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    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale

    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Age : 33
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    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Empty Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale

    Post by Inspirational Quote 13th July 2016, 11:48 am

    Wiping away a few stray droplets of water from the list of supplies that were to be delivered shortly, Ni-Ju drew his attention over the wreck of what had once been the Lamia Scale guild hall. Stones and broken bits of wood littered the area where the main hall once stood in all of it's glory with but a few walls circling the Zuo tree left standing at odd angles like a group of drunken bar patrons gathered around a newly arrived story teller. "This is going to be such a pain in the neck."Stuffing the supply sheets into his pack for later reviewing and getting to his feet, Ni-Ju refocused to the task at hand and motioned over to the gaggle of masons, builders, and mages that had just began to arrive to marshal at the small area in front of the hall that had been set up as a sort of staging point for those who would be helping to set things to rights of the course of the next few weeks or so. Taking a position atop a large chunk of marble that had fallen from what had once been the main archway into the building so as to make himself better seen, Ni-Ju made a wide sweeping gesture towards the folks standing in front of him. Pitching his voice so that he could be heard, Ni-Ju started in on what he had to say.

    "I have never exactly been the greatest at speeches so I would ask that you please forgive me if I start to meander on." Taking a deep breath, Ni-Ju continued. "First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for offering your support in the rebuilding process as there would be little hope of having any one person manage to put this all back together again short of a miracle. So getting down to brass tacks as it were, I am not going to lay down rules as you all seem to be responsible folks but I would like to ask that each of you take other people's feelings to mind before doing or saying anything that might cause friction among the group. Other than that, the only other thing I would ask is that each person give it their all in assisting the builders and if anyone has a specialty that might be of service in helping the work go faster then please bring it to my attention so that it can be put to good use." Finished with his speech, Ni-Ju stepped down from his makeshift podium just in time to see several large wagons roll in with the first part of the building supplies.

    1.First post is for intros for everyone.
    2.Posts are to be in no real specific order but I would like it if everyone would only post once per round if possible.
    3. Feel free to name any of the NPC builders if you wish.
    4. Second set of posts will begin after everyone has posted or when I feel that it has been a long enough wait.
    5.Have fun with it everyone.


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    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
    Position : None
    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

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    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Empty Re: Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale

    Post by Kihia 16th July 2016, 2:29 pm

    Kihia Avoa

    Kihia sighed as he just turned off the visual feed to the communications Lacrima in the Defense tent in Hargeon, he was hearing the semi well organized introductions of those arriving. He shook his head, he wasn’t sure if he was going to be fully prepared for that end of the reconstruction, but he did know he had to finish getting the precious Matierial back into Hargeon in one piece. He then got on the Dorian and turned her on as he activated a separate Radio Lacrima,  “Icer, Ene, I’m heading out on the Dorian to prepare the landing site, See you guys when you arrive, and keep Azurius and I updated on your ETA.” Kihia then opened the Ikarones’s cargo hatch and revved the engine of the Dorian… Down below he saw the large Marble hall he had been tasked with recovering and knew he had to be careful launching himself out of the ship.

    Kihia backed up a bit and revved the engines a bit more as a pair of ice goggles formed on his face, he then took off causing the Dorian to do a little burn out as he then fell out of the Ikarones’s Pod bay. The wind whipped passed him as he paid close attention to where he was in relation to the gigantic hall of marble hanging midair underneath the three ships it was hooked to, after a few seconds Kihia passed the hall safely as he then engaged the crystallux shell of the Dorian as it then impacted the ground. After a bit of tumbling Kihia managed to right the bike as the shell under the tires dissipated as he then took off at full speed towards Hargeon, tearing through numerous trees as he seeming flew through the forest like an arrow just fired from a bow.

    He then exited the forest and disengaged the shell completely causing the wind to once again whip around him as he pushed the magicycle to its maximum speed quickly gaining ground towards Hargeon. He then got on the road that would lead to the old marketing street as he then slowed down slightly in preparation to avoid the numerous people and mages working in the town. As he entered into the city Kihia skillfully managed to drive around all the volunteers as he made his way to the center of the town where Ni-ju was no doubt helping everyone get ready for the build. After a few minutes Kihia drove passed the tent where the defense rebuild team was meeting and to where the hall reconstruction site was and then turned the bike and came to a screeching/sliding stop. Kihia then got off the bike and bowed his head towards Ni-ju, “Greetings Master Ni-ju, the special Material is about ten minutes out… I will go ahead and make the preparations needed to anchor it…” Kihia then looked at the builders who had come to assist Lamia Scale in their efforts and then placed his hands together in his own way of casting his magic barehanded, “Ice Make Guardians!” Three large constructs of ice (8 meters tall, 4 meters wide humanoid constructs) formed behind him as he then turned to Ni-ju, “I will let these constructs assist you with the heavy lifting… the will follow any verbal order you or another member of our Guild gives them… I hope they can assist you Master…” Kihia then walked away and headed towards the Defense rebuilders tent until he was needed for their debreifing.

