Fairy Tail RP

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    Becoming Toys?

    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    Becoming Toys? Empty Becoming Toys?

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 30th July 2016, 5:25 pm

    Job Accepted:  Here
    Words: 401 / 12000
    Would this be
    Playing with Yourself?

    Normally, Celine would be carrying a massive pack on her back and carrying that.  This time, however, she was stuck lugging around Zork as he rode her piggy-back to the site of the job.  A spooky village called Toylaten had been the location of where mages had been disappearing for some strange reason.  "You should put a saddle on your back, froggy.  Maybe that would have been more comfortable," Zork stated in distaste.  Once the two arrived at the edge of town, he quickly hopped off.  For the most part, he was riding on her armor while resting his feet just above Celine's rear.  After hopping off, Celine crumbled to the ground in a heap of exhaustion.

    "Why couldn't you walk yourself, Mr. Z?"  While Zork was much lighter than the packs she was used to carrying, she had to endure hearing his whining and complaining the entire way to Toylaten.  She arched her back and went to rub her spine, only to remember that she had a large metal breast plate in the way.  She puffed her cheeks out in annoyance before sitting down on the ground and took off her helmet.  She let her long blonde hair flow out of the helmet, matted down with sweat.  

    The part she did massage that wasn't covered in armor, however, were her legs.  And those were the most painful part of her at the moment.  She whimpered out in pain as she felt her legs start to swell up from all of the walking the two have been doing as of late.  While she is eternally grateful to Zork for saving her life, sometimes, it's a bit annoying and she, sometimes, wished she was dead.  Well, not really, but that's just how painful it is to be in Zork's debt though.

    "Are we waiting for Miss Emilia again?" Celine simply asked.  She wanted to break the awkward silence.  "Of course, my amphibian friend, Ribbit!" Zork responded.  He didn't insult her this time, bringing a little smile upon her face.  Finally a moment's reprieve from Zork's insults and making her feel like an insignificant creature in this world.  "Still not a frog," she responded.  

    "Shut up, you're a frog and that's that," Zork said with a nod before turning to look back towards the village.  Another sigh came from Celine's mouth.  "Kay.  Anything you say, Mr. Z," she said in a defeated manner.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Becoming Toys? BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
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    Becoming Toys? Empty Re: Becoming Toys?

    Post by Emilia Crohil 5th August 2016, 5:38 am

    There had been some trouble being caused in a relatively small village called Toylaten. Despite its size, it was rather famous. Emilia had receive some toys from the place when she was a little girl growing up, though she rarely used them. Though perhaps that's to be expected when growing up around mercenaries. They were far more interesting and exciting than toys, and Emilia had had a lot more fun in her childhood learning to fight with them, being brought out on the less dangerous (and later more dangerous) jobs, and hearing tales, both true and false of their exploits. Some people have said that being raised by mercs must have been awful, but in all honesty, it was an amazing life for a kid, full of adventure and excitement. Emilia certainly wouldn't keep any children she may have away from the line of work.

    Back to the matter at hand, apparently the village was in trouble. It hadn't been heard from for a while, hell the oldest job notices were a few weeks old and those who had responded to them disappeared. Now was a time for the professionals to arrive. Emilia had chosen to work with Zork once again. The little "human" was quite eccentric, but he fought well enough, so Emilia respected him despite his... strangeness. She honestly thought it was rather amusing, and having such a small ally could have its uses in battle. She could probably throw him pretty damn far, and if he were to leap out of her hand as she threw him... hell, they could probably send him clean across the village, or propel him with his sword into someone's face. Both sounded like viable useful things to be able to do depending upon what situations they faced.

    The soldier's approach was marked by the clinking of her armor. She carried her helmet under her arm as she walked, giving Zork a nod and walked up to Celine, prodding her with a foot. "Break's over. Time to hop to it, frog." She said, keeping a straight face. She knew full well that Celine was a human and Zork was a frog, but the fact that Zork referred to Celine as a frog amused her. The fact that it annoyed the girl amused her even more, so she decided to join in, rather than refute the fact that Celine was a frog. After all, what was better than a bit of gaslighting? She looked to Zork now. "Looks like you two just arrived as well, so I assume you haven't been seen what's going on yet either?" She asked, sniffing the air. "I don't smell any blood, so I don't think the village has been slaughtered or anything. And the buildings look intact from here. Unless you guys noticed anything, I think we'll have to go in closer to investigate."

    WC: 477
    Total: 878


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    Becoming Toys? FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    Becoming Toys? Empty Re: Becoming Toys?

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 7th August 2016, 12:35 pm

    Words:  1179 / 12000
    Even you?
    Miss Emi?

    "CLINK!" said the armored foot as it prodded Celine, causing the little girl to recoil a bit.  "You too, Miss Emilia?" Celine asked with a tearful expression.  Her lower lip quivering as she noticed Emilia jumping on the same bandwagon that Zork did.  Her puppy dog eyes wasn't very helpful nor did it further her agenda of being noticed as a human being.  It seemed break time was over.  With a tiny whining noise, Celine pulled herself up.

    "No, we didn't notice anything.  The frog's legs were tired so we took a break," Zork said with a ribbit as he turned to look towards Celine with a bit of disappointment.  Poor Celine was Zork's horse for the entire trip up here.  "Can we please get a vehicle or something, Mr. Z?  Please!  My feet can't-" Celine said before being interrupted by Zork's hand up.  Celine sighed a bit and nodded her head.  "Alright, Mr. Z," she said in a defeated manner.  

    "But yes," Zork said without a ribbit this time.  "What you suggested is a prudent course of action," Zork said with a ribbit.  "I think we should stay together this time around.  Even I am having a bad feeling about this place, Ribbit!" Zork stated.  A sigh of relief came from Celine.  Yes, this place did creep her out a little bit.  Zork cleared his throat and turned around, swinging his cape with him.  With that, he started off towards the village in hopes to finding something that would help them with their case.  

    After walking around the village for a while, Zork and Celine seemed to have come back empty handed.  There was confusion in the air between the two.  They couldn't figure out exactly what was going on until they heard a strange rattling noise in the distance.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Becoming Toys? BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Becoming Toys? Empty Re: Becoming Toys?

    Post by Emilia Crohil 1st November 2016, 8:43 pm

    Emilia couldn't help but suppress a chuckle at Celine's dread of being called a frog by even a fellow human being. She wasn't that good at bullshitting people. That's what her now missing companion was for. Wherever he was, she hoped Eli was doing well and not just lying face down in a gutter. Still, he'd survived without her before, and he was more clever than she often gave him credit for, so she was sure he was fine... Or at least fine-ish.

    Apparently the Zork and Celine didn't notice anything coming in either. So what better to do than to simply press forward in the face of unknown danger and simply stab, slash, or smash whatever confronted them. She nodded at Zork's suggestion to stay together. "Sounds like a plan. I'll take point. We don't know what we're going into though, so be sure to be on your guard. Whatever it is that did this might still be here, and might try to ambush us." She drew Reaver now, swinging it in a circle once before proceeding onwards in to the village, keeping her pace slow enough for Zork and Celine to easily follow, and to give them plenty of time to look in all directions.

    The fact that Emilia smelled no spilt blood was both promising and unsettling. Promising in that it meant the villagers might not have been killed, but also unsettling in that whatever had been done to them had happened without causing any bloodshed. She didn't know what exactly to expect going into this. For all she knew, it could be a basilisk or something equally nasty that simply petrified everyone. There weren't any statues around, at least, so that one was probably out. Either way, something that can empty a village without spilling a drop of blood was something to be wary of.



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    Becoming Toys? FJRTsUq
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