Fairy Tail RP

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    Looking for fairies [private social]

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Looking for fairies [private social] Empty Looking for fairies [private social]

    Post by Faith Caliburn 27th July 2016, 11:09 pm

    Looking for fairies [private social] 2b_by_koyorin-d9jty8a

    Faith stepped out into the sunlight from the dark shelter of her make shift home. It had been only a year since her activation seeing the sky, the cities, and the people where all so new to her. She knew what all of these things looked like, she knew all the names, but it was different seeing them for the first time. The world was a lot bigger compared to the confinements of the abandoned theater where she first woke. Regardless it did not overwhelm her, in fact she was perfectly whelmed. The data stored in her mind gave her direction, it gave her knowledge. Seeing all these things of the world only made the images in her mind come to life. She was thankful, thankful but lonely. She knew she had a creator, no, a father. She knew she had a father, yet she somehow knew that her father was no longer of this world. Her father Shinra was a magitech scientist that made her, all the information she knew, her body everything was made by the hands of one man. Though Faith could not recall any specific memories of her father, it was all a haze, she could faintly remember his warm, caring his hands as he assembled her heart. Despite all this Faith remembered her fathers request.

    Faith, I know by the time you wake up I will no longer be around. Do not be sad my child move on forward, I left you the gift of knowledge. Your heart can feel emotion. So please as an order, live your life, protect everything you hold dear, find happiness. You can find all this if you find the fairies. One last thing my dear, you are not just a machine, you are my daughter, and I love you very much.

    Faith closed her eyes recalling the words spoken by her father. Upon receiving the courage to once again explored to find the fairies. She had been wander the country side for a year and her travels led her to the heart of Magnolia. She had heard from a farmer in the outskirts of magnolia that a guild called Fairy Tail once resided there, but upon her arrive she found nothing but the rubble of the the once grand guild hall. A slight tinge of disappointment pricked her heart, the feeling was new to her, but she quickly shrugged it off to explore the large bustling city. Her disappointment was forgotten and was instead replaced with awe and wonder. People generally stayed away from her, probably thinking that Faith was blind due to the cloth wrapped around her eyes, but in fact she wasn't blind at all. The cloth wrapped around her eyes was a special cloth woven by her father himself, it provided her excellent vision at the same time hiding her eyes so that no one would know where they wandered about.  However Faith duduced that people probably stayed away, since she had a floating katana and a behemoth of a sword behind her back, her weapons where held aloft by these magical rings that glowed like little halos. Faith watched as people walked past her, she saw their curious eyes as she made her way through the bustling city. She was lucky enough to find some kind people who gave her the time of her day to listen to her ask the question she had: "Where can I find the fairies?". However it was to no avail, no concrete answers where given, as a result Faith decided to take a break and sit down at the city fountain.


    Looking for fairies [private social] 1195bly
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Looking for fairies [private social] Empty Re: Looking for fairies [private social]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th July 2016, 11:43 pm

    Justin found himself in Magnolia after a job he had been doing a job. He hasn't been here since he went to prison last since he stole that diamond as Alias. He shook away the memory now wasn't the time to be thinking like that he had to fight those urges to steal he was a light mage and he needed to show he has changed. He continued to walk through the city seeing all the happy people walking around even though it is no secret what happened and he could hear people talking about it. Fairy Tail has gone dark. it hasn't been long since that happened but it was a shocking event to say the least and to up and leave Magnolia the place they had such history was well so sudden. Justin wondered what happened he had read about it but there was obviously more to it then that. But there was little that could be done for now while he was sure i be an issue later for now he wasn't here about that.

