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    A Piece of Your Fantasy


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 19th October 2016, 8:39 am

    Job Title: The Hunter

    Rank: B

    Player Requirements: B-Ranked Wizard(s) or two C-Ranked Wizards.

    Job Requirements: Thread must be 40 posts long. 300 words per post. Must locate the Lost Saint's Treasure Vault buried beneath the Ancient Ruins after defeating the Gemstone Hunter or Harper Goldenshine. This Job May Only Be Completed Once by any Character

    Job Location: Ancient Ruins

    Job Description: Legend tells that somewhere within the Ancient Ruins; the original Ten Wizard Saints of old, one millenia ago; the ten of them gathered, and collectively hid away their most valuable artifacts and treasures.

    For awhile; no one knew how to navigate the old ancient city and labyrinths; but one bold Wizard, Harper Goldenshine, reknowned across Fiore for his treasure hunting skills; claims to know a way to find the treasure. Rumour has it that he and his band of Treasure Hunters; 'The Gem Brothers'; have been searching the Ancient Ruins for days now, and are somewhere within.

    Harper is known for misusing artifacts he finds, he could find something truly powerful in the trove of the original ten Wizard Saints; and this is something that the Magic Council is not willing to risk. The Council has sent out requests to the Guilds, both Legal and Dark; with a challenge for the wizards to find the treasure before the Gem Brothers do. The Council has promised too keep the treasure safe on display in Era's Mueseum for future generations to behold; but also has promised to make the Wizard's who might be successful in this endeavor handomsely paid with coin from the Old Saint's Trove itself after it's found.

    Count Sparrow himself has also promised that each Wizard who helps recover this piece of Wizarding World history; will get to keep one item from the Old Wizard Saint's trove for their own personal use.

    It is a mountain of golden, gilded treasures that stretches the size of fifteen buses. Deep, deep, within the Ancient Ruins. It glistens.


    Weak: Rookie Treasure Hunter x3 (C-Ranked, Non Wizard; they carry an array of different style swords with them. They're not very fast; but very sturdy young lads.  Their slashes can deal C-Ranked damage in chain slashes. They take 2 hits of B-Ranked damage to down each.)

    Normal: Professional Treasure Hunter x5 (B-Ranked, Non Wizard; they carry an array of different styles of guns and cannon weapons on them. Very, very fast, running and shooting is their specialty; along with explosions; a nod to their careers as treasure hunters and master excavation artists. They can deal rapid fire B-Ranked damage to targets, and A-Ranked damage if they use cannons or explosives. Takes 4 hits of B-Ranked damage to take each one of these experienced treasure hunters out. )

    Strong: Gemstone Hunter (B-Ranked, Wizard. Uses Crystal-Make Magic. Can instantly deflect or trap any Light or Water spell of up to B-Ranked with a successful block. Can be used to slam, push and trap, or construct weapons out of. This wizard is incredible with all different types of weapons through his 'Make', from Giant Waraxes, to Crystal Bows, too Crystal Swords of different shape and size. Will attempt to trap opponents in crystal prisons and then continue for chain attacks as well. If you fail more than 5 blocks against him over the course of the fight; he will trap you in a Crystal-Make prison and shatter it with an attack for A-Ranked damage. Takes 3 hits of A-Ranked or 6 hits of B-Ranked damage to take this bad, bad hunter down.)

    Boss: Harper Goldenshine (A-Ranked, Wizard. Uses Crystal-Make Magic. One of the most famous wizards in Fiore; Harper's 'make' is so fast that it seems to appear instantly from nowhere. He can do anything one can imagine with Crystal-Make; anything from creating a house, too a lion, too a gigantic crystal serpent. He can whirl out crystal blades that can block any spell B-Ranked and below and also use crystal walls that prevent him from taking any damage whatsoever. He also is a fan of creating giant weapons out of thin-air that slam down and shatter on his opponents for A-Ranked damage. Light and Water are useless against him as he will instantly crystalize them as the spells are being weaved. Takes 6 hits of A-Ranked damage or 12 hits of B-Ranked damage to take down The Hunter himself.)

    Reward: 10,000 Jewels, One Legendary Item Each and an extra B rank's of Exp (added after bonus calculation)

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 20th October 2016, 8:26 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    The ruins were an unforgiving fortress for both its architecture and age as it proved nigh impossible to map the scattered ancients with map alone, since it seemed that a hefty amount of survivability was a recommended skill set for even the most brilliant of wizards. Fortunately for Terith, however, it seems that his time as a vagabond made it relatively easier to manage the tricky part that came with navigating in general. Though he wouldn't consider himself a man with a great sense of direction, he did like to think that he was, strangely enough, in his natural element.

    The swordsman pressed an idle thumb against his blade's handle as his eyes worked seamlessly across his small map's directions, circling over the various dips and turns of the area with cautious footing as to avoid an ungraceful fall courtesy of the moist blocks, where moss and vine both nested in copious amounts. There had not been any warning of any beasts that made a home of the ruins currently, so he was free to linger around the empty spaces with little worry for his safety, until he'd reach the threshold of Harper's operation, however. He wasn't too sure about it's exact location, actually, since the Council only ever seemed to provide vague locations and he was, at best, mapping the ancient mazes of the ruins with nothing but theories and a map that thrived on the council's hoo-haas and do-daddles.

    Yet the reward was so damn alluring, it was hard to object to his desire of applying for the job request regardless if he'd be working with luck for the most bit. He'd heard of the so-called Wizard Saints on some of the more mundane days of his travels, and to be able to feast his eyes on their treasury was more than a gimme in his short lifetime.

    Slowly, the map in his hand would crinkle as sweat gathered over his skin. The hot sun seemed to be burning his figure gradually as he worked his way through a narrow escape between two adjacent walls. It was a considerably tight squeeze, and perhaps he'd be stuck there if he wasn't so sweaty beforehand. Dusting himself off, the swordsman gathered his bearings for one more time before assuming the road to his right that ended in a tunnel-like entry way, strange letterings lining the sandstone walls. Seeing the vines slowly dwindling in number made him raise a brow as he noticed some of their green stems littering the floors. Upon closer inspection, their ends were detached in a way only made possible by blade, ensuing a careful expression from the blonde as his eyes narrowed into slits. He was close, and impeccably so, perhaps he'd be seeing part of Goldshine's crew when he'd reach the lit exit of the walled tunnel.

    The thought was endearing enough for his battle senses that he was almost obliged to unsheathe his weapon, if not for the silent sigh that passed his lips briefly as the swordsman took a step back to breathe. Considering the length and duration of his navigation of the ruins, Terith must've essentially spent quite a bit of his energy just trying to get there and it'd be none the wiser to rest a bit before formally entering the fight for all the glitters in that one treasury.

    "Kh...." he spat, sticking his blade back into its scabbard with a small frown.

    His back met the wall as his form slid down into a sitting position. He could feel his chest puffing with the breathless inhales he took as he focused his being into replenishing his lost strength. Even if he hadn't lost a good number of it, he'd be damned if he'd be fighting with half of anything, so he might as well recuperate, at least for a bit.

    "Shame though," he said, unrolling the message for the request from his breast pocket, "Kinda hoped there'd be someone else who was interested in this sort of thing too."

    out of character commentary
    0670 words

    @Lynn: Keeping it short and simple.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 18,700

    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 15th January 2017, 6:02 am

    Sun, one of the greatest enemies of those that travel the unforgiving land that Fiore can sometimes be. It was shining brightly, it’s rather hot beams landing on the surface of the ground and the light clothes done in school uniform style that was hiding the girl’s pale figure as she slowly made her way through the decrepit ruins. She knew that this was a bad idea from the very beginning, and yet, here she still was, continuing on forward. And why? Well, one would have to ask Seth for an answer to that question. They merely forced the girl to go out on this sunny day, informing her that she should search through these ruins and she would surely find something that she would cherish her whole life. It sounded bizarre to the young girl, but she was eager to find out nonetheless. Though it could not have been further away from pleasant, as she moved her head up, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the giant yellow orb in the sky. Black circles adorned the smooth skin just beneath her eyes that were of the usual, pure white color, hiding a great tiredness behind them. Despite her going out more and more as time progressed, her skin was already too used to the shade of her own room that she never left in the past and had rather hard time adjusting to all this. In fact, it was so bad that she had no idea where she currently was, the warmth completely disorienting the poor lass.

