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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 22nd June 2016, 7:17 am

    Job Name: Stolen Bike!
    Job Rank: D
    Job Requirements: Find the stolen/missing bike.
    Minimum 750 total words per player.
    Type of job: Multi-time Job
    Job Location: Motor City
    Job Description: The local law enforcement of Motor City has its hands full with other things and doesn't really have time to deal with stolen bikes. It's not that they don't want to help its just they don't have the man power. Hench, a fund program was put in place to hire mages from registered legal guilds to come by and help find the bikes. Mages interested in this task should stop by the central law enforcement Office to get details on one of the missing bikes. Reward for each bike found.


    Reward: 1250 jewels


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 22nd June 2016, 7:25 am

    Evvy was rarely willing to venture into a strange, mechanical place; it highly contrasted with her preferred types of magic, and such spots were, in general, quite messy and loud. Nonetheless, today she was making an exception to account for work that was required to be done; in other words, a mission. According to the grungy slip of paper the mage held up between two fingers of her left hand, a bike had been stolen. The local law enforcement was apparently unable to chase after the crook due to issues concerning available men. Of course, she was more than happy to help out those in need, but the city was really quite the... well, not boisterous. But creaky, wildly clamoring, and overall annoying.

    Evvy finally caught sight of the main law enforcement office, where she had been told to wait for a stranger. He or she would be an officer of some kind and have additional details on the mission, with any luck.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 22nd June 2016, 3:24 pm

    What absolute drek! The atmosphere of Motor City was disgusting! It was loud, obnoxious and filled with grime. Karina wished she could just have this town already so she could destroy it and build a grand castle, or something moderate like that. If nothing else, she would at least own half of the city by the time she was a C-Ranked Mage. As for now, she was doing the lowly work of a foot soldier, fetching bikes for some rabble that didn't know how to enchant their chains. At least she was getting paid, but honestly! Why is being competent such a struggle for the human race! These thoughts flooded her until she finally arrived at the station. "Are you the one I was supposed to meet?" She addressed an impatient looking girl who had on too much jewelry on for her own good Karina thought. In reality she was tee'd off that she looked prettier than her, but she chooses to put an excess of effort up to blame. "Lets just get this job over with okay?" She said, glaring at the girl.

    Last edited by HyperionX on 22nd June 2016, 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 22nd June 2016, 3:33 pm

    Since the job had been given to the redhead along with another person, Evvy was watching out for the arrival of another mage. However, she had not expected such an attitude from what was supposed to be her partner. More than a bit surprised at the strange mage's callous attitude, but wisely choosing not to show it, the girl regarded the stranger for ten seconds or so, wanting to completely take in her appearance and apparent personality before saying or doing anything rash.  Once the time was up, Evvy decided to simply extend a greeting and murmured a few phrases with all the politeness she could manage.

    "It's nice to meet you.  My name is Evelyn.  I suppose we can just go ahead and get started, since that is what you seem to prefer."  With any luck, this rude mage would warm up a bit or find her manners once the pair got farther into the mission.  An amazing pun came to the girl at that very moment; unfortunately, they were not at a beach, so it wouldn't make much sense if said aloud.  Nonetheless, the temptation was simply too great, so Evvy added on at the end, "What did the sea say to the sand?" and after waiting a split second finished, "Nothing, it only waved."



    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 22nd June 2016, 6:22 pm

    Did she just say that? That was not funny in the slightest!? How dare this woman waste Karina's time with such an obviously unfunny joke. Karina scoffed at her mere existence, then scoffed again at the audacity she would even say such a thing. "What did the trash say to Karina?" Karina spoke in a manner as if she were attempting to interrupt Evvy, despite the fact Evvy wasn't even speaking. "Nothing, because trash shouldn't speak!"
    Just at that time, a man walked up with a file. He was wearing the outfit that officers from Motor City traditionally wear, and Karina admitted it must have suited him well. "Thank you for your patience ladies, I will now give you a small debriefing on the happenings of this case." Karina was obviously infatuated and batted her eyes at the man. "You may proceed," giggling all the whilst she spoke.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 22nd June 2016, 6:35 pm

    Evvy's facial expression grew slightly lighter and more pleased as the other woman made what the redhead perceived as a pun back at her. With a nod and an appreciative smile, the mage was just opening her mouth to give another one or two line joke when a smartly attired man arrived, a slim file securely tucked under his left arm. The girl was delighted to hear that they would be debriefed, and she also gave the man a small nod to signal him to continue speaking, though an extra smile would not be tossed so easily to a stranger. He began to blab on about how grateful the law enforcement crew was that the two were willing to help. Most of it sounded quite flowery and eloquent, to be honest, but Evvy wasn't particularly interested in listening to an entirely useless speech. Diplomacy only meant doing what was required to be polite.

