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    The Need


    The Need Empty The Need

    Post by Guest 13th October 2016, 9:30 pm

    The Need
    For centuries, demons of lust have been known as creatures to utilize their innate sexual intuitiveness and appeal to their advantage. The more common of the demons of lust is known as a Succubus, a wanton creature of grotesque appearance, who appears in dreams of men. Succubi are creatures who feed off the vitality that they receive from dreams of their victims, who are mainly men, but can be women as well. These creatures are able to appear before people as their most wanted desire or their most desired look for a partner of their needs. They get under the skin of their victim, using their intuitive nature of sexual drive and arousal to their advantage to get what they want. When a victim least expects it, these Succubi will switch to their grotesque nature and consume the vital energy of the victim. Legend is told that these Succubi do not leave anything behind other than the corpse of a once-lively victim resting in bed.

    As a demon of lust, Marceline Anicetus has been known to utilize this side of her nature to her advantage in order to get the upperhand on people. Her natural beauty can cause double-takes and lust in passersby that would normally never occur if she was a simple woman. However, her appearance isn’t the only thing that can enrapture a target, but she has also been given the ability to manipulate emotions. This allows for her to amplify or decrease the emotions of targets that she wants to affect, such as making them feel more pleasure or less happiness. It extends to her ability to be able to manipulate their minds, bending their wills and forcing them to do as she pleases. While it is more effective on the opposite sex, she is still able to utilize the nature of her spells in order to bend women to her will. In some cases, this allows for her to be able to create a hivemind of people willing to do her bidding, whether under normal circumstances or not.

    On rare occasions, this “desire,” this “need” can amplify the effects placed on Marceline, herself, empowering her in other categories. As someone who has always had an indomitable control over people, this only gives her access to controlling more people to her will. She can even take on a “desire form” that allows her to be viewed as a person’s most desired thing, as long as it is a person. This can be considered a “craving” or a “yearning,” something that a person isn’t able to quite ignore as they would a simple want. The desire is an uncontrollable aspect of a person, something that causes a person to be able to do what they need to get what they want. When this desire is achieved, they succumb to a wanton life of servitude to this object or being, never wanting to leave its or his/her side. In a way, they become a mindless drone, something that is not able to leave the side of their desired and choose to remain enslaved.

    For Marceline,, this has become possible for her to enslave her victims to eternal servitude, especially those of NPCs and weaker monsters. However, played characters are people who would need to have it agreed upon to become the eternal and immortal slave of Marcy. Once this is blessed upon them, they will forever choose to fight for her, rather than their contended allies, no matter the side they are on. Their will, will be conformed to hers, unable to choose for themselves what they want to do, whether that is eat or drink or something they would normally be able to decide for themselves. This uncontrolled desire has a master and it is Marceline Anicetus who is able to control this wild aspect of a person. However, it is at the expense that Marceline cannot control what is allowed for her to do; things simply happen when she is around. It can be cause of unnecessary servants, people that she doesn’t truly want biding their lives toward her or any way at all.

    • Allows the user to affect all beings, no matter the sex or species they are so long as they are able to be affected
    • he user can manipulate the emotions of a selected target, increasing or decreasing the emotions they feel
    • Some spells allow the user to bend the will of others to their own, forcing them to do what they want them to do


    • The user is not able to induce feelings into another person; they can only bring about hidden emotions they have
    • Beings that do not have emotions or have a lack, thereof, emotions will not be affected by the magic at all
    • Most spells require the affected people to be players of equal to or lower in rank than the user, but higher ranks can be affected
    • All spells require OOC permission before they can be applied onto a played character; no agreement does not allow for the spell to take place

    Man Eater

    Name: Man Eater
    Rank: D
    Type: Crowd Control, Emotion Manipulation, Seduction, Unholy
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: As a demon of lust, the user is able to call forth emotional energy in which they are able to manipulate and utilize for their own advantage. This gathered emotional energy allows the user to possess innate seductive skills that would make any typical person fall for them, as well as intuitive knowledge of how to make people feel arousal, lust, bliss, and pleasure. Their newly found charming allure can allow them to seduce NPCs and weak monsters into doing what they want them to do. It does not matter the sex or species of the one they are trying to seduce, just that the creature has some sort of libido. Played characters would require OOC permission for them to fall victim to the user’s seduction and allow for manipulation of the mind. The spell will usually only affect players of equal to or lower in rank than the user, but in some cases, higher-ranked players can be affected. When this spell is activated, a soft, pale, purple aura emits around the user that produces an irresistible level of charm. Anyone within fifteen (15) meters of where the user stands will succumb to the effects of the spell unless otherwise discussed.