    This place was not somewhere you would usually go for a casual stroll through the nature, far from it. It was something that resembled more of an archaeological site than anything else. And no matter how far she walked, nothing. It was afternoon, and the Sun was high in the sky, centered perfectly not to create much shadows with the columns and walls that were all over the place. So the poor little girl had to endure little bit more of this unnecessary torture until she managed to find a small opening in the ground, leading seemingly into the lower levels of this dreadful maze. There was not even a tiny bit of hesitation when she decided to jump down, disregarding any possible dangers that could be awaiting her down there, or even the fact that her fragile body could break upon jumping from that height. But if that was the case, then Seth would surely not allow her to do so in the first place, so everything had to be alright. The main thing was that no Sun rays could reach down there, and that was all she needed for now. If there were trouble, she could probably deal with it one way or another by running away fast enough now that she would not be slowed down by the insane temperature that was outside. And worse case scenario, she had the chance to give herself up to Seth, let him take control and do his best to get the girl out of any bad situation she could get into. Though that thought did not appeal to the puppeteer who heard her thoughts clear as a day, he wished that she would avoid danger in the first place instead of relying on their power.

    And of course she did hope that it would not come to that scenario, where she would be forced into a corner like that, as that would mean problems for everyone involved, including those that would put her into danger. And not being aware of what was happening to her body, well… it was rather unsettling for sure, even after she got used to it. But still better than the Sun, and just like that, the young female was soaring through the air as her body fell through the small opening, quickly landing on the cold stones beneath her. The atmosphere changed rather drastically, as the whole coloring of the place suddenly changed from warm to a rather cold one, with strong hues of blue and green. The underground labyrinth of the ancient ruins, now Charlotte finally remembered what this place was, since she could finally properly focus on everything that was around her. There were apparently many layers to this place, going deep below the Earth's surface. And what she was traversing until now was the top layer located still above the grass and dirt. It would appear that she had found herself in a pretty unexpected place. But Seth surely knew what she was meant to be doing here and would not send her to a place of danger like this one if it wasn't really important, that was what the girl believed. So for now, she started just walking forward in hopes to find something interesting or something that would give her more clues.

    Seth sure liked being mysterious about things... but all she managed to find in few minute’s worth of time was plenty of moss and other greenery that was trying to take this place back under it’s full control with the help of endless amount of time passing. It was rather obvious that not a single living soul was through these parts in ages. But ancient contraptions that still held their secrets could be fun as well! After all, the girl loved exploring new and fantastical places like this one! She was here on a quest, but while she was at it, she might as well try to get some fun out of it. So she started paying a bit more attention to the walls and generally everything around that could possibly lead her to some hidden rooms with treasures long forgotten. And she did not have to search for all that long either, as she managed to spot something new fairly quickly. A large crack in the ceiling with a ladder, a new way forward that could lead just about anywhere! The girl wasted no time and quickly placed her hands on the old object, climbing up until she reached a platform with a doorway that she quickly jumped through.

    Perhaps that was not as smart of an idea as she thought, for the first thing that greeted her was her old friend, the Sun. Quickly covering her eyes with her hands, the girl made few steps forward without realizing that she was currently on an elevated platform, a balcony of some sort that had no railing. And just like that, she fell down a little bit, landing on her butt. It was a sloppy landing, but at least she did not manage to break anything inside of her body that she would need. Only few seconds later did her gaze adjust to the new light intensity, and the very first thing she spotted was a human being. Someone who was sitting mere steps away from her, adjacent to one of the walls. A blond boy who was probably exploring these ruins as well, though god knew for what reason. Shocked and surprised, the young lady quickly lept back onto her feet and started backing away until her back ran into a wall, the one that she just climbed with the ladder, only from inside, her look a bit terrified from the new person that was so close and with a weapon by his side. This certainly was some interesting first meeting, wasn’t it?

    Word count - 1235



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Posts : 445
    Guild : Onyx Moon
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

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    First Skill: Precursor Drive
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 15th January 2017, 6:08 am

    The desert really sucks. Haia was used to travelling through forests and jungles and anywhere with at least some serious vegetation. But the desert? Haia covered her face as sand blew with the wind. The desert was nothing sand. Sure she would stumble across the cactus, but it was bland and boring compared to giant trees and their beautifully shaped leaves. Anyway, whatever the reason, Haia sighed as she finally managed to trekked through the sands and reach the Ruins. Her eyes glossed over the sandstone and its many craving. Sandstone had an interesting color to say the least. There she saw the mark of the Saints, well the old one according to her studies before taking up the job solo like she mostly does. She was in the right place.

    Haia had motives for coming here, two reasons to be exact. One is that she wanted to hunt down a Hunter. She will not let an idiot mess around with ancient powerful artefacts that may or may not blow everyone up to bits. That very thought sent shivers down her spine as she descended into the maze with a hand covered in strings of light.

    Her second reason was that they were letting her have one of the items of the Saints if she manages to recover them. She honestly wanted to see what awesome weapons the Saints have. Hopefully maybe a new bow or prehaps some useful pieces of light armor. Well mostly the bow part.

    Haia found herself rather deep now. She then heard stone crumble and watches

    Haia gives herself a bit to think, she could go catch up with her and team up with her or just explore more. She decided the former. Haia quickly breaks into a sprint and clambers over the walls. She could just navigate her way by wall jumping. Honestly a rather stupid idea considering that it was made by the Saints. Guess they were thinking how little common sense sometimes mages have when they have magic.

    OOC: 336 words


    A Piece of Your Fantasy 21

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
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    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 15th January 2017, 6:22 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    The sudden noise of some unknown object losing balance and falling ungracefully unto the dusty floor greatly alarmed him from his lax state, his head tilted one way to better register this new person through a more realistic visual, instead of relying on instincts alone. Before his distraught form was an equally confused young girl, sporting a strange combination of pale everythings –hair, eyes, and skin. Terith would lightly be taken aback at her defensive measure, backing into a wall as if mortified of his presence, implying that she was more than just startled at the encounter. Was it his weapon that permitted her fright? He couldn't put fault in her decision to act that way, actually. After all, no normal person would expect to find a grown and most likely haggard-looking man among the desolate ruins.

    Then, as if one spontaneous entrance wasn't enough, another would enter the fray a few heartbeats after, a black-haired girl appearing from the same route as the blonde swordswoman. She, on the other hand, seemed to have not noticed the male that sat at the floor, his back tense against the sandstone walls.

    'Huh. Looks like I spoke too soon.' he thought idly, deftly separating his bum from the cold surface of the floor. As if out of habit, he'd casually dust his blazer with a single hand, rolling his wrist as he outstretched an arm to either girls, making it known to them that he posed no threat, lest they were members of Harper's crew. But judging by the other's reaction, that proposal seemed unlikely.

    ”There’s no need to be alarmed.” he ushered, gently gesturing them a handshake sequence with a formal smile, the one he'd always use when he wanted to put up a good front, though Terith didn't have much intentions apart from appearing inviting, "I assume you're here for the treasure too, right?"
    The swordsman brought the paper he'd been fingering previously to light, the words seemingly floating off the yellowing page as he held it up to the small sun rays that spilled from the entry way. "This is the job request I picked up the other day...and if you two have the same objective, then maybe we can cooperate for...everyone's benefit?"

    In all honesty, he had no idea where formality would take him with the two, as he was far from being charismatic, nor was he leader material. But he liked to think that he at least sounded convincing in his appearance alone, which was in no way flashy or misleading.

    out of character commentary
    0430 words
    2,460 words total | @Sakura & Star: Saying hello, but being awkward while at it. Fighting should begin next round. x3

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 18,700

    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 15th January 2017, 6:41 am

    An ungraceful entrance that made Charlotte show a little worse side of herself to the man that was eyeing her for a moment. She stayed with her back pressed against the wall, the dust and crumbling stone slowly starting to adorn the light-colored cloth that was forming her clothes as it sticked to it like parasites. It took a moment, but the blonde boy got up eventually, alarming poor little girl even more, at least until he started showing that he would not instantly go after her neck or eyes, the two usual weak spots. It was a good start that made her sigh in relief, her body finally capable of moving forward and separating herself from the ancient walls. Though she did stare at him for few more moments before finally smiling and placing her hands on her hips in a somewhat cheerful and way more confident motion.