    "Excuse me sir, but could you possibly provide specific details as to the case which we are, as you have pointed out many times, so graciously assisting in?" Her tone was more than a bit curt, and then stranger seemed taken aback by her attitude. She was perfectly polite, however; only a bit tired of all this nonsense and dilly-dally. Her partner had said something about just finishing the job already early on, so hopefully that would not be a problem. He is somewhat attractive, mused the young woman as the suited man walked stiffly away after handing the file to Evvy with a pained smile, But certainly too talkative to be my type. And the mission is much more important than any matters of the heart.

    "So, shall we be off then? This file says that the bikes were stolen yesterday night, around the central square of Motor City. Do you have any suggestions as to what we should do next?" Evvy inquired, doing her best to show respect to her mission partner.



    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 5:42 am

    Finally the girl did something that satisfied Karina! She must've understood her place once Karina forced her to acknowledge that she was trash. She was even asking for orders! Perhaps this one would be a value asset to Karina's army in the future! She gave Evvy a nod of approval and a devious smile. "Right, the man said that it was somewhere around the automotive store so we should check around there first. Lets try not to have any small talk, as that would be rather bothersome." Karina fully expected the girl to follow her request. It was not like there was anything worth talking about on the way there either. If she decided to open her worthless hole the only thing that would arise seemed to be horrible puns. So Karina decided that it was best for her to just shut up as they headed to their destination.

    It wouldn't be long before they reached it either. Only 10 minutes from here to the store. Of course, they wouldn't be just standing there with a stolen bike, but it's good to have a starting point. Karina moved her finger along her hair as she walked, and broke a crocked smile. This "thief" could be someone rather weak minded. After all, most people who resort to petty thievery must not have had the ability to make an honest living. If so, then Karina merely needed to learn their name before after awhile, she could begin sending owls after him to bring him to the Lighthouse Bay. It was the perfect plan of course, perfect because Karina thought of it without any help from anyone around her. Not the spirit that lived in her head, not the God she captured in her necklace, and especially not her horrible, mean, dirty, deceased parents that up and died a long time ago!


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 6:49 am

    Evvy had absolutely no problem with not having small talk, but surely wordplay alone didn't count, right? After all, it seemed that this woman was a fellow punster, and the mage was wishing to take full advantage of that fact. It wasn't every day that she met someone who actually appreciated her puns! However, since she did not want to anger her new potential best friend, the girl simply nodded her head slightly and set off in the direction of the automobile shop, following the stranger whose name she still hadn't caught from beforehand. She mentioned it in her joke, right? Was it Katrina? Evvy mused with a bit of confusion. Oh well, they could get the job done just as well either way, whether or not they were aware of each others' names.

    They just reached the shop when a young man who had apparently been hanging around took off at a sprint, his eyes wild. As she glanced around for the cause of his abrupt departure, the young mage noticed the shopkeeper threateningly waving a hammer around in the air in his former direction. She strode up to him and asked with as much politeness as she could muster, "Excuse me, sir? Who is that boy that just left?" The man grumbled some things under his breath about him being a "good-for-nothing" and a "rebellious child" and then turned to trudge back into his store. Evvy was most displeased with this answer, but upon trying to open the door of the shop, she found that it was locked. Clearly, he was unwilling to be disturbed any longer.

    The mage began to head in the direction the boy had fled to. With any luck, he would be connected to the thievery of the bike.



    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 11:27 am

    Katrina was annoyed. This foolish girl had just spoken before she could! The shrew would pay for this later, perhaps Karina would find a way to turn her into an animal, or force her to give up half of her reward later. She gave out a grunt to display her displeasure, expecting an apology in return. Unfortunately, at that very moment her partner took off after the child whom was clearly the thief. Running was not a thing that Karina wanted to do, but she supposed that it had to happen if she was going to do anything at all. A curiosity popped into Karina's head. What type of magic does this insolent child use? "You, girl, use your magic to capture that rapscallion," her tone clearly showed anger, still upset by not being the one to speak to the shopkeep.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 11:54 am

    Judging simply by the tone of Katrina's-- or was it Karina's?-- words, she was somewhat upset, and Evvy could understand that.  After all, the annoying little bugger of a thief was escaping out of sight!  The red haired mage hadn't wanted to actually try and run, at least not at the moment; after all, it would be bad to leave her mission partner behind.  However, upon being prompted by the woman to capture the youth using her magic, the young mage broke into a smile and sped up to her full speed, her celestial burden nonexistent and therefore allowing Evvy to move much faster than ordinary folk.  With a few long, swift strides, she was sprinting alongside the boy.  To be fair, it was almost too easy to tackle him onto the pavement.