    As Justin walked he saw a girl though something was off about her. No off wasn't right but the clearly notable thing was the massive sword on her back and the way she was dressed was certainly something to say the least. That and she had a massive sword on her back. As she sat on a fountain it was safe to assume she was a mage of sorts. needless to say Justin was curious and she looked nice so there was a bonus. He started to walk over to her and smiled. He then sat next to her on the fountain smirking a little though it fit him only adding to his appeal. "hey there beautiful the names Justin, Justin Tyme" he said holding a hand out to shake hers if she would even though he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't after all he was use to the rejection.
    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Looking for fairies [private social] Empty Re: Looking for fairies [private social]

    Post by Faith Caliburn 28th July 2016, 12:04 am

    Faith turned to the voice, she looked through the cloth that covered her eyes. She then looked at the extended hand. She politely accepted the handshake and replied "The name is Faith....Faith Caliburn." She brushed her white hair away from her face with her free hand as she spoke in a soft gentle manner. The glowing magical rings that held the two swords aloft glowed a bit brighter as if alive. The larger sword floated to the right side of Faith while the katana floated to her left. Faith released the handshake to touch her swords, as if petting them. "It is alright Athena, Ares.....I do not think this man means any harm...."The blades floated slowly behind her to their original place, as if reluctantly. She laughed softly and turned her attention to Justin once again.

    "Forgive them, you see..... my frie-erm my swords..... are quite a bit.... protective... but I digress. What can I be of service to you mister Tyme?" Inquired Faith as she stood up to formally present herself to the stranger that approached her. She straightened out her dress accordingly to sort out any wrinkles. It made her seem to be a bit meticulous and orderly person. Her way of speech was formal, yet hospitable. The way Faith carried herself was very much noble and graceful, as if everything she did was properly choreographed and beautifully coordinated.


    Looking for fairies [private social] 1195bly
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Looking for fairies [private social] Empty Re: Looking for fairies [private social]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 28th July 2016, 11:28 am

    Justin looked at the swords floating as she seemed to calm them down, Athena and Ares huh interesting that she had names of for her blades and that they seemed to react on there own. she said they were protective of her which made him very curious indeed. But at the moment they weren't a threat do he was determined to keep talking. He gave a small grin looking at the girl who called herself faith, the fountains ambient noise in the background as he smiled at her. "Faith huh, my what a lovely name" he said seeing her face more clearly wondering briefly why half of her face was covered up but figured it was personal so he would bring it up later. He then smiled again at her again now wondering if she lived here. Though she then stood up looking at him asking what she could do for him today, he tone was hospitable which was a good change of pace then the normal instant rejection he has gotten before.

    Justin smiled looked her over once more then nodded. As he stood up He wasn't as formal as she was...it was more swave as he it looked like a swift cool motion as he looked at her again. she was definatly formaland very coordinated in what she did which surprised Justin a little bit more. The average person didn't do that normally which needless to say made him even more curiouse about her. "So what are you doing here all by yourself surly a beautiful girl such as yourself shouldn't be alone here" he asked her wanting to figure out why she was alone sitting here. It was entirely possible that she was just sitting here to enjoy the day which would have been fine as well however he got a different vibe from her. He simply looked around at the people passing by briefly and then back at her
    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Looking for fairies [private social] Empty Re: Looking for fairies [private social]

    Post by Faith Caliburn 28th July 2016, 11:42 pm

    Looking for fairies [private social] Latest?cb=20140526010902

    Faith opened her mouth to respond to Justin's question, but before she could say a word a loud regal voice barged in the conversation. Know your place! Do you not know who you speak with? This is Lady Caliburn, the chosen one to bear us three ancient artifacts! Why I ought to smite you where you stand you filthy scum! The voice rang loud and clear, but it did not come from a person. Instead the voice came from a floating book. The book opened and it's pages flipped rapidly, sparks of energy began to fly as a magical seal above Justin. Rune began to write itself upon the air as a huge amount of magical energy began to concentrate in the center of the magical seal. Any last words boy?! Hahahaha I merely jest with you. Your words are not worth my time. Die! The book laughed as the seal released its energy. KA-PFFFT! ZZZTTTT! PAH! An odd sound came from the seal, it sounded very much like a dying locomotive running out of steam as it puffed its last breath. A small light of energy floated down on Justin's head like a snow flake, it fell on a strand of hair sizzling burning not even a centimeter of his hair. The book floated in silence, if it had a face it would be dumbfounded. Faith glared daggers at the book. Damn it!...... the spell failed. My powers have not yet returned. As the book cursed and muttered to itself. Faith then suddenly took Ares and slammed the book into the ground with Ares' flat side. BWAGH! What in Gods name are you doing Lady Calibrun?! OW! Gah! Ow! Alright! I understand! I apologize! Stop it you'll break my bindings! Faith continued to beat the book until she was sure she had literally hammered in her message. Even while she did this, she somehow managed to do it gracefully.