    "Oh, so you're not some monster or a dangerous person! I was worried there for a second, you looked like a mercenary that would have his way with a defenseless maiden if he was to find one."

    Perhaps not the best thing to say to someone, but it was out of her now and nothing she could do about it. And along with the words, a magical energy started coursing through Charlotte like small shocks, message from a certain puppeteer that could not be sensed by neither the swordsman or the black-haired girl that was not yet noticed by Charlotte. And it was a message that intrigued the young one quite a bit, too. In fact, it made her stare at the blonde man for quite a while in disbelief before she would open her mouth again. But no words came out at all, at least when she tried it for the first time. Her lips sealed tight again and in few seconds, she would attempt to speak up once more.

    "I... Seth says that you're the reason I'm here, mister. Not treasure, I've not heard about any treasure at all, honest."

    As she spoke, a wave of air would move through the ruins, and an invisible presence. Terith would feel it too this time, for he had ghosts of his own. Something entered his body for a very brief moment, but did nothing at all. It was more like it wanted him to know about it's own presence within the world, a word of warning that this force named Seth that the girl spoke of was actually real. But without any context, it was probably just confusing to him and everyone around. Speaking of which, Charlotte finally noticed the other girl that was on the scene and made a step back, wary of this new person that could actually be bad. Or maybe not? Well, she had to be careful, though Seth wasn't warning her about anything so perhaps it was all just fine.

    Word count - 484 (1719 total)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
    Position : None
    Posts : 445
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Precursor Drive
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 15th January 2017, 8:19 am

    Haia leaps over them, pretty much ignoring any gesture towards her, though she is pretty oblivious to them. Her emerald cloak flutters and flaps before landing on the cobblestone wall behind Teri, her boots scratching against the ancient stone walls of the maze, producing the rough sound of sandpaper rubbing against each other. Laying down, she rests her elbow against the stone, gazing at the two below her and puts on her smug look, which goes really well with her looks, the heart tattoo coinceidently in the sun's rays as her hood covers casts a shadow over the rest of her face.

    "My my what do we have here? A man and a child?" Haia begins to shift her position so she sits upright and examines them both quickly. "Well I can definitely sense magic, though you girl with white hair... Something familiar about you, anyway ignoring the fact that I probably totally interupted your little talk, I assume you all are here for treasure, well first we got to stop that annoying bastard treasure hunter, what ever his name is, from taking the treasures." Haia removes her hood to reveal her face, pale skin and a head of black hair with red highlights. Her navy blue eyes twinkling with light that resonates within her. This is Haia Illie Starstruck.

    Word count: 220


    A Piece of Your Fantasy 21

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 18th January 2017, 8:12 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    Mercenary was hardly the first impression he wanted to give off, and if he were to brutally honest, to have a little girl react to his person in such a way made him want to question his overall appearance then. Perhaps his cloak was caked in too much temple filth? Or, was his blonde mop slightly more of a duster from the sweat he earned after the long hours under the sun?

    As if on instinct, he'd curl an arm to his neck, sheepishly rubbing it at the little girl's sentiment, "Ah...I'm sorry, I probably look horrible, don't I?" he chuckled, the sound wavering off into an awkward laugh, "Must be from all my man-sweat. Stuff sticks like glue and smells like dried fish at times. Haha..."

    Dead air quickly surrounded them, however, as her outline seemed to visibly stiffen. Something akin to an epiphany, maybe, seemed to pass through the girl's presence, the words falling from her lips, ceasing for several heartbeats until she spoke again. A solemn, knowing look filtering through the glass that made her irises.


    Seth...was a strange name. Not unheard of, but something completely out of the blue that part of him may have raised a brow in particular interest, directing an unvoiced question to her referral to a separate entity under a name other than her's. His queries would later be answered in full by a rush of foreign energy slipping into his being from some mysterious, vague place. It was unexpectedly docile, and though he'd normally freak out, the presence was almost comforting however wistful its time in his body was. When the energy all but dwindled into nothingness, the swordsman resolved to speak again, seeing as the other girl with fire in her ecliptic black hair sparked a speech about finding their treasure hunters.

    True to her words, as a trio in the same passage to the treasure tomb, they were all supposed to following their objective. Though it didn't hurt to spare just a few minutes of idle chat, harmless as it was. Terith produced a soft smile to grace his features, casting an apologetic gaze to the girl in the hood for hindering their time, and giving the younger one an understanding nod.

    "I see. Well, I'm honored to have Seth see me as something worthy of your pursuit, little miss." he said, his words spilling from a trained writer's vocabulary, a habit he'd normally only bring out around people he had yet to truly acquaint himself with. This time, however, was more of fond formality, maybe, his interest piqued with the mysteries that ever clouded the little girl's story like thick, morning fog.

    The blonde swordsman bent at the knee, leveling his eyesight with that of the white-haired little one, "See that light at the end of the tunnel?" he tilted his head to the far end of sandstone hall, a bright and alluring light leaking from a large arching opening. "There's supposedly a pile of ancient treasure lying somewhere behind it. If we manage to stop the bad people from taking it all for themselves, we can take a piece of it. Maybe you'll find something nice there, yes?"

    He'd stretch from his crouch, fully addressing everyone present at that moment. "You can all refer to me as Torian." he told them, somewhat considering the other, more intangible existence with them in his statement, "And...well...I'd like to know the names of the people I'd be working with, at the very least."

    What he was expecting from this exchange was anything but a good time, as far as his whimsies took him. Besides, the two were hardly off-putting by appearance alone, so it wasn't entirely wrong to assume decent personalities to compliment them.
    out of character commentary
    0625 words
    2564 words total | @Charlotte and Star: Rolling for first encounter after we enter the tunnel.

    Posts : 23945
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by NPC 18th January 2017, 8:12 am

    The member 'Terith' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Piece of Your Fantasy NormalMonster A Piece of Your Fantasy WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 18th January 2017, 10:13 am

    The girl tilted her head a little, staring at the boy in front of her upon hearing his words. It wasn't that he looked too horrible or anything, though he had far from a perfectly clean look that Charlotte herself boasted with. It was her own fault mostly for calling him what she did, as she didn't weight her words properly either. Charlotte's view of this world was every so slightly bent and warped by the books in her own room, as that was her primary source of learning about anything and everything instead of proper studies or own exploration. People that were to roam destroyed temple ruins such as this one, they would surely have to be some sort of mercenaries of treasure hunters. That was what the young girl thought and the main reason why she called him such. It was probably rude and uncalled for, yet she did not quite realize and now she felt little bad about it. But Seth stopped her from just apologizing, so instead she gave him simply look of remorse with few more words.

    "Y..yes, I'm afraid that you look a little ragged. I've not seen anyone here yet, so it made me overreact a little..."

    She wanted to continue, but the puppeteer would take things into their own hands, or magical energy in this case, and introduce themselves to the man. It always felt odd when Seth left the young girl's body to do something like that. Well, not that he was really in her body in the first place, it was hard to describe. Rather than having something like a ghost constantly following her or dwelling inside of her body, it was merely like a presence of an eye that was capable of seeing anything and everything. The eye of her puppeteer and could control every little bit of Charlotte. After all, the girl had no free will of her own as she claimed to everyone who asked. But enough about that, the man seemingly accepted everything as pretty normal and introduced himself to the rest of the group. So that was a second new name she had to learn. Torian and... actually, the girl on the wall did not introduce herself at all. She merely spoke of her goal, looking for treasure hunters. Did that mean there were more than just these two? Were they also plan of Seth's grand plan that was slowly being set into motion? They did not inform young Charlotte, so she just had to kinda go with the flow, hoping for the best.