    Evvy glanced behind her once the boy's wrists were clenched securely in her own hands; it seemed that Karina was not overall too far away, so she simply did her best to hold the boy in place, the side of his left cheek pressed against the sidewalk, until her partner arrived.  In the meanwhile, she decided that the criminal could benefit from one of her jokes while they waited.  "Hey, my friend was going to get a brain transplant... but then he changed his mind," she whispered to the boy, her eyes lit up excitedly.  

    Immediately he yelped and spat in her face, shouting angrily, "You can't try to torture me with those god-awful puns!  I ain't telling ya anything about the bikes!"



    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 12:07 pm

    This girl was either pleasing Karina with her obedience, or being absolutely obnoxious with her insolence. If she had some sort of ability to instantly capture the boy, why hadn't she used it before? She had only said anything out of anger! This insolent girl had not told Karina that she had some sort of athletic magic! Still, it meant something else for Karina. In the case she needed to threaten the girl into being her subordinate because she was too stupid to just do it, Karina's emotion links have an advantage of such an easily destroy able magic. Surely, if she had summons then she would be somewhat of a threat! Karina has high single target damage, but she often struggles when dealing with multiple opponents you see. This has proved to be irrelevant after all though, as the girl had a lesser magic to Karina.

    "Good work on apprehending the target, I suppose you aren't entirely worthless." Karina did not mean for those words to be insulting, she was the worlds kindest person after all. Rather, she was just telling the truth, surely this girl would pale in comparison to her. "This is too easy, we just need to force him to talk". Karina extended her hands in front of her and an invisible pink beam connected her to the boys heart. This was the trademarked Emotion Link Bay Magic was known for. Whilst Karina had not yet mastered the art of brainwashing, she has master the art of menacingly glaring at someone whilst torturing them. Three owls appeared, signaled by the existence of an emotional link from the Lighthouse Bay. They began ravenously pecking at the boy causing him to scream. "Do you yield? I can make this much worse". Her hands and eyes glowed with a pink energy as she said it, the boys looked as if he was about to cry, but he could not speak. The owls were inflicting far too much pain on him for him to do anything but scream.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 1:19 pm

    Her expression was full of curiosity as Karina gave Evvy what could be considered a backhanded compliment or a somewhat sideways insult. Either way, the young mage happened not to have a particular opinion about it; rather, she decided to focus on the task at hand, which was to extract information from the captured victim. Quite promptly, her mission partner went straight to torture, utilizing some sort of magical stance to conjure who knows what. Evvy herself couldn't see anything, but it was clear enough that magic had been done. The atmosphere grew slightly more grim as a whole. Soon enough, the boy was rendered unable to speak and all that remained was the ability to move his mouth in a gasping motion, akin to a fish out of water. A surge of sympathy grew in her heart for the boy, and Evvy decided to break the rather grim silence that had fallen on the trio. "He cannot give any information without the ability to vocalize his thoughts," she remarked placidly. It was true; simply by torturing him alone, nothing would be done to further their mission along.

    Of course, Karina seemed to have offered the boy the option of giving in, but he could hardly take it without using words. Even his movements were uncontrollable as the youth thrashed on the ground, clearly in tremendous agony. Evvy spoke up, her voice calm and barely audible; but quite loud enough for the two others to hear her. "I understand your plight, but it would not be wise to end your suffering until it is clear you are willing to speak. Please, think about that while my partner..." The red haired girl tried to catch Karina's eye so she could communicate her feelings to the woman. This boy could not give any information whatsoever in his current position.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 2:59 pm

    This girl was so incredibly annoying. She was just having a little fun with the weakling whilst she saw fit to speak to him! She'd ensure that Eve had to deal with a swift and gruesome death. After all, had it even crossed Eve's mind that Karina perhaps KNEW that he couldn't speak!? She just wanted to have a little bit of fun. The only things that had happened since she had first gotten here were bad. First the city smelled horrible, then it was too loud. Then she met this annoying shrew and she saw fit to make a horrid pun. Worst of all, she had some sort of magic to reach the boy and staved off on it for some ridiculous reason! All of it was so incredibly annoying. One day, she would pay, she would pay, she would pay! As for now, it was important to maintain appearances with common dolts like Eve so Karina gave her the friendliest smile she could muster, though it came out more devious than anything else.