    Faith let out a sigh and brushed her hair back and once again straightened out her dress. "Forgive him.... He too....is quite over protective...... His name is Grimoire Genesis, but i call him Grim for short.... Among my three weapons...he is the MOST....talkative..." Faith smiled as she grabbed Grimoire Genesis and held him forcefully in her hand as her other hand let go of Ares. The large book squirmed and protested with out avail. Athena twirled around behind behind Faith as Ares joined her. The two swords seemed to vibrate softly as if giggling at Grim.

    Don't you two laugh at me! I thought you were on my side! Also, address me by my full name, Grimoire Genesis! My name is not Grim. Faith glared through the cloth that covered her eyes. Though no one could see her death stare, Grim was well aware that his master was displeased. "I let you three out expecting you would not cause trouble. You requested to see the world as we journeyed. You three are making me regret my decision, especially you Grim. Now apologize to Mister Tyme." Faith said sternly as she let go of Grim. The floating book turned so that its front cover faced Justin. You live to see another day boy. Be thankful that Lady Caliburn spares you. The book vanished without apologizing.

    "Grim!...... I am sorry about that.... you see, Grim is quite the flamboyant type. You ask why I am here alone..... Well first of all, I am not alone..... as you can clearly see. But... For the sake of answering your question.... I am here looking for fairies.... do you perhaps know where I can find them?" Inquired Faith as she stood with her hands still straightening out the crumples of her dress.


    Looking for fairies [private social] 1195bly
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Looking for fairies [private social] Empty Re: Looking for fairies [private social]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 4th August 2016, 12:53 am

    Justin watched his eyes widened as as a book that claimed it's name was Grimoire Genesis and The lady who told him his name was faith argue with each other. This was defiantly bizarre to say the least but non the less it was entertaining to a point. Though it got upset about it's name being messed up. For some reason it struck a note with Justin to a point. He understands being, well him that your name is no joke it is what makes you well you so he could sympathize with him. He then heard the books way of apologizing which made him laugh a little bit as it told him that he should be thankful she is sparing his life. To this he simply nodded as the book was put away. I'll be sure to mind myself Grimoire Genesis" he would say then looking at Faith again who then looked. She then Apologized to him about his attitude with Justin just nodded. "It is no worries my self esteem will recover" he was say jokingly to lighten the mood a little as he looked at her. She then told him why she was there in which Justin's eyes widened a little bit.

    He had her her inquire what happened to Fairy Tail which surprised him. While normal people may not have know the magic community was well informed of what happened due to being in a guild and word spreading around. Justin though regained his composer and looked at her. He then looked at her. "Well I'll just be frank with you Fairy Tail left Magnolia and is in hiding because...well they have been branded a dark guild and they are wanted by the magic council." He would say looking at her curious to see her reaction to the news he had just told her. He wondered if she would even believe him. He sighed looking up to the sky then back at her wondering why they did what they did but at the end of the day they made the choice and they must deal with there consequences. Justin looked at the girl. "I can try to answer anymore questions but my knowledge is quite limited since i'm not a Fairy Tail mage but for a sweet thing like you i'd be happy to assist you however I can" he would say smiling at her wanting to lighten the mood again

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am