as long as the distance between them was short. It would do no damage but mocking her is something Dubhlainn would do. If she were to back off, he’d draw his sword now and prepare.

    “If I did, you and I will not remember who I was.”

    @Marceline Anicetus


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Eulogy: Death and Departed GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty Re: The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Guest 26th October 2016, 12:01 pm

    Marceline Anicetus

    The change in his appearance did not alter the way Marceline received the information that was needed to fight him. It was a simple change, that was it, nothing that would send her off-kilter because of the difference in what he looked like. So, when she glanced back at him, she merely grunted and pressed her weight into her bladed arm, aiming to push him back. Seconds later, her arm would switch back to its normal visage, causing her to fall in toward his stature, only to dissipate into nothingness. In this state, she could not be seen and she could not be sensed by any means; she was, to simply put it, missing. With no way of being sensed until she removed herself from this state, the woman came up and around where Dubhlainn stood. When she returned to her physical form, no longer could she be seen standing in front of him, but rather behind him.

    His incessant poking of her forehead would be entirely disregarded and her physique something that he hasn't seen before. When he turned around, she would not appear to him as he naturally saw her; in this instance, she was, well, shorter, younger. Standing before him would be a little girl of flowing, blonde hair and vibrant, blue eyes that appeared to hold only innocence. She would smile at him, wave a little, but this little girl wasn't anyone important to him, just a little girl. Moments later, the little girl would lose that vigorous smile of a happy child and take a step back to raise her hands. These hands would summon forth ten spikes of immaterial and invisible form all around Dubhlainn as a means to impale and attack him. Each spike could easily deal two hit points in damage per spike that had managed to go through his body.

    HP: 300
    MP: 90%
    Junier of GS + Adox

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty Re: The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Dubhlainn 13th November 2016, 9:32 am

    Just as he was starting to enjoy poking her, she dissipated and had left without a trace. Of course Dubhlainn can no longer sense her presence but he must keep his guard up, having encountered and registered that she attempted an attack would definitely have him expect another in a matter of short moments. Though he fully intended on leaving the cemetery and returning to Savage Skull, this cemetery was no longer his territory, it was hers and she held such advantage over the grave stones, the dying trees and the aged buildings.

    She’s currently in her element, with a bit a fear and because of fear he had to raise his caution while slowly making his way but as soon as he managed to take two steps, he felt her presence again and it was from behind. An appearance of the innocent youth, took a few seconds for him to grasp in the image before coming to his senses and dodge the attack but barely.

    He isn’t equipped to fight but gladly everything in the graveyard can be used as a weapon. He thrust forward again, slicing away the spikes with one strike and cleaving right at her with the next one. Marceline materialized a bit close to him, perhaps too close that he would have been pricked but if he takes that damage and proceeds, she’ll be the one who’s going to get cut.

    Dodging most of the erected spikes was because Dubhlainn is unaware of her abilities. Marcy knew of his status as a former soldier and knew his tricks, though it’s rare for anyone who knew him to see Dubhlainn perform at his fullest potential.

    (Initial) 150/150hp = 148/150hp
    Mana – 100%

    Innocent monster- 25% in all physical parameters (Strength, Defense, Agility)
    Adaptable resistance – 15% magic reduction (Source:Marceline) Target is non-human
    Armed with a Weapon

    Unarmed damage – 19
    Armed damage – 21 (30 for a heavy attack)

    All slayer – renders Defensive bonus useless for 3 posts after being hit (Innocent monster defense afflicted) - remaining resistance - 15% to all sources on Marceline's magics.

    Notes: I can see why Mura considers this lineage powerful. You can go toe to toe with any tough fighter with this. Should have fought you while you're still a flower with a vine and a pet. This buff certainly is interesting, glad this isn't a boring start for a fight.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Eulogy: Death and Departed GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    The Eulogy: Death and Departed Empty Re: The Eulogy: Death and Departed

    Post by Guest 13th November 2016, 11:08 am

    Marceline Anicetus

    OOC: Mura didn't fight me when I had this lineage; Mura fought me when I had Spirit Link. ^.^

    Marceline remained in her position at the beginning of the start of the Death Spikes, contentedly watching Dubhlainn try to avoid all forty of them. With them wildly forming in all directions, it was no doubt difficult for the magus to retain no injuries from them. However, he had managed to escape all but one of them, the scent of his blood quickly filling the air with itself. Closing her eyes, the young, childlike figure let a smile sprawl across her lips, enjoying the rustic scent of his blood. A pink tongue slid over thin lips, wetting them from the idea of being able to taste such metallic liquid on her taste buds. Opening her green orbs, the woman returned to watching the ghastly knight maneuver around the empty battlefield. Why was she fighting him? She couldn't discern why, but perhaps her reason being that she wished to test his strength. It had been so long after all.

    With Dubhlainn having been distracted by the Death Spikes, this allowed Marceline to make her next move. Yet, watching her, one would come to notice that the young girl did not move an inch from her place in which she stood. In a fifty-five-meter radius, a wind would begin to pick up, slowly at first, ever growing until it was whipping around the blonde hair of the child. She did not seem fazed by the wind at all, rather she merely watched the man from his place meters away from her. The wind started to become chillier, a crispness to its sharpness as it whirled around the area they were in. Frost crept along the gravestones and across the dying grass, freezing it over as it inched around the graveyard. Snowflakes fell from seemingly nowhere in the sky, floating and drifting to the ground as a mimicked blizzard commenced.

    Mixed in with the small-scale blizzard, one would come to find flecks of a black, ash-like substance floating in with the snowflakes. Reaching for it, they would find that no matter much they tried to touch the flecks of ash, their fingers would simply go through it. This blizzard had something more to it that would allow for it to be as damaging as it was beginning to be. Marceline, on the other hand, remained stationary, ever-watching the knightly magus in seeing what he would do next. She did not make any other moves toward him, rather she appeared to be much like a statue where she stood. Her gaze steady and peering at Dubhlainn through the whipping snowflakes that the blizzard was creating around them. The smile was still creepily placed on her lips, as if she was just a smiling doll or statue against a grave.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 79%
    Permanent Passives From Magic:
    Used Spells:
    Junier of GS + Adox

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 2:01 am