    "You're right, he probably can't speak if I keep doing it like this," Karina seemed to be trying her best to merely speak those words, as her thoughts were very different. Telling the girl she was right was not something Karina ever wanted to do in her entire life, but now she had done it. This girl will burn in her dungeon later. At that moment, she released her grip on the boy, and her owls dissipated returning to the Lighthouse Bay. "P-Please don't summon those owls ever again! I'll do anything, I'll tell you- you -you everything please no"! He was clearly traumatized by the event. The boy would likely suffer from some sort of PTSD afterwards. The worst of it all was his wounds. Little incisions where the owls had pecked him, large bleeding marks where the owls claws dug into his skin. He would not forget this soon.

    His reaction triggered something in Karina. Now she wouldn't call herself a genius, because she was of course above that level, but even she needs a little help from the outside world sometimes. His reaction made Karina realized that the best people to add into her army would be those whose will was easily broken. Those who had no magical power. The humans of the common world. Later on when she went to meditate in Midi she would need to note this. "Darling, you'll be fine if you just tell us what you know, though I suppose using 2% of my power was a bit too extreme, sorry dear". Her very tone was something that incited terror in him. He was taken aback by what happened and tried to get up to speak to the other girl.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 146
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 109
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ω Bright Encompass
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 3:28 pm

    There was a some what length pause as, at least Evvy assumed, Karina took in the other female's words. Finally, the red haired girl received a somewhat forced smile from her mission partner. This alone made her nearly overjoyed, for it showed how important being civil and polite was to Karina. Nonetheless, the smile itself was slightly unnerving, for there was a harsh edge to it that spoke of cunning and manipulation. Leaning down to look the boy in the eyes as the older mage began to speak, Evvy simply nodded in gratitude as Karina began to say something that seemed to correspond with the girl's own wishes. In essence, she was agreeing, no matter how reluctant and annoyed she was by doing it. Evvy could appreciate this, since she was putting her own personal thoughts aside for the sake of the good of the mission. After all, torturing people could be an amazing stress reliever, but it wouldn't assist in completing this job with any more haste.

    Sure enough, it was clear that the youth was more than ready to speak of whatever he had done-- or not done but at least known about, if the case was that he was only in on the crime but had not actually participated. The summoner felt a wave of pity wash over her as she examined his skin and current appearance after being basically lightly mauled by the beaks of the birds. She was more than tempted to try and heal him, but that would likely prove to only waste more time that could go to towards completing this assignment more quickly. Karina herself seemed to be considering things to herself, but Evvy was surprised when the woman suddenly spoke, reassuring the boy that all would be well so long as he gave them information and also slightly apologizing for being so rough with him. That brought a surge of approval to the front of Evvy's own mind, and she was just going to thank the woman for her cooperation when the boy began to move.

    His shoulders lifted off the ground, and Evvy leaned forwards even more to press them gently back against the pavement. "Unless you would like to show us the location of the bike or something similar, I would be most indebted to you if you would remain in your current spot," she spoke firmly, but quietly, so as to not frighten him if it could be helped. The street urchin raised his eyes fearfully to her and coughed a few times unnecessarily before words began to drift from between his barely quivering lips. "W-well... it's in the shop. With the oth'r bikes. My uncle's shop. Y-you met him before...he buys them bikes that we steal fer cheap, gives us money t'buy food and the like..." that was all he managed to say before gulping twice and passing out, most likely from the trauma.

    Evvy rose to her feet with a sigh, twisting a lock of hair around her pointer finger. "The file I read before indicated that the bike we are searching for is mostly navy blue, with gold and black markings that include thin stripes and bigger block sections of paint," was all she said. The mage expected the two to return to the shop where they had been before, but she knew that Karina would likely want to create her own plan of action. After all, she had this aura about her that screamed leader, or at least, a wish to be one.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 4:15 pm

    Karina had been so annoyed beforehand she had forgotten she needed to maintain appearances. She cleared her throat and thought of what to do. This woman was not weak willed enough from what she had already gathered to be brainwashed. She was not foolish enough to follow someone she didn't know either, though she wasn't exactly intelligent either. Karina felt the need to impress her somehow. That's when the boy sniveled one too many times. Had this been a normal day, she would've set him on fire. His screams were, as all good torture maniacs know, far more satisfying than his tears. It was almost therapeutic. This girl annoyed her once more with her very existence however.