    ### || @tagged || notes
    Frozen Knight Of Lamia Scale

    Last edited by Kihia on 3rd August 2016, 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Kihisi10
    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale 17496c10


    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Posts : 12
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    Age : 28
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    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Empty Re: Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale

    Post by Nehelenia 17th July 2016, 3:33 am

    Cordelia stood under the grayish sky looking expectantly at the man standing on top of the rubble. She guessed that he must be the master of her guild and she wasn't surprised when he made his speech. He looked calm and nice albeit a bit over the place with the vague explanation. She shrugged it off and looked all over herself to check that she was good to go with introducing herself to her new guild's leader. She decided to wear some simple jewelry, black high heels, jeans , a black tank top and a long orange shirt over it with an orange shawl. It was maybe a bit too elegant for the work she was about to do however she didn't want to look too shabby on her first day. Well no need to ponder all too much about that she thought. Since the town was almost completely demolished she had no place to stay so she decided to erect a little crystal tent on the beach shore. That alone was enough to make her feel quite shabby, especially when some  beggars had started tearing down her place in the middle of the night to sell the gems.... Well at least the shore had some nice crystal statues now as well. Than she had to heave a deep sigh thinking to herself a bit ironically.

    "Great, I finally get to join a guild and now when I finally managed to do that the whole building and half the town is in shambles....that's just my luck-but than she chuckled a bit and thought-well at least I get to help redesign this new guild, I have a feeling they'll need my stylish touch for this place to work out."

    Also when her Master told them that he would like to gain information from people who could help with the building using magic she was almost beaming. Her mirage magic was meant to be used to create crystals and manipulate minerals so this seemed like an outright invitation. Deciding for herself that she should really inform him about this she made her way through the hordes of people to the front and decided to get in range of the Master, mainly to introduce herself but also to tell him that she could be a useful asset in this job.Well srcew that she WANTED to be a useful asset no matter what. She instantly fell in love with Hargeon after coming here, it was near the ocean, windy, a bit cool and it rained often she absolutely adored the weather. Therefore she instantly made up her mind to make this place livable so she could rent a place and stay here as soon as possible. But for that not only did she need the town to be rebuilt, she also needed the guild to function well and provide her with some juicy jobs.

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 278
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Age : 29
    Experience : 900

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    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Empty Re: Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale

    Post by Kariline 23rd July 2016, 1:23 pm

    "I am the Angel of Mercy & Death"

    Sleeping in a tent was really harsh on the body, and Kariline was certainly feeling it as she trudged to where the Hall once stood. Arching her back she heard a loud crack and instantly she felt ten times better. A satisfying sight left her lips and Kariline inhaled the fresh air of the late morning. She had slept in quite a bit due to the late night before. She was still anchoring a small hangover as she walked home.

    Kariline stopped in her tracks as her eyes set sight on the pile of rubble that was once the Guild Hall. Her heart sank and she felt a lump growing in her throat. She wanted to blame herself but knew it would be pointless. She had just returned with Kihia, but she had yet to see the destruction for herself. It did leave her gut wrenching in circles though.

    Her crimson eyes rested on the large tree that managed to rest among the chaos. He looked so peaceful resting there, and Kari felt bad that she had not had a chance to say goodbye to the old man Zuo. Kari smiled, "You are still watching over us Kids huh?" She said as she remembered the time that the entirety of the guild had faced off against that same tree in the form of a test. Zuo was famous for outlandish tests. She even remembered clearly her first day in the guild, she had been dropped in a pit where she was forced to face off against a few members, one of which became her good friend.

    A bright golden magic circle appeared on her back and from that circle golden wings protruded and she buckled down to jump up and take off. It was but a split second that she was able to cross the distance to see Ni-ju who was the new current Guild Master, and Kihia who was just leaving. She swooped low and landed next to the fair haired young man.

    "Long time no see Ni-chan!" Her voice was bright and crystal clear, this was the first time they had spoken in years, and she wouldn't be surprised if Ni-ju did not even remember her. However, one did not forget the Queen of the Fist easily.

    Kari brushed her hair away from her face and gave the new master a large grin.

    "I leave home for a year and its in pieces eh?"

    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
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    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
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    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Empty Re: Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 6th August 2016, 3:30 pm

    Shen stood among several carpenters and masons, huddled around a table with building plans laid out before them. The more he listened to them speak, and the more he glared at the pages upon pages of blueprints, he began to realize that there was far more to building a Guild Hall than he had anticipated. He sighed coming to terms with how useless he felt he was at the time. Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn towards the ruined Guild Hall, where Ni-ju hachi, Shen's new Guild Master stood upon a mound of marble and gave a speech. Shen took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he listened to Ni-ju. "Perhaps there is something I can do..." He uttered, opening his eyes and moving over towards his Guild Mates, who've gathered around their Master.

    "Good Morning, master." Shen bowed towards Ni-Ju and the others. "I've no real knack for building, but I do believe I can be of use here." Shen smiled and moved past Ni-ju and the others, towards the interior of the ruined Guild, and once at its center he raised his arms outward and slid one foot forward, moving his arms in to a fighting stance. Shen closed his eyes and breathed deeply for a few moments. Swiftly Shen spun on one foot and swept his arms in a manner that generated a powerful current of wind, that pulled debris towards him. Wood, broken furniture and rubble all began to swirl around the Martial Artist. Like an explosion Shen burst in to the air, continuing to rotate his arms and body in a circular motion, controlling the current of air and dragging all of the debris in to the sky with him and with a powerful thrust of his palms, An extremely powerful gust launched all of the debris towards a clearing in the distance, creating a pile of rubble that was out of the way of the construction zone. Slowly Shen glided back down to Earthland, and landed gently on his feet in a now Debris free zone near the Zuo Tree. Shen looked towards the group of mages and smiled. "I hope that this will be enough." Balling his left hand in to a fist, he pushed it against the palm of his right hand and bowed.


    Shedding One's Scales:The Halls of Lamia Scale Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
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