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    Entertain the patients!


    Entertain the patients! Empty Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 25th September 2016, 5:52 am

    The day was breezy and the leaves floated lightly as the air guided them, it was obvious that today wasn’t a day to wear dresses or skirts. This didn’t seem to bother a certain person in particular however: Summer. Summer seemed to be more interested in some sort of map she held in her hand while holding a piece of paper in the other hand. “Where could it be…?” She tilted her head. She has never needed hospital treatment when she was in magnolia town so she found it pretty difficult to even find a certain hospital within this town. After asking someone for directions, she finally found the hospital and entered it ever so gracefully and headed over straight to the reception.

    The hospital was very clean and sanitary as all hospitals should be, and she felt very refreshed. All hospitals seemed to manage that. Summer suddenly wanted to go all hyper and jump up and down, but she decided to save all her hyperactivity for the kids. That was the best idea to go for anyway, Summer knew quite well that kids were tiring from when she was a child back at the village before it got destroyed.

    “Hello!” Summer greeted the receptionist happily, her grin showing all as she placed the quest on the receptionist’s desk. “I am here for Nurse Gladys.” Her smile shone and the receptionist nodded as a nurse came past.

    “Can you find Nurse Gladys please??, there is someone who taken the job.” The receptionist grinned and then the nurse ran off. “Remember!!! No running!” The nurse that was fetching Nurse Gladys then just walked fast and the receptionist just shook her head and started chuckling. “Please take a seat, Nurse Gladys will be with you soon.” Summer nodded understandably and took a seat on one of the free seats that was provided for patients and visitors.

    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 25th September 2016, 9:47 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the Patients (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT:332

    It didn’t take long for Nurse Gladys to be found. Which was a good thing, Summer didn’t want to be waiting all that long as she gets bored very easily. She took this job for a variety of reasons and being bored easily was one of them. She knew kids could also get very bored and with the hospital not being able to hire a certain entertainer due to the costs, she was happy to take over. What’s better? She loved helping others! Helping can make others happy after all and that is always a good thing, if people were miserable around her all the time she would probably get annoyed.

    The moment Nurse Gladys stepped towards her, she eyed the fireworks expert and smiled at her warmly. “Hi, welcome. I assume you will be the one that will be entertaining the patient's today. Follow me.” Summer took no time to follow the nurse and she was taken to a children’s ward. “As stated on the job, you will be with the children today. I hope you have a good time!” Nurse Gladys smiled warmly as she spoke in her soft voice.

    “Of course!” Summer grinned as she looked to the kids around her. Some seemed rather ill while others seemed to be all hyper and jumping down, just like she would expect from a kid. “Be safe!” Summer exclaimed as the nurse closed the door behind her. The female then turned around and seen some of the kids looking at her... The kids all looked cute and adorable!!!

    “Hello!” Summer greeted. “As you all know, I will be your entertainer for today. My name is Summer and I hope we all have a good time today.”

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 25th September 2016, 12:23 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the Patients (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT:217

    The kids seemed to already enjoy the presence of the fireworks expert. One hugged her leg instantly and wanted her attention, which Summer happily reacted to. She walked really slowly but playfully as she continued to walk. “Oh no! Im captured! What do I do?!” Summer spoke out dramatically as she puffed out her face. Some of the kids went into fits of laughter as she walked over to another kid. “Oh no, someone has to save me! I am captured and I need a knight!” The kids just giggled and one waddled over to her and flopped on the fireworks expert. “Eeee!” Summer shouted.

    The kids seemed to be having fun already and Summer has only been around for 10 minutes. The kids already seem to love her too which is a very good thing indeed. “Ok, time to hop off. I got stories to tell you!” The firework expert grinned as she looked to the kids excitingly.

    ”Oh! Tell me tell me!” One of the kids demanded as Summer stood back up while the kid finally got off her. “Okay…” She smiled softly as she sorted out her dress then sat back down. She was prepared to tell them a story she can make up from the spot from the many adventures she has had.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 25th September 2016, 4:05 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the Patients (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 365

    The kids all looked at her intently as she made them all sit down either around her or let them stay in their beds. Summer coughed lightly as she began her story. “Once upon a time… There was a dangerous male who lived in the highlands, he enjoyed battling and he hated companionship…” Summer started to tell this story of a male with a bad attitude who later became a hero and saved a princess.  The kids loved it, they wanted another story but Summer shook her head in disagreement.

    “I think first, that we all should stand up and have a stretch! For whoever can’t I want you all to stretch up as high as you can with your arms!” The flexible girl commanded playfully as she stood up and stretched up as high as she can. The other kids tried to follow suit but couldn’t help the fact that they wanted to be just as tall as Summer. They all giggled as some of the kids shown their belly buttons. The kids then stopped stretching and Summer inhaled and exhaled. It was time to do a different activity and she had to have a little thought what she could do...