    Rather than just being able to just kill the boy, instead she had to do something to convince her she was a good person. In addition to that, the council would probably find word of her burning a boy alive. That annoying lot would probably prove to either being Karina's base of operations, or something she would need to take down. Karina sent a pulse down to the boys body. His wounds may have been severe for a non-magical human, but to a powerful and beautiful mage such as Karina it was nothing she couldn't heal. She merely had to think of him as an ally for now in her conquest over the other girl. She empowered the link between him and her, causing him to be healed. The incisions she made over his body mended almost instantly, and he seemed to be revitalized.

    "Lets go. That 'uncle' of his seems to be an abusive parental figure. I cannot forgive that," if everything else that Karina had said had been a lie, then this was her one true statement. It was said with a force that anyone would need to recognize, whether or not Karina herself chose to acknowledge it. In truth, hearing that the uncle orchestrated of all of this triggered something within Karina. Karina's hands visibly glowed with a pink flare that was far more powerful than what she had used on the boy. She stormed off towards the building, vengeance in mind.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 4:39 pm

    As the young mage was just about to respond in agreement to Karina's words, she noticed that the faint scratches which covered the boy's body were disappearing. With a sideways glance at the older woman, Evvy realized that she was the one doing the healing. Perhaps it was out of exasperation that her mission partner was actually worried about the street urchin, or maybe it was because she was actually sympathetic to his situation; either way or because of any other reason, Karina had healed the stranger. This was something that Evvy approved of greatly, since it had been something she herself had wished to do. Only, her mission partner had completed the task with a far greater efficiency and speed than the girl would have been able to do so with. Dusting her hands off on her skirt and straightening up completely, the mage nodded to Karina, her eyes burning with a desire for justice to be done. Judging by the fierce rose colored flickering light that was gathering around the other female's hands, she too was more than a bit upset by this turn of events.

    Evvy purposefully trailed after her partner at first as the elder of the two mages raged through the streets as though she was out for blood; however, impatience soon took over her body and she sped through the streets at her ordinary pace. Within just thirty seconds or so, they were back in the same stretch of road as before. The girl skidded to a stop in front of the vehicle shop and strode up to the door, banging on hit harshly until she became aware that there was no response from the inhabitants. Backing up a foot, she knocked the door off its weak, rusted hinges with a swift side kick, jolting it out of place and onto the floor. Her eyes gleaming dangerously, Evvy stalked inside, her fingers rubbing against the keys at her belt. Now where is that idiot? she mused. The stolen bike was fairly plain to see, and she was no longer worried about that. It was leaning against the wall only about four meters inside the doorway of the shop, next to a chair and a stacked column of spare tires.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 6:01 pm

    Generally, the action of standing in front of Karina was sin, but she made an exception for this specific case. Karina allowed for the girl to dash so far ahead of her if it meant that she was about to destroy that evil bastard of a father. The girl arrived at the scene quickly, busting down the door with her powerful kick. That was no doubt the work of her powerful athletic magic. It was likely even fueled by her loyalty to Karina! Karina smiled as the girl entered with that look of determination on her face. Feelings were only necessary if they benefited her after all! Karina entered the room quickly after. Arriving only 30 seconds later. There the stolen bike was, mounted along the side of the shop. Generally, she would just return it to her owner and get the prize money. However, she had stumbled upon some sort of rig, and she was going to figure out how to best abuse it while still looking like the "good guy".

    After contemplating for awhile, she settled on beating the old man up and forcing him to join her ranks. How excactly she would make this work out well she did not know, but she did know that it would of course happen. She entered the room with the girl and addressed her promptly, "Where do you think he is? He isn't magical, so I don't suppose I could sense him." Asking others for help was usually against Karina's policy, and it would've made sense for her to merely summon an owl to search for him. However she wanted to come off as nice to this girl now, as annoying as she was.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 6:37 pm

    Suddenly, it occurred to the girl that it might as well be a good idea to wait for the other mage. Therefore, she promptly turned around and hesitated for an additional few seconds until Karina also entered the room, her expression that of a smile. It was unknown to Evvy as to why she could possibly be smiling, but it was nice to see such, anyways! Returning a smile, the girl listened closely to her mission partner's question before nodding thoughtfully and murmuring, "I will go search for him. From prior experience, I can tell you that on many occasions, merchants and shopkeepers sleep above their stores." With that, the young mage turned on one heel and headed further into the building, the soles of her shoes scraping against the wooden floor with a scratchy noise.