    It was a bit surprising when Torian dropped one of his knees to the ground right in front of her and started explaining the situation, but the girl did her best to remain in place and follow his words carefully. Ancient treasure sounded like a lot of fun and perhaps even something that would interest Seth too, but bad people was something on the very opposite side of that spectrum. Charlotte did not like bad people at all, not even those in her books and stories she read. She just wanted everyone to get along, to live happily ever after without having to hurt one another because of stupid issues that should not even exist. The side of her that would deny anything that could break the poor girl, it was slowly starting to act up. Thankfully, she managed to get back into a stable state before anything bad happened, only looked scared all of a sudden. Good thing too, as it would do no good to anyone if the youngest one from this group was to suddenly start collapsing for seemingly no reason at all. Seth sure did send her to a dangerous place despite their nature, it was quite odd. To think she would be present in an actual combat... well, hopefully the girl and Torian were capable of handling it all. After all, Charlotte had no actual experience of even abilities that could harm others at all. Her powers were of completely different nature than most. Well, there was a way for her to fight, but she herself did not even know about it. It was something that only the puppeteer could start, and it would be scary, even more than the current situation. And right now, Charlotte was indeed worried, even her voice was shaking.

    Charlotte... it's Charlotte and Seth. Um... will we have to fight these bad people...?

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 19th January 2017, 12:23 am

    Haia looked at Torian becoming the awkward one among the trio that had gathered unexpectedly. Who knew that such a pretty boy would be such a sissy about his looks. But then again she has no say in the matter, if they only saw her before they would be very surprised by the change. From brown to black and red hair, changing clothes to a more revealing tight fitting outfit, the change was rather drastic. And who would believe that a reflection in the mirror influenced her to change her looks and some of her personality. Haia flipped her hair once again, her attention back on the two below her, her sparkly blue eyes gazing at Charlotte but her ears on Torian.

    "I'll just call you Pretteri then, matches your pretty boy looks Torian," Haia laughed, boots clicking against the wall she sat on. Throwing cloak up, Haia jumps off and lands on the ground, the flaps billowing behind her in a magic dazzel of green. Deciding not to ignore their confersation, she looks to where Torian was pointing but shrugs. Haia did her best to stay awake, and her ears caught Torian asking for names. Haia shifts from her slouching position to straighten herself.

    "Name is Haia, Haia Ilie Starstruck, I'll call you Charlotte... Charlie," Haia laughed, not in a mock but rather how it seems to fit the girl. She wipes a tear from her eye and coughs, guess she had to break the news.

    "Yes, yes we do."

    Word Count:


    A Piece of Your Fantasy 21

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 21st January 2017, 8:25 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    Hesitance breathed in little, shallow puffs between her words, it seemed, where her manner of apology was certainly uncalled for that even he felt taken aback. The swordsman twisted his brain one way to the next, rapidly trying to patch his little mistake, or however he saw it. For all she knew, Terith might've passed her attempt to apologize with a trivial sense of importance, but in truth, it was easily shoved into his thought processes as the pivotal point of his conclusions, where he automatically began to worry if she sported guilt as per Terith's choice of words.


    Driven by awkward instinct, the swordsman produced a puff of cotton from his breast pocket, its shape somewhat inconsistent as it rose and shrunk to the beat of steady, slumber breaths. Tickling it a little, the swordsman edged it out of its sleep and it replied with a crisp pop, exposing two ears and a small, blushing face that was neatly placed at the center of the fluffy...thing. It offered its master several blinks before its 'fur' seemed to buzz in a frenzy of shock, prompting the fluffy thing to stretch, its body oozing in a small, docile glow of magic before turning into a blue face towel, where the creature's face was still visible on one side of the fabric.

    It wasn't unusual for his little cotton ball, Nigiri, to exhibit this kind of behavior when he'd been dirtied. Motherly certainly was a term for it, but the more he stared at Nigiri, the less likely it was. After all, the swordsman wasn't even sure if it conformed to any human gender apart from being itself, and that fact alone made him hesitate whether to associate it with human emotions or just pure, animal-like tendency to keep their litter clean, and it only took Nigiri several runs over his face to fully soak up all the sweat beading off his face, and a several brushes through his hair to tend to his sticky blonde mop. By the time the deed was done, Nigiri was slightly damp and Terith was dry, however messy his hair was after the small homage to cleanliness.

    The entire process, as troublesome as it was on the surface, barely consumed several seconds before the little rice ball's towel form dispersed into its original, round body in a puff of white magic. It sat on master's head contentedly, watching Haia and Charlotte through a tiny black stare.

    From Nigiri's vantage point, Terith made a bee line for the fizzle green that seemed to pop from the dark edges of the hallway, extracting the other woman's figure and somehow managing to revert changes unto her appearance. Drastic ones, no less, from his observation, coaxing an eyebrow to raise as he watched her move about. Though he'd have them furrowing in no less than a second at her choice of nickname for him - it was outrageous as it was confusing, since the word pretty hardly described him, much less even fit a man. A part of him seems to fester with retaliation, and, fearing that Haia might beckon his secret tsundere out of its shell, he decided to not let her be, albeit with a little eye-twitching on his part.

    Then, the little round fluff on his head seemed to shuffle, relaying him a message of sorts as it nodded in quick successions, fidgeting atop his messy mop. The blonde swordsman pursued a chuckle, gesturing to Charlotte with his words,  just as it wanted, "It seems to like your hair, little mi-" though his sentence hung incomplete as soon as he noticed the color draining from the little girl's face, her eyes losing the sparkle it held a few moments before, much to his chagrin. Terith would hear her stutter about the enemies that were no doubt gathered at the end of tunnel. It wasn't difficult to understand that her current persona gave off the impression that she had very minimal battle experience, escaping through the spaces in her sentences.

    The blonde huffed a sigh at Haia's decision to be particularly blunt with Charlotte, though he couldn't blame her for whatever reason drove her to it. He wouldn't know - and for better or for worse, the woman wasn't in the wrong. They were going to face enemies and it was in their right to defend themselves through battle, however, that didn't mean she was needed to fight. In an effort to comfort her, Terith presented her a grin in exchange, doing his best to not alarm her of the dangers that they were obliged to brace.

    "....Like Haia said, I'm afraid we are, Charlotte." he began, impulsively sliding a finger across Kushinada's guard, "You don't have to if you don't want to, though, me and Miss Starstruck over there should handle the nit and grit if need be."

    Terith took a small, encouraging step forward, the light at the hallway's end drawing him further in. "Stay close to us, and no harm should be dealt unto you, alright?"
    out of character commentary
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    3510 words total | 8490 words left | @Charlotte & Haia: Feel free to start the fighting in your individual posts

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 21st January 2017, 5:04 pm

    Charlotte never had a pet that could be considered 'normal'. The one and only pet was a magcat that she adopted while she was younger, a creature that would normally look like an abomination, an amalgamation of a cat and an over-sized maggot. But the young girl somehow found them charming and in all honesty, they were not so bad. Cute as cats and scary like maggots when they needed to be. She was instantly reminded of that little goofball of hers when she saw Torian produce some form of fluff ball from his clothes, only to reveal that it was in fact breathing and alive. Whatever something like that could be, the young one was not quite sure. And in all honest, it appeared that even Seth was a little bit at a loss there as to what the creature actually was. Even more so when it changed it's form and started to tend to it's master, taking care of his somewhat ragged appearance and leaving him sparkly clean. Or... at least somewhat clean.

    It brought a lovely smile to Charlotte's face, only so it could be quickly crushed by what came next, the question of their soon to be real encounter. It was painfully obvious that the pale girl was no fighter. In fact, she never even was present for a real life-to-death battle, so this one would be her first. And with her sheltered nature, well... things could go south really quickly. Especially when she noticed Torian's little gesture of his fingers sliding across the blade he was carrying, the thing that sacred the girl when she first saw him. Did that mean that... they would start killing each other? No, surely not... that could possibly not be what he meant at all! The girl absolutely refused to believe it, no matter what! She simply hang her head low as she positioned herself behind the two, the answer to her question crystal clear.

    "I understand... I won't get in the way, I promise. So I'll just stay behind and run if anyone gets near me. I don't actually know any spells that cold help in place like this, so... I won't do anything."