    ”Kids, I have an idea!” She suddenly exclaimed. The kids got curious instantly and started to listen to whatever came out of her mouth. Summer loved her ideas and the ideas she usually came out with was usually creative and fun, that is why she loved her ideas so much! “Why don’t we do heads, shoulders, knees and toes!?” The kids were a little less enthusiastic about that idea, but decided to go ahead with it. “If you guys are good… I might give you a fireworks display…”

    The kids started to cheer as the temporary entertainer stated that. “But wait, how will you be able to show us fireworks…?” One of the kids asked, The kid was right. Summer was going to find it very difficult to show off fireworks due to the danger of them being inside. But Summer didn’t mind. “I have a plan…” Summer grinned as she said them words, the kids got slightly excited when Summer said that.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 25th September 2016, 6:11 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the Patients (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 406

    Summer started by placing her hands on her head before placing them on her shoulders, her knees and then her toes. “Sing with me! Heads, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes.” She kept repeating the phrase until she started to touch her eyes, ears, mouth and nose. The kids knew the verse it seemed and that’s all Summer needed to know. The kids were a lovely bunch, they haven’t misbehaved all day and that did ease the fireworks expert just a bit, she didn’t know what to do if they misbehaved. After the little verse she chuckled lightly as she then said the same song and did the same actions but faster, the kids tried their best to keep up but their giggles filled the room.

    After the giggles, Summer looked around the room and seen two closed, but reasonably sized windows, that certainly cannot be good for the kids. They needed fresh air and the air will be good for them after a day of fun and probably exhaustion when the day has ended. “Okay, I will be showing you a firework, please be patient! And look in the other window as I don’t want any of you to get hurt.” The girl announced as she opened up two windows. She noticed there was three people on the bed but two of them were wheelchair users. Summer went over to the beds and took each of the children out on their wheelchairs carefully after they guided them to which wheelchair they use, Summer then carried another girl in her air as the wheelchair users went over to the window all the kids were at.

    The kids started to watch as Summer held out her free hand, making sure she held the child in her arm securely before her hand started to spark up in multi-coloured sparks and shot a firework into the air. It left a trail of smoke behind but shooting the firework was successful. The firework was in the colour of red and the children were most surprised.

    ”Oh my god it’s a firework!” One of the kids exclaimed “It was amazing!!” Summer grinned as the little ones suddenly started to speak about how great that firework was. What’s better?? The smoke moved away from the windows quickly due how wide the windows were. That was always the danger of fireworks, they could potentially make these kids cough due to the smoke.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 26th September 2016, 5:38 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the Patients (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 265

    The kids started yawning and some even started to claim that they were very hungry. Due to the time, she can see why. But she really didn’t know what food they were allowed or not allowed… She had an idea, she could look out the door and ask for a nurse, but first she should place the kid she has firmly in her arm back onto the bed, which is what she done quickly, she also placed the kids in the wheelchairs back into their bed and she scratched her face before speaking up. “Okay kids I will be just a second.” Summer stated as she peeped outside.

    ”Excuse me.” Summer exclaimed lightly as she tried to gain the attention of a nurse, to which she did. “The kids… they are hungry. Could you get some food for them please??” The nurse nodded and walked off in order to get the kids some food as fast as she can. Summer hoped that was all that was needed to be done in order to get some food for their little patients.

    Summer finally closed the door and turned around to the children. ”Okay, I have an idea…” She grinned lightly. The kids got excited to know this and they decided to listen to her once more. “Why don’t we all do some drawing, I think we should all do fireworks…” The kids gasped and wanted to do what Summer mentioned. Summer doesn’t know how she was managing to keep these kids in check, but she was and she felt like she was doing it rather well.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 26th September 2016, 12:13 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the Patients (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 221

    Summer instantly started looking for the stuff she needed to start drawing with the kids. She couldn’t find some unfortunately, but a nurse came in carrying a trolley of food and it seemed to save the day, the kids grinned as they were all hungry. That food really came quick and Summer was glad for it. The nurse helped all the children with their food. Summer had to have a small think about what to do since she can’t find the drawing stuff… Maybe she could give them a show, that she will do. But first, the kids have to finish off what they were eating. It did make Summer slightly hungry herself, but she wasn’t going to complain.

    It didn’t take long for the kids to finally finish eating and all the plates were taken away by the nurse. It was weird for the nurse to watch over the kids while their food was being eaten, but it was understandable. The food could have made one of the children choke or it could have not agreed with their system immediately.