    As soon as her foot barely touched on the floorboards around the corner, the leg of that foot was immediately yanked by an unknown force, resulting in Evvy going toppling down to the ground. She was back up on her feet just a few seconds later, albeit with a slightly sore bump on the back of her head, but it was just in time to catch a shadowy figure racing up a staircase at the end of the hallway. Holding in a tinge of annoyance that wanted to present itself in the form of angry cursing, the girl stumbled after the unknown person, still slightly unstable on her feet but more than prepared to take the poor boy's relative down.

    The sight of a rather cozy, but cramped bedroom, greeted Evvy as soon as she reached the top of the flight of the stairs. Then finally, she spotted the man next to the window on the far side of the room, standing next to a vanity squished between a mirror and a dresser. He seemed to be about to dive out of it, and the girl strode over and slammed it shut, blocking his escape route. "Karina-san!" she called, trying not to unleash her anger on the man before he had a chance to speak up for himself fairly.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 7:02 pm

    Karina watched as the girl darted up the stairs, at an alarmingly fast rate. Athletic magic was more powerful than Karina first realized. She seemed to have caught up to the man, calling her name as she did. Naturally, like a good servant, she would wait for her queen to tell her what she should do, what excellent manners. Karina ascended to the top of the steps, each of her steps had some malevolence to them. Upon seeing the grandfather she immediately emotion linked to him, deeming him worthy of some of her most terrifying torture methods. Karina's hands glowed brightly with what would be perceived as a dim fire. With just a flick of her wrist, she could end this mans life, and under any other circumstances she would. But, right now, her soon to be servant was watching.

    "Lets do this right, shall we?" Karina's lowered herself down to the face of the man the girl was holding down. No merit would come from asking him about the situation, that's just how adults were. Their dirty, and don't ever realize their own mistakes. They're a rather foolish bunch. Regardless, something told Karina that in order to gain this girls trust she would need to give the man a 'chance' to redeem himself. That something was the trusty mage who followed her around, Ellias. Thousands of years ago Ellias was his own man, but he decided he actually did not want to die, so he implanted his power in the future offspring he'd have. Now every once in awhile he' give Karina advice in her plan to take over the world. He wasn't necessarily against the idea after all, as long as she was unlocking knew magical power he was okay with all of it. He told her a few things, first off, that the girls magic had light based properties, second off, he told her that she seemed to have a strong sense of justice. He said he judged this because of how she could not contain herself when running towards the building, the way she spoke to the child, and her very nature when speaking to Karina. He dared not tell her that the girl didn't seem interested in joining Karina's army, as it wouldn't be hard for Karina to figure out some sort of spell to remove him from her mind eventually. It was best, he thought, not to risk anything with this violent girl.

    Karina opened her mouth to the man, her words came out slowly, softly, seductively, and yet each one was incredibly threatening. "Speak if you value your life." Her eyes flashing with some pink aura as she said this, before quickly vanishing.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 7:33 pm

    Barely visible flames flickered from the tips of the woman's fingers, her hands burning with the flames. The glow was not quite bright and flashy, but rather smoldering and dangerous to the touch. Evvy observed with some degree of curiosity but mostly just boredom, as her job partner grew closer and closer to the man, almost to the point where their faces were touching due to the proximity. She wasn't particularly interested in seeing the middle-aged man be seduced, if that was what was happening here; nonetheless, she continued to pay attention, in the case of Karina needing her assistance with anything. After all, it would be terrible if the man somehow suddenly gained control or was no longer frightened.

    However, it seemed that this would not be the case. Whatever murmured words the mage spoke with her lips only inches from the man's skin did not reach the ears of the red haired girl. She regarded the scene dispassionately, assured that he would be punished for his crimes. Instead, Evvy made the decision that she could put her trust in Karina and was about to leave to call a local law enforcement officer to arrest the man when she noticed the faint, yet sharp pink glint of the mage's eyes. She turned back, her curiosity piqued, just in time to hear the man begin to speak in a low, terrified voice. ]"I'm sorry! The bikes are all downstairs... please, spare my life, mistress. If you have any mercy at all, please spare my life. I-I have a nephew who I must--" at that point, Evvy cut him off, her own eyes flashing with ire.