    The difference between her current and previous mood was rather drastic, but that simply was how things were in these situations. The girl was far too ignorant and naive for something like this. She was fifteen winters old, yet she only left Rose Garden for the very first time not too long ago. Something like this, it was just way too much for her. So if anything were to happen, the two more skilled magicians would have to protect the girl, as she was pretty much completely incapable of doing anything herself. And while Seth was always ready to act in her stead, well... they knew that they themselves would probably not be able to do all that much right now. After all, her powers were still suppressed greatly and the method of unlocking the girl's potential was quite a brutal one.

    Word Count - 508 (2924 total)



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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 21st January 2017, 11:41 pm

    Haia stared at the fluff ball, her eyes now filled with curiosity at how it cleaned Terith up rather nicely. She giggles at the messy mop before she comes face to face with the swordsman himself. The height difference was obvious, Terith literally shadowed the girl. Haia looks at, it did not take much to notice the twitch, smiling at the fact that she definitely pulled a trigger. Shifting her position to look around, all other noises were now suddenly dulled to Haia. Her ears may not be like an animal's, but they could certainly pick up sound untrained ears can not. Haia closed her eyes, making use of the sounds to locate. The archer reaches for her long bow and nocks an arrow into the ironwood, the fletch in her fingers at the drawstring. If her position of caution was not a clear indication, her words will.

    "Hush!" She spoke in a harsh commanding tone as softly as she could. If they were quiet, they could begin to hear talking between two people, one of them sounding more nervous than the other.

    "Does Harper really think we could find the treasure this way?" The nervous one spoke, his voice echoing.

    "Trust Harper dimwit! Be glad he would let a rookie like you join him!" The second one spoke, almost in a boastful fashion that his ranker was sure higher. The sound of something trailing behind them was creating noises, like the clunking of metal against a rocky road. Haia threw her cape of and drapes it over Charlotte.

    "Take care of this okay?" Haia for once smiled in a more caring fashion. She nudges Terith to bring Charlotte over the wall. Blue fire begun to dance around Haia like will o wisps as Haia leapt over the wall and into two treasure hunters, both caught by surprised. Each wisps gather around an arrow head on Haia's bow and followed the arrow as it shot the more professional looking man's shoulder. Haia lands and kicks sand into the rookie's eyes before giving the guy she shot before a kick on the face. She withdraws, she has someone to take care of them.


    A Piece of Your Fantasy 21

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 27th January 2017, 11:23 pm

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    It honestly hadn't astonished him in the slightest when he received a set of curious stares in response to the puff ball. If at all, it was expected, since the swordsman harbored the same expression the first time he'd encountered Nigiri as it took a fair amount of fondness for a blonde it barely knew. Although, more important than the ball of fluff and the mystery surrounding it's biologic composition was Charlotte, and the face she made after. Her's was the form of a child that cowers at even the slightest implication of battle -and that was okay, it was a natural reaction for something as delicate as her, and it hadn't bothered him enough to not consider putting more effort into ensuring her safety, especially at how she seemed to stiffen at his move to reach for Kushinada.

    Had her upbringing been so sheltered that a weapon's shine conjured fear into her? Perhaps. But if her fright for feud was so strong, then it implied that the thought of blood was most unsightly for her sort of innocence. Having to result to the dull end of his weapon was neither a problem nor a hindrance to him, however, and in his head, he'd plead mercy from his other spirits who might've been opposed to Terith's decision to adapt a pacifistic approach. He'd done it in the past across several accounts, and this was no different of a circumstance - the blonde could easily make do, despite it being a decision that wholesomely defeated Kushinada's purpose to cut.

    "That's fine Charlotte." he said, his eyes softening under the dim lighting of the corridor, "Do what you can - although that doesn't mean me and Miss Starstruck would allow the situation to come to a point where your only action is to run."

    Terith was immediately prompted to cast his focus to the other woman with them, who seemed to usher the notion of silence with a strong 'Hush!', something that he wasn't hesitant to comply to as he realized the barrage of noise at the very same moment, easily deciphered as distinctive human speech. He'd watch Haia separate her cape from her person, tossing the fabric over the little girl's figure like a protective drape, an interesting choice of action despite her appearance, something that briefly drew an amused sigh from him.

    Though she had already began her move even before he could reply, there was no delay in his decision to follow suite, deftly curving the cape over Charlotte effectively as he walked her closer to an adjacent wall. "This won't take too long...close your eyes if you must, but I'll be back before you know it." he whispered.

    His voice seemed to fade with a click to his hip, turning a heel so the gleam of Kushinada's metal tang escaped the girl's line of sight. The seconds were quick as they were worthwhile, where the swordsman wasted none as he opened his Chronicle for Masamune's forge, the old blacksmith nodding solemnly before masterfully generating two copies of his sword, allowing two to hit his targets across the length of their exposed chests. The sound of their groans came with surprising spontaneity, although not enough to dull his focus as he subsequently beckoned to the old, grumpy soul of Hijikata Toshiro.

    Underneath his ecliptic black stare was a fierce judgement for his choice of actions, but nonetheless complaint to his vessel's terms as he gave the specifics for his famed Hirazuki. By now, the Shinsengumi captain had just enough of an ounce of trust to not comment on his horrible stance and ungraceful handling of his sword in general, only living to a small sigh as his commentary, and that much Terith was grateful for, skillfully allowing his body to be dragged along by the Hirazuki's energies.

    From one point to another with a breeze of blue - that was the point of the Hirazuki, where the fury of consecutive sword cuts on several enemies had been blurred into a single heartbeat. Although it was originally meant to be dealt with the sharp end of his sword, Terith seemed to have flipped Kushinada in the heat of the moment, in time to force much of his strength into a blunt impact to their necks and abdomens over three successful rotations. It was satisfying as it was safe to assume that the pain rivaled that of a typical bludgeoning weapon, crippling their two adversaries to a point where they crawled out at the floor in breathless unison, feeling the intensity with scrunched up faces.

    "K-kh...why you..." one managed to utter, several breaths before Terith managed a bonk to his head with Kushinada's handle, effectively cutting him off by lulling him into a dreamless slumber. The swordsman approached the less verbal one, who easily stroke him as hardly experienced in the area of thievery.

    "Hey," he calmly spoke, lowering his Etherblade with little regard, "I won't do much to you and your friend over there if you tell me where your boss is."

    The rookie bit his lip, both in agony and hesitance. With little to do apart from struggle, his head hung back in defeat, mercy sprawled over his face. "H-he's....heading...for the treasure room...a-as we speak. Just follow...the cut vines..."

    The blonde took the liberty of replying with nothing but a nod. Perhaps being forgiving wasn't his strong point - caution was, and with another, crisp thump to the bone-y conjuncture of the rookie's neck and shoulder, his body went limp with sleep.

    A voice from the other side of Chronicle seemed slightly amused, the image of Yasusada sitting cross-legged at the threshold all but familiar to him. '...You rely too much on pressure points, what if you never hit them right?'

    'That's what I have you for.' he muttered back, hardly fazed by the spirit's teasing. True to his word, Terith placed Yasusada at the Chronicle to manage his finesse, and that meant a relative increase to his precision. It was admittedly a gamble, but he hoped prior that his chances were higher with someone managing the Threshold as skillfully as the imprint of the old sword.

    'Fair enough.' Yasusada breathed, his presence lingering for a brief moment until it dispersed with the vessel's move to sheathe Kushinada back into its scabbard. The swordsman broke into a small sprint as he approached Charlotte, wondering if she was appalled by his display with a tinge of worry.

    "All clear." he told her, lips curling to a cheery grin, though his manner of speech somewhat referred to Haia and Charlotte both.