    “Okay Kids. I hope food was good. So I had a better idea other than drawing… I think I should put on a show! Just so it gives you kids time for your food to digest.”

    “YAAAAY!” the kids shouted.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 26th September 2016, 5:10 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the patients (solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 255

    Summer got herself ready as she made a clear space so the children and herself could not get hurt, Summer rarely got hurt while she did her gymnastic demonstrations. But she didn’t let that really bother her. She wanted to make the kids feel wowed at what they were seeing. She had to keep them busy somehow and for once, she was running out of ideas. She could just keep winging it by showing her the stuff she could do. First of all, she stretched all the way to the bottom, just to get rid of the air pockets in her skeletal body before stretching back up. “Ready kids?!” She exclaimed. The kids then announced they were ready and then the entertainer instantly got to work.

    Summer started with a front flip into the splits and the kids were instantly amazed. Then Summer got back up and did a handstand, she was lucky the thing the skirt covered was like a leotard, you could see nothing that should be shown. After the handstand, she went into a crab position and all the children loved it. She was glad that she could make the kids happy with all this flexibility.

    After them little tricks, she got back on her feet and dusted her dress off, she was ready to do some tricks again but she had to get herself ready for them. “Want to see more??” She asked in a very hyperactive manner. It was clearly shown on their faces that they did indeed want more.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 26th September 2016, 5:44 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the patients (solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 232

    Summer started again, she did another cartwheel to the other end of the room. She then somersaulted back to where she was. She was having fun and she loved having fun, it meant she could show off her true self. She then layed on her stomach and placed her legs above her before placing her feet beside her head. The kids were grossed out but they found it funny too. At least it shown that they were easily pleased. That is all Summer needed in all honesty, it kept them busy too.

    Getting back up. Summer then did a little pirouette before performing the aerial walkover. The oriental girl felt like she was suddenly back at the village when it was festival before the incident happened with all the fireworks, she knew it was the reason why she had the power over the festivities herself. But she knew it was what probably changed her as a person overall, she became more childish and needy at that time. Probably why she preferred the company too. But then again that could also be because of Jiang and Hung always being by her side before everything went wrong.

    Heading straight back into reality, Summer then performed a split leap. The kids continued cheering as Summer performed all sorts of acrobatic skills. From the handspring to the walkover, she did everything she could think of.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 26th September 2016, 6:21 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the patients (solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 238

    When Summer finished, the kids clapped. They were very satisfied with this gymnast who could shoot fireworks and do gymnastics. Summer could tell that some of them were very jealous and to be honest, Summer didn’t blame them. It was very difficult to pull off the stuff she could do and not everyone could do such things without harming themselves. Although there was one thing Summer can be proud of, Summer shown what hard work can do. Hard work gives off great results and she clearly shown that during that demonstration.

    After a few seconds of inhaling and exhaling, she heard some clapping behind her and she turned around to see it was Nurse Gladys. She was surprised to see the nurse. But she guessed that she was bound to see her when time was up. Summer has had so much fun today that time just went past her just like that. Not that the girl minded, it was good to have some fun without fighting or getting annoyed by being chased by monsters or something of the sort.

    ”You have done rather well. They look delighted.” The nurse was right, the kids looked very happy with the result of having a firework expert as their entertainer for the day. “Okay kids, time is up. Summer needs to go home now.” The kids didn’t want Summer to go home, but they didn’t have much choice in the matter.

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    Entertain the patients! Empty Re: Entertain the patients!

    Post by Guest 27th September 2016, 5:46 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Entertain the patients (solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 249

    ”Okay, goodbye kids. Hope you all had fun today!” Summer shouted as she exited the children's ward. All she could hear was the children’s goodbyes and some even shouted that they hoped to see her soon. Summer wanted to see them again, but with her schedule as a mage of Golden Phoenix, she wasn’t so sure.

    The nurse guided the fireworks expert out with ease, she seemed to have no worry plastered over her face, in fact she seem relieved. Probably because she had someone who did the job for her at a suitable reward instead of hiring someone for more money than the hospital could offer. Finally, Summer was at the entrance of the hospital and she bowed down to the nurse. “You have lovely kids, well behaved! I do hope they do well in their recovery.”

    ”God bless you, you are so kind. I hope you stay as wonderful as you are and just enjoy what you do. Being a mage sounds like hard work.” Summer only giggled and she nodded. Being a mage was very hard, but she found it very rewarding too.

    ”Thank you, Nurse Gladys. I best be on my way, I can’t wait to tell my guild master what happened today!!” Summer really couldn’t wait to report back to Elyx, there was so much to tell him about the kids and about how sweet they were to her. Slowly she walked out of the hospital and made her way back to her guild.

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