    "You have a nephew who you must take care of? Oh, by forcing him to steal so you can sell the goods for profit while putting his life in danger from the law enforcement? From mages as well, who would easily blow his head off simply because he got in the way of their mission? You disgust me!" Her words were sharp and condemning, and with that the girl stalked out of the room, her bangs shielding her eyes as her head was tipped down at the floor. Calm down, Evvy, she commanded herself. It would be no good to commit murders or hurt people, even if they were trash, like in Karina's joke earlier. Once she made it to the bottom of the stairs, the girl went back into the entryway and began to heft the bike over her shoulder. It seemed surprisingly light for such a vehicle, and she concluded that a great many parts had been removed. Trusting her partner to deal with the man upstairs, Evvy started off back to the office, heaving the bike as well. If Karina took longer than it would take Evvy to carry the half-broken bike back to the officers' headquarters, she could always wait there for her partner.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by HyperionX 23rd June 2016, 7:44 pm

    Karina liked this one. At first she was entirely annoying, almost useless too. But today she had proved herself to be a worthy partner. The ability to hold such anger towards a single person was one that Karina valued. Angered was a powerful emotion, one of the most powerful of them all. It was the emotion that allowed for Karina to create fire after all! The majority of Karina's most powerful spells had something to do with said fire. Each of her spells had something or other to do with emotions. The animals at the Lighthouse Bay had their sense of loyalty controlled. They would gladly suicide into anyone should Karina will it. Many of the spells Karina used to weaken her opponents had to do with extracting their Sympathy. Sympathy is one of the weakest emotions if it is misplaced after all, and all things have some form of misplaced sympathy.

    She told the man to stay there or he would suffer, to which he nodded as fast as he could and headed downstairs to speak to the girl who had just stormed off in what Karina assumed to be anger. Karina was originally going to tell her to join her army, but upon further consideration that would come off as something rather rude. Instead, Karina appeared before the girl standing outside. Attempting to give off her best fake smile. Perhaps "befriending" the girl would be in order before doing anything else. "Good work today Se-, well I just realize I hadn't yet asked your name". Karina did not ever once think her name would prove to be of something important. She was far to brash at first to warrant it. Making horrible jokes, and looking pretty in jewelry Karina could never wear. Either way, she had proved herself to Karina today. She was bumped up from trash status to trash with a shiny metal pole in it status. A definite improvement.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Saria_11

    Theme Song:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) Empty Re: Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~)

    Post by Evelyn~ 23rd June 2016, 7:56 pm

    Evvy was just about six steps away from the doorstep of the shop when a hustling Karina stepped in her path, slightly startling her, since the mage hadn't expected her partner to be finished with the man in such a timely fashion. Mentally shrugging her shoulders, the girl continued to walk, noting the stressed and pasted on smile that the woman held on her face. At least she was making an effort, the youth would give her that, she conceded. In addition, no respect for the woman was lost upon being asked for her name. After all, they had gotten off to a slightly odd start, what with that suited man talking and flirting with Karina while Evvy was attempting to get the mission going. It ended up well in the end, though.

    Offering Karina a friendly nod and a mildly more cheerful smile, she replied, "My name is Wensley. If you wish, since I do believe we are acquainted by now and I said it earlier so there would be no reason not to give it, you may call me Evelyn or Eve." She continued to saunter down the lane, much more relaxed now than she had been prior to talking with Karina. Jeez, that stupid old geezer had been such a selfish man that she honestly couldn't believe how he had treated one of his own blood relatives. Just then, the pair reached the law enforcement agency center, and Eve hauled the bike over to a nearby counter where a confused-looking clerk cleared his throat several times before Evvy got the message and and politely set the file from before down on the working surface.

    The man paid the two, and Evvy was somewhat delighted to find that the jewel reward did not need to be split; apparently, the officers were more than willing to pay two mages to do the work of what could be one. She did suppose criminals would be caught faster and more efficiently this way, though. With a small salute to her now former mission partner, the girl tucked her jewels in her satchel and was off, to find another adventure. Perhaps, they would meet again someday.


    Stolen Bike (HyperionX, Evelyn~) 20515d0dfa5104d997624afddb92719598a159f0_hq

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