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 28th January 2017, 6:20 am

    Haia seemed like an interesting person alright. Though despite her somewhat dominance-inducing behaviour, she was still at the same height level as Charlotte herself. This was second time already this sort of thing happened. The first case was Jiyu, who despite her sometimes pretty aggressive acts and suggestive way of clothing was smaller than the pale haired girl. Humans really were all over the place, some short and frail while others tall and stronger than mountains themselves. It made the young girl wonder how she would be like in the future. There was still a lot of time, lot of room for growth. After all, she changed so much over the course of last five years. Yes, if someone were to compare her from back then and now, they would probably not even realize they were looking at the same person, safe for the color of hair and eyes. That pure white without any pupils could probably not be very easily mistaken, though even with that, others would probably not think of her as the same person. That was just how much she changed, and all thanks to Seth and her new family. It was shame that she wasn't seeing them as often as in the past, there was less time with Charlotte going on all kinds of jobs for Black Rose. But perhaps that only made the moments she would spend with her alien friends all the more precious? It certainly was possible. And Seth was with the girl always, ensuring that she would never be truly alone. And even in these moments of fear, it felt as if he was truly next to her, stroking her hair in affectionate manner. It could have been sensation caused by the puppeteer, or maybe it was nothing more than a sad illusion created by the young witch herself and her unstable powers.

    In any case, they had to move forth. And they had to do it carefully, as the lady of the group managed to locate their enemies and make sure the rest of the group knew of them as well. The girl quickly covered her mouth with her own hands to make absolutely certain that she would not make a sound to alert these two men. She only uncovered it when the coat suddenly flew at her, quickly grabbing it so it would not fall to the ground. It would be shame to dirty something like this, seemingly of high quality and pretty looks. Though it wasn't quite Charlotte's style. And as the lady Starstruck started her action, Mister Torian started reassuring her and even walked her to a wall where she would surely be safe. Everything will be fine, that was his promise to her. And she nodded, agreeing with it, the coat now over her shoulders. Even he walked off to face the enemy, but she did not want to see it. She simply ducked with nervous look in her eyes. At that moment, she noticed a pair of polished black shoes right in front of her. They belonged to a very tall man, who was dressed in a suit, mask made out of deer's skull hiding his face. And in his hands, a fancy black umbrella that he was using instead of a cane. Observer... she knew this man, just as much as he knew her. And only she could see him. His presence, and even his energy, was completely invisible to the other two members of the team. In somewhat menacing manner, he would lover his giant figure, kneeling down and removing the mask only to reveal a face of a grown man, who's eyes shone with grand gold.

    "What is wrong, dear? Have you found yourself in a situation that you would rather avoid? A place that you would rather run away from? A company you would rather not meet? Isn't it all fine? Just remember the melody I thought you when you had trouble falling asleep because of the monsters in your closet and beneath your bed. It should help you calm down."

    The man's smile was somewhat eerie, yet it brought comfort to the young girl. As she would closer her eyes and cover them with her hands, starting to hum to herself. And the man whom she called Observer was no longer in front of her. No longer to be found anywhere nearby, the whole world started fading away along with the melody. As Haia and Torian fought, the walls of the labyrint would slowly start changing in color, as if a film was being displayed on them. They would become made out of wood, beautiful windows adorning it with gentle sun shining through it and illuminating the corridor. Fancy furniture would decorate the otherwise bare hallway with flowers atop them. A pleasant smell that filled the air and brought comfort to all. It wasn't like the man with golden eyes, it was actually real. And both her partners could see it. At least until the moment Torian spoke to the young girl, tearing her away from the delusion. And in that single second, it all reverted to normal. The corridor was once again moldy and damp, made out of blue-tinted cobblestones and some sand here and there. It was the reality that they existed in, one that they had to accept. Charlotte would quickly jump up again and smile at the man, as if nothing was wrong.

    Is the way clear now? It feels like we can proceed further if we want to! Seth told me that we should follow some sort of odd vine if we want to get where we have to, but... he didn't quite mention what kind? I'm not really knowledgeable in vines...

    It was merely the puppeteer giving her the info that her partner just got out of the enemy so they would not have to explain it all, but it seemed that the young girl mistook few things in her moment of confusion where she moved from her dream back to the reality, her magic leaking out more and more as it affected everything around them quite visible. But for now, as long as Charlotte her had focus, the place and people within it should be still fine.

    Word Count - 1043 / 8850 everyone



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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 28th January 2017, 8:59 am

    Haia watches Torian easily dispatched the men that she took first strike, so she left him to his business. They definitely did not suspect more people to be around the maze, but it was a easy mistake. Haia then strolls over to the cart that was making the clunking noise, but stops in her tracks, she looks around and sees the sudden change in environment. Haia was very surprised, yet she felt rather calm than her usual alertness to strange situations. Somehow this felt so real and fasinating.

    However it did remind her of home, back when she used to live with her real father, back in a small wooden shack, with furniture that her father handcrafted himself, Haia did feel a bit dissappointed when the walls returned back to its damp mossy state. She wanted to lie down on the furniture and remember the days of joy and childhood. But the reality brought her logical mind back, and observe Torian's and Charlotte's conversation. Cut vines. Easy enough to spot. Haia then snaps her finers remembering the cart that made the metallic noise. Her boots clicked against the ground as she remove the whie canvas over it.

    It was a hoard of tools, random trash and a map. Haia reached down into the cart and remoes the map. Being a Black Sails pirate has its perks, map reading is one of them. Her blue eyes examine the content of the map. It was a maze alright, looking like someone just cut out maps from the Sorceror's Weekly and glued them together. But then made a prefect map of the maze. But they lack a sort of way to identify their location on the map, just showing the multple rooms the maze had. Haia raises her head to face Torian and Charlotte.

    "Hey you two, think you can find the cut vines? I'll try to pinpoint our location if we find the correct way that Harp went, cause this maze has more than one room that could be the treasure room," Haia said with a concentrate attention on the map. Her attention then shifts to the two men on the ground.

    "And what do we do with these two dimwits?"



    A Piece of Your Fantasy 21

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 5th February 2017, 2:43 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed

    His first response was to stare, his eyes unblinking as the sandstone walls wavered lightly, as if under the charms of an unfamiliar kind of magic. His brows furrowed as the illusions manifested even more clearly, generating a scenic atmosphere consisting of what was, nonetheless, the image of a warm home, classic fixtures here and there to couple the weaving of warmth and the faintest smell of something sweet -a cordial setting that ultimately tugged at the rusty strings of his heart.

    The sensation was fleeting and fickle, but its short life wasn't enough to undermine the pleasant wash of relief that began to waft through his existence the more he began to watch, rolling through like seaside waves, slowly, if ever gently, drowning him in a reverie. The illusions of a house suddenly surround him, wrapping him in a relentless overflow of warmth and warmth and all the good things that came with it. For the longest time, he was able to perceive just how extensive it was since the last time he'd have felt so amiable simply from the environment from him. Perhaps it was a relatively special case, or maybe even bias, because there was no mistaking the lapses of his memory as it was slowly poisoned by nostalgia. If he concentrated well enough, the house would be their's, and the chairs would sit his father and his sisters, and they'd smile as if he never gone, like all those years ago.

    Although, steadily, the little display would eventually cue the curtain call, melting off the ruins as if it were simply paint to paper. All at once, the spell and its charm on him scattered, gone from his mind, but the moment had been engraved in his mind, and as Terith mulled over it just a bit longer, he'd also feel the loneliness ingrained into his soul - one that reminded him that his fondest of times was far different from the current, and that it was obvious now that he held an attachment to those old forgotten years, and it was jarring enough that it felt like eons ago, buried deep into the history of his world, where he was not present in.

    "....W-will do." he said, answering to Miss Starstruck's call to deal with the hindering vines. "And...as for these two..."

    The swordsman took the liberty of inhaling a long, shaky breath, drawing it out only until much later, when the seconds got to him and he needed release. His exhale was sharp, almost, but it was a familiar mannerism of his to do so in rough times, or when things dare threaten his composure. With his spirit settled, Terith would meet Haia's question with a indifferent, solemn face to his words.

    "You mentioned vines, yes?" Terith pulls Kushinada from its sheathe, deftly severing a few strands of verdant green vines from their roots, "Let's just tie them up, they won't cause harm in that manner the further we traverse the ruins."

    Needless to say, in the back of his head, the swordsman began to wonder of the existence behind the strange, yet alluring fata morgana. It wasn't too hard to suspect Charlotte as she was, then, for the little bubble of mysterious energy that surrounded her person easily suggested her to be a holder of a curious form of magic that he had yet to truly discover.