    • Allows for the user to manipulate the mind and emotions of NPCs and weak monsters, as well as played characters equal to or lower in rank to the user
    • Causes a person to feel immense attraction toward the user, as well as the inability to resist the user’s words, actions, et cetera
    • In some cases, higher ranking characters can be affected, but this must be discussed beforehand with the character’s player


    • This spell only allows the user to manipulate the desire that another person feels, not the love or true love that a person feels
    • On occasional, the random obsessive person may appear, causing the user to constantly be harassed by them and never left alone
    • It may not always work on those who have low or no libido at all, and is not dependent on the sex or species of the target
    • While able to manipulate the emotions and mind of another person, this does not allow them to see, hear, or read the lover’s mind in order to get information

    The Siren Effect

    Name: The Siren Effect
    Rank: C
    Type: Crowd Control, Emotion Manipulation, Seduction, Unholy
    Duration: 5 posts
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Description: By enchanting themselves, the user is blessed with the powers of persuasion, alongside immense seductive intuition and level of charm. As a result, they are given a “trigger” that allows for them to bend the will of others to obey whatever command they give. NPCs and weak monsters will automatically succumb to the effects, as well as players equal to and lower in rank to the user. However, played characters still require OOC permission for the spell to be cast upon; otherwise, it simply affects NPCs. This allows the user to command the players, NPCs, and weak monsters that are all within thirty (30) meters of where they stand. The catch to this spell is that the user can’t force a played character to commit suicide; they can make them attempt it, but cannot make them succeed in it. Likewise, unless agreed upon between both parties, the user cannot make another played character do anything that would be considered life-threatening. Their trigger can be of anything from a simple whispered word in the ear to a kiss on the lips from the user, themselves.

    • This spell allows the user to bend the will of others so that they are able to force them into doing what they want them to do
    • NPCs and weak monsters will automatically be affected by the spell, alongside players that are equal to and lower in rank to the user
    • A versatile spell that allows the user to make another person do whatever they so wish so long as it’s not life-threatening


    • Played characters will always require OOC permission before this spell can affect them; otherwise, this spell only affects NPCs and weak monsters
    • Higher ranked characters cannot be affected by the spell unless it was agreed upon by both parties for the spell to affect them
    • The user can bend another person’s will to do whatever they want them to do; however, they cannot force someone to succeed in killing themselves
    • In some cases, this spell may only end up affecting one played character at a time, such as if the trigger was used as a whispered word or kiss

    Addictive Contentment

    Name: Addictive Contentment
    Rank: B
    Type: Crowd Control, Emotion Manipulation, Seduction, Unholy
    Duration: 6 posts
    Cooldown: 7 posts
    Description: Due to the user innate ability to affect the emotions of other beings around them, they are given the ability to induce extreme attachment. This can be conducted through any means, such as simply words to another person or by physically touching the other. In any case, NPCs and weak monsters will automatically be affected by the spell; whereas, played characters require OOC permission first. Once this spell has gone into effect, the affected person may begin to feel strange feelings toward the user that results in them being unable to leave the user’s side. As a result, if the user is away for too long from the victim, they may begin to feel a withdrawal, in which can be so extreme, in some cases, that it causes death. For the spell to be as strong as that, played characters that are affected by it must have OOC permission in order to die. Otherwise, only NPCs and weak monsters will feel the broken attachment enough that they end up causing themselves to die, played characters will simply feel sickening nausea. People that are affected by this spell must be within fifty (50) meters of where the user stands and no farther away than that.