    Nonetheless, he was puzzled, but his questions were in due time. As of the moment, Terith would find business in the rope work he was about to do, tugging the uncannily sturdy piece of vine underneath the arms of either enemy, their faces heavily matted with ancient dust. It took several unders and overs until he felt satisfied with his craft, where the pair was nicely bunched together by a touch of greenery.

    "...That should hold them for a while." he said, slightly thankful that he had been a boy scout growing up.
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 6th February 2017, 2:26 pm

    Mister Torian seemed to be somewhat confused by things unknown to the young girl who stared at him now, his mangled emotions rewarded by a slight head tilt that made Charlotte's pure white hair dance with the gravity for but a moment. There was an innate desire inside of her, one that begged her to ask him why he said those words and why his expression looked so clouded, as if his mind was in a world entirely different from this one. A far away place in the depths of his psyche, somewhere he could relive any memory without being interrupted or hurt by the outside world. The descendant of great white witch had a place like that too, for she would escape to it on many occasions in the past. It was always more pleasant to dream through unpleasant events like that after all.

    Speaking of unpleasant events, the girl seemed to completely ignore the unconscious bodies that lied on the cold and moist floor. It was not very nice to leave them in the watery grave of moss and stone that this corridor was, but as they were essentially invisible to her innocent gaze, there was no word of concern at any point. Instead, she merely walked past them and straight to the girl named Haia. Yes, she was focusing on a map, but... there was something that Charlotte wished to ask. So she tugged on the other girl's shirt in attempts to gain her attention.

    "Do you want it back?"

    The coat that was still hanging over Charlie's shoulders reflected what little light was going through this place. It belonged to the black-colored witch and seeing as there was no scuffle happening at all, maybe she wanted it back. Or perhaps she did not, willing to leave it in the white girl's care for a little bit more. The answer was unclear, which was why she wished to ask in this manner, hoping that she would not interrupt her too much. The last thing she wanted was to be an unpleasant child, annoying to those around her. Just thinking about that made her feel bad, her expression dropping slightly.

    Whatever the answer was, she also wanted to help in the overall story they had set in front of them. Searching for something? The girl wasn't all that good at finding treasure, as she never tried to do so! But her eyes were young and worked very well, even in the dim atmosphere that surrounded them and weighed down on their shoulders. Soon enough, a strangely shaped vine would get her attention, making her wave at the others. Just as they said, it was cut by something sharp, most likely a machete. A clear indication of where they should go, as a tunnel crossroad expanded in front of them.

    Word Count - 463 / 10430 everyone



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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 7th February 2017, 7:07 am

    Haia would not look up from the map, her eyes fixated in studying the paths and trying to make sense of the routes and corridors. But yet her mind barely took off the sight she saw around her. It nagged her like her father whenever she would accidently hit him with the door. Then it hits her, Torian had already displayed his abilities, none that relates to the illusions, and he showed to be confused as well. The only one left was Charlotte. Haia clicked and was about to turn and face the white haired child when she felt a tug on her shirt. Her blue gaze down upon Charlotte, listening to her question. Haia rolls her eyes, she almost forgot she left her precious cloak in Charlotte's possession.

    Haia looks at Charlotte, for some odd reason the emerald looked rather good on the girl, almost standing out brighter than her white complexion. But as much as she hate to break the sight, the cloak was hers. Haia removed the cloak slowly and draped it over hers. It was a massive contrast to the black and red, but maybe thats what made it so appealing. Odd, she felt something familiar. Something about Charlotte. Haia immediately dismisses it, despite showing a visible expression of curiousity and wonder at Charlotte.

    Haia then noticed Charlotte's eyes, eyes always spoke louder than any mouth, same goes for animals, rage, fear and panic can always be seen in the eyes. Charlotte had her gaze on something, and Haia went to face it. There she saw cut vines. How intriguing that vines grew beneath the sands of the Ancient Ruins. Well whatever the reason, that was not the case now. The vines had a gash, a gash that seperated the stems of vines. And it will allow her to track their position. Haia immediately dashed forward without hesitation or approval, her eyss fixated and her mind clocking in. Haia examines used her knowledge the best she could, minding the possibilities of locations and pinpointing. But this was just one vine, it was not enough, any wall on the map could be their location.



    A Piece of Your Fantasy 21

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 12th February 2017, 1:36 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    One corner of the small space they inhabited, where a curious tangle of vines littered the ancient floors as if shred from their roots would somehow instantly attract the trio's individual interests as per Charlotte's indication. Questions arose, spread evenly across their dusty faces, but most if not all were left unvoiced. Silence was a welcoming factor among the desolate halls of the ruins, and it was hardly a hindrance to adapt to it, strewn along the stillness like second nature, especially after that particular session involving daydreams and everything good in the world. What was more intriguing than the lack of verbal response between them, however, was the build-up of convenience as Harper's trail indefinitely grew more distinct, what with the evidence of a weapon slicing through an overgrowth of vine.

    But with so much shadow cloaking the path, it wasn't difficult for the swordsman to sport a similar expression to that of the black-haired woman who'd have hurried off before them, her figure blending wistfully against the thick darkness. Further investigation seemed to be Haia's
    priority, Terith thought, legs uncurling from his kneel. The blonde took his first own liberty to proceed, scrambling his way to the archer's location regardless if the way there had been so ill-lit that he was forced to squint, ensuing a fumbling action from his person for a good moment until he eventually manage to swivel past Haia's form into the beckoning depths of the adjacent tunnel, his brow furrowing at the presence of the fork that split one way from the next, where each housed an uncanny load of shadows crawling up the old, crumbly walls.

    "...I can't see squat." he grumbled.

    Decisions weren't the least bit daunting, and as a man who braced the more stressful choices in life with a solemn face, this much shouldn't faze him. If there existed something stopping Terith from carelessly turning left or right, however, it'd be the presence of the other two that prodded at his impulse like a mindful reminder that there wasn't any room for mistake, nor was there time for mulling, considering their target had two legs and a brain that could take him places - locations that they all couldn't afford to have him there.

    Critical, he had to be critical.

    "From here on out, the path splits into two..." Terith spoke, his voice faded over the echo of emptiness that flowed between both tunnels, "I'm not sure where they both lead, but if any of you have access to a little fire, maybe we could pick up on our little vine trail."

    The swordsman cradled a thought in his head, one fueled by spontaneity, as he approached the mouth of the left portion of the fork. It was possible that Goldshine purposely left the vines in the position they were to elude them, a simple tactic that could prove their downfall should it truly manifest. If their actual situation was only a product of trickery, then they could all possibly be a crew of fools skidding atop Goldshine's penny-pinching fingers; at that point, the concept of splitting up appeared to have some worth behind it.

    "But...we can't be sure that the vines are even Harper's." he began, running a palm between the walls, feeling the cracks and dust for any sign of recent weathering, "For all we know, they could have been planted there as distraction."

    A huff escapes his tilted lips, the buzz of danger pumping from his etherblade, as if the energies were largely against his incoming proposal. "It may not be right to overestimate someone, but we can't be too sure."

    The swordsman brandished his sword, although gently, his face devoid of any hesitance as he gave Haia a cursory glance, brazen as it was, "Let's split up for the time being, yes? How about it? I'll take the right wing...and should any of us find any immediate sign of a dead end, then the fork will serve as our rendezvous point."

    Terith then offered his best encouraging smile to the little girl, who had been unfortunate enough, perhaps, to be a part of this random party in the most grueling situations possible, a battle lurking in murky waters and they were only barely scratching the surface of it. "I leave it up to you, little miss, to decide who you want to go with. But depending on our luck, one will have to fight, though me and Miss Starstruck seem capable of handling it, should push come to shove." he said, despite knowing that they were rolling over a dangerous set of probabilities - anything could exist beyond the patch of bleakness and blackness, and the worse part of it was that no one could possibly tell what they were, exactly.