    • The user can induce a feeling of want in another person that causes them to be unable to leave the side of the user
    • In cases where the broken attachment becomes too strong, the affected person may commit suicide in order to relieve themselves of the misery
    • It can only affect players or NPCs/weak monsters that are within fifty (50) meters of where the user stands


    • Higher ranked characters may not be affected by the spell unless it was otherwise agreed upon by both parties
    • Attachments from the affected players may put a toll on the user, causing the user to go insane from their addictive nature
    • People with a lack of attachment toward things may be harder to manipulate the emotions of if at all possible
    • The spell may not work at all if the ones the user is trying to affect do not have emotions at all, such as objects

    Empathic Augmentation

    Name: Empathic Augmentation
    Rank: A
    Type: Crowd Control, Emotion Manipulation, Seduction, Unholy
    Duration: 9 posts
    Cooldown: 10 posts
    Description: As the user is able to manipulate the emotions of people around them to do as they bid or otherwise to their advantage, they can augment emotions. This allows the user to increase the effects of a specific emotion in person, such as being able to amplify it twofold. It only affects NPCs and weak monsters, but is able to affect players that are equal to or lower in rank to the user. Higher ranked characters can have their emotions manipulated, but this would need to be agreed upon by both parties. Either way, the requirement of emotion manipulation is needed OOCly for any played character the user wishes to affect. Characters that are affected by this spell must be within seventy-five (75) meters of where the user stands and no farther. When increasing the emotions of a person, the person may find that their actions are severely affected by the way they feel. Because of this, they may find things easier or harder to do depending on the emotion that was amplified in them.

    • As the user is able to manipulate the emotions of people naturally, this allows the user to amplify or decrease the effects of a person’s emotions
    • People that are affected by this spell may find themselves unable to do things at all, mild inability to do something, or complete ease to do a task
    • It has a wide range of a effect, allowing anyone within seventy-five (75) meters of where the user stands to be affected


    • Even though this allows the user to amplify or otherwise mess with a person’s emotions, they cannot cause or induce emotions
    • The user cannot augment the emotions of themselves so they will feel their emotions as naturally as any other person
    • In some cases, the user can accidentally overload another person with a single emotion, causing devastating effects decided upon by the affected player
    • Those with a lack of emotions or no emotions at all will not be affected by the likes of this spell and will be able to function normally

    Hypnotic Presence

    Name: Hypnotic Presence
    Rank: S
    Type: Crowd Control, Emotion Manipulation, Seduction, Unholy
    Duration: 19 posts
    Cooldown: 20 posts
    Description: Being a demon of lust allows the user to utilize every aspect of their species to their advantage, including their looks. Simply being around the user will cause others to have their minds bent at the user’s will and cause them to be mesmerized by the user. As a result, NPCs and weak monsters will be unable to attack or otherwise harm the user while in their presence. Played characters of equal to or lower in rank than the user will also find themselves unable to or difficulty in harming the user. Higher ranking characters can be affected by the spell; however, it must be agreed upon by both parties before that can happen. NPCs, weak monsters, and played characters will find themselves enraptured and otherwise enamoured by the user’s appearance as long as they are within one-hundred (100) meters of the user. This can induce a crowd control where they are not able to fight the user, but will fight among themselves for the user’s attention. Unfortunately, this can even affect the user’s allies, as well as cause full-blown riots or harmful activity between people.

    • The user’s presence has become so hypnotic to the people around them that the people can no longer find themselves able to harm the user
    • Affections toward the user can become so strong in the presence of the user that riots or harmful activity may break out between people
    • This spell is capable of affecting any and all people that are within one-hundred (100) meters of where the user stands


    • Beings that are unable to sense the presence of the user, such as blindness, are unable to be affected by the spell
    • Beings that have indomitable will or any type of psychic shield that protects their mind will not be affected by this spell
    • Higher ranking characters will automatically not be affected by this spell unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties
    • This can affect allies when activated, resulting in allies being injured when the effects of this spell take place

    © - Relove from  Adoxography

    Last edited by Marceline Anicetus on 23rd October 2016, 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
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    The Need Empty Re: The Need

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 23rd October 2016, 11:16 am

    Spoke with you on skype and you said you wouldn't use this in battle..
    So with that being said..

    The Need BTSjguv


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