    Or...was he wrong?
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Charlotte 16th February 2017, 2:29 am

    The additional piece of one's attire was indeed removed from the girl's shoulders as Haia gracefully took it back for now. But since there were still more dangers lurking in the depths of these mysterious tunnels, there was also a good chance that young Charlotte would become caretaker of those clothes once more, making sure they would not be damaged at all during combat or other dangerous situations. Was that really the best role for her? Probably. Her lack of experience or even abilities that she could use to defend herself or bring harm to others was a good enough excuse for her to be nothing more than just that. A cute mascot that was following the heroes on their adventure, cheering them on from the sidelines. And she was fine with it, for being part of the story was more than enough for her. Experience could be gained by doing just about anything after all, right? So even something that seemed so trivial, she would do her best to learn and support others. That was what she wished for. No harm, no pain... she only wanted others to feel well.

    And so, she would move behind them like a silent, white shadow. Her pupil-less eyes darting all over the mossy and moist walls as they walked further and further into the land of unknown, maws of stone beast that could swallow them whole at any moment. And they were only guided by very little light that torches on the walls provided. Oh, how unfortunate they were, for every single one of them was firmly affixed to the brick wall. Trying to remove them would be probably completely futile and without a point, forcing them to merely march forward with no hope for their own light of hope to guide them on the path to accursed items of the past saints. But alas, that was not even the greatest mockery thrown at them. After all, this place was a maze! It was nothing more than a question of time before they would arrive at a point where the paths would split. Worried and silent, the young pale girl would remind completely still while standing behind the two adults, though one of them was rather short for her age.

    Fear filled her once more as she listened to the cruel words of a swordsman that was to her left, examining the hall that lead into black oblivion. Surely he meant well, but Charlotte's mind was fragile. After all, it almost shattered simply because fighting was mentioned before. And it was about to happen again right now. Her small figure started shaking ever so slightly as she was approached by the man who told her that she had to choose. She did not want to choose. She wanted to stay with them both! But the final blow was when he said that one of the parties could end up fighting. Sudden flashes started plaguing her mind, images from possible future. Images that showed both mister Torian and miss Starstruck laying in the ground, drowning in their shallow, bloody graves. Something shattered. A wall in her mind that was blocking the overflow of magic was now in pieces, even if none could hear, nor see it.

    Gripping her head tightly, the girl nearly collapsed for a moment, but others could probably not focus on that at all. For a terrible wave moved itself through the entire dungeon, causing something that seemed like an Earthquake. And the whole world went black... but only for a mere moment. For the darkness would be soon illuminated by a torch that was sitting on a wall to the girl's left. Wall that was before an open path, one of the two that they had in front of them. But that was there no more and only one single tunnel was open for them to explore. Even the torch itself could be detached and used as a portable light source now. And Charlotte would smile once again, as if nothing at all had happened. Though she now appear little bit more... uncanny for some reason.

    "Whatever are you talking about Mr. Torian? There is only one path ahead. Though it is quite dark... I'm glad we managed to find a torch here though, that is very convenient! I'm glad we don't have to split up!"

    Word Count - 727 / 12313 everyone (WC achieved)



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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Triple_Hell 16th February 2017, 5:03 am

    Haia nods at Torian's observation. But somehow, she felt like the world is off from her, as if she is a different plane of existence. Haia's cloak blows with a onimous wind, one that forbodes trouble and worry. She herself may not be superstitious, but Haia knows of the existence of outworldly forces, Sakuramori was enough to tell her, there is something strong is out there, and after all, though she did not reveal its presence at first, but it was there, a beautiful mark that could easily be mistaken for a tattoo at the back of her neck, the mark of a goddess she serves. Haia shakes her head, trying to get a feel of the real world, but could not. Something was bothering her really well, every speech towards her was pretty much dulled.

    That was when the world went black. Haia's eyes darted around, could it have been Harper? Haia wanted to cast a spell from her main magic, but the appearance of torches stopped her. It was two ways just now, since when did it became one. Haia thought that prehaps someone had trigger something and the walls magically shifted. The wind blew again. Haia reached towards a torch, not to remove it, but rather, it was a sight to behold of her actions.

    The flames seem to gather around her fingers, but a closer inspection shows it was not the flame, but the light of the flame that was wrapping itself like a veil around Haia's rough but dainty fingers. Slowly the light crawls up to her arm and formed a veil over Haia's cloak, a transperant orange glittering over the green cloth. Haia then ignited a blue flame, and touch the fire. The once orange flame turned blue and black, like a virus had inflicted it. Haia then withdraws and turns to Charlotte, not sensing anything off about her and hands the girl the veil of light.

    "We honestly don't need a torch," Haia smiled, a rare one, it was smug or cheeky, but a rather genuine kind smile. "You got me, the conjurer of both fire and light, I shall light the path of hope." Haia then gets up and turns away and faces towards the path, the map that was still in her hands burnt up in blue fire. "No point keeping a map now." Haia grabbed her bow and light from the torches once again gathered around her hand, but instead of a veil, gather and became a straight arrow of shining light, holiness radiatating like the dawn. She took a shot towards the path, may the light show them a safe path.

    Word count- 442/ 12755(Woohoo! Anyway gonna spawn in some badies)


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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by NPC 16th February 2017, 5:03 am

    The member 'Starstruck XD' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Piece of Your Fantasy Empty Re: A Piece of Your Fantasy

    Post by Terith 19th February 2017, 3:39 am

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    Each response that he received seemed vaguely different from the other, where one came across as rather passive to his suggestion, while the other appeared to sport a drastic change to her expression, which began to bother Terith as his brow knit in confusion, watching the girl nearly crumbled to her knees.

    In that short moment of frenzy, all he managed was her name - "...Charlotte?"- before the world dimmed out in pure, abysmal black.

    Magic, in a sense, was a norm in Fiore's society, and the only notable deviants were the unique brands of magi whose method of manipulating ethernano were a cut above the rest, where they're spells were only ever tailored for them to use as a singular, solitary entity; magics that were impassible to anyone else. And Terith, having braved so many days encountering the unknown as a vagabond, had become a just a tad more neutral in the face of the variety of magic housing within the boundaries of Ishval.

    It wasn't surprising that he'd react a little indifferently to the the hall humming with magic, feeling the rush of...something, obviously inhumane in a sense that it was energy rather than a presence, slowly cloaking the area and exerting power over the space. Some form of structural shifting would occur right beneath their noses as tremors began to weave through the ground, causing the world around them to darken, dim, where their only light source was a torch that somehow set itself ablaze, edged into the neighboring wall that...the swordsman knew wasn't supposed to there, nor even exist beforehand.

    The blonde mustered a baffled expression to manifest on his face as the little white-haired child regained her bearings almost far too quickly, as if the brief episode of collapse that happened earlier was an act - 'Or a dream.' he thought.

    "Huh..." he said, a little absentmindedly, the crackle of fire lulling him into a momentary trance, "...Convenient...yeah."

    Charlotte's smile persisted, though that curve of a lip included a secret ingredient that the blonde couldn't quiet place. He wasn't the type to define someone by only the slightest difference in their smiles, at least, not legally. Terith did quite like his psychology class when it was still a mandatory subject.

    A change in the fire beside them then somehow managed to pique his interest, breaking his reverie, and having been quick enough in his focus shift, he'd be able to watch Haia in the act, the flames dancing to her touch and blurring into a completely different hue.

    "Well then." he mumbled, listening to the pleasant whooshing sound of the arrow Haia just set free from her arrow rest, Terith's eyes following the line of light it forged through the hall.

    "I guess...that's that."

    Ah. He remembers something. An event that transpired prior to his descent into Ishval many moons ago was perhaps the first thing he'd consider when inquired about cutting close to an actual supernatural phenomenon. 'In the golden days of his youth.' he might add in dry humor, recalling the priestess' sharp grin and the way her eyes beaded into haunting emeralds as he fell, continued falling even, which seemed to leech five years' worth off his current lifespan.

    This, however, was in the running for most surreal, especially since the two ladies appeared to have not perceived that something was thrown a little off edge there. What, though, was an actual question that even his best wits couldn't answer.

    He'd resolve to ask his spirits later, perhaps, exhaust part of their divinity, but as the scene continued, it seems their objective to reach the trove of glittering gold appealed to them more, and being the odd one out, the swordsman would just...comply.


    From beyond their path, the grunts of an ensuing bicker echoed like sirens, clamoring a warning of a battle incoming, steadily, should the three reach the end of the isolated corridor.
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